How Sachwa Vowels of A’, A, 2A in Linguistics Explain Quantum Qubit, Bloch Sphere, Quantum Vacuum Foam, Differential Topology, Cobordism, Dimensions, Parameterization and World Line: Gurmukhi, Physics at CERN and Be Happy Philselfologically 169
Please read from the previous part as we go for the simplification of the Topology, Dimensions, Manifolds, etc., in this part, we can simply put that A’, A’, A’, …, A’ “N” Times are the Homogenous Nano Particles or say the Quantum Qubit Particles, while A’, A, A-A’, A-A, 2A-A, 2A-2A,… “M” Times are the Topological Manifolds, the Topological and or the Quantum Dimensions, and what we notice as the easiest way goes to say that O (A’), A (2A’), E (3A’), EA (4A’) is the Topological Singularity at the Given Point that can be say Manifold, Layer or Topological Quantum Dimensions, which Sprouts and Spreads and we can call it say as the N-M or M-N Product in the domain and range of A’, 2A’, 3A’, NA’, and A’, A, A-A’, MA’ and it always can follow what we know the Cobordism say with A’-“A”-A’-A’, A’-O-A’, A’-E-A’-A’-A’ as from M-W-N Philosophy of Cobordism.
“In singularity theory the general phenomenon of points and sets of singularities is studied, as part of the concept that manifolds (spaces without singularities) may acquire special, singular points by a number of routes.” (With thanks from the source: )
Moreover, the A’, 2A’, 3A’; A’, A, A-A’; A, E, O, etc. is the way we assign the coordinate systems to the given system through what we know as the parametrizations or say the coordinatization say as (A’, 2A’, 3A’), A’, A, A-A’), (A, E, O), etc. leading to dimensional systems, the dimensionality:
“Parametrizations are not generally unique. The ordinary three-dimensional object can be parametrized (or ‘coordinatized’) equally efficiently with Cartesian coordinates (x,y,z), cylindrical polar coordinates (ρ, φ, z), spherical coordinates (r,φ,θ) or other coordinate systems.
Similarly, the color space of human trichromatic color vision can be parametrized in terms of the three colors red, green and blue, RGB, or with cyan, magenta, yellow and black, CMYK.
Generally, the minimum number of parameters required to describe a model or geometric object is equal to its dimension, and the scope of the parameters—within their allowed ranges—is the parameter space.” (With thanks from the source: )
While considering the Coordinates of the A, E, O as the 2-D, 3-D and 1-D Manifolds and Dimensions, we can notice how it forms the bases and the basics of the 3-Dimensional Cartesian, Euclidean, Euler, and most of the other Coordinate Systems as we can notice that A, E, O has homogenous and homotopy of A’, A, A-A’ and of course the 4th Dimension of Space as with the A-A, and as we know the A’-A’ while following the Pauli’s Exclusion Principle rotate in 1-D, 2-D, 3-D and the Systems Rotation of 4-D, and these all are also the Manifolds and thus the Role of Cobordism is very important while we have the list of Wikipedia’s that are very relevant to this Hypothesis of A, O, E and AE based on the A’, A, A-A’, A-A, which also well follows the 6 Degrees of Freedom say as A-AA, E-EE, O-OO and the AE-AAEE that also constitute the 4-Dimensional World Line Systems :
Image: World line (A’), Worldsheet (A’-A’=A), and World Volume (A’-A’-A’=A-A’), as they are derived from particles, strings, and branes with A’-A’-A’-A’, the A-A as the 4th Dimension of Time and Space.
There can be lot many more references that we can include, but the blog post needs a limit while explaining all of these references for the A, E, O, and AE 4 Dimensional Manifold, Vectors, Dimensions, Tensors, Motions, Rotations, Translations, etc., we can notice how the Topological Quantum Theory of Qubit, Consciousness (Active Role of A, E, O as A, A-A-A, A-A), Computing, Universe and the Sacred (Quantum) Systems Transformations are going to play a big and great role in very near future. The A-A say as A’-A’-A’-A’, the Element of 4th Dimension as the Consciousness has been part of Scientific Literature:
“In 1884 C. H. Hinton wrote an essay “What is the fourth dimension ?” which he published as a scientific romance. He wrote
Why, then, should not the four-dimensional beings be ourselves, and our successive states the passing of them through the three-dimensional space to which our consciousness is confined.<3>
A visual novel named Steins;Gate, produced by 5pb., tells a story based on the shifting of world lines. Its series of works under the name hypothetical science ADV also utilized the concept. (With thanks from the source: )
One of the very interesting point about the A’, 2A’, 3A’ and 4A’ is it creates different mediums for velocity of light to move with the hypothetical parameters of mass, gravity (v), velocity of light and relative time, which we have put as m, v, c and time, and here time is of the velocity and distance covered by light say as the particle wave, sound, light by itself, and at the level of gravity and the quantum gravity. These 4 Quantum Parameters of A’, 2A’, 3A’ and 4A’ say as O, A, E and AE has been studied and researched by the Indian Seers, Sages, Researchers and the Scientists as the Quantum (Turiya, the Velocity of Light say in Space), Dynamic (Sato, the Velocity of Light say in Air), Kinetic (Rajo, the Velocity of Light in Liquid), and Static (Tamo, the Velocity of Light in Solids), the Quantum Mediums now have acquired the Quantum Light, Air, Liquid and Solid, which we study as say the 4A’, 3A’, 2A’ and A’.
The A’, 2A’, 3A’ and 4A’ keep its Opposite or the Anti Particle Pair, and it’s say as starting with the A’-A’, the A’A’, and that A’-A’, 2A’-2A’, 3A’-3A’, 4A’-4A’, and in it, we notice that A’ with A’ naturally becomes the 2A’ from say A’+A’=2A’, but when we start to consider it, the A’, 2A’, 3A’, 4A’, 5A’,…, N times A’ is the simply the Family of the Fermions, and when it’s say as the A’-A’, 2A’-2A’, 3A’-3A’, 4A’-4A’, 5A’-5A’,…, N times A’-A’ or 2A’, it’s the Family of Bosons, and as the A’-A’-A’-A’, we also have the 2A’-2A’-2A’-2A’ giving us the A-A-A-A, where A=2A’=A’-A’, and as the 2A’-2A’-2A’-2A’, the A-A-A-A, it’s the Gauge Boson:
“In particle physics, a gauge boson is a force carrier, a bosonic particle that carries any of the fundamental interactions of nature.<1><2> Elementary particles, whose interactions are described by a gauge theory, interact with each other by the exchange of gauge bosons—usually as virtual particles.” (With thanks from the source: )
When we think of A’ say as the Fermion, the A’+A’=A is the Boson, and thus we create while using the Pauli Exclusion Principle what we know as the Pair Production of A’ and A, the Fermion and the Boson but in this Hypothesis of Philselfology, the Conversion of A’ (Fermion) goes to A (Boson) through the Annihilation Process in which we have the Spin Charges on the A’ as Opposite say:
A'(UP)+A'(DOWN)=A (Annihilation and Creation of Bosons)
For example, in case of electron (e-) and positron (e+), we have:
e− + e+ → γ + γ
“In the context of the quantum harmonic oscillator, we reinterpret the ladder operators as creation and annihilation operators, adding or subtracting fixed quanta of energy to the oscillator system. Creation/annihilation operators are different for bosons (integer spin) and fermions (half-integer spin). This is because their wavefunctions have different symmetry properties.” (With thanks from the source:… )
We also notice that A+A=2A, and when we consider both the A’+A’=A and the A+A=2A, we can notice all of it giving us the W and Z Gauge Bosons with say the W’ and Z’ Gauge Bosons, and the Family of Elementary Particles, which can be say 48 as the 24 Pairs:
“The Standard Model of particle physics recognizes four kinds of gauge bosons: photons, which carry the electromagnetic interaction; W and Z bosons, which carry the weak interaction; and gluons, which carry the strong interaction.
In particle physics, W′ and Z′ bosons (or W-prime and Z-prime bosons) refer to hypothetical new gauge bosons that arise from extensions of the electroweak symmetry of the Standard Model. They are named in analogy with the Standard Model W and Z bosons.” (With thanks from the sources :… and… )
Now, when we consider the Gauge Bosons of W and Z in terms of say A’, A and 2A, we also have what is now popular say as the X and Y Bosons:
“In particle physics, the X and Y bosons (sometimes collectively called “X bosons”<1>) are hypothetical elementary particles analogous to the W and Z bosons, but corresponding to a new type of force predicted by the Georgi–Glashow model, a grand unified theory.” (With thanks from the source: )
We can also hypothesize the A’, A and 2A’ say as with the 6 Dimensions say as the A’, A, 2A and A’-A’, A-A, 2A-2A, which is say as A’, A’-A’, A, A-A, 2A-2A, 4A, and thus from the 4A, we go to the 2A-2A, A-A, A, A’-A’, A’, and it is hypothetically same as the Proton Decay:
“In particle physics, proton decay is a hypothetical form of radioactive decay in which the proton decays into lighter subatomic particles, such as a neutral pion and a positron.<1> There is currently no experimental evidence that proton decay occurs.
One of the outstanding problems in modern physics is the predominance of matter over antimatter in the universe. The universe, as a whole, seems to have a nonzero positive baryon number density — that is, matter exists. Since it is assumed in cosmology that the particles we see were created using the same physics we measure today, it would normally be expected that the overall baryon number should be zero, as matter and antimatter should have been created in equal amounts.” (With thanks from the sources: and )
In this context, we can notice that in the given time, the A’ covers or acquires the quantum space following the Topological Systems and also the Density Operations as through A’, 2A’, 3A’, 4A’, and if we use it as the bases and basics of the Differential Topology, we can notice the following Universal Quantum Topology of Spactime in the Universe that can also be simplified say as (A’, 2A’, 3A’, t) or (A, E, O, t) for the (x, y, z, t):
“This idea was elaborated by Hermann Minkowski,<3> who used it to restate the Maxwell equations in four dimensions, showing directly their invariance under the Lorentz transformation. He further reformulated in four dimensions the then-recent theory of special relativity of Einstein. From this he concluded that time and space should be treated equally, and so arose his concept of events taking place in a unified four-dimensional space-time continuum.
In a further development,<4> he gave an alternative formulation of this idea that did not use the imaginary time coordinate, but represented the four variables (x, y, z, t) of space and time in coordinate form in a four dimensional affine space. (With thanks from the source: )
When A’ goes to 4A’, its signature go say as (-, +, +, +) or from 4A’ to A’ via the O, A, E and AE:
“For an overview, Minkowski space is a 4-dimensional real vector space equipped with a nondegenerate, symmetric bilinear form on the tangent space at each point in spacetime, here simply called the Minkowski inner product, with signature either (−,+,+,+) or (+,−,−,−).” (With thanks from the source: )
We can simplify the above say as the Two Postulates of the Special Relativity when we notice that A’, 2A’, 3A’, 4A’ as say the O, A, E, AE is for the Standardized Equations of Light and in the Sound, these change into say A’A’, 2A’A’, 3A’A’, 4A’A’ or OO, AA, EE, AAEE, and we can always measures these differences:
and if only if
(Please read more from the sources:… and )
When we consider the A’ and A’-A’, the 2A’ forming the A’, 3A’, 5A’, and thus the Odd A’s and the 2A’, 4A’, 6A’, and thus the Even A’s, and thus both the Odd and the Even A’s constitute the Supermanifolds, and we notice the Emergence of the Supermanifold, Supergroups based on these Odd and Even A’s creating the Superspace of A’s, and please read more from these resources with our thanks:… , ,… , , , ,… ,… , , ,etc.)
When we consider that A’ Systems exist in Pairs say A’-A’ as the Even and the Odd Supergroup Creators, we notice it to be say 8 Manifold, which we can consider as the most basic manifolds and the dimensions, and whenever there is A’, there is 0A’ as well that is the Singularity Point for both the Odd and the Even Supergroups, and thus we have the Lineage of 0A’, A’, 2A’, and without the 0, there may not exist the Real Supergroup in a way, and it gives us the 12 Manifolds, and this addition also seem to create the Imaginary and the Complex Number Systems in the Manifolds as say when we have the A’, and 2A’, the Odd and the Even Groups, we also have the 0-Groups as the Imaginary and the Complex Supergroups, which determine the “Direction of Manifolds in the Imaginary Planes” such that A’+2A’ get the Big Quantum Bite of A’+i2A, and that “i” seem to function and operate as the i^2=-1 as from the 0A’, the Imaginary Plane, Manifold, Space and the Dimensions in the First 12 Primal Dimensions of Supergravity in the Hypothesis of Philselfology. As in the vast space, we take the great role of the Vacuum Dimension of 0, the Zero with the 0A’, we can add the 0 without A’, and this 0 is the Vacuum Manifold, Space, Dimensional Setup, and thus when we consider the Odd and Even of A’, we can also consider the Odd and Even of Corresponding Universe in the Quantum Vacuum, which carries the 0 and 0A’ Dimensions of Direction that can be Left and Right for the UP and DOWN of A’ Manifolds and the Dimensions.
We can put the Imaginary, Complex, and the Vacuum 0-Dimensions say as the 0 and the 00 for the 0A’ and 00, and these 16 Dimensions in Single Mode give us the 8 Dimensions of 0, 0A’, A’ and 2A’, which we can term say as the 0, Complex and Imaginary, Real and Natural Dimensional World of Quantum Qubit World of A’ as the A’-A’ is the Qubit Creating Systems in the Topological Quantum Computing and the computers.
I regret to say that I do not find any Supergravity Theory present as satisfactory without 0, Imaginary, Real and Natural Manifolds and Dimensions of 16 Dimensions, which we can sum up say as the 0, 0-A’, A’, 2A’, and I have just rearranged the 0 as the 0-Dimensional Quantum Systems with say 0-A’ as the Imaginary and Complex Quantum Dimensions, the Manifolds, and all with the Real A’ Dimensions and the Natural 2A’ Dimensions in a way to say. Here 0-A’ functions and operates say as the i^2=-1 and i^4=1, the Power World of Vacuum that “Directs the Universe”, and thus the Direction Dimensions in the Topological Quantum Systems.
One may ask what is the Role of 0-Topological Quantum Dimensions, well, it’s the Central Control of the Center of Topological Quantum Systems, and we can take it as the Power Dimension in the Topological Quantum Dimensions as its the Dimension of Balance, the Resultant Vector Space of the 4-Vector, the 4 Manifold Systems to say. What the 0-Dimension as the Balance Dimension creates can be considered as the “Topological Quantum Disturbance and Breaking of Power Supersymmetry of the 0-Dimensions for say the A’, 2A’, 3A’ and the 4A'”. It, the 0-A’ can also be put as what we know as the Dark Energy of the Universe, which is more associated with the Quantum Vacuum and its Quantum Fluctuations of A’ Nature and due to very low activity of Dark Matter, we can imagine it say as 0-A’, and that it also play a big role as what we know as the Zero Point Free Energy of Quantum Vacuum Systems.
“Matter is built on flaky foundations. Physicists have now confirmed that the apparently substantial stuff is actually no more than fluctuations in the quantum vacuum.
The researchers simulated the frantic activity that goes on inside protons and neutrons. These particles provide almost all the mass of ordinary matter.” (With thanks from the source:… )
When we breakdown the Supersymmetry of 0-Power Dimension, we create the Imaginary and the Complex Dimensional Systems in the Topological Quantum Dimensions, and it’s say as Imbalanced Power Dimensions as say the Imaginary and Complex Power Dimension of 0-A’, which can be considered to immediately align say as either A’ or 2A’ to create the Supergroups as the Odd or the Even Supergroups and thus the Supersymmetry after Breaking the Balance of Quantum Vacuum Supersymmetry, which we know say as the Quantum Vacuum Fluctuations, the Management of Balance and Imbalance in Vacuum and Imaginary Quantum Systems of the Vacuum as through the equation below:
“In quantum physics, a quantum fluctuation (or quantum vacuum fluctuation or vacuum fluctuation) is the temporary change in the amount of energy in a point in space,<1> as explained in Werner Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle.
According to one formulation of the principle, energy and time can be related by the relation<2>
That means that conservation of energy can appear to be violated, but only to allow the creation of virtual particle-antiparticle pairs for exceedingly short period of time. The effects of these particles are measurable, for example, in the effective charge of the electron, different from its “naked” charge. (With thanks from the source: )
Now, as the A’, 2A’, 3A’, and the 4A’ that create the Self-adjoint or the Hermitian, the Hamiltonian Operator of say c*t, O’, A’, E’ (with A’ and the 2A’ Supergroups) conserve the Quantum Energy:
“In quantum mechanics, energy of a quantum system is described by a self-adjoint (or Hermitian) operator called the Hamiltonian, which acts on the Hilbert space (or a space of wave functions ) of the system. If the Hamiltonian is a time independent operator, emergence probability of the measurement result does not change in time over the evolution of the system. Thus the expectation value of energy is also time independent. The local energy conservation in quantum field theory is ensured by the quantum Noether’s theorem for energy-momentum tensor operator.” (With thanks from the source:… )
So, what are the Topological Quantum Dimensions of Vacuum can be simply the 4th Dimension of C(Velocity of Light)*T(Time), which is usually or mostly the Spacetime Systems expressing how the Quantum Vacuum exists in the Vast Space, the Infinity Systems.
At the same time, the 0-A’ Dimension can be very easily written say as the O’ Dimensions as the Imaginary Dimension, while the First Odd Dimension of A’ remains as the A’ and has and seem to create its Own Virtual Anti-pair of 2A’, and how Rapid the Topological Quantum Jump can go at the 3rd Dimension is say as the SAHA (c*t, the Spacetime)=O’+A’=E’, the 3rd Manifold, and as we have said that O’ is same as SinA’, and that A’ goes as CosA’, and further that the E’=O’+iA’, which makes this function exponential function because the A’^2=-1 and that A’^4=1, and that A’^2=A’-A’=A, and A’^4=(A’-A’)^2=A-A=2A, we can go to many hypothetical assumptions say as O’^2+A^2 for Euler Formulas, and it gives us the E’=O’+iA’ and say also the E=O+iA generalized, which is same as:
(Please read more about the Qubit and Complex Number Systems from here: )
All of it, thus constitutes the Standard Qubit while using the Imaginary and Complex Number Systems through the Linguistics of Vowel, the Schwa of A’, A and 2A:
“Given an orthonormal basis, any pure state
of a two-level quantum system can be written as a superposition of the basis vectors
, where the coefficient or amount of each basis vector is a complex number. Since only the relative phase between the coefficients of the two basis vectors has any physical meaning, we can take the coefficient of… to be real and non-negative. We also know from quantum mechanics that the total probability of the system has to be one:
, or equivalently
. Given this constraint, we can write
using the following representation:
. Except in the case where
is one of the ket vectors
, the representation is unique. The parameters
, and
,, re-interpreted as spherical coordinates, specify a point
on the unit sphere in
Image: Bloch Sphere with A’, A and 2A as the constituents of Qubit
“In quantum mechanics, the Bloch sphere is a geometrical representation of the pure state space of a two-level quantum mechanical system (qubit), named after the physicist Felix Bloch.” (With thanks from the source: )
We encounter preliminary problems in understanding the Qubit Creation from the Complex Numbers:
“I’m currently reading up on quantum computing and it seems like I have found some contradiction about how to represent qubits.
It is often stated that a qubit is represented as a|0⟩+b|1⟩=(a,b) with both a and b being complex numbers.
However, it is stated just as often, that there is only one complex number needed, namely b, since to ignore the global phase shift means, that a becomes real while b stays complex. See for example: this and this.
What is it now? What don’t I get here?” (Please read the answer to it from the source with thanks:… )
It can also be assumed as the Qubit Cloud (Quantum Foam) that is popular say as the Quantum Foam (Cloud), we can use it say as the Topological Quantum Cloud Computing:… and it further says:
“To turn a non-Abelian system into a quantum computer, we first create pairs of anyons and anti-anyons from the “vacuum,” the state of zero anyons.” (Please read more from the source with our thanks: Topological Quantum Computation-From Basic Concepts to First Experiments)
When we thus consider the c*t, O’, A’ and the E’ say all as Supergroups of 0, 0A’, A’, 2A’, we can use the Quantum Foam (Cloud) in the Topological Quantum Systems say in the Topological Quantum Field Theory and Computing:
“Quantum foam (also referred to as space-time foam) is a concept in quantum mechanics devised by John Wheeler in 1955. The foam is supposed to be conceptualized as the foundation of the fabric of the universe.<1> Additionally, quantum foam can be used as a qualitative description of subatomic space-time turbulence at extremely small distances (on the order of the Planck length). At such small scales of time and space, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle allows energy to briefly decay into particles and antiparticles and then annihilate without violating physical conservation laws. As the scale of time and space being discussed shrinks, the energy of the virtual particles increases. According to Einstein’s theory of general relativity, energy curves space-time.
These “vacuum fluctuations” affect the properties of the vacuum, giving it a nonzero energy known as vacuum energy, itself a type of zero-point energy. However, physicists are uncertain about the magnitude of this form of energy.” (With thanks from the source: )
When we consider the Spins of c*t (SAHA), O’, A’, the 2A’ Systems, we can notice that it gives us the Topological Quantum Philosophy of Space, Vacuum, Time where our 0A’ goes as the 2-Complex Systems, but not too-complex as it heads for the Loop Quantum Gravity:
“Loop quantum gravity (LQG) is a theory which attempts to describe the quantum properties of the universe and gravity. It is also a theory of quantum spacetime because according to general relativity, gravity is a manifestation of the geometry of spacetime. LQG is an attempt to merge quantum mechanics and general relativity. The main output of the theory is a physical picture of space where space is granular. The granularity is a direct consequence of the quantization. It has the same nature as the granularity of the photons in the quantum theory of electromagnetism and the discrete levels of the energy of the atoms. Here, it is space itself which is discrete.” (With thanks from the source: )
All of it, the c*t (Spacetime), O’, A’ and 2A’, etc. well correlate say as follows:
“In physics, a spinfoam or spin foam is a topological structure made out of two-dimensional faces that represents one of the configurations that must be summed to obtain a Feynman’s path integral (functional integration) description of quantum gravity. It is closely related to loop quantum gravity.
Spin networks provide a language to describe quantum geometry of space. Spin foam does the same job on spacetime. A spin network is a one-dimensional graph, together with labels on its vertices and edges which encodes aspects of a spatial geometry.
Spacetime is considered as a superposition of spin foams, which is a generalized Feynman diagram where instead of a graph we use a higher-dimensional complex. In topology this sort of space is called a 2-complex.
Quantization of the structure leads to a generalized Feynman path integral over connected paths of spin networks between spin network boundaries. This paper goes beyond much of the later work by showing how 4-geometry is already present in the seemingly three dimensional spin networks, how local time scales occur, and how the field equations and conservation laws are generated by simple consistency requirements.” (With thanks from the sources: )
When we are concerned about the Free Vacuum Potential Energy, we can simple put it all say as:
Here the C*TA’ has C as velocity of light and TA’ is Time during which light takes the time to pass through the A’ of Matter, the Nano Systems, and T2A’ an higher dimensions simply increase the Solidity of A’, and that is it!
C*T=M+C+V+Lower Velocities=Energy Equations of E=M*C*C=M*C*V=M*C*V*Sound Energies, which eventually dissipate
Moreover, if we understand the Sequential Mode of the following equation, we can solve many problems very easily:
C*T=C(TA’)+C(T2A’)+C(T3A’)+T4A’)+(TNA’) (Equation 1)
We can notice that as we go from first part from say 1 to the A’, we are likely to have it all say as 1/A’ with 1/2A’, 1/3A’, and so on, and at the same time, we know that say 3A’=A’-A’-A’, and it’s always ready to make the combinations like 3!=3*2*1=6, and its true for all Solid Operators of the A’ as 1, A’, 2A’, 3A’, … NA’ in the Equation 1, and it thus constitute with A’ as the Imaginary or the Complex Number and the 2A’ are the real number with its sequence say as what we know the “Exponential Functions of e” and we can put A’ as N Times going to Infinity say as in “lim->infinity” for (1+1/N) and thus have the following:
When we use this as the base for our sequence of 1+1/A’+1/2A’+1/3A’+… N times with 1/NA’, and due to nature of A’ to create combinations and permutations, we have it say as:
It gives the eA’ Systems in the Euler Systems that we can put say as:
We can replace the “ix” in the Euler Formula to the iA’, and the great thing is that we do not have to write iA’ as the A’ is already a complex number that satisfies the conditions of A’^2=-1 and A’^4=1, but we keep it conventionally for greater ease until it’s well approved for the Quantum Studies and Research such that A’ goes say as equal to ix or iA, and one of the major points is that it can constitute the Linguistic Grounds for the Topological Quantum Math and Computing as the A’ is the Aspirated, the Halant Sound Systems in World Languages, Linguistics and the Grammars, and in the languages it plays the most significant role as we can notice in the following case:
K’+A’+A’=K that seems same say as saying K’+iX=K or K’+ex=K, and when discussed and proved, it seem to go well with our modern progress in the Topological Quantum Field Theory, Computing and the Math.
So, with our Series of 1+1/A’!+1/2A’!+1/3A’!+…1/NA’!, we can think of Exponential Formulas for the Quantum Qubit and Computing Systems as from the following:
In other words, we have the Exponential Formula of f(x)=ex =A’ (Please read more from the source with our thanks:… )
It thus takes us to one of the Simple Equation of Euler Exponential Functions with the A’ as the Density Operator in the Topological Quantum Systems:
So, we have the A’=e in a way where we want to derive the A’ as the Fixed Exponential Base Value that also goes to the Quantum Logarithmic Systems in the Math and Computing:
Here, we have the n! as the factorial of n can be replaced with A’, and if we use 2A’=A that is another story going to solve series, sequences, binomial, permutations and the combinations in the Topological Quantum Math and Computing making “e” Classical and “a”, the Schwa Vowel Quantum Parts of the Languages, Math, Grammars, Computing and of course the DNA Family Based Systems!
We can also sum it up say as the Matrix Exponential as shown below:
“In mathematics, the matrix exponential is a matrix function on square matrices analogous to the ordinary exponential function. Abstractly, the matrix exponential gives the connection between a matrix Lie algebra and the corresponding Lie group.
Let X be an n×n real or complex matrix. The exponential of X, denoted by eX or exp(X), is the n×n matrix given by the power series
The above series always converges, so the exponential of X is well-defined. If X is a 1×1 matrix the matrix exponential of X is a 1×1 matrix whose single element is the ordinary exponential of the single element of X.” (Please read more from the source with our thanks: )
We may ask if A’ can be anything special other than calling it the Schwa Vowel of A’, 2A’, 3A’, 4A’, and the answer as according to our Hypothesis of Philselfology, its the Basic Operator of Quantum Qubit Computing, Topological Quantum Computing, Math, Geometry, Music and lot more and what else it can be when we have put it say the Basic Imaginary Numbers of i^2=-1 and i^4=1, which are same as saying A’^2=-1 and A’^4=1, and that is the A’, 2A’, 3A’ and 4A’ are the i^1, i^2, i^3 and i^4, and when we call it say O, A, E, and AE, the same Vector Direction Operators of A’, which is same as “i” become the i, j, k, and “ij” double unit vectors. In this way, it can summarize the Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom in the Languages, Linguistics, Grammars and Scriptures into Topological Quantum Systems.
Now, when we consider the c*t, the 4th Dimension, its say as c*t=s/t*t=s=A’, but is the special case of A’ as the 4-Dimensional Unit Vector that constitutes the 4th Dimension, which leads to our understanding of considering it, the A’, 2A’, 3A’ and 4A’ say as the 4th Dimension, the Versors and the Unit Vectors:
“The 4th Dimension of A’: “In mathematics, four-dimensional space (“4D”) is a geometric space with four dimensions. It typically is more specifically four-dimensional Euclidean space, generalizing the rules of three-dimensional Euclidean space. It has been studied by mathematicians and philosophers for over two centuries, both for its own interest and for the insights it offered into mathematics and related fields.
Algebraically, it is generated by applying the rules of vectors and coordinate geometry to a space with four dimensions. In particular a vector with four elements (a 4-tuple) can be used to represent a position in four-dimensional space. The space is a Euclidean space, so has a metric and norm, and so all directions are treated as the same: the additional dimension is indistinguishable from the other three.” (With thanks from the source:… )
“A’ for the Versors, Rotations, and Lie Groups: Versors are an algebraic parametrisation of rotations. In classical quaternion theory a versor is a quaternion of norm one (a unit quaternion).
Each versor has the form
where the r2 = −1 condition means that r is a 3-dimensional unit vector. In case a = π/2, the versor is termed a right versor.
In the quaternion algebra a versor
will rotate any quaternion v through the sandwiching product map
such that the scalar part of v conserves. If this scalar part (the fourth dimension of the quaternion space) is zero, i.e. v is a Euclidean vector in three dimensions, then the formula above defines the rotation through the angle 2a around the unit vector r. For this case, this formula expresses the adjoint representation of the Spin(3) Lie group in its respective Lie algebra of 3-dimensional Euclidean vectors, and the factor “2” is due to the double covering of Spin(3) over the rotation group SO(3). In other words, qvq−1 rotates the vector part of v around the vector r. See quaternions and spatial rotation for details.
A quaternionic versor expressed in the complex 2×2 matrix representation is an element of the special unitary group SU(2). Spin(3) and SU(2) are the same group.” (With thanks from the sources:… and )
The related topics, which the A’, 2A’, 3A’, A’ as i, j, k, c*t covers includes some of the following, but lot many more:
From the above discussions and the arguments, we may seriously need to consider if we can assign A’, A, 2A and say 4A, the kind of Standard Unit Systems of Measurements as in say for the Notations for the Topological Quantum Systems, and it’s possible as according to our Hypothesis of Philselfology.
We have the Nano Meters, Millimeters, Centimeters and Meters, and these well fit say as the A’, A, 2A and 4A. When we consider the Measurements of Time, we have Nano Seconds, Seconds, Minutes and Hours, which too fit well say as the A’ (Nano Seconds), A (Seconds), 2A (Minutes) and 4A (Hours), and this way, we can use the Scale of Nanometers, Millimeters, Centimeters and Meters with Nano Seconds, Seconds, Minutes, Hours, and it’s also the Topological Quantum Manifold and Dimensional Classification of Single Model and Theory of Everything. For example, we have the Nano Particles (A’), Subatomic Particles (A’), Atomic Particles (2A) and the Molecular Particles (4A) and the higher dimensions with the density operators can go say as 8A, 16A, 32A, 64A, etc. say for example the 8A goes as for the Macro Particles, and solids say the earth, moon, stars, galaxies and the universe levels measurements can very easily fit into the Topological Quantum Manifold and Dimension based units say 8A, 16A, 32A, 64A and the Higher Dimensions of A, the Unit of Supermanifold (Super Manifold) and the Super Dimension of Space, Matter and Time.
In this context, we have say the Center of the Universe, North Polaris, Constellations, Signs, Sun, Moon and Earth as the 7 Dimensions of the A say as the 256A, 128A, 64A, 32A, 16A and 8A, and these divisions has been used in the Sacred World Civilizations and the Para or the Metaphysical Systems to explain the Universe as same to what we study in the Differential Topology, the Divisional Study of A, the Wave and Particle Duality Systems say as A’ and A where A’ is Wave and A is Particle or A’ as Fermion and A as Boson Systems. As these Topological Differentiable and Division-able Systems sustain themselves by the A’, A, 2A and 4A, these according to the Hypothesis of Metaphysics and Mythology get classification that describes the Qualities, Characteristics and Natural Laws and Principles associated with these based on Light and 3 States of Matter in which A’ deals with Light and thus named say as Turiya or the Nirvana say as the Superfluid State while the 3 States of Matter are Solids (Tamo Guna), Liquids (Rajo Guna) the Gases (Sato Guna), which thus and then goes into the Ancient and Modern Medical Worlds say in the Ayurveda as Ojasa, Vata, Kapha and Pita and in Homeopathy as Tuberculosis Levels with Psora, Syphilis, Sycosis. The Modern Therapies use it say as the Vital Fluids, Static, Kinetic and Dynamic States of Vital Fluids in the Human Body, Heart and Brain, and these Topological Quantum Classifications are now popular as the Nano Technology, which seems to be already going in the Ayurveda (say Bhasma, Puta and Puti Systems) and in Homeopathy say as Potency, and in the modern age, its also present in the DNA Based Molecular Therapies, the Nano-medicines.
These Quantum and the Topological Classifications of Matter into sub-matter is popular say as the Quasi Particle Systems:
“After World War II, several ideas from quantum field theory were applied to condensed matter problems. These included recognition of collective modes of excitation of solids and the important notion of a quasiparticle.
Shortly after, in 1982, Horst Störmer and Daniel Tsui observed the fractional quantum Hall effect where the conductivity was now a rational multiple of a constant. Laughlin, in 1983, realized that this was a consequence of quasiparticle interaction in the Hall states and formulated a variational solution, known as the Laughlin wavefunction.<35> The study of topological properties of the fractional Hall effect remains an active field of research.” (With thanks from the source:… , and… )
When we discuss the A’ and A as the Fermion and the Boson Particle Systems, the A’ exists as say A’-A’, which changes into A, where A=A’+A’ as the Coexistence of A’ with A’, and this very quasi-particle level is known as the Majorana Fermion:
“In condensed matter physics, Majorana fermions exist as quasiparticle excitations in superconductors and can be used to form Majorana bound states governed by non-abelian statistics.” (With thanks from the source: )
When we consider the A’, its Fermion, and via the Rout of A’-A’, the Majorana Fermion, it changes into say A, the Boson, and it keeps creating the general Boson Products say as A, 2A, 3A,…, etc., and we can sum up and put it say as:
So, when we consider the A’, A’-A’, A-A’ and A-A, it may seem funny, but it’s also expressed say as
“The seemingly different states \psi_1\psi_2 and \psi_2\psi_1 are actually redundant names of the same quantum many-body state. So the symmetrization (or anti-symmetrization) must be introduced to eliminate this redundancy in the first quantization description.
In the second quantization language, instead of asking “each particle on which state”, one asks “how many particles are there on each state”. Because this description does not refer to the labeling of particles, it contains no redundant information, and hence leads to a precise and simpler description of the quantum many-body state. In this approach, the many-body state is represented in the occupation number basis, and the basis state is labeled by the set of occupation numbers, denoted
The occupation number states
are also known as the Fock states. All the Fock states form a complete set of basis of the many-body Hilbert space, or the Fock space. Any generic quantum many-body state can be expressed as a linear combination of Fock states.” (With thanks from the source: )
Thus, the A’, A’-A’, A, A-A’, A-A, 2A, 3A, 4A, etc. are the Particle Number Operators in the Fock States and Space:
“In quantum mechanics, for systems where the total number of particles may not be preserved, the number operator is the observable that counts the number of particles.
The number operator acts on Fock space.” (With thanks from the source:… , , )
So, the A’, A’-A’, A, A-A, 2A, and the Higher Topological Manifolds and the Dimensions as the Self-adjoints naturally constitute what we know as the Hilbert Space Systems:
“The spectral theorem for compact self-adjoint operators on a Hilbert space H states that H splits into an orthogonal direct sum of the eigenspaces of an operator, and also gives an explicit decomposition of the operator as a sum of projections onto the eigenspaces. The direct sum of Hilbert spaces also appears in quantum mechanics as the Fock space of a system containing a variable number of particles, where each Hilbert space in the direct sum corresponds to an additional degree of freedom for the quantum mechanical system. In representation theory, the Peter–Weyl theorem guarantees that any unitary representation of a compact group on a Hilbert space splits as the direct sum of finite-dimensional representations.” (With thanks from the source: )
Moreover, the states like A’-A’ and A-A are the Pure Quantum States, while say the A-A’ and even the 2A-A are the Mixed Quantum States:
“In quantum physics, quantum state refers to the state of a quantum system.
A quantum state can be either pure or mixed. A pure quantum state is represented by a vector, called a state vector, in a Hilbert space. For example, when dealing with the energy spectrum of the electron in a hydrogen atom, the relevant state vectors are identified by the principal quantum number, written
. (With thanks from the source:… )
The Hydrogen Wave Function shows the A’, A’-A’ and A-A’ and the similar say as (2,1,1) in the image of Hydrogen Wave Function as shown above.
The Modern Quantum Sciences has advanced to discover the Physics Elementary Particle that fabricates the Physics Elementary Particle Model, and in it, we have the Color Charge and the Charge that begins the story and our 0-A’ Stands as the Color-Charge Combination in the Topological Quantum Vacuum Systems, and the Quantum Foam and Fluctuations that it makes starts the Quantum Journey of the Universe as the 0-A’ goes to make the 0-A’, 0-A’-A’, 0-A’-A’-A’ and 0-A’-A’-A’-A’, which also combine say as 0-A from 0-A’-A’, 0-A-A from 0-A’-A’-A’-A’, and it starts the Fermions and Bosons, and what all of these create is the Quantum World of Known and Unknown Physics Elementary Particles of the Universe, and the following is the initial production of matter that now everyone seem to know and that all that we see in the image below are the A’, A’-A’, A, A-A’, A-A, and so on with no fears:
Now, when we consider the 0-A’ with say its expansion as “0, the White Color Charge and 0, the Black Color Charge” constituting the 0-A’, 0-A’-A’, 0-A’-A’-A’ and 0-A’-A’-A’-A’, the 4 Colors Charges for each Black and the White, we have the 8 Primal Color Charge Systems, which we can show as in the image below:
When we look at the image below and notice the need of Eigenvalues for say A’, A, A-A’, A-A and thus say as the A’, 2A’, 3A’, 4A’, and concentric systems it creates also involves the Green Function:
“In mathematics, Laplace’s equation is a second-order partial differential equation named after Pierre-Simon Laplace who first studied its properties.
The Dirichlet problem for Laplace’s equation consists of finding a solution φ on some domain D such that φ on the boundary of D is equal to some given function.” (Please read more from the source: )
We understand that in the A’, 2A’, 3A’, 4A’, and the Higher Dimensions, we have the A’ with the Eigenvalues of say 1, 2, 3, 4 in a way as every manifold and dimensions is the topologically quantized systems, and it helps when we consider the Eigenvalues Systems for the 4 Manifolds and the Dimensions:
“The eigenvalues of a matrix A can be determined by finding the roots of the characteristic polynomial. Explicit algebraic formulas for the roots of a polynomial exist only if the degree n is 4 or less. According to the Abel–Ruffini theorem there is no general, explicit and exact algebraic formula for the roots of a polynomial with degree 5 or more.” (With thanks from the source:… )
In other words, we have the following Eigenfunction for the A’, 2A’, 3A’, 4A’, etc. when we know that A’=3A’ is the Eigenfunction for when
=3 is the
It also applies to the Exponential Functions on the similar grounds:
The Philosophy of Light, Time and Distance starts with c, t and x, and in our considerations of A’, we have it say A’=λ/2, and A=λ, while c and t remain almost, however, we can use the h for time as in the linguistics we have say K=K’+(s*h)+A’=K’+(c*h)+A’=K’+A’+A’=K+λ=K, the so called and known the Theory of Aspirated Sounds of K’, where the K can be say any letter.
In other words, the s*h or c*t gives us the distance of λ covered as half, and that is A’, and in other words, we have A’=c*t=λ/2, and we can simply write it say as A=c*t=λ, where A=1/2A’, and that gives is the Philosophy of Wavelength as shown in the image below:
We can consider the Amplitude of the Wave A=λ to be say designed as O’=1/2 Amplitude, and O=Amplitude=Y(A)=SinA Function, and the Wave by itself moves 3-dimensionally say as E’=O’+A’, and thus E=O+A, but its the Sinusoidal Function of the Waves, which we can simplify say as:
When we consider the e=mc^2, we get the following that explains how it’s related with the Golden Ratio:
The most interesting step in this series is equation (20.2.3). Notice that, by starting with the coefficient of h times a distance squared (the left bracketed term in equation (20.1)) we have produced the inverse of a mass divided by a time (the right bracketed term in equation (20.1)). This suggests an internal structure to h. All the more interesting is the fact that these two values very closely approximate the golden ratio, which is a formulation that relates a part to the whole, and that the approximation seems to be within the limits of my pocket calculator. It goes without saying that a constant which is a function of two components that are structurally related to themselves is not itself a “fundamental” constant. Such an internal structure within h would bear out Paul Dirac’s speculation that either uncertainty or probability is not, in fact, “fundamental”. (P.A.M. Dirac, The Evolution of the Physicist’s Picture of Nature, Scientific American, May 1963.) With further transformations, it can be shown that h can be expressed as a function of e2, as Dirac had speculated.” (With thanks from the source:… )
Now, when we start with 0 and A’, and create the 0, 0-A’, 0-A’-A’ or 0-2A’, 0-3A’, 0-4A’, 0-5A’, 0-6A’, 0-7A’ and say 0-8A’, it produces in between say the 0-A, 0-2A, 0-3A, and 0-4A, and as we keep expanding it to say 0-8A, 0-16A, 0-32A, 0-64A, 0-128A, and the Higher Manifolds and the Dimensions, we naturally get the Quantum Spectrum Systems of the Universe:
So, what all of it says as 0, 0-A’ and 0-A’-A’ gives us the Quantum Qubit World of Quantum Bits, which we are discussing say as the A’ and A’-A’=A, and it’s very Broad Spectrum of Topological Quantum World as if the Differential Topology creating the Multiverse’s within the Quantum Universe as this very little beginners qubit quantum spectrum shows:
“When the two qubits are in resonance, the coupling lifts the degeneracy and produces anti level crossing. The quantum states get entangled. With our circuit, we have observed a controllable coupling between the two qubits. We have obtained a detailed description of the energy spectrum as well as the coupling using a quantum mechanical model.” (With thanks from the source:⟨=fr )
It’s amazing to know that the Qubits say as A’-A’ create the A, the Full Topological Quantum Circuits of Qubits, which are almost same as A in the Gurmukhi, the Punjabi Language say as the AARA written as ਅ, which is as if the Qubit Circuit:
As we have not been well educated about the free energy systems, it’s now a great humanitarian cause for humanity, research, development and welfare of all to think about it helping people educate about the Quantum and Sacred Systems of human civilizations.
Just imagine how easy and wonderful it’s to imagine that the Elements in the Periodic Table start with first electron as the A’ say in Hydrogen and Pair Up say as A’-A’ in Helium, and this process helps in keeping quantization of every element say Lithium as A’-A’-A’ say as A-A’, and please read more from the relevant Wikipedia’s or this article:… )
In any case, if we consider the A’, A and the A-A’ as the Circular Functions, we can notice it say as shown below, which is spherical of our A’, A, A-A’ and the A Cartesian Systems and as of Wave Functions as well:
If we think of A’, A and 2A in its relation to Imaginary and the Complex Numbers, we can notice that A’=A^1/2 and A’=AA^1/4 or A’=2A^1/4, and the question is how to solve the addition of Spins of A’ say as A’+A+AA as we also notice that time derivatives of AA gives A and A’ as with D1 and D2, the First and the Second Derivation Levels, and thus what kind of nature of say longitudinal wave it can be if we consider say A’-A-AA, and thus what kind of energy is associated with this kind of wave and what constants we can associate makes it all say the Schrodinger Wave Equation as simplified say as:
It further goes say in with A’=i, d/dt(A)=A’, and Wave Function of A-A=A’-A’ as the (A,time), which for the Polar Coordinates goes as say (RA,time) that we also express say as c*t, and in other words, the Cobordism of A’, A and AA goes say as A’-AA-A, and it can be put say as shown below:
Now, here when we say A=c*t, we for a time being may think about the velocity of light proportional to what is higher than velocity of light systems, and that may ask for the invention or introduction of new equation, which can be say like this:
A=c*t=(S+H)*A=(c+h)*a=(c+h)*t, where S is Velocity of Light in the Ancient Sacred Systems and h also has been so in the Ancient Sacred Systems, which simply means that if the Virtual Particles travel faster than light, it must follow the equation that goes say as “c+h” Velocity of Light, and this very thing invites our attention to what the “Virtual Particle System” is all about:
“Virtual particles, however, do not appear directly amongst the observable and detectable input and output quantities of those calculations, which refer only to actual, as distinct from virtual, particles. Virtual particle terms represent “particles” that are said to be ‘off mass shell’. For example, they can progress backwards in time, can have apparent mass very different from their regular particle namesake’s<dubious – discuss>, and can travel faster than light. That is to say, when looked at individually, they appear to be able to violate basic laws of physics. Regular particles of course never do so.” (With thanks from the source: )
As we have been discussing that A’-A’ is the Classical BIT Systems, and the A’-0-A’ that functions as A’-A-A’ gives us the Philosophy of Quantum BIT, the QUBIT, we can note that A’ adds to the Velocity of Light Present in the A, and for it, we can assume and consider that Limit of A -> Infinity, which is to say that at the Middle Point of A’-A-A’, we have the Limit of Infinity, which justifies most of the Quantum Systems that claim that Virtual Particles and many other systems travel or move faster than light, but we cannot use the “Infinity Limit for the Communication:… ):
“Certain phenomena in quantum mechanics, such as quantum entanglement, might give the superficial impression of allowing communication of information faster than light. According to the no-communication theorem these phenomena do not allow true communication; they only let two observers in different locations see the same system simultaneously, without any way of controlling what either sees.” (With thanks from the source: )
It seems that A’-A-A’ is thus the Infinity Tapping Topological Quantum Constant, and it follows the Quantum Mechanics not the Classical Mechanics of Physics and Science in general. When the Limit A -> 0, we have A=Infinity gives us what we know as the Dirac Delta Function:
In other words, we notice that as Lim -> infinity for A, we tap it by introducing the A’-0-A’ Systems, which is Infinitesimal Tapping Topological Quantum Constant, and we can notice that 0-A’ introduces the “Role of Translation Operator”, which can be Left and Right Translation Operators and as these together can create the Infinity Tapping Systems, we can summarize it say as A’-0-A’, A’-1-A’, A’-Infinitesimal-A’ and the A’-Infinity-A’ Systems in the cloud of which we notice the A’-Qubit Foam-A’ or say A’-Qubit Cloud-A’, and here we need a reference:
“The translation operator
moves particles and fields by the amount x. Therefore, if a particle is in an eigenstate of the position operator
(i.e., precisely located at the position r), then after
acts on it, the particle is at the position (r+x):
An alternative (and equivalent) way to describe what the translation operator does is based on position-space wavefunctions.”
(Please read more from the source with our thanks:… )
Now, we may be curious that when the Quantum Qubit Systems need A’ and A as the Complex Numbers such that A’^2=-1 and A’^4=1, and we add to it that A’=1/2A for greater convenience linguistically, we can notice the following when we consider the A’ as the Pi Angle Systems:
A’+A’=SinA’+iCosA’ which is A’+iA’=E, and that is the Derivation of Euler Systems that we have as e(ix)=Sinx+iCosx, and in our case, e(iA’)=SinA’+iCosA’, which we can represent say with A’+A’=A’+Pi/2, and that A’+A’+A’+A’=2Pi as for all angles:
So, if we want to present the A’, 2A’, 3A’, 4A’ say from A’-A’-A’-A’ graphically, we can do so by assigning it the Imaginary Value Systems of say Pi on the Real Line as shown below:
(Please read more about it: )
Now, when we consider the (A’-A)-(A-A’), it can give the part of A’ in A, and Part of A in A’ which is used to create the Atlas and is also part of our studies on the Topology of Atlas and the Riemann Sphere (
“A transition map provides a way of comparing two charts of an atlas. To make this comparison, we consider the composition of one chart with the inverse of the other. This composition is not well-defined unless we restrict both charts to the intersection of their domains of definition. (For example, if we have a chart of Europe and a chart of Russia, then we can compare these two charts on their overlap, namely the European part of Russia.” (With thanks from the source:… )
When we consider that A’ changes into A and the A change or transform into 2A, and thus the Transitional Phase of “A’, A, 2A” twists at A’-A, and A-2A while goes back say at 2A-A’, and all of it makes the A’, A and 2A, and as we can notice the A’, 2A is the (1,3) Space and A, 2A is the (2,4) Space, the Manifold and Dimension Based Setup of any kind of space:
“In theoretical and mathematical physics, twistor theory maps the geometric objects of conventional 3+1 space-time (Minkowski space) into geometric objects in a 4-dimensional space endowed with a Hermitian form of signature (2,2). This space is called twistor space, and its complex valued coordinates are called “twistors.”
Twistor theory is unique to 4D Minkowski space and the (2,2) signature, and does not generalize to other dimensions or signatures. At the heart of twistor theory lies the isomorphism between the conformal group Spin(4,2) and SU(2,2), which is the group of unitary transformations of determinant 1 over a four-dimensional complex vector space that leave invariant a Hermitian form of signature (2,2), see classical group.” (With thanks from the source: )
The consideration of Homotopy and Topology as the A’, 2A is the (1,3) Space and A, 2A is the (2,4) constitutes the Basics and the Bases of Holy Spirit (Shakti) and Trinity Systems say as the (1, 3) in All World Religions and Faiths in the Sacred World Civilizations while the (2,4) constitutes the Creator and Creation Systems, which are also popular as say the Shiva and Shakti Systems, the Energy (Kinetic) and Power (Quantum) Systems in the World Sacred Systems and the Civilizations.
The Indian Sacred Systems as well as All Other Sacred Systems, the (1,3) Space Elements of say (A’, 3A’) are studied say as the Homotopy of A’ and the Topology of A’, A, 2A or simply as the A’, 2A, 3A’, 4A’, and thus the Space Element say as (“A'”, “2A’, 3A’, 4A'”) as the Homotopy and 3, the Tri-Guna, the 3 Primal Manifolds and or the 3 Dimensions of the Virtual World discussed say as the Topology of the 3-Dimensional World. The Guna’s are Three, which are based on the A’, A, 2A System say as the Static, Kinetic and the Dynamic Systems, which constitutes the Sacred Topology with its A’ Systems of the Quantum Homotopy, and together these can be considered say as the Homotopical and Topological Quantum Qubit Computing and Math Systems, which fully embrace Math, Grammars, Languages, Linguistics and all that we know as the Sacred and the Quantum Subjects in the Sacred World Civilizations.
If we consider the Spins in (1,3) and the (2,2), it goes say as (2,6) Spins and the (4,4) Spins, and its the way Philosophy, Metaphysics, Mysticism, Mystic, and other Sacred Systems have been using while the Classical Systems seem to have developed a kind of “Math” that deals “numbers” more than what the numbers and letters expressed in the Sacred and the Quantum Systems!
We can put the (0,A’), (A’,A’), (A,A’) and (A,A) as the 4 Primal Systems of Consciousness that we now study as the Topological Quantum Systems of Consciousness, the Quantum Computing that uses DNA, the Philosophy of Consciousness otherwise studied as follows:
1. The Divine – (0,A’)
2. The Spiritual – (A’,A’)
3. The Psyche – (A,A’)
4. The Biological – (A,A)
The further divisions are of the solid worlds of (2A,A), (2A,2A),… (NA,MA), which describe the bigger bodies say Earth, Moon, Sun, Stars, Galaxies, and the Universes. How we can correlate the Photons and the A, the Consciousness Based Photons is well expressed here: “Biophotons – The Light in Our Cells” and Biophotons ( in general:
“Biophotons – to be analysed in the framework of current science / Is there an even more fundamental level of the organism “behind” the biophoton field ? / The rebirth of the “ether” / The zero-point energy of the vacuum / Bearden’s “scalar fields” / Wheeler’s “quantum foam” / Bohm’s “implicate order” / Burkhard Heim’s six-dimensional world model / Photons as mediators between matter and spirit ? / The consciousness-like aspects of matter / Coherence as a bridge to the realm of consciousness / Biophoton theory and the vacuum field / Organisms may control their own space structure and flow of time: Dubrov’s theory of “biogravitation” / Pulsation between space and “counter-space”: biological space and the ether in the anthroposophical doctrine / The polarity between levity and gravity / The pulse of life…” (With thanks from the source:… )
Here, we can also notice that A’, A and 2A can not only be Biophotons, but it can be Physical, Chemical, Biological and the Botanical System Based Photons, and there is always a A’-A’ and the A-A links between the Photon and the Biological, Botanical, Physical, Chemical and other Molecular World, which create the Sound Bases and Grounds for the Nanotechnology say for the Nanomedicines and the Molecular Medicines and the very reasons that we get greater results from the Medicines, Herbals, Nutraceuticals, Food and Diet Supplements, and other products of our daily use.
We can very easily notice and thus assume that Symmetric Photons can be termed say as White Photons and say the Physical and Chemical Photons, and the Asymmetric Photons say as the Black or Dark Photons, and the Black and White Photons together seem to create the Biophotons in our Hypothesis of Philselfology. (Relevant Source:… )
Now, when we consider the Symmetry and Asymmetry, we can also consider the g-factor that depends how the Photon World and Universe exists say as A’-0-A’, where we can consider the A’-A’-A’, A’-A-A’, and even the A’-2A-A’, while other factors include the A-A’-A, A-A-A, A-2A-A and the 2A-A’-2A, 2A-A-2A and the 2A-2A-2A, and this symmetry is well present say in the Muon and the Smuon as we can see in the image below:
We can expand any structure say from A’-A-A’ to A’-A’-A-A’-A’, and this is Symmetric Expansion, and if we expand say A’-A’-A’-A-A’-A’, it naturally goes as the Asymmetric Expansions of say the Muons, which can make Loops of Muons :
What we mean Loops of Muons: “One-loop MSSM corrections to the muon g-2 involving a neutralino and a smuon, and a chargino and a muon sneutrino respectively.” (Please read more from the source with our thanks:… )
We can correlate to the Functionality of A’, A and A as its all the Hydrocarbons!
We can as A, 2A, 3A, 4A, and the count of A Changes, its Name and Nomenclature also changes say for A=1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, we have:
1: meth-
2: eth-
3: prop-
4: but-
5: pent-
6: hex-
7: hept-
8: oct-
9: non-
10: dec-
(With thanks from the source:… )
In this regard, the role of A’, 2A’, 3A’, 4A’ as the Schwa Braided Group can play the magic role in the Topological Quantum Computing, Math and Programming of various kinds as we discuss in the next part of the series.
We will edit and add.
The Previous Part of the Series: How A’, A, and 2A in Linguistics Create Nano Potency in Multiple Nano Quantum Therapies, Braids, Strings, Knots, Topological Quantum Computing, Logic Gates, TGD, TQC, DNA, and 4 Quantum Operators : Gurmukhi, Schwa and Be Happy Philselfologically 168
The Previous Part of the Series: How Vowels of A’, A and 2A Compose All Purpose Single Super Topological Quantum Energy Equation for Quantum Vacuum and Differential Topology: Supermolecular and Self-assembling Dimensional Theories, Gurmukhi and Be Happy Philselfologically 170
Thanks for your time!
Be Happy Philselfologically while listening to Good Quality Music Everyday!