How Sacred and Ancient Knowledge and Wisdom can Develop the Modern Civilizations: Be Happy Philselfologically – 58
When we discuss the most important equations of all times, we have the one of the most sacred equations as follows for the energy management of light, mass and energy:
It has a meaning that E, the Shakti, the Energy, the Sacredness exists with Mass No. the Naam as the M, the Sound Wavelengths, Frequencies and thus what we know as the Mantra in India, and the Divine and Light of God, the Abstract God as “C” and Guru, the Shri as the Physical and Living God into Light of God, the Purity, the wavelength that works as light or equal to it.
In the broad way, the Naam Theory believes that everything was created from conversion of light that splits into ultra, infra and ordinary forms, say Sun into matter of rajo, sato, and tamo guna, the guna means how it spreads into multifolds, and thus earth, the earth and the moon systems, and sound energies which are in ultra – sato, ordinary – rajo and infra – tamo forms produced, monitored and managed all of this process in which “rang sabhai narayanai…” has forms of life on earth as the color combinations of sounds that binds and bounds the light and matter for sometime and that is “life span – duration of life” of individuals on earth that we say “Aayu Nirnayai” and thus the Ayurveda, yes the Holy, Scared and Divine Ayurveda that helps in the “Namanna” of everything that gives life!
For example, the Ayurveda as taught in Chinese Civilizations Yin-Yan,Sacred Health Sciences of Ancient Times the offers sacred treatments in which any living thing is considered pious and is not put to tests, experimentation’s and other procedures if these sacred healthcare is the family healthcare system as in most of the countries use Ayurveda as Shiv-Shakti is the sacred healthcare systems:
This very sound energy is the “Naam” which means whatever emerges say water into water, light into light, fire into fire, vowels into vowels. Thus the “Naam” as noun is “Namanna” as verb, and thus “Naam” means that what loses its own shape, size and existence and goes into what is infinite in the universe and its chanting is great for it! Thanks! For example, we as human know and learn it intuitively and thus call it common sense which is pure, sacred and divine:
Based on the light , matter and sound energies as the Naam Theory, we have that helps as the healthcare systems that has the unbroken beats and the links that never break or fail and thus are called the Amrit, A-mrit means Non-decaying and dying Links in it when we say Naam its the source of reflection, refraction and deflection of any sound, light and material, the visible energies for example, the beats of Rama by imaging anything including birds, plants, trees, and humans and as well as the Lord Rama redirects the light, matter and sound energies back to the sender by also enhancing its results as this video shows:
The ultra sounds, light, matter seem to follow the sounds that corresponds to “O”, and thus the mantras of OM, the Brahma, the ordinary ones follows the sounds of “E”, the mantras of Shakti, and the infra forms follow the “AA”, the mantras of the guru’s or the guru mantra and thus we have say “OM Shri Ganeshaye Namah” here namah is to guru, the Ganesha is shakti, the forms of the shakti’s include all say Shiva, Brahma, Durga, and so on, and thus all visible forms are the shakti’s forms and then comes the “OM” means the light, and thus the Vedic Mantra formats are “Light=Shakti*Shakti*Guru” as “OM Shri Ganeshaye Namah”, and thus same as the E=MC*C equations!
So, when we say Mr. Paul Roorda Ji, we have it as the E=MC*C as Mr. is the symbol of OM, and Paul is Shri, Roorda is C, and Namah is also C, and thus if the grammar is right what we say is that Mr. Paul Roorda Ji is Light-Matter-Sounds, yes that he is light!
So, what is OM or OAM!!
OAM and NA’MAO describe the body structures as O as head, A as the heart and M rest of the body but energy releases from the hands, and the NA is abdomen that is center as the solar plexuses and M as attached to the abdomen or the solar plexuses goes downwards as A and into earth as O, and when we donate these Reiki energies in anyone’s name it gives the towering of the said gods, goddess, gurus and manifold results is what we receive and give and thus is called the Gurparsaadi, the body, mind and heart does not enjoy its taste, the swaad, but our soul does so its the parsaadi, the parsaad, and thus is called what is beyond s-aadi, the swaadi is par-s-aadi means even aadi, the beginning has its beginning, and thus gur-par-s-aadi means by light we are attached to to the source of light and through sound, the “s” we all have but one origin! Thus is the beauty of OM, and thus OAM NAMAO SHIVAYE NAMAYE means E=MC*C and thus the Secrets of Indian Civilizations hidden in every mantra and the naam say Rama is the Par-S-Aadi!
When the energies of the sound energies emerge from the hands, the focus of words remain on the OAM and NAMAO, but this is the release of the power, the bala, which is magnetic power that the word “M” as if “MM…MM…M…M” describes with sounds similar to as the “M” in the body having electromagnetic power and energy systems and the managements. This is what our inhaled and exhaled breathe does to our body, and the sounds it produces is again a set of “OO MM HH Echo”, and thus before I explain it please view the video about how it naturally heals us all the times:
The most vivid form it is in how we inhale and exhale as our breathe and pranayama gives these sounds with every breathe that goes in, stops for a while and we exhale or it goes out naturally and we have the electromagnetic exchanges with every breathe we inhale and exhale. The “O” sound splits when we inhale as at the nostrils and we take the breathe into the lungs as “MM…” sounds and when we pause it gives no noise, but pressures the surroundings and we have the breathe silence as if the silence of noise creates music, and at that times it, the breathe resonates with the rest of the body and we have the transverse waves produced by the longitudinal and these are from the force of friction not that we produce it. When we exhale the breathe, it gives the sounds of vi-surgeon, the visarjana, and we hear “HH…” and thus completes the Cycle of E=MC*C by breathe in the body and the force of friction gives birth to transverse waves and vibrations and we thank the longitudinal waves and vibrations that naturally occur in our breathing!
However, the quantities that body earths in the soil or the earth differs from the magnetic power as we earth the electric energy as sounds “HH…HH… HHHH…HHHH” that mainly acts on the breath of all living ones and earths into the earth systems, and thus the sound that does it need to have say h: as namah or sah, and thus OAM NAMAO NAMAH and H at the end works as earthing with “H” spoken as H: giving three major sounds, “OO.. MM.. HH…”, and w get the best thing relevancy to the universe around us! Be Happy and Always Smile, and thus Be Happy Philselfologically!
While using the Sounds of say OAM NAMAO NAMAH, we have wide scope in every possible fields of science and technology and art, languages and the linguistics with anywhere where we can use this knowledge and wisdom of pure phonetic alphabet that gives 16 sounds and the 36 letters. Thus to say that the Ohm Law is what OAM NAMO NAMAH says is right. The sounds of O… H… M… as discussed in the above comment gives the electromagnetic as the say “OOO” and electric currents as the “HHH” and the magnetic power that works in it, the Ohm Law is the sound of “MMM”, and the beauty is that we can express all of these sounds as the linear equations as instead of writing I=V/R, we can write H=OM, where the M, the magnetic energy, the power rather to say as in ordinary life opposes the O, and thus there is no need to write it as H=O/M as its wrong and thus H=OM as Current (H)=Voltage (O)*Magnetic Charge (M), and I or any student of sacred physics know that M opposes O and we do not need to write in divided mode of numerator and denominator.
For example, if we say that Yellow (Current)=Blue (Magnetic) * Red (Voltage), and show it as a symbol, diagram and in any other form, we know that yellow has affinity for all balanced currents, and that red is well opposed by the blue, and thus we get Yellow=Yellow because red and blue give say balance at the yellow, and we mostly have a vast scope of research in all possible human contexts of knowledge and wisdom for analyzing the humanly stored world information and the knowledge and with its help get some refined results to implement it in our modern information technologies to get better and easier results for all with sacred, pure, pious and thus divine knowledge’s and wisdom’s in our world. Thanks! Well, usually Yellow=Yellow!
In general the “O” is the head of living body, the “E” is the heart regions and the “A” is the abdomen from which sprouts the electromagnetic systems that react – sent and receive the bio-botanical other EM sounds, colors, thermo-changes, shapes, and endless list that everyone can contribute in health and wellness of all and thus mange the entity entire human body as EM, and that of the bodies all living ones as same EM-Systems, the Electromagnetic Systems in the above commentary type discussions, and thus we can cure it with so many multiple therapies that none can be sick in the world not even the birds, plants, trees, animals and human, and we hope the governing bodies will help the normal civilians in such issues of health and wellness!
The “O”, “E” and “A” has the strong affinity to “O”, EM is Electromagnetic Powerhouse in Head, “M” Magnetic Powerhouse of Heart Systems, and “H”, the Electric and the Electrical Powerhouse of Solar Plexuses, the Abdomen and the sounds of electromagnetic systems as magnetic and electric systems of the body we have of humans, birds, plants, trees and thus all living ones, and who nowadays can forget the RNA-DNA resonances:
The great concern mostly remains in the conceptual levels as this is the sacred level, the alter where all we know, do, and experience makes sense. Thus the meditation is the word from medium where we use the medium of universal things as if national, global property for free and it helps us all, and the other forms of meditation that we say is divine are the same things except that one sits in the universe rather than trying to use anything. For example in the sea, one may want something or simply take bath and feel one with it, the sea.
Why say Indians keep saying to one another that they are the servant of God has a deep mystic meaning as one speaks and others listen to the person, and all are listeners and similarly when one says one is servant of God, Guru or Lord, one means to say in India that one is a receiver of reiki powers and energies.
While again talking about the same light, energy and the sound equation, we as always have the same sacred equation:
The DNA and Light Movements follow the same pathology as inversions of electromagnetic systems as we notice as we say that light moves as the wave-and-particle and thus dna-and-dna as if a strip, and this is what we notice in the chakras, the energy inversions that run our human body, we notice it as with major inversion of body and mind connection, and it seems same everywhere at the every chakra supporting our backbones and the movements of the body in the electromagnetically:
In the context to light, body and DNA, which now being considered sacred we have it as light, the C or OM, body as matter, the M content as the magnet that stands vertically on the ground, the earth and the DNA is nothing but sacred sound that once spoken as we say to individual soul remains in the universe until it emerges back to the universe. So for research purposes, we can put the light equation as:
Light Energy=Body(the Material Energy)*DNA*DNA

Thus, the two blue strips that beat with certain frequencies as we say the Mantras in India that can transform any individual soul into its desired or destined way or as guided by the guru, the master or the teacher of any world religions and the faiths, and its same again, the mantra, music and the maun, the sacred silence of the mann part of the soul, the creative intelligence, the other part being the intelligence which threads like DNA and inverts at the Command or the Aagya Charka and further at every division of chakra or the sub-chakra and no wonder even the electrons have these qualities and the traits as we the humans, and other living and nonliving things:
Thus its a sacredness of metaphysical sacredness that all who say we are your salves, servants, the daas, etc. have only idea to be receiver of all that universe gives rather than trying to be bigger than the universe to be a Giver! However, when we say Ram! Ram! And other things of same nature, we are one!
One of the major problem in modern spirituality is concept of universe, and in Indian Civilizations, its called the Brahma+Anda, and this has a meaning the Brahma and its equally proportional units say circles that are same as the biggest possible circle that is the universe that we study astronomically. All circles no matter of what radius are same as the universe with elliptical, the anda shape, and thus where we are unit as if a circle, we are complete and are same as the rest of the universe. We do not have to imagine how big is the universe, a simple symbol of circle is enough to ensure that we know and feel the universe, and thus is the Indian Symbolism and its Worship that says Be Similar not the Same lest has loses the Self-identity by trying to be the same and the identical!
The following video about how universes are formed shapes and thus the sacred sounds, waves, vibrations producing the sacred frequencies heal the universe as for sure what universe does is the same as every single electron in it does including the units say animal, bird, plant, human and all that exists in the universe when we chant the entire universe chants and thus chants every electron in our body as we influence rest of the universe, and no wonder the universe also chants as the video shows:
We however seem to think about the differences of soul, spirit, atama, parmatama, and all that the knowledge and wisdom can give and thus may prove the methods of certain meditation lot better or not better, but it breaks the theory of that all is but one, and thus what a human does is the same as what an electron does, and its at the waves, vibration and thus the frequency levels, and nothing really affects what one imagines about the world, solar system or the universe, all that we think and imagine is just clusters of consonants that are very difficult to remove from the living systems as these do not exist in the non-living this and that may destroy quality of life and living contents in anything, and even may destroy the physical form of life say the human body!
The electrons too have the Kundalini, the Energy Chakras, and we all keep resonating with these Energy Chakras, so never mind and enjoy every electron bit of the universe as God, Gods, and Goddesses does the same, they enjoy every electron bit:
Please avoid thinking, feeling and assuming that anything what one thinks, feels, and experiences can upset the universe as this happening is within the human living systems of the living humans, and we all swim in the universe. It may produce at most the telepathy to the people of blood relations and friends, the people of the group, and thus we may avoid by prayers, chanting, listening to music, and using sacred things, the subjects and objects that are sacred!
In any case, the word “Anada” has roots of the aada, that is division where something is separated and it need not to be a circle as it can be any shape and wherever it is divided its aad, the divided thing that needs to be treated properly as a newly born child when goes to have aad existence and after taking birth as gets aad from the womb of the mother, and all mothers and fathers know that all are divided, and still are one!
An Indian may say: Look at this circle and while one may be talking about how science and technology has discovered the universe, and so what is the point… what was I saying… yes… Indians have sacred, divine and pure knowledge and wisdom about what the universe gives us and that has nothing to do how one lives, earns or runs life as its something within that Indians know and outer life to the universe may never have it what is inside, the sacred knowledge, thanks be to sacred and holy places of India that has always remained the universities of this sacred knowledge and wisdom as was the Takshashila: So, what disturbs us is the ratio, not the universe and anything in it, the division and comparison has a meaning where we find ratio as if pros and cons rather than perfection of something that is a complete line, circle or a square! Thanks! Ratio matters not the comparisons as the calculations:
Thus, the Indian ways, methods and techniques are sacred for all world education and research systems about which I have spent more than 40 years assuming that I started it at the age say 4-5 years.
In all cases, the sacred in the Hindi, Punjabi and Sanskrit languages is called the Pavitra, Pavan, and Puneet. The Pavitra means What comes down from Divine God the Pav to Shakti and thus to Humans, Vi, and helps all to ascend to be Pure, Pious and Perfect in the Abstract and thus the Process of Pvaitra to Pavan, the Purification of Botanical World, and Puneet, the Purification of Biological, Spiritual and other levels that purify in manifolds, the guna (multiplying) as Rajo, Sato and Tamo while keeping one aloof as Turiya, unattached to whatever changes in the world.
We will edit and add.
Thanks for your time!
Please Be Happy Philselfologically and Always Smile!