How Sacred Homeopathy and Bhasma in Ayurveda Explain Natural Nano Technology and Sound as Light Energy in Physical, Biological, Chemical, Botanical and Biological Cells: Mana as Joti, the Light Saroopa: Be Happy Philselfologically – 78
The Homeopathy deals with the Most Primitive Form of Life Constituents as the Living Identity that needs the Human Care, Cure and the Prevention. It is same as the Ayurveda and we notice that in Homeopathic relation of treatments with Ayurveda Systems is that the Homeopathy is the Natural Nano Technology of Ayurveda. This Philosophy of Natural Nanotechnology is the Ancient Indian Systems of the Puti, the Potency, and the Pati and the Patani Systems. These focus on the following Philosophy of World Religions and Faiths as the Gurbani, the Sacred Teachings of Sikhism say in any human dealing.
“Mann Tun Jot Saroop Hain, Apna Mool Pachhaan” (Gurbani, Sikhism)

“O Holy and Wise People! Please note that the Sound, the Shabada, the Manna, the Mann is the Sound Energy of Flows, the Prana of the Body Systems, and thus is the 5 Elements of Life giving its Shabada (sound, wave, light conversions) the Sensations, which has the Particle Shabada, the Sound, which creates the Sensations through the Karma Senses, the Sense Organs, the Ears, Eyes, Nose, Tongue, Skin and thus the Perception, and the Wave Sound, which create the Visuals through the Gyana Senses, the Conception Organs,which are invisible as Hearing, Seeing, Smelling, Tasting, Touching, and thus what the Purusha, the Consciousness experiences, and its the “Joti Saroopa”, which means the “Light, the Wave Sight of the Light as Power Dimension that has created it, and thus the Light, the Jyoti having the Shabada, the “Sa” and the “Roopa”, the Light Converted into Matter and the Sound, which is what we see, hear, touch, taste and smell, and thus the “Roopa, the Light into Sound, the Shabada Energy as the Opposite of the Poora, the Sound, the Shabda into Light Energy, and thus the “Para” and the “Rapa”. When the “I” listens to the Roopa of the Shabada, the Sound Energies, it forgets its “Moola”, the Point where the “Sound Energies, the “M” emerges into the “Light, the “La” for Laya in the Indian Sacred Grammars, and thus the word, “Malaya”, the “Moola”, and thus the Indian Identity of “I” as the “Main”, the Human “I” as the “Ma+”ion”, the “Mayan” or the “Main” as Lord Krishna calls it, which is the Light Energy, the Para, and thus suffers due to this very ignorance, and need to recognize this most scientific truth of the universe that the Light, the Consciousness creates the Sacred 5 Life Fluids and their Flows in the living ones, and the opposite of it is nothing but the Plain “Lie, Jhootha, means changeable, but not in a bad manner and thus as the quality of the Shakti Dimensions”, and one as a wise person need to recognize it, and thus the recognizing, Pachhanan and the Cheenana, experiencing it.”
The most opposing theories against the Joti has been the “Jaata”, the “Jora of the 3 Guna in the individuals, which is the Gene Systems and thus the Jaata”, and the Gurbani, the Philosophy and the Sacred Sikh Teachings warn that the Sacred Dimensions of Force, the Shakti, and thus the “Jaata”, the Caste does not work at the Sacred Dimensions of Power, the Bala, the Purusha, the Ojasa among all living ones:
“Tithai Jaat Na Jor Hai…”: “There does not exist the Caste, the Shakti Dimensions and does not exist any force, and therefore the “Human Intelligence and the Creative Intelligence”, and thus the “Label”, the “Laya+Bala”, the Force that can help one attain the Power, the Bala Dimensions. So, one may better avoid the Force of 7 Dimensions to learn, comprehend and live in the Force Dimensions, the Wisdom.
We all have the “Main”, the “I” in every wave that travels in our body as the Electric Part of the Electromagnetic Systems in our human body, and its thus present as the Female, the “Beeja” in the living cells and thus our human body, and the Magnetic Part, the Male Part, and thus the “La” of the “Laya”in which the Electric Wave emerges, and we have the Electromagnetic Systems that work in our body, the “Shri, the Sharrira Systems”, and the Electric, the Female, the “Ba” and the Magnetic, the Male unite, the “La” and give the “Electromagnetic System, the “Purasa, Purukha, the Supreme Identity that we recognize as the “I”, the “Main” in all” as the “Bala” of any system as biological and the non-biological. The Gurbani says that one should recognize this Sacred Essence of I, the Main, the Maya, the Mayan, and thus the Main of Lord Krishna in the Holy Gita.” It is well represented in the following simple image:
When it says that the God lives in the Neuron, we in the Sacred Systems also understand that God has His Physical (the Vata, Psora, Foods) Existence, Biological (Kapha, the Sycosis, Fuels) Existence and the Chemical (the Pita, the Syphilis, the Ecology and Environment) Existence, and the 4th One (the Light, the Ojasa) is the Formless Existence, and thus All 4 Theories of God (the God, Nature and Creation) that of the Tamo (Physical), the Rajo (Biological), the Sato (Chemical) and the Turiya, whatever travels as the light in the 3-Dimensional Medium, the (Trai, Three, Turiya), and thus the Electromagnetic Systems (Light) are always right, and the world religions and faiths.
The Indian Spirituality focuses on the “Biological God”, the “Living God”, and that is why Indian Spirituals oppose the Bioless Things among the Biologically Living Ones that we need on the Foods, Fuels and the Environment, Nature and the Natural World Running Systems!
We have lots of energy in the world due to fission:

In it, the Five Elements are the Five Life Elements that in association with the “Living Cell System” gives birth to 10 Karma (the Light into Sound Conversions in the body, and thus the “K’rama”, the Light (Rama) into Sound (Ka, which as the sensations, like the “Longitudinal Waves”, the “Ka”, we notice in the while light, and thus the white matter in the brain)) and the Gyana Senses (the Sound into Light Conversions in the body, and thus the “G’yana”, the Vehicle (yana, which can be physical, chemical, and biological conversions in the medium of “Ga”, the dark light in which it, the light shines as the “Transverse Waves”, the “Rama, the Light as in the Yana, the Iona, the Ionized fluids as the “Yana” to say as creating the Transverse Systems, the “Ga”, which work with dark, the refined and minute medium of nervous, the “Ka”, the Shabada as the medium, and through the muscles, the “Ga for Gravity, the Guru”” in the and thus the “Gray Matter that reads it mostly”, and the Gyana) the Indriya, and runs its flows, the Dhara, the Current, the Bijali, and thus the Bija or the Beeja of Life. The “Moola” as the “I”, who reads both the “K’rama and the G’yana”. This very “Beeja”, the DNA based System as the Life and Living Cell is Eternal, but it has impurities, infection, diseases, and viruses in it, and these are present as physical, biological and chemical impurities, and we know it as the Roga, Bhoga and Yoga Level Diseases in the Indian Sacred Systems as follows:
1. Roga, the Aadi-bhotic, the Tamo or the Static or the Physical Levels of Deficiencies and the Disease, and it is true for all forms of matter, the solids, liquids and the gases, and all seek to be the “Ideal Atoms, Molecules and the Compounds”. Its level is however, the atomic as it deals with the physical chemistry of the living cells.
2. Bhoga, the Aadi-daivak, the Rajo or the Kinetic or the Biological Levels of the Deficiency and the Diseases, and its true for all forms of the biological matter, the solid biological matter, the liquid biological matter, and the gaseous biological matter. In all of these, the Biological Living Cell wants the most stable and perfect state of living, the evolving, living and decaying processes of the very living cells, which are the molecules as the dual systems.
3. Yoga, the Aadi-atamic, the Tamo or the Dynamic or the Chemical Levels of the Deficiency and the Diseases, and its true for all forms of the chemical matter, the solid, liquid and the gases as the trinity, the living cells.
The Fourth Level, the Chautha Pada is the Level of the Ojasa, the Spirit, the Vital Powers of the Living body.
4. Nama, the Light, the Turiya or the Light Theories of the Universe as the Convergence and the Divergence, and it has the deficiency and diseases that relate to “Art of Focusing” as we say the “Divergence as Lack of Focus when the “Mann” focus not on the “Moola emerging points of sensations passing into the shabada, the sounds, which we can feel, and all of it goes the into light that we can see, visualize and edit”, and thus the Kundalini Systems, the Central Functioning of the Brain and the Nervous Systems. The “Convergence is on the “Meru, the emerging points of shabada, the sound into light” Systems”, and if increased it makes body “senseless, but having the “gyana” as the yogis live”.
The Homeopathy deals with the Original Jeeva, the Most Primitive Form of Life as the Living System including the “Sperm, its evolution, living and disease or the death”, and there is always scope for wonders, and its that a human beings are also the “Living Cell Systems in the same way as the First Fungs on Earth, the plants, trees, birds, animals, and thus all kinds of the DNA present in any form”.
The mistaken mistake is that we can never destroy any living cell system say the “Fungi, the Fossils from single cell to complex cell systems, which are the single but the compound cell systems, and thus the Single Living Cell, the Static, and the Tamo Guni Ssytem, the Two Cell Systems, the Kinetic and the Rajo Guni, and the Compound Cell, the Dynamic, the Sato Guni Systems”.
These are the Single Cells as the Vata, the Two or More Cell Systems as the Kapha, the Kinetic Systems present among more than one cell systems, and the Compound Cell Structures and the Systems, which are the Dynamic, the Chemical Living Cell Systems.
Thus, the Vata (Matter), Kapha (Sound) and the Pita (Light) Energies that run with the Systems of the 5 Elements, the Panch Karma of Ayurveda, the Indian Health Sciences. It follows the Process of Sublimation. The following image shows how the 3 Guna, and the 5 Elements are correlated:
This very thing in the Homeopathy Health Sciences is present as the “3 Miasmas, the Virus, the Microbiological Side of the Living Things and thus the Human Life” as we have the Vata as the Psora (the Indian equivalent to as the K-sura not the Sura of the Sacred Vowels and thus the Impurity or Infection that enters body having no independent life), Kapha as the Sychosis, the Psychosis (the Indian equivalent to as the K-Kayosas, the Moon (Sis, Sas, Sasa) for Fluids and Flows, which make the Sura into First Formation of All, the “Kayi”, the Fungi Formations, the Most Primitive of All Viruses, and thus the “Kayi”, the “Chi”) and the Pita as the Syphilis (the Indian equivalent to the (“Sas”, the Moon+Flows, the Fruit or the Fala, the Ripened State of the Virus of Psora and the Psychosis as the Living System against any or the Human Living System, and thus eats the Sasa Products, the Sacred Fluids and their Flows from the Living Biological Body say animals and the humans, the “Isa” at the end of Syphilis’a is the Isha of the Syphil and thus Independent Lord, the Isha in the living body, which is the same as the Rust on the Iron Material, and thus it rusts the blood cells, the degeneration and the decay process, which the Homeopathy deals to cure permanently), and the Major Wonder in the World is that the Homeopathy deals it as the Nano Technology with Right from the Shakti and Shiva Dimensions, the 8th Dimension of Power as the Psycho Center in the Nervous System, the Purusha-Prakriti Center to say, which is the Essence of All World Therapies as the “Nama, the Nano, the Light Theories”:

In our daily life, we use these Static, Kinetic and the Dynamic Energies as the Vata, Kapha and the Pita Energies, while using all of these in the Perception, (the Vata based Karma Organs, the Senses, the Indriya’s), Conception, the Kapha based Gyana Organs, the Senses, the Indriya’s) and the Thought, the Ojasa Process of the Pita, the “Particle Side of Light” to read all of it as the Reader, and while “I” feels, experiences, records, stores, and thus is the “I-Database”, the Personal Identifications for all that we know, think, feel, and experience, and its the “Wave Side of the Light”, which is the “Real I”.
The Indian Spirituals and Scientists from the ancient times have always focused on the “Universal Databases of “I”, One Living Universal Consciousness, and thus the Supreme Ojasa”. The following modern development in it is a great example:
“Professor Natalio Krasnogor of the University’s School of Computer Science is active in the emerging field of synthetic biology. Synthetic biology is the design and construction of new biological systems not found in nature. It is a collaborative field where disciplines such as molecular biology, bioengineering and computer science cross over.
Krasnogor explains that synthetic biology views a living cell as an information processing machine. A complex system composed of interrelated subsystems which communicate with each other. When the cell receives information from an external stimulus, it processes this information and generates a certain output. For instance, it starts creating more cells.
From understanding a cell as a machine it follows that a cell can equally be build from different parts like a machine. And these parts can be considered as hardware that can be operated by software.
Krasnogor who leads the Towards a Biological Cell Operating System (AUdACiOuS) project which received a £1 million in funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), said: “We are looking at creating a cell’s equivalent to a computer operating system in such a way that a given group of cells could be seamlessly re-programmed to perform any function without needing to modifying its hardware.” (With thanks from the source:… )
The above global developments talk and discuss about the “living cells” as the Tamo, the Hardware, the Rajo, the Software, the Sato as the DNA Program of a given living cell as its Kundalini, the Living and the Natural Semiconductor, which always needs the “Ojasa”, the Purusha, and thus the “I” Identity, which is the Major Global Scientific and Technological Crises in the Genetic and the Genome Developed and Evolution, and the Indian Systems of Ayurveda, Kundalini, the Natural and Living Semiconductor with “Identity Saved in It and for All” as developed with the Natural Nano Technology of the Homeopathy. In human race, it has always been marked as “Enslaving the Noble Souls with the Nano Technology and Cheating with their Knowledge and Innovations as the Ravana (“Ra”, Light into “Va”, Matter conversions with “Na”, the Mutations Process as the “N” is always the Plural of “M” in the Sanskrit, Hindi and the Punjabi Languages, which means “Technical Distortion of Brains Using Chip Physically (the Artificial Semiconductors), Biologically (the Big Virus Scams in the World), and Chemically (Modern Medicinal Systems)”, and thus the Etymological name of Ravana, the Great Technologist did and the Lord Rama, the Great Scientist stopped him!”
This very use of “M”, the Theory of Convergence as “All Things, the Particle and Waves Ending as One”, and the “N”, the Theory of Divergence as “One Thing, the Particle and Waves Ending into Many”. This is major reason that the Indian Mantras must end with Nama, the “Namo, Nama, Namah, and Namaye Systems” so that the Energy Generated by the OM, the OAM Mantras must converge to Nama, the Namah or Namo, and thus the Theory of Prism, the Divergence (OM, the OM Theories) and Convergence (NAMO, the Nama Theories) with the Mantra in the Middle, which is the Universal Theory of All Computer Programmings (OM (Head), Mantra (Body) and Nama (End of Head in a Point, the Convergence into Audio,Video, Programming as if the Physics (Audio, Acoustics, the Quality of Pineal Gland), Biology (Video, the Pineal Glands and the Visual Systems) and Chemistry (Programming, the Glandular or the Kundalini, the Semiconductor Structures as “OM Mantra Nama:”) of the Computer Programming Systems)”. In the Living Cell, the Motor, Nerve and Nervous Systems, we have the same as the OM as the Nerves, Mantra as the Motor Nerves, and the Nama as the Nervous System in the physical body, and All Ending in the Nervous System, and thus the Nama Theory as the Light Theory as Convergence Theory, the creation of Prism Structure Mapping the Nervous System (the Brain), and same in the Mana Theory as the OM in Nervous System, Nerves to all ending in the Motor Nerves (Mantra, where the sound travels electromagnetically, and the “Mantra” as the “Man, Sound+Tra, travels”, the “tra” of travels), and thus the Mana, theory of light as sound and thus as the Divergence Theory, the Spectrum of Prism formed:
or simply,

We can thus learn more about what all of it leads to Trituration, Bhasma and the Natural Nano Systems in the Indian Sacred Systems:
“The Master of Indian Medicine Systems ‘Ayurveda’ observed that “continuous grinding (trituration) imparted to the medicine a force or power of action very much higher than that possessed by the drug”. So you have the Bhasmas or Ash that exhibit properties different from their material form.
Many Indian homes follow the practice of filling water in a copper vessel (Tambe ka Lota in Hindi) overnight and drinking it the next day morning, this charged water is said to be beneficial in ailments like blood pressure, increase body heat (Kapha), This is useful for all diseases and problems connected with the nervous system, e.g. high blood pressure, arthritis, polio, tension and leprosy.
Ancient people used to make ample use of silver and gold in their daily life knowing their importance. The rich even used their utensils of silver and gold. Silver is useful for the diseases of the organs connected with the digestive system and urinary system.
Babies in India are fed milk in silver glass as it is said to enhance brain power.
Another good example of Nanotechnology in use is the Samsung Nano Washing Machine. It uses silver ion that disinfects and creates a sterilizing coat on washed clothes.
Samsung tells how it works:
Samsung WM1245A Washing Machine releases over 400 billion silver ions which penetrate deep into fabrics of any kind and create a coat of sterilizing protection for a maximum of 99.99% disinfection and an added antibacterial effect of up to 30 days after washing.” (With thanks from the source:… )
The previous part of the series:
The next part is here: “The Ayurveda and the Sacred Dimensions of the Universe: Matter, Sound, Energy, Light, Sacred Semiconductors and Role of Sacred Education Systems in the Health and Wellness Management – Be Happy Philselfologically – 77”
Meanwhile, we will edit and add!
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!