How Shiva’s Damaru Explain Origin of Indian Vowels, Consonants, Alphabets, Languages, Grammars, Linguistics with Adam, Eve, Snake, Apple, Satan, Life, Universe, General, Quantum Gravity and Mukati: Be Happy Philselfologically 159
In this part of the series, we discuss the most primal ancestor of humanity, Lord Shiva, who has the mystic power of male and female as in the Vowel Theory of E=O+A, where O is Male and A is Female with the E as the Ojasa, the Purusha, the Single Identity in all males and females as the left (A) and right (O) side of the body where we have the E=O+A, and as the origin of vowels and consonants, the Vowel of O creates the Primal Vowels and the Aspirated Sounds that we label say as the K’ with K=K’+S+H+A to put it into spoken languages, and that the Aspirated Sounds have always the “O” Sound but its the A Sound of Vibration that makes is audio-able; we can hear it when we have the K'(K+O) only when we have breathe (H) and vibration (A) added to it, and thus K’=K+O goes to Spoken K when we have it say as K=K’+S+H+A=(K+O)+S+H+A, and in it the H as the breath duration and the S as the Amount of Breath can solve most of the problems of quantum systems say Planck’s Constant h and the Reduced Planck’s Constant as we have discussed in the previous parts of the series of Be Happy Philselfologically.
Now, the O, A with the help of S and H creates the E, the Enkari Shakti, and also popular as the Ekonkara Systems, and Lord Shiva in the Indian Sacred Systems is considered as the Representative and Owner of Enkari Shakti, the Vowel of E and its N, the Bindu (Shakti) based Sacred Expansions as also the Secret of Creation of Life in universe that Sacred Sound of E with its primal sounds of O and A create the Sound and Life in the Universe. The process of creation of sound of E with N, multiple quantum points creates various “Quantum Light Zones, the Kara, the Quantum Light Beam and the Kirana, the Rays from the Kara, the Quantum Light Beam”, and in it, the Philosophy of Snake that Lord Shiva keeps plays a deep mystic role in the creation, and we discuss how it also explains the Secrets of Indian Alphabets as based on our research and hypothesis of Philselfology.
Secret, Mystery of Adam (Shiva), Eve (Shakti), Snake (Vowels), Apple (Consonants), Satan (Gravity and its Force of Friction) and Spacetime (SAHA): If we take it as the Secret of Shiva, Shakti and Snake, we can easily notice the Indian Sacred Theory of Bindi (N) and the Bindu (M) in which the SA is Light and the HA is Sound Energy, but all together may not interact without Vibration (Symbol of Snake) and as A, E, O, AE (Tree and the Branches of Alphabet) and the A’, 2A’, 3A’ and the 4A Vibrations are present the SA and HA go into union and thus as follows:
SA+(S+H+A)+HA=SAHA with its two end points say as the N and M, the NAMA, and thus we say in the Bindi and the Bindu Sound Limits, the Snake Vibrations of A’, 2A’, 3A’ and the 4A creates the Union, the Bonding, the Quantum Spacetime of SAHA, and this is also the Secret of Superstring Theory and the Indian Alphabets, the Adam (Shiva), Eve (Shakti), Snake (Vowels) and the Fruit of Apple (Consonants) and the Spacetime, SAHA as in the World Religions, Faiths, Folklore’s and the Civilizations in the world civilizations that says Adam and Eve lived in the Eden Garden and from the Tree, which is Akhara the Alphabet Tree in the Indian Sacred Systems, and She (Eve, the Shakti in the Indian Sacred Systems) eat the fruits of consonants and it create the force of friction in the vowels.
Now, we may ask what is the Satan in it all, and that is the “Force of Friction, the Gravity, the Mala, the Mail (in Hindi and Punjabi), and its always used something that we have to remove from the body, and that is the bad effect of gravity, which creates the Dosha, the Tri-dosha and other problems in human life and nature”, and if we remove it, we call it as the “Mukati from the Jeeva, the Consciousness as the Life Dimension. The Quantum Gravity on the other hand is something that is for the Mukti from Light Dimension, and if we remove the general gravity and quantum gravity, one is called the “Pure Consciousness, the Mulkat, Free or the Liberated Person and thus attains the Ojasa, the Pure Radiance that is not influenced by any kind of gravity”. It is the Secret of Purification of 5 Basic Elements, Consciousness and Light Dimensions.
Thus Rows and Columns create as the Physical Body of 7 Goddesses with the help of Adam (Shiva in the Indian Sacred Systems), and its also the Sacred Theory of Indian Shabada, the Sounds of Universe, and the Consonants also represent the Sacred Systems of Maya while the Vowels are the Adam and Eve also represented as the Brahma and Sarastati with the First Row of Vowels as Brahma and the Sarasvati as the 7th Row, the Longitudinal Waves in the Indian Alphabets say the Gurmukhi, the Punjabi Language Systems.
We may imagine the Shiva’s Damaru as the A’-0-A’ Systems, which plays the Two Ends of Pair of Sounds that create the Final Product of the Sound Energy say the Damaru as the A’-0-A’ creates the A’+0+A’=A as the Two Waves Joining the Two Halves to make one Wave, the Sound of say the A, E, O, AE, and that is why Lord Shiva is called the Creator of Life Dipoles with the Shakti.
About Damru:
nṛ tāvasāne naṭarāja rāja nanāda ḍakkāṁ navapaṁcavāram|
uddhartu kāmassanakādi siddhān etad vimarṣe śiva sūtra jālam||
नृत्तावसाने नटराजराजो ननाद ढक्कांनवपञ्चवारम्।
उद्धर्त्तुकामो सनकादिसिद्धादिनेतद्विमर्शेशिवसूत्रजालम्॥
“At the cessation/culmination of His Cosmic Dance,
Shiva—- the Lord of Eternal Dance,
with a view to bless the sages Sanaka and others,
played with His “Damaru” fourteen times,
thus vibrating fourteen Sutras,
for the universal Vimarsha/deliberation purposes
in the cosmic net of the Shiva Sutras.”
The above shloka is a prologue of the Maheshwara Sutra,also revered as the Shiva Sutra,where DAMRU beats are of the highest significance. Creating the vibrations,originating from the source OM, is the essence of all the Sanatana Dharma Shastras. (With thanks from the source: )
Its also the Most Ancient Secret of Damaru that reveals the Indian Alphabets with SAHA, NAMA and its dipoles of A, E, O, AE and the Life Vibrations of say A’-A’, E’-E’, O’-O’ and EA’-EA’, and there is no better explanation of Indian Alphabets, Vowels, Sounds; the Consonant and the Vowel Theories.
“The damaru is very common throughout the Indian subcontinent. The damaru is known as a power drum, and when played, it is believed to generate spiritual energy. It is associated with the Hindu deity Shiva. It is believed that Sanskrit language was recognized by the drumbeats of the damaru (see Shiva Sutra for the sounds), and His performance of the cosmic dance of tandava. The damaru is used by itinerant musicians of all stripes, due to its small portable size.
In the shield shape of some damarus, the triangular upward representation also symbolizes male procreativity (the Lingam), and the downward round representation symbolizes the female procreativity (the Yoni). Symbolically, the creation of the world begins when the lingam and yoni meet at the midpoint of the damaru, and the destruction takes place when they separate from each other.” (With thanks from the source: )
We also can correalte it all with the Indian Mysticism, Metaphysics and the Metaphors: “The secret to its importance lay in the realm of metaphors. Shiva’s Damru manages to create cosmic rhythm. As such, it influences the movement of energy in the universe. the balance established thereof is responsible for the proper functioning of the universe. Away from the religious interpretation, if one were to look at the point being made through the metaphor of Shiva’s Damru…
Shiva’s Damru also serves the purpose of evoking action. The booming of a drum is facilitated by the mechanics of echo. The sound “boum” or the word”bamm” is often used as a prefix to Shiva’s name as “Bhola”. “Bamm Bholey!” then is a common address for Lord Shiva. In Sanskrit the word “Bamm” also refers to space or the fifth element that constitutes creation after air, earth, fire and water. The playing of Damru represents his mastery over the art of creation and that of negation because space is simultaneously symbolic of everything and of the void from which all things are said to have been created. It is little wonder therefore that the vedas fail to describe Lord Shiva and have to end up calling him “neti- neti” (or not this – not this)
We can see therefore that Lord Shiva’s Damru is an instrument that encompasses within it many of the principles that are implicitly associated with Lord Shiva and his position of power and influence not only in the world of religion but also in that of the secular world where his example may be seen in terms of a complex metaphor that places a lot of importance on the human potential for creativity and the subsequent responsibility of temperance. (With thanks from the source: )
Thus, the Indian Alphabets represent the Mysteries and Secrets of Universe as the Sapatka-matra, the Matrikas Systems. (Please read more from the source: and… )
“Into the fabric of our cells our experiences are woven and rewoven. We change the weave and pattern depending on what attracts and holds our attention and intention. We are always in a state of creation. What do you choose? Untie the knots! Break old strings and attachment points! Weave new patterns!” (With thanks from the source:… )
Moreover, in the Vibrational Medicine World, which is also the Basics of Homeopathy, the Water Memory Systems:
“Vibrational Medicine:
Vibrational medicine is one of the most, if not the most widely studied field of medicine today. There is now global interest and research in the clinical applications of Vibrational Medicine. Vibrational Medicine, of which Homeopathy is a part, has been used by various systems of medicine throughout the ages, but because of its subtle nature, until recently it has been largely ignored by the mainstream medical establishment. Fortunately, this is no longer the case. Advancements in modern technology have made it possible for the unseen/subtle to be seen. Researchers can now view and measure the body’s subtle energy fields, as well as changes in these fields after Vibrational Medicine modalities have been applied. With these findings has come a new surge of global interest, research, and discoveries in all systems of medicine vibrational in nature.” (With thanks from the source: )
When we consider Gurbani as the Gurmukhi Quantum Systems, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has put the Quantum Gurbani Systems with the Fundamentals of A-Vibrations as the Akaal (A-kaal) Moorati and the Akal (A-kal) Purakh. The Quantum God Sacred Systems that he describes discusses God as the A-Vibration Systems, and its name is thus the Akal Purakh. In the Japji Sahib, his most famous compositions, he describes God as the one, who is observer of both “Light and Sound”, and at the same time present as the Vibration Systems of A, E, O, AE as the Space Vibration Systems, which is the 3rd Primal Observer that is the Akal Purakh Level, the Supreme God Systems of the Quantized Systems as the A, E, O, AE as say 0, A’, A, 2A, and also the A’, 2A’, 3A’, 4A’, which expresses the “Sacred Indian Quantized Systems in Multiple Formats”.
In other words, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has described the Indian Quantized Systems as the A-kal, the Quantum Time Systems of A-Vibrations and the A-kal Moorati as the 35 Quantum Sounds of the Universe as the Basics of Indian Alphabets. The Moolmantra as written by him also explains the Quantum Terms of Self-illuminated Vacuum, the Saibhang(u), and how it all creates the Information Universe, the A-khara, the Kara of A-Vibrations, the ONAM Sound as the 1-Dimensional Sound of N and M, which is the Information Universe that he has described to the South Indians Sages, Seers and the Quantum Scientists in his “Dakhani Onkara”, the Doctrine of Quantum Universe.
In other words, he describes the Indian Sacred Systems of the A-khara as the A-kara Systems in the 1-Dimension Vibration Systems, which we can “feel”. The A-khara as the A-kara is the Light as the Vibration in Space say the Space Element and that the Kara is Light and the A-khara is the Sound Form of Light, which we express in the “Perception, the 5 Ways of Human Senses and thus the name Bani, the Veda”.
The major problem is that the Sanskrit Language in the Indian Sacred Civilizations is almost the most extincted form of language, and the Guru Ji has formulated the Quantum Sanskrit, which described the Light, the Classical Systems of Sanskrit as the Sound, the Vibration, the Brahmi Language Systems in the Indian sacred Civilizations as well in all other world languages including Hindi and English languages.
If we relate the Achim Kempf’s works in describing the Shapes and Sounds as Traceable Systems, the Indian Noble Prize should go to him as it determines the 35 Quantum Sounds as the Shapes that the Light as Longitudinal, Transverse and in the mediums of Space, Air, Water, Fire and Solid can give, and this is what the Sikh Gurus have put as the Quantum Theory of the Universe:
“The Sikh Gurus have formulated what seems the First Indian Quantum Civilization Systems as written in the Gurbani and the Gurmukhi, but it says that all in it is the “Theory of Elements” (Tat Vichar, the Philosophy of Quantum Systems):
“Tat Vichar Kahai Jan Sacha…” (Gurbani)
“The People of Sacred Knowledge and Wisdom discuss the Theory of Elements, the Philosophy of Quantum Systems, and the Sacha is the Light (SA) and 3-Dimensions of Consciousness (CHA) and thus the Sacha.” (Gurbani)
We can also read it in the Hinduism as Kashmir Shaivism, the 36 Tattvas.
The Sanskrit in this context as all other Indian Languages is the Sacred Collection of 35 Quantum Sounds, which is same in almost all world languages, and thus it should not be subjected to any religion, nation or community as in the beginning, we may have one country that changes in to modern many countries in the same way as the Adam as the father and all humans his children. So, may it be any language that is the property of Single God Systems, which we discuss as the Quantum Universe, and it has nothing to do with any religion, but people of religions have used this art of universe in the world civilizations, which also comprise many modern countries, and thus it should be properly dealt as the property of world civilizations where if the individual nationalists may rebuke goes as if fundamentalism and the ethics of research say the Philselfology.
Here we have to mention that the Sanskrit is a script of 35 Sounds, and it remains same in all world languages even though the grammars differ, and that we are NOT doing any religious discussion here at Life Dynamix – Wings for All, but purely the 35 Quantum Sounds of Universe that can be Sanskrit, Hindi, Gurmukhi, Tamil, English or any other world languages.
Please read more from the following blog post:
How 35 Gurmukhi Quantum Sounds Explain Languages, Sacred Grammars, Linguistics, Consciousness, 5 Basic Elements, Light, Religions, Faiths, Spiritualism, Yoga, Meditation, Universe and Achim Kempf Quantum Systems: Be Happy Philselfologically 156
The major point the Shiva Philosophy is the Bindu (M) and the Bindi (N), which if combines as the One and the Single Conscious Light is known as the Bindu (M) and it creates from its Light Source, the Conversion of Light into Sound Energy is known as the Bindi (N), and when these combine as M-N, the Light to Sound Path, its called the MANA, the Quantum Conscious Photon Systems, and if on the other hand, it unites and expresses itself as the N-M, the Sound to Light, its called the NAMA Systems, which is the Quantum Conscious Sound Systems of the Universes, but in this case of M and N, its not just about the universes, but the Infinite Space, where the Conscious Quantum Light is Primal Source of Infinite Dynamic and Quantum Space with single source of everything, the M-Light, which creates the N-Quantum Sound Points that grow as the stars, galaxies, universes, and the superuniverses.
The Snake in the Shiva Philosophy can also be put as the Wormhole of Creation in the Universes, where the Indian Vowels and Alphabets represent the Snakeskin that it grows and leaves and in human life the sounds create the consonant clusters that we have to remove as the snakes shed the snakeskin’s, and for it we need to sing and dance, and or do any exercise that refreshes the human body and the brain as if shedding the toxins from the human body:
“The fact that snakes can shed their skin has always fascinated those with a curious mind, especially children. There is just something about an animal that can slide out of its skin once or twice a month that fires the imagination.
But while snake shedding is the common phrase used to describe this process, it’s not entirely accurate. In truth, snakes do not shed their skin. They shed a layer of … well, shed. They retain their skin after shedding (obviously), and their skin is usually much more vibrant immediately after the shed.
When a snake sheds, it only loses the outermost layer of its skin, keeping the “skin proper” very much intact.
(With thanks from the source:…. )
Now, one point invites our attention that is in all the Sacred and the Ancient Civilizations, we have been having the learning, study, education and research, and it all has been based on the Quantum Systems as the Science and Natural Philosophy, the Metaphysics where people learned from metaphors based on the “Theory of Similes” present among humans, animals, birds, plants, trees, gods, angles, and life on earth and in the universe, and thus the Quantum Systems as the Sacred Education has been the prime factor of all highly developed world civilizations in the sacred and the quantum systems say the Indian, Arabian, Israeli, Egyptian, Chinese, Native and Aboriginal Civilizations. So, when we say Adam, Eve, Snake, Apple, Satan, Snakeskin and other similes, and its study skill of the creative intelligence, which is popular as the Right Brain Systems. Our kids and the creative people like the faith, belief, fairytale, folklore and the creative learning from universe, and we can slowly transform our modern world into the quantum systems to preserve the great treasures of languages, grammars, music, maths, geometry, and lot from the Quantum Civilizations as we all can then put into intellectual pursuits of logic, rationalism and scientific systems to explore our universes and the super-universes that too useful in our daily life.
“When school budgets get slashed, one of the first things to go is art. Art is seen as superfluous and not terribly practical. But art teaches important skills that students don’t get elsewhere, some of which are important to physics and some of which are important to life in general. One of the most important skills that art teaches is visualization and visualization is very important to physics.
Art, when properly taught, also teaches things like metaphor and simile. In art, things are often representative. Being able to see these representations for what they are, i.e. interpret them, is a tremendously important skill. Unfortunately, I think a lot of physicists actually lack this trait. When a pure mathematician (geometer, U. of Arkansas professor, and host of The Math Factor Chaim Goodman-Strauss) bemoans the fact that mathematics has strayed too far into the abstract, theoretical physics can’t be that far behind. Mind you, abstraction is important. But physics, in particular, is – or should be – grounded in reality. When it loses that grounding it becomes metaphysics. Of course, when working in the microscopic realm, things can get a bit murky since mathematical constructs make up the bulk of quantum mechanics. I use analogies quite a bit (some students can’t even bridge the gap between simple analogies – x is to y as z is to <fill in the blank>), but they don’t always work in the quantum world. Nevertheless, the visual abstraction of art can help with this in some capacity.” (With thanks from the source:… )
We have discussed the Series of Be Happy Philselfologically also focusing on say “From Similes to Superstring Theory of Everything”, and one simple, but very great work about it gives an insight with pdf file saying: Similes and Superstrings: Writing to Clarify the Cosmos (A pdf File for Free Download)
We are also entering into the age that says: We’re Entering a Golden Era of Quantum Computing Research We’re Entering a Golden Era of Quantum Computing Research), and what it also says the Life on the Edge: The Coming of Age of Quantum Biology:
Quantum Biology Comes of Age
We have discussed the Indian Sacred Alphabets say Gurmukhi as the Superstring Theory and the Single Theory and Model of Everything, and a little but compact knowledge always help: The Theory of Everything!
Even when we have discussed the Physics Elementary Particle Model, we also have say this wonderful report: Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics beyond the Standard Model
Now, how and why the Quantum Systems are for everyone is because these are not based on the atomic differences, but the similarities of our nuclear existence as metaphysics, philosophy, religions, faiths, arts; Sacred Education Systems of Math, Grammars, Music, and the similar describe the “Free Zero Point Vacuum, the Infinite Creativity in the Universe as the Source of Life”. The Classical Systems has been educating us not the “Single Theory of Everything”, but the bits that if we unite we become one, and now it seems we can understand why and how we have one universal systems in all diversification, and its conscious and interactive.
Thus we can say: It seems that we may have transformations of existing modern world into “Quantum World” in this year and years to come that seem to have started from 2012 with the Paradigm Shift. The Quantum Systems has given birth to Nano Systems, Quantum Atomic Model, Metamaterials, Free Zero Point Vacuum Energy, Theory of Everything. We thus may also notice changes in the syllabus and the curriculum in this years and the years to come as its all New Grand Civilization that we have not imagined and or experienced earlier.
One point that invites our attention about how and why we have perception and sensation having worth understanding is based on the point that the light helps in giving us perception, but the quantum systems seem to deal with the “vibrations, which we can feel and thus the sensations”, and for this reason, the quantum systems go to unite things as objects that vibrate and we can feel the sensation:
“Sensation starts during the embryonic era, as our sense organs develop. While the sense organs help us to cope and coordinate with physical reality, the accuracy of the created perception is a matter of debate.
Please note that in the quantum mechanical view, the universe is made of discrete elements (such as quanta of matter, space, or time), whereas our classical perception of the world sketches continuous and homologous surroundings in front of our eyes. Classical discernment has been very helpful for practical purposes, including the building of human civilization. However, new findings cast doubt in its exactness. Quantum mechanics calls for a new system of perception based on current physical findings.” (With thanks from the source:…… and… )
Thus, our life seems the big playground of sound, vibration, sensation, perception, light and consciousness!
“Though many people are beginning or are working with energies on different planes and dimensions because they are consciously working to increase their rate of vibration.
Raising your vibration enables you to receive a more direct guidance and clearer guidance from your Higher self because it vibrates at a higher rate. Having this direct link allows for information to be more easily accepted by the conscious and actualized. Therefore a direct link is formed to interact with your Higher Self, Archangels, Ascended Masters and the Brotherhood.” (With thanks from the source:… )
In other words, the Bindu as the Single Light gives us one Bindi of Sensations to each individual and we experience the vibrations, the warmth, joy, charm, and bliss it all can create. So, no matter how deep we go inside the Nano and Metamaterial Systems, the Bindu as the Source of Every Vibration and Sensation, we mainly need that it gives better “vibrations, yes the quantum vibrations” that we can feel and enjoy, and thus the Theory of Bindi, the Shakti, the Sensations, the Motor Nerves. If we understand it, we can assume to be down to earth humans who may not need to dwell on the unnecessary self-importance and egocentric attitude towards the ease of life: Life is very easy and simple.
Now as the conclusion of the blog post is that these systems of N and M with 0, the Zero as the Morning Star of the String and the Superstring Theory, we have it as say the Witten’s cubic open string field theory:,… and how its all possible is discussed in the next part of the series due to length of this blog and need in change of topics that may jump a little as we notice in the next part.
We will edit and add.
The Previous Part of the Series: How 35 Quantum Sounds in Indian Alphabets, Vibration Theory and Quantizations Explain Information Universe, Superstring Theory, Adam, Eve, Snake, Spacetime, Apple and Invariant Math: Gurbani, Gurmukhi and Be Happy Philselfologically 158
The Next Part of the Series: How Shiva Theory of Bindu (M) and Bindi (N) as Vacuum, Sound and Light Explain Modern Theories of Quantum, Sacred Alphabets, Topological String Theory, Witten’s Cubic Open String Field Theory: Gurmukhi and Be Happy Philselfologically 160
Thanks for your time!
Be Happy Philselfologically while listening to Good Quality Music Everyday!