How Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Explain Quantum Brain, Cobordism, NAMA, Bindi as Information Superuniverses of Parbrahma with Parmeshwara and Parmatama: Secrets of Sanskrit, Indian and World Languages: Be Happy Philselfologically 155
In this part of the series, we discuss the preliminaries of the Indian Languages explaining the Quantum Brain, Photons and the Universe Systems, Cobordism as the Essence of Universe, “NAMA, the Cobordism as the Secret of Every Universe” and the primal differences in the Sanskrit, Hindi and Gurmukhi as the Sanskrit and Sahaskrit as explained by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and the Sikh Gurus, as we have discussed in the previous parts the SAHA is the SA as the Circumference of Circle, which keeps rotating and producing the light, and if we break it, we have the SA, the Light and HA as the Sound Energy. Moreover, the SA is the 2 Pi and A, the Radius Systems, while the HA exists with the A as the A’-A’, and when we consider the A as the Radius, the A-A or even the A’-A’ give us the Diameter Systems of the Circle with Circumference of S that is equal to 2 Pi and A or A’. In this way the “Complete Quantum Systems can be put as follows:
S=2 Pi*A’=360 Degrees*A’ and that S=H+A’-A’, where the A’-A’ is the Diameter of the Circle with Radius=A’, and here we can expand the S=H+A’-A’ as say S=H’-H’+A’-A’
The H’ is the Playground of 2 Pi Systems, and the H’ is equal to the A’, and H’+H’=H= 2 Pi Systems, while the A’ and A’-A’=A’+A’=A is the Radius and the Diameter of the Circle whose 2 Pi Systems we have assigned with H’ and H=H’+H’=2 Pi=360 Degrees. The “S” in it all simply expresses the “Circumference”=2 Pi*r=2 Pi*A’=(H’-H’)*A’=360 Degrees (H’-H’)*A’, and when this A’, the Radius goes with H’, we have it as A’, and with the H’+H’=360 Degree Systems, we have it all as A’+A’=360 Degrees=A (Radius+Radius=Diameter).
The Math that we think and visualize is not the function of numbers and or digits, but our imaginations think of Math as the Language, Grammar, Linguistics, Computing, Music, Vowels, Audios, Videos, and so on, and thus go for the computing and programming with the 3-Dimensional Visualization, and the “Invariant Math and its Foundations” that we discuss in this series of Be Happy Philselfologically.
The Sanskrit and Gurmukhi thus explain the “Center of the Circle as the First Photon, the “M”, and the Circumference Systems as the Second Photon, the “N”, and what the Radius and Circumference share is the “Radius, the A’, and the Diameter Systems as “A=A’+A'”, and when the Center of Circle Shares the M with Radius A and Circles as N, we have it as the N+A’-A’+M= N+2A’+M, and that is same as 2 Pi*A’-A’, and thus the NAM, the NAMA, the “Information” of the Universe that passes from one circle to other circles, the concentric circles, and thus the NAMA as what the Blank or Empty, the Free Photon, the “M” gets from the other “Memory Photon”, the “N”, and thus all as the A’ and the A’-A’, the Radius Information as the NAMA, and if it goes to the Free Photon, it gets the NAMA, and the other Photon becomes “Free or Empty”, and thus the Parbrahma is the Nama Universe in which it transfers from the Parmeshara Universe Systems, and the Parmatama becomes the NAMA Universe Systems, and this is true even when we consider any two photons in the 2 Photon Entanglement.
When we consider the S=H+A as the Circumference of Circle, it’s not possible to do any classical calculation using it as it represents the dimensional systems not the conventional math. Moreover, we consider the Quantum Systems with Nano Systems, which do not create any meaning without Nano Scale of N and M, the First Two Photons that we submit to entanglement.
Now, when we consider the N and M, these are the systems, which exist as the N, the Real and the M, the Imaginary Part. For this reason, it goes to the Vacuum Systems and create the Casimir Effect with the Primal Real and Imaginary Parts. We consider the S=H+A as the M and N oriented Systems, and thus we have it as follows:
It may seem a very funny and an unusual expression, but it has a meaning, and that is as follows:
1. The “S” follows the “N”, the Second Photon, the Cause Photon, which releases the N-Information of “Memory Photon, the N”, the A’-A’ Information Systems to “S”, the Dimensional Circumference
2. The “A” as the A’-A’ in integrated to the Center of the Circle, the M, the Blank or Free Photon, and holds the “Link between N and M with A’-A’, the “Information Exchange”
Now, when we correlate it with the E=O+A, the Primal Euler Systems, the Exponential Systems and the E=O+iA, we can very easily notice that the S(N) is same as the E=O+iA, and is thus the Euler Systems of Circle, and it should not be mistaken as the “Classical Circle” where we do not imagine radius to be “Real and Imaginary”. If we want to understand the S(N) classically, we can put it as follows:
In other words, the Casimir Effect based Mirror can also be a circle where we have the real and imaginary radius used as above and as follows as well:
S(N)=H+iA, the H is the Radius and the “iA” is the Imaginary Radius.
S(N)=H+iA’ (Left) + H+iA’ (Right)
Now, if we have put S(N)=H+iA, these are not equal classically as the S(N) is the function of iA, and that is if A as A’, A or 2A changes as the i, i^2 or 1^4 value systems, and that is when the Radius of the Quantum Circle creates the Spiral (A’), Orbital (A), and the Orbits (2A), and in it the A=A’+A’=2A’ is the First Self-assembling and reassembling and 2A=A-A=AA is the Second Self-assembling and reassembling.
“The principle of quantum superposition states that, provided the primary beam is pure, it is possible so to carefully contrive the spatial arrangements, that the result is a perfect restoration of the primary input beam. The primary pure state has been restored. It is said to be a superposition of the several intermediate pure states.” (With thanks from the source: )
This “Quantum Circle” can thus explain many things including the Modern Quantum Atomic Systems and Quantum Time Dimensions with Heisenberg Principle of Uncertainty. It also gives the Wave-functions, but everything in it all is possible because the M and N as the Center of Circle and Circumference around it are the Nama, the Cobordism oriented systems and we see the circle, and thus the M-S-N=M-W-N, the S in M-S-N is the “Circumference Existing to make and help us see the Circle”. This is also the Indian “Philosophy of Bindu (M), the Quantum Free or Blank Photon and the Bindi (N), the Quantum Memory Photon” for the NM’, N’M, NAM, NAMA, NAAMA and NAMAH, NAMO, NAME, etc. and so on, without which its not possible to think of quantum, the MANA and NAMA Systems of Photon M and N, and its Quantum Entanglement.
In the Bindu (M) and Bindi (N) Photon Systems of Maya, the “A”, the 2-Dimension or Dualism based Real World; the Virtual, the Artificial, the Opposite of Imaginary World of iA Systems, which is actually the real world, but does not follow the dualism as the A=A’-A’, but the iA=i(A’-A’), and in the iA’, iA’-A’, iA, iA-A, i2A or i4A (i2A-2A), we can very easily notice that in the A’, A, 2A and 4A, we have the Scalar Systems of Energy, and its called the A-vara Systems, the Maya, the Artificial and the Virtual Systems of the Universe, and on the other hand, we have the i-(A’, A, 2A and 4A) as the Vara Systems, which simply means, it makes the “A’, A, 2A and 4A” function and work as according to the i, the direction, and thus the command, the hukam, the order, which follows the i, i^2 and i^4 as the “Imaginary Quantum and the Real World, which is not virtual as its power is the direction dimension”, and for these reasons, its called the Direction and Time God Systems, the Kala Purakh and the A-Kala Purakhu, the Kala, the Time Dimension follows the Direction Dimension of i, i^2 and the i^4 Systems of A’, A, 2A and the 4A. The major difference is that A is having the 2 Dimensional Systems and that is the Direction and Time, and in it the Time is Scalar and Direction is Vector.
When the “M Sound” expands with the A’, A, 2A and 4A, it creates the Physical World, the Real World, and as it has multiple points of references, the “N Sounds” from the “M Sounds” with the dimensions of M+A’, A, 2A and 4A, we have it as the “Real Dimensional System of the Universe, and that can be beating the drum and creating the sound of M and N”, and when the “M Sound Systems” expand with the i-(A’, A, 2A and 4A), we have the “Imaginary Sounds of M, but as the M+i-(A’, A, 2A and 4A)”, and for this reason, the later is called the “Seed, the Beeja Mantras” that is M+i-(A’, A, 2A and 4A), and the Shakti Mantra of Matter go as the M+(A’, A, 2A and 4A), and if we compare the M+(A’, A, 2A and 4A)and M+i-(A’, A, 2A and 4A), we have it as the Casimir Mirror Systems of the Vacuum, the Zero Potential Energy, the Free Energy, the Self-assembling, the Reassembling Systems.
The major point that we need to notice is that M-i(A’, A, 2A and 4A) is same as giving the E=O+iA, and that is E(A)=M+(A’, A, 2A and 4A)+M+i-(A’, A, 2A and 4A), that is, E(A)=M+iM (A) where M=O=1-D and iM=A, and that is when we have the M, its 1-Dimensional Systems, and when we create the “other” dimension, it can be only with the 2-Dimensional Systems, and thus we have the M(A)-E(A)-iM(A)=M-W-N, the Cobordism, and the topic left for discussion can be the frame of reference that is whether we use the M(A) as origin or the iM(A) as the origin, and thus the M-W-N or N-W-M, and thus the Indian MANA and NAMA Cobordism Systems in which we think about “Art of Quantum A’-A’ Vibrations”.
When we consider E(A)=M+iM (A), its also the “Theoretical Systems of Vacuum, Zero Potential Energy, General and Quantum Gravity, Anti-gravity Propulsion Theories, Exponential and Logarithm with Antilogarithm Systems, and the similar”. In general the M in the E(A)=M+iM(A) functions, acts works as the 1-Dimensional Systems, so we can also write it as the O, the 1-Dimensional Systems, and that iM(A) is also the “N” as it gives the radius and diameter of the quantum circle say as the A’ and A (as A=A’-A’), and specifies M-A or systems A-M as from the “Center of Quantum Circle”. The “i” in the E(A)=M+iM(A) deals with the “Directions of Dimensions”, which can expand from i=0 to i^1 i^2, i^4 that making it “Circle and Spiral” as well expanding it as to the “Chirals that opens and expands as the i^2, i^3, i^4”.
Here, we can understand it that the Indian and World Vowel Theory of Vibration is the Dimensional Vibration System of the i=A’, and if we put “i” as the exponential systems that we expand, we get say i^2=A’-A’=A=2A=A’A’, and i^4=A’-A’-A’-A’=2A=AA, and that A’-A’-A’=E, and that the Vowel Vibration Theory simply puts that the 0A’=O, A’=A’ and A’-A’=A, A’-A’-A’=E, A’-A’-A’-A’=EA, and these use the A’, 2A’, 3A’ and 4A’ and its anti-pair systems say as the (AA)’=2A’, (2AA)’=4A’, (3AA)’=6A’, and (4AA)’=8A’, which creates the dimensions of A-AA, E-EE, O-OO and AE-AAEE as the 90 Degree and 45 Degree 8 Dimension Cartesian Graph of Vibrations of say A-AA as the A-iA Systems, in which A’ at 90 Degree is the Independent Vibration, and the AA’ at the 45 Degree is the Dependent Vibration, which “Binds Two or More Vibrations”, and usually call it the “Gravity Systems as its the Force of Friction that A’, the Vibration Uses”. Right from the general gravitation of A’ at 45 Degree as AA’ Systems has its companion 0A’-A’ as Center (0A’) and First Vibration A’ as the Quantum Gravity. The 0A’-A’ is what keeps the Quantum Gravity present in every vibration. In this context, we have to note that the (AA)’=2A’, (2AA)’=4A’, (3AA)’=6A’, and (4AA)’=8A’, and the A’, 2A’, 3A’, 4A’ Systems are the “Four Vector Systems”, and well follow what is shown below:
We notice that “S, H and A”, constitute the c, t and r systems (c, t, r) as shown in the image below:
Thus, the A’, 2A’, 3A’, 4A’ and its other pair say AA’, 2AA’, 3AA’, 4AA’, which we also discussed as the O, A, E, AE gives us the two systems of the Euclidean Vectors in the 3 Primal Dimensions of O, A and E while the A’, 2A’, 3A’ and 4A’ goes as the Four Vectors Systems. (Please read more from the sources: and )
Here, we can also assume that O, A and E as the E=O+iA=SinA+iCosA, and when we consider the Dot Product say as the O.A or A.O, we have the OASinA, where A is the Angle with the given trigonometric, radial or the polar coordinates, and the Cross Product say as the O*A or A*O, and thus as the OACosA, and when we imagine it all, we have the “Ratios of O and A giving rise to what helps in the Quantum Qubit Computing and Math” as the O and A are also the (1, 0) or (0, 1) of the Vacuum Systems, the Free Energy, the Bindi, the Bindu, and that it deals the Infinite Systems within the “Range and Domain of 0, the Bindu and 1, the Bindi”, and in it the E=O+iA=SinA+iCosA remains as the Exponential Expression of the O and A, and thus also describes the Circle Systems of Euler Math. When we consider the Tangent, and the Tangential Systems, we have it as the EA, and the EA is Perpendicular to the O, A and E, and that is the Euler, the Quantum Circle of O, A and E Systems.
The consideration of A’ and A’=Cos(Angle) for say A’.A’ (Dot Product) and A’*A’ (Cross Product) explains how the A’ or even the A=A’-A’ is going to act, and in it we have discussed the A’+A’=2A’=A=A’-A’ gives the easy to understand “dot and cross vector products”. When we consider the “Dot Product”, we think of A’ and A’ in such a way that we get 0-Systems of A’.A’, but in the dimensional systems its not zero, that is we cannot say that A’.A’=0 (Dimensionally), but we write the A’-A’, and that the A’-A’ are the Dimensions of A’ with A’, and when we “operate on vector or even the scalar products”, we can think it dimensionally, and can keep everything without “cancellation”. In this context, when we think of A’*A’, its as A’*A’ (Cos(Angle)Systems), and it adds the A’+A’=A, but we have to consider if A=2A’ or A=A, and that is where we can think of Quantum Vectors in which the “Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division of Vector is based on E=O+iA=SinA+iCosA, the Quantum Vector based on the Euler Quantum Circle”. We can use the Pythagorean Math and Geometry say as follows:
(SinA)^2+(iCosA)^2 Systems, but again, we are going to get it as equal to 1 due to presence of “i” where i^2=-1, and the solutions to it are better with the “Vowel Based Consideration of SinA=O, and CosA=A” (Hypothesis), and we get the following:
(SinA)^2+(iCosA)^2=O^2+(iA)^2=O^2-A^2, and we can solve the Euler Math and Equations, the Quantum Circle and even the “Exponential Functions” with the Vowels say O, A and E while we have the O=SinA, A=CosA and E=SinA+iCosA. The great point in considering it all is that it also gives the Logarithm and Antilogarithm that follows the use of O=SinA, A=CosA and E=SinA+iCosA, and every “Indian Vowel” or the Vowels in general is either derivative or integration the primal vowel function of E=SinA+iCosA where the Vowel Theory uses the i=A’, i^2=A, i^4=2A, and that is the dimension system of the “i”, and the i=A’, i^2=A, i^4=2A create the dimensions of “i” rather than using it just function of “-1, 0, 1”, and if we replace the “i” with A’ and follow the “A’, A, 2A”, we actually use the “Power of i as well as its signature of -1, 0 and 1, but never do any cancellation of the dot or cross vector product or the scalar and or the vector products”, and that is how Indian Languages construct Prose, Poetry and the Mantras. We never “cancel” anything in the languages, and we can also do so in Math, and that is true with the “New Foundations of Math, the Invariant Math”. Moreover, the use of “A’, A, 2A” for the “i” and thus the set of “i, j, k” as the “O’, A’, E'” can help students and learners practice Math and languages simultaneously, which is also the major aim and objective of Modern Invariant Math.
This 0A’-A’ is what we can put as M+iM as it has the M=0A’ and iM=A’, and that the A’ (Single Vibration) expands as the O, A, E, AE and the Higher Dimensions where in each dimension, we have the 0A’=M present. What may fail the Philosophy of Zero or Vacuum Energy, the Free Systems is that say at A’+A’=A, A’+A’+A’=E and A’+A’+A’+A=2A is where the Vacuum Systems change into the 3-Dimensional Physical Systems, and its the Self-assembling and Self-reassembling Systems of the Vacuum and Universe, and does not require humans to do so. We seem to manipulate these self-assembling systems, and the Indian Sacred Systems put it in an unusual way as follows:
and when the Indian Alphabets put it into consonant rows, it gives:
1. E(A)=K+iM(A)=KA, KE, KO, KAE and Higher Dimensions
2. E(A)=CH+iM(A)=CHA, CHE, CHO, CHAE and Higher Dimensions
3. E(A)=T+iM(A)=TA, TE, TO, TAE and Higher Dimensions
4. E(A)=T’+iM(A)=T’A, T’E, T’O, T’AE and Higher Dimensions
5. E(A)=P+iM(A)=PA, PE, PO, PAE and Higher Dimensions
The above 5 dimensional systems of the Vacuum and 3-Dimensional World and Universe is the Indian Theory of 5 Elements, the Space, Air, Water, Fire and Solid Systems, and thus in it the “M” is replaced with the 5 Elements and the “N”, the Memory Photon is created with universal truth that we cannot destroy the “Primal Vibrations of 5 Elements as the law of Conservation of Energy E(A)=M+iM, but can change one form of energy into other say as from E(A)=M+iM to E(A)=K+iM”, and for it even if we create say solid, its is self-reassembling and that we really do not create “solid”, but we “convert one or more forms of energies into solid”, and here the technology may give foul impression that it has “created” what science and philosophy says the “conversion”. In other words, what we “convert” seems “created” in the same way as the production of a film or movie, and the viewers see the “created”. So, we need to educate ourselves about the M+iM, the Real Vacuum Matter, the M and its Conversions, the Philosophy of “iM”, and we may see the opposite pairs existing, and we created nothing of it, but can convert pair from the anti-pair as women give birth to men, and men create women!
So, here we can propose the Exponential Cobordism of the Gurmukhi, the Brahmi Language and Linguistic Systems as the M(A)+iM(A) as the Master Mathematical Expression of the Euler Systems as in its simplest form of E=O+iA, which is the Exponential Cobordism as say E=O+i(A’-A’) where the E is the “Euler Exponential Function of e” and that is to say E=e(x)=O+iA=SinA+CosA=e(A), and that is also how the Indian Vowel of E creates the O+A Vowel Systems in the most unusual way. That is state again that E(X)=E(A) has the following expansion, and thus the series:
That is also to say that the E=O+iA, the Indian and World Vowel Theory of Primal 3 Vowels of E, A and O is linguistically same as what we see in the image below as according to our “Hypothesis of Philselfology, the Single Theory and Model of Everything”:
So, when we put: , we have the x(t) as the A(H), where A is A’-A’ Systems, and H is the 2 Pi Systems or other scale we use, and that “ST” is the S and H of SAHA, the Spacetime as with exponential functions, and we can use and check in most of the exponential functions of Euler Systems as with this Vowel Theory of E=O+iA.
Well that is why it seems that the Gurbani discusses the Direction Dimension, the i-(A’, A, 2A and 4A), and thus seem to expand all verses as the A’-K and A-K in which the A is having the iA and i^2-K Level, and that is to say the A’-K as the i-K and A-K as the i^2-K Systems, and that is where we notice the Gurbani in Gurmukhi differs from the Hindi, Sanskrit and some other Indian Languages, and establishes itself as the i-(A’, A, 2A and 4A) Systems of the Brahmi, the Quantum Language Systems, which we can notice healing the Quantum Brain Systems by the Gurbani as the Gurmukhi Poets, Music and Singing in the Indian Raga Systems.
The Gurmukhi and the Gurbani Systems for these reasons do not use the A’ Sounds, which creates the “Half Letters as say in Hindi and Sanskrit”, but preserves Hindi, Sanskrit and all Indian Languages in the Format of Brahmi, the Quantum Systems of Gurmukhi, and thus all Indian Sacred Systems are recorded in the Gurbani with this format and version in Shri Guru Granth Sahib, the Holy Sacred Systems of Quantum Systems in Indian Ragas.
The i-(A’, A, 2A and 4A) Systems as the A’, A, 2A and 4A are the passive systems, and that is why it well puts that without the direction dimensions, the scalar dimension abuse (bhoga) the user at the end, but the i-(A’, A, 2A and 4A) systems are God Systems, and it does not go to abuse (bhoga) the user. In other words, when the i-(A’, A, 2A and 4A) Direction Systems, the Imaginary Part goes for its expansion, the M, the Free Photon, the Atama Systems follow the “Evolution”, and the “A’, A, 2A and 4A” Systems when expand create the “Multiple Quantum Dots, and thus the Psychiatry Problems, which can lead one of the major human psychiatry problems and thus creation of egocentric, dictators, and physical evolution of universe.
Well, that is how the Indian Sacred Systems think, discuss and describe the Quantum Brain Systems, and we can always thank Shri Guru Nanak Dev, who described the Quantum Universe Systems in his childhood, and later wrote the major Indian Sacred Doctrines in Gurmukhi named say as the Sidh Goshti and Dakhani Onkara, and thus explained the Indian Sacred Systems of Elements and Dimensions of Quantum Universe, Light and Consciousness.
For easy mental health, we can put it as what it says, and as in the diagram:
“Diagram of microstructure of synaptic domains in cortex. The ensemble of overlapping circles represents the junctions between branches of input axons and cortical dendrites.
Aristotle’s more comprehensive formal or formative causation is more appropriate to descriptions of more complex orders such as language and those composed by holographic and holonomic brain processes. Holism in this form is related to “holy” and “healthy”. My hope has been that as scientists begin to understand and accept the validity of holonomic processes as truly scientific, this understanding will help resolve the current estrangement between the sciences and the humanities, and between sophisticated pursuits of science and sophisticated pursuits of religion.” (With thanks from the source:… )
The SAHA as the Spacetime Systems differ from the NAMA, the Two Photon Entanglements as the “SAHA, the Time and Space Frameworks come into play when we study NAMA Classically, and in the Quantum of NAMA, the Sacred Cobordism, we do not have to refer to the SAHA as the NA and MA has all that we say the A’-A’ Systems, and if the SAHA, the Spacetime exists in it, we have it as the Circular Systems of Interference, which are concentric in nature and embrace even the entire universe as simply the Quantum Dot, the Bindi (Information Universe) and the Bindu as the Free or Empty Photon and the Universe Systems.
In other words, the universes simply exchange the “Nama Information, the 2 Pi*A’-A’, but at infinite number of dimensions and thus as at the Fermion, Supersymmetry and Superpartner Levels, and the Boson Levels”. That is why we have put the Cobordism same as the NAMA Systems as it gives the Information Universe that keeps moving while creating and destroying the universes without altering itself or ever dying, and we are part of this NAMA, the Cobordism Universe Systems.
The Information Photon of N and the Free or Blank Photon when entangle give us the “Information Waves of 0, O, A, E, AE, OE and OA” and in it, we always have the 6 Solutions, which are the Quantized Values” of nature A’-A’, while producing the Cobordism of A’-A’ as say A’-A-A’ as M-W-N, and if it goes right as the circular wave function, it please Schrodinger Systems as saying:
“A harmonic oscillator in classical mechanics (A–B) and quantum mechanics (C–H). In (A–B), a ball, attached to a spring, oscillates back and forth. (C–H) are six solutions to the Schrödinger Equation for this situation. The horizontal axis is position, the vertical axis is the real part (blue) or imaginary part (red) of the wavefunction. Stationary states, or energy eigenstates, which are solutions to the time-independent Schrödinger Equation, are shown in C,D,E,F, but not G or H.
It can describe or at least approximate a wide variety of other systems, including vibrating atoms, molecules,<32> and atoms or ions in lattices,<33> and approximating other potentials near equilibrium points. It is also the basis of perturbation methods in quantum mechanics.” (With thanks from the source:… )
We have discussed in the previous part and otherwise about what it says as the basis of perturbation methods in quantum mechanics.
What we discuss here can be well put here, we can do the further research works as thus the Quantum Cognition Brain Systems:
“Quantum cognition is an emerging field which applies the mathematical formalism of quantum theory to model cognitive phenomena such as information processing by the human brain, decision making, human memory, concepts and conceptual reasoning, human judgment, and perception.<1><2> <3><4> The field clearly distinguishes itself from the quantum mind as it is not reliant on the hypothesis that there is something micro-physical quantum mechanical about the brain. Quantum cognition is based on the quantum-like paradigm<5><6> or generalized quantum paradigm <7> or quantum structure paradigm <8> that information processing by complex systems such as the brain, taking into account contextual dependence of information and probabilistic reasoning, can be mathematically described in the framework of quantum information and quantum probability theory.
… The quantum cognition project is based on the observation that various cognitive phenomena are more adequately described by quantum information theory and quantum probability than by the corresponding classical theories
Human Memory: The hypothesis that there may be something quantum-like about the human mental function was put forward with “Spooky Activation at Distance” formula which attempted to model the effect that when a word’s associative network is activated during study in memory experiment, it behaves like a quantum-entangled system… (With thanks from the source: )
When we think of quantum human brains, we think of Indian Classical Music and how it can care and cure the human quantum brains:
“Clinical trials of brief brain stimulation aimed at microtubule resonances with megahertz mechanical vibrations using transcranial ultrasound have shown reported improvements in mood, and may prove useful against Alzheimer’s disease and brain injury in the future.
Lead author Stuart Hameroff concludes, “Orch OR is the most rigorous, comprehensive and successfully-tested theory of consciousness ever put forth. From a practical standpoint, treating brain microtubule vibrations could benefit a host of mental, neurological, and cognitive conditions.”
Penrose, Hameroff and Bandyopadhyay will explore their theories during a session on “Microtubules and the Big Consciousness Debate” at the Brainstorm Sessions, a public three-day event at the Brakke Grond in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, January 16-18, 2014. They will engage skeptics in a debate on the nature of consciousness, and Bandyopadhyay and his team will couple microtubule vibrations from active neurons to play Indian musical instruments.
“Consciousness depends on anharmonic vibrations of microtubules inside neurons, similar to certain kinds of Indian music, but unlike Western music which is harmonic,” Hameroff explains. (With thanks from the source:… )
When we consider the Ancient World Civilizations, we think of great achievements in almost all faculties and departments of human knowledge and wisdom. However, the same is true even today and does not change with time, place or things we use. That is where we have to put all results of the Science, Math, Technology, Nano Systems, Metamaterial, and the similar as the Standard Quantized Systems, which has been the Indian Alphabets, Vowels, and Consonants in all possible formats and versions. If we can do it, we can achieve the past, present and future simultaneously as we use the same matter, energy, force, light, sound energy, and the sacred systems, which has been used in the past, and remain so in the future.
For example, with the Two Photons, the M and N, the Primal Sounds in the World Alphabets, and the SA and HA as the Spacetime, the SAHA, we record all variations as the O, A, E and AE, the 4 Ratios of the M and N giving the giving the 4 Spin, the Ratio Sounds of O, A, E and AE, and it leads to the “Sacred Creation of Indian and Arabian Alphabets, and say the Gurmukhi that record it as the O, A, E, S and H to the Y, R, L, V, RH, the 35 Sacred Ratios of M and N”.
From the M comes the original sounds of matter as the P, F (PH), B, BH and M, and from the N comes the T, TH, D, DH, N, and then creates the rest of alphabets. This is according to the MANA Theory, the Ratio Systems of M and N as the Bindu and the Bindi. If we put is as follows, we can understand very easily the Indian Sacred Systems:
“M/N” “Mantra” “N/M”
M/N gives the Ratio Systems of First Row of Indian or World Vowels. The “Mantra” gives the “Consonants” and the N/M gives the Second Row of Vowels.
If we want it still simplified, we have the M/N giving us the “SA” Systems, and the N/M gives the “HA” in the SAHA Systems, and the SA/HA gives the Consonants as we have put in the hypothesis of N and M Representations of Cartesian Graph where the Y-Axis gives the M and the X-Axis gives the N, and the Ratios of Y/X or the X/Y gives the SAHA Durations. The SA and HA are the Energy Levels, the Value Systems of the Y, the M Systems (SA as its Values, the Energy Levels), and the X, the N uses the Energy, the Value Levels and the Systems of the HA. Thus, when we use the Ratios of M and N, the MANA, we also use the corresponding values of S and H, the SAHA. It’s same to say that when we use the Nano Ratios (N and M), we naturally and ultimately use the Nuclear Bonds, the Gaps, the Energy Gaps, etc. as the SAHA Systems. The NANO decides the Very Small Scale Lengths, which we see in the SAHA, the Nuclear Systems, and get the Classical Results as with the O, A, E and AE. Thus, the Cartesian Graph of N and M gives the S and H with the A, E, O and AE as the Dimensions.
In other words, we put the Lines of Infinity at the X and Y as the N and M, and at every level, we have the S and H for the N and M, the X and Y, but the S goes to the Y-Axis, and the H goes to the X-Axis, and thus we also notice that the M/N goes as the S/H ratio systems, and it gives the “A, E, O and AE” as the Quantized Systems that lie within the range and domain of “0 and 1” and the “1 and 0”. The E goes as the E=O+iA as all quantized values of 0 to 1, and in it exists the “Tangential EA to all values of 0 and 1 Range and Domains”. In other words, when we assign any S and H value to the M and N, we make it quantized, and this is what the Cartesian Graphs represent as the 3 Scales with the X and Y, and the Z goes perpendicular to the E=O+iA, the S=M+N Systems.
Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji calls it as follows:
“… Aadi Sachu Jugadi Sachu…” (Gurbani)
Juga has its base the Sachu, the 3 Levels of S, the Su(n), Su(kh), Su(p) and Ach (1-Dimension), and that is S as the SAHA and “ACH as the Primal Sounds. These are also the levels of S as 0-Spin, Su as 1-Dimensional Spin, Su-kh 2-Dimensional Spin, Su-p 3-Dimensional Spin and 4th Dimension of Matter as the Ja(ga), the Vianjana, the Consonants. These say as the 0-Spin as SA, SU(N), SU(KH), SU(P), are the “4 Level based Astral Cloths of Human Existence” at the same time with the Consonants as the Physical Body. The life without consonants, the physical body whispers only, the God Who Whispers and Talks in this way does not use the physical body as it goes through physical death, but anything that has the 0-Spin of SA and the 1st Spin of S as the “SU or SO” never faces the Physical Death.
The above is also how the Sanskrit Languages explain the Origin of Universe, and describe it dimensionally with the “Quantum Sounds of the Universe”. We have done it as according to the Brahmi Sanskrit, the Gurmukhi and say also the Hindi Languages, Linguistics and the Grammars that fully describe the Quantum Systems of Universe and its Creation with the Vacuum, the 0-Systems as the Static Systems and the Kinetic Systems as the Durga, the Shakti Systems. One may ask, if the Vacuum is the 0-Systems, what is the O, the First Dimension of the Universe.
The First Dimension of the Universe according to Sacred Indian Systems is the “Direction Dimension”, which follows the “Equal and Opposite Force Systems” with person in the same way as we stand on earth or moon, and feel it, and that is what makes the major difference. So, the person standing on earth uses earth as the 0-Dimension, and stands with the equal and opposite force and creates the “First Dimension of the Universe, the Perpendicular Systems”, which if we change, we create energy, and that is first major step towards the “Free Energy of the Universe, which we all tap”.
When we think of O, A, E and AE, we also think of not only the 4 Positions on our standing on earth, but also that O is Earth, A is Moon, and the E is the Sun in the Indian Sacred Systems. The Indian Astronomy and Astrology is based on using these primal sounds as the “First Sounds that we receive from the universe as due to earth, moon and sun, and thus the O, A and E”, and its perpendicularity is merely the calculations we do using the scales, and these scales are added as say the H=O, A, E and H’=AE, and when we have the AE, we no longer talk and discuss the Earth, Moon and the Sun, but the Observer, the I, the Human.
The First Indian Constellation as say the Krittika Nakshtra and the Sign of Aries, it goes with the A, E, O and AE, and is the Sun receiving the 4 Systems of the Universe. When we go into the Second Constellation, the Rohini Nakshtra, the Sign of Taurus, it goes with the AO, OE Systems, and the First Quantization of the Universe as the VA Systems as per according to the Indian Theory of Element and Dimensions. In other words, the Indian Astronomy and Astrology describes that before the 3-Dimension Systems are created the Primal Sounds of the Universe exist as the 0, O, A, E, AE, EO, OA, and these are the 7 Primal Sounds, the 7 Goddesses of the Krittika, the First Constellation of the Universe. In it, the VA (or the WA) is the First Quantum Creator, the Sound that gets quantized. How the VA gets quantized is well expressed as the “VA, VE, VO, VAE or the WA, WE, WO, WAE Systems”, and it comes into the Consonant Levels when the Taurus goes into the Gemini, the Dualism in the Indian Sacred Systems, and the K comes out as the First Letter, the Consonant, the Gemini (Dual) Sacred System creator and we have the K’+“SA-MA-“0”-NA-HA”+A=K Systems and we have the KA, KE, KO, and the KE Systems, which simply describe the “Spins of the Universe Changed from its Meta Systems of A, E, O, AE, EO and OA to the Matter, the Solid, the Particle Waves, and thus the Space Element of K goes as the First Letter of the Space Element through the VA, VE, VO and the VEA Systems of the Quantized Systems.
At the same time, the one universal system, which is said to go beyond the Light, Space and Time, and the 5 Elements is what we discuss as the “SA-MA-“O, A, E and AE”-NA-HA”, and how great it can be to know that SAHA, the S: in the Indian Systems is also the synonymous word and term for “I”, the S:, the SAHA. Thus, the SAHA as the “Real Prana Systems of the Universal Systems of God”, and this SAHA has been the originator of what Sikh Gurus call the SAHASA-KRITI that the Sanskrit has been originally the Language of SAHA-SA-Krit, and is written with this “Name Time as the Gurmukhi Scripting Systems in the Gurbani”. In other words, the Sahasakrit is the “Language of I, the Breath of Universe, the SAHA”. This version of Sanskrit as the Sahasakrit in Gurmukhi gives Sanskrit a lot higher status than previously given. The Sanskrit Version as the SA(N)-S-Krit involves the NAMA and the MANA Theory, but Sikh Gurus has put it to the SAHA Levels, and thus most of the Indian Terms in Sanskrit and Other Derivative Languages of Sanskrit go as to the Higher Octave of the MANA and the NAMA as the SAHA, and its one of the primal assumption in the Hypothesis and the Thesis of Philselfology that it describes Sanskrit as Sahasakrit through Gurmukhi Script, Language, Linguistic, and the Grammar Systems, and due to its ease, we can think and imagine about the Homotopy Type Theory and the Invariant Math as the Gurmukhi, the Sahasakrit Version of Sanskrit, which is also the Brahmi (Sahasakrit) Systems of the Sanskrit as the Classical Language. The Sikh Gurus described and explained all Indian Sanskrit Scriptures into and as the Sahasakrit (also written as the Sahaskrit), the Gurmukhi Version of the Indian Sacred Civilizations.
If we want to understand all scripts and the scriptures of the Sanskrit Based Languages including the Sanskrit, we can simple change all terms as from NA+MA to “SA-MA-“0”-NA-HA”, and that is as if converting the Classical Sanskrit into the Quantum Sanskrit, which the Sikh Gurus describe as the Sahaskrit. It seem not to involve the half letters as in the Hindi and Other Sanskrit based Languages including the Sanskrit by itself. Due to these reasons, we notice that the Sanskrit when discuss the S:, the SAH, the SAHA Systems, the “I”, it differs from the “NAMA”, the I as the “MAIN, the I”, which is a different version of Sanskrit that focuses on the “Purusha as the First Person”. When the MANA, the MAIN is the First Person, its Female as the First, and thus the Brahmi, the Quantum Languages focus not on the Male but the Female Versions of the Indian Sacred Languages. For example:
SAHA=”I” in Sanskrit
MANA=”MAIN”, the I in the Brahmi Languages, the Gurmukhi and Hindi A, E, O, AE=Third Person Considerations that are used in the Gurmukhi, Hindi and all Indian Brahmi Languages as the Indicator of Third Person say: Ohu janda, Jande, Jando, Jandae, etc. for “He” (Ohu) goes (Janda)
It thus makes the Indian Grammars construct all sentences with the “SAHA”, “MANA”, “A, E, O, AE”, and the I as SAHA goes to Sanskrit while MANA as I goes to Gurmukhi, Hindi and Other Indian Languages. When these systems of SAHA, MANA, and A, E, O, AE are added to the releasing of K’ from K’+“SA-MA-“O, A, E, EA”-NA-HA” is what we know as the Karka, the Case Systems of the Grammars, which are mostly “8 in Count and Applications in World Languages and the Grammars”. So, we can summarize all Indian Grammars as say:
K’+“SA-MA-“O, A, E, EA”-NA-HA”, and how one makes the K’ to reach at the K Level is what the World Grammars; Languages, Linguistics and Quantum Qubit Systems explain.
If we assume K’=Mango, we have to describe what noun, pronoun, proposition, direct and indirect, active and passive, tenses and thus all that goes as the first, second and the third person describe. It thus describes the Invariant Math, the Homotopy Type Theory, and thus the Linguistic Math and the Quantum Qubit Computing.
“I eat mango” gives either I=SAHA or NAMA
K’=mango, and eating as the “A, E, O and AE” is what describes the K’+“SA-MA-“O, A, E, EA”-NA-HA” as the Primal of Indian and the World Languages and the Grammars. When these Indian Grammars reach to the 3rd Dimensions, we have to simply add the TA, THA, DA, DHA, NA to the NA in NA-MA, and PA, PHA (FA), BA, BHA, MA to the MA in the NA-MA, and that is it, and the rest is a story that writes the epics.
In it all, we have the SAHA as the Subject, K’ as Object and “A, E, O, AE” as the Verb, and the great wonder is that in Sanskrit, we use the “MANA”, the “MA and NA” as the helping verbs go to indicate the SAHA Systems, while the “MANA” as “I”, the First Person uses the SAHA as the helping verbs. If we learn these comparative systems of the K’+“SA-MA-“O, A, E, EA”-NA-HA” Systems, we can learn Sanskrit, and all Other Indian Languages as well as the Other World Languages with greater ease and at the same time we can learn the Indian Theory of Elements, Dimensions, 5 Basic Elements, Light, Consciousness, Universe and thus the Quantum Systems of the Global Paradigm Shift of 2012.
Now, when we go little advanced into the Indian Sacred Systems, we have the following that needs our considerations:
K’+“SA-MA-“O, A, E, EA”-NA-HA”
One may ask how and why we have the K’, and what if we get the K by adding the Vacuum (SAHA), the Nano Systems (NAMA), and the Orbits (A, E, O, AE), and how it benefits us.
The simple answer is that the K’ goes for all that we know as the Gravity Systems due to the General Gravity, and for this reason, the Indian Sacred Systems put it as say the Hala, the Plough, the Gravity and Antigravity Systems. When we put the SAHA, MANA (or NAMA) with the A, E, O and AE Systems, we can notice how the gravity, the force of friction is going to act on the Vacuum as the Space Element, and thus the SAHA, and how it goes into the MANA, the Sound Energy Systems that are say as the Centripetal and the Centrifugal Forces, which we usually put as the NAMA or the MANA acting as the Chakra, the Vortex Systems in any given systems. When the SAHA gives the Spacetime, the MANA gives it the Entropy from within as the M, and from outside as the N, and that is where the Gurbani says:
“Naam Ke Dhaare Sagle Jant… Naam Ke Dhaare Khand Brahmand…” (Gurbani)
As we have discussed that the with the help of NAMA if we consider the Sound Systems or if we consider the Light as Waves, we notice either NAMA or the MANA can creates the Dhara, the Dhura, the Dharma, and that is the Pi/4 Systems, and acts as the O-Axis, which are in other words, the Y-Axis in the Cartesian Systems, and we approach it from outside with its opposite pair, the MANA, and that is what we know as the Pi/8 Systems, and that is also the Shakti, the Durga Systems. Here a conventional terms need a little attention, and that is ordinarily the MANA is the Pi/8 and the NAMA is the Pi/4, and that configuration is the 8 Dimensional Systems of the Indian God and Shakti, the Durga Systems. At the center, we have the Philosophy of Indian Purusha, the Vacuum Systems, and that is the SAHA Systems at the Center from which we notice the MANA, the Durga and the NAMA, the God Systems. The MANA deals Light as Sound, the Shakti, and the NAMA deals Light as Wave.
Now, when we have it, the Philosophy of MANA is Religion as the Base, and the NAMA is having the Philosophy as the Base in the Indian Sacred Systems, and its doctrines. The Indian Philosophy deals with the Gate to Zero Systems, and that is the Light as the Gate to Zero, the Vacuum, the Zero Potential because this is what the Darshana, the Dar-sh(n) means in the ordinary way. Thus it takes to NAMA, while the MANA takes the same quantum ride with the Dhar(m). However, when we consider the Indian and World Philosophy and Religions, these differ only by Pi/4 Systems, and thus are the Frameworks of Two Observers, the God and Shakti (Sound, the Matter or Particle Waves) that exist say as the X-X’, Y-Y’, Z-Z’, K-K’ or A-A’, O-O’, E-E’, AE-AE’, and here again, we notice that the difference between the A and A’ is only how it “Spins”, and the difference in these two spins is by:
A’+ “S+H+”A”+N+M”=A
The S and H are also put as say:
And we have also added the “N and M” Systems, which is most essential in the Sanskrit Grammars, and when we consider the “Cause and Effect” in the Brahmi, the Quantum Sanskrit Systems.
So, when we have put all as additions to the K’, and call it say the K’+S+H+A Systems, its what is also the “Philosophy of Light” as the KARA, the Kiran Systems. The Indian Sacred Systems invite the Reiki as the Rakha Systems in which the Light is Invited as RA with 2-Dimensions, the KHA of the Space Element because the Indian Sacred Systems claim that Light is Dual as Wave and Particle, and thus God Worship for Light and Matter. In other words, we have the RA as follows:
However, to understand it better, we can assume and put it say as follows:
K’+S+H+A=K (Nuclear Systems)
K’+M+N+A=K (Nano Systems)
K’+A=K (Orbits)
K/H=K’, the Consonant Creators
The above may seem a funny expression, but the Indian Sacred Languages use it in describing the “Letters and Words with Vowels” as follows:
1. Vowels before and after letter say the IK (EEK) or KEE
2. Vowel at the top or bottom of the letter say KO or KOO and KE and KEA
3. Vowels at the addition, the creation of orbits of the letter say K+A+L=KAL
4. Nano Vowels exist as only the N and M, which we know as the Bindi or the Bindu
5. The Consonant creators always exist as say the K/H=K’, and say if we add the K/H+H, we have the KHA, and K/H+H+H goes as GA, and the K/H+H+H+H goes say as GHA, and if we have breath control to say K/H+H+H+H+H, we say K’YIN-YAN when enough H’s has been added to K, and that is very easy to say!
Here we notice one great point about the Indian Vowels, which is from the nature of classification and that is Light as Wave in the First Row of the Vowels, and that is as if the “Orbital’s of the Atom”, and thus goes to explain the Fermions and that the Orbits as the “Orbits” similar to the planetary motions and the movements gives the Second Row of Vowels as the Quantum Vowels, which describe how the First Row if made quantized enough to be Boson Systems from its Fermion Levels give the sounds of the “Boson Particles as Big as the Galaxies and the Universes”.
As we have the 7 Rows in the Indian Vowels describe the 7 Orbital Levels of the Atoms, and if we find it at the Quantum Levels, these are same as the Orbits, and in other words, the Classical Orbital Systems (Fermion Type Systems) when quantized become the orbits as if the planets, the Boson Particle Systems.
We notice the Expansion of “SA+MA+NA+HA” and also the A, E, O and AE Systems, but the K’ is the what exactly follows the Indian Quantum Systems with the names of say KAYA, KARA, KALA, KAVA and KARAHA, and these sounds add to K’ as:
Here, we also notice the Role Vertical Dimensions of Force as with the K, CH, T¬. (Sounds say as Sit), T (Sounds as Sith, well Italians say it well as T in Time), P, which we know as the First Letters of the Five Rows of the Indian Consonants.
The Indian Sacred Systems, thus put the K’ with the Vertical Dimensions of the K, CH, T., T, P for the Space, Air, Water, Fire and Earth (Solid) Sounds, which we know as the Sounds of Matter, Material World, and thus the World where we use Force of Friction, the General Laws of Newtonian Systems, and the Gravity.
K’+“SA-MA-“O, A, E, EA”-NA-HA”
The Quantum Indian Sacred Systems focus and describe that the following simple extraction of universe systems has occurred as the first thing in the universe:
AE-(E, A, E)
Which means that the Force of Friction, the EA has created the E, A and the O Systems.
However, the Classical Doctrines claim that the O, A and E are superior to the Shakti, the Quantum Systems.
When we consider the Shri Guru Nanak Model and Theory of the Quantum, Classical and the Vacuum, we notice, he describes it with still higher worth to the Vacuum Systems, and thus says:
“Eka Mayi Jugati Viayi Tin Chele Parvan…
Ohu Vaikhai Ona Nadari Na Aavai…” (Gurbani)
“The EA Systems of the Kinetic Energy has created the O, A and E Systems of the Primal Sounds and thus the Brahma, Vishnu and the Mahesha, and the Vacuum (Zero Energy) can see them 4 (AE, E, A, EA), but they in return cannot see it, the (0, 0, 0, 0) Systems”.
Here we notice that the (0, 0, 0, 0) exists in response to (S, M, N, H) as when we express the (0’, 0’, 0’, 0’), and when it deals with the 3-Dimensional Systems, we have the “H Changed into T, the Tricolor, Tri-deva, Tri-guna, and what starts with TA, THA, DA, DHA and NA in the Indian Sacred Languages, and thus the Theory of Elements and Dimensions. For this reason, we notice the (S, M, N, T, H) Systems which are expressed as either say Sanatana or the Satinama, and these are two most primitive and primal systems of the Vacuum, the Zero Point Energy Systems. When the Sanatana goes for the Eternity of Religion say as the Dharma, the Satinama goes for the Eternity of Philosophy (Darshana), and thus one describes the Classical Universe and the other (Satinama) explains the Quantum Universe, the Bindi Universe. Both the Sanatana and the Satinama discuss about the Vacuum Systems, but one goes for the Shoonaya and the other goes for the Soonaya.
The Shoonaya focuses on say Shiva and thus the Theory of Bindi, and the Bindu is the Quality of Siva Systems, and goes as the Soonaya Systems. If we ever think it differs a lot, it does not because it differs only as by 2 Pi as the Planck Constant is the Bindi Theory and when we say the Reduced Planck’s Constant, the Dirac Systems, we have it as the Bindu, which we achieve by simply dividing, the Bindi by 2 Pi.
At the Cartesian Graphical Systems, we can notice that the Bindu Systems go as the 90 Degree Systems as with the Pi/4 Divisions, and the Bindi Systems go for the Pi/8 Divisions, and this is where we find the Trigonometry giving us the Values of (0, 1) and the (1, 0), and the other values are the Integers. Here, we have restate it that the Bindu is the Zero Systems, and the Bindi is the Decimal Systems, and thus the Integers. When we have value of 1 or 0, we have the “Zero Trigonometry”, which we call the “Bindu Systems”and when we have the Integers, we have the “Decimal Trigonometry”, which we call the “Bindi” Systems at the Pi/8 Systems. Here, the Dharma stands as the (0, 1) Values of the Trigonometry say as the Pi/4 and thus as the 90, 180, 270 and 360 Degrees, and thus the Dhura, the Religion in the Indian Sacred Systems.
However, the Pi/8 and the similar Pi Systems give the “View into the Quantum Dots, the Integers, and the name of Darshana is thus seems to be to “See”, and that is the Role of Bindi, the Decimal Systems”.
If we use the Bindu and the Bindi Systems, we notice, these are the Essence of Quantum Teleportation and the Qubit Systems.
In other words, the Bindi is Satinama and the Bindu is the Sanatana.
Here, we also notice the “Great Wormhole Inversion” as when we put the Bindi on the “Top of Letters” and when we put it at the “Bottom of Letters”. When we put it on the top of letters, it gives the “Sounds of N and M”, but at the bottom of letters it gives the multiple sounds of “SH” that are popular sounds in the same way as the decimal points in math, while the N and M goes as the “Set of 0 (M) and 1 (N)”, and the SH is our friendly “Mapping Master” of Pi Systems and thus as the S/H for all that we know as the S=A/H, and when we notice that the S/H is there, it influences the S/H=A/H, A/H^2, and so on, and when we look closely at the S/H Systems, it creates 25 Indian Consonants, and lot more consonants that are beyond the 36 Quantum Sounds, and are thus popular as the Sounds of SH, the Shree. In other words, the S/H is responsible for creating the Decimal Sounds in the Indian and the World Alphabets as the Consonants as its based on the Force of Friction. It, the S/H same as if we say 1/10 Scale in Math, but it has the 1/(2 Pi) Systems. When we consider it for the Nano meters, we have the N and M Systems, and the Nuclear Levels go with the S and H, and the “A, E, O and AE” goes for the Macro Divisions. In other words, we have it as follows:
From 00 to AA, we have the Macro, Micro and the Nano Metric Systems.
Thus, we have:
“SA-MA-0’-0’-0’-0’-NA-HA”=SA(Nano)-MA(Micro)-Macro (A, E, O), and in it the “A’, E’, O’”, NA, HA go as the Nano, Micro and Macro Divisional Groups say as the Decimal Systems as the A’, E’, O’ with N (10 as the Base) and the HA (2 Pi) as the base.
In the Indian Sacred Systems, the 10 as the Bindi, the Decimal is very popular, but the most popular is the HA, the 2 Pi Systems, which constitute the 16 Divisional Group with Indian Sacred Measurements in Math, Music, Geometry and other “Sacred Systems”. These along with the “Space and Time Dimensions of A, E, O and AE” now goes as the Quantum Space and Time Dimensions with its most basic setup that one is very fast, and thus like light, the SA Systems, and one is very slow, like the sound, and thus the HA. The Quantum Sciences and Math thus use the SA-HA with A, E, O and AE as the “basics of Quantum Time Dimensions” say the E’EK as the Chronon. The Indian and Other World Sacred Systems has been using the “HA” as the Pulse Rates, Breath Counts, Blinking Rates of Eyes, and so on with the SA as the Velocity of Light. The Nano Divisions are not new as it stands between the Light and Sound Velocities as once Bohr said in his famous Bohr Model of Atom that we get the Angular Systems if we divide the Systems by 2 Pi, and later Planck and Dirac jumped to get it all as say:
How Indians and Arabians get it, when they say velocity of light with blink of eyes as the rate of H is equal to the certain eye blink counts, the pulse rates, the 24000 breathes in a day and so on, and its all the play of simple down to earth knowledge and common sense as the “H”, the Smaller the Units of H, the Smaller is the Circle and the Radius of S, the Angular Systems, and more is the velocity of the given system.
One of the great things include that we pay attention to the advanced levels of the S=A/H, and that is possible if we learn it as follows:
S’/S or the S/S’: We have discussed earlier about the S/H or even the H/S, but the S’/S or the S/S’ differs a lot when our modern world has arrived at the “Dimensional Time” Dimensions with the names of Quantum Time and the Chronon. Here, we consider the following:
S=S’+(S+H+A), and how we decide it whether we add, subtract or multiply needs a little more attention:
S’/S=<S-(S+H+A)>/S (Fundamental Equations of Classical and Quantum Systems)
At times, the same letters may have different meaning say the S as when in the left and right side of the equation, and its mostly when we need subscripts as the classical (bonding) nature of S+H and when it’s the quantum (inside the nucleus), and thus as the s+h, but if we go in details, we may waste lots of time, so we have to recall and use the S+H as mostly the “Nuclear Systems” that remains hidden, and if we use it, we use it as the “Nuclear Additions”, and thus the S+“S+H” may seem as if “S+S”+H as well, but the quantum studies invite students and learners to involve into the discussions with artistic approach rather than the logic based steps, which is memorization without comprehension. The artistic, the quantum approach is the best use of human creative intelligence and do not require the logic gates of the classical systems. So, we can notice S+S+H as say S+S+H (or SS+H) and S+S+H, and if we do our home work and understand both, it is better than good. So, now, we have the following:
S’/S=<S-(S+H+A)>/S=1-(S+H+A)/S (Fundamental Equation of Quantum’s)
If we disturb the “S+H+A”, we may lose the tracks, and if we know excessive results based on logic, the quantum qubit and teleportation may not produce results, as we have one of the major difference in the classical and the quantum systems, and that is the quantum systems give the space and time dimensions simultaneously, and thus if we ever put the classical logic gates to get the “Addition, Subtraction, Divisions and or Multiplication” just because there appears easy operational grounds, we end up with nothing, and the reason is simple; it involves dimensions. The S with H goes as S+H, and differs from both the S and H, and we can notice that it changes dimensions, and that is why “No Operation on just “seeing” the possibilities as if a new psychiatry student”, but “Exploring the Dimensions, and “seeing” the zero, higher and lower dimensions as the child student of philosophy”. When we start logic, we are no longer a student of philosophy, but logic that leads to classical math, which may not become the “Single Theory and Model of Everything”. Rather, the students who can easily correlate and integrate math, music, grammar, computing, drawing, designing and so on end up highly creative intelligent oriented ones. It has brought the Quantum Systems to a full use of human brain evolution theories even though the results may come in due course of time.
When we consider the M+N Systems, its Basic Systems has one of the most popular term, the Pati (Husband, the P+T=M+N Dimensionally), which is the 1st Dimension of M+N in the 6th and the 7th Row of the Indian Alphabets. The Pata+Ni, the Patani, the Wife Systems are what expands the M+N Dimensions into plural systems. These two systems of the P-Row (7th Row) and the T-Row (6th Row) create the rest of vowels and consonants, and thus together are the “Parents of Alphabets”.
We will edit and add.
P.S.: Just to request it again that all of these works are based on the Gurmukhi as described in last 300 years of imperialism and in 600 years of compilation of Gurmukhi, the Quantum Sacred Systems of the Gurbani (11th Century-17th Century), and differs from the Sanskrit Language in many cases, more research works are required to established as the most compatible systems with the Quantum Systems, the Siva as written in the Raga Compositions of the Gurbani on this format, we hope for the best results in this regard.
The Previous Part of the Series: How Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and His Gurmukhi Language Explain Theory of Millions of Universes and Superuniverses, Indian and Arabian Languages, Grammars and Linguistic Systems, Light and Consciousness: Be Happy Philselfologically 154
The Next Part of the Series: How 35 Quantum Sounds Explain World Languages, Sacred Grammars, Linguistics, Consciousness, 5 Basic Elements, Light, Indian Religions, Faiths, Spiritualism, Yoga, Meditation, Universe and Quantum Systems: Be Happy Philselfologically 156
Thanks for your time!
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