How Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has added Euler, Pi, Phi, and Sacred Geometry to the Quantum Philosophy of Indian and World Civilizations: Gurmukhi, Elements, Dimensions, and Superstring Theory, EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems and Be Happy Philselfologically – 126
Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was such a great quantum scientist, mathematician, grammarian and philosopher of theory of elements, dimensions, consciousness and the universe that he explained it all to his school teachers on his first meeting with them in both the Hindu School Systems called the Asharama and the Muslim School Systems called the Madarasa. The teachers from both schools reported to his parents that the child knows everything quantum and explains it with the Indian Theory of Elements and Dimensions, the OORA, AARA and EERI as he was well versed in the Vowel Theory, the Basics of Quantum Elements and Dimensions of Indian and the World Civilizations.
Because of it, he was also able to compose and sing in the Indian Classical Raga Systems, construct the Sacred Architects of Quantum Systems as the Sikh Gurus used the Euler, Pi and Phi in the Gurudawara Sacred Architect Quantum Systems, and all Sikh Gurudawara buildings follow this Sacred Quantum Architect, and its a wonder that All Sikh Gurus and the Bhagat’s knew it without learning it academically, but intuitively or after going for the “Free Flow Art, the Quantum Art of Everything”. Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji was Master of Grammar of Indian Element Theory and Dimensions known as the Indian Tattva Darshana with which he and later other Sikh Gurus composed and sung the Sacred Poetry called the Gurbani, created Sikh Gurudawara’s, Musical Systems, Martial Arts, Languages, Grammars, Linguistics, and all that is Quantum Setup of Sacred Education Systems based on the Gurmukhi Grammar, the Science of Quantum Sacred 35 Sounds called the Painty (35) Akhari with the SAHA as the 36 Sacred Sound of Space and Time Elements.
Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji added the Philosophy of IK, which is the Euler Identity in Space, the Imaginary Equation setup of “i, the imaginary” that also gives “0, the zero” a proper place and that E=Euler in Space (K) has “E” alone calculated below and should not be confused with how Euler Identity as IK can be zero as IK means “Euler (E) in Space (K)” (sometime calculations in maths lead to no conclusions, then we need philosophy, art of visualizing the problems and thus the pure maths):
Here, we notice that E+E=IK, which is Power of 2 to Euler Identity that gives it as the 1 as well, which is the First Numeral of the Gurmukhi Numeral Systems. Thus, the E in Gurmukhi is same as the Euler’s “e”!
For easy to understand we can expand the Homotopy Type Theory (HoTT) as the Exponential (Mostly Euler) (IK) Logarithm (OA) Antilogarithm (AU) and Algorithm (KARA), and thus the “IK-ONKARA” as the “Exponential, Logarithmic and Anti-logarithmic Algorithm”. All of it also expands as the O, A, O+A=E, OA, OE, AE, and when we rearrange this sacred symmetry with E=O+A and then all vowels sprouting and spreading from it, we always find it as the Fibonacci Sequence which is the Exponential (Euler), Logarithm (Matter) and Antilogarithm (Antimatter) Algorithm of Everything using Vowel Theory as the IK-ONKARA Series, Sequence and the Sacred Geometry in which the Antisymmetry (1-D, the OORA Systems, the O) and Symmetry (2-D, the AARA, the A) the has a blend, the O (1-D) and the A (2-D) giving E (O+A=E) as the 3-D, the EERI Systems. This is also the “Base and the Basics of Quantum Qubit Computing”, and thus all that includes the “Quantum”, the Kara, the Quantum Continuum consisting of 36 Quantum Sounds that we know as the 36 Strings as the 2 Superstrings (Set of 10 Strings) and 26 Strings (Group of 5 Strings in 5 Rows and the SAHA, which present as Spacetime element in all strings, the Akhara), which constitutes the Superstring Theory as the M-Theory of Everything.
“ONAM Akhar Tribhavan Saar…” (Gurbani)
“Set of All Strings (ONAM) is the Akhara (Word, the Quantum Sounds), the Strings, which is the Secret and the essence of All Secrets of the Universe (SAAR) as the Three Worlds.” (Gurbani)
Please note that matter and the antimatter goes as from the particle and the antiparticle uniting to create the algorithm of creation of matter, and thus IK (Matter and Antimatter) OA (Antiparticle) AU (Particle) Kara (Creation of matter and antimatter algorithm) goes as the IK-Onakara System Algorithms.
When we notice the expansion of Matter, Antimatter from the Particle and the Antiparticle as the IK-Onkara Systems, these has its Moolmantra as the Antimatter-Matter (I’K), Antiparticle-Particle (O’N’KARA), “Anti-gravity (Light, the Sati)”-“Gravity” (SATI’GUR), and finally Unionized-Ionized (PAR’SADI, the Para is Uni-ionized, the Uni-ionized Light as the “Light Energy” and SADI is the Ionized Light as the Sound Energy, and in the Quantum View the Para is Ionized Light, the 5th Dimension of Matter Observation that we “SEE IT” while Sadi is Unionized Light as Sound that is popular as Swaad, the Taste as the First Dimension of Matter Observation) Systems as the Essence of Universal Pairing that we read as the “IK-Onkara Satigur Parsadi”, the Beeja Moolmantra of the Gurbani. Here I had to make a very silly change as Unionized to Uni-ionized Para Light Systems as I am having cough, infection and allergy from last week and lack a focus little, so please pray for my better health!
When we think of the matter, antimatter, particle, antiparticle, ionized and the unionized systems, these go for the integration at one place while for the differentiation on the other hand. When these do the integration, its called the SOHUN, the SAHA Systems, and when these follow the differentiation, its the HANSA, the HASA Systems, and this is what goes in our “Left and Right Brains” for as long as we live, which gives us the joy of light, consciousness and the vibrations (Sound Energy) as the 3 Primal Observers of “ONE, the Integrated “I” that makes us what and who we are”, and that is how we have fusion and fission going on simultaneously, and these has levels say as the “gravity”-“anti-gravity”, light-sound, logarithm-antilogarithm, ionized-unionized and so on that is again summarized as the IK-Onkara Satigur Parsadi, the Mantra, the Homotopy Type Linguistics Equations in the Indian and Other Civilizations. In this context, the Mantras in the Gurbani describe the Sacred Quantum Systems of the universe based on the 35 Sacred Quantum Sounds with the Spacetime of SAHA.
How and Why we lack genius students and people in our modern world: The Hindu and the Jewish Philosophy stands well with the Sat-Chit-Ananad which is the Frame of Reference of the Universe as the Light (Sat)-Consciousness (Chit)-Sound (Anand) whereas the use of Satinama, Satigur, Gurparsadi, Parsadi, etc. are the 4th, 5th, 6th and Higher Dimensions, which is done after one has gone through the classical systems, which the Vedas educates, and its here every world religion has two streams, the Vidya (Classical Studies) and the Brahma-Vidaya (Quantum Studies) for Brahm’gyana, we may differ in the classical systems but not in the quantum systems. Almost all of the evolutionary and visionary works and researches add to the Quantum World, the World of Evolution. The Vedas or the Classical Systems that are educated in the academics may not add anything as it does not change with age, time and the contemporary changes. For example, we cannot create any new thing say colors, numbers, sounds and so on, but we notice that we find new color, new number, new sound, and that is the Evolution as the Reincarnation to what is already Incarnated. For this reason, the Reincarnated is the Philosophy of Ishwara, the Quantum Systems, and the Incarnated is the Philosophy of Light, the Classical Systems, and its always advisable for the learners or students to avoid arguing with the classical theorists about how new inventions are going on and it should addressed to the quantum authorities that provide time, attention and respect to any new idea, innovations and or evolutionary work. The evolutionary, the quantum works at times seem to challenge the classical works, which has gone from the quantum levels to academics in the world as slowly every quantum work changes into the classical work for study, research and further developments.
For evolution of languages, linguistics, homotopy type theory, Invariant Mathematics and its foundations, and its use in the computer programming, technology, robotics, nanotechnology, health and wellness systems, defense and security systems, and so on, we can to understand and develop the sacred languages of the world that has the following 4 Primal Dimensions of the Quantum Universe:
1. The Static Part of the Sacred Language, which is the ONKARA Systems, and its the 1st Dimension of the Given Sacred Language and is the Image Part
2. The Kinetic Part of the Sacred Languages, which the IK, the Exponential Systems, and its the 2nd Dimension, the Audio Part of the Language
3. The Dynamic Part of the Sacred Languages, which is the Satigur, the Light, Color and Gravity Systems, and its the 3rd Dimension of the Language, the Video Part
4. The Quantum Part of the Sacred Languages, which is the Parsadi, the Photon; Virtual Cloning and Sound Mappings from any Language in its 4th Dimensions, and thus is the Software, Multimedia, Programming Part that the Sacred Language offers
Thus, the Kinetic Static Dynamic and Quantum Setup as the IK-Onkara Satigur Parsadi, and Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has explained the Philosophy of Quantum Observer, the “Karta Purkhu” in the Moolmantra that explains all aspects of the Superstring Theory as it deals the Time Dimension as the Theory of Vibration of A’+A’=A as the AKAAL Purakhu and its humanly image as the Akaal Moorati, the Superstring Theory of Vibration, the A as from A’+A’ in which A’ is the Spin of Vibration that follows the Pauli Exclusion Principle that is A’ and the A’ are two opposite spins that join and circulate together as A at the Atomic Levels and at the Molecular Levels it goes to A+A=AA, which is the 4th Dimension of Vibrations, the Self-assembling at the Molecular Levels.
Thus, what the Guru Ji has put forward is the Sacred Rearrangement of A , E, O and AE, the 4 Pada Quantum Philosophy of Indian Civilizations as the E, O, A, AE that is IK (E) O (Onkara) A (Satigur) and AE (Parsadi) in which the priority has been given to the Vishnu Levels of A, the Vibration Theory that works as the A’+A’=A (Pauli Exclusion Principle) and A+A=2A (Self-assembling Law and Principle). Here, the Pauli Exclusion Principle of A’+A’=A and Self-assembling Principle of A+A=2A with Phase Transition of A+A=A-A=2A constitutes the “Sacred Dipole”, the 4 Dimensional Quantum Setup of the Universe, which is the Vishnu Dipole Systems and North Indians mostly follow it in sacred education, studies, research, development and welfare works, and Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has revived and added to the Indian and the World Civilizations in the said subject matters of the Sacred Education Systems in the world. The Phase Transitions are always two as A’+A’=A’-A’=2A’=A and the A+A=A-A=2A=AA.
Image: The Phase Transitions are always two as A’+A’=A’-A’=2A’=A and the A+A=A-A=2A=AA, and the Sikh Quantum Sacred Systems, while the Himalayan Civilizations has used it from ages it as the Waheguru (A, E, O, AE) Dipole, and its the “Quantum Secret of Every Possible Vibration in the Universe; Monopole (First Pada), Bi-pole (Second Pada), Tri-pole (Third Pada) and the Dipole (Fourth Pada)” that is also “Essence of All Indian Astrological Dipoles consisting of the 4 Pada Quantum Systems”
Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Founder of Sikhism after having the Quantum Insight of the Universe, Consciousness, Sacred Quantum Sounds (36 Tattva, the Quantum Elements), Sacred Music, Math, Grammar, and having realized the Sacred Art of Writing, Composing and Singing Sacred Mantras wrote the Quantum Genesis of the Universe that describes the Complete Superstring and the String Theory with all of its aspects to quantum systems of the universe. He gave this Sacred Doctrine of Quantum Genesis the name of “Japu”, which is the “Jeeva (J)+Solid Structure of Life, the Life Cell (P)”, which vibrates with the A and O as with the J+A and P+U, which simply means “Life Cell with Vibrations of A’, A, 2A’ and the Solid Structures with the 1-Dimensional Vibrations of Light, the O-OO, which in other words, the neutron systems in the Indian Tattava Darshan, the Philosophy of Elements and the Dimensions.
Even though many people read the Japji Sahib as the Prayer, the Path, but its the Pure Quantum Science, Math, Music, Grammar, Solid and the Sacred Geometry, and thus the Sacred Systems based on the Gurmukhi Theory of Elements and Dimensions that deals with the “Photon Theory as the Mana, the Creative Intelligence, Heart Systems”.
Thus, the Japji Sahib describes how the “Life Cell (J) with its Solid Structures (P), and its Organisms exist, function, and have various identities and roles in the Universe while also composing the Dynamic and the Quantum Universe, and thus Japji Sahib describes the 4-Dimensional Universe at all levels.” Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji also explained this Quantum Genesis to the Himalayan Yogis and the South Indians in the “Sidh Goshti” (Quantum Discourses between Yogis and Guru Ji) and the “Dakhani Onkara” (Quantum Discourses between South Indians and Guru Ji).
Guru Ji also went to the Arabian Countries to discuss the Quantum Philosophy, Math, Science, Grammars and thus the Quantum Sacred Education, Evolution and Research Systems, and we are now able to discuss it all online through internet and various other formats in our age of information and technology.
Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji contributed many Sacred Quantum Doctrines and later the Other Sikh Gurus added the Sacred Quantum Philosophy Segments, and collected it from the Indian Civilization and the Arabian Civilizations, and all was composed and compiled in Holy Shri Guru Granth Sahib, the Living (Dynamic and Quantum) Guru of Sikh Quantum Sacred Systems.
The Quantum Languages are used as the “Most Sacred Languages” of the Prayers, Mantras, Sacred Music, Painting, Architect, Grammars, Maths, Computing, Focusing, Meditation, Dances, Singing, and so on, and we are not well versed in our modern age to get any advantage from it as all of it is the “Humanly Content”, the “Quantum Civilization”.
Now, we notice in the Indian Civilizations that the WAHEGURU Dipole of the Indian Vowel Theory of A, E, O, U has the WAHU as the “Most Essential of Indian Secrets of Everything” as it deals with the “W” of the Rohini Nakshtra (Moon Systems), the 2nd in the Indian Constellation Systems and the “A” of the Kritikka (Sun Systems) Nakshtara, the 1st in the Indian Constellations, which create the “WA” as the Essence of Sun-Moon at the Constellation Levels, and gives it the Visirgina say as the WA:, WAH System that differs from the SA and the SAHA Systems. This “WAHU” as the Primal Couple of Constellation Systems is called the WAHE-GURU (WAH-E-GURU) or simply the WAHEGURU Systems, and Bhai Gurdas Ji, the Sikh Philosopher has given a very good commentary about how the Indian Nama Systems of say the Rama, Krishana, Hari, Gobind, and others help in the evolution of the universe. The Sacred Gurbani describes various names of Gods as the Sacred Dipole, the Composition of Constellation, Signs, Planets and Vibrations as the “A, E, O and U” (Krittika and Rohini Nakshtra, the Constellation Systems). Thus, the NAMA, the Names that are used in the Gurbani are the Vibration Dipoles of Sacred Symmetry and Geometry, Musical Sounds, and that can create zero point vacuum potential energy systems, and we feel positive and energetic, and it creates the “Free Flow of Energy” as music helps in studying. These, in this context, are also called the Perfect Mantras that contribute towards the evolution of the universe.
In this part of the series, we discuss how he, the Guru Ji has also elaborated the Euler, Pi and Phi as explained the Pi Sacred Systems to Hindus and the Phi Sacred Systems to the Muslim Scholars, Learned People and the Researchers of his times and as we discuss it.
The Ik-Onkara as the “Euler, Pi and Phi” Systems has been the “Base and the Basics of the Indian Sacred and All Other Possible Education Systems” as it deals and educates everything about what the “5 Quantum Strings as the Space, Air, Water, Fire and Solid” create life with the Atomic Systems of the Primal Superstring of Light, and the Consciousness as the Second Vowel Row that deals the Ishwari, the Parmeshwara Sacred Systems that explain the “Living Systems”, and thus “Botany and Biology”, and it has 16 Spins as the Matrix of Life, and the Dimensions of the Indian Maatra, the Sapta-matrika, the Gur Ki Moorati, Akaal Moorati, and may it be in any context explains the “Secrets of Life, Consciousness and the Sacred Education and Research of the Universe”, and its also the “Quantum Basics of World Education” that has the Invariant, the Homotopy Type Theory as the Mathematics. If we consider the “Euler Math”, we think of “IK”, the Sacred Trigonometry in the 3-D and the 4-D Systems!
In this context, the Kabir Ji added the word of “Khalsa” to the Indian Civilizations in the Gurbani, which later was given the Higher Status by the Tenth Guru, Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji. The Khalsa is the Tattava Darhsana of the Kara Systems in the Higher Dimensions as it has the “KA-KHA”, “AA”, “YA, RA, LA”, “O, A, E, SA”, AA, which gives the Space Element of K in the Second Fold Dimension of Kha, and the Solid Structures of LA as the 3-Dimensional Strctures that vibrate with the “A and the AA” as in the KH (2-D)-AA (4-D Vibrations)-LA (3-D)-SA (4-D)-AA (4-D Vibrations), and thus is the KARA+SAHA, the Quantum Spacetime, which is the Pious and Pure Systems according to the Indian Theory of Elements and the Dimensions, the Sacred Tattava Darshana of the 36 Sacred Quantum Sounds. The term Khalsa is thus also used in the Arabian Civilizations in the same context. In our discussions, its the Quantum Spacetime as the Khal+Saha, the Time as Quantum (Kh, L with origin of K and R, the Kara Philosophy of Indian Civilizations having names of Kareema in the Arabian Civilizations) and the Spacetime as the SAHA. The Sikhs celebrate the Vaisakhi, the First Month of Sun Sign, the Aries in Indian Civilizations as the Birth of Khalsa as the Tenth Sikh Guru Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave Sikhs the special identity of “Khalsa, the Panth”, the Quantum Time and SAHA System followers, and the Path in it is the Quantum Time and the SAHA, the Spacetime Quantum Philosophy of Sacred Systems in the world.
Dimensionally speaking the Kara, the Indian Quantum Systems change into its next dimensional octave as the Ka-Kha and Ra-La, which is the “Sacred Phase Transition” from the Kara, the Quantum to the Khala, the Khel, the Cosmic Play, the Game, and its all the 2-Dimensional Space (Kha) and the Light as the 3-Dimensional System, the La), and thus the Khala, the Khela, the Cosmic Play of the Universe, and its the “Base and Basis of Khalsa”, which signifies the Quantum Play that Sikh Gurus, the Quantum Sacred Educationists has called the “Jagat Tamasha”, the Leela, the Khela, and has thus made studies of universe easier for the masses.
In our modern theory of zero potential vacuum free energy systems, the Khala+SAHA Systems has the Khila as the Vacuum in which when anything interacts goes through the SAHA, the Spacetime activities also follows the Khila, the Vacuum Spacetime Systems, which otherwise is the KARA in the visible world, and thus the Kara+Saha, and the same in the vacuum is the Khala+saha. The Khala is also the Philosophy of Shoonaya, the 4th Dimension and refers to the 0, the Zero as the 4th Dimension.
Video: The Vacuum Point Energy as the Khala+SAHA Systems of the universe as according to the Indian and the Arabian Sacred Education Systems
Thus, the word Khalsa when used for a human simply means the level at which one links up to the 4th Dimension, the Khala, the Vacuum, the Source of Free Vacuum, the Zero Point Energy and as its the SAHA, the Spacetime Joining, the sacred bonding, the word goes as the Khala+Saha or simply the Khalsa.
When we think and imagine of what is higher than the Kara (Quantum) and the Khala (Khela, the Dynamics of Quantum, the Leela or the Cosmic Play), we notice that the Quantum Philosophers and Scientists in the Indian Civilizations do not seem to support it as it is what goes as the Ka, Kha, Ga with the Ra, La, Va, and gives the “Gavana, the 3-Dimensional Classical Wandering in the Space”, and thus it says so:
“Mit Gaye Gavan Paye Bisraam…” (Gurbani)
When we use the Kara and the Khala (Khela), the Quantum and its Dynamics, we get the “Quantum Rest, the Bisrama”, and our 3-Dimensional Wandering, the Classical Wandering, the Gavana comes to an end.
Thus, we have the Indian Quantum Dynamics of Kara, Khela that can either go as the Onkara way or the Gava (the next dimensions, which are not higher but multiple folds of kara into khela and if excess create fake wandering of multiple folds, the manifolds of terms and thus the gava, the gavana). The dimensional theory has multiple folds and the higher dimensions which differ a lot as one creates matter (manifold) and one creates many or multiple mediums (the higher dimensions). Its all the part of what we now study as the Superstring Theory, the M-Theory of Everything.
In the Superstring Theory, the First Row of the Indian Alphabets stands as the Zero Dimension, and the Space Element Row goes as the Anti-zero Dimension, and its the “Pair of Dimension and the Anti-dimension”, and it goes throughout the Alphabet and ends up with the 6th Row as the 4th Dimension and the 7th Row as the Anti 4th Dimension. In all of these dimensions and anti-dimension systems of 8-Dimensional Setup, the SAHA, the Spacetime remains as the 8th Dimension that manages the Pair of 4 Dimensions and the Anti-dimensions. Thus, the 7 Rows of the Indian Alphabets has the 8th Row added in it all as follows:
Where K’ is any consonant to which we have to add the breathe (S), time interval or duration (H) and vibration energy (A) to speak it. This theory of “S+H+A” is same in the “Classical, the Sound Systems” and the “Quantum, the 4-Dimensional Sound and Light Systems”, and its the most essentially part of all string theories in the world.
When we compare the Indian and the Arabian Theories, these have the “N,M”, the Bindi and the Bindu as one major setup of the Quantum Sciences while the Quantum Vibration Theories are summarized as the “A, 2A” or say the Dipoles of “A’, 2A’ (A), 3A’, 4A’ (2A)”, and the Dipole of A-2A-Vibratios are put as the “Kh(a)A-L-Sa”, and that the Arabian Languages and thus the Israeli and other Jewish Sacred Systems use the A-2A-Vibration Theory as the “Stress, the Dipole Creators”. Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and the Other Sikh Gurus brought the Wisdom of the Holy Kateba (Holy Bible and the Holy Qur’an Sharif), and thus the Israeli and the Arabian “A’-A-2A'” as the Sacred Dipoles into the Indian Sacred Systems of the Bindi and the Bindu, “the N and the M Sacred Quantum Sounds”. The Israeli and the Arabian Dipole Systems use the A’ and the 2A’ Systems up to the 4A’ and the 6A’ as the “Stress Creator on the Given Quantum Sounds say the Khalsa as the Kh (2A’ at the Feet)-AA-L-Sa=Kh(2A’)AA-L-SA, which is otherwise written as the Khalsa, but pronounced with the Israeli and the Arabian Dipole Systems as the KH(2A’)-A-L-SA, the Kh(2A’)A’L’SA.
Thus, the Gurmukhi Script uses the Sacred Wisdom of Israeli, Arabian and the Indian Civilizations with the Bindi (N), Bindu (M), Vibration Dipoles of A’, 2A’, 3A’ and the 4A’ (The Merkaba Systems to say). In it, the Primal Vibration of A’ creates the “Yin and Yang”, the Two Opposite Pair of Pauli Exclusion Principle, and we have the “A’-A'” as the Male-Female Dipole as the String Theory of the Universe, which further plays with the universe with their free will as the Shiva-Shakti as the A’-A’ to create the “A-A”, the Higher Male and Female Levels, which we can say the Superstring Theory of Everything. So, according to our Philselfological Hypothesis, the Superstring and the Super-dipole Theory is also the one and the same thing to say. Moreover, the A’-A’ and the 2A’-2A’ pair up also as the 4 Primal Dimensions of the Universe, the Essence of Superstring Theory as the A’, 2A’ (=A), 3A’ and the 4A’ (=2A) with “Inner Energy of the Dipole as the (A’-A’, the A’ as the Basic String and its 4 A’ Companions as the 0A’, 1A’, 3A’, 4A’ as the 5 Strings)-(A’-A’-A’-A’ Vibrating as 2A’-2A’, the Two Superstrings), and this is what is inside the Merkaba Sacred Systems.
The 5 Strings of 0A’, 1A’, 3A’, 4A’ that has a very deep affinity with its 2nd and the 4th Dimensions give us the Two Superstrings as the 2A’=A (Primal Force Dimensions) and the 4A’=2A (Self-assembling 4th Dimension, the Primal Power Dimensions). This is the Sacred Structure of All World Languages and the Vibration Theories, and its also the “Sacred Foundation of Linguistic Math and Grammar of Sacred Poetics say the Gurbani”. All of it gives Music the Classical (Raga) and Quantum (Folklore) as sacredness added to the “36 Quantum Sounds” and we have the classical (raga) and the quantum (folklore, country music, the dharana) musical world of the superstring and the strings, which are as the “A, E, O and AE” (Musical Sounds) and the “0A’, 1A’, 3A’, 4A'” (Raga Parameters) as the Indian and the World Classical and the Quantum Music, Art, Folklore, Dances, Beats, Drums, and all that has a rhythm in it with the Strings (A, E, O, AE) and the Superstrings (0A’, 1A’, 3A’, 4A’).
The Indian and the World Sacred, the Quantum Systems then also go to A’=O, 2A’=A, 3A’=E and 4A’=AE, which gives us the Cartesian Graph and all that we study as the O, A, E, and AE as the X, Y, Z and the K Directions and the Dimensions in the Mathematical and the Graphical Systems. Its here the Sacred languages become the Sacred Math and Geometry. It also leads to the Sacred Music, Fibonacci Sequence, and it thus constitutes the “Differential Systems of Integration and Differentiation, and all as the Sacred Calculus and the Algebra”. Its base is the Homotopy Type Theory and the Invariant Math as the A, E, O and AE with the 0A’, 1A’, 3A’, 4A’ that gives Logarithm and the Algorithm a infinite flow and we can integrate all world subjects and faculties of human knowledge and wisdom to it.
The Grammatical Constructions Higher than A, E, O and AE using 0A’, 1A’, 3A’, 4A’ as the Base and the Basis (String and Superstrings) gives us the Sacred Universe and Philosophy as the Homotopy, Topology, and all as the Quantum Qubit. The Classical and the Quantum Studies are thus simply the ‘A, E, O and AE” and the “0A’, 1A’, 3A’, 4A'”. !
These Two Superstrings of “A, E, O and AE” and the “0A’, 1A’, 3A’, 4A'” interact with the 5 Primal Elements of the Universe namely the Space, Air, Water, Fire and Solid, which has the “Sacred Geometrical Structures and Compositions” and give us what we know as the 25 Consonants based on the “Sacred Sounds it creates by interacting with the 5 Basic or the Primal Elements”. It leads to the “Visible World of Sacred Architect, Instruments, Art-crafts with Sacred Foods, Cooking, Recipes, Cloths, Garments, Wearings, Jewellery, Costumes, Dresses, Shoes, Turbans, Temples, Mosques, Churches, Gurudawara’s, Decorations, Rangoli’s, Drawing and Painting, Sculptures, and all that is the 16 Kala and the 64 Vidya Systems of the religions, faiths and the world civilizations. Here, the Superstrings have 25 Sacred Extensions of Consonants as the Brahmi, the Quantum World of Sacredness, the World of Gods, Goddesses and the Angels to say.
While using the Superstring of “A, E, O and AE” and the “0A’, 1A’, 3A’, 4A'”, the Ancient People has been able to develop the Mantras and the Sacred Poetics as for example:
“OM Gran Grin Gron Sah Gurvey Namah” (Indian Classical, the Vedic Composition) and
“Ram Katha Jug Jug Atal, Sab Koi Bhakhat Net,
Suragvas Raghubar Kara Sagari Puri Samet” (Indian Quantum, the Sacred and the Poetic Composition)
In both of these Mantra (Classical) and the Poetic (Quantum) Strings, the Sacred Compositions, the Superstrings of “A, E, O and AE” and the “0A’, 1A’, 3A’, 4A'” has been used with the “Basics of Vowel Theory”. It constitutes most of the International Classical and Quantum Parameters and the Standards that change nowhere in the universe, and it takes a little time and practice to learn and master it all. Its all “intuitive, the natural flow”.
Quantum and Comparative Religious Studies: When we consider these Classical and the Quantum Bases and the Basics of the Vedas and the Gurbani, we notice we have lot more to learn to respect the Sacred Poetics say the Gurbani, which essentially describes the “Quantum 36 Sounds of the Universe as the Sacred Education of the Universe”. The Experts and Specialists of Quantum Sacred Systems in the past has always put it all as the Vedas and its Derivatives say the Classical Studies and the Gurbani, and its Derivatives say the Quantum Studies, and also so in other formats say the Holy Bible and the Holy Qur’an Sharif, and the Other Sacred Compositions in the world, and with this insight of the String and the Superstring Theories based on the Sacred Languages, we will be able to understand the universe in a lot better and in a pious, the sacred way so that we also respect and love it and the life in it.
Now, these classical and the quantum bases and the basics that has also created the Global Paradigm Shift in Sacred Education Systems give greater insight into how its also the “Bases and Basics of Comparative Religious Studies, Research and Innovation” as it has always kept the Ancient and Sacred Systems alive among the religious people. The Modern Homotopy Type Theory, Invariant Mathematics, and all that constitutes the Quantum Systems also invites all world religions and faiths a comparative religious study and research “chair, the quantum platform” for these modern needs that will help to understand and respect it, the classical and the quantum systems in an insightful way.
So, how and why the Hindi Alphabet can not be National Superstring Anthem, Gurmukhi for the Punjabi’s and all other alphabets for the respective nations, states, tribes, aborigines, and the other regional zones in the world, we can have it as the easiest way to educate the masses and the world populations and create the scientific and the quantum awareness in the world communities, and it helps what extincts otherwise that we have discussed as the “Brahmi, the Quantum Systems and the Civilizations of the World”.
The Indian Alphabets say the Gurmukhi goes as the O as 1-D (OORA), A as the 2-D (AARA), E as the 3-D (EERI) and SASA, the SA as the Time Dimension, the 4th Dimension and the 5th Dimension is the HAHA, the 5th Column and with the 4 Primal Spins of A, E, O and the AE, it constitutes the 20 Sacred Dimensions of the Physical World with the Increasing or Decreasing of Degrees of Freedom (From Space Elements to Solid Elements placed as the Quanta Chart, the Quantum Systems), which can we well understood with the “Euler Pi Phi”, the Ik-Onkara Philosophy that formulates the “Mathematical Formulation of Quantum Mechanics”.
When we consider integrating the modern and the ancient theories, it goes well with the “Ik-Onkara Satigur Parsadi”, which can be used to derive many theories in a single setup, and its the “Sacred Education Systems” and embraces all religions, faiths and the civilizations, and gives some details as follows:
“The study analyzed a variety of different models for the universe, including finite vs. infinite, flat, negatively curved (saddle-shaped), positively curved (spherical) space and a torus (cylindric). The study revealed that the math adds up if the universe is finite and shaped like a dodecahedron, as in the illustration below provided by Weeks…
(With thanks from the source: )
What we have described as the SAHA, the Space-time Sacred Systems, it gives a good response to the following universal research hypothesis that invites solution for the space-time problems in the quantum sciences and the maths:
“… one does not yet have a mathematically complete example of a quantum gauge theory in four-dimensional space-time, nor even a precise definition of quantum gauge theory in four dimensions. Will this change in the 21st century? We hope so!”
And thus we have almost answered all that it says and asks:
“Yang–Mills Existence and Mass Gap. Prove that for any compact simple gauge group G, a non-trivial quantum Yang–Mills theory exists on \mathbb{R}^4 and has a mass gap Δ > 0.
In this statement, Yang–Mills theory is the (non-Abelian) quantum field theory underlying the Standard Model of particle physics; \mathbb{R}^4 is Euclidean 4-space; the mass gap Δ is the mass of the least massive particle predicted by the theory. (With thanks from the source:… )
P.S.: One day, they may ask for having an award for it! Get the couriers and pay $350, and beware of the online scams, meet our agent, and he will give you the cash, and lo the rest is a story!
So, I thought about it and submitted an application for patenting it all as the “Gurmukhi, the String Theory, the Philselfological Model of Everything”, and in the 3 different sets of claims submitted in 2014 to the USPTO Offices, USA has one set of claims that says: “Gurbani, Gurumukhi (Punjabi) Language, Alphabet, Numerals, and Indian Theory and Philosophy of Elements describe the Pulsar, Spiral, Chirals, Metamaterial, Nano Systems, Single Models of Everything, Theories of Everything Models, and Sacred World Education Systems and is Scientific, Philosophical, Artistic, Technical, and Metaphysical Models of Everything and All Theories of Everything, and thus named Philselfology, the Practical Philosophy; Art of Researching”, and thus its also the Superstring Theory and its applications in all world classical and the quantum systems.
While doing the research, I noticed that the Founder of Sikhism Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Tenth Sikh Guru Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji did the prophecies say in 1500 AD and the 1700 AD Centuries that during the early of 21st century the world would enter into the “Higher Intelligence, Quantum, Consciousnesses, and the Brahma (Subtle) Civilizations” while the “Spider Web, the String of String Theory” would emerge from the Gurmukhi Based Systems, which we call the String Theory. They said that it would be global and universal and all civilizations in the world will accept and approve it as the basics of quantum civilizations, which will remain one of the most authentic and authorized theory for thousands of years to come. All of it would happen when Mughal Empire taken up by British (Europeans, the Firangi) for 300 years, and then taken up by 50-60 years of huge corruption and pollution by native governing bodies, and then public awareness emerging for the Quantum Age in the World in the 2000 and onwards (most of original writings of it, the Sikh Prophecies were either destroyed or misinterpreted). I noticed a very good name description of “Life Dipole of Universe” that is the Waheguru (the Dipole) and Pal (Life, the Para has its 2nd Dimension as the Pala, the Time Dimensional Systems) and thus Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji named Life Dipole as the Wahegurupal, which also happens to be the String of Strings (Dipole Dynamics) while replacing the SAHA as SINHA to SAKA (Atomic, SA-Space, KA) as the SAGHA or SINGH (SINGHA) for the KARA (Quantum Continuum) as the Asana (KAR Asana), and thus the world would be a developed place:
“…. spider’s web of strands that carry information about the quantized areas and volumes of the regions they pass through6. The individual strands of the web must eventually join their ends to form loops — hence the theory’s name — but have nothing to do with the much better-known strings of string theory. The latter move around in space-time, whereas strands actually are space-time: the information they carry defines the shape of the space-time fabric in their vicinity.” (With thanks from the source:… )
In any case, the SAHA as the Spacetime solves the following problem in our philselfological hypothesis:
“The main goal of constructive quantum field theory, an existence proof of non-trivial quantum field theory models in a four dimensional space-time, has not been reached.” (With thanks from the source:… )
The other problem that our hypothesis solves is the “String Theory, Space, Time, Gravity, and Quantum Systems” as all in the “Gur Moorati, the Gurmukhi Alphabet”:
“String theory strongly suggests the existence of ten or eleven (in M-theory) spacetime dimensions, as opposed to the usual four (three spatial and one temporal) used in relativity theory; however the theory can describe universes with four effective (observable) spacetime dimensions by a variety of methods.
An important branch of the field is dealing with a conjectured duality between string theory as a theory of gravity and gauge theory. It is hoped that research in this direction will lead to new insights on quantum chromodynamics, the fundamental theory of strong nuclear force.” (With thanks from the source:… )
I may not apply for award or something similar, but want to setup a research center and the university for these works. So, please never assume I am rich or going to get millions of dollars, but surely we have solved the problems as the layman or down to earth and hand to math researchers who rarely get any financial help, aid, grant and the similar easily. So, its common man, the public researches that we have been carrying in this series of Be Happy Philselfologically, and May God Help Us, the Common Men and the Women!
Here the noticeable point is that when we take up the ratio of the Spacetime as the Space/Time, it gives the SOHUN Systems, and when the Time is so large as making the Big Solar or Other Systems of the universe, it all goes as the “Time.Space”, and that is the HASA or the “Time/Space” that gives us the Sounds of the Ksha or the Sh Sounds in which the use of “Force of Friction” is lot high, and it creates most of the massive systems in the universe, and thus the Indian Theory of Matter Creation, the HANSA. In this context, the World Alphabets and the Number of Rows of Consonants and Vowels give us a very significant knowledge and wisdom of the universe, and thus is the Yogini, Spins and Other Vowel Theories. In this context, we have the “Spacetime and the Anti-spacetime” Systems of the SOHUN and the HANSA that we will discuss in different part of the series as the HANSA as the Anti-spacetime is one of the most popular topic in our modern age, and that is the Degenerating Matter, and the wonder is how we use terms as in the “Creation of Matter, we have E=M*C*C as in the Vowel to Consonant, the Superstring Theory”, and in the “Degeneration of Matter, we have the Consonant to Vowel as Inversion of Indian Alphabets, and that is the Anti-Superstring Theory, to say!”. Well, the Fusion and Fission do the same!
The “SAHA” is also popular as the Astrology (Jyotish) in the Indian Civilizations, the Vowel Theory goes as the Metric, the Chhanda Systems, the Consonant Theory as the Topology to say (with Vowel Theory as the Homotopy to say) as the Theory of Elements goes as the Etymology (Nirukta), the Invariant Homotopy Type Theory goes as the Indian Grammars, and the Maatra as say the Sapata-matrika Systems constitute the Indian Karma Kanda Theory, and thus we have it as follows, and this is Six Parts of the Veda Sacred Systems:
1. SAHA (Astrology, the Study of Spacetime, the A, E, O, and AE)
2. Metric Systems (Poetics), the Chhanda Systems
3. Etymology (Nirukata, the Theory of Elements and Dimensions based on the Indian Alphabets)
4. Homotopy Type Theory and Math as the Invariant, the Grammar Based Mathematics as the Viyakarana, the Indian Grammars
5. The Maatra, the Saptaka Matrika, the 7 Mothers and the 7 Goddess is study and practical action theory, the Karma Kanda as the Study and Research on Nature
6. Highest of All is the Vowel Theory, the Phonology, Phonetics and the Sandhi Theory as the Indian Verbal and the Sacred Education Systems, and thus the Shiksha in the Indian Sacred Civilizations
(With thanks from the source: )
The “Etymology and Rituals” help to rediscover the “Theory of Elements (Sounds) and the Dimensions in both the Classical and the Quantum Way”, which are always in the “Vowels (Phonetics), Can be composed as the Poetics (Meters), and all of it has the Grammatical Structures and the Sacred Geometry that gives all of it” and one of the point that its the “Quantum Sounds of the Universe” that are important no matter which language, grammar, linguistic systems, parameters, math of any type, and any intellectual method we use, as with the intellectual methodologies, we notice the major global problems and crises present in the human history. That is why the “Sacred Quantum Sounds” are worshiped and enjoyed as the “Simarana (Uniderstanding the Black and White Hole Theory, the Nama Theory by Contemplation”. So, we cannot simply praise the Sanskrit or the Gurmukhi to claim anything from the “Quantum Sounds of the Universe”, and that is why it seems that all world religions and faiths practice it as part of worship, the “The Sound, Word, the Shabada is God”, and the Sikh Gurus gave it the “Status of Guru, the Shabada Guru”, which is the “Quantum Sounds”, and in it we have no access by mere human intellect using any language as the tool. Every world language, grammar, linguistic and thus the “Sacred Systems of Quantum Sounds” has developed every civilization in the past, and when the priority was given to the “Languages, the languages vanished”, and that is why the “Quantum Sounds as the Alphabets with 7, 8, 9 or More Rows” are worshiped as the Sapata-matrika, the Ashta-matrika, and the Nav-martika as the Durga Puja, the Essence of Indian Sacred Nav-Durga, the Navaratra Puja.
If the UNO, Religious Organizations and the Governing Bodies put it, the Sacred Alphabet, which happens to be same in all world religions, faiths, nations and the civilizations as the Standard Format of the World Languages, it will surely help the “Languages that Extinct Now” and all the “Standard and the Brahmi Languages in the World”. This format is also same in the Kabala, the Mysticism, and other formats in the universe, and we hope some petitions and resolutions soon with your kind attention and help.
While the Sikh Gurus call the “Quantum Sounds, the Banni”, the Gurbani says:
“Banni Guru Guru Hai Banni Vich Gurbani Amrit Saare…” (Gurbani)
“The Quantum Sacred Sounds (Banni, the Dhur Ki Banni, the Quantum Sounds) is the Master’s Guru, and the Quantum Sounds as the Guru has every Secret of 6-Dimensions, the Amrit”, and the Classical Sacred Systems use it in the 4th Dimension, and now we have the Bindi and the Bindu as the 5th and the 6th Dimensions, the Black and White Hole Theory, and thus the Nama Theory.
Etymologically, the Banni as the Theory of Elements, the Tattva Darshana (Philosophy of Quantum Sounds) helps us to understand that “B from PA-Varga, the 5th Row of Indian Alphabets as the Solid Structures, the Complete Sacred Geometry, and the Symmetry Systems go into the YANAH-NA, the TA-Varga, the 3rd Row of Consonants”, and thus the “Banni (BAYANI) is the Sacred Symmetry that Water, Liquid or the Superfluids record, preserve in the universe”. Here B is the 3-D, A is the Vibration, YAHNA is the 5th Dimension of Water with E, the 3-D Ionization as the 4th Dimension (Virtually), and that is why it seems we read the “Banni with Amrit” as the Banni goes to 5th Dimension and Amrit (AN) goes as the 6th Dimension, and we have it “Banni-Amrit” as the synonymous to the word “Gu (5th Dimension) and Ru (the 6th Dimension”, and again is similar to the “NA (5th D) and MA (6th D)”, and its the context, the count of fold, the manifold, the dimension that changes the words and the terms in the Indian Etymology, Terminology and the Syntax Systems.
When the “Space Element in the 2-Dimensions as the GA” changes into the Ionized Systems, the “RA”, which is as when we change one form of energy into another, we have not only the spectrum created but the 7 Primal Energies that also accompany it, and that is called the Ionized Vowel Row in the Indian Alphabets, the Tattava, the Elements and thus the Tattava Darshana describing the 36 Sacred Sound Energies, the Forms of Energies that we can convert from one form to other. These conversions while carrying the “Spectrum and the 7 Basic Energies of the Universe”, and this very “Sacred Carrier is Called the Rath (Ruth) the Chariot of 7 Energies in the Indian and World Sacred Systems”. It has the status of “Guru, the Ionized (RU) Space Element Energy (GU)”, and the 36 Quantum Sounds, the Sound Energies serve it. This is the “Sacred Structure of Primal Guru, the Observer as the Black (Gu) and White (Ru) Hole”, which is the “Karta Purukh and the Akal Purukh with the Indian Time Dimension Philosophy of Kaal Purukh”, and all Quantum Sounds of the Universe follow it, the Black and White Hole Theory. Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has proposed it as the “Gurparsadi, the Philosophy of Grace” in the Moolmantra in the Japji Sahib”, and as it deals with the “Banni, the Quantum Sounds and the Guru as the Black and White Hole Theory according to the Indian Tattva Darshana, the Philosophy of Elements and Dimensions”, the very setup of this “Sacred Theory and Philosophy of Guru and Banni is called the Gurubani, the Sacred Quantum Science in All World Religions and Faiths”, and that the Modern String and the Superstring Theory and thus the Quantum Theory seem to be the versions of the “Black and White Hole (GURU) and the Sacred Quantum Sounds (Banni) that follows it”. In other words, the Spectrum (Indian Alphabets) follow the Black and White Holes, and anything that describes it is called the “Gurbani”, and its the “Base, Basis and the Basics of Single Model of Every Knowledge and Wisdom in the Universe”, and we have it as the Philselfological Model and Theory.
When we consider and compare the Sanskrit as the Classical Language Systems, it has helped humanity with the “Logic, the Classical Studies and Research” say in the machine and computer programming as we read:
“In designing his grammar, Pāṇini used the method of “auxiliary symbols”, in which new affixes are designated to mark syntactic categories and the control of grammatical derivations. This technique, rediscovered by the logician Emil Post, became a standard method in the design of computer programming languages.<25> Sanskritists now accept that Pāṇini’s linguistic apparatus is well-described as an “applied” Post system. Considerable evidence shows ancient mastery of context-sensitive grammars, and a general ability to solve many complex problems. Frits Staal has written that “Panini is the Indian Euclid.”…” (With thanks from the source: )
The Sikh Gurus redesigned the Classical, the Logic Based Sanskrit into the Quantum Based Sanskrit, the Prakrit Sanskrit, and the Pra or the Para-Sanskrit is simply the Quantum Sanskrit that forms the “Base and Basis of Quantum Qubit Computer Programming”. Thus, we have the Gurmukhi as the Quantum Octave of the Classical Sanskrit.
The Vedas focus mainly on the 4 Sacred Dimensions as the A, E, O and the AE that we have discussed as the Primal Dipole Systems of the Universe.
For further and higher research works in the Indian and the World Languages, we can put these languages into 4 Categories for the Modern Language and the Linguistic Evolution for Computers and the Artificial Intelligence (AI):
1. Sanskrit (Sahaskrit): It is the Language of Light
2. Prakrit Languages: It is the Language of Ionization
3. Brahmi Languages: It is the Language of Structures and Sounds it creates say the Chinese and the Japanese
4. Gurmukhi Languages: It is the Language of Black and White Hole Theory, which we can develop further with the Channels of Cymatics
In other words, every Sacred Language in the World has 4 Divisions as the Sanskrit, Prakrit, Brahmi and the Gurmukhi, and we can easily notice that such hypothesis that the “Classical Intellectuals and the Traditional Fundamentalists” oppose due to rigidity in posts, officialdom and religious use of these sacred languages. So, we will discuss it separately as all other works need more attention and who does not know that researchers lack funds!
Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has thus added and explained the rarely studied and researched systems of the Bindi and the Bindu, which is the Gu (Bindi)+Ru (Bindu) as the Guru working on the 4th Dimensions of Moksha, the Mokha and thus the Gurmukhi as the Language of Bindi and the Bindu that studies the 5th and the 6th Dimension of the Universe. Here one point is that Guru Ji has added the Brahmi, the Quantum Sanskrit as the Indian Civilization and it thus does not oppose any Classical Sanskrit Systems that was slowly extincting, and now most of the Indians may not know the Classical Sanskrit and very little research seems to be going on while using the Quantum Sanskrit, say the Gurmukhi Languages, and other Indian Brahmi, the Quantum Languages which are recorded as the Brahmi, the Quantum Sanskrit in Holy Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, and it goes well as the Kashmir Shaivaism and the Civilizations go with 36, 52 and 64 Quantum Sounds. Thus says the Gurbani:
“Nanak Naam Dhiaya Aadi Purukh Prabh Paya…” (Gurbani)
By contemplating on the Nama, the Bindi (N) and Bindu (M), Guru Nanak Spiritual Lineage in Gurbani says that one attains the Primal Observers of Bindi and the Bindu, the Quantum Black and the White Hole.
“Nanak Ke Ghar Keval Naam…” (Gurbani)
“The Foundation of Nama Philosophy, the Quantum Black and White Holes in the languages, linguistics, grammars, musics, maths and thus the Invariant math, the essence of sacred education systems is what the Philosophy of Spin Theories explain to us…”
Thus, the Indian World Religions and Faiths as the Sciences and the Linguistic Maths explain the “Science and Math of Universe, Consciousness and String Theories”, and that is what we discussed in the Philselfological, the Gurmukhi Model and Theory of Everything.
While describing this Sacred Quantum Systems of Black (NA) and White Holes (MA), the Founder of Sikhism has also described it all as the “Satinama Theory of the Universe, which means the Black and White Hole Quantum Theory of the Universe”, and he thus writes in the Gurbani, the Doctrine and Holy Book of the Quantum Bindi and the Bindu:
“Satinam Tera Para Poorbala…” (Gurbani)
“The Black and White Hole Theory of the 5th (NA) and the 6th (MA) Dimensions and thus the NAMA Dimensions are older than the Para, the Dipole Sacred Systems of the A, E, O and AE, the 4-Dimensional Dipole Systems”, and that is how it seems he has compared the Sanatana and the Satinama Theories and the Philosophies of the Indian and the World Civilizations.
One of the great parameters that we can notice in the SAHA, the Spacetime, 35 Sounds of Gurmukhi (Brahmi) and Other Indian Brahmi Languages also popular as the Prakritik (or the Parkirtik Sanskrit in which the Spins, the Philosophy of Shakti is well included say in the Gurmukhi and thus is also in say the Kashmir Civilizations and the Shaiva Sacred Systems of 36 Sounds, the Sacred Elements and the Dimensions it creates including the String, Brane and as in GUT Theories), 16 Spins as the Sacred Indian Vowels as the Syllables and Phonetic Systems is that it creates and constitutes the “Sacred Scale of 100 for every Mathematical Calculation in the Homotopy Type Theory (HoTT)” as we have the 36 Sounds to which we can add 16 Spins with 4 Primal Variations of A, E, O and AE say as the KA, KE, KO and KAE, which exist as the “4 Primal X, Y, Z and K Nano Filters”. Moreover, these 4 Primal Filters in the Homotopy Type Theory also exist as the Identical Particles with varying spins as described here:
So, when we consider the A’ as the Vibration, the A’ Unification of Vibrations as the Dimensions, we have the following developments though a little randomly:
Unified Harmonic Matrix Spirituality (E=O+A) Physicality (EA=O+A+E) Reality (EEAA=EA+EA) Dimension (A’-A’) Vibration (A’) that also goes for the SAHA as the Singularity and Spirituality, and thus it leads to the A, O, E and the AE Systems conversions into what we know as the “Unified Harmonic Matrix” well developed by Adam Apollo Walsh, and we see it as the “A Kind of Mapping the Universe in the same way as the Gurmukhi and the 52 Quantum Sounds do. This Unified Harmonic (Quantum Sounds) Matrix goes with A, E and O as the Primal Dimensions to create the 49+3=52 Quantum (Harmonic) Sounds as shown below and with thanks to Adam Apollo Walsh:
Thus, this conversion of Indian Sacred Sounds of 36, and the 52 Scale can easily convert every “Quantum Calculation as of 100”, and this is one of the reason that the Indian Sacred Systems use it as the Puti and Potency Systems in the Spiritual Writings and the Compositions and thus the Satinama also means the 100 Names with this Standard Scale which is also popular as the Shatinama in the Durga-spatshati and other Shakti, the Sacred Spin based Scriptures. It can exhibit computer mapping with 100 Boxes as the “Standard of String, Superstring, Brane and Other Universal Scales. This is what seems the Satinama Philosophy in the Quantum Nama, the Black and White Hole Theory of Bindi and the Bindu, which is Homotopy Spacetime of Bindi-Bindu as the Guru Systems in the Indian Standard Scales, and this is the Two Endpoints of Homotopy Type Systems.
Here we need to study the “Lie Groups” that give manifolds, category, type, topology, homotopy, and almost all secrets of the “Quantum Homotopy Type Theory”, and in all of its explanations, the “Lie Group Theory” describes the Indian Alphabets say the Gurmukhi as in the Rows, Columns, Dimensions, Elements, Infinite Dimensions, and so on, which covers up our Modern Physics, Math, Quantum Sacred Studies and the Systems. With global theory of Indian Alphabets that E=O+A, the Row and the Column Additions which follows certain laws of linguistic math, we can very easily derive the following universal E(3-D)=O(1-D)+A(2-D) as the Primal Sphere Theory of the Universe that makes the Indian Alphabet say the Gurmukhi as the “Alphabets of Spheres, Spherical Dimensions”:
“Category theory<1> is used to formalize mathematical structure and its concepts as a collection of objects and arrows (also called morphisms). A category has two basic properties: the ability to compose the arrows associatively and the existence of an identity arrow for each object. Category theory can be used to formalize concepts of other high-level abstractions such as set theory, ring theory, and group theory.” (With thanks from the source: )
In other words, the “Lie Groups” describe the String and the Sapat-Matrika (7 Rows of Indian Alphabets” and thus the Lie Groups, the Indian Alphabets explain the String and the Superstring Theory in the Homotopy Type Theory in which we can have very sound foundations of Modern Linguistic, Invariant and Topological and the Homotopy Type Mathematics.
What we have just discussed is the “New Homotopy Type and the Invariant Mathematics, the Linguistic Mathematics, Homotopy Type Theory as the HoTT Computer Programming Language, the Superstring, Theories of Universe, Consciousness, and the list may need lot more space”, and thus the Gurmukhi, the Brahmi, the Quantum Systems now also goes as the “Base and Basis” for these and many more Quantum Subjects. Well, if say a Punjabi Student hears or reads such claims, it may be subjected as “Is it madness or crazy thing”, but its real stuff in our modern world. Thanks to our ancestors all over the world. !
When we have the 100 Sacred Sounds and Spins, we also notice that the Indian Sacred Systems go to advanced levels where we if write the 4 Dimensions of A, E, O and AE with say the A-AA, E-EE, O-OO and the AE-AAEE pairing of Black and White Hole Systems, it adds to make the 100 Sacred Sounds and Spins all 108, and this Sacred Count is called the SHREE Systems. Thus, these sacred counts and calculations, which are same in all world religions, faiths and civilizations simply give the Pure Quantum Sciences which when studied as “Religious, the Quantum Importance, the Mahatam (Significance and Importance)”, which is popular as the “Brahma Gyana” (Wisdom, the Kala, the Quantum Knowledge) of Universe we have it in the “Applied Quantum Sciences as the Religions and Faiths in the world”, which is popular as the “Brahma Vidya” (Classical Knowledge of Universe) in Indian Civilizations. For this reason, the World Religions and Faiths never differ when we consider the “Pure Form of Religions, which is the Quantum Systems and is most popular with the name of God as the Quantum Sound, the Shabada as is the Indian and the World Quantum Sounds as the Base and Basics of String Theory, and it does not go for any competitions”, and we happen to have the “Classical Sacred Systems as the Karma Kanda, the Action Theory Difference, which constitute the Quantum Science of Pure Religions as the Applied Form”, and of course thanks to Homotopy Type Theory and the Internet!
The World Alphabets may vary in the way we arrange the “36 Sacred, the Quantum Sounds”, but at the “Base and the Basis”, all world languages represent the same thing, the human evolution with “Sacred Quantum Sounds” as the “World Alphabets, the Consonants and the Vowels” as the String and the Superstring Theory, and that is a “Theory of Sacredness if we use the String Theory as the Sacred Alphabet”!
All of it say as the “A, E, O, AE”, the Superstring also embraces the “4-1 Golden Abacus Mathematics” where the “4 Counts Collapse and Add to the Higher Octave”. The YANG (A), YIN (E), YONG (O) and the YEN (AE) give the Supersting all ending up as the CHI Sacred Systems. Thus, the Gurmukhi Homotopy Type Theory also gives all versions in the Chinese and the Japanese Formats with greater ease. In this case its the “BIT Theory”, and helps to get the “Type Theory in the Cubical Sets” as it also gives the Higher and the Infinite Cubic Dimensions as well.
Now, when we (or not recognized researchers like me) consider the A, E, O and the AE as the “Gauge Theory” that goes in the “Brane and the D-Brane Theory”, we notice that “O, A, E, S and H” as the First Vowel Row in the Gurmukhi Alphabet sets up the Y, X, Z, T (Time) and D (Distance), and we have the 5 Gauge Divisions of Indian Alphabets that simply set up the Gauge Theory ( and the D-Brane Theory ( at a single place, the Gurmukhi and the Other Indian Alphabets as:
Now, when we have vast range of Quantum Sounds as the Strings and the Superstrings, we can assign everything a unique name that can easily describe “All About a Thing”, and that is how in the past great and grand Human Civilizations we notice, and the Kashmir Civilizations is one of the example as the Sanskrit with the Classical Sacred Systems and the Modern Developed Indian Civilizations using the Quantum Languages for the Developed Civilizations of Gupta Empire (Chandragupta Maurya). Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and the Other Sikh Gurus has developed the Quantum Sounds of 16 Spins and the 36 Quantum Sounds leading it to the 52, 64, 84, 100, 108 and many other octaves as the “Gurmukhi Script of Quantum Sounds, the Dimensional Matrix of the Universe as also we now know the Superstring Theory”, and finally the Tenth Sikh Guru, Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji offered it the “Level and Status of Guru and gave the Guruship, the Gurmukhi and the Gurbani as the Ever Living and the Eternal Guru of the Quantum Sacred Sounds of the Universe”. As we can now well use it as the Superstring and the GUT Theories, and the Single Theories and Models of Everything, yes with modern developments, we are able to do so, we can have the entire world a most developed system because this Quantum Sanskrit does not fail anywhere in the universe.
In recent centuries world has entertained the few divine drops of evolution as now we are able to understand that 4-Dimensions as for example, the Sodium and Chloride Systems from acids and bases as the first 3 Dimensions get into “Salt, the 4th Dimension”, and we use its ionized charges, we have its 5th Dimension, and when we have it “No-charge Ionization, the Ionized Crystals”, we can notice it as the “Free Ions”, which is the 6th Dimension, and these 6-D’s create the Universe where everything from the 5th and the 6th Dimensions, the Black and White Holes goes into the Ionization’s, the 4th Dimension, and we get the 3 Physical Dimensions of gasses, liquids and the solids, and inversely its reversible with some given standard conditions. Thus, the matter changes into anti-matter and we have 3-D Setup, 4th Dimension, 5th Dimension, the Black Hole and the 6th Dimension as the White Hole. In the Indian and the World Quantum Sounds, it goes as:
“A, E, O, AE, N, M”
And we have many theories developed from it, the AONAM, ONAM, AENAM and say ENAM, but it seems due to high religious or the spiritual respect at times we may not do enough research, and that the religious or spiritual fundamentalism, we may face some troubles in using and discussing certain terms as for example, the ONAM is one of the most popular term in India, and very rarely we notice the terms of AONAM, and the AENAM, and Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji when used “IK instead of EAK” was questioned and challenged and even today the grammar experts may check and recheck about how and why he used “IK instead of EAK”, and the Sikh Gurus and Other Bhagat’s have successfully used these Quantum Terms while realizing the “Brahm Vichar, the Philosophy of the Universe”. The “Minor Difference in Approach say as ONAM and AUNAM” may create two major divisions, the Samparda, the Taksal, the University Systems, the Domiciles, but at the base and the basis there exists almost no difference in any world religion and or the faith. We can resolve these classical problems with the quantum approach. For it, we first have to study and research the 36 Quantum Sounds of the Universe and the 16 Quantum Spins which now constitute the String, Brane, Superstring, Superpartner, and all modern quantum maths, music, geometry, grammars, and thus the Sacred Quantum Systems that now are very close to integrate grand past of humanity with most modern quantum systems, and we hope the best for everyone when it goes on for all.
The SAHA Systems of the 4 Primal Sound Elements that give the SA as Space and the HA as the Time Dimension together gives us the Space*time element as the 4-Dimensional Space Systems. These SAHA Systems constitute what we consider the “A, E, O and the AE (A+E) Sacred Systems” that act as the 4 Khanda, the Divisions of Universe into the Quantum Sacred Systems.
This is also the “Secret and Cure of Infection, Virus, Aids and Cancer Disease and its cure”, which is simply the “Homology and Homotopy can cure AIDS and Cancer with Topology Converted into Homology and Topology of Health and Wellness as cancer and AIDS virus develops in the Homotopy to Topology when Homology gives “Excess of A’, the root cells, the vibrations that create the Spirals from the Chirality”, which we notice as the A, E, O and AE as the 4 Strands:
It says many things about the E=O+A as the 528 Hz: “It exposes those who have stolen the Human Genome Project. The DNA “Visual Healing Pattern” & sound Frequency Of 528 Hz. The media helps industry drive the message that the field of genetics exists for the greater good. When we hear this message enough, we come to believe it. We have become so sedated by the media that we no longer question what is really happening. What’s going on folks? Why do we have these great plagues of AIDS, cancer and autoimmune diseases? There are people in charge and they’re hiding the truth from us because they’re making vast fortunes off of our suffering. Dr. Len Horowitz (With thanks from the source: )
The Indian Linguistic Homotopy and Topological Theory and Models are simply the “Topological Homotopy” that is same as the “Vortex (Topology) and Homotopy (Atomism)” while using the Indian Alphabets as the “Topological Homotopy of Consonants and Vowels”. These are also popular as the Indian Mantra Theory and can resolve many problems in modern classical and the quantum developments in the modern world. !
Gurmukhi Model and Theory of Universe with Indian Vowels and Consonants: When we consider the Gurmukhi Script and the Alphabet Model and Theory for Everything, and consider the “Theory of Universe”, we have the 7 Layers of Universe as the 7 Layers with the 8th Layer as the “SAHA, the Bonding, the Ionization of and in the universe”. This also goes as expansion of life in the universe with the “SAHA, the Sacred Ionization” as shown in the Sacred Geometry Systems that is “Kita Paasao Eko Kavao…” (Gurbani, the Sacred Symmetry as the Sound Energy creates life, and that is the SAHA as the Rotating Octahedron Systems):
I remember when one of the great American Christian Preachers prophesied about these sacred education systems at the University of Adelaide Auditoriums in 1990 saying that these works will bring the “Great Sense of Self-respect, Dignity and Liberty, and people will enjoy the human honors… and even from your states and nation from where it will originate… says the Lord… “I’m what I’m”, and people will learn these works in future…”, and when Lord God said it, my friends smiled, laughed and danced when these prophecies were done on my works! Many holy saints said the same! Amen!
The Previous Part of the Series: How Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has Added the Philosophy of Quantum Spins in Kara, Onkara, Ekonkara in World Languages, Grammars, Linguistics, Ragas, and Sacred Education Systems: Superstring and GUT Theory: Be Happy Philselfologically – 125
The Next Part of the Series: How Superstring Theory and Sacred Indian and World Alphabets Describe the Classical Superstring, Quantum Superstring and 25 Classical Quantum Strings: Gurmukhi and Superstring Theory: Be Happy Philselfologically – 127
All of it thus also ends up as the EK Gurmukhi Metric Systems.