How Shri Guru Nanak Dev Quantum Time Equation of E’EK Helps Understanding Quantum Matter (Tat), Quantum Light (Sat), Spintronics, Superstring Theory, Amrit Sutra Systems: Gurmukhi Languages and Prophet Ezekiel: Be Happy Philselfologically 132

When we consider the Shri Nanak Dev Equation of Quantum Time Dimension of Space, Time and the Duration, we find that the E’EK gives a new version of the Spintronics, the Vowel and Vibration Systems in the Indian Languages, Linguistics and the Grammars. Thus, according to the Philology and my research work of the Quantum Philology as the Philselfology, the Single Model and Theory of Everything based on the Superstring Theory, I noticed the following needed change in the Indian Vowel Setup, which fits the Modern Spintronics, the Nano Science, Technology, and Human Systems

“A-AA, E-EE, O-OO, EA-EEAA, OA-OOAA, OE-OOEE” are the 12 Spins of the Indian Vowels, which is the Linguistic Spintronics for all languages in as well. The SA and HA, as the Space and Time Element in the World Languages is also added in the Indian Languages as the SAHA, and the “N, M” are the Primal Additions of Space and Time Dimensions of SAHA having the Quantum Spacetime in the World Languages and its goes as the NAMA in the Indian Quantum Spacetime with which the Indian Seers and the Sages have been creating and developing the Indian Mantras with the “OM Mantra NAMO”, and the OM is the “O, A, E, AE, OA, OE with N and M”, and it ends up with the NAMO.

According to the Languages, Linguistics and the Grammars that the Sikh Gurus has developed as the Quantum Sanskrit, the Gurmukhi, the Indian Civilizations has long ignored the “Philosophy of NAMA and NAMO”, which according to the Shri Guru Nanak Dev Equation of SAHA, the Spacetime as the E’EK is the “SAHA and NAMA” that if united as a “Single Framework gives SAHA, NAMA as the Satinama”. Thus, in general we have the following:

SAHA (Spacetime)+NAMA (Quantum Spacetime)=Satinama

Now as its based on the Quantum Sanskrit, it is also as follows:

SAHA (SAT)+NAMA (TAT)=Satinama=Tat-Sat

However as the Gurmukhi is Quantum Languages, the Tat-Sat has the “Sati” not the “Sat”, and that is the introduction of E’EK Quantum Time, the Chronon added to the “SAT”, which then becomes the “SATI”, which is as the “SAT+E’, which is the Quantum Light Theory” and the “Tat” is the Quantum Matter Theory, when put as the “TAT+SATI”, that is, “TAT+SAT+E’”, and in it, we have the TAT+SAT added to “E’”, the Spintronics, the 16 Vibrations, Dipole Creators in the Quantum Linguistic Model of Indian and the World Languages.

So, we have added the “TAT (Quantum Matter) and SAT (Quantum Light” to the Spintronics, the E’ and it gives the TAT+SAT+E’ as the Quantum Tat-Sat Theory, which Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has given as the Satinama Theory in which is the E’ is at the Middle of SAT-E’-NAMA, and its thus the SAT-E’-TAT, and if we put in the simple expression, it’s the SAT (Quantum Light) Conversion into Quantum Matter (E’-TAT), and it constitutes what we also study as the E=M*C*C in which the Energy and Light converts the Light and Matter, and here the SAT-E’-TAT, the Satinama gives that the Quantum Light Converts itself into the Quantum Matter, and it’s the “Explanation of E=M*C*C” in context to the Quantum Time Dimensions of Chronon, the E’EK. If we put the E=M*C*C as the Linear Equation, we have it as say:

E=M*C*C as E (Total)=E’EK, where the E’ also goes as the M in the E=M*C*C, and the C is Velocity of Light and the “V” is the Velocity of Light in the 5 Major Mediums, which we study as the 5 Basic Elements that constitute the 25 Strings, the Mediums through which the Light moves not as the “C”, but the “V”, the Velocity of Light in the 25 Strings, and thus we have the E=M*C*C expressed as:


This makes the equation of E=M*C*C, the Quantum Light, Energy, Matter and Sound Equation.

In the Philselfological Research, I found that the Quantum Light and Matter Equation while using the Shri Guru Nanak Dev Equation of E’EK, we have E=M*C*C as:

E’ (Total) =M’C’V in which the V is the Setup of 25 Strings, while the C is the Classical Superstring and the M is the Quantum Gravity Based Superstring

The Indian Quantum Time Equation that we have called the Shri Nanak Dev Equation of Chronon and as E’EK gives almost all versions of E=M*C*C as the Quantum Systems and that is as the E’ (Total)= M*C*V

If we want to put this equation in the Superstring Systems say Philselfologically, we have to put it as follows:

E’ (Total)=O*E*A (O is the Quantum Gravity, E is the Quantum Speed and Velocity Systems of Light and the A is the Mass and Velocity Equations in the 25 Strings, the Basic Mediums of the Universe)

In other words, we have it as say:

E’EK=O*E*A in 25 Mediums (the K Systems)

How I had to put it has been very interesting, and it was as follows:

E’EK=O*E*A*K=X*Z*Y*K, and I was able to create the X, Y, Z and K Quantum Cartesian Systems of Graphs as the Quantum Graphical Method that up to X, Y and Z follow the Classical Systems and if we add the K, the 4th Dimension to it, we get the Quantum Systems as the “X, Y, Z and K” or simply (X, Y, Z, K).

I drew and produced many graphs using it with the E’EK Systems, and was able to understand the Metamaterials; Superconductors, Super-capacitors, Super-insulators, and the K-Based Systems as the Nano Systems, and thus the E’EK, the Chronon helped me in understanding the Nano-sciences and the Metamaterials.

For it, I summarized the Indian and World Vowel Setup as the 16 Spins of Spintronics as follows:

“SA, HA, (SAHA Spacetime, the Classical Spacetime), NA, MA, (NAMA, the Quantum Spacetime), A-AA, E-EE, O-OO, EA-EEAA, OA-OOAA, OE-OOEE”

In the Indian and World Language Systems, its put as follows:

“A-AA, E-EE, O-OO, EA-EEAA, OA-OOAA, OE-OOEE, SA, HA, (SAHA Spacetime, the Classical Spacetime), NA, MA, (NAMA, the Quantum Spacetime)”

In other words, the World Languages confirm that the 12 Vowel Vibrations are possible only with the SAHA (Classical Spacetime Superstring) and the NAMA (Quantum Spacetime Superstring)

The Indian Sacred Mantras use it say in the following manner:

“OM Gran Grin Gron SAHA Gurvey NAMAHA” in which the SAHA as the Classical Spacetime and the NAMA as the Quantum Spacetime is not only used but has been created in such a way that all of it goes into the rest of the Mantra, the 25 Strings that the Indian Sacred Systems called the Mana-Parpancha, the 25 Anti-strings as the NAMA is the 25 Strings and the MANA is the 25 Anti-strings, and the funny thing is that it’s the Cyclic and the Recyclable System in as the 25 Strings and the Antis-strings, and our question may popup as how the Superstring has the Anti-superstring, and in it the Classical Superstring has its Anti-Superstring, and when we say so, it goes as the Quantum Superstring.

Now, we can say that if the “16 Sacred Vowels” are same in all world languages, what and where the Indian Sacred Systems differ from the Other Sacred World Civilizations in this context. It’s the Theory of “A(N), A(M), A(M,N) and A(N,M)” that is used in the Indian Mantra Sacred Systems and may not be available to the Modern Academics and the Education Systems even in the universities until one goes for doing research, doctorate or PhD in the Indian Sacred Systems. This Theory of “A(N), A(M), A(M,N) and A(N,M)” is of the Highest Priority, and its the A’N’M+MRIT, the Amrit Theory and in it the “A(N), A(M), A(M,N) and A(N,M)” is the Micro Infinity as A(M) and the Macro Infinity as A(N) that goes towards Infinity as the -Infinity, the A(M) and the +Infinity, the A(N), and how one can live in these “Two Ends of Sacred Infinities” is the Highest of the Indian Sacred Civilizations as it says that we live in these two infinities as in its “Sacred Medium” yes the “Sacred Medium of Two Ends of Sacred Infinities”, and that is A(M)-R+E’+T (AMRIT), which means the “Medium, the MARA in the 3-Dimensions, the T as the Ending word, the TA, THA, DA, DHA, NA”, and that is the 3-Dimensions has upper and lower limit of -infinity and +infinity in it, and the 3-D is the MRIT, the MARA Systems in the Indian Sacred Civilizations whereas the “A(N), A(M), A(M,N) and A(N,M)” are the Infinity Spacetime’s, and thus the Indian Sacred Systems use the Philosophy of Amrit (“A(N), A(M), A(M,N) and A(N,M)”+MRIT (Quantum Matter).

The A(N) goes towards the +Infinity and thus goes to create the Quantum Superstrings, while the A(M) goes towards the -Infinity, and thus creates the Classical Superstrings. This very point is known as the Indian Superstring Theory of Sutra (Sootra), which creates Poetic Sutra, Prose Sutra, and how people carry it is the “Folklore Sutra”, which is the Social String, the Social Sutra. When we say the “Folklore, the Social and the Sutra of Cultures and Civilizations, it becomes what we view as the “Religions and Rituals” in the world and is known as the “Sanskara Theory”, the S-A(N)-S-Kara, the Light (S) gets limit of A(N), and we notice people in India Baptizing the Kids by saying “OM” and writing it on the Tongue or the Sikhs preparing the “Holy Water by Reading Gurbani” and giving it to the kids”. Thus, the Amrit is the A(M)+A(N)+(R+E’+T=Quantum Matter, the Mara, the Chara, the Physical World, the 3-D World), and the A(M) and the A(N) in this context constitute the 4th Dimension, and thus the Amrit also means the “4-D in 3-D Setup”.

When we consider the “N and M” as the Primal Sounds of Black and White Hole, we also need to consider about how it goes with the “Infinity” and how it goes with the Classical, Quantum and Vibration (Dipole) Theories in the world. If we imagine that the “Sounds of N and M” should move in the infinity or go infinite, it needs vibration, and that is how the Sacred Indian Systems call it the A(M), the Vibration A carrying the “M” of the Origin of any given systems, and here the A(M) is the Wave Part of Light, and when the same goes as with the A(N), its the Particle Part of Light. When it goes as the Light, Wave and Particle, we have the A(N) and A(M) that gives us one of the Primitive Sound of the Sound, the OM as the AUM=A(M)+A(N), which is light as the wave and particle.

So, when we beat the musical drum, we have the N and M Sounds of Infinity present in it, and one beating these generate the light as wave and particle or even the sound as the wave (transverse) and particle (longitudinal), and we have the A(N) going into the musical drum, and it in return gives us the “A(M) sound back as the “N and M Sound that reverses into opposite directions as the A(N) and A(M)”, which we have as the vibrations of sounds that give us longitudinal and the transverse sounds of A(N) and A(M). This is how the Musical Drum gives the Sounds of Infinity, the N and M, the touch of waves, which we cause by hitting (beating) the drum, so what we do, we “tap” everything from the infinity hidden in the musical drum! The A(N) and A(M) are constitutional sounds and voices of Amrit! 


The Indian Sacred Languages have recorded the Sounds of Infinity as N, M and its Vibration as the A(N) and A(M), and it so refined but easy to understand that “N and M” when studied with the “A” Vibration, its the 2-Dimensional, in which we have the O-Vibration of 1-Dimension, and when these two longitudinal waves of “A and O” unite it gives the 3-Dimensional Sound, the Transverse Sound of E, and how we write it in the Indian Sacred Systems is as follows:


Its the “Sacred Expression of OM in the 3-Dimensional Setup, and that it has the E(M), O(M) and the A(M) parts, which are the Shiva, Brahma and Vishnu Sacred Systems as the E, O and A, and that the Sound Energies that these give are the E(M), O(M) and the A(M), which are the Paravati (Earth), Sarasvati (Moon) and the Laxmi, the Sun Systems, and that is how the E, O and A are the Power (Infinity, Zero Point Systems), and the E(M), O(M) and the A(M) are the Energy (Finite, Decimal Point Systems), and that is what the Indian and the World Sacred Systems call the Infinity (Power, Shiva) Systems and the Finite (Energy, Shakti) Systems. So, we cannot “Tap” the “Infinite” without “Finite” Sacred Systems, and this context, the “Tapping, the Finite Person can be Male or Female”, but at the “Infinite Levels, the Purusha, the Ojasa Level, all are “ONE”, and its the O, A, E and the AE as the E(M), O(M), A(M) and AE(M) levels”.

The Sacred Systems of the Free Zero Point Energy Systems of World Civilizations has always used the A, E, O and AE as the 4-Dimensional Free Energy Systems of 3 Physical Levels of A, E and O and the AE, and here the Female as the Durga, the AE is the Infinite E(N), the Infinite Negative Energy as Power and thus the Enkari Sacred System, and the popular names for it in Indian Sacred Systems is the Para, Apara, Nirguna, Sarguna, and so on. The Positive Infinity is called God (Parbrahma) and the Negative Infinity is called the Durga, the Mother Systems, and both coexist as the “N (Negative Infinity) and M (Positive Infinity)”. This is how the “A, E, O and AE, the Sacred Indian Dipole or the Merkaba Systems” has been educated in the World Sacred Systems.

For these reasons, the O(M), A(M) goes as the OM Theory and it goes not the Ishwara, the Bio-Systems in it considered as these are the “Finite Systems” and E(N), O(N), and A(N) is the NAMO, the Enkari, the Ishwara, the Consciousness based “Finite Sacred Systems, which together become infinite as the Enkari (E’ and E Based Systems), the AE(N) Sacred Systems of Aadi-Shakti, the Durga Sacred Systems. In it, we have the “O(M) and A(M)”, the Classical Superstring as the OM, “E(N)”, the 25 Strings the Mantra Systems, and the AE(N), the NAMO Sacred Systems, the Quantum Sacred Superstring. Shri Nanak Dev Ji has given the priority addition of E’EK to it all. This is what constitutes the Information Universe, the Akahara Universe, and Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji says it as follows:

“ONAM Akhara Tribhavan Saar…” (Dakhani Onkara, Gurbani)

“O (N,M=N+M as the O(N)+O(M)” is the Essence of Everything in the Information Universe, the ONAMA” (Shri Guru Nanak Dev’s addressing to the Quantum and Classical Scientists of South Indians recorded as the Dakhani Onakara)

The “Free Energy is the Negative and Positive Infinite Energy Systems, the Two Infinities, which we can tap with finite systems”, and beating drums and using renewable energy systems is almost same in this context:

One of the major problem in almost all “Big Civilizations”, which are sacred but has not preserved the “Brahmi Quantum Civilization in daily life as most of the world civilizations having recorded “Sacred Systems” may not practice it, and thus slowly accepted and approved the Big Corporate Culture as the Modern World Culture, which is mainly the “Ad and Commercial based High Cost Systems as compared to NO Ads Business, Trading and Low Cost Healthy and Balanced Life” that goes long term human relationships among business people, consumers (customers) and the distributors”, and thus “O(M) and A(M)”, the Classical Superstring as the OM, “E(N)”, the 25 Strings the Mantra Systems, and the AE(N), the NAMO Sacred Systems, the Quantum Sacred Superstring”, which the Aboriginal, Native and Tribal People has kept alive from say 50,0000 years at least may not seem present in many “Developed Big Civilizations” and if one wants to live pollution and corruption free life that seems cynical, mad, backward in such circumstances, and we now notice people either committing suicides or dwelling and living pills, drugs and the medicines, and we may need to pay sincere revered attitude who preserve and live the Sacred Civilizations” as these people are one with universe, and these great native people do not “pretend” or waste money on the “dikhawa” (Fake Art of Pretending):

Now, back to the Indian Verbal Wisdom of Languages, Linguistics and the Grammars, we have the O, A, E and the AE as the E(M), O(M), A(M) and AE(M) as well as the E(N), O(N), A(N) and AE(N), and it goes well into what we say the “Sacred Anti-pairs”, and we have the M(E), O(E), A(E) and AE(E) with the N(E), and the M(A, E, O, AE) Setup with N (A, E, O, AE), and so on with the following natural laws and principles:

1. The N and M as the Negative and Positive Infinities

2. The A(N) and A(M) as the Negative and Positive Finite Parts of the Infinities as the Vibrations with which we can tap the infinities

3. The N(A) and M(A) as the Negative and Positive Vibrational Infinities

These 3 Universal Hypothesis give us Native, Aboriginal, and Desi Understanding of the Superstring Theory as the “N and M”, “A(N) and A(M)” and the “N(A) and M(A)” have it as the Classical Superstring (N, M Point), 25 Strings (A(N) and A(M) Physical Waves) and Quantum Superstring (N(A) and M(A) as the Quantum Continuum of the Classical Points (DOTS), and this is what constitutes all Sacred Systems in the world, and Sacred Drums beat it and “Tap the Sacred Universe”! 


Thus, the Sacred Mantra of “OM Gran Grin Gron SAHA Gurvey NAMAHA” uses the SAHA (Classical Superstring), NAMA (Quantum Superstring) with Spintronics of 16 Quantum Vowels on the 25 Strings with the GA, the 2-D Space Element as the String-Base, and we have the “Emitter (SAHA), Base (G based Mantra), Collector (NAMA) and Spintronics (16 Vowels)” established in this mantra, which is also so in most of the Indian Mantra Systems. This very formula of Spintronics (16 Quantum Spins), Emitter, Base, Collector is the Secret of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Quantum Time Equation of Chronon, the E’EK, and Sikh Gurus as the Masters of Quantum Language of Gurmukhi Systems say that we should first salute to the “Sacred Mantra Systems of the World as the E’EK and its the Essence of NAMA, the NAMO Theory” that the Tenth Sikh Guru, Shri Guru Gobind Singh has well elaborated in the Jaap Sahib, which describes God in the Form of the Quantum Superstring, who is also the Classical Superstring, the Light and still exists in nature, the creations, the 25 Strings, which is also the “Secret of Shakti, the Holy Spirit.

Video: The Jaap Sahib is the Sacred Description of God as the SAHA (Classical Spacetime, the God as Light Dimension), NAMA (Quantum Spacetime, the God as the Sound, the Vibration and Dipole Dimension), Mantra Compositions (25 Strings, God as in Living Forms, Nature, Elements and Dimensions), and in it the Philosophy of E’EK, the Quantum Time Systems of Chronon are well expressed, and God description in it is as what we have discussed the Waheguru Dipole, which is Essence of All Mantras and thus the Guru-Mantra, the Waheguru (Vaheguru)

When we do any research work that relates to any world religion, faith or even the non-faith, the questions are silently or well raised, for example if we write “Waheguru” all feel happy, and if we write “Waheguru Dipole”, it may frown many eyes, and many may feel insult to God’s Names in someway or the other. However, the Indian and the World Sacred Systems and the Sikh Gurus has used the Waheguru as the Master’s Guru-Mantra, and its addressed as the “Shree Waheguru”, and the “Dipole Waheguru or the Waheguru Dipole” simply means “Shree Waheguru”, and we thus discuss the “SHREE Content of the Indian Sacred Systems” with due respect to “All Names of God”. The “Shree” in all Indian Systems is the “Physical Part of the Mantra” as is the “Ba” Part in the Merkaba Sacred Systems of the Israeli, Egyptian, and the Arabian Sacred Systems. So, please if the works of Philselfology ever hurt the feels please note we think of “Shree” and the “Ba” Part, which is the “Philosophy of Holy Spirit, the Shakti, the Mother”, which creates the O, A and E as the 3 Dimensions of Shree that goes with the O+A+E=AE as the 4th Dimension, which is referred as the God’s Names in the World Sacred Civilizations, and that AE (EA) as the E’ (Total) goes equal to O*A*E=M*V*C or the O*E*A=M*C*V, the Quantum Equation of E (4-D Systems, Light)=M*C*C (3-D Systems), and that is why the SHREE WAHEGURU is the 3-D Setup (SHREE) and the 4th Dimension (WAHEGURU, the Names of God Systems). It helps!

So, the Philselfological Research Works are based on the Gurmukhi (Punjabi) and Other Indian Languages, Linguistics and Grammars and it does not deal any Indian or World Religions and Faiths in the “Context of World Religions and Faiths”, but and thus the World Languages, Linguistics and Grammars. We thus research and discuss the Gurmukhi, Sanskrit, Hindi, and other world languages not the Gurbani, Vedas, and other Holy Scriptures the way these are read and worshiped in the world. The Shree or the Ba (in Merkaba) is thus for the Languages, Linguistics and Grammars that manages the World Sacred Systems as Math, Music, Grammar, Science, Homotopy Type Invariant Math Theories, and so on in the “Global Paradigm Shift”. Thanks!

In this way while using the Shri Guru Nanak Dev Gurmukhi Quantum Equations based on the E’EK, the Chronon as the Quantum Time Dimension, I have been able to put the World Knowledge, Subjects, Faculties and Wisdom into the Quantum Framework of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Quantum Philosophy of E’EK.

Now, we have discussed the E’EK as the Gurmukhi, the Punjabi Languages based Quantum Time Equation of Chronon as given by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji. However, when we consider the Israeli, Arabian and the Egyptian Civilizations, we have the similar and the same concepts and philosophies used in the Languages, Linguistics and the Grammars. For example, the Jeeva, the Jehovah, the Living God, the Consciousness, Elah (Elaha, Elahi) as the God Sacred System of Various World Faiths and Religions, and the E’EK as the God Philosophy while using the Philosophy of Holy Spirit, the Shakti, the E’ and the E Sacred Systems has roots etymologically in world sacred civilizations.

The Gurbani in Shri Guru Granth Sahib as the Sacred Script of Gurmukhi Language Systems uses the E’EK, JEEVA, Elahi Systems and so on, and thus what we see in the “Name of Ezekiel” has almost all of the Israeli, Indian, and Arabian Systems embedded in it as follows:

1. E’Z, and its the Essence of E’Jeeva, the Spintronics of Jeeva, the Consciousness, and thus the E’ja for Jeeva Systems

2. E’K goes as the Essence of E’EK Systems, which deal the Holy Spirit and is “Base and Basis of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Quantum Time Equations”

3. “E’EL” is the Essence of E’E Functionality of L, the Quantum Systems of Indian Quantum Superstring Row of YA, RA, LA, VA, and RAH-RA, and most of the Arabian, Egyptian and the Israeli Sacred Systems use it

Thus, according to the Philselfological Hypothesis of Shree and Merkaba, the “Ezekiel” has the “Essence of All World Civilizations as the E’Z, EK, E’EL, which we can also put as the “E’EJ, E’EK and the E’EL”, and thus the Consciousness, the Living Systems (E’EJ, and it goes the NAMO, the NAMA Theory in Indian Civilizations) as the Quantum Superstring, Classical Superstring Systems (E’EL, the Light), and in it the E’EK stands as the 25 Strings and its Quantum Time as it gives details of K, the Primal 25 String Philosophy of Indian Civilizations. Thus the Name of E’EJ, E’EK and E’EL as the Ezekiel says it all: )

Thus, the E’EK stands as the 25 Strings as the Shabada, the 5 Basic Elements in the Indian Theory of Elements (25 Strings), Classical and Quantum Superstrings of OM Theory of Light and the NAMO Theory of Ishwara, the Jeeva Sacred Systems. That is why the Sikh Gurus has been described as the Masters of the Shabada Wisdom, the 25 Strings of the Indian Civilizations and how they have modified the Indian Quantum Sacred Systems using it all in the Gurmukhi as the Quantum Sanskrit. If we want greater ease, we can put that Shabada is almost same as the Sh-Bada, Beda, Banda, and so on.

The Ezekiel Vision of Temple is almost same as the Harimandar Sahib (Temple, the Mandir of God, Hari), the Darbar Sahib, the Golden Temple as constructed by the Sikh Gurus, Shri Guru Ramdas Ji and Shri Guru Arjan Dev Ji, and its Sikh Architecture based on the Arabian and the Indian Civilizations, and Prophet Ezekiel seems describing it as if the future architect work of Sacred System that we notice in Amritsar Sahib.

Videos: Prophet Ezekiel has Sacred Temple in His Vision and Sikh Golden Temple at Amristar Sahib is almost same the Ezekiel’s Sacred Temple

How we notice the Prophet Ezekiel Sacred Name Systems present in the World Languages in the most mysterious and quantum way as we notice the following:

E’=O’+A’ (Indian and World Spintronics in Languages)

The E’EK naturally carries the E’EK as the E'(O’+A’)EK, which is the 3 Primal Maatra, the Vowel Division and Ratio Systems as the Quantum Sacred Systems of Languages, Linguistics, Grammars and the Philology. In other words, the E’ is the 3-D Spin Systems, while the “O is the 1-D Spin Systems” and “A is the 2-D Spin Systems”, and these all are well integrated and fabricated in the universe. In the 4th Dimension, these 3 Quantum Vowels, the “E, O and A” are added up as the EA=E+O+A (For ease its the EOA Plane, which is 4th Dimension of Quantum Vowels). The EA is the 4-D Spin. It constitutes the 4-Dimensional Quantum Spintronics based on the “Tough Topics of Linguistics and Grammars of World Languages”. Its also the “Secret of 4-D Self-assembling”:

Now, when we consider the World Languages, Linguistics and the Grammars, and thus the Sacred Systems of World Civilizations, the String say as defined in the Computer Programming, we have in all world civilizations the following structure of the Superstring Theory:

1. The Prose as the Vaka is the Classical Super-String, which the computer, machines and humans follows alike

2. The Poetry as the Kava is the Quantum Super-String, which the computer, machines and humans follows alike

3. The Grammar as the Viakarna is the 25 String Systems, which the computer, machines and humans follows alike

Thus, the most ancient human aided programming, which the computer, machines and humans follows alike is the Prose, Poetry and its Programming Key Language in the Grammars.

So, the Philselfology is as if the Poetry-Grammar-Prose as the Quantum Philosophy (Poetry)-25 Basic Strings, the Self, the Grammar-Science (Prose) as the Sacred Education Systems from time immortal. We can easily educate Superstring Theories in the schools, colleges and universities in this most ancient way, which the Sikh Gurus has put as the “Bani-Boli-Bol”=Sacred Poetry-Languages (Grammars)-Prose (Oral Speeches as well), which is the easy summary that most of the Asian Students can learn in the schools. The most interesting point in it is that it helps learning, mastering and doing innovations in what it, the Sacred Poetry-Grammar-Prose gives, and its all that is collected as the “Sacred Systems say the Math, Geometry, Music, Architect, Languages, Grammars, Fibonacci Systems, Quantum Systems, Nano Systems, Supermaterials, and all that is modern and ancient at one platform, the Philselfology, Superstring Theory of Everything”.

For this reason, its the “Single Subject” that educates all possible subjects of the world that remain threaded, fabricated and integrated to the “Master Subject, the Single Model and Theory of Everything say in our case we discuss Philselfology, the Sacred Setup of Language Based Linguistics and Grammars that describes the Sacred Systems as the Superstring Theory”. It thus helps women to learn the Philosophy, Religion, Grammars, Music, Arts and enhance the Creative Intelligence with general logic as we notice the past education has been not to educated these subjects to masses and men education when lacks these subjects makes one behave as “reactive” as most of us do not know Art, Philosophy, Music, Religion and Sacred Education Systems as we are going to have it all in these two three years to come say 2015-20.

So, what more I could do was to simply send an application to patent this idea and I happen to submit the International Application for Patent it all as the Philselfology, the Quantum Language, Linguistics and Grammar Model of Gurmukhi in the USPTO, USA with almost no follow-ups as I may not be well versed in it, and need a little help!

The Previous Part of the Series: How Languages, Linguistics and Grammars are Integrated and Fabricated as the 25 Strings and 2 Superstrings with SVO and Indian Sacred Mantra Construction Systems: Philology, Philselfology, NAMA and MANA Theory: Be Happy Philselfologically 131

The Next Part of the Series: How Indian, Arabian, Chinese, Egyptian, and Western Music follow Vibration and Musical Superstring Theory: Gurmukhi, Superstring, World Music, Vibration, Parallel Universe and Quantum Kundalini Theory: Be Happy Philselfologically 133

Well, thanks for your time!

Be Happy Philselfologically and Play the Quantum Qubit Music Everyday, and its good at 528 Hz! 

Dr. Harmander Singh
Author: Dr. Harmander Singh

Be Happy Philselfologically: The Research on Free and Renewable Energy as Quantum, Classical and Sacred Systems! 🙂

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