How the Space Element of Shabada, the Sacred Waves and Vibrations Help the Universe: The Sacred Sound, the Shabada as the Source of Omniscience, the Bindu: Be Happy Philselfologically – 74
The Sacred Universe in which we live is an equipotential zone that keeps expanding due to universal actions and reactions in it, and even an electron in it plays a significant role, while as the humans, we all are able to see, know, realize and make any possible change in it without disturbing its Sacred Scales as its same for the atom as its for the universe by itself, and no matter how many universes as the main point is the rightly chosen scale. As this scale never changes and is same everywhere in the space, we use it to make any difference in anything, and what it produces affects the surrounding while slowly it emerges into larger scales, the sacred dimensions of earth, moon, sun, stars, North Polaris star, center of the universe, and its connectivity to many other other universes. When we cause anything it can be Sacred Conversion of Matter into Light, the Nama Theory which goes towards the center of the universe, and while the Light into Matter, the Mana Theory through any Mantras, the Conversion Systems of Change of Energy from one form to another. In all of it our universe remains as if Light Energy where all other forms of energies get enough room to keep changing, and the Sound Energies play the most important role in the Light Energy of the Universe.
We have the Sound Energies present in the universe, and every sound has the “Shabada”, the Sacred Waves and Vibrations of the Universe carrying self-frame of reference, the Bindu with every point. The Bindu and its roots, the origin and the Shabada has the same channels as if we write it as the “Swai+Bindu” means as Indian Darshana, the Philosophies say that everything has its own origin and that is from the “Bindu”, the “Beda”, and thus simply the “Bada”, and the “S” is usually taken from the “Swayambhoo”, the “Saibhanga” Sacred Dimensions and thus when we use the “Shabada” on any Sacred Dimensions, we use its Sacred Verbal Reference as “OM” as the Sacred Root gives the “Omnkara”, which means that at the Sacred Dimension of “OM”, we have the “Kara”, the Conversion of Sound Energies to Light Energies. Thus, the “Shabada” is the Self-operating Bindu, and we have its Sacred Dimensions from any “Bindu” into the 16 Sacred Dimensions with which we can construct the Complete Human and the Vedic, the Word Based Sound, Light and Matter, the Mattra Energies and thus the Sacred Powers. It is the base of Indian Classical Knowledge and Wisdom of Indian and Other Sacred Civilizations, which gives Omniscience from the “OM” as the “Sway or Swai Bindu”, and please not we can not see the “Sway”, the “Swai” as it is what sees the “The Sacred Bindu Inside”, and thus its also called the “Param Purukha” in all of us. Beyond the 3 Guna and the Dosha, we see the “Param Purukha”, and says Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji: “… Tab Hi Aatam Tat Ko Darsai Param Purukh Kah Pavai…” (By leaving the 3 Guna and thus its 3 Dosha’s, one can feel and experience the sacred presence of the Param Purukha, which he says is the “Anubhao Saroope”, the Existence which one can feel only!”
These sounds of the “Shabada” are converted into “Sacred Mantras, Sutras of say Maths and Sciences, Sacred Geometry, the Sacred Sounds, Music, Architect, and it keeps going on as creation of the Parables, Hymns, Stories, and thus the Prose, but it always starts with the Sacred Poetry based on the Sacred Symbols, Signs, Visions, and whatever the Creative Intelligence, the Holy Spirit or the Shakti of the Universe gives to every individual, which we know as the Personal Relation with God, the Sacred Intelligence as the Parmatama in the Universe, the Light Who Speaks and Talks, and that is one of the major reason that we need to learn sacred languages and all languages as sacred!
As the Conversion of “Shabada” into Sacred Poetry into Sacred Prose is a very difficult when we do it without Sacred Understanding of it, the Indian Sacred Systems offer it as the Sacred Learning of 8 Dimensions, the Bhavana, and when one learns one sacred dimension properly, its called the attainment of the Bhoomika, the Ownership of the Bhavana,the House or the Sacred Dimension of the “Shabada”, the “Ka” or the “Chi” Level of “Shabada”, the Treasure of Word as the Matter, the Shakti, Sound and Light. It starts with simply and just “Good Intention” and ends in the 8th Bhoomika, the Sacred Dimension as the “Selflessness”, the Self-realization, and what we know the Mastery over the “Shabada”, the Swaibhanga, the Self+Beda, the Veda Knowledge. This very Sacred Process is known as meeting the “Shabada” with and through the “Shabada” as water meets and emerges into water as the “naman”, the “Nama Theory”, and thus as emerges fire into the fire and light into the light, and all the way its the Blend of Theory of Mana, and thus Winning it, the Mantra, the Mattra (the quantity of sacred vowels in the “shabada”) and the Theory of Nama, the Light of Self and thus Living in it, the Swaibhanga simply feeling what and who we are, and its as simple as possible and natural. The most recommended and easiest method in the world religions and faiths is to “Know Thyself” as we all have always good intentions to know it!
Theory of Mana, and Winning it is what the Sikhism and all other world religions and faiths advise: “Mann Jeete Jag Jeet!” means, “By winning, understanding or mastering the Mana Theory, the Sacred 8-Dimensions of Energy, the Shakti which is known as the Heart, the Mana, the Mann, the Creative Intelligence, one wins the World of the “Shabada”, the “Sansara, and thus 8-Sacred Dimensions, and dwells in the Sacred Bhoomika, the Self-ownership of the Body, which one owns, but happens to live as if a stranger!!!”
The Gurbani says that easy way to win; understand or master the mana theory or simply the mana, the mann is: “Ghat Hi Khojoh Bhai…!” “Dear Brother! Find it within…!”
We win one dimension at a time without trying to completely win all dimensions of the mana, the heart zone, and its always take it easy and keep trying otherwise we repeat the mistakes as monkey holds more food in hand then it can take, so, in parts and thus the Sacred Multiple Dimensions, the Great Story of one Step at a Time!
The most difficult part of Winning Sacred Dimensions of Force, the Shakti, the Creative Intelligence or the Mann, the Mana Theory is that it needs a serious self-effort in the self-given guidance of the Self-knowledge as Presence of Light as the Sacred Dimensions of Power within, and this very light of self-knowledge, awareness and thus sense of being “I” clearly guides and shows us all inside and outside worlds how we are weak in the flesh, the force dimensions, and how clearly we know what is right and wrong. Our inner struggle is neither with the Sacred Dimensions of Force, the Shakti as our body and experts guide us, and in the Sacred Dimensions of Power, we all have the same systems, which are the fault free systems as we know and call it the Internal World, the Kingdom of God, the Rama-rajya, the Incarnated World, and so on. We simply need to accept our weakness that without merit we cannot achieve anything in the world inside and outside, and as the world inside is ideal, we have it for free by birth and thus the holy scriptures say God gives everything for free means the Inner World, and the Kingdom of God is always free!
Philselfology of Indian Sacred Mantra Systems: Drisha, Darshaka, Drishta, Darshana and the Theory of Dimensions: Studies of Nature and the Universe say Shri Yantra: Be Happy Philselfologically – 59
Thus all astrologers and other spirituals, and thus the Sacred Vedas recommend the 6th Dimension as the Sacred Remedy, and thus the use Mantras as described in the next dimension.
6. The Force or the Shakti Regions, the Sixth Dimension: The Electric Spheres as produced by the 7th Dimension of Power, the Shiva, and these electric spheres are beyond the Sacred Constellations, which are the Regions of Shakti where Sound Energies reach and Indians call it the Levels of Mantras, and thus the “Theory of Mana”, the Theory of Sound Energy as for curing any matter or sending information say through internet and the mobiles, we use the “Sound Energy in an Electromagnetic Way, and thus the Theory of the Semiconductors”
7. The Power or the Shiva Regions, the Seventh Dimension: The Magnetic Spheres, which produce the First Outer to the 7th Sacred Dimension as the Frame of Reference (as we call it the Sacred Dimension), the Bindu that Glows, and thus Enlarged Sphere of Electricity, the Electric Particles around it which glow (Tithai loyai loyai Akar… There are many glowing spheres as there is no struck sound, and thus the consonants, but the sacred vowels and the light energies, and thus the “Theory of Nama”, the “Light Energy”, which is the Magnetic Power System of the Universe is mostly shown as the Sudarshana Chakra as how the magnetic powers from the center of the universe and a given magnetic which can be even an electrons and the atom gives us the Sacred Mapped Structure of the Universe in which we live:
Its same as we study the structure of an atom at the high schools:
As to say it further, we have the Electromagnetic Systems that keeps this “Sacred Sudarshana Chakra” together is the “Proton and Electron Systems” and the “Gurbani” calls it the “Pir”, the Sacred Electric Side of the Composition of the Universe as the Bride and the Positive, the Magnetic Side of the Composition of the Universe and the “Bridegroom”, and Groom has a root of “Guma”, which is same as the “Guna” that means whose “Sacred DNA Multiplies, the Guna, the Basic Quality of the Shakti, the Force as it has the electron, proton and neutron based static, kinetic and the dynamic activities and that these when receive the dynamic but the charge free cloud, the Turiya level of the Scared DNA as the Sacred Sperm about which the Sacred Gurbani says:”Ehu nirgun gun kichu na bujhai…”, which means the human made by Turiya DNA, the Sacred Sperm as the “Nirguna”, the Transitional and Balanced State of the Human Seed with life in it, and with Sacred Multiplication of Sacred DNA and its expansion does not understand and realize it and keeps looking at the human body while its made of a Single Sacred Stripe of Sperm, the Turiya DNA that ones mother has multiplied, and thus suffers mentally and spiritually and thus physically with the 3 Dosha of faulty static, kinetic and dynamic activities and thus called the Karma Dosha’s, and a simple and plain truth is that we all are made up of Neutralized Atom, the Atama of Life, the Jeeva-Atama, which is same as the Sperm, and while working we repeat the 3 Guna Composition, we while and when meditating and providing the media of clouded ionization, the Sacred Rasanyana, the Chemical and the Biological Fluids, Flows and the Ions of the Sacred Glands to the Brain, and thus to the Nervous System everywhere in body are the same Sacred Turiya DNA’s, which is what one is and who one is, and its same for “All Other Larger Systems in the Universe say the Plants and the Systems we see say from Atom to the Sacred Universe (and here the sacred means the composition of the say universe by itself”):
And at the larger scales, we have the plants:

Thus in the Sacred Systems say Earth, Moon, the Sun, the Solar Systems and other 7 Sacred Dimensions of Life, we share our every kind of life existence as part of the Clouded Charges of the Universe, and it even the Sound, the Mana seems as if just an single element of charge, and thus as the Gurbani says that the Mana, and above all the “Light Energy as the Nama is the Form of Matter Energy, the Padarth, the Part that Earths itself into the Sacred Universe as the Mana and the Nama Theories of the World Religions and Faiths explain and thus its Installation, the Sowing the Sacred Seeds as the Sanskara”:

Thus in Indian Sacred Languages, its Pati, Puta, Suta, the Son, Sun, and so on, which means the “Sacred DNA Strip, the Pati, the Sutra, and so on”, and the Patini, the Patani means the “Woman, who multiples the Sacred DNA Strip as the Pati into the Puta, and thus the Female Puti, the Pati and the Potency Systems in the Sacred Ayurveda Genetic Systems”, and thus the Overall Sacred Process of Sacred DNA Donor, the Pati and the Multiplier of it as the Patani, and thus related DNA Kundalini Systems of Glands that Water the Tree of Sacred Sanskara and thus the Householders Life same everywhere in the Sacred (here Sacred means the Sanskara based) Universe, the Sacred Universe, and it has many names of Ionic Bonding, which are called the “Rasa”, and thus the Rasayana, the Chemistry of the Universe in the Biological way as the Ayurveda and other world religions and scriptures, the holy books explain in the scriptures. One of the wonderful explanation is given about the Sacred Sanskara, the Energy (Yin-Yang) and Power (Chi, Qi as both the Yin and the Yan constituting the Electromagnetic System of Electrons, the Yin and the Protons, the Yang) Management Systems in the Chinese Taoism about the Shakti, the Sarb Loh as follows:
“What Is Qi (Chi)?:
Central to Taoist world-view and practice is qi (chi). Qi is life-force — that which animates the forms of the world. It is the vibratory nature of phenomena — the flow and tremoring that is happening continuously at molecular, atomic and sub-atomic levels. In Japan it is called “ki,” and in India, “prana” or “shakti.” The ancient Egyptians referred to it as “ka,” and the ancient Greeks as “pneuma.” For Native Americans it is the “Great Spirit” and for Christians, the “Holy Spirit.” In Africa it’s known as “ashe” and in Hawaii as “ha” or “mana.”
In China, the understanding of qi is inherent in the very language. For instance: The literal translation of the Chinese character meaning “health” is “original qi.” The literal translation of the character for “vitality” is “high quality qi.” The literal translation of the character meaning “friendly” is “peaceful qi.”” (With thanks from the source: )
We have already discussed it as the “Ik” or “Ek” in the Moolmantra as in the Gurbani. This “Ik” has “I” in “IEK” as the Yin that is the Electronic Side of the Words as the Sacred Vowels, and the “I” is twice in it that is as the Letter as well, which is the “Sacred Letter of “E” that gives us the Magnetic Side of the Words”, and the “K” in is complete representation of “Chi” or “Qi” as we discuss.
When we open our mouth, and say “IK”, we first use the lips giving the sound of rounded mouth supported by the lower jaw as if the electronic movement in the mouth, and the sound of “Yin”, the Lower Quarks, and then the lips and lower jaw meeting the upper ones as we speak the sacred consonant of “I” or “E” as “Yang”, the Upper Quarks in the “IK” or “EK” as in the Punjabi its the “IEK” and we throw the Sound so created in the mouth with “K” as the Chi, the Shakti so produced that unites two quarks together as the “K”, the Complete Sacred System of all Sacred Consonants so produced. In it its just one quark system, but clouded quarks that produce the same system which is present in the Indian Religious Buildings and thus the Vastu Shastra, and people say that Lord Krishna literally showed the Sacred and Divine Secrets of the Sacred Universe to his mother, and that we all have it as shown below:

The Chi Systems of Shakti, the Sacred Energy and Power Managements show the same in the mouth, which we can show with any Chi Diagram in the Mouth as shown below:

Its in the same way as we connect to the Sacred Universe through Pranayama or the simplest of all, the anulom vilom, the left and the right nostrils as the Yin and the Yang, which together give the Sacred Chi Energies to the Human Body when we do it:
This process is the main point in the Modern Use of DNA Healing Sounds that repeatedly say “IEK… IEK… IEK” and its same as keep saying, “CHI.. CHI… CHI that says ICH…ICH…ICH, the IEK… IEK… IEK…” as in the following video saying and echoing as the CHI (the Chi Energy) or the QI (the Qi Energy) as the Sacred Sound of “IEK… IEK… IEK”, all the way:
How Indian Sacred Theories of Pure DNA, the Vedas and Sacred DNA, the Purana are the Incarnation and Reincarnation of Pure and Sacred Worlds of DNA: Sacred Sikh Moolmantra and Be Happy Philselfologically – 68
Thus, we have the Sacred Knowledge and Wisdom of the Electrons, Protons and the Neutrons and the atoms as large as the Sacred Universe is in which we all live:
Philselfology or Swaadhaya of Sacred Mahamrityunjaya Mantra: Puja, Puti and Pati: The One Philosophy of Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha: Be Happy Philselfologically – Part 53
When we send signals towards the center of the universe we use the light Energy, which can either converge or diverge usually beginning with the LASER beams as further discussed in the following part of the series:
“Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, and the Theory of Forms, and OM: How Sacred Vedas Chant Physical and Metaphysical Rama in 7 Heavens and 14 Sacred Dimensions – Be Happy Philselfologically – 54”
Shakti, the Maya and Brahm: How Philselfology as Sacred Philosophy, the Metaphysics is the Bridge Between Science and Religion: Be Happy Philselfologically – 65
And thus most modern thing in the world that is changing our world civilizations towards sacredness and the sacred education systems:
Philselfological Education System: New Sacred Ecological Education System Based on Kids of First Grade Research Works, the Initiatives : The Proposal Grounds: Be Happy Philselfologically – 44
How Be Happy Philselfologically Can Help in Sacred Paradigm in Modern World of Science, Math, Geometry, Grammar, Music, Creative Arts, Mantras, Painting, and Space Sciences and Holistic Management of Knowledge and Wisdom – 55
How Indian Ancient and Sacred Education Systems can Help Humanity: Governments and the UNO need to Make a Little Change in World Education Systems: Be Happy Philselfologically – 66
The great word that Indian Sacred Languages use is the “Pracheen”, which means “Para”+Cheen”=Pure White Light (Para) and its Knowledge by Experience (Cheena), and thus the Vedas, the Truths that People have Lived, the Living Truths and thus All Times Witness, the Immortal, and thus Sacred, the Sach, the Sachu of the Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Moolmantra as the Truth that Natural Laws and the Principles follow, and we realize these neither by knowing and nor by doing alone, but “Living”, the “Love”, “Live” words roots of “Laya”, the Theory of Emergence in which a sound, the shabada laya’s in sound, the shabada, water in water, light into light, and thus Laya, and the Life, Live and Love!
Not very Pracheen: Please Throw not Sacred Reiki Energies or Powers to the Universe, but its Sacred Center: Secrets of Science of Vedas: Be Happy Philselfologically – 49
The Sacred Dimensions are also the levels at which global marketing can work, and we note that spiritual trading, business and marketing is based on the spiritual qualities, talents and the merits as very popular in selling of CD’s and DVD’s of religions, faiths and the spirituality, which is considered as the authorized people for doing the Universal Trading, the “Vaapaara” in Punjabi langauge and also softly as the “Vapar”, the “V” means the “Vigayanamayi Kosha Level” as the Dimensions inside the Human Body exsists as we say:
“Jo Brahmande Soi Pinde” (Gurbani)
“The Sacred Dimensions of the Universe are also present in the sacred human body, the Pinda in the same way as these are in the sacred universe!”
In this way the 5 Kosha’s of Human Body are the 5 Dimensions of say Earth system, Moon system, Sun system, the Stars and the North Polaris Systems, and we go inter deeper, we have the Center of the Universe, which is the same as the “Sudarshana Chakra as we have discussed and the Shakti, the Force and Energy Management as its the Electric Systems of the Universe as the 6th Dimension, the Theory of Mana, the Moods and the Sacred Glandular Systems, and the Sacred 7th Dimension of Light Energy, which is present in the Center of the Universe and at our sun and the moons and thus in any form of the “Light Energy, which we need to learn to use as the Power”, and thus the “Nama Theory”, which on recitation gives the Sacred Light of Anubhava, the Sacred Visualization, the Darshana, the Philosophy, Moral and Ethics that runs the universal business no matter where we practice it and we see it as the “Light that Glows, Speaks and Guides us inside” giving us the Sacred Anubhava, the Knowledge and Wisdom of Light that Speaks the Sacred Wisdom of the Mouth, the Vedas.
The Holy People of the World has been the Holy, the Sacred Merchants and the Traders, and the Indians call them the “Bhagat’s”. When we notice of the major contribution by the Bhagat’s and the Sikh Gurus in the Indian Civilizations, none among them might have gone to any school, college, university or the similar to get the degree and start to get this Sacred Knowledge and Wisdom. They literally and practically rewrote all the Vedas, the Vedic Knowledge and Wisdom without ever going to any Institution of Education. People call it a Miracle of Indian Sacred Education Systems, and no wonder western countries have all great people with this lineage who gave the world the Lived Modern Sacred Civilizations of the Vedas that we usually study in the modern colleges and the universities. This makes Pure and Sacred DNA the Perfect but not Utopian World Inside and Outside All Living Ones!
Next part of the series:
“How the Space Element of Shabada, the Sacred Waves and Vibrations Help the Universe: The Sacred Sound, the Shabada as the Source of Omniscience, the Bindu: Be Happy Philselfologically – 74”
We will edit and add!
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!