How the Waheguru Systems Combines All Vedic Systems Systems for Science, Math, Computer, and Educational Researches as the Future of World Civilization – Punjabi, Hindi and Sanskrit Language Systems: Be Happy Philselfologically – 90
We have discussed how the “OANKARA” Systems work as described in the Vedas, but we also understand that the “SOHUN HANSA” also has been the “Major Scientific Theory for the “Evolution of the Universe”. The “Sohun and the Hansa” Theory goes as follows as followed by the “OANKARA Systems”, and then we discuss why the “Need and Role of Waheguru as the Scientific Model for Evolution” has been here from ages on our earth systems.
1. The “SAHA” is the “Integration in Maths”:

In the Indian Systems, it is also the “SOHUN” of the “SOHUN HANSA!”
2. The “HASA” is the “Differentiation in the Maths”:

In Indian Systems, it is also the “HANSA” of the “SOHUN HANSA!”
Then, as we have already discussed, the Kundalini, the Semiconducting Audio, and Video Files work as best seem in the following way, the way its in the Fiber, the Optics of the Future:
1. SAHA, the Sound or the Audio System
2. HASA, the Video Systems
3. SAHA and HASA, the “SAHSA”, the Origin of All Languages in the Universe as the Gurbani, the Teachings of Sikhism calls it, the “SAHSA+Kriti”, the name for “SANSKRIT” Language Systems, which we have as the “DATABASE Systems of the Universe”. The “Sahasakriti” is the “Creation of SAHASA”, the Sanskrit Language Systems the Systems of Databases as we notice in the following image:

The Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems also start the Atom and Universe as its in the Sanskrit Language Systems, and thus have the “OANKARA” as the “First Description of the Atom and the Universe”. In the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems, we have the “OANKARA” as follows:
1. O as the Neutron
2. A, U, which makes the “HORA or the HORAHA” on the “OORAHA, the O” in the “OANKARA”, and the “HORA” means the “Time and Light Management in the Universe” as its the “H, the Helium and “O” is the Neutron, and the “R” goes as the “Medium of Light”, and “A” is the “Proton” say in the “Helium in which neutron is active, and through space and light as in the medium of light, we have the “Neutron and the Proton Activity going on” according to the “Sacred Grammars of Indian Language Systems”. Now, the “KARA” is what we have discussed as the “Sound Energies, the “K” with “Light Energies”, the “R” using the “Protons or the Positive Charges”, the “A”, and thus the “KAR” in the “OANKARA” in Universe in the Grammatical Sciences to say. If we use this easy to understand model, we have the “Modern Helium with Muon”!

If we want to smile, we have it all as the “OANKARA has the Symbol of “OM”, which goes as shown below when with two “OM with Mirror Theory and the Spin as the Two OM’S Joined Together”, we notice it in the Universe as thus shown below:

Image 1.0: Image of the Mirror Division in the Y-Axis, the Vertical Division
When we have the “OM” as say the “Matter”, we also have the “NAMO” as the “Antimatter”. In between these 2 Boundaries of the Universes, we exist that is “OM “Mantra, the Creative Intelligence and the Intelligence” NAMO”
Thus, we consider the “Mirror Theory”, we need to consider the “Anti-mirror Theories”, and the reason is that the “OM” is the “Light Particle”, and the “NAMO” is the “Sound Particle” and in between the “Light and Sound” exists “Matter and the Antimatter”. The “NAMO” as the “Sound, the Sound Energy” may never have the “Mirror Theory”, but the “Opposite Sound Theories, which the Given Sound can Create”, and this “Opposite Sound Wave creates different color from its original theories, the addition of sounds”. Now, the “Addition of Sounds” have a breakdown point, and we find it sustaining the nucleus,atoms and universes, and all that exists. Now, we talk about the “Breakdown Point of Sound Energies”, we have it as the “Spindle or Twisting of Sound Energies”, and this very thing is called the “Sacred Sound, “N” in the Indian Civilizations”, and thus when we have the “Ananda”, we have the “A’N’A’N’D”, which means the “Sound Energy Multiplications, which are known as the “GUNA’s”, and that is what it means that Indians say: “Bhagwan ke gunon ka chintan karo…!” “Think about God’s Spindling and Twisting that are the Guna’s which create, run, sustain and cremate the universes!”
Thus, the “NAMO” has the structures in the universe, which are opposite in behavior but coexist as we see and notice it in the case of the sound energies, which totally differs from the “light energy” as “Spindling is Twisting of Sound as if its Light Energy”.
Thus, the difference between the “OM of Light Energy follows the Mirror Theory and gives a pair which is divided into two perpendicularly as we notice in the image 1.0, and we have the “Spindling Sound Additions in the same as the Mirror Theory of the Light, but its the Horizontal Addition, Multiplication, which seems exactly the “Mirror Theory of Sound Spindling as the Light Spindling”. One of the example for it is shown below:

Now, the humans as the “Mantra” in the “OM MANTRA NAMO” does marvels as we can spindle and twist both light and sound energies, and we as an observers do it in the Z-Axis and the Direction, and thus get the results as shown below with “MANTRA in the Z-Direction Mirror Divisions and the Mirror Theories”:

Now, we all know that in the “Sanskrit Language Systems”, we have the “Spinal Chord Systems as the First Person”, which we know as the “Databases”, and the “Audio Systems, the Sound Energy Management of Right Side of the Body, the Solar Systems is the Second Person”. Similarly, we have the “Video Systems, the Light Energy Management of the Left Side of the Body, the Lunar Systems, and its the “Third Person in the Sanskrit Language Systems”. It goes opposite in the “Hindi and the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi, the Brahmi Languages”, and we have the “I, Identity and We Identity” of the Brain More Prominent, and thus in the AGE or the USAGE of of Machines and Computers, we use the “I, First Person and the “WE” as the Second Person”, and the “Databases, the Sukhmana of the Sanskrit Language Systems” may not be the “First Person”, but everything we add through the “Research Works on the Evolution of Universe” goes into the “Databases”, but we lack the human use of computers thus, the “Robots” may give funny or fatal results as derived from the “Databases”, which has as it seems the “Major Global Mistake that Researches as the Databases are fed and say in reply”, but it seems a serious mistake.
When we notice that any modern research is mostly based on the “WAHEGURU Ionization”, we have it as the “Earth Systems as the WAHEGURU Ionization Systems in the Same Way as the Pulsar Systems of the Neutronic Stars”, and when we view earth systems in this context, we have the “OORA, AARA and EERI”, the Earth View as “1-D (Top View), 2-D (Cross Section) and the 3-D as the Charge Management”, we have it as shown below:
It is same as the following systems based on the “WAHEGURU Ionization Systems”:

The Future Space Technology, Sciences and Travelling may be fully based on the following model of pollution free electromagnetic systems as the in 4 Systems say the “WAHEGURU”
1. The First Phase: Charge Creation with “A”, and thus the “Vertical Standing of the Magnetic Systems”, and “Vibrate Rhythmically Saying the “A, the AARA” as shown below:

2. The Second Phase: The Charge goes into “E” Movement, and thus the “Vertical Standing magnetic Systems” create and vibrate as the “SIHARI” in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems does as shown below:

3. The Third Phase: The Charge goes into the “O as U”, the Aunkad Systems of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Systems and we notice the “Horizontal Movement of Magnetic Systems” creating and vibrating the “O, the OORA” Systems of Punjabi, the Gurmukhi as the “Aunkad”, the Syllable does as shown below:

4. The Fourth Phase: The Charge goes into the “O as the OO”, the Dulankad Systems of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems, while creating and vibrating as the “OORA, the Dulankad, the Double OORA” does as show below:
We notice these 4 phases in the following image:

Thus, we notice that the “A, E, U as O, and the U as the OO” in the “WAHEGURU” Systems generate the Electric, Magnetic and the Electromagnetic Waves and Vibrations as shown below:

It is the same systems as it is the structural function of the “Egg” Systems:

Thus, we go ahead for the “Meta-materials for the Future World” with the “AARA, EERI and OORA” as its base, which we see present as the “AARA, the KANNA, EERI, the Sihari and OORA, the Aunkad”, and thus the “OORA, AARA and the EERI Systems” or simply the “AA EE OO Systems”, and no wonder, but amazement that these vibrate as shown in the image below:

How all of it gives the “WAHEGURU Sound Beats” is how the “Pulsars Sound saying: WAHEGURU” as sounds in the video below:
The following videos also play the sounds of the “AA EE OO”, the “WAHEGURU” Sounds and it includes the “Universe” too:
The Meta-materials have thus the structures which are from the “EM Systems of WAHEGURU Shapes, Functioning and Working as the Dipoles do”, and have when joined the Structures of the “KHANDA” Shapes, Structures and Systems as these function in the human brains and the universes as such, and we see and notice it as shown below:

It helps to know that the “WAHEGURU Systems” also run the planes as it does the rockets which will develop a lot with the “Fiber and Optics with the Dipolar action, theory and philosophy as the Waheguru Systems of the Electromagnetism:

Now, when we notice that in some cases, the “A, the AARA” can be “positive or negative charge”, which can be “simply the direction”, we have it going towards the “E, the EE”, the Electric and the “O, the OO”, the “Magnetic Systems to say the say the “Easy to Understand Waheguru Systems” give the “O”, the Weak Field, the Force and the “OO”, the Strong Field and thus the Force to say the “Gravity”, the “GU” Systems, and we have what we also know as the “Lorentz Force Law” as it goes as the “WAHEGURU System”:

When we use the “WAHEGURU Systems” in the Maths and Geometry, say in Physics, we have its “Special System” for it that we can write as follows:
1. MANA as the Scalar Product as it deals with the Light as the Particle, the Sound
2. NAMA as the Vector Product as it deals with the Light as the Wave, the Light by itself
Thus, when we write it as the Lorentz Equation, we have it as follows:
WAHEGURU as Sound Energy=MANA Energy
WAHEGURU as Light Energy=NAMA Energy
WAHEGURU Power (Electromagnetic Force)=Energy (MANA)+Energy (NAMA)
“WAHEGURU Power” as the Electromagnetic Force=Energy (MANA+NAMA)
The common in both is the Sound Energy, the Charge, which is the charge of electron, proton or a neutron to say.
When use the modern notations, we have the following:
Force (WAHEGURU)=q(E+v*B)
The above equation can also be derived as the “RAMA” and the “MARA” Process for abstract and the “NAMA and the MANA” Process for the matter things, and when we do the opposite we have the following:
We have say say the “dividend”=”a”, and the remainder “r”, quotient “q”, and the divisor “b”, we notice that it has the same systems as we know as the Euclidean Division Lemma:
a=b*q+r as the “Simarana=Rama*Empty Space+Mara”
The Simarana is the Space Covered by Any Possible Process and the System in the Universe.
The “Rama” covers the empty space in the charge and whatever is left is the “Mara” Space, which is neither filled not empty but remains a “remainder”. It gives the Euclidean Filled (RAMA) and the Empty (MARA) Space a meaning for almost all “Fiber, Optical and Future Computer Systems”. In the “Empty, the MARA” Systems, we have the “Simarana” as the “Visimarna”, which in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems has the name of “Bisimarana”. The Bisimarana” is the “Process of Bikhandana”, the “Systematic Differentiation and Division”, and thus the “B” is for “Differentiation” and the “S” for “Integration”, and we have it as follows:
1. Simarana: The Process of Integration’s, and its the “Magnetic System” in the “EM Systems” and invites “Vector Studies”
2. Bisimarana: The Process of Differentiation, and its the “Electric System” in the “EM Systems” and invites the “Scalar Quantities and the Studies of the Vector Division and Conversion into the Scalar Quantities.
It gives the following equation:
Force (WAHEGURU)=q(E+v*B)
As Force (WAHEGURU)=Simarana (Magnetic, the Brain Part)+Bisimarana (Electric, the Physical Part)
Force (WAHEGURU)=Power, the Shiva Dimensions+Force, the Shakti Dimensions
Force (WAHEGURU)=Shiva+Shakti (AARA+EERI Systems)
Power (WAHEGURU)=Shiva=Shakti=Ardhnarishwara, the Neutralized Systems (OORA Systems)
Now, when we put the Ardhnarishwara, the Neutralized Systems to the “OORA AARA and EERI” Systems, we get the following:
1. Power (WAHEGURU)=Shiva=Shakti=Ardhnarishwara, the Neutralized Systems (OORA Systems): It is the “Cell, the Egg Systems” in the Universe, which can be even the atoms, the nucleus. It is thus also the the “OORA”, the Neutron Systems even up to the Neutron Stars and the Universe. It needs something that can create “Charge as if Creating the Bipole, the Dipole Systems” so that it goes from the “Beyond Space and Time” to the “Time Dimensions” and thus start the “Life”, the “Jeeva Systems”, and thus the “Ji or the Jee, the Consciousness”, which is the “Neutralized State” gets the “Wa or the Va”, the “Life Mediums” and thus the “Jee”+”Va or Wa”=”Jeeva or Jeewa”, the Life Cycle, and thus the “WA” System of the “WAHEGURU Systems”.
The “WAHEGURU System” in the Cells, the Eggs with the “Bipole and the Dipole”, the “MARA and the RAMA” Systems has the same function as we have already discussed above, and we have it happening the “Female Body, the Physical Systems” as the “JEE or the JI” Systems chanting “WAHEGURU Bipole and the Dipole Mechanism”:
Image: The WAHEGURU, the JEE Powered Egg: The Living Bipole and the Dipole System
2. Then we have the “JEEVA” Systems as follows:
Force (WAHEGURU)=Shiva+Shakti (AARA+EERI) Systems
The Splitting, the Charge Division of the Cell, the Egg of “W, the JEEWA, the JEEVA” have the “Charge Giver, the Sperm”. The “Sperm” has a “Charge Creation Creator of the X or Y Nature”, which can make the “Neutralized Cell, the Egg” have life. Thus the “JEEVA” gets the “Life Systems” with “HA Systems”, and we have what we know as the “Charged Life Cell, the Egg” have the “JJEVAH” or the “JEEVA:” Systems. It is called the “SHIVA Systems” as its the “S: or the SAH, the SAHA” Systems” that the “SA goes as the SAH or the S: Systems”, the Start, the Beginning of Life. It is called the “SAHA Systems”. Now, we have the “JEEVAHA”, the “FETUS”, which needs its own identity with the “GURU”, the “JEEVAHA” Equilibrium System.
3. We have the “JEEVAH or the JEEVAHA” go into the “Splinting of Cell, the Egg Systems”, and acquire the “Self-identity and the Identifier Systems”.
Force (WAHEGURU)=Power, the Shiva Dimensions+Force, the Shakti Dimensions
Thus, we have the “JEEVAHA” have the “Electric and the Magnetic Systems” run as the “Self-operating” and the “Auto-systems of Life”.
So, we notice the “JEEVAHA” going into the “JEEVAH+GU” Systems, and thus the “JEEVAHGAN” Systems. It is thus the “Magnetic System” as if the “GONG Systems”.
For the “Electric Systems”, the “JEEVAHGAN” needs the now needs the “RU” Life Systems.
4. The “JEEVAHGAN” now acquires the “RU” Systems, when we say “The Fetus in the Womb has attained life”, the “Sanskara Celebrations” in Indian and Other World Civilization. So, we have it as follows:
“JEEVAHGAN” Force (WAHEGURU)=Simarana (Magnetic, the Brain Part)+Bisimarana (Electric, the Physical Part)
It goes as the “JEEVAHGAN+RU”=”JEEVAHAGANGAT”, in the Language Systems, when we add the “N” with “R” Sounds, we can have it as the “TAR” or the “DAR” Systems instead of saying it as the “NAR” Systems, and we have many sounds and words in the Sanskrit, Hindi and Punjabi as the “Jeevahagat, Jeevahagada, Jeevahana” as the “First, Third and Fifth Columns” in the Hindi, Punjabi and the Sanskrit Language Systems give the vibrations, sounds and thus the resultants of the sound energies.
Thus, we have the sounds giving us the “Jeevahagat+i (Life Span Start, the Jeevahgati) , Jeevahagad+a (Physical Body, the Jeevahagada), Jeevahan+u (Mind, the Brain Body Systems, the Jeevahanu”).
Now, why and how we put the “Indian Grammars” into living life systems is also with the “OORA (U), AARA (A) and the EERI (I)”, and thus we always write the sounds ending with the “i” as the beginning of life systems, the electric systems, the “a” as the charge introductions creating the physical systems, the “a, aa, the aara systems”, and finally the “oora, the u” as the “singular life systems”, the “vishesha life as the “u” in the Indian Languages and the Grammars.
As we know, the “Grammars” deal with the “Sacred Process of Genes, the Genetics” at advanced levels, and the Indian name for it is the “Viahkarna”, the “Vi+Ahnkarna” that also means “How to Materialize Thoughts, the Cells and the Eggs into Action, the Body (Ahnkarna, the Ahnkara) Scientifically (the Vi in the Vi+Ahnkarna” indicates Sciences).
Meanwhile, we will edit and add!
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!