How the World Schools of Philosophy, Darshana, Spiritualism, Religions, Faiths, Languages, Grammars and Linguistics are based on the Theory of Shabada, Mana and Nama, the Grace – Be Happy Philselfologically – 75
When we go into the human ability to experience the Sacred Visualization of what one perceives and can synthesis knowledge and wisdom from what one has conceived, and thus carries the brain editing through it. The human abilities include how one manages the art of sacred imagination as the visualization when one wants it, and when one uses it through the five senses, the ears, eyes, nose, tongue, and say skin, one uses the “Mana Theory”, the Sound Theories as on it we apply the natural laws and principles of sound energy, the light as particle and matter and never as light as the wave. We use the “Theory of Nama”, the Light Theories when we use of conceived knowledge which goes into mind as conversion of matter, the perception the waves and vibrations into electromagnetic light which we store in our human brains, and use the natural laws and principles of light in its editing, modification and other processes, and in both cases as in the “Mana”, the Sound and the “Nama”, the Light Theories, we use what we know as the “Shabada Theory”. The Indian Sacred Theories of Mana and the Nama are one of the best self-editing system based on the Sacred Theory of Visualization, the Darshana in which the highest priority is always given to the visions, and thus the Darshana, the Philosophy of Perception, the Mana, and Conception, the Nama.
For example, every sacred alphabet, numbers, symbols, and whatever a human can comprehend is based on the Sacred Studies of the Universe in the Given Context, and to understand it by simply seeing is called the Sacred Darshana of the Sacred Things, and its the Bliss of Human Knowledge and Wisdom in one of the most unusual way if we learn the Art of Seeing like Seers do, and thus the Darshana, for example, the Gurmukhi Script has been written based on the Five Rivers of Punjab, and thus is the name Punjabi, and its further based on the Vedic Punjab, and has Vedic Sacred Symmetries in it as the following Sacred Language Script says as just by Seeing One Gets the Sacred Wisdom:

And see what it says: “Passing of the River”:
The name of this script is derived from the account in Genesis of the four rivers — Pison, Euphrates, Gihon, and Hiddekel — which flowed through the Garden of Eden. This script embodies a potent magic. Traditionally it is a primitive form of liturgical Hebrew, and its letters of living entities. Properly used, these letters are said to create a vortex of energy, whirling from the mental level, through the astral and etheric levels, into the physical.” (With thanks from the source: )
The Indian, Chinese, and many other world civilization including almost all naive civilizations have used the Sacred Languages that deal with the Movements inside the humans which are almost same as life in any form on earth is, and we notice it vividly that all movements in the human body create sounds, and these all change into the light, the sacred inner visualization that we see as the dreams and imaginations and when we use audio-video centers of the human brains, as the Indians say that all neural networks on the left side of the body create the sounds of “EE” say on the arms and the “AA” say on the legs, and “OO” on the perpendicular spinal chord and the backbone movements. These movements and sounds of “AA EE OO” change a little when we simply speak it as “AA” from the “Diaphragm and the Abdomen Centers”, the “EE” from the “Heart Centers”, the Chest, and “OO” from the “Mouth and Head Centers”. These Sacred Six Sounds of Sacred Vowels in all world languages unite together to create the 16 Sacred Sounds of the Sacred Vowels, which is the Sacred Mother to Sanskrit Languages, and it is also the Mother Brahmi Language as its also the Gaytri Mata, the Mother of the Sacred Vedas. These 16 Sacred Vowels unite with Sacred Sound of “IEK”, the IK in the Ekonkara, and Ki, Chi, Qi and other similar origins of the Struck Sounds, the Nada, and create the 20 Sacred Consonants, which are the various combinations of the Sacred Vowels, which changes the ratio of the Energy present in the Sacred Sounds, and thus at the Sacred Rate which changes the Vowels from one form of energy to other is called the “Bala, the Bal, the Power required to utter any word or the sound to say, which is the concept of Power in the Power, Energy, and Work Equations say Power=Energy/Time, which we see alternatively we see and use in our daily life as:

This is Power, the Pure Bala, the B+laya, the emerging or conversion of say matter into sound or light energies as of the Sacred Vowels that appear as the Colors in the Bands of Semiconductors, Resistance, and thus the Kundalini, which we all use every second or breathe of our life and throughout life!”
As the expression of the Bala, the Power as the Brahmi Part of Living Kundalini, which we live externally as the Living and the Live Semiconductors, we have it as the Music, Speech, Writing, Listening and anything that needs and uses our faculties of energy conversions in our body and outside it as called the “Vedas as the Baidha, the Natural Management of Human Power and Energy Management and thus the practitioners as the Baidha’s, the Doctors of Ayurveda in the Vedic Civilizations anywhere say in India, China, Egypt and other ancient civilizations. These Sacred Energy Conversions are what can be either based on the “Theory of Fission, Vibhanjana that means Scientific Approach for Conversion of Matter into other forms with “Anjana”, the creator of life, but not the creator, and thus the human consciousness and thus we have the entire world of modern sciences in all fields which require no bio-energies, human involvement and all that gives the Conversion of Matter into Energy, Sound and Light, and we have it everywhere no, but is simply the Law of Attraction and Ionization, and in living things works as the Degeneration and Decay process, the reason that modern health sciences cannot cure any disease bringing back the Normal Rhythms, and this one thing that always invites more research in the Allopathy, Surgical and Drug Manufacturing and Management”.
That is one of the reasons that the Heart, Head, and its connections are used as the Natural Semiconductors and their enlarged points called the Kundalini. The Heart is the Left Side of the PN Junction that has on the other side the Head or Brain, and in between runs and works the Natural Band Theories, which are the Body Rhythms that can either support the Lungs, the Heart and or the Head, the Secrets of Nari Pariksha, the Pulse Examinations and other naturally measurable beats, pulsating, blinking, and the similar using which one can easily understand how the Natural Semiconductor, the Kundalini works in anyone.
We can note all of it very easily, and thus it has been the blend of health, spirituality, meditation, yoga, religion and all that makes Ayurveda manage the 4 Vedas, which due to divisions of departments have lost its importance in our daily life as modern world is based on the Theory of Vibhajana and Vibhanjana, the Division and Divisional Development”.
Thus, the Semiconductor Theory of Ayurveda uses the Vata, Pita and Kapha as the Semiconductors Junctions as the PN, the Brain and Abdomen and the NP Junctions as the Heart and Lungs and alternatively the Brain, Lungs and the Abdomen Systems as the say PN and the NP Junctions. The first thing that drives the body is the “Pita” as in the Puti, Potency and the Pati Systems in any world therapy, which the Indians use as the Solar Plexus as its main center. These can be simplified scientifically as below:

1. Vata, the Air, and these are the Rajo Guni and thus the Kinetic Thing in the Human Circulations
2. Pita, the Fire, and these are the Sato Guni and thus the Dynamic Thing in the Human Circulations
3. Kapha, the Water or the Fluids, and these are the Tamo Guni and thus the Static Thing in the Human Circulations
These 3 States of Vata, Pita and Kapha can acquire other forms and states of matter as the Vata can be Static (the immovable state), Kinetic (partially static and partially movable) and Dynamic (the movable) States or Levels, which we know as the 3 Dosha’s, which when blend can create Multiple Dosha’s. The “Prana and Consciousness” work as the Sound, the Prakriti as run by the Prana and thus the Prakriti (Nature) and Light, the Parkasha and thus the Purusha (Consciousness) in the human body that runs the human semiconductors, and we have the same Vata, Pita and Kapha as the most vital potential, kinetic and the dynamic as the heat, the vital energy dynamics:

The “P” in the “Pita” stands for Purusha, the Power of all results of integration all vital energies and thus its more of Power, the Vital Heat in the Body which runs the entire body systems. It has two of its associates as the “Vata”, its the Biorhythm that body run by external help say the “Oxygen” through left and right nostril theories, and thus the Air Management, and the “Kapha”, the Flow of Consonant Clusters, the inner flows of say all fluids as what we know the “Sinusitis, the Meeting of Five Senses and their Fluids at the Third Eye”, which is the actual “Kapha Center” and the “The Lungs are thus the Vata Center” and together we have the Brain and Lungs managing the Heart, Stomach and Rest of the Body. It is the major reasons that Meditation is the Brain Function, the Kapha in the Brain, which seems the worst pain of sinusitis, and the Pranayama, the Parana Management (the Prana means the Power Conversions into Light and Sound as aided by the Dharna Systems managing the Sound and Light in it and as the “I”, the Light as the Purusha, we manage both, and thus the Living Semiconductor Management of Power, the Bala, the “I”, and the Light, the Gyana (the Bala) and the Sound Energies as the Prana, the Jeeva Element to say and the Dharna, the Dhiyana. Thus, the Prana and the Brain and as supported from the lungs as the Vata in the Lung Functions, we can easily manage the Tuberculosis as the inevitable process going in it if we do not manage it, we fail to manage the Lung and Brain Functions that depend on the Oxygen Systems, and these together run the Kundalini, the Natural Semiconductors in our body. The PN and the NP Structures are well shown differently for the Sacred Human Kundalini, the Semiconductors as below:
Therefore, the major reason that the Brahmi Languages are the Mother to Sanskrit as the very word Brahmi which means the External Sounds of say “Brah…”, the “OO” based sounds and the “Mi”, the Sound energies coming as the “EE”, the Yin, and the “AA” as the “Yan” from the roots sounds of “OO”, the “Yong” based sounds. The Indians have studied it as the “Bum” sound that creates life as the Philosophy of Ardhnarishawra, the EE-AA, the sacred Yin(EE)-Yan(AA), the Ardhnarishwara and thus the Yong (OO) and the Sound of “Bum” (the Bumm Bumm Bole), and thus the “Brahmi”, which the Original Sound of Creation of the Universe or any given single atomic structure. This Concept of Shiva-Shakti for the “AA EE OO” gives the Knowledge and Wisdom of the Kundalini, the Inner Human Body Knowledge’s, that is why the “Brahmi, the External” Scripts and Knowledge based on the External Movements and Flows, the Vishnu or the Kshatriya ways, the Martial Arts of “AA” (“AA EE OO”) as Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji says that he is the son, the follower of Martial Arts, the “Khatri Ko Poot”, means “He, Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji follows the External Methods of “Khanda”, the Union of Electricity and Magnetism for Understanding the Sacred Universe” are the Parents or Mother to the Sanskrit, the “San”, the Shabada Creation, the “Krita” inside the Humans as the “Sanskrit”, which is “OO”, the Brahma based studies of the Universe, and people practicing the Martial Arts follow it and thus live as both the Saint (AA), the Shiva as Vishnu, and the Soldiers (EE), the Shakti, and together as one “OO”, the Yong way, and unite the Yin, Yan, and Yong as ONE which is well expressed in the I-Ching and EAK (As in the Ekonkar), Chi and the Qi based systems all over the world, and thus is the Gurmukhi, the Punjabi and the Hindi Languages and most of the modern world languages, grammars and the linguistics reaching inside the human body from the external movements and the sounds without ever altering anything in the Sanskrit Languages and the Civilizations based on it as the following image shows it very well:
The reason that Lord Krishna gave the Universal Theory of “Karma Theory as the Karmayoga” is that most of us assume that we have the Sacrd Kundalini and DNA Systems inside us and may avoid doing anything for the Sacred Dimensions of Force, and thus any Sacred Work required for Energy Conversions that gives individuals merit in the Visible and the Real World, which some of us may prove by Inner Beauties of Religions, Faiths, Spiritualism, Yoga, Meditation and all that claims to create Super Humans by inner processes, which Lord Krishna says require the Brahmi Methodologies, the Karma Yoga and thus as described the “Kirt Karna” by Shri Guru Nanak Dev, and if we ignore it, we face nothing but massive corruption, pollution and what Dr. James Ferrel calls the “Bad Results of Free Pie”, the “Things, Money and Possessions Earned by Cheating by any Possible Means cause Inner Damage to the Human Life, Development and the Evolution!” We wonder how the Sacred Indian Educations say and support it well as the best thing in the world and thus the Blend of Mana and the Nama Theories of Karma, Mana and the Yoga, the Nama as the Karma Yoga, and thus as the Sahaj or the Raja Yoga.
The Mana Theory in the Karma Yoga as the Karma, the Action Theory has the following scientific aspects:
1. Tamo Guna Mana Theory: It deals with sounds, the waves and vibrations that the matter in the Static State has, which anything can possesses and or produces and that cannot be easily processed without conversion of it into the Rajo Guna, Kinetic State and thus the sounds that has blend of sounds of consonants and the vowels and then the Sato Guna, the Sacred Sounds of the Sacred Vowels.
This is similar and same to what Indians study as the Shiva Systems, and in the study of matter is done as the compounds, the Shiva Form consisting of molecules, the Brahma Form and the atoms, and the Vishnu Forms of the matter.
2. Rajo Guna Mana Theory: It deals with the sounds, the waves, vibrations that anything possess and produces and can be converted into the Sato Guna, the Dynamic State of Matter easily, and if we do not keep it up, it may naturally go back into the Static State of Matter.
While it deals with conversions of atoms into molecules. When its said that the Lord Brahma took birth from the Sacred Lotus, the Nucleolus, the neutrons, the Yong Methods of Electromagnetism, and protons, the Yan Methods of Electromagnetism balancing with electrons, the Yin Methods of Electromagnetism as the electrons having negative change due to their following orbital movement and thus have elemental quality of Shakti, the Reactive Energy in it. This Guna, the Rajo Guna follows mostly the Electromagnetic Laws and Principles that deal with the “Nucleus, the Sacred Lotus” and the “Electrons, which create the Protons and the Neutrons as the Beeja, the Charge of the Hydrogen as the Electron, Proton and the Neutron based on the Charge on it”.
3. Sato Guna Mana Theory: It deals with the sounds, the waves and the vibrations that anything possess or produces, and thus has the Dynamic State of Matter. It deals with the qualities of “Sacred Electrons”, which covert into 4th Sacred Dimensions, the Turiya State of Light as we study the Photons, Photoelectric Emissions and all that we use as Mater as say the Metal and Electron Theories, and produce the “Visible Light”.
These 3 Forms of Matter as the Guna, which is mostly written as the “Gan” sounds in the world civilizations as its the sound of the how gravity acts from one field of gravitation to another, and is thus the “Guna”, the “Gan, Gong kind of sounds as when we hear we have the sacred fusion in the brain leaving us thoughtless, wave-less, and thus inner glow of what we know as the God-Center” the source of the Theory of Fission, and our modern world has produced the advanced levels of nucleus energies from it as the Brahma born out the nucleus, but as Indian Philosophies say it fails after sometime as its the root cause of all “ego problems in the psychiatry”. It always needs the Fission Theory as people in meditation say the “Glowing Sacred God-center” in the human brains, and all that exists in any form as its so at the atomic levels.
In other words, the Mana Theory of the Shabada runs the Kara, the Sound Waves and the Vibrations in the Universe, which always need the “Gati”, the Velocity to reach at the proper places in the universe and thus the “Kara” of the Viyoga or Vijoga, the Dissociation of Sound Energies into smaller parts as its the presence of Yog, the Yong when it goes towards Yin Form, the Conversions of Yong, the Stored Energies, the Shabada into the Yin Forms as what the electricity, the Yin can conduct, and thus it has the Beeja or Bija in it, which is the electric part of electromagnetism as its the Bijali, the Plural of Beeja, the popular term for the “Sacred Electron as the Electric Seed, the Beeja”, and its most popular word and sound is the Shakti Mantras “Aeem”, the “Aim” and also as the “EE”, which we can also put all together as the “IEK” and thus is the Story of Yong into Yin, the Theories of Fission. And no wonder it has “Namah” or “Namo” as the Mantra for Sending the Shakti based Beeja’s, the 3 Charges!
These 3 States of Matter has all Indian classifications on everything in the world as we say foods, plants, trees, animals, planets, stars, constellations and anything that has waves, vibrations leading to particle side of light. It embraces all of the world religions, faiths, and the spiritualism in the world that extinct, the Varna Sankarna, the Degeneration of Life on the Earth Systems. Due to presence of these 3 Guna’s, the World is called the World of Dukha, the Sorrows and Pains, and we all pray the most while dealing with it.
The Nama Theory in the Karma Yoga as the Karma, the Grace or the Pure Yoga Theory has the following scientific aspects:
4th Sacred Dimension or the Turiya, the Sacred Semiconductor Theory, the Nama Theory and the Light State of Matter: It deals with all of the light theories of the universe and the universes in general, the light as the waves and the vibrations that anything possess or produces, and thus has the Light State of Matter. It deals with what amazes the world most as in it we have the Sacred Theories of Semiconductors, which are mainly based say on the Sato Guna, the Essence of Atoms, the Electrons and its relation the Molecules and Compounds in the universe. When the electron acquires speed of light, we call the same electrons light and when it moves around the nucleus, it deals as particle of the light, and no wonder when it moves in the space as light as wave, it assumes as “Self-born Light” about which we have a very popular theory that Lord Brahma in Ionized State of Atom when after activation leaves the atom and changes into light assumes to be light, and forgets its existence as the electron, and this is also true for protons and the neutrons as it always leads to the Theory of Fusions or the Fission Theories in the world as in it all kinds of electronic energies emerge back to the nucleus and thus the Fusion based Nuclear Energies.
In other words is say from the small nucleus, the Vish-anu, which means what partially lives in the sound energies, the “sh” as the “anu”, the ion, the iona, the small ionized atom, the Lord Vishnu came out, say from the nucleus the Lord Brahma, the “OO” Sounds, and thus and requested Lord Shiva, the to process the Degenerating Processes, which is Recycling Processes of the compounds back to its molecular and atomic levels, and thus light going back to its state of electrons and thus the great story of Electrons, who forget the Nucleus. The which is say the Lord Vishnu came out, say from the nucleus the Lord Brahma, the “OO” Sounds, and thus and requested Lord Shiva, the to process the Degenerating Processes, which is Recycling Processes of the compounds back to its molecular and atomic levels. In our modern world, we study it at the schools as follows:
The nucleus as the Center of Universe that has the Power and Energy stored in it as the nuclear energy, which is the Highest Possible Micro and the Macro World for normal or ordinary scientific research works. It has the 3 Powers and the Energies, which are what Indians respect and worship as the sacred couples of Power and Energy, the Shiva and Shakti as the Brahma and Sarasvati, Vishnu and Laxmi and the Shiva and the Paravati, and all have the 8 Sacred Dimensions of Power for Male and Energy for Female Systems:
1. The Protons as the Power, the Source of Energy as the Sun is and the Protonic Energies, the Energies of the Protons that we can use and we aim for it as in the Theories of Fusions as with the Hydrogen as the Proton and what it can give.
2. The Neutron as the Power, the Source of Energy as the Sun is and the Neutron Energies, the Energies of the Neutrons that we can use and we aim for it as in the Theories of Fission as with the Hydrogen as the Neutron with “No Charge” on it and what it can give and we have all nuclear plants and it energies and works going on in our modern world.
3. The Electron as the Power, the Source of Energy as the Sun is and the Electronic Energies, the Energies of the Electrons that we can use and we aim for it as in the Theories of Fusion and Fission as the Electromagnetism as with the Hydrogen as the Electron and what it can give and we have all electrical and the electronic plants and it energies and works going on in our modern world while we use radios, mobiles and electricity in general.
The Electron as the Anu when leaves its charge, the Ionization Tail same as the Chinese Philosophy and Science of the Dragon Theory, we have the Protons, the Ionization Head that we may always call the Brahma who may assume to be self born, but is from the Electron, and the Proton and Electron are one, they have No Charge Particle as the Neutron, the Shiva means without charge as we do the Shava Asana to neutralize and thus gain the Yong Charges as it results from balancing the electronic, the negative or the Yin charges and protonic, the positive or the Yan charges. Please note the names of Yin, Yan, Yong, Yen or Zen, and Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva (Mahesha) are always subject for appropriate relevancy, which I may have missed at some places, so please verify it by drawing all it as the sacred shapes and thus images by properly labeling it all. The following images show how the charged electron as electron (-1), neutron (+0), and proton (+1) show themselves as the Dragon’s Head , Body and Tail the Ionized Dragon, and please note that two electrons together can make neutrons (+0) and protons (+1):
The above Sacred Dragon Shapes are the same as the Chinese Dragon Images that we see and use in our daily life all over the world say at the Chinese Restaurants and Hotels:
In other words, the Nama Theory of the Shabada runs the Kara of the Sanyoga or Sanjoga, the Association of Sound Energies into bigger parts as its the presence of Yog, the Yong when it goes towards Yan Form, the Conversions of Yong, the Stored Energies, the Shabada into the Yan Forms as what the magnetism, the light as the wave to say and thus the Yan (it embraces the direct current theories) can conduct, and thus it has the Mantra in it, which is the magnetic part of electromagnetism as its the Mattra and the Mantra, the popular term for the “Sacred Protons with Neutrons as the Magnetic Waves, the Shakti which may mostly need the Direct Current, which is magnet based, and thus the Proton in association with the neutron as the carriers in many cases as internet travelling of emails”, and its most popular word and sound is the Power or the Vishnu Mantras Mantras “OAM”, the “Aum” and also as the “AA”, which we can also put all together as the “OAM” and thus is the Story of Yong into Yan, the Theories of Fusion.
It embraces all Philosophies, Yoga and Meditation in the world. Due to presence of the Turiya Awastha, the State of Matter, the World is called the World of Sukha, the Pleasures, Bliss and Joys, and we all may forget to pray while dealing with it, the Joys and Bliss in the World.
The 3 Guna, the Qualities of Matter and the Turiya, the Formless or the Light State of Matter in all kinds of world and the human knowledge and wisdom follows the simplest way of sounds emerge from the center of the universe to say our earth systems as 3 Guna, the Quality Based and the Guna-free, the Turiya State as observed by the Indian seers. It is very simple as say in the Sacred Astronomical and Astrological Studies, we have the 4 Primal Sounds in which 3 are Guna, the Quality Based Sacred Sounds of the Vowels, and the 4th is the Blend of Sacred Sounds and has all qualities of the 3 states, the guna’s and also possesses its own independent quality as we know the Awsatha, and its well described as follows:
1. The Sound of “AA”, the Yan Sounds
2. The Sound of “EE”, the Yin Sounds
3. The Sound of “OO”, the Yong Sounds
4. The Sound of “AEY” (AEY=AA+EE and partial of OO+UU), the Yin+Yang+Yong Sounds (the same roots as jana, jina, joni, jooni, yana, yoni, and yina in Indian and similar languages) and it mainly leads to important sects say “Zen” and we can easily have it as say “Yeng” “Yen” or the “Yuan”, and the similar that go into the 4th Pada of Krittika Nakshatra, the Constellation as the “AIY, AEY”, and what makes and gives it the meaning of “Life, Vital Life, Circle, Alpha and Omega, and the Similar”
The most important point in it is that the sacred 16 Sounds of the Vowels and the 20 Sacred Consonants that these produce with and due to friction make all world languages consisting of the 36 Sacred Sounds, which remain the same in the universe, and this very sacred thing in the Punjabi, Hindi and Sanskrit Languages is having getting the highest possible honor from the Sikh Gurus as the Founder of Sikhism Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Shri Guru Angad Dev Ji gave it the status of “Guru of the Universe and named it thus as the Gurmukhi”. The Gurmukhi as the Sacred Set of 36 Sacred Sounds is the Living Guru of all world languages, grammars, linguistics and any knowledge in general which can ever be possible in the universe. Thus, in the Sacred Teachings of the Gurbani, the Gurmukhi word stands for the Symbol of the 3 Worlds, 7 Heavens as in the rows and columns of alphabets of say Punjabi, Hindi and the Sanskrit Languages, and that the Akhar, the Word sustains it and the Gurmukhi, the Set of 36 Sacred Sounds of the Ship in this Ocean of Cluster of Words, Sounds, and all as the Sound, Wave, Matter, Light, Energy and thus E=M*C*C, the Light and Energy equations which we use as the Semiconductor Theories fully depend on the “Gurmukhi”, the Sacred Set of Perfect Sounds of the Universe that all the living ones use.
The “Gurmukhi” thus means “Conversion of Matter (G) into Light (R) using the Sound Energies (M) which emerges into the sound, matter and light which is the “Khaya”, the “Kh”, the complete absorption and this process is known as the “Kharana”, and thus the word “Akhara” that sounds that cannot be converted into light, the Khaya as water goes into water and we say the “Laya” from which we have what dissolves and thus the Sura, the Swara, and the Vowels for that reasons “Khara, what dissolves in the Light Energy as to say travels as sound in the Light Energy form in the Semiconductors, the Ardha Chalaka, the carrier of sound and light as the Ida and Pingla in the Kundalini, which is the Semiconductor in the Human Bodies and the Sukhamana is the Band Width that makes the Sacred and Living Semiconductor, the Kundalini work with sacred sounds as the “nirankara side” and the sacred consonants as the “nirguna side”, and the centeral system is the blend of both, which we see as various colors and shades of light only, which is the “nirankari and nirguni light” having its own independent status, existence and thus the “sata”, and we see it inside and outside our body as if having the PN and the NP Junctions. For example, the daytime is great for our sacred semiconductors of the kundalini as shown below:
We can do the same for the sacred kundalini, the human semiconductor recharging at night with the moon and for all purposes in the morning and the evening called the “sandhaya” times, the recharging of the sukhmana, the spinal chord systems. In Indian and other world systems, its the sacred use of energies and powers of natural world on earth system and in the solar, star, the North Polaris and the center of universe, the Sachkhanda Systems, which simply need the “Theory of Resonance”, the Raso+Ansa, the Part, the Ansa of Rasa, the Amrit the Live, Love, Lean, Long, and all that gives Life for free and thus all Philosophies of Meditation and Spiritualism in any of the World Religions and Faiths. We call it the “Amrit Living”, the Amrit means that creates the matter, the “mrit” as “in matter” as the “matter”, the mattra, the (in mrit as the m-rata and m-tara based as mana and the nama based on the Sacred Vowel Theories, and by free energies, the “Anka, the Turiya or the Wave Part in the Light Theory as the Nama Theory and Anga (3 Anga as the Tamo, Rajo and Sato) as Particle Theory in the Mana Theories” of the universe, that remains as its and is the Sacred Secret of all Indian Religious Places, the Holy Recharging Systems in the World.
Thus, the word “Anka” as what is not the “Ka”, but creates it and helps us to know, feel and experience it as the “Ka” stands for “knowledge as the “know for the “ka” and “ledge” part always have the “ga” as the “gene” part as in English and all other world languages and thus the “knowledge” as the “ka and ga, the blend of conception part, the “ka”, the First Shabada as what knows the Five Senses and what these can perceive and thus the “Shabada”, the Matter, Wave and Light (E=M*C*C) that we receive from the senses, the “ga” the that we have through perception and conception as when said “Nir’an’kara” what makes us know what we know, and thus the Sacred Vowels, and the “Anga”, what is not the “Ga”, the matter but creates it has the “Anka”, and helps us to know through senses as the “Nir’gu’na”, and thus the “Anga” as the together the Shabada which is popular with many terms say the “Nirankara”, the Light as the Power and Energy of the “Nama Theory” which means the one, who creates the “Anka”, the Sacred Vowels and thus the popular name of the “Nirankari”, and also the “Nirguna” from without the “Anga”, the Maya as the Sacred Consonants as the “Akhara” as the Power and Energy of the “Mama Theory” and thus the both words the Nirankari and the Nirguna as two Sacred Dimensions of the God and Guru Dimensions! It leads to the names say “Niranjana, Nirvairu, Nirmal, and so on”, and all of these are the expressions of the “Gurmukhi”, the Mouth of Wisdom, the Shabada, and thus the Shabada Guru as the Gurmukhi as the Living Guru in all languages in the universe and thus the Philosophy and Concept of the Living Guru called the “Gurmukh, the Spirit of the Universe who creates the “Anka” and the “Anga” as the Sacred Semiconductor Poles of Creator and the Creation which remain hidden as the sacred NP or PN Bands in the Semiconductors”. This is why the Indian respect all the words with prefixes and suffixes of the “Guru” as “Ranga” and the “Anga”, which is the most essential word in the world civilizations as the “AA EE OO” as the “Waheguru” vibrate in the Sukhmana, the Sacred Vowels in the Ida, the “Th” as any word that disturbs the Neutral, the Brahma or Bliss State of Shabada Words and Sounds dissolve and Sacred Consonants in the Pingla where the Ping Dissolves if the Chinese do not mind it. So, any disturbance in it means one listens sounds, sees lights and colors or feels in the dreamy state but its all based on the Sacred State and Performance of the Natural Semiconductor inside our body called the “Kundalini”, and its not at all a psychiatry problem but one’s inclinations towards natural life as if to live alone or in the jungle, but due to our social, educational and professional changes all of it may seem mental disorder whereas its the lack of Support in the Sacred Management in the Human Semiconductors called the Kundalini, the “Ku” as the sound of 36 vowels and consonants and “anda” means the rotations as the Chakras and “Lini” where all of it remains as the “lean”, “leen”, live, love, and all that we can say as the self-love and indulgence. Thus, the Kundalini as the Cycles of Sounds, Audios and Videos in the Human Body where our conscience remains absorbed (leena or live)) as “I” awareness all the times, and we always enjoy life as its in it no matter what.
In all of Sacred Semiconductor Theories, the Nirankara, the Seer of Light and thus the Light Theory of Nama, the Shabada as the Wave, and the Nirguna, the Seer of Matter, and thus the Sound Theory of Shabada, the Sound, the Particle has great importance.
While studying these, I also studied and researched that these 3 Guna’s are the X, Y and Z-axis in an unusual way as in it the Bindu, the Origin or the 0, the Zero is a Sacred Dimension, and when we use it as the Sacred Dimension, we use the 0, the Zero as the Natural Number, and thus call it the Real Numbers, and it gives a sense that 4th Dimension with the Zero-Dimension seems totally meaningless and we can neither learn or teach anything without the Sacred Zero Dimension in which the Z-Dimension is the “Living Dimension of Biological Cells, the Living Cells and thus the Dimension of Human Consciousness, the Power Dimension”, and without the Zero-Dimension, we simply study the Shakti Dimensions, yes the Dimensions of Force, Energy and Power, the Physics of Maths otherwise the Math and Physics of Life called the Sacred Biology, the Jeeva Vigyana. So, we can better study life by always using the Life Dimension as the First Uncountable Dimension, which is the Frame of Reference Dimension as if the students learn it, we can have more, deep and pious meaning of life syllabus, the real life that we live rather than the academical life that we may leave not to live after leaving the institutions. The Zero_dimensions is one of the most sacred and beautiful dimension as it the “I-Dimension”, is not it wonderful as how “I” SEE, and thus how “I’m”, which is “I’m as I’m and I’m what I’m”!!!
The important point in the zero dimension is that in it, the Zero as the Life Point, the Bindu has infinite Minute Micro Dimensions that keeps going Macro to Macro as for the Sacred Dimensions of the Power starting from Zero Onward as the 1st to Infinite Sacred Dimensions of the universes, we can always rely on the minimum required for our analytically oriented purposes as for example the Indian Theory of Charna, the 4 Dimensions of Nature which have their independent existence and while the Studying Humans and Other Living Ones as from the Standing Point of Feet as the Zero Dimension is one of the major reason to understand the life secrets. It also have the Sacred Theory of Kamala, the Lotus Theory of Nucleus, which is same as the Dragon Theory, and together the popular Indian sacred term of “Charan Kamala”, the Zero Dimension Extended Towards the Sacred Dimensions of Life as the Set of 4 Sacred Dimensions applies to it as follows as based on the 16 Sacred Sounds of Sacred Vowels:
1. Botanical Life Dimensions, which start as what we can say -1 Sacred Dimensions to -4 Sacred Dimensions, the “-” means below the 0, the Zero Dimensions
2. Insect and Bird Life, which start as what we can say -5 Sacred Dimensions to -8 Sacred Dimensions, the “-” means below the 0, the Zero Dimensions
3. Animal Life, which start as what we can say -9 Sacred Dimensions to -12 Sacred Dimensions, the “-” means below the 0, the Zero Dimensions
4. Human Life, which start as what we can say -13 Sacred Dimensions to -16 Sacred Dimensions, the “-” means below the 0, the Zero Dimensions
When we go towards the center of the universe for finding the big earths, moons, stars and the galaxies, we can pause that the Sacred Dimensions from -1 to -16 as the Life Dimensions all well exhibited on our earth system, and when we can see them as our Living Earths, Moons, Suns and North Polaris Systems with Life as the Center of the Natural Universe of Life and thus the Sacred Dimensions of Life, the Chaos and Vector for Life, the Shakti Dimensions and the Time and Vector for the Power, the Light Dimensions! Each of the Life Categories can have say -1 to -16 Dimensions as we study it in India as the Andaja, Jerja, Seta and Utbhuja as the the Egg Based Sacred Life Dimensions, the Placenta Based Life Dimensions, the Sweat Based Sacred Life Dimensions and the Soil Seed Based Sacred Life Dimensions, which always remain present on our systems and thus the 16*4=64 Life Dimensions as the -1 to -64 Sacred Dimensions, and we respect the Indian Zero as the “Shoonya Philosophy of Sacred Dimensions as the as “Life Philosophy of Sacred Dimensions” we see it say the Jungle Books, and when we next time say “-, minus, and the negative”, its all but the “Life Dimensions”, and this how we have wonderful thing called “Life” derived from “Laya” in India as how something emerges say from water into water and sounds of music into the musical sounds, and thus the “Laya” has the “Liva”, “Live”, “Leena”, and thus the “Love”, “Live” and “Life”, which is the Coexistence of Life and Light together in the universe:
These as the Tamo, Rajo, Sato and Turiya, that travels as the semiconductors do, the Turna as due to Chalak and thus the Indian Concepts of Chalak, the Sato, the Pure Matter or the Metals to say as the Conductors, the Kuchalak, the Insulators as the Tamo Guna, Impure Matter and the Metals and Ardhchalak, the Rajo Guna Matter as say the Metals with both pure and impure states in any matter as say one part conducts and the associated remains as inactive but supporting and thus the Semiconductors and the Mukat, the Free States of say metals and the elements as the electrons, ions, and the other free to act and react states as in our Modern Periodic Table based on the speed of sound in a given mediums. It is well shown as in the image below:
All of it has a deep bond and relation with the life cells, the life fusions biologically:
“How and Why to Respect the Sacred Living Cells as the Unit of Life in Universe: The Living Cells and the Semiconductors, Tamo, Rajo, Sato, Turiya and Mukta States of Life: Be Happy Philselfologically – 76”
The previous parts:
“The Sacred Civilizations of India, China, Japan, and Other Countries offer what gives World the Stable, Eternal and Natural Knowledge, Wisdom and Ethics of Universal Marketing, Trading, Business and Global Economic Recession Management: Be Happy Philselfologically – 73”
“How the Space Element of Shabada, the Sacred Waves and Vibrations Help the Universe: The Sacred Sound, the Shabada as the Source of Omniscience, the Bindu: Be Happy Philselfologically – 74”
Meanwhile, we will edit and add!
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!