How Theories of Vowels and Consonants Explain Universe as Vortex, the Anda or Envelope and Ionization, Atomism and 5 Elements as Medium: Gurmukhi Alphabet as Homotopy Type Theory of Mathematics: Be Happy Philselfologically – 121
In the Indian Alphabets say the Gurmukhi Structures, the focus remains on how the Longitudinal and Transverse Waves as the Vortex Atomism explains and educates us all about the universe and life in it. As we have discussed that the First Row in the Indian Alphabets say again the Gurmukhi Alphabet, all that is Transverse Waves seems as the first row in the first glance, but its the “Quantum System of the Atom” and the Second Row happens to be the Classical and the Longitudinal Waves as when we look at the Indian Alphabets as the “Quantum Studies of the Atom, the Vortex Atomism”. The 25 Letters that are present as the Consonant are simply the “Mediums as the 5 Elements of Space, Air, Water, Fire and Solid”, and thus is simply replication as if the RNA of the Primal DNA Structured Sounds of Vowels that “Create, Compose, Contain, Crush and Cremate the Universe and Everything in it”.
The Sounds of Indian Vowels and Consonants never change in any world languages, and when we consider the Gurmukhi Alphabet, the Script; its the “Sacred Master Keyboard of All Primal Sounds in the Universe” as its created on the “Sacred Theory of Elements and Dimensions that is the Secret of All Compositions in the Indian Vedas, Gurbani and All Other Knowledge’s and Wisdom’s in the world”, which again in the sound systems are same in the universe no matter where we create, compose, crush and cremate it. Thus, its the “Universal Treasure; the Secrets of the Universe that all research and record in the same way yes the “Quantum Way that we know as the World Religions and Faiths”, and only difference is the expression, the classical systems of the books”.
So, for greater ease, we have the “Indian or World Vowel Theory” as the “Atom” and “Indian or World Consonant Theory” as the “Vortex, the Dualism, the Maya, the Charge Systems” that envelope the atom, and due to this very nature of the vortex systems, the Indian and the World Sacred Systems call it the “Anda, the Ionized Systems (A, D Rows of Ionization (A) and Crystallization(D) in the Indian Alphabets) , the Egg, the Brahmanda, the Universe as an Egg”. Socrates, Aristotle and Plato and others have presented the same “Vortex as the Egg Theory of the Universe”.
In the research works of Philselfology, the Single Model and Theory of Everything, the Columns of the Gurmukhi Script and the Alphabet goes as the 1-D to 5-D of the Point, the Dot Vibration (1-D), Longitudinal (2-D), Transverse (3-D), the 4th Column goes for the collapsing of everything as the Light Dimension, the Classical Systems as the Graphical Balance of the Sacred Indian Sounds and the 5th Column combines the Consonants and the Vowels in the respective rows as the Quantum Systems that is the “Vowel as Consonant, the Bridge of Bob and Alice that is the He and She, the Quantum or the Krishna Vowels, the Linguistic Homotopy in the Phiselfological Hypothesis”. Yes, the 2 Rows of the Vowels are the Linguistic Topology of and for everything.
When we consider the Homotopy for Topology, we have all that is similar that we braid together with the Classical Methods of Mathematics and Sciences and that creates the Quantum Systems as the Dimensions that also look alike and what it follows is the “Fibonacci Theory of Everything with Homotopy, Topology, Graphical Systems and Finally the Quantum Circuits of Computing and all that goes as the future of humanity”, and to say in the braiding, we have two ends of the braid as the homotopy, and its topological repetition with the dimensions as the number of braids we construct and create, and its all qunatum qubit computing that has the string of the vortex as the twist, the string and thus the vortex by itself is the String Theory based on the Tricolors and the Anti-tricolors, the Chirals as the Static, Kinetic and the Dynamic Energy (“Gu”) and Color (“Ru”) Systems in which the “Mu” is the Vacuum based Solid Structures inside the Vortex in the Space Elements as the Khi (Kha Systems in the Indian Alphabets is the Space Element).
Here we need to learn the “Indian Alphabets as the 5 Elements, Vortex and Atomism”, and in my hurry, I may give a little wrong impression of what it says due to overjoy and happiness I feel doing all of it. When we consider the “M” in the “Mukhi”, its not only the Solid Structure but also the Bindu, the Infinity of Sound Energy as everything in the Classical Indian Systems reverses when we use it for the Quantum Indian Systems that we discuss in this series. The “Kha” in the “Mukhi” of the “Gurmukhi” is the “Space Element” with 2nd of its dimension and the Indian Theory of Consciousness, the Quantum Sound Systems use it as the A+Kha=Akh (Ankh, the Ankha) as the Observer of Sound Energy, the light energy observer is the A+K=Anka, while the Physical Observer is the “A+g=Anga Systems”, and above all, all that we discuss here is the Homotopy Type Invariant Theory of Mathematics say the Anka, Ankha, and Anga are the 3 Major factors of the Homotopy Type Theory based “Basic Operators as the Observers” of Space as the 1-D, 2-D and the 3-D Systems that compose the Ida, Pingla, and the Sukhmana as the Observers of Sound, Light and Silence, which of course is one of the finest works by the Indians on the Light (First Row of Vowels as the Atomism, the Solar Systems), Sound (Shabada, the Visible Vortex World, the Lunar Systems) and the Silence (the Consciousness to say as the Vortex Origins with Creator and Editor of all that we study as the Vortex Atomism, the Earth Systems).
When we thus consider the Homotopy Type Theory and Invariant Theory and thus the Sacred Education and the Systems, the finest outcomes are that the Indian Languages become alive as we notice that “Linguistically Indian Grammars as Maths are the Quantum Math, Science, Art, Music, and while including we can not leave anything behind, and thus the Total Setup of Quantum Systems”. This way the Gurbani and Ram Charit Manas and all that Indian and the World Languages offer is finest achievements of humanity, and it goes as the “Quantum Programing Systems for Everything, and that is the Indian Languages and the Grammars say the Gurmukhi as the Homotopy Type Theory and the Invariant Foundations, and all as the Single Linguistic Model for Everything.”
The most basic operators in the Indian Homotopy, the Homo-topological Systems and the Homotopy Type Invariant Theories is the Linguistic Model of EA=O+A+E, and that is the “Balance of Static (O), Kinetic (A), Dynamic (E) and the Ionized (AE) State of Matter” and it goes as the Linguistic Scientific Thumb Rule:
K=S+H+A (The Swara Vigyana, the Science of Vowels, the Linguistic Model of Everything))
Where the K is the Ionized State that the “S” as the Static Systems (OORA or simply vowel “O” in the world languages) creates in the Kinetic Duration of H (AARA or simply the vowel of “A” in the world languages) and it dynamically goes as the Sound, the Particle Energy of A (EERI or simply “E” in the world languages). Its also Linguistic Model of Everything!

The Linguistic Model of Everything as the K (AE)=S+H+A is also the Electric Dipole Moment Model of Everything:
The charges of S, H, A, the 3 Primal Sound Energies give the 3 Sound Energies as the representation of the said changes say the A, E and O in the Indian Linguistic Models that is based on the Universe recorded as the Sound, Light and Ionized Systems:

Images: A, E and O Systems as the S, H and A Systems in the Linguistic Model of Everything
The “Torque as the AE (K) in the A, E, O Management of Sound (Charge Energy) as the S, H, and the A Linguistic Systems of the Sound as the Energy is what we see in the image below:
What the S, H and A or the O, A and E represents is the Homotopy Field Theory that is also popular as the Quantum Field Theory that deals with the Surgery of the 1-D and 2-D of the OORA and the AARA, which is having “One Twist of 1-D to 2-D” and no wonder we call it the “Knot”, yes the “Knot is the Twist due to Change in the Dimensions” and the number of knots is the Number of Dimensions and that too with the Fibonacci Quantum Systems. The OORA as 1-D and the AARA as the 2-D constitute the “Spacetime Systems” that when go through the “Quantum Surgery” give us the “EERI”, the 3-D Output of first two dimensions as Atiyah Quantum Systems explain, and we see the O, A, E and AE Setup in the 4 Parts of the Cobordism:

When we consider the “Philosophy of 0”, we have it as the 4 Spins that balance to give a circle, and if we reduce one spin, it create the 3-1 Systems, and that is almost same as the “Handle Decomposition”, and its the O, the OORA Systems to say as shown in the image below:

When we remove the 2nd Spin, we have the AARA, the A, and by removing the 3rd Spin, we are left with 3 Free Handles, and that is the E, the EERI System. If we remove all 4 Spins, we have the AE, the 4th D, the 4th Handle, but its the “Anti-4th D” but it may seem same with 4 Spins and No Spin! Well, if left as its these 4 Dimensions naturally restore, and who does not know it as the “Self-assembling”, the Essence of 4-D Printing!

Thus, the Vortex Atomism in the Gurmukhi Languages goes as what we now know as the Homotopy Type Theory in the Mathematics as we have discussed it in the “Philselfological Euler Mathematics as the Homotopy Type Theory of Math”:
We discuss it more here:
Next part of the series:How Gurmukhi Linguistic Theory Explains C-Theorem and Weinberg-Witten Theorem, Category Theory, Homotopy Type and Invariant Theory: Philselfological Model and Theory of Everything: Be Happy Philselfologically – 122
Thus, our series of Be Happy Philselfologically goes well as the Homotopy Type Theory of Mathematics when we consider the Euler and Euclidean Theories as Gurmukhi Language Structures as the Homotopy Type Theory for the said type of mathematics, the Linguistic Mathematics:
The Linguistic Math as the Homotopy Type Theory is also propagating as the “Univalent Foundations in Mathematics”, which will develop the “Right Human Brains that deals with world religions and faiths”:
Now, when we consider the “Illuminati Agenda’s of Predictive Programming” seems the use of Homotopy Type Theory of misleading the masses to the desired results, but the same in the Indian and World Sacred Systems is the “Theory of Everything when masses realize it as the personal research rather than fed to brains”. For this reason, we can always thank the composers of the “Indian Alphabets” mainly Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Shri Guru Angad Dev Ji, who composed and compiled the Gurmukhi Alphabets as we now need to review the world media against brain control and brain wash due to linguistic brain command theories.
In any case, for the Atom and the Vortex Systems, the “Row of Ionization in the Indian Alphabets is the YA, RA, LA, WA, RHA”, and without it “No Indian Mantra can be composed”. That is how and why we read: “OM Shri Ramaya Namha”, which has the “AYA, the Ionization as the AYAN, say the Rasayana, and or the Narayana”, which goes as the “Forms of Life, the Jooni as the Living Vortex Systems”. This is popular as the IONA, ION, and the Ionization in almost all world systems.
When we consider: “Sabh Maya Hai”, it simply means everything is the product of Sacred Ionization, which always exists as the Vortex, with a bond that has the “-, 0 and +” Charge (Ionization) System.
When the Vortex, the Brahmi, the Brahma System go to any “Zero Potential Energy Systems of Vacuum”, it gives us the “Atom as the Result” that is the “Vortex Extracts and Taps Sacred Energy from the Zero Potential Energy Systems”. These energy systems can be of any color, but when the “Maya, the Tricolor System” approach it, we get the 3 Colors that are the “Vortex that we see”, and it has its 4th Dimension as the Black or the White Hole, the Dimension that Collapses when the “Black and White Holes meet or join”.
The White Hole extends as the Darker Colors and Shades, and it meets the Black Hole that gives the “Zero Point Energy, the Vacuum Energy” that can either go “UP or DOWN” based on the Black and White or the White and Black Hole Alignments.
This very “UP and DOWN System” is same as human body with upper and lower with left and right systems that uses the “Tricolors, the Spectrum and the White and Black Hole Systems in the Human Brain”.
We notice that the “UP and DOWN” systems in the vortex create the gravitational systems in the vortexes, and a good explanation is given here:
“… we have only described the effects of the vortex which expresses gravity in a 3rd-dimensional sense. That is, the nodes, which we may call gravitons, press towards the centre of the planet and pin objects to the surface. This is the gravitational force, and is identical to the inertial force. The vortex is an oscillation. It is a centripetal energy spiralling from a 4th-dimensional to a 3rd-dimensional configuration. This is now attempt to explain this more basic property.”

(With thanks from the source:… )
Thus, the Vortex Atom is the Brahma and the Parbrahma Systems as well or that we can also put as the Shree Rama as the Vortex (Shree) and Atom (Rama), and that is the Indian Philosophy of Matter and Spirit and also as the Vortex as the Physical and that the Atom as the Metaphysical, and when we combine both theories, we always have the “Matter, Spirit and Consciousness, the Quantum Systems” that go as the “Father, Spirit and the Son, the Philosophy of Trinity, the Tri-deva in the World Sacred Systems”.
Here, the Philosophy of Maya, the Consciousness is from the Vortex and the Atom Unification in which we have the Mayapati as the Black or the White Hole Systems, and that is where everything collapses.
Wherever the Tricolor can arise or dissolve (emerge), we notice and call it the “Pati Systems, the Husband, the Groom Sacred Systems”. The “Patani, the Wife, Bride Groom Sacred Systems” are the “Tricolor, the Vortex Systems” that act on the atom, and create the world, and that is to say that the Holy Spirit (Shakti, the Maya) creates everything.
In the Indian Languages, Grammars and the Element Theory say in the Gurmukhi Brahmi Languages, these are studied as follows:
1. The OORA, the First Color of Atom, the Blue (Brahma)
2, The AARA, the Second Color of Atom, the Red (Vishnu)
3. The EERI, the Third Color of Atom, the Green (Shiva)
4. The EEAA (E+E), the Vortex (Durga) of Atom (Durga, the Shakti)
In the Japji Sahib, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Founder of Sikhism says:
“Eka Mayi Jugati Viaayi…” (Gurbani)
“One Energy System (the Vortex) creates the universe by Rubbing (using Force of Friction) and in it she, the energy remains with the Electron, the Green Systems and creates life….” (Gurbani)
This is the Essence of All World Religions and Faiths as in the Genesis, the Theory and Philosophy of Formation of Universe and Life in it.
The Indian Alphabets say the Gurmukhi Script is based on the Atomization in the First Row and the Vortex, the Ionization Sacred Systems in the Second Row, and the rest of the 5 Rows are the 5 Elements that it, the Atom (First Row) and the Vortex (Second Row) produce and manifest in the universe, which we notice as the Black and White Holes as the Strcutral Systems that we know as the Akasha, the Space Element or the Ether. The “Akasha means Dipole of 4A’=AA in the AAKASHA Systems”, and that way the AA is the Dipole while its also the Vortex Systems that runs the Dipole in the Vowel Theory.
In other words, the “AA” is the Scalar Vibration Single Theory Model of Universe, and that is also the Single Model of Elementary Particles:.

When we consider the Elementary Physics Particle Model, the Vortex and Atom together give us all 24 Pairs and the 48 Elementary Particle Systems, and that too is based on the Indian Sacred Theory of Elements as in the Gurmukhi Script and all other Indian Languages and the Alphabets.
The simple reason for Vortex Atomism: “The 3D cone has one nappe and on pointy end. The 4D potential well is a spherical cone represented mathematically by the following equation.
x² + y² + z²- w² = 0
Where w is the 4th D that can be written in terms of the imaginary root as iγ.” (With thanks from the source: )
We can put the above equation as: O+A+E=AE, and that is to say that the Brahma+Vishnu+Shiva=Durga and its also the Linguistic Model of Everything in all world languages, grammars and the linguistic systems; the vowel and the consonant theories and the models.
One of the most interesting point in the Vortex Atomism is the “Sacred Study of Structures, and we happen to know it as the Sacred Geometry, patterns, shapes, structures, sounds, colors, combinations, and so on”, and this is what the Sacred Dimensions are in the world civilizations, religions, faiths, cultures, customs, and all that makes human have a unique identity and the personal relation with God, Nature (Universe), Consciousness. This is how and why the World Religions and Faiths follow the Symbolism as the Dimensional Study of the Universe and life in it. We all happen to have it all as the 1-D (Pictorial, the Images), 2-D (Voices, the Audios), 3-D (Visuals, the Videos) and 4-D (Vortexes, the Ionization of 3-D Systems), and thus the Human Memory Bank in our brains that has been studied as the metaphysical, mysticism, ancient wisdom, sacred but lost arts, hidden gospels, secrets of universe, beyond space and time, .sacred objects of meditation, sacred visions, sacred subjects, and so on, and has been in the dark as the Theory of Elements and the Dimensions (Structural Systems of Elements and beyond) has not been part of the modern education systems. However, now its most integral part of the single theories and the models of everything worldwide.
A Regret of Humanity: “Russell lays out the case against academic cosmology in great detail in this book.
Newton, einstein, hawking, sagan and lately micho koo koo have all been dethroned for the false science they taught for their corporate masters. The false academic sciences have been utterly demolished within the pages of the many volumes written by Walter and Lao Russell regarding the true Nature of our Universe.
If anyone is still slaved into this false, corporate owned belief system, I would suggest reading all of DB Larson’s many books which have proved beyond any doubt that quacakdemic science is nothing more than a dumbed down mind control program which enslaves humanity to:energy barons, war mongers and central bankers….” by Larson works:
“Dewey B. Larson (1898-1990) was an American engineer and the originator of the Reciprocal System of Theory, a comprehensive theoretical framework capable of explaining all physical phenomena from subatomic particles to galactic clusters. In this general physical theory space and time are simply the two reciprocal aspects of the sole constituent of the universe–motion. For more background information on the origin of Larson’s discoveries, see Interview with D. B. Larson taped at Salt Lake City in 1984. This site covers the entire scope of Larson’s scientific writings, including his exploration of economics and metaphysics.”
(Please read more from the source: and )
A video relevant to what Larson says!

For the above reasons, the Vortex Atomism, the Shree RAMA, the Shiva and the Shakti, the Power and Energy Philosophy is the Single Model of Everything.
In the Philselfological Model and Theory of Everything, we may pay attention that the reason world civilizations say the Japanese and Chinese in our modern age rose above the normal level is due to the “Structural Studies and its recordings as the Languages and thus the Alphabets”, and the Indian Languages and the Alphabets has been used in the same way hundreds years ago when Indian Civilization was a developed civilization that is the “Pollution and Corruption Free; Eco-friendly Civilization” and lost its “Natural Lifestyle due to lost Sanskrit and Most of the Brahmi Languages”, and that is what the Sikh Gurus revived in the Gurmukhi, the Language and the Theory of Elements and the Dimensions. Most of the Modern Civilizations with heavy pollution may claim “Higher Civilizations”, but it may not be so until we all are pollution free world while using the “renewable” and the recyclable energy systems!
How the Indian Vowels and Consonants keep the International Phonetic Alphabets in 35 Sounds of Phonemes and when we add SH-Family and Vowel Expansions in the Indian Quantum Alphabets and thus have the Phonetics of Sounds to get 44-45 in the English Languages and its International Phonetic Alphabets and the general IPA Charts. We have discussed it in the following blog post:
One of the Previous parts of the series:How 35 Gurmukhi Quantum Phonetic Sounds Constitute Quantum Similes for Quantum English Alphabet and Linguistics: Sanskrit, Hindi, Gurmukhi and Phonetic 44-45-52 Phonemes: Quantum Linguistics with Gurmukhi and Be Happy Philselfologically 165
Previous part of the series:How World Religions and Faiths give Sacred Dipole Theory and Atama as Vortex Atomism; Europe and Self-realization: Gurmukhi, Gurbani, Nama or Vipassana Theory as Single Theory of Everything: Be Happy Philselfologically – 119
Next part of the series:How Gurmukhi Linguistic Theory Explains C-Theorem and Weinberg-Witten Theorem, Category Theory, Homotopy Type and Invariant Theory: Philselfological Model and Theory of Everything: Be Happy Philselfologically – 122
We will edit and add.
Be Happy Philselfologically!
Thanks for your time reading it!