How Vortex Atomism is the Single Theory of Everything in Ancient European, Indian, Egyptian, Chinese, Arabian and Other Sacred Civilizations: Gurmukhi and World Single Models and Theories: Be Happy Philselfologically – 120
When we consider the Sacred Education Systems, it has two worlds, the “Real World as the Outside” and its the “Sacred Vortex, the Maya Systems”. What composes it is the Atom, the Atama, and here is one point that is the “Secret of the Universe” as studied by the All World Religions, Faiths and the Ancient Civilizations and now the Modern Quantum Systems, and that is the “Theory of Elements based on Tricolor Systems that create the Atom as the Vortex Atom”.
The Atom is the Parbrahma, the Parmanu System and the Vortex is the Brahma, the Visible Systems of the Universe. In reality, we have the “Vortex as the Prabhu Systems” that the Indian Sacred Systems invite to study, read and research as the God Systems.
The “Prabhu” is the PA and BHA as the Solid Structure Row in the Indian Alphabets, and that is the “PA is the 1-D Solid Structure and the BH in the Prabhu is the 4-D Solid Structure” that when we see as the 4-D is the Vortex Structure. The “RA” in the Prabhu is the “Ionization, the Super-fluidity present inside the Vortex Center”.
In other words, the Prabhu is also the Para+Bhu=Para+Space, and thus the Subtle Space, the Ether Space, the Ionized Space, the Vortex Atomism and all that is present as the Para Earth (Prabhu Systems) is the Sacred System of the Ether in which we have the atoms and all that we have is the “Ionized Space that sustains it all, that is the electron, proton, neutron clouds and thus the 48 Elementary Particles and the Ionized Spheres are all the Space.time System of the Para Earths, the Spectrum Earths, and that is what we also know as the 4th Dimensions as everything in it collapses into its origin, the para systems that create the visible worlds.” Here the collapsing of 3-D Systems is conversion of atom, the 3-D system into its basic structures, the dimensions of electrons (3-D), protons (2-D), neutrons (1-D), and thus the total 3-D Setup and the Systems and the ionized clouds of 4-D through which the Space Sciences communicate with the remote places up to other galaxies, stars and the universes to say. The very thing that we read as the “Sharan or the Refuge in World Religions and Faiths” is the “Bridge Between the 3-D Systems, the Physical World and the 4-D Metaphysical World”.
When we pray we seek refuge saying that 3-D Physical World needs attention and when we feel the “silence inside”, the prayer answered is the 4-D in which all of our 3-D Systems instantly collapse, and that is the “Sharan Systems, the Holy Lotus Feet, the Charan Kamal”.
The “Kamala” by itself is the “Gravity (MALA) of Space (K), and thus the Kamala”. The “Chara is the Setup and the Systems of the 4-D with the A, E, O, and the AE” where the A, E, O is the 3-D Setup and the AE is the 4-D that goes with the Ionized Systems at the highest speed and velocity, the 4th Pada Speeds, the Param-gati, the Para-velocity and thus the Para-bhu and the Para-velocity, the gati are integrated systems of the Ionized Systems that we now know as the Nano Systems, the Metamaterials, the Optical Fiber Systems, the Ionized Worlds, and thus the Vortex Ionization. Its the main reason that the Modern Paradigm Shift is the Shift from Atomic Systems to the Vortex Atomism that is from the 3-D Bhu to the 4-D Prabhu Sacred Systems.

So, the way we experience these 4-D’s of the Physical and the Metaphysical Worlds is that all of it is the Conscious (1-D), Subconscious (2-D), Unconscious (3-D) and Super conscious (4-D) Worlds that we see in the visible, the real world outside and the ideal world inside, and that is what the 4-Dimsnional Systems are in the world religions, faiths and the civilizations. When we consider the Consciousness and the Meta-matter these are the 3-D’s of the Metaphysical and when we consider the Light and Matter Systems, its the Physical World. That is how all ancient systems have studied the universe, consciousness and the God (4-D, the Prabhu) Systems. When, we go beyond the 3-D Physical World and experience the 4-D Consciousness, the Universal Vortex of Consciousness, which is aware of itself as we all are, and its the “Clouded Consciousness of Every Individual Consciousness” that creates our own 4th Dimension, and that is what the World Quantum Sacred Systems call the God, the 4th Dimension, the 4th Pada, the Highest Velocity, Space and the Consciousness Systems. This is thus the Dynamics of Ionized Systems, the Vortex Atomism, and this the major difference between the Bhu (3-D, the Physical) and its Ionized Vortexes, the Prabhu Systems.
The Space as the “K” System in the Indian Theory of Elements in the Indian Alphabets in the “G” in the same row say as the KA, KHA, GA, GHA, and the YINA Systems give how the Ionization goes to the Space, and that is the “R, the Ionization in the Space, the K Systems” creates all that we know as the KARA Systems, that is the “Atomic Ionization, the Vortex Atomism” goes as the “KARA in and as the ONKARA Systems”. Whosoever knows it in the 4-D Systems is called the “Quantum, Spiritual, and or the Science Teacher, Guru, Acharaya”. Here the OM is the setup of Elements of Ionization that is the O, A, E, M Systems, the vowels that represent the ionization of the metamaterial or the nanos, the nano systems, the optical fiber based systems.
In the Ancient India and the World Sacred Systems, the experts who knew the things of universe as the Quantum Sacred Systems was Disciple for First 3-D’s and when one goes to the 4th Dimension, that is the same level as that of the masters of knowledge that are popular as the thinkers, philosophers, researchers and what we know the experts with the doctoral degrees.
One of the major contributions from the western countries and the civilizations has been that the ordinary people, the masses who were not able to get the “Sacred Knowledge and Wisdom of Vedas and Other Sacred Education Systems” due to say low cast in India and many other parts of the world has been able to learn every possible thing in the world, and thus has been able to contribute to the world civilizations.
This is what the Sikh Gurus have done and contributed along with the “Bhagat’s” who then compiled Holy Shri Granth Sahib, the Doctrine of Sacred Education Systems in Indian and the World Civilizations along with the Brahmi Sacred Systems and the Human Treasures of the Civilizations. The Founder of Sikhism, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji has well explained the Classical Systems of Yogis as the Sidh Goshti, the Discourses of Yogi Masters (Plato’s Inner and the Ideal World Inside us), and the Dakhani Onkara as the Discourse on the Brahmi, the Quantum Systems (Plato’s External and the Real World outside us) in the Indian World Civilizations. The Dakhani Onakara, the Discourse on the Philosophy of Onama in the South India is the Theory and Philosophy of Universe while the Sidh Goshti, the Yogi’s Wisdom is for the Theory and Philosophy of Consciousness (the Jeeva and the Ishwara Systems) in the Indian World Civilizations. These are also the Tricolors and the Anti-tricolor Theory of the DNA (Nama) and RNA (Mana) that we are in better position to understand and explain it all in the modern context of the Quantum Qubit Systems.

Now, what the Western Countries and Civilizations has done for the low caste, uneducated (illiterate) people, children, women, widows, and other suppressed people and the systems all over the world is same as what the Indian and World Quantum, the Bhagati Sacred Systems advice. In this context, the role of imperialism as the governing body rather than the corporate systems has been great and that the big corporates has been misleading the masses by educating what takes away the “Essentials of Sacred Education Systems”, and that is “Selling Education at High Costs”. We may flag anything that may again seems lack of discussion leading to a little delays, but now we are in the “Internet and the Information Age!”
We can not simply condemn minorities and low castes just because we have majority votes while using it as the “Veto Power” against the individuals, who support the “Sikh and the Bhagat, the Quantum Philosophy and the Western Thought” for all as alike with caste, religion, and otherwise who may lack enough support to say anything for the welfare and development of the humanity.
It is the “Majority or the Veto Vote Power” that seem to spoils almost every possible greater good in the developing nations. That is why most of the people seem to be “Loyalists to the Veto, the Majority Votes, and the Power Shows” seem to extinct almost every “Brahmi Systems, the Sacred Educations and its Sacred Systems” in most of the developing nations, and that its here the “Role of UNO, Big Corporates, and Governing Bodies” seem a threat to the integrity of the individuals with the world sacred systems and the research, development and welfare associated with it.
In one of the major attempt that seem to have been for the “Quantum Sacred Education Systems in World Civilizations” is what we now as the Scout and Guide Movement by Sir Baden Powell in which it was the “Global Movement to Promote the Quantum Sacred Education” all over the world. It also goes for the Vortex Atomism and is what can help world settle the quantum sacred systems established all over the world. As the Registered Scout Master and Social Worker from 1996, I was the first non-government scout master who also conducted the first scouting camps for the private schools in Punjab, India and my students won and brought the Governor and the President’s Award (the State and National Awards) during these years say during 1996 and onwards, we could have managed the Winning of International Awards have we had the funds available for the scouting. Well, in any case, it seems we need to integrate the “Philselfological Single Theories and Models of Everything with the Scouting”. I went to discuss it with the State Secretary of Punjab, Chandigarh, who was well pleased to know it and said:
“Go anywhere in the world, the scouts and guides are with you, and our offices will help you everywhere when you start it!”
In the Modern Classical Education Systems as introduced in the last centuries and the decades, the Scout and the Guide Movement has been the “Real Quantum Addition to the Classical Education Systems” as it explains the universal religions and faiths in the nutshell and we did not have the religious education in the world in this context. Moreover, the World Religions and the Faiths still need the Single Models and the Theory of Everything to get into as the “Quantum Addition” to World Education Systems while adding to the Scouting Systems as one of its “Main Quantum Multiplier”.
The “Scout and Guide Prayer in India” asks, requests and prays for the “Quantum, the Bhagati Sacred Systems”:
The developing nations or people were masses live simply seem to claim that the “Education and Legal Systems are derived from the developed nations” and that seems to ignore everything that is local, regional, brahmi, sacred and patent to the people. So, most of the people, the masses may learn to imitate rather than live the greater good and wisdom of the sacred, the quantum education systems.
These “Prabhu, the Vortex Quantum Systems compose and constitute the Quantum Qubit Computing and its Programming” based on the “Vowel as the Qubit” as every vowel follows:
Vowel=S+H+A (in all world languages)
For practicals, the S=Breathe, H=Duration of Breathe, A=Sound Creation from the Breathe
So, we have it not only in every world languages and the linguistic systems, but all actions as we have discussed in the blog post:
How Gurmukhi and Gurbani describes Indian, Arabian, Israeli and other World Quantum Qubit Systems as the Jewish and Hindu Quantum Sacred Systems as Theories of Vowels, Consonants, Rama and Raheema Qubit Systems – Be Happy Philselfologically – 114b
Thus, the Modern Sacred Systems of the Quantum Qubit blend well with the Ancient Quantum Qubit Systems.
For very this reason, the Vortex Atomization (Atomism) is same as the Quantum Qubit Systems.
How and Why Indian Alphabets (say Gurmukhi, the Brahmi Scripts) are as we read and study it as the Theory and Philosophy of Elements and Dimensions: The Sacred Systems all world civilizations, religions and faiths have been studying the “Vowel Based Universe”, and its recorded as the “Sacred Astronomy and Astrology” with some variations of vowels used on the consonants as the method, and the sacred systems that develops all sacred systems of any given civilization that further and fully uses the “Maatra, the Quantity of Ionization as the A, E, O, AE” as the Quantum Qubit Systems of Vowels for Computing and Space Technology; the Ionization, Vortex, Anti-gravity Systems, and all that we now know as the Nano Sciences and Technologies, Metamaterials, Vastu Constructions, and that is also part of All World Therapies say even the Rasayana, the Ionization as the Puti and Potency in the Ayurveda and Homeopathy (the Natural Nano Healthcare Systems). The “Potency and the Puti Systems” fully uses the Vortex ionization, and that is what the Potency is all about in any given system of healthcare. The Vortex Ionization with the Vortex Atomization is the essence of all of these studies, education and research works in all ages and the civilizations, and its what we know the “Amrit (in the Gurbani), the Soma (in the Vedas), Water of Life, Immortal Water, Holy Water, Superfluid, and so on”.
In our Hypothesis of Philselfology for the Philselfological Model and Theory of Everything that embraces most of the single models and the theories for everything, the assumptions use the Gurmukhi Script, Languages, Grammars, and the Linguistics for the Philosophy of Chiral, Spiral, Pulsar, the Sound Energy (Nano Systems), Theories of Elements and Dimensions, the Indian Astrology, Alphabets and the relevant as the Brahmi Systems of Everything Models and the Theories. It may differ from the conventional or at times the traditional systems due to the regional systems based on the same linguistic models, but it does not make any significant difference in its application in all that we study as the modern education systems. It thus designs and modifies any existing in any world language, astrology, sacred education systems, and above all the modern and ancient as one qubit quantum system, and that it creates one single platform for the eastern and the western systems, ancient and modern in all world civilizations.
When we say that the Indian Alphabets describe the Pulsar, Spiral and the 3 Chiral Structures, it also has the names of Mantra, Tantra, Yantra, and that is also expressed as the Sato (Chara, the Dynamic Nature), Rajo (Div-savbhava, the Dual Nature) and Tamo (Sathir, the Static Nature), and the variations based on the explanations that discuss the world as Indian Astrological Sacred Systems, but all of it is based on how the Indian Sounds; Vowels and Consonants have everything embedded in each letter. The Physical, Botanical and the Biological Systems are also the description of the same.
The Indian Alphabet say the Gurmukhi Script is the Set of Sounds of Space, Air, Water (Liquid), Fire and Solid Elements in the Consonant Rows giving us the 25 Primal Sounds, and in the Vowel Rows, the same 10 Basic, the Primal Sounds of Light and Sound Vibrations are recorded as “Energy Reactions with Sound (Longitudinal Waves and Vibrations) and Light (Transverse Waves and Vibrations), which is now popular as the Ether Quantum Waves, the Vortex Atomism in the Universe”, and that is why the Indian Alphabets change nowhere in the universe in any light, sound and the 5 elements, and that is what makes it verifiable in everything that exists in the universe. The name of Gurmukhi Script is based on the Black (Gu) and White (Ru) Hole and how it interacts with the Mukh, the Ma and kha, the Final Sound of Solid Waves (the 7th Row of Gurmukhi) and the Space Sounds in the Space Element, the Ka, Kha, Ga, Gha and the Yin-ya that is the Set of Two Dimensional Waves of Space. The Sounds of Vowels keep changing from the Longitudinal and Transverse Waves in the First 2 Rows and the same in the 5 Elements as we go to the 5 Rows in the Gurmukhi, the Playground of Black (Gu) and White Hole (Ru) with the Longitudinal (Mu) and Traverse (Khi) Universe constituting the Vortex (5 Consonant Rows) Atomism (2 Vowel Rows), and thus Gurmukhi Script as the Vortex Atomism alive as if the “Vortex Universe; the Living Universe, thus the Vortex Atomism”.
Video: This video gives the Sounds of Universe as the Gurmukhi Alphabet, and we may one day find it very funny!
For this very reasons, the Linguistic Model and the Theory of Gurmukhi constitutes and forms the bases, basics, the primal 4 operators and the programming in the Quantum Computing Systems:
How Gurmukhi and Gurbani describes Indian, Arabian, Israeli and other World Quantum Qubit Systems as the Jewish and Hindu Quantum Sacred Systems as Theories of Vowels, Consonants, Rama and Raheema Qubit Systems – Be Happy Philselfologically – 114b
Well, the Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and the Similar Civilizations have the “Alphabets based on the Sounds of Martial Arts”!

In this research work, I have tried to focus on the Ancient Indian and the World Theories and Philosophies that deal with the “Theory of 5 Elements as the Basic Theory” that with the Light is the 6 Elements as after 5th Element it goes to describe the Consciousness, the Jeeva, the Quantum and the Elementary Physics Particles, and these all are also the “Sacred Elements, the Tat in the Universe” as we have discussed in this series of Be Happy Philselfologically. The Indian Sacred Systems recorded the “Elements of the Universe” as all vowels and the consonants, and based on this very linguistic hypothesis that we can verify anywhere, the Vedas were composed, and later other Sanskrit Scripts were also composed and written, and finally we have the Gurbani, the Sacred Teachings of Sikhism written and composed using the “Indian Sacred Theory of Elements and the Dimensions”. Bhai Gurdas Ji, the Sikh Philosopher says that Indians lost the “Sacred Theories of Elements and Dimensions about 5000 years ago”, and Sikh Gurus revived it in the Gurmukhi Languages and the Grammars, but it was lot again say about 300 years ago, and now we are now rediscovering it because of internet as otherwise it has been difficult to add all that is modern sacred systems into our “Philselfological Model and Theory of Everything”. I have been able to add most of the Modern Sacred Systems into this Ancient Science now as the Quantum Sciences of Elements, Dimensions and Consciousness.
In the Modern Indian Sacred Systems, we notice that the “Theory and Philosophy of Elements and Dimensions as in the Indian Alphabets is almost fully missing in every media no matter when we look at the Vedic or the Gurbani Sacred Systems” that we discuss all over the world. In my long research on it, I noticed that almost no significant works done on it in last 300 years and everything seems to be presented as the “Light and Bliss; Spiritual and or Divine” with full bonus of joys as with the Interfaith and New Era Systems that say almost nothing about it, the Indian Alphabets and the Indian Sacred Systems due to which we have the Indian Vedas, Purana, Simirities, Upnishides, Buddhism and Jainism Holy Scriptures, and finally the Gurbani, the Sacred Teachings of Sikhism studied as the “Religious Fiction, an addiction in Communist’s vocabulary as Marxists say in the world of materialism, Spiritual Charm and Bliss, but is known as the Vidya Dosha (Fault in Learning) in all world civilization”, and all of it seem to lack as what Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji explained to his Hindu and Muslim Primary School teachers as he explained the “Secrets of Universe with just first 3 Vowels of Indian Alphabet”. If its available in the world, its not available to the masses, and thus publicly it seems the “Lost Art of Indian Sacred Civilizations, Education and the Systems or the Secret Education of Indian Civilizations, the Hidden Sacred Education Systems of India”.
It seems almost sure in the “Philselfological Single Model and Theory of Everything; both online and offline” that the Ancient Languages and Civilizations extincted lacking the “Vowel Theory, the Quantum Sacred Systems as its the Theory of Immortality” as otherwise everything is called “Perishable, the Consonant Theory as its the Theory of Change”, and about 5000 years ago, India lost the Sanskrit Civilizations and we have many modern civilizations facing the same threat due to threat to the Ancient Languages, both the Brahmi (Quantum) and the Classical:
It seems with emergence of Quantum Sacred Systems in the Western Countries and the Civilizations, the Indian Sacred Systems need to be reviewed and rewritten and reexplained in this context, the Quantum Sacred Systems, and the Vortex Atomism, and it will surely benefit the masses, the world populations.
When we say that the education in any form has stagnated the learning, its called the Vidya Dosha, the Fault in Learning leading to “Sewa Dosha, the Faulty Service”, and it harms the impact of human learning, and is same as the “BIT System in the Classical Computing Systems”, and the other major dosha, the technical fault in the Quantum Computing Systems is the NAMA Dosha, which is creating differences in the same thing while harming the “Sense of Equality, the Nama Dosha also called the Aparadha (Sin)”. These “Dosha, the Faults are called the Addiction, the Mada in the World Religions and Faiths”. In the Indian and the World Civilizations, the “Vidya or Sewa Dosha” deals with the “Atoms, and the Atomic Structures” while the “Nama Dosha or Fault in Quantum Systems deals with the Vortex; the size, and comparisons that really may not create any grounds in the Theory of Similarities”. The video immediate below it gives some great details how the Graph Theory goes as “Vidya (Guna and Dosha), the Classical Systems, the Bindi, the BIT Theory as also the Decimal Theory and the Consonant Theory” and the “Topology goes for the Kala (Guna and Dosha), the Quantum Systems, the Bindu, the Qubit Theory as also the Theory of Zero (Center) and the Vowel Theory”, and here the Topology (First Two Rows of Gurmukhi, the Vowels) and the Graphology (5 Rows of Gurmukhi, the Consonants) get bridged with the Homotopy (the 5th Column, the Sound that bridges the Consonants and the Vowels, and we can also call it the Krishna Vowels, the Homotopy of Indian Vowel and Consonant Theories, and thus Single Model of Every by Gurmukhi Script!) :
Here one point goes to say that these works say the “Philselfological Single Theory of Everything” is personal research work without any aid, support, grant, official approval, honors, and all that may claim as the backed-up by the organizations, governing bodies and otherwise, but still its right from the personal pocket needs a proper recognition from the said as individual researches are now a lost art as one can go to die for it when officialdom assumes it as if something good only even though we have opened a manufacturing with this model as the copyright systems for global developments in the fields that this model discusses as we now need a better world where the officialdom and politics harboring with the huge funding in the developing nations where its the “loyalty” that pays everything and no need of any research seem never felt to upgrade the sacred systems, and that all claims seem to be for the “Stability of the Previously Existing Systems at the Local, State and the National Levels, while using the Patriotism as the Tool” now need a little curbing as the pollution seem to have surpassed almost all possible levels as we discuss in the emerging global paradigm quantum shift, and thanks for your support!
Next part of the series: How Theories of Vowels and Consonants Explain Universe as Vortex, the Anda or Envelope and Ionization, Atomism and 5 Elements as Medium: Gurmukhi Alphabet as Master Secret or Mool Mantra of Universe: Be Happy Philselfologically – 121
We will edit and add.
Be Happy Philselfologically!
Thanks for your time reading it!