For all those passionate for a new world, sometimes sacrifices and hardships become necessary. In history, many have died for honorable causes and because of them the world was never the same again. In honor of those who fought the good fight, even if in the end would have to offer their precious life, in history and in the present, we give thanks… for their selfless offering of their precious lives, for peace, for health, for a better world. For life is sometimes not measured by the length of our lives, but by the gift we have made of our lives for others. For the cause for which they gave their lives, for human rights, animal rights, earth rights and others, their deaths were not a triumph of darkness but mighty explosions of light, that guide the winding paths of our planet’s pilgrimage to freedom and total wellness. Our courageous friends will never be forgotten. Their every act of integrity, compassion, courage, and sacrifice has encouraged thousands to emulate their example. And as all of us must come to terms with inescapable death, they have inspired us to courageously work for abundant life and wellness for all. Our hearts are filled to the brim with their shining examples. “For life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away.”
In honor of the martyrs
by Bodhi | Feb 7, 2021 | Community, Animal Welfare, Earth, Featured, Inspiration, Make A Difference, Peace, People, World | 0 comments

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