Indian Civilization and the 16 Sacred Dimension of Shakti, the Force and Shiva, the Power as Proposed by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji – Exploring the Wisdom of Vedas: Be Happy Philselfologically – 69
These Sacred 16 Sacred Dimensions, which are also known as the Bhavana’s, the Houses has one of the Finest Set of Subjects that All Time Vedas, the Ancient Educations of India and Other World Civilizations has been teaching and educating as the First Sacred Dimension representing the Soil, it starts to educate any subject that deals with the Soil, Farming, Sowing, and Harvesting, and at the 2nd Dimension, we have the Subjects that deal with Water, the Aqua Gardening, Sea Management, Merchant Navy, Shipping, and lot more that is based on the Water Systems on the Our Mother Earth. When the Vedas consider and make the 4 Categories of Subjects that is based on the Sacred Dimensions of Energy and Power. For example, the 14th Dimension Deals with the Creative Intelligence, the Mann, and thus Music, Psychology, the Moods and thus the Psychiatry, and at the 15th Dimension, we have Subjects Dealing with the Formless, Self-illuminated and Self-born subjects and thus Philosophy, Metaphysics, and can include almost any subject dealing the Pure Form of Subjects and the research works in it. Finally, the 16th Dimension, which is the Prime Factor deals with the Gurpraasadi categories, which deal with the Divinity, Brahma Vidaya and the Gyana, the Pure Knowledge and thus is the Pure Yoga, Meditation, Self-realizations and all that we do through the guidance of a guide as the PhD or the doctoral degrees.
Thus, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji gave to the World Civilizations, the Most Sacred Set of 16 Subjects of Complete Scientific and Philosophical Education Systems based on the Sacred and Holy Vedas, and any other ancient, which is eternally modern education system. These 16=4*4 is also set of Complete Knowledge and Wisdom of the 4 Sacred Vedas, which give us the Essentials of what we know as the Humanity. The Parents can educate a lot about the 8 Sacred Dimensions, the Education of Shakti, the Matter Management, and we have Swastika drawn everywhere in India as all Indians are well versed in the Technical, Skill, and Home Based Works say computers, verbal math and the mobiles, and this intuitively learning of technical education is the backbone of Sacred Indian Civilization as it needs no previous knowledge and skill, and its not child labor either and thus one can learn it from anywhere, and it includes the scouting as the Basic Education, the Shakti Education of the Sacred Vedas, which Sir Baden Powell brought back to India:
And exactly what the parents has mostly never been able to educate their kids, children and the youth has been the Set of 8 Sacred Dimensions of Power, the Light or Self, Science, Spiritual, Religious, Philosophical and the Divine Education, and thus need of a proper guru, the guide has always been recommended, and Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji ends the Moolmantra with the “Gurparsaadi” for the Power Dimensions after we get the preliminary knowledge, from our parents and the elders at home, and that is the reason the students living in this kind of environment of sacred education systems usually go to a school at very late age, and one of the great example is Sir Ravindranath Tagore, the Noble Prize Winner of India.
Now, the Young Age of Scouting ends well with what we say is the Sacred and Pure 8-Dimensions of Power Education as the Guru Ji say, and it ends with Yoga and Meditation, when we get old and retire from the work. Thus, the Scouting is a Bridge Between Childhood and the Old Age, while Youth is the Set of Shiva and Shakti Sacred Education Systems of the Vedas.
Now, when we add the Dimensions beyond 16, all goes as the Invisible and the Hidden Dimensions, and we have the “Japu” State of Sacred Dimension, then the “Aadi Sachu”, “Jugaadi Sachu”, “Hai Bhi Sachu”, “Nanak Hosi Bhi Sachu”, and thus the End up with the 21st Dimension, which in the Japu Ji Sahib Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji calls as that at the 21st Dimension all Dimensions are One after Millions of Sacred Repetitions, the Chanting and thus the Sacred Replications to say of “Japu”, the Sacred Mental Recalling when he, the Guru Ji says: “… Chariayai Hoyiai Ikeesh…” means by Entering Into 21st Dimensions One Sits as the One with God, the Ish as Ikish or Ikeesh as the following Sacred Set of 21 Dimensions Represented, and its the Set of 20 Dimensions in which 16 Sacred Dimensions are either surrounded by the 4 Sacred Dimensions or the vice-versa:
In the prose, the above sacred poetry of 20 sacred dimensions can be set to as 4, 8, 12, 16, and so on as shown and discussed below:
The Psychophysical 12-Dimensional Matrix Needs a Little Attention!
In this Sacred Pschophysical 12-dimensional matrix, we never have the Zero-Dimension added as this main consideration was given by the Indians, and the other part, the 14th Dimension in the same one as that of the “Beyond Time” was also given by the Indian Astronomers and Astrologers as Making the Psychophysical 12 Dimensions as the Set of 14 Sacred Dimensions, which on addition of “Saibhang”, the Dimension of what we know as “Self-existence” and “Gurparsaadi” as the “Ever Existing Chetana”, the Universal Consciousness, the Mahachetana beyond the “Self, the Mann, and Chetana” as Parsaadi means what can be perceived and conceived, and the “Gurparsaadi” means “Beyond any perception and the conception, the tastes of the intellect and thus beyond human intellect”.
The Indian Sacred Systems of Education study it, the Psychophysical 12 Sacred Dimensions as the Horoscope, and the 0-Dimension is always added in what we know as the Ascendant, and the Seventh Dimension is always studied as the “Shiva-Shakti”, and thus the Joint Dimension of First and the Seventh Dimension. That is why it has two derivatives as the Chalit, the Gochara Jyotish as the Time Frame of the Universe moves in our universe and thus all of the Chalit, the Kaal Calculations giving the Time Dimension, which is always set to zero, and thus the Zero Dimension. Now, the other Sacred Dimension is studied on the Result of Union of Time and Age, which gives the Falit Jyotish Shastra. Here the “Falit” means the “Flow of Time”, and we have most popular Indian word, the Fal or Phal, which stands for flow, and mostly the flow of time. “Karam Karm Fal Ki Chinto Matt Karo”, this Indian saying says: “Keeping doing your work, do not bother about how long it takes, the flow and span of time!” Thus keep going!
About the above explanations as it has the dual as the Popular Theory of Dualism means Union of Intelligence, the Shiva and the Creative Intelligence, the Shakti of universe as the subject, when we reach the Sacred Dimension of “Gurparsaadi”, we happen to add the Dimensions of the Universe and the Dimensions of any object in the Universe, and in it even the universe is object, the creative intelligence of infinite circles as the Loka to the subject as to say the Macro of the Loka, and the Intelligence, the Parloka, the Micro of the Loka as the Sacred Dot, the Bindu anywhere in the universe to say when the humans studies it that way as it says:
“In Plato’s view, the objects of pure geometry — straight lines, circles, triangles, planes, etc. –were only approximately realized in terms of the world of actual physical things. Those mathematically precise objects of pure geometry inhabited instead a different world — Plato’s ideal world of mathematical concepts. Plato’s world consists not of tangible objects, but of ‘mathematical things’. This world is accessible to us not in the ordinary physical way but, instead, via the intellect” (ENM, p. 205). Since science has no explanation for the fundamental enigma posed by mathematical Platonism, it seems reasonable to adduce that the curious ethereal, intangible property of numbers would be a consequence of the “observer” (in the 7th-dimension) operating out of the ‘pure time’ of the ninth-dimension vis-à-vis abstract “objects” (i.e. numbers) in the opposite third-dimension (see Figure 1). But we are getting ahead of ourselves.
Barron Burrow suggests that in a psychophysical exegesis of Einstein’s E=Mc2, we cannot any longer stand back and pretend that we are looking at things “objectively”; rather we are required to participate, on one side of the equation at least, with feeling-consciousness. Thus, transposing we get c2 =E/M. And if we say that c now stands for `good’ RH bottom-up self-time (tactile-photons) and `good’ object-space squared, then this constitutes a metapsychological description of the twelfth-dimension (i.e. because the `good’ left/right components fused represent Becoming, in the twelfth-dimension). In which case, E/M on the other side would stand for the opposite sixth-dimension, or Being, i.e. with E representing the time-reversible component and M the time-irreversible component of the psychophysical sixth-dimension — with reversibility/irreversibility here being inseparable.
(With thanks from the source:… )
Thus, the Einstein’s Theory of Relativity goes into the Dimensional Relativity of Indian Sacred 12 Houses, the Bhavana, the Dimensions of the Universe as all houses are relatively related as described in Sacred 12 Pyschophysical Dimensions and relativity active as the Chalit Astronomy, the Movement of the Universe and the Falit Astronomy, the Flow Rate and Effects of the Movement of the Universe, the 13th, 14th Sacred Dimensions, and the human studying it at the 15th, the Light Existence as the Pure Intelligence (the Atama Level) and the 16th Sacred Dimensions, the Universe as Beyond Human Intellect as the Universal Consciousness, the Mahamchetana as the Gurparsaadi Chetana, which in our daily life is present as if the “center of a circle holding the weight of the circle”, and this is the Indian Sacred System of Guru, the Central Gravity Holder as the Center of a Concentric Center as when we join the dot with any radius and circle around it, the center as the “frame of reference” keeps all circles around it.
In Indian Sacred System, while studying the Sacred DNA Systems of fossils, plants, trees, birds, animals and the humans, we call all circles as the birth of the same origin as if one sacred DNA sprouting many, and its the Concept of Birth and Rebirth Cycle, the Circle and every circle around a given point is called the birth of a particular DNA form as the Jooni, the Life Span and the Duration it has in the universe. The Indian Sacred Education Systems say that every human rests on the 8.4 Million Circles around a given point of the Bindu, the Atama or Personal DNA one has, and this is how Ancient Indians have been mapping the sacred universe in which we live. We all have a DNA Lineages, which the Indians follow as the Sacred Gotra Systems, the “Gotra” means “The Sacred Art of Swimming the Bhavajala in which all Sacred Family Members of Like DNA Family, the Genes Coexist”, and is one of main ingredient of Indian World Religions, Faiths, DNA (the Gotra,the Gene and Genetic Studies, the Sacred Way we use the Shakti, the Force Gravity in anything we do, and thus the “Go”+”Tra”, the use of Gravity, the Mantra, the method, the skill, which the Genes store to materialize any “Thought, Idea, Imagination or Dream”, and conversion of “Light into Matter by Repetitions of Actions in any gives genes, the genetic system and thus the genetics, the word “Tra” is the “Activity, the Turna, the Flow of Force, and so on). It has two categories as the Caste Based and the Karama, the Karma Based as we have studied it in the previous parts of this series:
How Indian Alternative Sacred DNA Theory of Genes, the DNA can Help Stopping and Ending the Genetically Degenerating Processes in Modern World: Be Happy Philselfologically – 67
How Indian Sacred Theories of Pure DNA, the Vedas and Sacred DNA, the Purana are the Incarnation and Reincarnation of Pure and Sacred Worlds of DNA: Sacred Sikh Moolmantra and Be Happy Philselfologically – 68
In the same article, I add humbly that we can use the male and female brains as set of two operating systems as two living sacred dimensions of creative intelligence, the female or right brain in anyone, and the general intelligence as the male or right brain in anyone has been used in Indian Sacred Studies of the Universe as the Male-Female Chart of the Universe in which addition of central nervous system keeps adding it fraction in each of 12 sacred dimensions as when the male, the left brain completes changes into the female, the right brain at the 7th Sacred Dimension, which is the Female Brain, the Wife’s Dimension in the Horoscope or the 12 Divisional Chart of Dimensions. While the Central Nervous System keeps adding in the 7th House, the Bhavana, the Dimension, and we end up again in the Male, the Left Brain. The Central Nervous System gives us the Glandular Systems which has a balance of male and female hormones in anyone no matter man or woman, which again is a combination of male and female colors as we have red, orange, and yellow, which start to add from the heart center as the green, the addition of female or the cool colors of blue, violet and indigo, while giving the “green color” as the center of the glandular system. It is same as the “seven musical notes”:
“It is interesting that in the human case, colour can be apprehended by the “observer” in the 7th-dimension via either the left brain (i.e. ‘objectively’ in terms of herz frequencies) or, alternatively, via the right brain (i.e. holistically). Cf.Gleick, “The touchstone of Newton’s <LH> theory was his famous experiment with a prism. A prism breaks a beam of white light into a rainbow of colors, spread across the whole visible spectrum, and Newton realized that those pure colors must be the elementary components that add to produce white. Further, with a leap of insight, he proposed that the colors corresponded to frequencies ….<LH> Newton had held a prism before a light, casting the divided beam onto a white surface <but RH> Goethe held the prism to his eye and looked through it <and> perceived no color at all, neither a rainbow nor individual hues. Looking at a clear white surface or a clear blue sky through the prism produced the same effect: uniformity . But if a slight spot interrupted the white surface or a cloud appeared in the sky, then he would see a burst of color. It is ‘the interchange of light and shadow,’ Goethe concluded, that causes color …..How does a shadow divide the white into a region of blue and a region of reddish yellow? Color is ‘a degree of darkness'” (With thanks from the source:… )
When it says the color is “a degree of darkness”, we have discussed it as the clusters of consonants, which create the black color and to say a blank note in the music as we have discussed it as the “aa ee oo …, a blank note” as if eliminating the color range or noise that adds up in the music, which we have said as that we measure the colors as the result of multiplication of consonants with the sacred vowels, which dissolve the cluster of constants and removes it giving it brightness, the white glow back, the Aim of Sacred Indian Mantras as we have discussed this very point:
“The starting of mouth opening and exhaling our breathe is mostly as OAM, and when we close its usually the MAH, as we close the mouth with breathe releasing from the nose after closing the mouth.
This is creation of full mantra for just one consonant “C” and its true for all consonants, but this is the structure of the “jama” or “yama”, which we have discussed the clusters of consonants. We need free sounds and we call it the vowels, and the structure of vowels is same as the consonants but it differs a lot at the same time:
Say we have “O” as the vowel, and we put it in the Mantra structure, well do not worry, I may not call it Be Happy Philselfologically Mantra Structure or Chart!
All right, we put it:
“O (O) H A M”
and we have what:
“O O H A M”
and it has the power of “O” that it can liberate anything from any mantra by giving away its “O” sound that is free, and no wonder in the “O C A H M”, the consonant “C” cannot have this power, the bal, the power of say 8-Sacred Dimensions of Power in which the Consonants and its clusters are not used or just used to create audio and video that we see and visualize when we do meditation, the providing of medium, the media and thus the meditation, the self-managed ingredients of sacred dreams, visuals and the visualization.” Please read the full article:
Philselfology of Sacred A, E, I, O, U, the Divine Vowels and Mantras as Waheguru: Be Happy Philselfologically – 47
The Sacred Indian Educations Systems as told by the Vedas and the Sikh Gurus give 16 Dimensions a Unique States for any world civilizations. In it the 16 Sacred Dimensions are divided in 16 Divisions of a Sacred Circle, which is based on the 16 Sacred Vowel based Musical Divisions, and these 16 Sacred Divisions are also the dimensions, and thus it has great impact on Indian Vedic Astrology as it also gives 16 Sacred Horoscopes of any individual. In these Sacred 16 Divisions, we have the most popular set of mann, budhi, chit and ahankara in 4 associations namely:
1. The Jarh, the Static World of Shakti, the Mann and its how we are associated with the world outside us, and in other words about how we use our senses, and in it the Atama, the Pure Intelligence has an association with the Jarh, the Static, and is named Jarh-Jeeva category rather than Jeeva-Atama. In the Indian Vedas, which people have lived well for a quite long time, its the Tamo Guna, and in it the Energy in the Color Form is shown as the Black, the Absence of All 7 Colors, and thus in it the Energy follows the Theory of Black Body. In it, the Speed of Light is Static, the Jarh, and we use the Jor, the Force of the Speed for Medium as by use of matter as the instrument and the medium, and thus Black Magics and the General Theories of Black Body, and in it the Sound Energy is the Sound Energy of the Medium, the Mantra’s Speed in the Medium. In it, what we sow we reap, action and reaction in equal and opposite proportion, and other theories of matter are described as all following the natural laws and principles starting from the Moolmantra, which we discuss in these parts of the series of Be Happy Philselfologically, and the Moolmantra is by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, and very broadly in the Sacred Japu Ji Sahib.
2. The Jeeva, the Kinetic World of Shakti, the Mann and its how we are associated with the world that we perceive with our senses, and in it the Atama, the Pure Intelligence has an association with the Jeeva, and thus one of the most popular state that the Indians call as the Jeeva-Atama, the Kinetic State of the Life. In the Indian Vedas, which people have lived well for a quite long time, its the Rajo Guna, and in it the Energy in the Color Form is shown as the Set of of All 7 Colors, but not exactly white and the good example of it is the Kundalini, the DNA, and Rainbow. Here, the Sound Energy moves in random directions, and thus its distance covered by the “Nama”, the Sound Energy, the “Nama” means Conversion Rate of Matter into Light. In it the State of Speed is the “Speed of Mantra”, the Mann, the Creative Intelligence Swims in it, but cannot cross the Ocean of Seven Split Colors of the Kundalini, and thus is the Mantra Theory, the Theory of Divergence of Light, and the Sound as the Scalar Quantity. In it, one can get the great speed of mana, the creative intelligence by simply getting up early in the morning as its the “Sacred Effects of Sacred Music and the Other Sacred Systems, which Work Well in the Morning!) (Theories, Laws and Principles of Sacred Math, Geometry, Music and Other Systems as told in the Japu Ji Sahib, the Gurbani written in Sacred Musical Compositions of the Indian Raga’s and thus as the Sacred Teachings of Sacred Education as in Sikhism for All)
3. Chetana, the Dynamic World of Force, Shakti, the Mann and please note in the Sacred Dimensions of Power, the Same Sacred Force, the Shakti becomes the Power, and its how we conceive what we perceive, and thus in it the Atama, the Pure Intelligence has an association with the Chetana, the Dynamic State of Shakti, the Matter, which is now in what we see as Living inside and outside, and thus the Atama gets the name of Chetana means that the Atama is in its Full Action with Force and Energy. In the Indian Vedas, which people have lived well for a quite long time, its the Sato Guna, and in it the Energy in the Color Form is shown as the Presence of Absence of All 7 Colors as One and thus White Color, the Power the Dynamic State of All Colors. Here, the Sound Energy as “Naam” moves with Gati, the Velocity of Light. Its wonderful art of listening, and thus it says: “Kahte Pavit, Sunte Paveet!”, the “Mann, the Creative Intelligence attains a great velocity just by listening to the Sacred Systems of any kind!” (Gurbani), and in the Japji Sahib, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji gives details about how the Creative Intelligence, the Mann get Velocity, the Gati as the “Sunyai”, the Sacred Art of Listening Sacred Systems. The still higher and unimaginable speed, the velocity is there when one listens it by little focus as its then the “Mannai”, “Mannai Ki Gati Kahi N Jaaye” (When one listens by heart, the mann, the velocity of sound energy is so high that one sees various colors and a colorful world inside) (Gurbani)
4. Mahachetana, the Free Form of Force, the Shakti, the Mann and its thus the Mukat Awastha or State is when the Atama is no longer in association with any form of Matter, the Shakti. The Atama, the Pure Intelligence in this state is called the Liberated Soul or Mukata Atama, and no human, animal or any other botanical attributes are possible that we can assign to the Atama, the Pure Intelligence, the Universal Form of Pure Knowledge. In the Indian Vedas, which people have lived well for a quite long time, its the Turiya Awastha, and in it the Energy in the Color Form is shown as without color or the Sky Blue just to represent that Energy is almost not present, and that Energy, Sound, Light and thus the Universal equation of light has attained the most ideal state, the ideal of E=M*C*C, but the Gurbani says that here Energy Moves in the Most Ideal Medium and Moves Faster than the Speed of Light, and thus its the State of Omnipresence and light is present everywhere and does not move in, and its also known as the Parmesura, the Parmeswara, the Sound Energy that Sacredly Vibrates everywhere simultaneous and thus its the State of Paramgati, the Highest Velocity of Speed and Light. Its the State of Pure Meditation, the Simrana: The Gurbani says: “Hari Simran Mah Aap Nirankara…!” “In the Highest State of Speed exists the God as the Invisible Light, and thus the Highest Speed, the Velocity, and thus the Nama has the Paramgati!” (Gurbani)
The Chit, Chetana, and the Mahachetana as the Indians call it, the Mahachetana as the universal consciousness are from the same roots, which simply means what we can recall and see, and thus it helps in all processes of realization of the self, the one identity as “I”. The term “Mann” should be referred as something foreign as its what the “I” accepts and approves as “Related to the “I” in the clouds of consciousness (conscious, subconscious, unconscious and the universal consciousness as the mahachetana) as while finding anything in it we say my, mine, and anything that the “I” has found to be as the recognizable file for the self, the “I”, we have it the Big Dynamic Storehouse called the Mann, the Creative Intelligence in the 3 States of Matter, the Shakti and 4th Free Form in which the Matter Exists in the Form of Light, the Freedom that E=MC*C gives when the C=C”
The E=MC*C is Matter Energy=Mass*Velocity of Light*Velocity of Light
In most of the cases, the velocity of light in any matter is not equal to more than the velocity of light say when the Matter is in the Static Form say the solids, the Kinetic State say as the liquids, and the Dynamic State of Matter say when any matter is in the gaseous form or it can be the gas by itself. In all of these forms of matter, the shakti, we have Forms of Matter, say solid, liquid and the gas, and all of these need a medium, and this medium is what we know as the 3 Forms, the State of Ego as as solid its the “id”, as the gas its the “ego”, and as the gas its the “super ego”, and in the Mahachetana, the “Ego” is quality of the Atama as the “Selflessness” after crossing all as the id-self, ego-self, and the superego-self as I studied and proposed it in my thesis of Philselfology. It does not differ from the Sacred Vedas, but I had to study it a little in a western way in which use of ego, the editor of antahkarna, the inner editable visual world of the “subconscious world” is less and thus the shakti, the force to influence the inner world is less. This is due to simplicity, the most primitive of all sanskara’s, the installed self-operating editable system in any given occasion. I closely observed it present among the Australians during my studying over there in 1989-91, and later after coming back to India.
Now, for any beginner, the most popular all 16 major sacred categories, the following 4 are the very popular categories, namely:
1. First 4 Sacred Dimensions of Shakti, the Force as the Mann, the Creative Intelligence
2. Second 4 Sacred Dimensions of Shakti (5th-8th), the Force as Budhi, the Intelligence, we also know it as the Will Power, and its mostly the Consciousness, the Awake State of Mind
3. Third 4 Sacred Dimensions of Shiva (9th-12th), the Power as the Chit, the Intellect, and we may call it the Consciousness, the Clouded Consciousness to say for ease, and thus the Subconscious Mind, the Sleeping State of Mind, and as its name says, its the state of “Jaga”, the Union of Mann, the Creative Intelliegnce and Matter that creates and sees the Sacred Inner Visions, and Dreams and thus the name of Chit, Chitra the Creator of Chitarpata. Thus, when the Indian Holy Scriptures say that the Entire World is a Dream, it means our Inner Sacred World is always in the Jagana State, the Subconsious State of Mind, where we do the “Joga”, and the “Yoga”, and as almost all Indians have been following the “Yoga”, the “Joga”, all Indian Holy Scriptures keep saying: “O Yogi! This world you see in the Jagarti, the Supan-awastha”, and thus the
subconsciously is a Dream, the Editable Audio-Video Sacred Visualization, please edit it without indulging in it. The Yoga warns not to practice excessive self-indulgence, the Nesti! The great example of self-editing is the Shava-Asana!
4. Third 4 Sacred Dimensions of Shiva (13th-16th), the Power as the Ego, called the “Ahankara”, which means what one personally uses to drive the “Kara”, the Clusters of Sacred Vowels, the Sound Creators and the Consonants, the Visual Creators that the Driver of the Body as “I”, the Driver of Consciousness, and the Clouded Consciousness, and thus the Unconscious Mind, and Unconscious State of Mind
A very good explanation so that even the kids can understand is given here:
“Have you ever found your mind wandering to different things while studying? If you close your eyes, can you visualize your home, your room, your parents’ face? Have you wondered what helps you make decisions or take actions? There is a part of our body called Antahkaran. The antahkaran is the internal functioning in every human being and is made up of four components, mun (mind), buddhi (intellect), chit (inner vision) and ego (ahankar).
Dada has scientifically explained the four components:
All four of them have form and can be read. They are not visible to the eyes but can be comprehended through Gnan (right knowledge). Each of the four components has its own separate function but every action is carried out with the co-operation of all four. The Pure Soul has nothing to do with the antahkaran; it is completely separate from it.
– Please read more here with thanks:… )
Here the “Antahkarana” is the Sacred Place where the Clouded Consciousness allows the “Kara” to run so that one can see and view it inside! We have already discussed about the Pure Soul as the Atama, the Atma, and the Gyana, the Pure Knowledge is what Plato in the Theory of Forms calls the Perfect Inner World, the Incarnated World inside all of us, and we want to meet this Inner Gyana, the Pure Knowledge with the Karma, the World Outside based on the Sounds that the Words create as the “Kara”, and we have two Worlds:
1. The World of Rama, which is the Inner and Incarnated World Rama, the “Ra”, “Ru” or the “Ray”, the Light Form inside, the Indians also call it the Pure Psychosomatic World that runs the Kundalini and the Glandular Systems, and thus has a very strong association with the sacred vowels, the primal sounds of the universe that create it all. This very Sacred Kundalini is like a Sacred DNA Thread, which we all have with various “Rang” on it, and the “Rang” means the “Ra”+”Anga”=Part and Proportion of “Ra” as the Sacred Sound and the Color in the brain systems as the Electromagnetic Sound and the Waves, which emit the “The Glowing White Light”, the Atama which self-broadcasts and uses the bio-energies for the creative intelligence, the Mann which based on the bio-life and the energies, and the general electromagnetic energies, the diet and food of the general intelligence as we use the Twelve Tissue Remedies, the Biochemicals, and the human fluids are as if the botanical juices living inside us as we depend on water and the minerals for it. All of Sacred Indian Scriptures call God playing with all with this Very Sacred “Ranga”, the “Rang” as the “Ra+Anga”.
The “Anga” is also the Sacred Vital Heat as the “An”, and the thing on which works as the “Ga”, which is “Force of Gravity”, which Indians use as the “Guru”, the Guruta Shakti at any atom or particle, and the “Guru” thus means the “Gravity, the gu which attracts light, the ru (or “ra” in any form, and thus is the formation of any color in association with the sacred sounds, the “Ranga” and the shapes, “Akara” the symbols as the “Anka”, which countable signs as the directions, the vectors due to presence of that gravity on the white glowing light, the “ru” and any of its created sound and the “ranga” that we denote as the “Akhara”, the sounds and the creations which never dissolve, “the process of kharna or khorna”, the sacred dissolving in the pure and sacred set of Sacred mother and the daughter DNA’s, and thus create all of the diseases one can have when we are unable to dissolve it, and thus the “Akhara”!” Thus, the “White Light”, the “Ru” has its own medium that it travels in the space in the straight line in the most ideal given medium, and in presence of any medium with frequency other than the white light, the “ru” its having the “gu”, the presence of gravitational force, which creates matter in the form of color, shape as this white light can be deflected by any shape, the number of “gu”, the obstacles, which we can count and join as the “Anka”, the Numbers, which on adding change the medium giving all qualities of light to act upon any other light going in a straight line as Newton say that any given particle can move in straight line for an infinite time, and when it faces any use of force in any form, it keeps moving, revolving and creating the shapes and shadows, and thus the sounds, which we notice in our daily life with light as wave and particle.
Now, the Light as the Particle is well studied by Sir Isaac Newton, and here we have also discussed it as the Wave, which follows all laws and the principles of light as wave rather than particle, but however when it is in the influence of force, it works and we have an output, which is how light changes into particle, the matter when anything uses force and in this case, we have discussed it as the light other than white acting as the “gu” and the “ru” as the sound energies, which when applied on white light in straight line, and other forms of light in any shape after use of force, we have conversion of light into matter, the new product by using the “sound energy” – something I wanted to know as a Physics student white doing my graduation, I remember Bhupinder Singh, my classmate, who has been taking keen interest as we both have been trying to understand and comprehend it!
Now, the Indian Holy Scriptures, the Vedas call the Equation of E=MC*C as the most universal equation of what we know as the Name, the Naam Theory in which the Sound Energies convert one form of energy, say from white light to other forms of energies, and we all the “Sacred Sounds” is the Factor of Conversion of Light into Matter, and the Matter into the Light. The “Na” and “Ma” are Sounds Energies in which the “Na” is of lower pitch than the “Ma”, which as in the “OM” is having the Highest Pitch. Thus, with various “Na””Ma” combinations when we use the Sound Energy of the Sacred Vowels with various combination, we can convert the Matter into Light.
Now, a kid wants to know how “Nama”, the “Theory of Intelligence” is associated in our daily life. Well, we see when anything falls down from any height, it produces the sound. In the most universal laws and principles of physics, we have it as the equation of static, kinetic and dynamic energy. These forms of energy are studied in India as the Tamo Guna of Matter as the Static Energy, Rajo Guna as the Kinetic Energy, and the Sato Guna as the Dynamic Energy, and the when any energy say in the Semiconductors, the Transitional and thus the Super Dyamic as the Turiya Awastha, the Transitional State of Matter when it almost acquires the State of Light and we use the Laws and Principles of Light to any given matter and its 3 States, and the Semiconductors are one of the finest examples remains as the Turiya Awastha, the Transitional State of Matter, which run our complete setup of electromagnetic systems all over the world say computers, mobiles, TV, radios, and what the semiconductors can do in the world. This Natural Studies of Science, Math, Music and Philosophy is present in all Indian Religions and Faiths, and thus the Indian Holy Scriptures.
We know in the Work, Energy and the Power equations that
which is almost same for 3 states of matter and almost exactly same for velocity of light as in light we do not usually add two lights; and thus
It is to be noted that when we use the sound energy on any matter, it changes its state of existence, the form. This sound energy, which can convert any matter into light is known and called the “Nama” Energy in all Indian Holy Scriptures, and we know it as the Shabada, Word of God, which is the Billions of Combinations and Permutations of 16 Sounds Sacred Vowels, the Sacred Universal Sound Energies. The point to be noted is that the 3 States of Matter
depend and use the Force of Friction, and thus the 3 Laws of Newton, and transitional state of matter uses and depends on what we know as the Eisenstein’s Theories of Relativity plus what we have in modern world science and technology, and thus if combined together, we have it all as the Indian Sacred Education Systems, which the people of India persevere verbally and in the daily life as the Swaadhaya, the Philselfology from one generation to the next, and thus what we know Advanced Studies and Researches of Veda’s Scientific Civilizations that always remain present and thus the “Sanatana”, the Eternal and the Eternity of the Indian Civilizations. The wonder is that all people who have not gained the modern education and or do live the practical life know all of the Sacred Subjects and keep doing the research, and one day the become such a ideal researchers that they can overcome the Shakti, the Force in the Inner World, the Parloka, and thus live in the Inner World as Free from Shakti, and this is called the Mukati, the Transitional State of Higher Brain, and we salute to the Indian Villagers, Native People, Aboriginals, Rural and Remote people living the life as the Jeevan-Mukta’s as they Dwell in the Inner Sacred World of Power within that is State of Jeevan Mukati as Free from the Use of Force, and thus are the Innocent, Caring, Ideal and Selfless People as in this context, the other countries have the same setup, and many people in the developed countries do not use the Force in the Inner World, and thus have Sacred Inner Life and live truthful and honest life.
When we discuss the “Nama”, “Na”-“ma” Theory as above in which we discuss the Sacred Conversion of “Matter into Light”, we discuss the Indian Civilizations, but when we discuss about the Materialism, we discuss the Western Civilizations. In the Western Civilizations, we have the Sacred Conversions “Light into Matter”, the “Ma”-“Na”. One of the most common theory of “Nama” we use in our daily life is the “Theory of Convergence” in which we use the “Sacred Convergent Lens”, the Inner Eye of Focus, the Third Eye with which we see inside and it creates what we see inside by the Sacred Process of Convergence as Indians use as the “Giana” or the “Gyana”, the Rasa or the Chemicals, the Ions that have the gravity to create the visuals to say as we can always assume as a learner:

In the same image above, we notice the “Theory of Divergence” in which we use the “Sacred Divergent Lens”, the Inner Eye of Focus when looks outside through our normal two eyes, and thus the Third Eye when used to see outside by the Sacred Process of Divergence as Indians use as the “Dhiana” or the “Dhyana”, the Rasa or the Chemicals, the Ions that have the flow, the “Dhara”, the “Dha+Ion” way to see to say as we can always assume as a learner and it creates what we see inside which the Source of Creative Intelligence, the “Mana”, the “Mann” as a subject for most of the people in the world. The most beautiful quote that stuns is:
“We look through our eyes, who looks through our eyes”, and its the “Third Eye”, the same eye, which also looks inside when we close our normal two eyes!

Now, the Western Civilizations that have stronger hold on the “Theories of Mana”, the Creative Intelligence in which the Sacred Sounds of the Indian and other Mantras are converted into the Material outputs. The western people have greater hold on the Sacred Mantra, Paranayama, Sports, Technology, Space Sciences and what the Indians know as the “Shakti Puja or Pooja” that leads the 8 Sacred Dimensions of Shakti, the Force, which have strong impact on the Sacred Geometry, Math, Shapes, and other things and what we also know as the Spirituality present say in the Indian and the Egyptian Civilizations. It goes for what World Religions and Faith give us practically, the realism and thus the Spiritualism. We will discuss about how the “Nama” and “Mantra” Theories of World Civilizations, the Modern and Ancient World Sacredly Coexist.
It, the Kudalini and its “Ranga” also embraces the psyche, glands and the nerves, which when go away from their center, the concentric circles get the opposite and thus the clouded clusters of consonants that we say going from “Ra” to “Ga” as the “Roga”, which means that any point in the body when loses its center of “zero gravity”, the “ra”, the sound of sacred vowels goes to “ga”, the point of gravity in any small or big system, and thus it is simply the use of gravity against the given cell to organ system, and thus the body, and I very well experienced it when first completed my research works on Philselfology in 1995-96, and I felt as if weightless. When we have the “Ranga”, we have the influence from the “Very Ranga”, and forget to keep the sacred symmetry it needs, and thus the “Roga. The “Guru” is what brings the “Roga” back to “Ranga”, and then makes it one as the “Guru”, which is the “Ga”, gravity to “Ra”, rays, the light without gravity, and thus the “Zero Gravity”. As the “Guru” makes one like the “Guru”, the word for it is that the “Guru is the Paras”, the one having the Rasa of Purusha, the Purity of the Atama, the 16 Sacred Dimensions as we have discussed in the Pure Dimensions of Power.
In the Indian Vedas and other world scriptures, the Paras and the Purusha is the Pure Secretions of Glandular System, which come when one uses the Sacred Vowels, Clusters of Consonants, and all that these creates properly. The Yogis drink these secretions inside the human body, and its the Purest Form of the Immunity Systems inside every living thing, particularly the humans. The reason that we need to have sincere and serious respect, honor and reverence for this Self-built auto system of human body is what gives us the “Parsaadi”. The “Parsaad” is the “Paras”, the Rasa, the Rasyana, the Chemicals we have inside our body, which function well from the master, the Pineal Gland well when we have faith, the absence of use of force in the sacred dimensions of power, and the confidence, the absence of use of power except the power of prayers in the sacred dimensions of shakti, the force, and thus after the birth, we all have the Glandular System as the Inner Sacred Food Supply, which the Indian Scriptures consider as available from the “Naal” means “With”, the Food Supply System from the Womb to the Fetus inside it.
When one comes into the world, this glandular system having all secretions chemically ideal for human life come from the Extended Doorway of the Glandular System called the Tenth Door, which opens inside the body to outside that all of its Sacred Secretion give it to the body and we all have, and this the Most Sacred System of the Sacred DNA, we all have, and thus our parents has given us this very pure, perfect and the most ideal system in the universe, and that why the Indians respect parents as the sacred people.
Thus, the Parents give us the Heaven: “Mata Pita Ke Charnon Me Swarg Hai” means they, the parents give us the Sacred Kundalini, the Sacred DNA functioning perfectly inside the Glandular System, the Sacred 8 Dimensions of Power, the Shiva, which they give as a human body, and the World Environment around our parents gives us the Sacred 8 Dimensions of Shakti, the Force as the Sacred Vedas say that creating an ideal and happy environment around a pregnant woman, and any woman in general is what we give to her Sacred Dimensions of Pure DNA, the Mother DNA the Kundalini, while we by our-self run our Sacred DNA of 8 Sacred Shakti, the Power Dimensions of Daughter, and that is the reason Lord Jesus says: “Respect your wife even if she is unfaithful!” – “A Deep Respect for Sacred and Pure DNA Dimensions that any and only woman can produce!”

This is one of the reason that I wrote:
“We Indians usually say something negative about Modern Psychology as developed by an Atheist Freud as it does not recognize soul or God at all, but human as a selfish gene always wishing something… we may never understand that the Grace is not by Deserving and thus death of religiosity in India if Freud is the only right authority on the subject matter. I hope it clarifies why we as Indians sometimes write few words opposing what harms the Philosophy and thus the Civilization of India.” (Source: Indian Philosophies Believe in Soul and God: An Appeal to Indian Psychologists and Psychiatrists – 1)
Now, the second part of it that associates itself through the nerve and muscles is as follows,
2. The World of “Ka”+”Rama”, the “Karama”, which is the Outer, the World in the Subconscious and Conscious Minds, and its the Set of Union of Two Worlds the “Ka” as the Consonants, and the “Ra” as the Light Produced by the Sacred Vowels, the Sounds, and when these join, we have inner audios and videos, the visuals going on, and thus is the World of Clusters of Consonants and the Sacred Vowels that we know as the “Bhav+Jala”, the Feelings of Sounds as the Mind and Conscious Rests in it, the Bhav or the Bhava, which is abstract of the Naada or the Unstuck Sound+Jala is the Feelings by Sensations as the Struck Sounds, the Naad creates visuals inside us all. The Indian Sacred Systems that mainly embrace the Ayurveda for it usually accept it as the Physiological World in association with the Anatomy.
Now as a good point to remind us all that the Inborn Genius carries all researches naturally of say 9th to 16th Sacred Dimensions, and others have it in the 1st to 8th Sacred Dimensions, as long as one lives, we have it and that is what it means Finding Genius Within as the Sacred Vedas explained by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji says and thus the Philselfology!
We will edit and add!
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!