The Indians seem to have been misunderstood in the health and wellness and its daily vedic practices that are based on insight of nature and life in general. The human intuitive faculties are source of vedic knowledge and wisdom that helps one and all to look into nature from inside rather than outer observations always demanding more experimentation that seem to create daily declarations of myth in the health and wellness making most of us confused about what is good or right for us. Let us discuss it a little.
Most of the Indians and other eastern and the native people in the world perform rituals and so many other religion and faith based activities that seem orthodox or traditional to many but all of it is part of Ayurvedic Research, Development and Welfare works in the creation, manufacturing of the herbs and all that it can embrace the Aurvedic Life best lived… that is why Indians use dhoof, agarbatti, ghee lamp and all that modern health sciences seem to ignore and thus criticism.
The Indians know the natural ways,methods and means for creations of what we know as the home remedial measures. For example, the dhoof, the flowers, and the burning lamp is to promote the best toxin free world, and above all it applies to all Indian Rituals in no matter what and how people perform it. These acts have the most significant influence over human life… we are learning to respect it more by having more insight of and about it!
One of the best contribution in the Ayurvedic Research, Development and Welfare was done by the Father of the Modern Theory of Similarities by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann ( and great contributor the Dr. Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler ( The later added the Production and Manufacturing Theory of what we know as the Allopathy, the Modern Health Science to Homeopathy as his 12 Tissue Remedies that differ from Homeopathy Allopathically. Their works seem to the best part of Ayurveda. I have done PhD in Alternative Medicines based on this contribution based on Theories of Similarity and gave it an Indian name as Philselfology. Thanks and we hope to work on it!
The very significant point about the Ayurveda is that it directly helps the glandular system get aligned with the spinal cord and the three currents (running in our body that many people know as the Kundalini…”The differentiation between spiritual emergency associated with Kundalini awakening may be viewed as an acute psychotic episode by psychiatrists who are not conversant with the culture. The biological changes of increased P300 amplitudes that occurs with certain Yogic practices may lead to acute psychosis. Biological alterations by Yogic techniques may be used to warn people against such reactions.” (With thanks from the source: )
Thus the Ayurveda offer most of the simple things and the points leading to natural laws and principles for health and wellness.
With everything it, the Ayurveda as if Father of Ancient Health Sciences offers as all works and services in are based on the Mantra Therapies describing the essence of making of life in the universe and on our earth. These Mantras work to activate the hidden energies of healing that all other therapies can use as well to make difference in our real life!
These Mantras are very simple methods to make and help one to feel, think and confess about the negativity in any form present in our life helping to remove the positivity of the health and wellness. The best point about these mantras is that these do not change with time, space or place and thus are called Sanatan, the Path of Good or Civilized Children, the Saints in Sanskrit or the Eternal form of sound energy!
Well, I did PhD in AM – Philselfological Counseling for Drugless Therapies and MDT in General!
The very special point about the Vedas is that these as in the form of Ayurveda accepts any form of the mantras from any world religions and the faiths, which basically aim to heal the sickness at any form. That is why the Ayurveda embraces almost all therapies of alternative medicines. The concept of Alternative Medicines is descried only in the Ayurveda as it offers almost any facility to heal the disease. The modern surgical form of treatments that we know Allopathy is based on the Shalya Chikitsa:
“In the ancient India, surgery was principally pioneered by Ayurveda. Shalya Chikitsa is a significant branch of Ayurvedic science. The name of the sage-physician, Susruta, is synonymous with surgery. From his treatise Susruta Samhita, we have become aware of the thousand of years ago sophisticated methods of surgery that were practiced in India. Topics of intestinal obstructions, bladder stones, and the use of dead bodies for dissection and learning were taught and practiced in ancient India.
The original text of Susruta has a detailed discussion of the exhaustive range of surgical methods, which is inclusive of methods on how to deal with various types of tumors, internal and external injuries, fracture of bones, complications during pregnancy and delivery and obstruction in intestinal loop. Susruta was the first surgeon to develop cosmetic surgery in ayurveda. His surgical treatment for trichiasis can be reckoned with some of the modern operative techniques used for this eye disease.” (With thanks from the source:… )
As the Ayurvedic Wisdom for Health and Wellness accepts all forms of treatments as part and parcel of care and cure the Indian Government seem to have introduced the Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Allopathy as full healthcare services in the Indian hospitals. It reflects the divine wisdom that Indians have been working from the times of Vedic culture in India when none was sick and the doctors were paid to keep all health and wellness. So, people remember those great days as part of great hope that Rx describes when a doctor says |I give medicine and nature cures!”
In the Modern treatments, we seem to need a lots of care that no therapy harms the stored sound energy in the human body and other forms of life that we say the musical form of life, the Astral or Quantum form of life.
Thanks for your time to read!