We all want to be accepted, loved, and appreciated, but often we forget to do the same for ourselves, as it can be a challenge to find inner peace and acceptance. Self love is a journey of self-discovery, and it is one of the most important steps we can take towards living a more peaceful and meaningful life. By taking steps to cultivate self love, you can find inner peace, build self-confidence, and create a life of joy and purpose. A journey to self love is possible, and it can help you to make a positive difference in the world. In this article, we will explore what self love is, how it can help us, and how we can make this journey of self-discovery.

What is Self Love?

Self love is the journey of understanding one’s own worth, value, and purpose. It is the process of accepting oneself, even in the face of mistakes or failures, and understanding that we are worthy of love and acceptance. Self love is not about vanity or ego – it is about learning to accept and embrace our faults, flaws, and unique qualities. It is a journey of self-discovery and understanding.

Self love is about understanding that we are enough, and that we don’t need to strive for perfection in order to be accepted by others. It is about learning to be comfortable in our own skin, and to accept ourselves for who we are. Self love is a journey that can help us grow and become better versions of ourselves.

How Can Self-Love Help Us?

Self love can help us in many ways. It can give us the confidence to pursue our dreams and goals, and to take risks without fear of failure. It can also help us to be kinder to ourselves, and to accept our mistakes and flaws. Self love can help us to appreciate ourselves and to be more compassionate and understanding towards ourselves.

Self love can also help us be more accepting of others, and to practice non-judgment and empathy. When we learn to love and accept ourselves, it is easier to do the same for others. Self love can help us to build better relationships, both with ourselves and with others.

How Can We Make the Journey of Self Love?

The journey of self love is not always easy, and it takes time, effort, and dedication. It is important to start by being kind and compassionate to ourselves. We can do this by treating ourselves with respect, taking time for self-care, and being mindful of our thoughts and feelings. It is also important to practice self-forgiveness and to accept our flaws and mistakes.

We can make the journey of self-love by being mindful of our thoughts and feelings, and by taking time to reflect and appreciate our worth and value. Celebrating our successes and appreciating our unique qualities is beneficial for the journey of self love. We can also learn to be more accepting of ourselves and others, and to practice empathy and non-judgment.

Self Love Tips

Make Time for Yourself

When life gets busy, it can be easy to neglect yourself. But taking time to do things that make you happy is essential for cultivating self love. Make sure you are taking time each day to do something for yourself. This can be anything from reading a book to taking a yoga class. Whatever it is, focus on activities that bring you joy and make you feel good.

Making time for yourself also means that you need to learn to say “no” to things that don’t bring you joy. If something is not in line with your values or doesn’t make you feel good, it’s okay to say no and move on. Taking care of yourself is a sign of self love.

Practice Self Care

Self care is an important part of cultivating self love. This means taking care of your physical and mental health. Make sure you are eating healthy, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. Give yourself permission to take breaks, relax, and have fun. All of these things are essential for taking care of yourself and finding inner peace.

You should also practice self care on an emotional level. Find ways to express your emotions in healthy ways, such as journaling or talking to a friend. Allow yourself to feel your emotions without judgment, and take steps to nurture yourself and your relationships.

Focus on Gratitude

Focusing on gratitude is a great way to cultivate self love. Make it a habit to take note of the things you are grateful for each day. This could be anything from the sunrise to the people in your life. Cultivating an attitude of gratitude will help you to see the beauty and joy in your life.

You can also practice gratitude by expressing it to others. Take time to thank the people in your life for the things they do for you. Tell them how much you appreciate them, and take time to be kind to yourself and others. This will help you to foster loving relationships and create a more positive outlook.

Surrounding Yourself with Positive People

Surrounding yourself with positive people can also help you on your journey to self love. Seek out friends and family who are supportive and encouraging. Spend time with people who make you feel good and help you stay focused on your goals. These relationships can provide you with the emotional support you need to stay on track.

At the same time, don’t be afraid to distance yourself from people who bring you down. Unsupportive people may not be conducive for your wellness, so if you find that someone is bringing negative energy into your life, it’s okay to create some distance.

Set Goals and Celebrate Achievements

Setting goals is a great way to focus on the things you want to accomplish in life. Break down your big goals into smaller, manageable steps and take action each day to move closer to achieving your goals. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small, and use them to motivate you to keep going.

When you reach a goal, take time to pause and reflect on what you have achieved. Celebrate your accomplishments and recognize the hard work and effort you have shared. This will help you build self-confidence and give you a sense of pride and accomplishment.


Self love is a journey of self-discovery and understanding. It is about learning to love and accept ourselves, even in the face of mistakes and flaws. Self love can help us be more confident and to pursue our dreams and goals. It can also help us be more accepting of others and to build better relationships. The journey of self love takes time, effort, and dedication. We can make this journey by being kind and compassionate to ourselves, practicing self-forgiveness, celebrating our successes, and being mindful of our thoughts and feelings. By making time for yourself, practicing self care, focusing on gratitude, and setting goals, you can cultivate self love and create a more positive outlook on life.

Self love is possible, and it is vital for inner peace and creating a life of joy and purpose. Self love is an important journey and one that can help us to live a more peaceful and meaningful life. Start your journey today and begin to accept and embrace the unique and beautiful individual that you are.


Enjoy this beautiful message about Self Love by Ilze Skestere

The Journey of Self love


It has taken me many deaths & rebirths to arrive here and it’s still an expanding journey.

Self love is becoming my own lover and my own best friend. 

It is about fully accepting ALL of myself wholeheartedly, all dark parts & flaws and holding them in deep acceptance and compassion. 

Self love is deciding not to settle for anything less than I deserve. 

And be the first one to give myself everything I have wanted. 

Self love is to love myself so deeply that my aura rejects anyone who doesn’t know my worth. 

Self love is to choose to never dim my light even if it makes other people feel uncomfortable. Fully claiming my space. 

Self love is practicing boundaries and knowing that access to my energy is a privilege & being conscious what/who I give my energy to. 

Self love is knowing that I got myself in life no matter what storms might arise.

Self love is true forgiveness & releasing the past and focusing on all the magic and miracles in front of me here today.

Self love is knowing that I am love itself and becoming my own greatest love story.

Ilze Skestere

Ilze Skestere


#thankyoulife #selflove #growth #iamlove #costarica 

Author: Bliss

Dedicated to making a positive difference for people, animals, and this beautiful planet!

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