To breed on the coldest place on earth, emperor penguins must also become part of a crowd. Their chicks are born in the depths of the Antarctica winter. their only protection from the cold is their parents brood pouch, but as winter storms come in…this isn’t enough. As temperatures reach 40 below…even the adults only chance of survival is to huddle together. They start to waddle with a single purpose. To survive frigid temperatures, emperor penguins all converge on the same central point until a huddle begins to form. By speeding up the action it is clear that something organized is going on. Each penguin must find a place to tuck in. Soon the huddle numbers thousands. And still more keep coming. As those on the outside take the brunt of the cold, those on the inside take tiny steps that move the huddle in waves. The densely packed penguins continues to shift and rotate from the center, so no one is left permanently in the cold.
Largest Hug In The WORLD
by Bliss | Mar 1, 2021 | Animals, Animal Welfare, Earth, Featured | 0 comments

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