So, you are passing through a hard time in your life, you feel a lack of motivation and courage to do what you want to and you are demotivated now.
Let me tell you how you can borrow courage from little wonders of nature that are happening right before our eyes but we do not even notice them but they carry a great motivational lesson for us.
Let me paint a picture for you, a seed is a tiny thing no one notice with the attention it is known as “a flower in disguise”, a seed is a flower that wants to blossom but it had to pass through a process and that process is hard, the seed will ho under the soil in dark without any light, but it knows that if it will be cared rightly then it will come out from the soil nas will turn into a sweat and beautiful flower.
You can relate your life with that seed, you are in seed mode, you will have to pass through the incubation period which is full of losses, failures, and discouragements if you want to shine if you want to turn into an attractive flower then first you need to go into a dark period where you will prepare for your uptime.
Always try to understand nature and what’s in it for you and what you can learn from it to discover new meaning in life.