I’d like to say that “LIFE” is the journey. LIFE is profound if you step into it and allow yourself to be in LIFE.

LIFE will teach you and show you everything you need to know. Allowing ourselves to take the place of witness brings us to a profound place of being able to step into LIFE, allowing ourselves to interact with nature, the world around us.

Every single thing that’s going on around you in every moment is part of you, and if it doesn’t feel resonant, how do we create resonance in a field so that when we are in that field, we are not interfering with that field, but we are adding to it.

As we walk through life becoming receptive and allowing ourselves to experience life as it comes, we can then witness the MAGIC. We can witness the MAGIC of SPIRIT, of LIFE, of the UNIVERSE, of the ESSENCE around us…we BECOME it. And then we can walk, dance, and move through the matrix without being harmed In any way. Because we are allowing everyone and everything around us to just BE. We get to witness this and be a part of it. And as we bring forward our offerings, whatever they are we imagine they are GIFTS and that we have been given the GIFT of life. So as our life moves through us, through our GIFTS, we bring all that ENERGY from SOURCE, that ENERGY from nature and LIFE all around us into what we are projecting back out. Instead of forcing something to happen, we allow it to FLOW naturally.

When I sit on the earth I get a lot of responses from nature and I am contributing to nature and allowing myself to be a conduit between heaven and earth. I allow the energy to move through me and to be guided and to emulate through me and outward through my heart. You feel the wave of ENERGY moving through the space, so we become part of life rather than looking at life from the perspective of being outside of it, or being in it, but being overwhelmed by it. If we allow ourselves to just BREATHE into it…then we can DANCE with it. We can allow ourselves to be in the DANCE of LIFE…in the FLOW, rather than forcing are pushing things.

So LIFE has taught me everything that I consider valuable and I have allowed that and it came from pushing up against the river so much that I was drowning and I didn’t wanna drown anymore, I did not want to suffer anymore. And suffering is part of LIFE. If we can get to the place where we allow for the suffering of ourselves and we don’t get stuck in it, then we can keep going and keep moving. As long as we stay in the river and go downstream we can continue to ride the waves as they come. So allowing the water to move, allowing the ENERGY to flow. This is my greatest GIFT that I have been given.

I invite you to get quiet in your heart. Imagine that there is a Golden Sphere of Light there that is emulating and unjulating, allowing LIFE to expand through you and your heart. Then put a little rainbow sphere around yourself. Just a little rainbow, a little rainbow action… a little rainbow sphere around your golden sphere, so that you feel protected, so that you can SHINE your LIGHT, as bright as you want, but that rainbow acts as a way to soften your LIGHT, so that it attracts POSITIVE ENERGY into your LIFE, and it attracts GOODNESS. Because living in the waves of LIFE… in the stream of LIFE, that is BLISS! 

Saralise Sophia

Saralise Sophia
Author: Saralise Sophia

Saralise's website and mentorship program is at www.jewelsofthejedi.com

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