How Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and the Grammar Systems Explain the Elementary Particles of Physics Model as the 3 Dimensional Vector Systems of Electrons, Protons and the Neutrons: Light and Medium Systems: Be Happy Philselfologically – 94
The Universal Systems that we know as the Micro-Universes or the Parbrahma Systems discussing as the “WAHEGURU Systems” is based on the Matter, Sound, and the Light Energy that the “RAMA, the Light Systems” use and the “MARA, the Light as a Carrier Systems” carry it in the universe. In the RAMA and the MARA Systems we have the following:
1. The E-EE as the RAMA Systems of the Electric and the Electromagnetic Systems
2. The A-AA as the Rama Systems of the Proton and the Magnetic Systems
3. The O-OO as the RAMA Systems of the Neutron and and the Light as the Particles Systems in the Modern World Systems when we have the E+A=E+A+EA=O+EA, and the Ordinary Neutron Systems have the O=E+A, which is simply the “O Systems Perpendicular to the E and the A Systems in the Z-Axis and the X-Axis, and thus in it what matter is the direction because ordinarily the “X, Y, and Z as having the A (Proton), O (Neutron) and E (Electron) Systems are the “Scalar Products”, and when we assign or give it direction all of these get the “AE, EA, OA, AO, EO and the OE” Directions that are always perpendicular to it two of the “Original Mediums say the AE is Perpendicular to the A and E as OA is to O an A, and EO to the E and the O Systems of Charges”
4. The MARA Systems as the AE, OA and OE Systems: When the Elementary Particles the “E, A and O” get direction and are perpendicular to its original systems as the RAMA Systems, we have the conditions of the following equations met well:
Time=Distance*Velocity=Distance*Displacement/Time and thus the V=D/T Systems of Distance and Speed as the RAMA Systems of One or the Two Dimensions as the Scalars, Displacement and Velocity (Distance of Vector Charges in the 3-Dimensions and the Integral Area covered as the displacement from the given origin), and thus the Velocity Equations, and the s=d/t (speed systems) and v=d/t (velocity the vector speed systems) are met well.
As we have discussed that with the set of the following “EAO-EEAAOO” Systems of the Sacred A-AA, E-EE, O-OO and the EA-EEAA Systems:
The “OORA, AARA and EERI as the AAEEOO” gives the “Complete Knowledge and Wisdom of the Universes” as the “Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Spiral Systems”:
1. E
2. EE
3. EE A
4. EE AA
5. EE AA O
… The SAHA Systems with the 16 Vowels Expanding Within the EEAAOO System Expansions till we have the 16 PAIRS of A, E, O that both add say as the “A+E=O” as the Spiral Systems and multiply say as the “A+E=AE”, Pulsar Systems, and when we have the following system requirements met well, we have the “JEEVAHA Systems”, while recognizing that we cannot create the “New Original JEEVAHA, but get new “JEEAVAHA” as the “Reproduction of what Already exists as the JEEVAHA, the WAHA or the WAHEGURU Systems”:
A+E=O (A+E)+AE means
(F=qV (Electric)+qVB (Magnetic) Systems when it gives two products from it as the A+E and the AE!)
The above also have the “AO, EO and thus the EA System” and it constitute what we know as the “Preferred Physics Model” which is considered better than the Standard Physics Model, and thus the “AE, EO and OA” Constitute the Multi-systems of the Preferred Physics Model as shown below:

Image: The OORA, AARA and EERI as the Preferred Physics Model
We have the Sacred A-AA, E-EE, O-OO and the EA-EEAA Systems that we can expand as follows with its two or more dimensions:
1. EA-EEAA Systems of the Electrons and Protons with the Neutrino Systems (E+A=O)
2. OE-OOEE Systems of the Neutrons and the Electrons with the Positron Systems (O+E=A or E+O=A)
3. OA-OOAA Systems of the Neutrons and the Protons with the Fermi Products and the Anti-electron Products (O+A=E)
In this expansions, we have the systems say as the “AEA, AEE, EAA, and it has the weak or strong strength of the E and the A Systems as the EA as we can have bonding and the interaction of EA with either E or the A”, and further it can have the “EEAA System expansions” with as binomial products of the say the “EEAA-EEOO-OOAA” Systems to the “EEAAEE-EEOOEE-EEOOAA”, and that it still can have the expansion as say: “EEAAEEOO, AAEEAAOO, EEAAOOAA, and other sets of “AA, EE and OO in the 3 and the 4 Dimensions for example, we can have the “EA, OA and the OE” 3 Dimensional Planes having the interactions that provide us the following with the origins:
A+EEAAOO, and it simply means that all interactions, bonds, dimensions and expansions occurs in the “A, the AARA, the Direction of X-Axis”, and that it also interacts with the “A-E” as the “AE” and gives us:
Now, when it expands, it gives many products and sub-products as we notice in the Preferred Physics Model.
The point is that what is the “EEAAOO”, “AAEEOO” and the “OOAAEE” are, and these are simply the expansions of the “EAO, AEO and the OAE Systems” in the Higher Dimensions as even the AEO is the expansion of the AE in the O, the Y-Axis, and similarly the EAO is the EA Dimension expanding in the O’ Dimensions, and so is the OA in the E and the AE in the O, and the EO in the A dimensions, the axis, and these make the 1 Dimension of EERI, Z-Axis expand as the Quantum Expansions and we expand it as usual and always as follows:
E=A+O, which simply means E is perpendicular to the A and O Systems or simply the A, the X-Axis and the O, the Y-Axis. Similarly, the following requirements
are also met:
A=O+E and the O=A+E, but and however, the basic equation of “E=A+O” has its limits and we may have to put the “E=A+O” as follows:
—> A=E-O and that O=E-A, and when we notice that A=E-O, we notice that
“We may not consider the “O+ that is in association with the E as “EO”, which is a new product that may not participate in the “E-O” Product Systems”, and further that when we say A=E-O, it differs from A=O-E in the direction of axis and the dimensions that when we say “O-“, it may be another product with the “-OE” Systems, and thus may not participate in the next generation of the products. Thus we have the A=E-O and A=O-E, and both are of different levels and give 4 Product Generations as follows:
1. A, EO (Strong First Generation Products)
2. A, OE (Weak Second Generation products)
3. A, E-O (Strong Third Generation Products)
4. A, O-E (Weak Fourth Generation Products)
We can simply put into a diagram and notice that its as easy as possible:

Image: The “A, E, O, the AARA, EERI and the OORA”—> A=E+O Systems as the Modern Nano Technology Systems
The similar product systems of the 4 Generation Product Systems of the “E, OA” and the “O, EA” are also there to constitute the 3 Dimensional 4 Generations of the Nano Products as if the 4 Times Sustained Releases that uses 4 different medicines at the different intervals and duration’s of time!
We can expand these 4 Dimensions of Nano products into as many dimensions as the OOAAEE Systems can provide us, and the first thing is theoretical and the hypothetical results which the computers can give with a little efforts and thanks to the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems that even I as if a layman or nonprofessional person can understand it!
Now, when we consider the “Sacred Structures of Electrons, Protons and the Neutrons, we have it in the Origin of World Languages and the Grammars as the Indian Grammatical Systems describe”:
We all Sounds having the “Vowel+A+S+H” structures before it has the “Bonding Systems Activated”, and that is the “Vowel+A+S+H+A” meeting the following systems of languages and the grammars:
W’+A=W+W’=W’+A+W=W’+W=W+W’, and it follows the following universal law:
In it the “A+A” is the Sound Energy that the Spoken Sounds produce and the “A*A” as the Light Energy that all spoken words create the “Sound and Light Energy”, and all of it is not just “A’+A=A”, but at the “Nuclear Levels of All Sounds in the Universe, we have it as the “A’+A+S+H=A+A’+A*A”, which means that whatever we think or create sounds inside ourselves or any closed system without speaking using the “Addition of A to the ASHA Systems of Spoken Sounds”, we deal with the “Advanced Physics Model as the Preferred Physics Model Systems”. In it, we notice the following:
“A’+A+S+H=A+A’+A*A”, which creates the 2nd Dimension of the 1-Dimensional “A’ System of Protons”. Now, we have the following:
A’+A+S+H=A+A’+A*A+S (the Light Energy, the High Wavelength)+H (the Sound Energy, the Low Wavelength)=H*(A+A’)+S*(A*A)
Now, when we add “A” Systems to it, we have the following:
A’+A+S+H+A=A+A’+A*A+S+H+A=H(A+A+A’)+A*S(A*A)=H(2A+A’)+S (A*A*A)=Two Dimensional Sound Systems (H*(2A+A’ and in it any bonding goes to A’)+Light Systems (A*A*A as the 3 Dimensional Light that can have multiplication with any sound and the light systems as either addition to 3-D Chiral System of A or Addition to any of its dimension say A*A or the A*A*A, and here the A*A does not simply mean multiplication but direction, dimension and the duration, the time dimension of the “A, the AARA Systems in the 3 Dimensions from the Given X-Axis”.
In it, we have the structures of the “Protons, the AARA Systems”:
“A’+A+S+H=A+A’+A*A”, we have two opposite pairs of positive charges or the opposite charge of the positive as the positrons are, and one “Spiral of 2 Dimension, the A*A creates the Bond that spins”, and thus we have the “Spiral and Chiral of Two Dimensions as the A+A’ and the A*A, but inside the Nucleus as its not having the “A Systems” yet added to it”, and we have it as shown below with the Neutron Systems as the “O+O’ and O*O” and we know that the O=E+A and when bonding the O-E=A, which means that A and the A’ can be as the A and the O-E Systems that unit as a single system of the A-O-E and A-E-O, and thus “A Bonding with E-O and the O-E, which is the charge cloud system of 2-Dimensions” as shown below:

Similarly, we have the “Electron Structures as the E+E’ and E*E Systems”, and that E’=O’+A’, and thus E+E’=E+O’+E’, and that in any given system of Nuclear and the Atomic Structures, we have the A+A’, and the O+O’, and in it all protons and the neutrons with electrons as well go for the “A, the AARA Systems”, which we can put as the “U, the UP”, and the “D, the Down” for the protons and the neutrons, and protons already have the “A Systems in it”, and thus we have the “A+A” and the “A+A'” as the UP and DOWN Systems that we denote as the “u and d” systems in all modern elementary particles, and thus we have the following shown images of the protons and the neutrons:

For example, the “Protons as the A, the AARA Systems” have the following occurring in its systems:
O-E=A in the O-Direction while releasing the electrons
E-O=A in the O’-Direction while releasing the electrons, and we notice it in the following image:

The major points that the Indian Languages and the Grammars have say in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems is the following systems when we consider the “Sound Energy Generated by the ASH Systems in the Nuclear Systems as follows:
A’+A+S+H=A+A’+A*A+S (the Light Energy, the High Wavelength)+H (the Sound Energy, the Low Wavelength)=H*(A+A’)+S*(A*A), and we have it in the Indian Astrology Systems for the Chromatic, the Color Systems as follows”
A’+A+S+H=(A+A’)+A*A+S+H=A+A’+A*(A as RED, S as BLUE and H as GREEN Color Systems)
Thus, the “A+S+H”, the Atomic Structures say in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems as shown below:

Image: The Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language as the Standard Physics Elementary Particle Model of Atom with A, the Red, S, the Blue and H, the Green Colors of A as Proton, S as Neutron and the S as the Electron Systems
One of the examples, we can have is as shown below:
Image: The Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Model of Atom with A, the Red, S, the Blue and H, the Green Colors of A as Proton, S as Neutron and the S as the Electron Systems
When we discuss the “Charge on the Elementary Particles”, its nothing more than the “Spin and the Dimension Theory” and its same as the “Rotation of Earth on its Axis and it Revolving Around the Sun”. The “Proton” has its “Smallest Revolving around its own Dimensions as its the X-Axis in the Universe that Spins as if a Charged Pole with Two Opposite Ends, the Positive and the Negative Charges”, and thus having the following systems:
A’+A+S+H=(A+A’)+A*A+S+H=A+A’+A*(A as RED, S as BLUE and H as GREEN Color Systems)

Image: Color and Charge Energy within the Nucleus Systems of A+S+H, the ASH not the ASHA though as the ASHA goes outside the nucleus systems!
This “A+A'” is the Two Poles of the Charge as the Magnet in the X-Axis or any horizontal line that we draw. It looks like this with the “Proton and the Anti-proton Systems with Positron”, and when two poles of charges co-exist, it has the 3-D Structure which has its virtual dimensions in the universe, and we have the same “origin of the Proton as of the Neutron” and thus the “Nucleus have the A=E-O System running in it, and as it does not have the 3rd Dimension, the dimension of the EERI Systems, which is the “Multiplication of A, the Proton in the X-Axis and O in the Y-Axis, and the Electron as the Z-Dimension Spirals out as having the DNA Type Structure of the Proton and the Neutron as the E=O+A, and its perpendicular to the OA Plane, the Dimension, which are the Pulsars of Protons and the Neutron, which give us the Spirals of Charges of Electron (E), Proton (A) and the Neutron (O), and we see the “Proton and the Electrons” coming out as follows:
E=A+O —> A=E-O and A=-O+E, and its thus the “Electrons and the Neutrons” as we see it in the 3-D Structure of Protons, Electrons and the Neutrons” with the following conditions fulfilled:
A’+A+S+H+A=(A+A’)+A*A+S+H=A+A’+A*(A as RED, S as BLUE and H as GREEN Color Systems)+A (=E-O, the electrons perpendicular to neutron systems the y-axis) (Please note we have added “A” to this system):

When we consider the Modern Physics Models both the Standard and the Preffered Ones, we need to consider that the “Protons Spirals into Chiral Systems as having its own X-Axis, and the Y-Axis of the Neutron and together multiple as two light systems do and come out of the “X-Y System of Proton and Neutron as the Nucleus Systems”, and the Nucleus of Atom is just the following:
-> E+E’=A+A’+O+O’+A*A+O*O+(OA+O’A’), and it simply means that we always have the “Sound Product of Two Light Waves as Particles Waves as say A+O=A+O+AO, and as it creates the one side of axis, the anti-charge, direction and and thus the antimatter is naturally created and constructed, and we have the following:
E+E’=OA+O’A’+A*A+O*O=OA+AO (=O’A’)+A*A (Particle Emissions in the A, the X-Axis and perpendicular to it as to O*O, the Y-Axis, the Neutrons and thus)+O*O
The reason to state it is that today or say one day or any day in future, we have to understand as in any contemporary age or research works that all pulsars go into spirals and the chirals and at the same time as these create the A, the Protons as the Pulsars and the Neutrons, the O as the Spirals and the Chirals as the Electrons, the E-Systems (the E-EE, the Electric and the EA-EEAA, the Fermi Systems), we have the universes created from this Sacred Process but at the same time, these universe or atoms so created go back into the Chirals (Electrons), Spirals (Neutrons and Protons from Electrons having Charge of Electrons as Sound or Light as Wave its Nucleus that Defends All Systems in the Universe lest the universe or an atom collapse) and the end product of Pulsars, the Protons that has the “Neutrons as its Dimensions and thus we say we have many Neutron Stars”, and this something that it almost always follows the following:
Pulsar->Spiral->Chiral-“World, the Universe We See”->Chiral (the Anti-way)->Spiral (Anti-way)->Pulsar (Anti-way) or simply
Pulsar->Spiral->Chiral->”World, the Universe We See”<-Chiral<-Spiral<-Pulsar<br>
We can wonder that the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Languages and the Grammars not only describe the “Sacred Structures of Atoms and the Elementary Particles”, but also about how we have “Spiral Back Into Pulsar Systems” as further in this “ASHA Systems of the Indian languages”, we have the following system a great ease for all:
A’+A+S+H=A+A’+A*A+S (the Light Energy, the High Wavelength)+H (the Sound Energy, the Low Wavelength)=H*(A+A’)+S*(A*A)
Now, when the “ASHA” System is there its origin is the “Proton and the End Product is also the “Proton, the A” that makes “ASH+A”=”ASHA”, but at the same time, we have some other points that that need attention from the scientists as when we have the “Origin of ASHA from the Neutron, the O Systems”, we have it as follows:
O’+O+S+H=O+O’+A*A+S (the Light Energy, the High Wavelength)+H (the Sound Energy, the Low Wavelength)=H*(O+O’)+S*(O*O), and this system is the “OSH” System that ends up say in the “OSHO” Systems as given below:
O’+O+S+H+O=O+O’+O+A*A*O+Sound and Light Systems of “S and H as the SH Systems”
In many world languages, the “OSHO” is the name of “GOD” and in this structure, the “OSHO” means “Neutron-Neutron, the O-OO” Systems of the OORA as the God Systems”. It follows the following conditions:
O=A-E, which simply means that the O is perpendicular to the “A-E and E-A System of the Proton and Electron as in the 2 Dimensions of the EERI, the E, the BHAGA Systems and the AARA, the A, the WANA Systems, and thus the BHAGA (E)-WANA (A) Systems=BHAGWANA (the Indian name of God, the Bhagwana)”.
Similarly, we have the following systems:
E’+E+S+H+E=E+E’+E+A*A*E+Sound and Light Systems
This is the EESH and the ESHA Systems, and it means the “EESH as the Husband and the ESHA as the Wife, the YIN and YANG Systems” as according to this analysis and the Indian Language and the Grammar Systems say as in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems. Thus, the “ASHA” can be “USHA”, ISHA, EESHA, OSHI, and so on with the “A, E, O and the SH Sounds and the Words”.
As we have the discussed the “ASHA, USHA, OSHO, ISHA (EESHA)”, the Systems of the Nucleus, and how it creates the “Pulsar, Spiral, and the Chiral Systems”, we have all of it from the “SAHA Systems in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems” as the “SH” Systems. When we use the “S-H” as the “H-S” Systems, we can research how the “Nucleus Goes back into Constituents, the A, E and the O Systems”. In the “ASHA” Systems, we have the “SH” as the “Sound” and when we block this “Sound of SH”, we have many variations as the “SH, CH, G, K, and so on”, but we can take say only the “CH, G and the K sounds when we Block the Sound of SH in its Rhythm”. When we say blocking the “SH” Systems it is NOT Blocking it the we chock things, but “Applying Force” as even the “SH” is the “Use of Force of Friction” as without Friction exist both the “S” and the “H”, but when we use it in a combined way as the “SH”, its no longer a vowel systems, but the “Consonants” that needs use of force, and the “SH” has the minimum use of force, which is the “Force of Friction” to make it the “SAHA Systems”. Now, the “S” is say in the “X-Axis and Direction”, and the “H” is in the “Y-Axis and Direction”, and thus we simply “Join, Doing the SAHA of Dimensions”. This is what makes A, E, O as same charges but in the different directions. The A, the Proton in the X-Axis has two poles of positive charges, and when we say that the E, the Electron has attraction and affinity, we know that the “E” also have the “Opposite Poles” and due to its “Spin, Direction and dimensions”, it acquires the “Negative Pole Aligned with the Positive Poles” as otherwise we cannot say the following:
It is not the equation of addition, but dimensional alignment of charges that are positive, negative and neutral due to dimensions, and thus do what we can say the “Opposite Create Pairs” and the Pairs are “Strong Charge Clouds” as the “CHARA” that attract the “ACHARA” due to difference in the “Charges” that we again say the “Positive and Negative as Less or More as if the Hormonal Balance in the YIN and the YANG”. The Two Opposite Dimensions of “A and O” when come close align and are strong enough to have its 3rd Empty of the Filled Orbital, and thus around every Pair, the Two Dimensional System of the “A and O”, we have the “E, the Electron Systems” around it, and thus the “Family of A-O and the E”, which as the 3-Dimensional Charge Systems fulfills the Atomic Equations as follows:
E=O+A —> 3 Dimensions=Two Dimensions+One Dimension —> 3-D=2-D+1-D, which means every 3rd Dimension is Perpendicular to the 1st and the 2nd Dimension as its “Parent Dimension”, and thus that 3=2+1 (We can laugh!)
When we divide this system with 3, we have the following “Charge Divisions”:
-> Charge (3/3, the E Systems)=2/3 (Neutron Charges)+1/3 (Proton Charges)
We can keep adding the sub-particle systems as we have the following equations:
Charge(E Systems)=O+O’+A+A’=(2/3+1/3 Systems)+(1/3+2/3), and as we have the “Anti-Axis, the opposite directions given a negative charge systems, we can use the above equations as follows” for the Anti-particle Systems for the Neutron and the Proton Systems:
Charge (E Systems)=(2/3-1/3)+(1/3-2/3) (First Level)
—> Charge (E Systems)=1/3+(-1/3)
—> Charge (E Systems)=1/3-1/3 (Second Level)
Next sub-level parts of charge divisions and particle and or anti-particle systems:
Charge (E Systems)=(1/3-2/3)+(-1/3+2/3)
—> Charge (E Systems)=-1/3+1/3 (Third Level)
It can also go to the following:
Charge (E Systems)=(-1/3+2/3)+(1/3-2/3)
Charge (E Systems)=1/3-1/3, and we have the same product but with its family as follows:
(2/3,-1/3), (1/3,-2/3), (1/3,-1/3), (1/3,-2/3),(-1/3,2/3) and the (-1/3,1/3)
In it, we have the UP as say the 2/3 of Neutron Systems with the DOWN as the -1/3 of the Neutron Systems, and bonded to it is the UP Systems of the 1/3 of the Proton Systems and the -2/3 as the DOWN Systems of the Protons. Thus, we have the 6 Pairs of the UP and DOWN Alpha Particles or simply the Sub-products of the E=O+A, and in it the “Dimension is also the Charge”, and we have the O, the Neutron as the Major 2 Dimensional Systems and the Proton, the A in the X-Axis as the Minor System of Dimensions and both have it balanced with the Color Systems as the AARA, the Proton as the A System has the RED Color, and the Neutron as the O, the OORA System have the GREEN Color Systems
Within the Charge Cloud of (3,3), we have thus the Charge Divisions as the Dimensions as if the X-Y Points on the X-Y Plane: (2/3,-1/3), (1/3,-2/3), (1/3,-1/3), (1/3,-2/3),(-1/3,2/3) and the (-1/3,1/3), and when we look at it, we notice it as an integrated charge cloud:

And with thanks from the image source:, we have it look like this:

Image: The PARA, the Prism look of the E=O+A, the Nucleus Model of the Modern Physics Models
The above charge cloud always adds up as the Divisions and the Dimensions of 1/3 Systems and equals to 3/3=1, which is same as the Standard Equation of Charges:
Within this range of (E, O, A) as the (3/3, 2/3, 1/3) as the “Differentiation of Integration of 3/3 Systems into the smaller sub-systems as always fulfilling the conditions as 3/3=2/3+1/3, and that -3/3=-2/3-1/3 Systems also act upon it and thus the range of (-3 to 3) or the (3 to -3), and that it also meets the following equations:
E=O+A and E=O+A+OA, which means that we have the Nucleus that Gives us the FERMI Systems as follows:
E=O+A+OA, when
E+E’=O+A+OA+O’+A’+O’A’, and thus Predicts the Products! In it, we can add up all 3/3, 2/3 and 1/3 Systems of E, O and A with “+” and “-” that ends up as the “Dimensions of the OA Products, which is simply the OA=E, and AO=E’, and its perpendicular to the E Systems as its to the OA Systems. It can help in a real way to calculate the “Fermi Surface Area” as the OA-E Systems as we have discussed the FERMI Systems as the “EA and the AE Systems”, which are same as the “O and the O’ Systems as the O-EA and the O’-AE=O’-E’A’ Systems”, and we have its area and the dimensions as shown below:
In it, we have the “OA” Systems and if we add “E System” to it, we get the following systems:
OA+E=E’+E=E+E’+EE’=2E+E*E’=E+E’+E’-E+E-E’, and its the “3 Dimensional Charge Systems with One Dimension of Charge as the E’ or even 2 (EE’) Charge Systems perpendicular to the EE’ as a Plane and thus full use of “Electrical Charges as the Electronic and the Fermi Particles”. When it shows the “Visible Light”, we have it as the E+E’=Visible Light but with extension of E to the E’, the EE’ Plane Systems”, and we have it as shown below:

This System of 3 Charges in the “3 Dimensions” when spins create either “Attraction” or “Repulsion” or remains in the “Coexistence, the Affinity”, and who other than the Feynman could have explained it better:

The point is that how the “A, the Proton Systems” have the 3 Bonds of Forces with Each Other and One Another and even as an Independent Identy, and its because it is composed of the “ASH” Systems, which is same as the “W=W’+A” Systems” as in it we have the following:
A+A+S+H=A+A’+S+H, and we can ask about how the “A and the A’ can be same”, and the answer is that its when we consider the “Dimensions, the Direction of Axis of Any Given Charge”, and thus we always have A=A+A’, which according to the 3-Dimensions of A as A’A is same as the X-Axis with X’-Axis, and we denote it as the A and the A’, and thus say “A is a Standard Particle” and the “A’ is a Susy Particle”, and both coexist on the same origin where we say the “A’-O-A” or the “A-O-A'”, and in it, the A, the X-Axis, we have the “O” as the Bond of SH, that what joins and joints the “S and H”, and even the “S” is in the “X-Direction”, and “H” Perpendicular to it, and we can not make it work and need the “A, the X-Axis” added to it by another “Charge” otherwise its a “Neutralized Charge Cloud” as the “Proton”, and we call it the “W” of the “WAHEGURU System”.
Now, when “A and A'” create the “X-Axis”, what is the “S and H”, which gives it a direction and its simple, when we draw a line we have a initial point from where we start it and that is the “S” point and it goes to the last point of the point or a system of a given line or system drawn. We call this distance as the “S-H”. Now, when we draw it from say a Proton, the A System, we call it the “A+S-H”, the ASH to say. Now, when we have the end point of the “ASH” joined to the “Proton, the A Systems”, we have it as the “ASHA” or the “A-S-H-A”, and how it appears with its “Resultant as the Z-Axis”, the CHARA Systems, which the Indian Systems as analysed in this series call the Pulsars:

So, what is the “SAHA or the SH” Systems, it is the Assigning of Axis, Dimensions and Directions and thus making of Scalar a Vector! In the above image, we have the “X” Axis as the “S” and the “Y” Axis as the “H”, and the Z is the “SH” or simply the “SAHA, the Resultant” and thus the “Result of any given Calculation, and we say “SAHA” as the “Result of Astrological Calculations in Indian Systems”. Its called the “Calculations of the CHARA and the ACHARA Systems”.
As when we have the “SH” Systems as the “G” Systems, we have the “ASHA” as the “AGASA” Systems, which is the “Concept of Medium of Sound as the Particle, the Medium in Other Words, the “Ocean of Sound or Wave as the Particle Energy, and in Swims the Spiral and the Chiral Systems, which may never acquire the PULSAR Levels of Matter as the Light for quite a long time as per Newton’s Law that Forces Travel in the Straight Line until we apply force”. Similarly, when we take the “SH” as the “K” Systems of Sound Energy, we have the “AGASA” as the “AKASA” Systems and in it, we have the “Pulsars bound to Spiral and the Chiral Systems in the Space in which the Light Travels, and thus Light as Essence of Space, the Sky is the AKASA Systems” and its also the MARA Systems for any given medium. When the “Sound of SH as the SAHA Systems acquires the Sound of “CH” as its Sound Energy Systems, we have the “AKASA” as the “ACHARA” Systems when we change the “SH into S, the CH, we have the CHASA, The Smallest Unit of Time as the CHASA, the Fraction of Second, and we may have the “ACHASA as Beyond Time and ACHARA as Beyond Space as the AGASA, AKASA, the Mediums of Sound and the Light. Its one of the Easiest Indian Theory of Pulsars, Spirals and the Chirals with the Time Dimensions of CHASA and the ACHASA. In it, we have the “JEEVAHA having the Medium in the Space that we say in the Indian Systems as the “ACHARA”, and the “CHARA” is the “JEEVAHA as Sound (CH) and the JEEVAHA as Light R” and as we pronounce “SH” most softly, we have the “CH” Sounds, and if we speak it louder we may say it wrongly as its dimensions change from “ACHARA (Medium of JEEVAHA, the Living Systems) to AGASA (Medium of Sound, the Chiral Systems ) or the AKASA (the Medium of Pulsars). So, when we the “JEEVAHA” can understand the soft language, why speak it loudly!”

Thus, the Indian Systems put the “ACHARA Systems” as follows:
1. ACHARA as the X-Axis, and to say the Protons Travel Here as the Ansha Systems, the Anchal, the DNA Systems as we have also discussed the “ASHA, the ANSHA Systems”. This systems is the “Sacred Systems of Chara, the CHAAR PADARATHA Systems” in the Natural World. It has the following equation:
A+S+H+A as the A+CH+A+R+A Systems, but without the “Protons, the A Systems” as when we deal the “CH+A+R+A” Systems, we need not have the “A” and thus the following universal equation:
E=O+A —> E=O+(E-O), and its called the “Product of Long Labor”. In this context, when we have the “Electrons Perpendicular to the E-O Systems, which is also the O-E and E-O Systems giving the Sacred Dimension of the “Neutron and the Electron an alignment” that it has “Paring with Other Neutron System. In it, we have the “E” as the Wave as the “E-Mail Systems and the Internet are having the Electrons as the Medium”, but its not the “CHARA Systems” as it need to have the “E-O” as its “Basic Dimension”, and what happens in it that it is also the “E-O” and the Proton as the “A Systems” remain perpendicular to it and that “E” that is associated with the “E-O” Systems goes well with the E-A, and thus we have the Two Systems working together and that is the “E-O” and the “E-A”, and what we get when we have the EA Systems, we simply get the “Meta-materials as the “CHARA Systems”. Thus, what we see and notice at the “Neutron Stars” may also be possible on our earth systems as we see and notice the “CHARA Systems” with the “E-O” and the “E having P” with it as the “E-P” Systems that help the world community to enjoy the E-A, the EA Systems as we call it the Modern Fermi World as seen and observed on the Neutron Stars, the O-OO, the OORA Systems in the Universe:

Image: The CHARA Systems of “O-E” as we observe on the Neutron Stars, the O-OO, the OORA Systems
Thus, the CHARA Systems as in the Western languages and Civilizations, we have the “Word of Charge so is the Chara Systems”, which what charges systems up, and the Indian Systems call it the “Joti or the Jyoti Systems as the Atama Systems”. It, the Jyoti or the Joti is Pulsar Systems which has both “Living, the CHARA and the Non-living, the ACHARA Systems and its Essence in it”. When we consider the “CHARA”, we have it as follows:
“CH+A+R+A”=Bio Cell (CH, CHI, KI, EAK Systems as the JEEVAHA Systems)+Proton (the Low Frequencies of Red Color and say the Blood Systems in it)+R (Light Systems as the RAMA Systems of Sound into Light Conversions)+A (It is just addition in English Language Systems as the word is the “CHAR”!)
So, we have the CH Systems of Conscience with the “Light Systems of R and the Blood Systems, the PLASMA to say), and all of it constitute the “JEEVAHA as the Living Systems as the Pulsars as the Indian Ancient and the Holy Scriptures describe. The “Neutron as the O, the OORA Systems” are the “OM Light and Sound Pulsars” which create the human body and live in it with the same “Neutron Star Systems among all of us” and follow the “Theories of What is Faster than Light, the Joti, the Pulsar” as shown below:

Image: Joti, the Atama as the Pulsar, the CHARA Systems as analysed in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems
As we have discussed the “Center of the Pulsar” is the 4th Dimension from which comes the systems of “O, OO, the OORA” as follows:
—> O=E-A, which means that inside a pulsar we have the “Electron Emission of E Systems and Proton Systems of A associated with the E-A and the -A+E Planes, the Dimensions, and when we add the E-A and the -A+E, we get the following:
E-A+(-A)+E=(E+E)+(-A-A), and its the E+E as the Dimension that is on the same side of the E Plane that is the E+E Plane as we have added it as the dimension, and also that -A-A Systems, which means all on the Plane of A, the Proton, but on the “Other Side than the E+E System”, and thus what matters is the “Direction and the Dimension”, and what we get is the same as what we have discussed as the “WAHEGURU Systems” with “A+E+O” Systems in it as the 4 Planes of “A, E, O, OO”, and “OO” is simply the “Direction of “O” as the “OO”, which can overcome and overpower the “Gravity, the “O” Systems” due to charge, rotation, spin and anything that creates attraction or repulsion and thus everything from an atom to a big universe exists”. So, the “WAHEGURU as the A, E and the O” System is the same as the Neutron Systems as the “E+E and the -A-A”, which is a perpendicular to the “O, the Neutron Star Systems”, and thus create the “Electric and the Magnetic Charge Systems with its Axis on the “O” as the Origin”, and thus it also leads that atoms are also made up of the same structures that “Two Charges of -E and the A” Spin on the Axis of “O Systems” that is without charge and creates the “Dipole, the Magnetosphere as the “Proton, Neutron and the Electron Systems” making it an atom in the same way as we create the “Neutron Star so is the Atom as a Star”!
Now, the Atom as a “Neutron Star” follows and emits the “WAHEGURU as the Magnetosphere Systems of Light, the Joti, and thus creates the following:
E-A+(-A)+E=(E+E)+(-A-A) or simply the A, E and the O Systems of WAHEGURU Systems:
E=O+A=(E-A)+A=(E-A)+(E-O) (When we need the A in the Two Dimensions, we can put it as the E-O according to the Universal Equation of E=O+A, and thus have the WAHEGURU, the Joti Systems of Pulsars as follows:
E=(E-A)+(E-O), and in it, the “E Systems of Electron and the Fermi Systems the E-A and the E-O are common as having the E as the Origin and have the Perpendicular Systems of it to the “O Systems, the Neutron as the Center”, and we have “Atom as the Neutron Star” as the smallest unit of star systems and thus the “Chara, the Bio Particle” as well emitting what the Standard Model of Physics says the “Future of Modern World” as we see it as shown below:

Image: Atom with Origin at the Neutron is same as the Neutron Star Systems and we have it as the CHARA, the Bio-System in the Light Systems
As we have discussed in this series that the Neutron Stars have an Accretion Disks as the Sun has Earth-Moon Systems, and we have the Accretion Disk as the “EERI Systems” that gives the “E-EE and the EA-EEAA Systems”, and is thus according this Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Analysis its responsible for the “EA-EEAA”, the “Electron-Fermi” Systems at the Neutron Stars, the O-OO, the OORA Systems, and that this “O-EA” Systems make the “CHARA, the Bio-particles” live as the “Cloud of Living Ones in the same as the Neutron Stars by itself”. Now, the AARA Systems as the “Proton Systems” are the “Factors that Activate the Neutralized Systems”, and One-Dimensional Systems but perpendicular to what the “O and EA and the OO and the EEAA Systems” at the Neutron Stars and in the nucleus and the atoms does, and we can have it as the “Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Model of the Neutron Stars and Universe and the CHARA Systems in the Universe”. Thus with the “Pulsar and the Neutron Star Systems” present everywhere in the universe as the “Sacred Management of Charge Clouds, the AGASA, the Ethereal Systems in the Universe” as we see it as below:

Image: Neutron Star as the Nucleus with Protons as the A, the Fire, the Red Systems, and the Neutrons, the Fire and the Flame as the Two Dimensional Systems of Charges and giving the EERI Systems of Electrons and the Fermi Systems: Easy Model of Atom and Nucleus for Kids – See the Big Atoms in the Sky!

The ACHARA is also the system that is same as the ASHA Systems and its universal systems have the following equation:
A+CH+A+R=Use of Proton Energy (A)+Bio-energy Systems, the Compounds say the DNA Systems+Interaction Among the Proton Systems (A-CH-A)+Light Systems (the Medium is light as the “R” or the RAMA Systems).
In our body systems its the “Abdomen (A)”, Metabolism and Plasma (CH), Interaction between A, the Abdomen and the Plasma say in the DEEP BREATHING, and the creation of subtle and the highest energies and waves from the “DEEP Breathing and the Pranayama Systems and thus the ACHARA Systems for the “Biology and the Physiology”, and the CHARA Systems are beyond it as it includes no use of “DEEP Breathing, the “A Systems”, but the Meditation that gives and the Light Glows and thus thus the “Light as the CHARA Particle, the Padartha”. Thus, by simply meditation and focusing one gets the “Essence of All CHARA Padartha, the Light that Glows and Talks”.
One of the most popular term in India about the “Chara Systems” is the “Concept and the Philosophy of the Charana, the Plural of Chara” as Indians would say: “Hirde Mein Guru Ke Charana Hone Chahiye” which means “Light that talks, the Charana should be in the “Rhythms” called the Rida or the Hrida in the Indian Languages. The “Heart is Center of All Human Biorhythms” so “Hrida or the Rida” mostly indicates the “Heart as the Hrida” and at times the “Diaphragm as the Rida, the Center of Light that Talks and Runs the Human 7 Chakra’s and its the “Guru’s Light, the Chara Systems as the Guru-Charana”. The most amazing about the “Chara, the Bio-light that talks” is that it exists as the “Chara-achara” that its as light not a bio-system and thus the “ACHARA System”, and at the same time when it runs the bio-systems it talks and behaves as the “Chara Systems”, and this very quality of God, the Chara and the Achara Systems gives one of the most ancient name for the natural world as the “Chara-achara”, the “Charachara”, which means that the entire worlds and the universes we see are the Blend of Chara, the Bio Systems and the Achara, non-bio but the Light Systems. No wonder we say that the “Chara is the Chiral!”
Please read the next part of the series here:
Meanwhile, we will edit and add! The blog post has gone lengthy and we will put into 2-3 parts. Thanks!
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!