Galactic Star Family – When you can wield your own THOUGHTS, and ground them into reality… you have awoken to your GOD-SELF.

WHEN YOU CONSCIOUSLY and POWERFULLY send out thoughts/projections of YOUR OWN CHOOSING out into the void – KNOWING that you are the master and creator of your reality, YOU THEN are able to KNOW that your energy will be returned to you!

When you know your projections and thoughts will return to you, charged with potential and energy, you can then use that force to ground and create your own reality into magnetic Earth!

Being aware of this process, you will be ready to grab that energy when it comes back into your field, and powerfully GROUND IT into matter. This is the metaphor and natural process of “LIGHTNING BEFORE THE THUNDER.” You send out the electric energy and thoughts (lightning), and then ground them when you grab them as they return to you (thunder) – thus, turning thoughts into reality.

With this knowledge and power, you create your OWN REALITY and WRITE YOUR OWN STORY!

KNOW and consciously choose what you are projecting out into the Universe, and when the energy returns to the You-in-Verse – you grab it with all your might and ground it into the Earth-Heart and you will witness and manifest your DREAMS turning into your personal REALITY.

It has and WILL ALWAYS BE YOUR CHOICE. You are a sovereign, free, and powerful creator! WHAT WILL YOU CREATE? Much Love on the journey! ~ Ki-Ra-iri-Ar-Ik – Jennifer Price

Jennifer Price
Author: Jennifer Price

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Jennifer Price
Jennifer Price
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Vegan Health Wellness Earth Love
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