Living Medicine/Pharmaceutical Free sounds like an oxymoron—doesn’t it? To some it is—to others it will seem redundant, because millions of people throughout the world are living Medicine/Pharmaceutical Free. How can that be?—You might ask. Everyone needs aspirin, antacids or a pain reliever occasionally. Yes, people need remedies for stomach acid or pain relievers, occasionally, however, there are a plethora of natural remedies.
The most common uses of Over-the-Counter Drugs (OTC) are for headaches, heartburn/acid reflux, colds/flu, allergies and constipation.
Headaches Remedies:
Chinese acupuncture and Japanese Shiatsu pressure point techniques can be applied. The process takes 5 to 10 minutes to create relief. Unlike prescription or OTC drugs, it works almost instantaneously with no side effects. People often feel relief before the routine is completed.
Other natural remedies include: herbs—such as: Willow Bark, Aromatherapy, Massage, and biofeedback. Migraine headaches are frequently linked to food allergies and sensitivities—therefore food allergies/sensitivities need to be determined and those foods eliminated to fully resolve migraine headaches for some people.
Heartburn and Acid Reflux Remedies: Vitamin C, Licorice Root or Probiotics relieves heartburn. Heartburn is characterized by excess stomach acid backing up into the esophagus, its actual cause can be an undiagnosed food allergy or sensitivity. Eating fewer processed foods and taking time to eat slowly can often eliminate heartburn.
Cold Remedies:
Zinc lozenges, Vitamin C, N-Aceytl-Cysteine, Willow Bark, Goldenseal, Echinacia.
Allergy Remedies:
Vitamin C. Grape Seed, Feverfew, Bee Pollen, Goldenseal, Echinacia, Quercetin and other Bioflavonoids.
Constipation Remedies: Water (minimum 64 oz. per day), Vegetables high in fiber, Aloe Vera and Cascara Sagrada. Being constipated is your body’s way of telling you that you are not eating right. Ask yourself: Do you want to do what your body needs or ignore what your body needs and then use OTC drugs to treat the symptoms.
The choice is yours. Through illness your body is working to get your attention. Every malady or pain–either physical or mental is your body’s way of communicating what it needs.
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, “101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life.” Mind, Body, Spirit healing and Physical/Sexual Abuse Prevention and Recovery. As an inspirational leader, Dr. Neddermeyer empowers people to view life’s challenges as an opportunity for Personal/Professional Growth and Spiritual Awakening.