Goals are fantastic to have, but many times challenges surface that makes it difficult for a goal to mature. Many may never start toward their goal because of doubt in their abilities. Some do not attempt the actions required to make their goals a reality. While others do not allow the right mental conditions to exist for the fruition of their dreams. Those who do not have a strong belief in their abilities, usually have to see it first to believe that it can happen. Many things were once invisible and started as a thought, as this article originated. We cannot see our thoughts however, this does not validate that they do not exist. Electricity is invisible, it has no form, but it is very real as anyone who has felt the intense power of electrocution can attest. Those who felt extreme pain when a person they cared deeply for passed, have experienced the power of the invisible. It may manifest itself into tears or expressions of sadness, but it originated from within. A place that is invisible to the eye, but extremely apparent to the soul.

What comes from within is the most wonderful and powerful force of all. Our bodies are limited, however, our true inner self is limitless. Open the mind to the possibilities of boundless dreams that all begins within, where our true brilliance resides. Until we go beyond the limitations of our form, we will not be able to live our life to its fullest potential and truly experience our dreams.

Clarity is a powerful force. Clarifying what we need to do in order to achieve our goals will help guide us. Without a map, we may encounter detours that we could have avoided if we had one. The next and most important step is to take a step and keep stepping until we achieve the desired result. We must be proactive if we wish to achieve a goal. This means we need to do the things we need to do to achieve that goal. We should ask ourselves what actions are needed for the goal to materialize and then take those steps. Without action, nothing is accomplished. We can always change the direction when our view becomes heightened, but the engine has to be moving in order to make progress. It is not what we can do, but what we do do that count.

Creating a healthy environment within the mind is instrumental with achievement. Thoughts create energy and those thoughts that are given the most attention become the strongest. If we do not focus on a goal long enough, it will be difficult for it to mature into form (the visible). When we use a magnifying glass to start a fire, in order for it to work the focus must be on a certain spot for a length of time and the conditions must be right. If it is only held for a short time, or if there is too little sunlight, it will not accomplish what was intended. Entertain only thoughts that are positive in nature for creating an optimal mental environment while doing the things we need to do to achieve our goals. This will allow for the right conditions and eventually, it will become second nature. When this occurs, we will be in the habit of assuming peak performance levels at most times. This will facilitate the process of attaining our goals.

The most important thing about goals is having one. Do yourself a favor and gift yourself a goal to Nourish your thoughts with positivity so that you may thrive and embrace your potential living a life filled with amazing possibilities.

To a beautiful life!
Your ally in wellness,

Goodness Steve

Goodness Steve
Author: Goodness Steve

🌟I like to think we are all co-creators sharing a cosmic dance with something to offer everyone we encounter. When we feel our best engagements are sweetest. I do my best to feel my best, for when I feel my best…I have the most to offer others. 🌟 There was a lengthy period of my life where it was difficult for me to feel well as I suffered daily from a painful condition called Spasmodic Torticollis that caused my neck to spasm constantly. I implemented positivity and wellness to a level where my pain is insignificant and wear comfortable neck support much of the time to ease spasms. I believe if I had not experienced such a high level of painful spasms that I could not enjoy my life at the level of happiness and appreciation that I now enjoy. My experience with pain led me to understand how truly precious this grand adventure called life truly is. 🌟 I wish to inspire others to create a life they enjoy. Life is what we make of it… Every day is a gift meant for a celebration with all our senses. Whatever challenges we have, there are others out there living...

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