Indian Philosophy of Dharma, Arth, Kama, Moksha as the Wisdom of WAHEGURU Systems: Beyond Science, Math and Logic, the Intelligence: How to Enhance Creative Intelligence with Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems – Be Happy Philselfologically 101
When we discuss the WAHEGURU Dipole Systems, we have it as the Neutralized Systems, the “WA” that go through electrical, the anode and cathode systems, the “HE” , the creation of mass deposits from one form of energy into another forms as the “GU” Systems, and having charge and light creations say as the “Photoelectric Effects”, the “RU” Systems in the universe. The Indian Sacred Systems put this Dipole Systems as follows:
1. Neutralized Systems, the “WA” as the “DHARAMA Systems”
2. The Charged Systems from the “WA” as the “KAMA Systems”, and of the main point here is that the “KAMA” when converted into the “KARA” Systems is known as the “KARAMA” Systems as the “KA+RAMA” Systems. Thus, we always have the “DHARAMA and the KARAMA Systems” as one of the major doctrines of the “Duty and Action Theory” as the “DHARAMA is the Neutralized Systems”.
3. The Gravity, the MANA Systems for the Dipole of “DHARAMA and the KAMA” as the “EARTH, the Arth say as the Arithmetic Systems, which we know as the “GU” Systems
4. The Light Systems, the NAMA Systems from the Dharma (the Dharama), Kama, Arth, the Funds and Possessions, we get the Mokh or the Moksha
It is the Indian Philosophy of World Religions and Faiths for the Wisdom of Universal or Cosmic Life. We always start life from the “Neutralized Systems of Anything that Exists in the Universe working and functioning with certain qualities and traits that we know as the “Dharama of the Given Thing”, and the “Dha is the Sound Energy that when applied converts the given system into the RAMA Systems, and thus we have everything having “DH-RAMA”, the Identification of Sound Energy, the DHA that has constituted the “RAMA Systems”, and thus DHARAMA as the “WA”, the Neutralized Systems.
Then we change any given systems according to our needs and that is what we know as the “KAMA, the KA, the Shakti of Sound Energy that when focused as the MA converts the Shakti, the KA Systems into the MA Systems of the RAMA Systems, and thus in other words, we mostly split the “DHARAMA into DH+RAMA with the help of KAMA, and thus get the following:
-> DHA+MARA+KA, and when its the case in any given chemical changes that can influence the “Neutralized Systems, the DHARAMA”, we can have the “Chemical Imbalances” that harm our “Human or Animal Psyche”. In general, we always have the “KA, the Static Energy, and the GA as the Dynamic Energy, and what helps in it is the Kinetic Energy, the KHA Systems”. For example, we can have the KA, KHA and the GA variations that we can add to the RAMA and the KAMA Systems. The “KA, KHA, GA, and GHA Systems are the Subtle Energy Systems as the Static, Kinetic, Dynamic and the Turiya Systems, and in it the Balancing Light is the YIN-H-YAN, the 5th Column in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Languages. So, we can notice that adding this row in the RAMA and the KAMA Systems give us the following, and I usually write the popular terms and the rearrangements:
DHA+RAMA+KAMA -> DHAMA+KARA+MA (Light and Sound Energy that Spreads)
In such cases, we can also have the following notations:
DHA+RAMA+GAMA -> DHAMA+GARA (RAGA)+MA as the DHA+RAMA+GAMA -> DHAMA+GARAMA (Village) or RAGAMA or the RAGANA, and when we add KAMA, we can also add the KAMA as the KANA and the KARA Systems, and we can try to remain within the TAMO, RAJO and the SATO Systems and the TURIYA Systems for these terms as follows with the random selections from the 7 Rows and the 5 Columns that give the “Dharama Systems of Every Letter in the Hindi, Punjabi, and the Gurmukhi Language Systems” as if we are going to write “Sacred Poetry”:
1. KAMA: This is the CHI, the Energy Systems of KA, when it travels in the 7th Row of the Sound-Light-Matter Systems as its the “Highest Focus, the Metallic or Chemical Systems, and in general the Metallic Systems as the Medium”, and thus the “MA” is the Stimulants, the metals in the foods, diet or drinks or in any other form.
2. KANA: This the CHI, the Energy Systems of KA, when it travels in the 6th Row of the “Fire Elements and Systems” that spread things like the “Havana and the Yagna”, and we know that in space we have metals as the Crystals, but in fire we have the Movement of Pulsars that Split and Spread like the Spirals and the Chiral Systems, which we help us to know that “M” and “N” differ in such a way that the “M-N” is the Medium from Metals to Fires, but the “N-M” is Creation of Metals from the Fire Systems, and that is when we meditate, we get rare metals getting stronger, and thus the “KANA is one of strong systems that when we say KANAHA, we can understand that its the CHI Black Energies in Fire and the NAKA has one of the aligned word say as the medium for the KANAHA and its also the “NIKA Systems say I do not know every word, but it can be interpreted according to the Letters as the Science, Math and the Chemistry Systems of the Universe!
3. KARA: Its the Second Row from the KA, the CHI Energy Systems with “R” as the Medium”, and thus CHI in the Light Medium is the “KARA, the CHI travels in the Space through light as the Medium.
4. KAVA: Its the CHI Energy of KA in the Medium of VA Systems the 2nd Row and the 4th Column that is the Medium that Balances Everything, the Neutralized Systems, and CHI in the Poetry, Maths, Geometry and other Sacred Systems have one of the most popular words say as the KAVA (KAVI, the Poet) and the VAKA (the Sentences written or expressed), and in English languages its the WAKA, the WALK.
We can enter into any row and the column and find that we have the following:
1. The 7th Row as the Metals and the Metallic Systems as the P-Row,
2. The 6th Row as the Fire and the Vital Systems as the TA (as in the TAPA)-Row,
3. The 5th Row as the Air and Dimensional Systems as the TA (as in the TAKE) Row
4. The 4th Row as the Liquid and the Water Systems as the CH Row,
5. The 3rd Row as the Space Energy Systems of the CHI as the K-Row,
6. The 2nd Row as the Mediums in the Universe, the YA-H-YA Row
7. The 1st Row is the Nuclear Systems, the OORA Row
and these all have the common format as follows:
1. First Column as the Neutron Systems, the Neutralized 1-Dimensional Systems (The OORA Systems)
2. Second Column as the Protons, the 2 Dimensional Systems as the Anode and Cathode Systems (The AARA Systems)
3. Third Column as the Electron Systems, the Dipole, which is Perpendicular to the First Two Rows, the Neutrons and the Protons as the , and its the Charge Systems as the 3-Dimensional Systems (The EERI Systems)
4. The Fourth Column as the Balancing Factor the which is the Medium of Mediums, and its the “SA, the Hydrogen Systems, the Light Energy that Balances and Glows in the Fusion Systems”
And thus in it, we discuss how the Nucleus and the Nuclear Systems are Composed, and we have the most important of two as the SA and VA (WA) Systems as the SAVA, the Self-Systems and the WASA, the Dwelling of say Nuclear Systems as we have the VISA, VASAN, VESA, VASU, and other similar terms which are used say as the WA and the SA Systems that has the HA if attached as the HAWA, the WAHA, and the SAHA and the HASA and these words give the Mediums a meaning as the “HA” without SA is simply “Helium Systems or Light that Goes through Fission and we see it in various forms”, and we have discussed it earlier.
5. The Fifth Row is one of most important as its the Google Search Engines and in it, we have the Special 7 Sounds of Vowels that give different colors that remain hidden as the “Anti-color Systems” for “7 Rainbow Colors” that Spread in the 30 Letters of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems. This is the “Most Balancing Light As Medium Systems” as we have discussed with its popular letters of say HA, NA and the MA Systems, the Basic Sounds of Chinese and the Japanese Music.
Thus, any Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Letter gives Two Functions of Row (the 5 Mediums as Solid, Gas, Liquid, Bond and Light, the Energy Systems) and the Column (7 Levels of Medium). It needs a “Good Book”, and we will write it soon!

-> DH+RA+KA+MA Systems -> DHA+KARAMA -> DHA+Action Theory, the Karma Kand Theory, the Philosophy of Karma, the Action Theory
The Indian Systems and Theories are the Easiest Systems when we learn few terms as say the RAMA, MARA, NAMA, MANA, ANKA, ANGA, WAHEGURU, SHREE, SATINAMA, JEE Systems, and perhaps a little more to know everything in the universe. The KARAMA alone has many systems hidden in it: K, KA, AK, KAR, ARK, AKR, KARA, RAKA, KARAMA, KAMARA (Portion of House say Room), RAKAMA (the Amount), and so on, and with easy to understand roots of NAMA as the NA, MA and the NAMA and the MANA, we can add it anywhere within the given structures, we can get any result very easily. For example, in the KARA and the RAKA words and systems, we can use “MA” or the NA” and get the “KA+NA+RA” as the KANARA as say KINARA, the Banks of Rivers, “KA+MA+RA”, the built room on the banks of a river. The “RAKA” has it say the “RAMAKA”, RANAKA”, the “DHARAMA” without “MA” gives the “Opposite Pairs as we get it by Addition or Subtraction” as the “DHARAMA” gives “DHARA”, the Earth, the “DHARAMA” as the “Rules of Earth”, and the “DHARANA”, the “Popular Religious Practices of the “DHARA and the DHARAMA”. We can put the simple systems as follows:
1. The A=DHARA, the Earth Systems, and it can also be say A=KAMA (Noun Systems as in English Languages we have the “A” at the end of words say RAMA for the RAM). These Systems is the TAMO Guni Systems and its most of the qualities are Static.
2. The E=DHARANA, the Flowing Nature of “NA”, the Electric Systems on any given “DHARA, the Earth, the Surface Systems, and it also can be say E=KAMANA (Verb Systems, and in English Languages, we notice the addition of “ING”). This System is RAJO Guni Systems and its nature is Kinetic and “N, ING Systems also represent the Kinetic Systems”.
3. The O=DHARAMA, the Stable Magnetic Systems of the A=DHARA, and it can also be say O=KAMAMA (Adverb), and as its the “Neutralized System”, its the SATO Guni System having the Dynamic State of the Given Systems.
4. The AE=DHARAAE, which simply means “ON the DHARA and the DHARANA”, and it can also be say AE=KAMAAE (the KAMEE is popular adjective means a desire-ful person, and its also the KAMAEE, the earnings) (Adjectives). These Systems are the “TURIYA Systems in which we have the “Movement of the Systems rather than the States and the Types”.
The Indian Systems also use the “ANKA Systems” in which we have the “Impure Systems” that constitute the Semiconductors and the Superconductors. The “Impure Things are called the PAAPA Systems in which we have the Two or More PARA Systems are Joined, and thus the “A+E=AE” as the PAAPA Systems is the Double PARA System and experts deal with this systems and we have law and order, medical world, and other experts who develop the “PAPA Systems”. It is thus the “Continuous Virus Removal and Aiming for Better Products say the DNA Systems”. Similarly, the PUNN Systems that we have as the PUON, and its the Opposite Pair to the PAPA Systems having the OUN, which is say AOUN as the PAOUN, and in it, we do not simply abuse things, places and people to get the “NANO, the CHARA Advantages, but Improve the Life and Living Systems by the PAOUN Systems”. The PAOUN is as follows:
PAOUN Systems=PARA Systems+AOU (AEO) in the Plural Way, the N-Way
-> PAUON Systems=Medium (PA) of Nano Systems as the AEO
Most of us are familiar with the “AOUN Systems” as in the Mahamritynjaya Mantra as its Short Form:
“OM JAOUN SAH”, which simply means the “JEEVA Can Breathe Well in the Given Medium say the AOUN”, and that is the “SAHA” Systems, and the “Great Indian Systems claim that “Right SAHA is All that We Need”. All the World Grammars are the “SAHA, the Bonding, the Punctuation Systems” and in our real life we learn the Languages, the Behaviors as the LAYA+ANGA=The Parts that Appear or Dissolve are the 3 Known Major Behaviors, the ANGA Systems, and when its the L-ANGA, and its plural as the ANGEA, its Theory is the AE-O, and we notice it in the Indian Grammars as say in the following:
A+O=E -> A-E+O=K, and its the K=SAHA, and K is the SH”AOU”NYA or simply the SHOONAYA, our popular NAYA, the YANA Systems, and one who can understand the “A-E+O=K” can understand anything in the universe.
When we put A-E+O=K, we have for say the DHARMA,
The most popular Indian Term is EAK, which is the “Number One, the 1”, and its as follows:
A-E+O=K -> A-E-K=-O, and we mostly follow it as follows:
A-E+O-O=0, the SHOONAYA Equation of the WAHEGURU Root Systems
A-E-O-O is the WAHEGURU Root Systems, but for the given balance, we have it as the “A-E+O-O”, and when it as A-E+O=O, we have the Entire Universe, the Brahmanada Summed Up in it. The Indian Sacred Systems say that when one uses the “EAKO Systems, one is not a PAPI, Bad Soul but the PAOUNI, the Good Soul”. The Indians worship this Visible and Invisible Form of God as the EAKO, the EAK, the EAKAS, which is the “SANKALPA Systems”, and with the VIKALPA Systems, its the KAEE Systems means when we have one dimension using the “Desire, the Sin Dimension of the K for the EAO Systems and get it forcefully as the KAEE, and when we use it properly, we have the EAK Systems and the same Force, the KA systems when serve the the EAO Systems, we have the EAKA Systems, and this is the “Form of God”, and when we read the “EAKA MAAYI JUGATI VIAAYI…”, the Creative Intelligence, the Mother to One Force Systems of the KA, she married, Viahkarana Systems, the Grammars, it was the “Science as ART”, the “Jugati”, the “Natural Flow of Wisdom”, which makes “All Wise People are Married to God” means “Wise have the Power of Flow of Wisdom from EAKO God Systems”.
=> A-E+O=O -> A-E+O-O, which means the Proton (A) is Perpendicular to the Neutron (O), and is having the “Electrons Moving Perpendicular to the A+O Planes”, and that O-O, the Neutron-Neutron Systems hold the Universe as the Brahma (O) and the Parabrahma (O-O), and thus the “Two Dipoles as the “A-E”, the WAHE Dipole and the “O-O”, the GURU Dipole. Thus, if one can understand it, one can understand anything. It also gives the following:
A-E+O=O -> A-E+O=K (When we have the Impurity, the Medium), and we have it as follows:
A-E+O-K, and that is how the DHARAMA goes as the DHARAMIKA Systems, and in it the “KA, the CHI, the KI or the QI Systems play its role, and these are shown as the “Dots in the Swastika or the 4 Mediums of the Universe as the K=A, E, O, and the AE Systems. The Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Languages call this “Sacred Systems as the EAKO Systems as the EAKONKARA Systems”, and thus we have the following:
EAKONKARA=EAKO+N+KARA=Super NANO Systems, the PAOUN Systems+Sound Systems (N)+KARA as the Sound (K) and Light (R) Systems, and its the “Essence of the Vedic Systems”, and it lies on of the major concept and that is the “Maya and the Mayapati”, and thus when we say the A, E, O, AE Systems we remeber the EAKO Systems, which is the Mayapti, the Owner of the Nano Systems of the A, E, O, AE, the 4 Pada Systems called the Padama, the Laxmi or the Maya Systems.
E+A+K+O+N+K+A+R+A, the EAKONKARA Systems are everything in the universe, and its as easy as possible to understand it, and the simple rule is the Thumb Rule of E-A-O+K or the E-A-O=K, and we can always wonder as the “K gives the Sound Energy and its also the AE, the OE and the OA Systems, and one can smile that K=EA, and we reach at the Doorsteps of Heavens as the KAVAO, the Heavenly gates as it says:
“JANA NANAK PAOUN HARI BEEJAYA…” “GOD, HARI Himself sowed the Seed of PAOUNA, the Parjata, Kamadhenu, and the Kalpataru Systems that are in the Heaven as these are on the Earth Systems as we say God who lives in Heavens talked to Lord Jesus, Moses and all others. He, the God is everywhere for the PAOUNA as He sees it, and we can do it anywhere, the welfare.
Now, when we discuss the EAKONKARA Systems, we have it as the “EAKOAOUNKARA”, which is the “Velocity of Light in the 8 Dimensions”, and that is the “White to Black Hole, and that the Associated Velocities that Travel through the Mediums of the 3 Primary Colors and the 3 Anti-Color Systems, which together create the Quantum Systems of Velocities in the Universes as we notice the Light Travelling through the Nano Carbon Tubes to say in the same way as the Fiber Optical Systems in the Nano Systems. This helps the “Crystal Structures as the ANKA Systems, the Crystallization as the JALA Systems in the Nano Liquid Systems Travel through the Liquid Nano Crystals as the ANGA Systems. It is thus the Pulsar as the Chiral 3 Dimensional Wave and Crystal Systems through the Spiral Systems. The “JALA, the Water, the JAALA, the Crystals in the Water, the JALA have the LAJA, the Thread and the LAAJA, the Suta, the Lineage Systems of DNA Systems as the LAAJA Systems for the LAJA and thus the Water as the JALA Systems that the Indians call the Amrit, the Water as the Pure Crystal. Its through “Immersing the Vibration and Stimulation Energies as the Mantra” as the Nimana, the NAMANA as the NAMA as the JAALA, the Crystal Structures in the Medium that we know as the MANA, the MANN, the Fluid and the Crystals Systems in the universe. This is what has been one of the good innovations in our times as shown below:

It cures the heart and brain problems simultaneously when we use the JALA and the JAALA Systems as the LAJA and the LAAJA Systems
Video about the 8-Dimensional Free Velocity of JALA and the LAJA Systems in the Medical World

The world nano-systems embrace the JALA, the LAJA Systems as shown above, and below is the same with the black and the ideal holes systems, the white hole systems
We simply bifurcate or split the Color and the Anti-color Systems as this video shows, the Heart Surgery of the Red and the Blue Color bases, the AO Systems for the E and we get the A-E-E-O Systems as the Bi-conical Antenna Systems!
When we unite the bifurcate systems properly as the two sides of a given optic fiber cable, it gives wonderful digital world a meaning for free, the mukat velocity as in the tunnel of two sides of tricolor systems in which it flows as from the black body, the original station or the transmitter that radiates or broadcasts it to the white hole, the receiver’s end, the terminals as we receive the signals, and we have this 3-3 Color and the Anti-color Systems as shown below:

The DNA Strands seem to have the Best of the Mukat, the Free Awastha, the Universal State of Life and Living, and we can use it for self-care and the cures, relaxing naturally while looking at the stars at night seem to give it as the best as all other natural scenes as the following video is full of Color and the Anti-color Systems present everywhere:
Images and the Videos: The examples of Gati, the Velocity as the Static, the TAMO Systems as the JARAH in the JALA (Water Systems), Kinetic, the Rajo Guna Systems and the Dynamic Systems as the Pita Systems that Indians call the Mukati, the Free Velocity of the Given DNA, the JEEVAHA, the JEEVATAMA Systems and its 7 States with the Kaival Mukti as the Ultimate Velocity of the Given Systems as the PURE Ojasa. The Mukati, the Free State is thus the “EAK Systems” and we have the other systems as the A, E, O and the EA, the NANO Systems. Thus, the EAK, the EAKONKARA Systems is the “Balanced EA, the NANO Systems with the nature, the KA Systems that follows the Evolution, the RA Systems and thus the EAKONKARA Systems.
We all know that the “PARA Systems are the “AE, EO, and the OA”, but metaphysically speaking, we mostly seem to avoid “AEO” Systems, which is educating people about the “Nano, the Chara Systems”, and have during past centuries a serious exploitation of natural resources, and that is the “PAAPA Systems” as we know what we do and the users never know it, and the simple “PAOUNA Systems” is give the “Manuals of Production and Creation of Things as the PARA Products”, and this what All World Religions and Faiths offer for Free. Thus, nowadays, we need to educate world population with the self-employment and the home based works with the help of the Nano Systems, and when we provide the medium, the resources for it, the Indian Natural Human and Resource Systems call it the “PAOUN, the Welfare Systems”, which otherwise are the “PAPA, the Sin and the Crime Systems in the Natural World”:
Thus, we can interpret any Indian word with noun, verb, adjective or adverb
In such universal equations, we can split into any given number, but mainly it gives us the DHAMA, and thus also the DHANA, the Wealth that we know as the Arth in the Indian Systems, and when we have the DHANA, we want the DHAMA, the Place to Live and Dwell, and that is what we want as the Heaven, the Swarga, and thus the “Carefree Life”, and thus the 4th Fundamental Human Need the Moksha.
“RA” alone cannot exist and thus combines with the initial circulations that we know as the “DHARAMA”, and we get the following:
DHARAMA+RA -> DHA+RAMA+RA, and mostly we have the Opposite Pairs as the RAMA and the MARA, and when we use the DHARAMA as the “Medium”, we have it as the “DHA+RAMA, RANA, MARA,”, and the most popular Indian Term is the “RANA”, which we know as the “Field of Neutralized Systems, the WA Systems, and when these have the given qualities, the same “WA Systems go into the “DHA” as both are in the 4th Column of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems. When the Indians say go to any religious place, its the “DHA+RANA, the DHARANA, the Faith and the Dominion, the Taksala, and other systems related to individual’s person choice of the “DHA+RAMA, the Form (DHA) of GOD (RAMA)”, and this “RANA is the Plural of RAMA as the M+M=N in such contexts. So, we when use the “Wish or Desire” on any given systems, the WA as the “DHA” Systems, we either get the “DHAMA, the 4 Positions, the PADA Systems of A, E, O and the AE or the DHANA Systems, and the “DHANA Systems, the Money is the AE, the NANO Systems as the “Dual Product of the DHARAMA and the KAMA as the EARTH and the MOKASHA. If we can manage we have the “M” Systems as the “KA+SHA” Systems”, and the scientifically, the “KA is the CHI or the QI Energy, and the “SH” is the Bonding Systems, and thus we have the SAHA or the HASA as either we use the ARTHA, the Money as the HASA Systems and loss all that we have or we manage it with the SAHA Systems, and that makes the “DHARAMA and the KAMA go as the DHAMA, DHANA, and the DHARANA with the KASHA, the CASH we can say as that makes the “Free SAHA Bonding with the DH+RAMA Systems as the MAKASHA, NAKASA, RAKASHA, and almost all categories of the Indian Terms with the AKASHA and the KASHA as the Suffixes.
It is one of the “Mythological Systems for All who want to Enjoy Knowledge as Wisdom” where we need no previous knowledge or qualifications.

Image: Knowledge as Wisdom as the Dharama is the Neutralized Systems as we know it as the Nucleus of the JEEVAHA Systems, and the KAMA is the Charge Systems that make the Neutralized Systems as into the DHANA, the Earth Systems and the Liberation Fields of the DHARANA and the “DHARAMA+ANKASHA, the DHARAMANKUSHA, the SANSKARA Theory to maintain the DNA Systems as fit as possible in the universe
The “Neutralized Systems of the DHA-RAMA, the Sound Based Light Systems” have all natural laws and principles of the nature as the “DHA-RAMA”, and that when we add “Human and Other Life and the Living Dimensions to it, the DHA-RAMA, we have the ANKA Dimensions added”, and it has thus one of the popular terms in the Indian Scared Literates as the ANKUSH for the ANKA as we have the ANKUSH as the ANKA+SAHA as how we are going to create the “RAMA and the RAVANA Boundary Lines for the Morals and the Ethics”, and this universal systems always have been the “Wisdom of Human Civilizations” as in the Science, Math and Logic, we have the “ANKA, the Dimensions”, we need the “Human SAHA, the Bonding to the Dimensions to the ANKA, the Nuclear Boundary Systems as the need of the Atomic Nucleus Systems that the we can manage the personal, family and other human, natural and scientific systems have the philosophy”. Thus, imparting philosophy to the science, math and logic is to set the “Abstract Things have the Mortal Life Systems” as we have the “ANKA+SAHA=ANKASAHA”, and as we have discussed that the SAHA with the ASHA Systems also exists as follows:
1. The SAHA and the ASAHA Systems
2. The SH and the ASHA Systems
3. The HS and the AHSA, the Ahinsa
4. The HASA Systems and the AHASA Systems
These Bonding, Bindu and thus the SANDHI Systems have 16 Different and Various Kinds with 8 Bonding (SAHA) and the 8 Anti-bonding (HASA) Systems, which is present in all Chemical Bonds and no wonder physical changes also follow it.
The ANKASAHA, the ANKUSHA Systems also have the ANGUSHA, the ANGSAHA Systems that are the outside the Nuclear Systems, and these are the physical systems that we know as the TAMO, RAJO and the SATO Guna Systems, and many of us think in the opposite way, and we have it so with the following:
1. The ANGA Systems for the TAMO is the ANTAMO, the Metaphysical Body also said as the TAMA with ANKA and the ANGA as the ATAMA
2. The ANGA Systems for the RAJO is the ANRAJO, that suppose I do not know, we can always split the root words, and we have the AN+RA+JA, which means the Sound+Light+JEEVA Systems, the “AN+RAJA”, and that is how we can rearrange the “Nucleus and the Outside the Nucleus Systems” so that we can have a meaning, and that we can still write the “words as these are and call it: “SANSKRIT in the Punjabi”! Thus, the RAJA is the Nucleus Systems, which the Indians say that the “JEEVAHA is the RAJA, the King and Hail the King!”, and thus the ANRAJA is what is the Sound the Particle Side of the Nucleus and that is the “AN”, and here we recall that the “A is the Proton Systems”, and the “A-N” is when the “Proton goes from One to Many, the N Systems”, and thus the AN Systems, and is applicable to say the ANKA and the ANGA and all other Indian Systems that use the “AN” as prefix and the suffix systems in the languages and the grammars.
3. The ANGA Systems for the SATO Guna Systems is the AN+SATO, the ANSATO, and most of us know that the Indian Languages do not use the “A” in say the “SATO”, and we hear it as: “ANSTU”, the ASTU”, and when an Indian say: “TATHA ASTU”, its: “May it Happen So!”, and thus when we have the “AN”, its mostly “N as the Extended part of A Systems”, and ASAT is not a lie but extension of SAT in the A Direction as Pseudovector, the ASAT, and the Popular Gratha’s as the ASTANGA as the ASATANGA Yoga, the 8-Folded Yoga.
These are the most taught systems in the schools, colleges and the universities all over the world from ages even when the school, colleges and universities were one with the church, mosque and temples, the Ashrama’s, and all of these has been the “Samparda, the Taksal, the University Tradition Systems of 6 Schools of Philosophy and the Associated or Affiliated School and the Colleges”, and thus having the Sampardayi Bheda-Bhava, and thus what we also know as the Vidya and the Vidya-dosha as the Avidya related to education systems and thus also the drwabcaks and weak points in any given education systems, the Samparda and the differences it can create with other universities, and it blocks almost all possible researches and that then most of the human struggle goes into the “Prestige of Degrees from the Various World Universities or the Asharama Systems” while empowering some universes and the ashrama systems while weakening the majority of small scale school and college systems, and the result may be the high level of unemployment among the educated people who then have to dwell on the “Sampardayi Bheda Systems as the Karma Kanda Systems rather than the Sampardayi Bhava, the Philosophical Side of Universities”. So, we can simply focus on the word “Samparda as the Sound (SA) and Light Systems (M or the OAM Systems) that go through the Prisms, the Para Systems (PA Systems) as the Aadi, the Eternal Systems and thus the Sampardayi Systems in the World Education, Science and Research Systems lest we all go the Technologists, the Users of Sampadayi Bheda as the Trademarks in global market and that may oppose all kinds of Swaadhayaya, the Philselfology as we notice it in India as follows to a little or great extent:
“Sampardayi Bhed-bhav” is one of the major confusions many people may have and its the “School and University Systems” in which we all learn the “Law of Differences, the Law of Attraction as the Bheda and the Bhava as the Law of Affinity, the Law of Similarities” and thus the Law of Evolution as the Union of Law of Attraction (the Red Color Theories) and the Law of Affinity (the Blue Color Theories), and thus the “Sampardayi Bhed-Bhava is the University, the Taksal based Theory of Evolution and all schools, colleges and the religious may have the different doctrines but the same thing the human evolution”.
Well, it seems that anything that may oppose this “Eternal Theory of Evolution” may be the “Revolutionary Movements” that simply seem the “Yong Theory Revisions in the Contemporary Ages”, but the Theory of Evolution never changes in any age, and in this context the religions and the faiths are always liberal as all world religions and faiths support the “Theory of Evolution” as the Incarnated, the Yoga and the Yong and thus Incarnated, the Christ Theory, and the Yoga and the Yong Systems when accept and approve the Reincarnation Theory, the world gets its better place with humanity in the both brains breathing normally, and thus we all need to accept the Sampardayi Bheda-Bhava as respect and reverence to all world universities and colleges and the Dominic Systems of a Down of all religions as such to help the research works go on, and we can do so, and May God and the Gurus, the Grace Systems help us.”
The “Grace as the Guru’s Systems or the Guru-Ansa Systems having the term of the Kirpa as we have the “Sound Energy Systems shared for the creation of Free Prisms, the Para Systems in the Jala, the Water Systems among living and the nonliving things as when we see the Sun, we never need to ask or beg for light as it gives it for free and this is the Indian Viewer for the Grace, the Kirpa Systems, and when the Guru, the Grace Systems are the Beam Systems, the Light Systems well influenced by the Gravity Attracting the Light Beams or Converting the Rays into the Beams due to oneness in the groups say the singing in the chorus as the sounds of all singers changes into the beam of sounds, and the individual sound is called the “Kirpa Systems, which is the KAR+PA Systems and we have the PAKAR, the PUKARA Systems, and that is the Individual Contribution having the most popular terms in the Hindi, Punjabi and the Sanskrit as the UPKARA and the PARA-UPKARA, the Contributor’s Level to Create the PARA, the Prism Systems in the world communities. When we say the UPKARA, its the OAM or the AUM-PAKARA, the Speacial Innovations as the OAM or the AUM as the PUKARA, the PAKARA or the KRIPA and the RAPAK, the ROOPAK Systems, the way we write any given script in a new ways and thus all Innovations, Discoveries and the Inventions as Patent by “Names as the UPKARA by ordinary civilians and the PARA (Constitutional Changes) UPKARA, and that needs that all do the KARA, the Service as the UPKARA, the O is an adjective as the “First AID, the Revolutionary Actions and the Activities” and as the OAM, the O Systems, and the Constitution Changes are the PAR-O-PAKARA Systems as the Evolutionary Actions and the Activities as the Acts of Human Civilizations. It makes life easy as follows:
1. KARA Systems: General Works
2. UP-KARA Systems: General Operational Works
3. PAR-UP-KARA Systems: Special Constitutional Works
4. OAMKARA Systems: Special Evolutionary Works
5. EAKOANKARA Systems: Beyond Veda Works
In the Christian Faiths and all other world religions and the faiths the above is practiced as shown below:

Based on the above 5 Solae Gratia, the 5 Grace Systems, the World Indian Civilizations run it as the Panchayata Systems as the image and video below shows:
Most Religious Administration and the Governing Bodies has been the Panchayat Systems in all world religions and faiths and we can say the Vatican Systems also follow it as the A, E, O, AE and the EAK Systems as we say that the Human Spinal Chord is made of the Gold, the Au Systems and is the Basic Root of Immunology! Again, we can understand it as the Systems of the Maya (A, E, O, AE, the Nano Systems), and the MAYA-PATI, the EAK or the EAKO Systems in which we as the humans are the MAYA-PATI Systems in the Universe who balances the following universal equation:
and we can say this as follows:
EAO, the Planes of Universe=Nano Systems/Chi Systems (K)
Now, we have E=O+A, which is the E=Neutrons+Protons
-> E (Atomic Mass)=Neutrons+Protons -> E (Atomic Mass)= (A)Atomic Number+Neutrons (O)
-> E (Element)=Z (Atomic Number, the A, the Proton Systems)+N, the Neutron Systems (O)
-> N (As the Neutron, the O Systems)=E (Mass Number)-Z (Atomic Number)
-> N=A-Z, the Universal Atomic Systems
We see and use the above universal systems in the notions as shown below with M=O+A (E Systems), A (Proton Systems), and our K, the CHI, the K, the CHI Ratios as what we get the Elements, the X Systems in the Periodic Table, and thus the the “X Element Systems”:
Image: The A, E, O, EA, and the EAKO, the CHI Systems in the Periodic Tables, the Notations

Image: The Einstein used OORA (Neutrons), AARA (Protons), EERI (Electrons) for the E=MC2, and we always have C*C (Velocity of Light)=E/M (E=E and M=A), and thus C*C (Velocity of Light)=E/A -> C*C=EERI/AARA Systems

Image: When we have the K=A+E+O as say in the nuclues, we may have it as the Momentum say the P Energy, and the K=AE Systems say when electrons or protons leave the nucleus and attain the speed of light, we have it as the K=C, the Velocity of Light Systems, and thus we may have E, P and C Systems for the “K, the CHI Systems as shown above”
Its thus the “K, the CHI that determines the Fission and the Fusion Systems” as its when K> A+E+O, and thus “Individual Electron, Proton and Neutron Systems computed have less or more CHI, the KA Energy Systems that we have the Fission or the Fusion, and or both” as we notice in the image below:

As the above, so is the Atom (AE Systems and the Structures), the Nucleus (A, E, O Systems and the Structures), and the Atomic Number, which is the K or the CHI Systems in which we have the K, the CHI as the Static, Kinetic and the Dynamic Speed and the Velocity Systems as the OORA, AARA and the EERI Systems, and we have it as shown below:

Thus, the Indians use the above systems as viewing the Color and the Anti-color Systems for the Immunology and Better Health and Wellness burning a candle or a lamp while seeing it glowing and we see the anti-color systems as the health giver systems:
We see the above all the times as the WAHEGURU Dipole System Management, the Command Cycle of Rotating Dipoles as the Aagya Chakra, the Dipole Movement and Rotation as the Earth and Moon Rotate around the Sun Systems elliptically and its the Sun, Moon and the Earth Systems inside our human bodies as shown below:
All that we discuss as the WAHEGURU Dipole Systems is the RASAYANA Systems as the RASA+YANA, the Chemicals as the Vehicle and thus we have the RASA (Body Systems), SARA (Head Systems), the YANA and the AYANA Systems, and its also the Explanation of the RA Systems as we have the WAHEGURU as the Dipole and the RASA and the SARA as the SHREE Systems for the SHREE WAHEGURU, and thus is the Indian Rasayana, the Chemistry in which the Indian Vigyana, the Energy and Medium Systems (VI) as the GU+YANA Systems in which we have to deal with the “Carbon Products as the GU Systems in association with the A, E, O, AE and thus the EAK Systems as the ANKA and the ANGA Systems that we say that Lord Vishnu, the DNA Systems live on the JALA, the Water as the RASAYANA, the Chemical Systems that we say the K+SHEERA SAGAR, which is the Energy as the K and the SH Systems, and that makes all Vishnu Saroopa, the One DNA as the All Small and the Large, the Big DNA Systems on the Similarity Theory and the Difference Theory for Calculation and the Very Computation Systems. Thus, the Indians follow the DHARAMA as the VIGAYANA, the Science as the Local Systems, the DHARAMA, and in it the RASAYANA, the Chemistry Systems are the “Knowledge and Wisdom of the Karma Kanda, the Chemistry in a Given Act, Action, Activity”, and thus when we think of India, we think of Dharma (Earth Science), Karma (Sound Energy Sciences), Gyana (Sound Energy, the Shabada as the Vehicle, the Science), Vigayana (Sciences of Universes), and what we need to avoid is the Technology in Excess which does not use humans but the human brains as machines, and that is called the UD-YOGA, the UDAYA, the Need of Mercy and Pity, the TA, THA, DA, DHA, NA, the Making of Plural Uses of Single Systems and thus the TAKNEEKA, the UD-YOGA also means more than Yoga, the Yong Systems. We can avoid even while we read and write it saying: Lets Be What We Are, the Humans Having “A Single Identity of All Individuals”!

Images about how the World of Sciences obtains the A (Proton), E (Electron), O (Neutron), the Union of All (AE) and Living Systems in the natural World (EAK) as we have these Panchayat Systems accomplished at the Atomic Levels say the Au, the Gold Systems attain the Sukhmana, the Single Molecular and the other systems as shown in the image above
The above are the 4 Pada Systems, which we have discussed as the Pure Sciences of the Universe as the A, E, O and the AE runs the universal systems with the GOD as the EAK, ONE, the EASH, the ISHA Systems of the Atomic Nucleus to the Universe and the religious institutions use it as the “Panchayata Systems” in which we have the KARA, UPKARA, PAR-UP-KARA, OANKARA are the visible works of the A, E, O and the AE Systems as the Veda Works and the EAKONKARA, the EAK as Beyond Veda Work Systems are the “Panchayana Systems” that sustains the universe as the ONE Power.
Thus, an Indian may say: “Aap Ki Kirpa Chahiye” “I need a little grace work from you, a help to complete my task”. The ancient terms has been based on the “Group or Team Task and Works as Individual Systems were not well supported as we notice the “Sudama studying with Lord Krishna”.
As we notice that the “Dharma is in the same Row of the Indian Languages as is the Systems of TA, THA, DA, DHA, NA”, which as always has its medium in the next down row as the PA, FA, BA, BHA and MA Systems, and we notice the major issues of the “What it seems as the BHASANA as the BHASA and also the BHARAMA as we have discussed that DHARAMA has the BHARAMA as its medium, and the BHARAMA is weak side in the Left Brain as when we have weak logic, we have the BHARAMA, the Illusions, and that the DHARAMA as support from the Right Brain to the Left Brian as the Illusion having the Illustrations that give us the “Clear Brain”, and what the Logic can not cover goes as well covered by the DHARAMA that illustrates the illusions as the “Unknown Worlds”. Thus, we have the BHASA as the Language Systems and users have the SABHA, the SUBHA as the Behaviors according to the “Languages one knows and uses and sees the world”, and thus the BHASA, the BHASANA, the Perceptional World of an individual. The funny term it has that the BHASANA, the Perception has the BHASAMA as when we focus too much or lose interest on and in anything, we see “Nothing” and it is called the “BHASAMA”. In it, we also have the popular words say MASA, the SAMA, which we use in comparative studies of any subject, and in this relation we can recall the SAHA, the Bonding as having the Medium as the HASA that has its own terms describing it as the HISA (Part and Portion), HINSA (Fight for Part and Portion), and the most ancient Indian Term of SINHA is also the “Perfect Energy Bond with the Given Systems” as spiritually the SINHA is the LION and Indian Spirituals use it for “Perfect Bond with God Systems” as Bhagat Kabir Ji says:
“Ab To Jaaye Chadde Sinhaasan Mile Hain Saaring Pani,
Ram Kabira EAK Bhaye Hain Koye Na Sakai Pachhaani” (Gurbani, the Wisdom Tree(
means “Now, the Kabir has attained the Perfect Bond of SAHA as the SINHA, the Lions Throne, the Asana and thus Lord RAMA and Kabira is having ONE Bond and none can recognize any break and difference”, and Indians also use the Lion Products as a Symbol of SAHA as the SINHA, and the SINHA has its Opposite Pair as the HINSA, the Highest Part and Portion say as in the Jungle, we have a lion as the King, the SINHA as the KING of Jungle with Highest Position, and thus spirituals claim it in the Kingdom of God where all can have the same portions, and thus the Indian term of Rama Rajaya. So, the Bharma due to Sound Theory that the Left Brain uses and needs the “Laws and Principles of Light that solve the Bharma cause by Sound and Light confusion as Rainy Clouds Thunder that we perceive and our brains record”, and thus sound problems in mental sickness need only the Dharma, the Chaos Theory of Light Systems and the Chaos is “Relativistic Relations Between the Sound and the Light Systems”.
We have discussed the similar points in some detail in the previous parts of this series:
“Parmesura or Parmeshavara, which means the main life giving sound that produces the nucleus, electrons, proton, neutrons and the atoms. When it is written say Parmeshwari, its what produces the negative charge, the e-, and when written as the Parmeshwara, its the e+, and when as the parmeshwaru, its the e0, the neutral charge, and thus the 8 Cases, the Directions of Vowels as with supporting 10 as with the set of 3 charges for each say electron, neutron and the proton as the e-,e0,e+,n-,n0,n+,p-,p0,p+, and the overall charge of the the atom as the tenth charge, the dimension or the dimensional charge of any atom, and thus overall 16 Directions cum dimensions have all of it as the charges on various charged particles in a nucleus…”:
How Sacred Indian Geometry Makes All World of Sciences Sacred Ease of Learning with Atomic Orbitals: The Sacred 8 and 10-Dimensions of the Universe, Holy Spirit and God, its Sacred Visualization, 14-D and 16-D’s: Be Happy Philselfologically – 61
When we listen “honkers”, we know the world is one and united as it needs only cyber research get into databases of the world market and we have discussed in the part of this series on the “Ethics and Moral in the Dimension Theory” as when we seem to live like Align DNA Systems as if taking refuge in the economic crises and global one citizenship’s for all:
The Sacred Civilizations of India, China, Japan, and Other Countries offer what gives World the Stable, Eternal and Natural Knowledge, Wisdom and Ethics of Universal Marketing, Trading, Business and Global Economic Recession Management: Be Happy Philselfologically – 73
We will continue on it the ONAM as the ANGA Systems of the Metaphysical Body that we know as the NAYA, the NAMA Systems!
Thus, we have the following good discussion on it:
How the Space Element of Shabada, the Sacred Waves and Vibrations Help the Universe: The Sacred Sound, the Shabada as the Source of Omniscience, the Bindu: Be Happy Philselfologically – 74
and also
Philselfology of Sacred A, E, I, O, U, the Divine Vowels and Mantras as Waheguru: Be Happy Philselfologically – 47
Next part of the series: How Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems Explain the Transnational, Vibrational and the Rotational Energy Systems: Atomic Mass, Energy and Structures with OORA, AARA and EERI System: Be Happy Philselfologically – 102
Meanwhile, we will edit and add!
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!