Dr. Harmander Singh is a male , Alternative Medical Practitioner, Life Coach, Writer, Poet, Novelist, Screenplay and Story Writer, Education and Media Consultant living in Patiala (City of the Gardens) , India . He has been a member for 3 years 23 weeks
Antique piece of bio is as if the biographical bio-data, have fun of variety as it goes: The antique way of self-introduction the detailed Resume:
(S/o Prof.Harnek Singh and Mrs. Gian Kaur)
(Ph.D. (AM), MD (AM), B.Sc. (Physics, Chemistry, Math and Education), 10+2 (With ESL from Australia)
Presently living at: Punjabi Bagh, Patiala Punjab India
1. 10+2 (Matriculation-Year/Grade/Class 12) with Physics, Chemistry, Math and English as a Second Language (ESL) from Muirden Matriculation College, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia in 1989 (First Indian to do 10+2 abroad on scholarship)
2. B.Sc. (Graduation with Science and Math) From Punjabi University of Patiala, Punjab, India (1991-94; with study load 24 points and work 50 hours per week, while working in the home based dairy form with cows and buffaloes!)
3. Passed Education as an additional subject (to B. Sc.) from BA in 1996-97 from the University of Patiala.
4. Six months certificate course in Computer Education and Applications in 1994
5. Ph.D. (AM) in 2005 and MD (AM) from the Indian Board of Alternative Medicines (Affiliated with UN University for Peace and International Open University) Additional Qualifications: a) I have passed first year of Graduation in B. Sc. (Math) studies at the University of Adelaide, Adelaide. South Australia in 1990-91 with Physics, Math and the following (Study load 24 points and work 20 hours per week, with 1 Distinction and a Credit):
1. Introduction to Metaphysics (Philosophy IA)
2. Introduction to Morality, Society and the Individual (Philosophy IB)
3. Introduction to Physics, Man and Society I
4. Introduction to Logic I (The Art of Logically Creative Criticism) (c) The six months (100 hours equivalent) course in Art of Study and Learning Skills-Study half and get the double marks/results (by Mr. Chris Brooks, Education and Media Consultant of Australia in 1992)
b) First private school’s teacher in Punjab to get the Certificate Course and get registered in and as the basic scoutmaster (a broad spectrum of and as a social worker and trainer) in 1995.
PRESENT OCCUPATION: Education and Media Consultant (for both the critical and the creative works as the critic and the editor as well); Theme, Concept, Script, Screenplay, Story, Dialogue Writer, Critic, Editor and Consultant (for both the fiction and nonfiction) in general and for the Pilot episodes, the audio/video documentaries with work experience. It also includes the other similar and the related aspects, as; the TV, Theater and Film formats (The Dramatization as the pilot episodes/acts/scenes and the other audio/visual and light and sound effects, besides documentaries, not as a technician, but the complete project otherwise). The Language Director and Translator (English, Hindi and Punjabi), Writer; Play writer, Dramatist, Novelist, Songwriter, Poet (3 Languages), Visiting Lecturer, Research Scholar and Worker, Teacher and Tutor, including the comparative studies in ESL as first and the third language, Scout Master, Social Worker, Doctor (AM; registered as the first class RMP), Personal, family, profession (Career) Counselor, Student Advisor. With having, the future vision opened the M/S Bhagouauty Prime Waves, a Publication House (launching books soon). Kindly have a look at the list, for more professional and occupational works at the end of the resume.
Business: I own a publication house, and we have a production house Universal Creative Vision based at Mumbai. We produce TV serials (Kissa Puran Bhagat telecasted from Lishkara Channel is our production with about 30 episodes all rated as no.1 in its category), videos and similar works from about a decade. We also publish books (published 3 books and lot of other formats of literature/publication in association with Bhai Daya Singh (BDS in short) Charitable Trust, Punjab, India from more than 15 years) and other materials ready to publish.
Organization: I am a member and founder trustee of Life Glowing Path registered in USA. We support and promote creative people by all possible means.
At Life Dynamix: My best contribution here is to keep things in engaged mode that is making everything going on as if activity that makes a difference. Besides writing, video uploading and other activities I try to provide affiliate and referral links so that we feel engaged even without earning. More details at my a young blog
WORK EXPERIENCE: In each of the following, the work experience is more than 10 years, in some cases 15 and 20 years are relevantly apply; the works and services has been regular (as a freelancer in most of these):
1. (A) The work as a Education and Media Consultant: It includes the education and media advisor, counselor, consultant; writer of concept- screenplay- story-dialogue from last 15 years for TV serials, general documentaries, etc., for UCV Production House, Mumbai. In addition, many charitable trust, societies, and broadly the fields of Media and Mass Communication integrating media and public for education and other fields of knowledge for all-a global litercay, literary and research awareness and the missions. (B) Cine and Media writer: It includes the writing of the theme, concept, screenplay, story, dialogue, BTF, etc. for media. It is having base on diversified themes including family to social, comedy, religious, mystical, mythological, educational, etc for all age groups. The other aspect is translation with sink and dubbing for the same.
2. The work as a Language, Stage performance Director and Translator: It includes working as speech, pronunciation, accent, etc. stage performance director for TV and stage performances, etc. and have been translating, for more than 15 years, the English films, TV Serials, books, etc. including self written works. The works are in Hindi, Punjabi and English.
3. The work as a Writer; Play writer, Novelist, Dramatist, Poet, Songwriter, etc.: It includes these works from the school days (childhood), 1981 onwards, in both the prose and poetry. Special feature: I have been writing for the school and college magazines also; and my self- written and published books are as follows:
1. Self Study and Learning for Peace of Mind (published in 1995 and 97)
2. Self Improvement for Peaceful Living (published in 1997)
3. From Anandpur Sahib to Jarg Sahib (in Punjabi and English, published in 2000)
The self-written, edited and the published books:
1. A Sensitive Peace Lover –A Novel
2. A Peaceful Night –A collection of Short Stories
3. Our Peaceful Times –A collection of Blend of Short Stories and Poems
4. A Happy Peace Day-A Play
5. Happy and Healthy Peace Day-A Play (in series with the Happy Peace Day)
6. Twenty Plays in the series for the Happy Peace Day (for varies topics)
7. Kindly see the entire published books at: http://stores.lulu.com/harmandersingh Many other books in different formats ·
Special Feature: Many other books in different formats: The set of such more than 25 books is almost ready. It is always an ongoing work to be a writer. These books are for all age groups including the children, young and the old given equal share of importance. These are having the base on the blended touch of Eastern and Western social, educational, psychological, spiritual, sociological, philosophical, humanitarian, philanthropic, ecological, scientific, and other similar aspects. These aspects need global sharing of human wisdom for the research, development, welfare and betterment of life in any form or level. (Emphasizing the need for global need for World Peace, Human Rights and that of the living ones, Nature-care (Mother Nature), healthcare, etc. syllabus and curriculum in formal and informal education for the said purpose). It specifically includes the following theme and one or more books (almost ready to be published) on each subject on the theme: *
THEME: The theme of the Research, named Philselfology, the blend and integration of human knowledge for doing research as the art of research for self-wisdom) at any age): The Universal Laws and Principles- Human Life, Life in general and Healthcare (each subject as a therapy), Creative Arts, and the Evolution for Making of A Civilized Human Within Us. * Special Feature: The book(s) on each of the following subject/topic related to the above theme and also integrals of the theme: Education, Philosophy, Moral Education, Ethics (Value Systems), Psychology, Religion, Science, Sociology, HRD, Economics, Arts, Time and Energy Management, the Evolution of Soul (Role of Metaphysics in Spirituality and Divinity), Art of Creative Communication (Counseling), Art of Creative and Critical Thinking and Writing. It also includes Art of Research (Philselfology: The Pure, Applied and Action in contest of the above said subjects and the blend of all at the same time as the major and the minor), Philanthropy, Ancient Wisdom (Metaphor and Metaphysics) in Modern Context for all faculties of knowledge, God and Mother Nature, Yoga as a Philosophy, Science and Art, Holistic Health Sciences Vegetarianism and Organic Farming, Healthcare Therapies in Nature (AM), Art of Scouting as a natural way of life and living as a solution to all global problems. Last, but the most important is the role of Music, as the catalyst in all kinds of fertility, re-productivity, productivity and thus all other Creative Arts in the Civilized Life (both ancient and the modern), Art of Meditation (for more subjects/topics, kindly refer to the list at the end of the bio-data) and Ascendancy of the mind to the self, soul and the spirit level and many other faculties as the fruits growing on the wisdom tree, the tree inside the seed, which we all share as the humans, though hidden as if fire in the wood and butter in the milk.
ADDITIONAL WORK EXPERIENCE: I have compiled, composed, written and edited many research papers, brochures, pamphlets, booklets, calendars, news letters and circulars; weekly, monthly and yearly reports, etc. for different charitable trusts, organizations and societies; along with educational, philanthropic, healthcare, social, spiritual, religious and similar institutions, centers, etc. serving for the betterment of our civilization. I also write for the magazines, and in broad sense the mass media and journalism.
RESEARCH WORKS/THESIS/ESSAYS ACCREDIT TED IN AUSTRALIA: At Muirden Matriculation College, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia in 1989: The research works in ESL on the Theme: Growing Up and the childhood:
1. Memories of Childhood: Does Memories of Childhood Influence Adolescence and have the Impact on Our Life? (Included 65 people of different age and culture and religions)
2. Education; Employment and Unemployment: Do Young People Have a Choice for it? (Included about 50 people of different professions as the employers and the employees) At the University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia in 1990:
1. A Seminar on Physics: Natural Science-Individual and the Society
2. Law of Gravitation-Generalization of Development of Human Intellect (Distinction)
3. Is There Any Possibility of Life in the Universe? –A Natural Human Quest (Credit)
4. Does Soul Exist? : A Confirmative Argument by Socrates, Plato and Aristotle
5. Existence of God and Problem of Evil-A Discussion on the Problem of Goodness and Evil
6. Hard Determinism, the Soft Determinism and Liberalism-Problem of Free Will
7. Does Morality Depend on Religion? -A Discussion on Divine Command Theory
Some Achievements:
1. Won Third position in State Level Yoga Championship held at Patiala (1980-81)
2. Was selected for the post of counselor in Scientology at Adelaide, South Australia (1990-91), while studying at the University of Adelaide, South Australia, though did not join as it was a bond for 5-10 years
3. My paper/ research report on World Peace for All has having a reading presentation as a lecturer in the general gathering at the function at Washington, DC. USA. (2000-01), and has been distributed in many Western countries since 1999
4. My paper / research report written on the Role of Democracy at State and National level was read in the Punjab State General Assembly, Chandigarh (1992-93)
5. Won Second position in Seminar on the concept: What Physics is All About, conducted by the Punjabi University, Patiala.
6. I have won Consolation Prize in the State Level Competition for the Young Writers’ Creative Writing.
7. I delivered weekly lectures on Divinity and the comparative religions at the college during graduation (1991-94).
8. The Teacher’s Day (1998-99) was having special celebration on my research works done by myself by Guru Nanak Model School in Punjab (India).
9. Participated in a radio program based on our own family life at home at Patiala (Punjab, India), “Music in the House of Milk” broadcasted by Australian Broadcast Corp. in 1992.
10. I got the award of as the best scoutmaster and troop leader in the district Patiala on completion of the certificate course in 1995.
11. It is privilege to work on the scouting and conducting Scout Camps as the first private teacher in the Punjab State since 1995.
12. As one of the youngest Writer and Research Scholar who’s Theme, Concept, Script, Screenplay, Story, Dialogue, and thus a complete TV serial, so far including the pilot episode, were approved by the TV channels, particularly a TV serial based on the Indian Art, Philosophy and Science of Religion, Mysticism and Mythology (Metaphysics) of duty, devotion and dedication.
13. Received the honor of nomination as the MD of a renowned Charitable Trust (BDS) in 1995 and MD of Life Glowing Path INC. USA in 2006 for the Global Research, development and welfare integrating Peace, Education, and other relevant works of the trusts as well.
14. I received the honor of the Fellowship of Rural Health Society in the Alternative Medicines by IIAM in 2005. 15. Many trained students received President and Governor’s Awards for Scouting from 1995.
16. Have been delivering lectures including more than 500 at the university level and hundreds of it at Collage and school levels since 1990-91 based on my own research works (Philselfology).
17. Have managed to earn and learn as a part time (50 hours per week) supervisor and worker at a diary farm from 1975 to 2005.
18. The Doctorate in AM has on the self developed research work on the comparative studies in the ancient and the modern Art, Philosophy and Science (named as the Philselfology) on research and also based on the relevant work experience (recorded both as published and unpublished) from last 15 years and in some cases more than 20 years (listed at the end).
19. Member of International Association of Educators for World Peace (IAEWP)and the NGO’s.
20. It is an honor to successfully conduct and carry most of the activities, works and services to the rural areas, besides the urban right from the beginning.
21. It is a lifetime experience to work in the selection and recruitment boards/committees wherever working in the above said field and jobs.
22. Member, consultant and advisor to many Educational, Spiritual, Social, Management, Research, Development and Welfare bodies, trusts, institutions, etc which also approved and accepted different globally oriented projects described as and in Philselfology
23. Rendering most of the services/works as either free service or no profit no loss basis to the community from last more than two decades.
24. Two poems are selected in the Anthology of Birth and the Anthology of Marriage getting published by the Canadian Federation of Poets, Canada.
(With self-written research papers/thesis, done practically, on each one) *These are also independent work fields for both profession and research (mainly as the Art, Science and Philosophy of the each in pure, applied and action form). Also including its role in Guidance, Counseling, Consultancy, Research, Development and Welfare works and practices in the respective fields (for all age groups) as thus follows:
1. Natural Philosophy and Humanistic Psychology –Therapeutically using in Guidance, Counseling, Consultancy, Research, Development and Welfare works and practices
2. Yoga Theory and Therapy for health and self awareness
3. Art, Philosophy and Science of Scientology
4. Nature-Care and Cure (the Art, Philosophy and Science of Naturopathy)
5. Faiths and Prayer-As Art, Science, Philosophy for Healing
6. The Art, Science and Philosophy of Spiritual Healing
7. Yoga and Meditation in different paths (like Gyan, Karma, Bhakti, Hath, Sahaj, Raja Yoga, etc., there are 62 kinds and or types of Yoga)
8. Music and Sound Therapy-Listening and Singing with Writing and Composing Songs
9. Reiki-The Indian Philosophy, Art and Science of Reiki-How to be a good Master and Receptor (The Art of Communication with Nature)
10. Left and Right Brain Theory-The Indian Philosophy of Creator and the Creation (the Ardhnarishwar)
11. Acupressure-Suzok and its relation to other therapies
12. Bio-chemic salts (Twelve Tissue Remedies), Bach Flower Remedies and Homeopathy
13. Astrology, Palmistry, Numerology, Gem and Metal Therapies
14. Nine Moods and its Management (like Laughter), Chromatography, and Color Therapy -Using it therapeutically
15. Vegetarianism, Organic Farming, Home Remedies and Herbal Therapy
16. Astral body, Aura Management and its Development-Waves, Vibrations and Radiation’s-the Art of development of five astral spheres besides psychic and intuitive centers
17. Name of God (or Deity) or Mantra and Therapies related to it-The Reading, Writing, Reciting, Chanting, Singing (Kirtan), Listening, Repetition (Jaap) and the relevant ones
18. Re-addiction and Re-habitation oriented therapies-Art of Reformation of body, mind, heart and the soul 19. Vastu Shashtra and Magneto therapy- Human body as a magnet and its relevancy and relativity to Earth, Environment and Nature
20. Psychological Therapies-Neuro, Psycho, and Behaviorally oriented ones for Psychic Development
21. Physical and Mental Health Education and Sciences; including the Holistic Health Sciences (both in the Eastern and Western context)
22. Fasting, Silence and other way-outs for sound Body and Mind as a Vehicle of Soul -An Art of self-discipline
23. Metaphysics: The Eternal as we know it as the Ancient Wisdom, Mysticism, Mythology and Rituals-Its Philosophy and using it therapeutically
24. Art, Science and Philosophy of Learning and Living-Blending of the Eastern and Western Value System approach (say in Scouting).
25. The Creative Art therapy for all age groups, as counseling basics that emphasizes on creative arts like writing prose and poetry.
26. The Art, Philosophy and Science of Research by one’s own self (Philselfology)
27. Art, Science and Philosophy of Biorhythmic Energy and Time Management (for Intellectual and Emotional Maturity and Time and Energy and Management)
P.S.: Wow, thanks for reading the ever-updating biographical bio-data, the profile. Are you still reading it, all right. In nutshell:
A Proud Member of Life Dynamix Staff and Advisory Board with Life Dynamix Certified Wellness Specialist-(L. C. W. S.) and Advanced Study & Communication Skills Program (with Distinction A+ from Australia)
Dr. H. Singh is Alternative Medical Practitioner, Media Consultant, Education Counselor and a Writer having sound touch of both East and West. He writes prose and poetry with pen name Bhagouauty using the level and simplicity of the language for all readers with English as the first, second and third language depending on the different counties and the native languages.
So far, he has written more than 25 books for children and 25 in general for everyone. His first series of books on various topics and in various genres is now published for you now. One is a series of one-act plays for the children, in which he has beautifully touched the sensitive reflection of childhood, youthful, old, and thus family to social interactions.
His books are to fill us with oneness and togetherness of both societies of the East and West for globalization of Comparative Go Green, Eco-friendly, Religious and Interfaith Studies and other educational, literary and literacy missions.
He has studied in Australia for two years; and from his early school times have been taking keen interest in ancient and the modern human civilizations with many religions and faiths in various cultures of our nations and continents as now fully aware of making of civilized living in our world. It is a humanly bond getting educational and social interactions from more than 20 years. He is MD of Life Glowing Path, USA and a member of Association of Educators for World Peace, while serving the society with educational, social, humanity and self-awareness missions for all as the founder MD, Life Glowing Path Inc. USA.
The mystic joy of reading the book is for quenching the thirst of reading the creative work. It is as a present for children and the senior readers read and discuss, who seek to explore the humanly and creative thoughts and scientific feelings called Philselfology, the universalizing of human wisdom for the running new millennium.
Thus, it is his research-based book for the Art of Ascendancy of Evolution of Soul-Purpose of Wellness of All, and therefore our self, family and society. He is published author of more than 15 other books available at Lulu.
I hope it makes you smile about how short the autobiography is!

The Art of Philselfology is Learning to Live and Let the Natural World Live-So, Let us Enjoy Coexistence and Keep Going!
Places I’ve Lived:
Patiala, Adelaide (South Australia) and Mumbai
Colleges I’ve Attended:
Muirden Senior College
Mahindra College, Patiala and
Khalsa College, Patiala (Punjabi University)
Hobbies: Music-listening and singing, Reading, Writing, Yoga, Drawing, Meditation, Writing and Composing Poems, Songs, etc. and the list at the end of the bio-data!
Favorite Movies:
* Guide
* Anand
* Bawarchi
Thus, all theme based and the comedy
Favorite TV Shows:
Comedy, Interviews
Favorite Music:
Classical, Folk and Country Music
Favorite Books:
* Natural Philosophy
* Humanistic Psychology
* Human Communication – The Process of Relating
* Sir William James
* Holistic
* War and Peace
* Leo Tolstoy
* Spiritual
* Dr. Radhakrishnan
* Dr. Bhai Vir Singh
* Bhai Gurdas Ji
Thus, these are the authors and the books.
Favorite Website: