Once upon a time there was an ocean as big as the universe.
The ocean was lonely though because it was the only thing that existed.
One day, the ocean decided that it was going to create lots of drops of water from it’s body and they would fly all over the ever expanding everything. Each of these drops would hold the seed of all the love and wisdom and light that had ever existed.
So the little drops of water, imbued with this great wisdom of everything, joyfully went on their way to their new homes in the far reaches of all the galaxies, shining like a trillion glowing fireflies.
The drops of water collected dust as they traveled on their journey, and one by one, as they found themselves together in these far reaches of space, they grew in size and joined together in an act of love.
Over many many years, these large bodies made of water and stardust became planets… one of them a very special planet which they decided to call Earth.
As Earth grew older, the love in its heart grew and grew, and when it could no longer be contained, this beautiful planet gave birth to life. And from that time on she was known as Mother Earth.
The plants came first, and then the animals and people.
All of her babies were made out of the same thing she was… stardust and water.
And into each of her precious creations, she blew a kiss… filling them with the same love, wisdom, and light, that she was made of.
These children grew, and as all children do, they experienced times of great happiness and great sorrow.
As they grew older, the seeds of love inside them grew too, blossoming into the most beautiful expressions of sound and light and laughter that had ever been seen in all of time and space!
As these children grew, they had children of their own. And within each precious child was placed the same love and wisdom and light that had been passed down from the beginning.
As they grew older still, eventually they died, but when they died they didn’t stop existing! Oh no!
They became water and stardust again, going back into their mother, filled with the memories of all of the beautiful creations which they had made and experienced in life!
And after many billions of years, when the Mother had also grown old, she too, along with her children magically transformed back into water and stardust. But this time, the droplets and stardust were filled with the memories of the many beautiful creations they had made during that long season.
And the water and stardust, carrying their precious cargo of special memories, were called back to the great ocean from whence they had come… once again merging with the water and becoming one.
And when all the oceans children had come back home (filling the ocean with stories of EVERY imaginable kind) the ocean said…
“I think I’d like to do that again.”