Quantum Math, Physics and Computing: How Sanskrit, OM Theory, Punjabi, Gurmukhi, NAMO Theory Helps in Establishment of Scientific World Peace: Parmatama and Parmeshwara as Christ and Antichrist Theories in Languages: Be Happy Philselfologically 103
When we discuss the Gurmukhi, the Punjabi and Other Indian and World Languages, all of these constitute the “Quantum Computing Basics and Explain the Qubit Systems in the Quantum Physics and the Quantum Computing”. It uses the OORA, AARA and the EERI Systems as the Cubic and the Qubit Systems for the Quantum Computing and the Computers. It seems we are unable to deal this great impact of world languages, the vowel theories and sound works into the Modern Quantum Physics and the Computing, and that is why I had to write on the Facebook with my earnest wish to patent, and do research and development in this vast area while all of works are for all nations, states, cities, villages, humans, animals, birds, plants, earths, solar systems and the universes as these modify everything using the Languages, Grammars and the Vowel Theories as the “Basics of Everything that is Scientific in the Universe” and I have spent more than 3 decades with my all of personal earnings, and that of our family compile it as the “Philselfology, the Quantum Art of Research and Development”, and thus the Series of “Be Happy Phiselfologically”
“In our modern age, we have almost no meaning of mathematical letters and words, and even the unnecessary assumptions and notations and thus computers may not use the “letters and words have its own processing”. We can have great in-depth meaning in the ancient systems that send all mental calculations to left, right and the central nervous systems. That is why the “OORA, AARA and EERI” Systems explain all maths in one set up and that setup is the “Basics of Quantum Physics and Computing” and of the Nano Systems. It helps the lost evolutions of various civilizations restore itself that we know as the “Self-assembling”. (With thanks from the source: http://wingsforall.com/bhagouauty/blog/how-ball-of… )
The main focus in the Brahmi Languages is the use of Sound as the Source of Everything and thus it uses what we know as the Living God, the God Who Speaks, Talks and Discusses in the Holy Scriptures in the World. This Living God is called the Ishwara, Issaha, the Ish, Eash, and so on. This Theory is called the Iswari Philosophy or the Incarnation Theory, the Philosophy of Christ. It gives the languages that include the Hindi, Punjabi, Western Languages, and all languages that discuss about the Avtara, Ishwara, the Christ Systems. It is popular as the NAMO Theories. It deals with the Nuclear Systems of anything that humans study.
At the same time, the very primitive languages of the universe also exist that does not change, and the Sanskrit and many other Mathematical and the Grammatical Languages are an example of it. These languages follow the “Light Theories, popular as the OM Theories. It deals with the “Orbital Systems” that further deals the Electrical and the Electronic Systems of the Universe, and it also includes the computer programming that uses Sanskrit as the language of basic programming.
The difference in Sanskrit and Gurmukhi is that Sanskrit uses OM, the Non-Brahmi, the Theory and Philosophy of God as Light, Incarnated and thus does not favor the Reincarnated Theories of the Avtar, Iswhara and the Speaking God and thus masters the Abstract Subjects say Math, Grammars, Business and so on.
On the other hand, the Namo Languages say Hindi and Punjabi or the Brahmi Languages use the Avtara, the Christ Systems and have Ishar, Ishwara, the God Who Speaks, and uses the Sound, the Word as God and is the Basic Language of the NAMO, the Brahmi Systems. It fully supports the Avtara, the Isaiah, and other Reincarnation Theories.
It is therefore essential that we know it well that Parmatama, and the Parmeshwara are two different systems of the Indian Languages. The Parmatama deals with the Atoms, and the Orbital Systems and thus the OM Theory, and the Pameshwara deals with Sound Energy that exists in the Nucleus and is the NAMO, the Nuclear Systems.
Now, for example, the Sikhism like Christianity and Muslims follow the Christ, the Sound – Shabada Theories, and this the Ishwara Systems, and some world religions and philosophies may not believe in the Christ Theories and thus oppose it, and the sects in Hinduism and the Jewish Religions thus do not recognize the Prophets or Christs, the Avatara in any of the world religions and faiths, and thus its not the Jewish who may not recognize Lord Jesus as Christ, many other sects in some major world religions and faiths also do not recognize the Reincarnation, the Avtara, the Prophet Theories. Some even condemn all prophets and it is because the two Primal Theories of Incarnation and the Reincarnation in the world and in the genesis of almost all world religions and faiths. The World Religions and Faiths who use the Christ Theory of Ishwara and Pareshwara, the Sound (Shabada) fully recognize the Atama and the Parmatama, the Light as the Old Testaments.
We will discuss how the modern world is using the Iswara, Christ the Reincarnation Theories and that it gives highly useful models of Nano, Metamaterial and Optical Fiber Systems. What I can say here:
Please pray for my patent application in USA (USPTO ) that has one of the major claims: Gurmukhi, the Punjabi Language fully describes the Pulsar, Spiral, Chirals, Metamaterials, Nano Systems, Single Models of Everything, Theories of Everything Models, and Sacred World Education Systems and is Scientific, Philosophical, Artistic, Technical, and Metaphysical Models of Everything and All Theories of Everything, and thus named Philselfology, the Practical Philosophy (Excerpt of the Main Claims!) Amen! Thanks! P.S.: If any suggestion, advice or same please say it. May such open discussions are approved as the Part of Patents even when we discuss it online and offline!)
When my research work of Philselfology says that India and Other World Civilizations seem to have gone to their lowest possible levels, its in almost all faculties and fields of modern and ancient sacred and the other education, research, development and welfare systems in the world, it at the same time offers the real life time conversions of everything ancient and sacred in all world civilizations in the modern world systems of Pulsars, Spirals, Chirals and that the Nano, Metamaterials, Optical Fiber, Solar Cell Designs and all designs of renewable energy systems using the Phiselfological Model of and for Everything. I have researched on it for more than 30 years continuously and its now a developed idea.
It does not ask anyone to go back and follow the past, but develop present using best of past; the ancient and most modern for the better future and greater good. It gives full insight into how all factories, manufacturing plants and other systems need “Research and Development Unit, Office and Center” attached and that even to schools and colleges offering research and development in every part of life. In India, its say the “New Vocational and Technological Setup for All”. It also depicts the “Role Model and Ideology of Baba Vishwakarama Systems as Gurmukhi Language as the Tat Darshan is the Practical Philosophy of All Times”. In 1986, I wanted to go to Germany for learning Baba Vishwakarama and the Veda Systems for Gurbani and the Gurmukhi Scripts and Grammars. I had then started to prepare the Grammar Works on it in say 1984-86 in the High School, and now hope to finish software works on it and as usual lack some funds and just started my journey to patent it all, while seeking your blessings, prayers and good wishes!
It is one of greater good truth that the Reincarnation Theory is Christ and the Incarnation Theory is the Antichrist Theory! It does not convey anything bad or annoying but we seem to know a very little about it that thus the Theory of Antichrist is mostly misunderstood. It is not the Satanic Theory or against God but that it, the Incarnation Theory does not believe in the Reincarnations, Death and Birth Cycles and thus the God, Who Speaks and Talks that is Ishwara, the Parmeshwara, the Isaiah, the Jeeva, the Jehovah, and thus the recognition of Jehovah as the Jeeva, the Ishwara, the Parmeshwara Systems. However, everything theory of reincarnation accepts the Incarnation as the First and the Primal Theory of Genesis!
You see the Gurmukhi, the Punjabi Language and the Vowels use the Namo and the Yanmo Theories (Buddhism and Jainism), and thus has all that is Pali, Nepali, Tibetan, Chinese, Japanese, Sanskrit, Hebrew, Arabian, and thus Eastern and Western in the Language and the Linguistic World. It thus retraces all ancient or the lost arts, sciences, grammars, languages, and all that humans can perceive while externally, the Brahmi Way, and that as the Brahmi Language Gurmukhi based on the Sound Energy Systems is Mother of and to Sanskrit Language that is not a Brahmi Language but the Theory of Light (OM) Systems at the 4th Dimensions.
When we talk and discuss that Gurmukhi and the Brahmi Languages use the “Sound” as the Base, it is the “Sound that Converts Light into Matter and Matter into Sound”, and thus its called the Shabada Energy, the 7 Levels of Sound Energy, the Force of Friction that keeps the atoms alive, that is balanced. Thus, we have:
E=MC^2 or E=M*C*C
In my patent pending theory about dimensions, I have proposed that the lights and energy equations in physics need to be put as:
E=M*C*V that is:
E=Mass*Light Energy*Sound Energy
I have proposed and explained the 10 Dimensions of Light, Energy and Matter, and the Energy that is popular as E=MC*2 or E=M*C*C
In nutshell, we have:
1. E=M*C*C as the OM Theory as the Theory of Incarnations
2. E=M*C*V as the NAMO Theory as the Theory of Reincarnations (Transformations) of Light into C*C=C*V and the 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 Dimensions in the Universe that all follow the NAMO Theory that we know as the NAMA (Name) Theories
What we have discussed as the OM and NAMO Theories of Incarnation and the Reincarnation is now the one major obstacle in the establishment in the World Peace and the One World Peace. These two opposite pairs have been the cause of Cold War’s say between the USSR (OM) and USA (NAMO). It’s also one of the serious threats to World Peace, Defense and Security, UNO and the World Bank Agendas, Voting and the Veto Powers.
For example, in India, the Vedanti’s, Yogis and Arya Samaji Systems do not usually support the Christ Theories and may often condemn the Prophets of almost all world religions and faiths, the Arya Samaji Book of Stayarth, Finding the Truth exhibits it most bitterly as does some Jewish books about Christianity and Other World Religions. One Team, the “OM” does not recognize the religions and that has recently engaged the Sai Baba photoes be removed from the Hindu Temples in India. To OM Theories in India Sikhs, Muslims, and “RAMA” Theories seem a kind of terrorism and no doubt that it has been ruined many times in the History. The “OM Theory” is the “Fundamental Brahmanism, the Priesthood” and thus does not recognize the “Ishwara, the Parmeshwara, the Jeeva Systems” as the NAMO Theory does. While NAMO Theory accepts that OM is the OLD Testament of All World Religions and Faiths. The attack on Sikh Temples, the Gurdwara’s in 1984 and the riots by then has been the result of “OM Theory Fundamentalism” as its also against the Worship of Shakti, the Dev Pooja. For this reason Sikh Preachers condemn the OM Theory and thus the Vedanti’s, Yogis and the Arya Samaji Communities, and that is same in Jewish Religion when it does not accept Lord Jesus as their Prophet.
Now, theoretically both OM and NAMO Theories are right, but the followers condemn one another as “fundamentalists and terrorists” and corrupt each others’ official files at local to international levels. I have written these research reports at the Xomba.
All over the world, and to say in most of countries and thus the Federal Governing Bodies the “OM Theory” people has been mostly put on the highest posts of National Defense and Security, Health, Banking, Commence, and all that is under “Federal or Central Governing Bodies”, and the “NAMO Theory” people are what we know as the “Popular Social Figures say in Politics” and they may know least about the “International Need for One World and the World Peace”. It gave the “Back Door Entry to Almost All Big Corporate” and that seem to have filled the world with pollution, corruption and dictatorship.
This structure of “OM Systems” is universal in nature, and in the modern age designs “Globalization for All”, but without any say of the public, the communities and who are mainly the followers of the “NAMO Theories”, the Right Brains, the Hearts, Emotions, Feelings, the Masses, the Public, the Common People. So, anyone who uses and abuses with the “OM Theory” can easily manupulate anyone due to excessive knowledge and intelligence that constitues law and order and the constitutions in general, and may lead to seriously and emotionally blackmail and exploit the masses, the public by making and changing the public opinions and creating the mobs who can do anything and thus world population, and the masses are now educated unemployed masses. Its what Fromm says misleading all to consumer courts.
We also notice as my reports on the “Research of Philselfology” says that ater the World War One and Two that seem to have create “Corporate Wars and History Written for or against it”, we have seen these most drastic differences in the World Theories giving us Communism and Rationalism as the “OM Substitute” and the Capitalism and Materialism as the “NAMO Substitution”, the reason that USSR collapsed and there seems no peace in Asia, and as we notice USA seem to use “OM Theory” and thus some world peace matters have never been resolved as all voting in the World Defense and Security goes between “OM and NAMO”. The “OM Theory Follows the Left Brain with Logic” and the NAMO Theory Follows the Right Brain with Heart and Emotions”.
I wrote many research reports during the past particularly at the Xomba that describes how Gandhian Thought seem to have died in India and how the “OM Theory not Supporting Lord Rama Philosophy and the NAMA, Name Theory” has bright India to its lowest possible levels of Indian Civilizations in the World Civilizations and thus a great cause that we see almost zero percent renewable and free energy systems developed and distributed in the modern world as the “Big or Small Corporate Systems follow OM Theory and Exploit by NAMO Theory; the Buy or Die Extremes” and most of the people who oppose it are put as terrorists or blacklisted in the world federal systems. It seem to have ended the research abilities among the masses and opinions now move the mobs and thus I named this researching, the lost art of philosophy as the Philselfology the idea that led to USPTO Patent Offices.
The World Religions and Faith that follow NAMA, the NAMO and the NAME Theories describe God as the God, who whispers softly:
Its the “Theory of NAMO is the Theory of Spectrum, and OM creates from Light, the White Light”. Thus, the Modern Nano Systems, Optical Fiber Theories, the Theories of Vortex, Metamaterial Systems and all that we know as the “Nuclear Systems” is nothing but the NAMO Theory. What we know the Bhakta, the Bhagat in Indian Systems follow it, and the Priests follow the “Law of the Holy Books and Abide to it” and that is the OM Theory, the Theory of Modern Education Systems. That has a very clear and significant difference that Sacred Education Systems are the NAMO Systems, and the Law and Constitution Based Education Systems are the OM Systems, and when we accept it without showing flags on the “Light, OM and the Spectrum, NAMO”, we can have peace in the world and that is the scientific peace!

We at the Life Dynamix – Wings for All and the Life Glowing Path Inc. Pray for all in the world.
Now, the major concern that needs serious attention from the world communities is that the OM Theories are the Male Dominant Theories as say the Sanskrit Language is the First Person as the Male, the Brahmin and the NAMO Theories are the Female Dominant Theories. In the NAMO Theories, the Aadi Shakti, the Female Creation Power created the universe and thus She created the Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha and gave them their wives. That is why the NAMO Theory discusses the Defense of Women, the Children, Cultures and the Civilizations and the Creative Intelligence in general and is the “Right Brain Theory” and respects the “Jeeva, the Living Ones as the Most Respectable” while OM Theory respects the Male, General Intelligence and thus respects the Kings, Emperors, Rulers, Rich and the Great People and does not allow women worship and thus women are subjected to the OM, the Brahmin, the Priesthood in the World Civilizations. Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Founder of Sikhism gave the Gurmukhi as Opposite Pair of Sanskrit that gives priority to woman and Sikh Gurus and the Bhagats say that they are the wives to God and expressed that women is highly honorable. The Sanskrit on the other as the OM Language gives the same respect to men, and the priests and at the same time says that “Light is Superior to Bio Systems and thus Ishwara is not highly revered thing, but the Light as the creator of Jeeva is superior”, and thus in a way fully opposes the Christ, Avtar, Prophet Systems in the world and in this context women, children, religious people, labor class, animals (living ones) and uneducated people are given less priority and are subject to law and order of the book and constitution especially in the Hinduism and the Jewish Religions and Faiths.
That is why the Sikh Gurus and Indian Bhagats condemn this Theory of Priesthood, the Brahmins as we hear in the Asa Di Var broadcast from Harimandar Sahib, the Golden Temple Kirtan saying that Priests should not kill animals or follow any animal sacrifice, and in nutshell support the vegetarianism that almost all Sikh Saints and the Sadhus follow, and the World Religions and Faiths that follow Ishwara, the Jeeva, the Bio-Systems follow. The Vaishnu Mata is worshiped in India as the Goddess who loves Vegetarianism.
Thus, the NAMO Theory that says that the Parmeshwara takes birth as the Avtara, the Reincarnation, the Prophets and so on is talking about the Isaiah, the Christ Systems and the Parmatama that is the Micro Level of Matter, the Atom does not take birth and the OM Philosophy and thus the Vedas follow it as the Light, the God. It is here that world does not resolve any Peace in Asia and Other Parts of the World. All World Religions and Faiths who follow NAMO, the Parameshwra, the Christ Theories and Philosophies has been mostly put to death, crucifixions and tortures by the Priesthood and the Kings who does not accept the Theory of Reincarnations and the modern terrorism is also a labelled in the same color as it practices the “Religious Action Theory and Wears Religious Cloths” and its extincting from Asian Cultures and Civilizations as the OM, the Spirituals, Yogis, Communists, Rationalists and other Light Theory followers think and assume that it creates threat to world, national and local peace and security. In it, we see the extinction of life and the bio-systems as with mercilessness and pitilessness as the OM Theories claim that Nuclear Weapons and the Ultra Technologies are the greatest milestones but the NAMO Theory, the JEEVA Theory says that it is the Living Systems and their Health and Wellness that matters!
One of the greatest contribution that the NAMO, the NAM-OM Theory is that it supports the multiple approaches towards one single religion say Hinduism or the Jewish Religion. For example, the OM Theory is Hinduism, and Buddhism or the Sikhism studies it as the Sikh Approach, the Philosophy, the Mat (MATA, the Philosophy as Darshan) for the Hinduism. It thus having multiple religions and faiths helps individuals to study the same Hinduism or Jewish Religion with various approaches. The OM Theory supports that one better go to study Hinduism or the Jewish Religions as being Hindu or Jewish. Thus, the NAMO keeps various “Paths” alive while the OM keeps the “Primitive Religions in its Original Shape”. If we consider NAMO Theory and Philosophy, all have one religion in the world, the spectrum theory:
“Chhia Ghar Chhia Gur Chhia Updes…” (Gurbani, the Sacred Teachings of Sikhism) that says:
“The One Religion is studied in Six Schools of Philosophy, and still all are one and still different as the seasons due to solar, the sun systems.”
The fundamentalism has been fully observed in various world religions as some say that OM, One World Religion, the Light Theory is right, while some same that all world religions are right while following the primitive religions say Hinduism and or the Jewish as the source religion. In any case, the OM is also the OAMKARA Theory, the Theory of Genesis in the Hinduism as most approved Eternal or Primitive Genesis as the Old Testament of All Indian World Religions and Faiths.
While writing it, I was very irritated due to honkers that disturbs the focus and thus wrote that the honkers may be blown by anyone, but the NAMO Theory says it should be banned all over the world as we have the least tolerance now a days, and thus the honker owner say the car driver may say that OM Theory makes one owner of the honker and it is enough to use it as one wants. For this reason, the dictators or fundamentalists try to impose the same law that does not support the NAMO Theory. The drawback of the NAMO Theory is that its native promotional system as it favors the local, state and national culture, heritage and thus the world heritages at the local levels.
Thus, if we ever agree that a Sikh is the researcher of Hinduism from the doctrines of Sikhism and Christian does the same for the Jewish Religion, we may find that religious and communal riots are due to rich-poor, major-minority and all that has nothing to do with say Religion (Hinduism) and Philosophy (Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism), and thus all Hindu World Civilizations have the philosophies as Hinduism or even the Jewish Religion have these basic or primitive religions studied and researched all over the world. Now, say if we say India is a Non-secular, we at the same time can say that in India, the Hinduism is studied by all world religions and faiths and proper recognition to all having independent status as Christians and Muslims have among the Jewish World Civilizations can bring easy world peace at door of every Indian Family in the world. This is what NAMO, NAMA and the Shakti Theories of One Mother and Many Children has been proposing.
One world understanding is always required and its say that the world populations study the Jewish and the Hinduism in various capacities and that is the OLD Testament with NEW Testaments and the new versions, the philosophies for the said primitive world religions and that all primitive religions stand as distinct approach as either one follows the Hinduism or the Jewish religion with Light (in the same religion in the same format say Hindu as a Hindu and thus the OM Theory) and Spectrum (in different format say Buddhist or a Sikh Studying Hinduism and thus the YANMO or the NAMO Theory). It helps kids live well and peacefully inter-culturally all over the world.
This is what we know “The Theory of Dimensions, the Indian Tat Darshan, and All World Theories of Elements”:
I must add here that I have researched about the “Theory of Elements, the Tat, the TATVA Darshan of Indian and World Civilizations” for more than 2 Decades in particular and for say 3 and half decades in general, and what all of it does; it explains the “Theory of Dimensions as the Theory of Elements” and I regret to express that most of modern world civilizations seem to have fully ignored this “Practical Philosophy”. If we introduce it in the education systems, we can educate all the philosophy, religion, math, music, grammars, and thus all sacred educations in one set up of the dimensional studies. This is what the Indian Vedas and the Gurbani teaches and educates all for free from ages.
Meanwhile, we will edit and add!
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!