Natural World and Arts with Hindi, Punjabi and Sanskrit: Be Happy Philselfologically, Kashmir Civilizations and Philselfological Quantum Single Model and Theory of Everything – Part 11
They seem to create their better records with almost no real interest in any research as they turn into either labor or spirituals who needs nothing but give answers to public just earn the bread and butter – the first need, is not it as all are reseachers!

I have also noticed that most of the modern people do not seem to learn any ancient languages and thus there seems a great gap between what we know and research while using the ancient scriptures while not trying to take the essence of languages as part for the future of the world and thus not also helping the next generations get insight into mental health and wellness to help them becoming the original thinkers rather than borrowing the memory banks of others and thus the modern spoon feeding.
It seems that modern researching uses human brains as just a memory bank while asking how much does it cost to own someone else’s brain … the human brain seem to turn just a AI tool where no human may ever get any due respect as all seems on sale with memory banks full.
In this context, we need a sincere and serious contribution from the leading countries in the most popular languages particularly English, French and say even the Russian, German and other ones as all have the same roots of the Sanskrit and well expressed in the Hindi and Punjabi scripts and the langaues …
In my research works, I have found or just rediscovered that all world languages, arts, music and creative arts in general have the same roots, and we can lead Hindi and Punjabi to use it in the best possible ways to revive the Sanskrit, Hebrew and other world languages and arts based on it. So, the Hindi, Punjabi with Arabian languages including the Hebrew for its sure use as the Sanskrit can make a difference.
I strongly think of the approach of the modern or contemporary research works. The research works at various levels seem to be done in the Sense of Imperialism – Control of Natural Resources in the developing countries and other countries with less of the funds as many people have work too hard to prove their abilities and merits, and thus when they appeal get the funds and thus more power to possess. We can think twice to understand that we are born philosophical and thus the name of the research work Philselfology.
The Punjabi is a modern and yet an ancient language and Sikh Gurus gave the Gurmukhi a new script to human civilization and it differs from the Hindi and all other world languages in its script and way the numbers and so many other things. However, it has a simile in it, the philselfological aspect: “Gurmukhi is similar to Brahmi scripts in that all consonants are followed by an inherent ‘a’ sound (unless at the end of a word when the ‘a’ is usually dropped). This inherent vowel sound can be changed by using dependent vowel signs which attach to a bearing consonant.” (With thanks from the source: )
The Script of Punjabi as Gurmukhi is based on the Brahmi, the original script that has produced many other languages: “Brāhmī is the modern name given to the one of the oldest scripts used on the Indian Subcontinent and in Central Asia, during the final centuries BCE and the early centuries CE. Like its contemporary, Kharoṣṭhī, which was used in what is now Afghanistan, Pakistan and North India, Brahmi was an abugida.” (With thanks from the source:… )
In such cases the Punjabi is older than Tamil language in Brahmi as the Brahmi as it says: “The earliest mention of a script for writing the Tamil-Brahmi dating to 500 BC found at Kodumanal, Chennimalai near Erode <1>.Another Tamil-Brahmi script dating to 500 BC found at Porunthal site is located 12 km South West of Palani <2>” (
That is why many people we say that the Punjabi’s and the Sikh Gurus have defended the Sanskrit and thus the Hindi, the Indian Civilization.
I happen to find the reasons and among them include the editing:
“The Gurmukhī script was developed from Śāradā. Originally more widespread, its use became later restricted to Kashmir, and it is now rarely used except by the Kashmiri Pandit community for ceremonial purposes. Śāradā is another name for Saraswati, the goddess of learning.”
Birthplace of Gurmukhi: He must be helped immediately!
Punjabi in Gurmukhi Birth has first person a very dynamic: “The first verse of ‘Prapanchsar’ composed by Adi Shankaracharya is devoted to the praise of Sree Sharada Devi” (Reference no. 100) He wrote it in Hindi and Sanskrit while Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Shri Guru Angad Dev Ji invented and founded the Gurmukhi Scripts that we say are the Brahmi Langauges as Brahmi means by Brahma and in Brahma.
The Birthplace of Brahmi that is Mother to while the Brahma Ji being the Father of Gurmukhi and thus Punjabi has Mother Sarsvati in and as what it says for Rishi Shandilya, who was a son of the sage Vasistha:
“The goddess Sharada is said to have manifested herself to him, here, after severe penance by him, to confer upon him his yagnopaveetham, an event that was commemorated in the temple of Sharada Peeth in the town.” (It is the Birthplace for Gurmukhi Brahmi). (
He the Sage Sandilya (as does the Sage Vasistha and other ancestors say the Prajpati’s) seem to have taught in his famous Sandilya Vidya the same as Sikh Gurus do while saying: “It is a rise from the limitation of one’s individuality upto the cosmic Reality of one’s essence, with a simultaneous awareness of the identity of every self, the so-called multiplicity of selves, with this single Self. So it is the total of all the selves in an indistinguishable mass rising to a single comprehension of the great Absolute Brahman. This is the actual inner import of the meditation which is called Sandilya Vidya.” (With thanks from the source:… )
He the Sanilya Rishi has been placed in the highest in the Atharva Veda, the Veda that remains prominent in Age of Machines, the Kaliyuga as all Sikhs and Hindus believe. His prayers end as follows as he, the Rishi Sandilya says:
Om ! Let there be Peace in me !
Let there be Peace in my environment !
Let there be Peace in the forces that act on me !
Here ends the Sandilya Upanishad, included in the Atharva-Veda.
(With thanks from the source: )
The Rishi Sandilya has been in the lineage of Rishi Kashayapa:
“The Valley of Kashmir got its name from Kashyap Rishi.<15> According to the Hindu mythology, the Kashmir valley was a vast lake called Satisaras, named after Sati or Parvati the consort of Shiva.
Kashyap in Sikhism
In Brahm Avtar composition present in Dasam Granth, Second Scripture of Sikhs, Guru Gobind Singh mentioned Rishi Kashyap, as second avtar of Brahma.<12> According to him, Rishi Kashyap had great knowledge of Vedas and interpreted it very thoughtfully to whole world which bring them internal relief.<13> He married with four wives, Banita, Kadru, Diti and Aditi and have many children out of them some remain religious(Deities) and other became irreligious (Demons).<14> (With thanks from the source: )
“In a poetic work composed by Mahakavi Kalhan in the year 1148 CE, there is a mention of Sree Sharadad Devi temple and its geographic location. Kalhana mentions that in Lalitaditya’s reign (8th century AD), some followers of a king of Gauda (Bengal), come to Kashmir under the pretence of visiting the shrine of Śāradā.<citation needed> The first verse of ‘Prapanchsar’ composed by Adi Shankaracharya is devoted to the praise of Sree Sharada Devi. (Ref. no. 100: )
“Maharshi Shandilya was the descendant of sage Kashyapa and his father’s name was ‘Devala’. He was the royal priest of king Dileep who belonged to Raghuvansha. But in some scriptures, it has also been mentioned that he was the royal priest of Nanadagopa. He was the chief priest at the time of yagya which was performed by Shatanika for begetting a son.” (With thanks from the source: )
“Brahmi was created anew for the purposes of writing Prakrit, based on well established theories of Vedic grammar and phonetics, and probably on the order of the reform-minded King Ashoka. From this point of view, Brahmi might be seen as a successful attempt to remedy some of the apparent limitations of Kharosthi as a vehicle for writing Prakrit.<10>” and Gurmukhi has been a greatest contribution towards it in the linguistics of world languages as these then has spread into the world civilizations. (With thanks from the source: )
People believe that Lord Jesus Christ visited the Kashmir:
Brahmi Gurmukhi, the main script of Punjabi has the same roots and origins as that of what Lord Jesus used to speak: “During its 3,000-year written history,<3> Aramaic has served variously as a language of administration of empires and as a language of divine worship. It was the day-to-day language of Israel in the Second Temple period (539 BC – 70 AD), the language that Jesus Christ probably used the most,<4><5> the language of large sections of the biblical books of Daniel and Ezra, and is the main language of the Talmud.<6> However, Jewish Aramaic was different from the other forms both in lettering and grammar. Parts of the Dead Sea Scrolls are in Jewish Aramaic showing the unique Jewish lettering, related to the unique Hebrew script.
Aramaic’s long history and diverse and widespread use has led to the development of many divergent varieties which are sometimes called dialects, though they are distinct enough that they are sometimes considered languages. Therefore, there is not one singular, static Aramaic language; each time and place rather has had its own variation. Aramaic is retained as a liturgical language by certain Eastern Christian churches, in the form of Syriac, the Aramaic variety by which Eastern Christianity was diffused, whether or not those communities once spoke it or another form of Aramaic as their vernacular, but have since shifted to another language as their primary community language.(With thanks from the source: )
Philselfologically speaking about the languages as above too, which always embraces the world of music as an art, we visualize and write the music keeping the moments of sound and silence as we write for the musicians; artists and the music teachers and students, and thus the method of instructions as if one does not know how to sing: “… because there are so many tones in silence. Everything emanates from silence. There’s endless possibility. So when you’re writing music, you come from a state of absolute concentration. I actually like, when I’m writing music, to have noise. I have the TV on, and a lot of people are always in my house making noise. It doesn’t make a difference to me because I’m going to be concentrating with such intensity on what I’m trying to hear that the inside of my mind will be absolutely silent, except for what I’m hearing.” (With thanks from the source:… )
One The reason for writing Be Happy Philselfologically, the Health and Wellness Care:
The reason for these ideas, thoughts and emotions has strong reasons behind it and it’s the health and wellness that needs that we have the right attitude towards our own religions and faiths. We are not talking about any other things that seem to be foreign to our body, mind, heart and soul.
Thus what we are talking is completely an integral part of nervous system, which is most individualistic approach that we call the personal relation with God and Nature, the Shakti making it clear is that God is fully Bio-less Power as He is not Jeeva, the Shakti, the Shakti is totally Bio and has two major forms namely the green world as the Shaak, the bio-less but have no flesh in it as Vegans know it, and the Jeeva world means the Animal Kingdom or biological living ones.
The Shakti has a name Shri means the Shareer, the body and the language has the grammars its tool and thus forms of bioenergy in the living things. These biologically living ones are movable unlike the tree and plants, the bio-less living ones. We do not need to dwell on the clones as if artificial or cultured things for example say the cultured pearls that may not have bio-content in it. Without bio content we may have only production of trees and plants. We need to understand things in a scientific way and is for the self, and thus the Philselfology.
When I was studying in Australia while living there for more than 2 years (1989-1991) I had a great interest in the health and wellness of aborigines and the native people as what that say was stunning as they take alcohol they blame the modern people for making mockery of them. I sat with them talked and laughed and told that they seem to be Indians and they always liked it. That is why I write about their health and wellness.
So, just to say Be Happy Philselfologically series aims at science and technology working together.