The Sun, the Moon, other planets and so many other things that contribute to the continuity of the life on our earth are also having the names as we call it, the life givers or gods (Devta’s). Even the air in which the oxygen is present is life giver. It is the indigenous research by Indian sages contributing to continuity of life, as the life givers whether in male or female form of energy (Devta’s or Devi’s).
Moreover, they made research on how one can keep them in pure form so that they can give their best. It is such a great glory of these life givers that these possess the natural health restoring energies and the powers. Thus, these are deserving well keeping, treating and reverence. We may again take example of water, how to keep it pure is our need not the need of the life giver. The example of the Sun, as the life giver is such that it greatly contributes to the continuity and evolution of life in our solar system, however in the pollution it is not that the Sun that has changed, rather the sunrays enhance the negative energy of the pollution.
The Ozone Layer or excess of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere of the earth now is lowering the level of evolution, as the heat, as life giver also is promoting diseases and disharmony, such that the excess of the negative energy is retarding the evolution.
The negative energy carriers, the biotic or micro-germs and bacteria causing bad health pollute both blood and immunity systems, and it said in the scriptures, the Ancient Sciences that these dwell on it. It seems a wonder or rather tragedy that even the dwelling is sustained on the taken anti-biotic. Not all the measures, which a human intellect can ever afford, may make our life free from diseases without the help of the life givers. Even the perfect body cannot escape from it, as temperature proofing is not same as waterproofing.
The reference of life continuity that blocked by negative energy or Dainta’s is such that they are said to eat what decays, in it degeneration is also included may be of vital fluids, blood, bone, flesh or fat, etc., it simply means they both cause and eat it. In other words, it is what they sow, reap and harvest. The negative energy is said to have tendency to grab, the demerit of Asurs or Dainta’s, that is why it seems that the scriptures says that the property that belongs to these is used for grabbing and causing both the decay and degeneration.
The sun, moon and earth symbolize as the givers, and we can create a resonance, the great harmony with universal power and energy by becoming givers, as a giver we receive more. It is self-quest more we give time to it more we explore, the joy of mysticism.
With thanks from the source (and written by myself):