Passion and imagination are the best tools that we can have in order to usher in a new world. At a time when the search for security has led us to become like machines just in order to earn a living, we have to let our spirits breathe life and passion and live in abandon. When control and domination seems to be the by word for the rich and powerful, now is the time to abandon ourselves to the mighty winds of change sweeping throughout the land. In this, we need imagination and creativity to keep us going. Instead of always using the head, we now have to feel with the heart. Instead of always talking, now is the time for really listening. Instead of aggression, we can instead try gentleness, receptivity. Its time to restore emotion and feeling back to its proper place when thinking and rationality has become so dominant and has led us to our present mess in the first place. The energy of the heart has long been repressed to the point of coldness and mechanism. Then we can have a bonding and a feeling so strong enough to change the world!:
Passion and Imagination
by Bodhi | Oct 15, 2021 | Community, Amplify Goodness, Featured, Inspiration | 0 comments

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