Philselfology of Indian Sacred Mantra Systems: Drisha, Darshaka, Drishta, Darshana and the Theory of Dimensions: Studies of Nature and the Universe say Shri Yantra: Be Happy Philselfologically – 59
When we compare or do the Comparative Studies of Indian Wisdom with the Egyptian Wisdom, we notice that the Indian Systems are far advance than it. In my personal opinion, the India Systems are incomparable in the world. As Ayurveda is one of the most ancient and authentic scripture of health sciences, when we think of Astronomy, Space Sciences and the Technology, we have it as the sacred sciences, which world has yet to learn and discover. It was lost in the world due to the revolutionary movements in the world religions, faiths, spiritualism and the general metaphysical world as no modifications are possible in these sacred things. Most of the revolutionaries as usual always suggest easy mantras that give the instant and very quick relief, and quick fixing mantras to anything where we seem to eascpe from the proper solution of the problems in the world communities.
Most of the political and religious movements, upheavals, and thus revolutions seem to have totally ignored the sacred studies and research as we have discussed in this series of Be happy Philselfologically. These sacred studies in India are called the Sanatana means the Eternal, which none in the world has been able to change or alter without approving the past works as fully true. For example, the Sacred Studies and the Researches in the Muslim Religions and Faiths as well as in the Sikhism approve the full authority of Jewish and Christian Religions and the Hinduism, Buddhism and the Muslims as say in the Sikhism. These later religion mostly give the testimonials to all works done as true and declare a minor modifications based on the research works of the prophets and the saints.
What the saints, sadhus and other spirituals in the world have been doing in the world is the world religion and faith based research works as if the specializations and thus is always the open scope for any research works in the human civilizations and this is evolutionary way of research not any kind of instant revolutions that may be a reaction to some weak points in the system of world religion and or the faith. When we need any research work, we need and depend on the spirituals as Sir Issac Newton says that Holy Spirit guides humans with greater dimensions of possible and the most relevant research works that are needed in any contemporary age and in any age.
When we consider the sacredness of education and research and any modifications in that seem revolutions in the world religions and the faiths as offering the quick mantras is total escape from world of education and reserach as in the quick mantra systems without world religions and faiths seem to fully ignore that these studies and research works are nothing but the core syllabus of any kind of education system we have in any education, training and the research agencies in the world. When we say that the Vedas and the Other Ancient Scriptures are wrong, we seem to say that what schools, colleges and universities teach and educate is wrong because we teach it as the world syllabus of education and research. Due to recent changes caused by the imperialism and modern educations, the worst against the world religions and the faiths was the mesmerism and hypnotism in which modern education went into the dark age and the room where no research seems done as world religions and the faiths always offer and propose as the doctrines and thus sincere and series approach as self-witness of personal researches, the Swaadhaya and thus the Philselfology.
In any change in the world no dimension of knowledge seems possible without the ancient knowledge and the wisdom based on it say all that we know say is sacred education system made part of educational systems, the institutions and the personal witness as the vast scope of the innovations and the research works, which during dark age of science and technology was as if a great threat to any suggestion against set of world religions and the faiths at the educational institutions and thus we have had a stagnation in the modern world education systems, and we seem to give extra coaching to get better grades and easy to follow mantras for self-realization and both have proved to be big failures in the world and thus global progress, development and the evolution. The major reasons seem that all of it was due to imperialism as the source and the means for trading and the modern educations and the revolutions in the education and world religions and the faiths turned into business and trading, where knowledge is bought and sold, and the Indians say its not at sacred to sell and buy knowledge like this, and we can make world better by being as what one is and what always has not changes as never and thus the sacred education systems in the world that we have and need just need a little sacred touch of human wisdom, and the sacred knowledge, is not it.
The major sacred books and thus the entire Vedic Knowledge and Wisdom has been in the east or India and the reason is simple, the History of Classical Studies of the Sacred Universe has been kept as its in this region – from inside to outside.
In the previous parts of the Be Happy Philselfologically, we have discussed most of the Egyptian and Western Systems, and in this part, we focus on the Indian Systems.
The Indian Systems mostly never proceed without Philosophy, the Darshana, and the Darshana is Seeing and its same as “It Is”, which means seeing anything as its, and thus it has 3 States and the 4th Awastha:
1. The Drish, A View as in the State of 1st Dimension
2. The Darsha, the Viewer of the View as is everything that is in the State of 2-Dimensions
3. The Drishta, the Viewer of the View and the Viewer of what is in the State of 3-Dimensions
4. The Darshana, the Philosophy of View, Viewer and the Viewership, and its the Permanent State, and is also a dynamic state of mind that we say the Awashta means as “one or all is”, and at this level are nothing but one
The other set of higher dimensions also include the following:
5. The Drishti, the Third Eye viewing of up to philosophical levels, and its when one is in the 5th Dimension
6. The Daras, the Actual View as masters see it, and its called the Gurparsadi, going beyond the Rasa, the Swaada, means the Rasa, and thus the Daras, and its mostly in the 6th Dimension
7. The Duara or Dwara, which simply means the Vara, and thus Dwara or Duwara, and this is also called the Dargah level where one is the really participant, and its the 7th Dimension in the abstract or the spiritual world in which we as the souls live
8. The Dasa level, the level of the Dasa or the Daas, the one who sees the divin visions and tells, the dasana to others, and is thus a friend of God, and enjoys the Sakha, the friend-like relationship with the creator and the creation, and its the 8th dimension, and one may either earn it gets a gift of it
In Indian Philosophy of the Darshana Theory, there are ten directions and thus the 10 dimensions and we can add these to this discussion:
9. The Dani, the Giver, and its the 9th Dimension and its always perpendicular to the 8-Dimensional Plate of Universe, and this direction is considered as coming downward towards the earth systems as we say the Mother Earth
10. The Data, the Level of God, and this in the direction that perpendicularly joins all lines at the center is the 10th Dimension, and its the origin of anything, which is the Bindu, the Circle, and its God’s Gift. It remains perpendicular to all dimensions and thus when we rotate any shape with dimensions, we find this point to be G-Center or the God-Center
Special about the D’s, the Darshana Philosophy as categories as discussed above:
1. The First 3-D’s are in the Tamo Guna, the Matter, the Shakti or the Physical World. The set of Mother Earth, Moon and the Sun. This sacred zone in the universe has given attributions of Lord Shiva and Goddess Shakti, the Paravati. It is the Third Person “I” as the Sacred Object as we see ourselves say in the image, say our own sketch or portrait in the Hindi and the Punjabi Grammars. Thus the conscious mind; the Big 1-D in our mind.
2. The Second Set of 3-D’s (4th, 5th and the 6th) are in the Rajo Guna, the Matter, the Shakti and Light, the Shiva forms of the universe. The Set of the Sun, Stars and the North Polaris, and have the attributions of Lord Brahma and the Goddess Sarasvati. It is the Second Person “You” with the Sacredness of Subject-Object, the Drisha interactions as when we see TV programs in the Hindi and the Punjabi Grammars. Thus the subconscious mind, the Big 2-D in our mind.
3. The Third Set of 3-D’s (7th 8th and the 9th) are in the Sato Guna, the Light only form as the Vishnu, we say and thus embraces the Stars, the North Polaris and the Center of the Universe, the Sachkhanda as we say means only light spheres. These have attributions as the Vishnu and the Laxmi. It is the Third Person with Subject, Object and Sacred Visualization of the Third Person in the Hindi and Punjabi Grammars. Thus, the unconscious mind; the Big 3-D in our mind.
Please note in Hindi and Punjabi slang languages the brain, mind and head are at times used as the synonymous as the Sun, North Polaris and Universe are synonymous names in these languages say Surya, Dhruva and Vishnu are synonymous!
The Final and the 10th Dimension is studied as the Light only, and is the ultimate truth in the Vedas and other ancient scriptures, and it may be possible that some oppose the first 9-Dimensions of Bhagati as a good emotion and the karma, and focusing too much on the Gyana as the Light, and it does not seem fair in the fair, the leela of the cosmic play of the universe.
Now when we discuss E=MC*C, we have its presentation in the D’s, the Dimensions as follows where every D means the Dimension.
Light=Earth System*Solar System*North Polaris System*Center of the Universe
Now, these 10 Disa’s or the directions make all disa as the dasan’a and thus all say it in the various way, and first 9 Dimensions are called the Navadha Bhagati, the Nine Kinds of Devotion, the Direction which gives the Vidaya’s (which mainly gives knowledge in its true form called the Vidaya) as one starts the journey of human life from viewing as being a darshaka, the viewer to darshana, and from drishti to some drishti. In India people worship these Nine Directions as the Navratra when universe sets and aligns it energies with Sun, Moon and the Mother Earth astrological and thus astronomical equations as when the sun and the moon are in female sign of Virgo, the Symbol of Virgin, and thus the Sacred Navratra Festivals in India, and the Tenth Direction is one as the doer, the person oneself:
And the 10th is the level of Gyana, the Wisdom, which is the essence of darshana, the philosophy.
How all of it is summed up and viewed has great amazement as Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji says:
You see all of this Cosmic Plate in the Sky, the Gagan Mah Thaal as described by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji while he very strongly opposed the worshiping of the Sun as most of the western and modern people need to look if our books of Astronomy help us to understand the universe using the Sun as the Frame of Reference while actually its usually the Earth as Frame of Reference and its axis meeting the static seemed North Polaris and rest of the universe moving around as if doing the Aarti, the Worship of God as the Founder of Sikhism, yes Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji at the Great Hindu Temple, the Jagan Nath Puri said and sung the scientific verses, and looks like what is shown in the video below, and that he, the Guru Ji was reminding all Hindus, who practiced the Karma Kanda, the Action Theory that Followers the Consonants as we have discussed as the audio-video brain recordings that one follows, and thus he advised to remember what Vedas teach all for say How Vedas teach and guide the Astronomy and the Space Sciences in the simplest possible manner as the Gurbani is Pure and Applied Sciences. This is the Essence of the Durga Vidya’s. (From the admin source: Philselfology of A, E, I, O, U, the Divine Vowels and Mantras as Waheguru: Be Happy Philselfologically – 47
While Wishing All Happy ‘Sacred Navratra’ Festival in India and Abroad: You see the Materialism in India is worshiped as the Shakti and the Indians worship, doing the puja of all forms of the materialism and thus its sacred thing in Indian Civilization. All world religions and faiths accept it and mostly as the Holy Spirit, the Shakti. The Indian Vedas are given by the Shakti Form as the Goddess Sarsvati. We thank her in all forms as she is also the Durga, Kali, Laxmi, Chandi, Vaishnu, and all that is the Female in the Universe means Visible Form of the Universe! Amen!
And as a Durga Yantra, the Jantra its viewed as below summing up as what Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji says above:
And as a 3-D Sacred View and the Vision, we have the same Durga Yantra, the Jantra seen as below:
In Sikhism, these studies as the sacred sciences and maths are done as described in the Shri Dasam Granth, but due to opposition to Shakti Vidya’s, the Sacred Sciences and Maths, most of the Indians in the modern world seem to be almost ignorant of these sacred studies. However, Tenth Sikh Guru of Sikhism, Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji as also the Founder of Khalsa Path has thankfully given the Sacred Theory of Universe, which we have discussed as the Sacred Khanda Theory of the Universe, and he has advised everywhere saying that most of the Indians know almost nothing about these studies and few who know it simply seem to patent and earn by selling knowledge about it, and thus the creation of serious mythological and religious ignorance in India and the Indian Civilizations.
A very good website explaining Indian Systems as in 4-Steps advises well, which simply means please never follow anything without experts advice and the advising: “Disclaimer: The following information is given to you with the hope that it will genuinely improve your life. Implementing the techniques given below will definitely shape your life for the better. Using this information, and applying the techniques however, involve a lot of factors beyond the nature and scope or control of this thread or the forum. Therefore everything you do or change or implement, needs to executed by you by taking personal responsibility. The author, nor GLP can not in any way, take responsibility of what you do, or how you do it, or the results you obtain.” (With thanks from the source:… )
These 4-Steps are essentials of learning any world philosophy, religions and the faiths, and we simply need Swaadhaya, the Self-study and learning that I named as the Philselfology. These 4-steps are the 4 Pada’s, the positions and state of mind in which one enjoys the life as if learner of drisha, darshaka, drishta, and the darshana – view, viewer, viewership and the views, the set of complete human within yes the child within, who never changes. It is process that even a kid can learn!
In the context to Indian Sacred Knowledge and Wisdom, we may ask:
What is symmetry? Why is it Sacred? Why Indians study Mantras?
Sacred Symmetry: Its what Indians and other world civilizations call the ethereal or eternal knowledge and wisdom that is sacred because of the symmetry.
In the Jewish and Hindu civilizations and the religions it has been the source of the entire works ever done by the human race and on what the natural world and also humans in run all of its practical and pure philosophies say yoga, meditation, religions, faiths, maths, music, grammars, and all that can be in art of learning and teaching.
The religions and faiths that came after Jewish and Hindu religions and these primitive civilizations, have simply worked on it, the symmetry that we in India call the Dharma or the Religion.
Its system of downloading and uploading of brain files and if we leave it as its, the world can be a better place as these if ever modify collapse the entire world or big works in the world, while some people will become prominent and if the media proposes them as the output, we may fail nothing but most of the major world systems which human control or influence and others who are followers say… think and pause, its not ideal or Utopian but suppression that most of us dwell on medicines, the major cause of most of the suppression.

We live in the sacred universe and the symmetry is always sacred: “In social interactions: People observe the symmetrical nature, often including asymmetrical balance, of social interactions in a variety of contexts. These include assessments of reciprocity, empathy, apology, dialog, respect, justice, and revenge. Symmetrical interactions send the message “we are all the same” while asymmetrical interactions send the message “I am special; better than you.” Peer relationships are based on symmetry, power relationships are based on asymmetry.” (With thanks from the source: )
In India, the Sacred Secrets of the Universe are studied with the help of sacred mantra geometric and mathematical presentations and the representations, and among it one of the most sacred geometrical representations is the Shri or Sri Yantra, and the Yantra means the complete mechanism system as if the computer programming with jantra, the computer, the tantra, the software installed and the mantra, the password that runs any particular program in the universe. Thus Indians have studied the universe operating systems rather than just the sacred structures of it, however these studies are still considered materialistic approach even though its spiritual and scientific as Swami Vivekananda calls all of it as Science, Religion and Philosophy at one place that these are unified knowledge’s, which are sacred in its most primitive nature and otherwise. The western countries have used it almost fully in the modern world but in India, we seem to serious lack of research in this directions. The Sri or Physical Form of Software and its proper networking is as the image shows if we see it closely, its how computer languages and the programming is done in the modern world:

The Indians use the symmetry in the daily life as following, imitating, and imagining the ideal and sacred patterns of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna: “Lord Rama or Krishna’s perfect horoscope, hands with perfect palmistry, well dressed and managed personality, and other concepts for seeing his photos and images, and the dreams is the secret of health and wellness in the Ayurveda Health Sciences.
Meanwhile, I researched on how Homeopathy is the Pure and Applied Form of Ayurveda. The Homeopathy describes the Nano Technology of Ayurveda and if the Ayurveda does not accept the Sacred Works of Sacredness given by the Homeopathy, we may miss the vast transformations possible in the modern world. We need to salute to Maharishi of our age, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. The Potency Systems of Homeopathy has the expansion of earth systems reaching into the center of the universe.
The Symmetry as the most sacred thing is given the special name in the Indian World Religions and the Faiths as the Simran.
What is Simran: It is as the most mentioned word about the Sacred Symmetry in the Gurbani, the Teachings by the Sikh Gurus. The Simran, yes the Sacred Symmetry and its all forms as Simrat, and is is from the Sam(e), the Sacred Balance which is present in everything and the Naam Japna is just to remind and recollect this Sacred Symmetry, the Simran. All world religions and faiths teach and self-educate the sam(e), the sacred symmetry. Amen!
For example, any mantra or the Gurmantra is what keeps the Focus, the Source of Symmetric Intelligence as when right, creative intelligence and left, the general intelligence and thus both sides of our brains balanced and active as when in passive mods we have sound sleep. Thus the Simran, in balance as “I” or “EE” in Punjabi, Hindi and Sanskrit is for “in” as its sam as sim that makes Samta as Simran:, and that is purpose of all chanting’s, kirtan, music, maths and whatever is thus sacred! Amen!
This sacred symmetry is as we say: “Jal Te Upaj Trang Jion Jal Hi Bikhai Samahai…” (Gurbani) – As anything from symmetry emerges back to it, and this is what all humans are – a perfect and sacred symmetry as a sacred human body with most sacred things the atama. Amen!
In Indian Philosophy and Wisdom God is perfect symmetry and one gets nothing by force as if the fake self-extensions and thus the self-assumed symmetry. The sacred symmetry is the Power of God, which in India people call the Naam, the Sacred and thus Symmetric Music, the Sacred Rhythms.
When we attain sacred symmetry, we get closer to God, and become like Godliness exists within us, which again is the sacred symmetry. This is part of the process of self-realization, which all deserve to have, yes the sacred symmetry that illuminates like millions of stars if not thousands!
Why Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and many other spiritually gifted people start to sing as we as infants and kids do in the childhood, and chant the Sacred “AA EE OO”, the Divine Vowels that beats musically. It is from the sacred symmetry, the Naam in Guru Ji’s family and he was born out of the Sacred Symmetry, the Naam, the Sacred Sounds of Vowels the Swara.
Why Indians keep suggesting: The friends cannot correct anything among them, they attain the symmetry which is sam(e), the equal or balance+matri, the friendship; the same level of friendship and thus we need higher goals in life where human relations find ease and peace and thus even the friends. So, the Indians keep asking, requesting and talking about the higher aims and goals of the religions, spirituality and the faiths.
Philosophy, the Darshana is the Mother or Source of Education and source of research, and it has to do with Education as Brahma-guna-guni, which means the study of the universe from inside outside based on the sacred symmetry present on the drawing board of Indian students that works lot more wider than the abacus of Japanese Civilizations. the outer but the Inner Sacred World. So, let us keep the sacredness and study some Darshana, the Philosophy Daily and add to it the Swaadhaya!
The Indians go into the space with the idea that we cannot change anything outside the earth systems as we cannot do any change inside but maintain the balance that has a term of Vishnu as the Lord Vishnu that means balancing to sustain. Thus, the Indians claim to bring what is at the center of the universe higher lives anywhere in the universe to our earth systems.
The Ayurveda sums it up as: “Our nature around us allows us all to coexist and, we may have at most imbalance of vata, pita and capha, the cougha in the body, and all external medicines and drugs are at most the balancing things as hair conditioners to shampoos. This is thus the mother of all treatments that Homeopathy and Ayurveda with all Alternative/Integrates/Holistic Medicines and Treatments offer, the Balance and thus are the Stabilizers in and out the body ecosystems. Please use these natural stabilizers as life givers, the devta’s!
When we talk of multiple drug therapies, its bases cannot exist with its integration, and thus we have it as:, the modern therapies seem to be differentiation and this is what I strongly proposed in my seminar at the University of Adelaide in 1990 in Physics, Human and Society stating that when world resolves and thus dissolves to one mega theory as platform for all world theories, we will have solutions to almost any world problem. Its Indian System of Swaadhaya, and I gave it a name of Philselfology, the Practical Philosophy for East and West System Integration, and its helps in having one self-aim that is Sankalpa and rest is a story. Thanks!
P.S.: My friend Sione Koloi awarded me two degrees for it honorary by announcing in the lawns of the University of Adelaide: PhD, D. Lit and the Lectureship at the University! That is was my best student convocation and award winning qualifications and posts by my spiritual friend! Thanks to God as he, Sione Koloi calls it: God’s Plan for everyone!
This Sacred Plan that God has for all is called the aim of one in the life.
Now, when we consider the study of the universe in the Indian Systems, we notice that the Indians study it not just as the Sacred Triangles, but in almost all forms of shapes and symbols that represent the universe and nature in it. It can be a point, the bidnu, a line, a triangle, a square and lot more that we will study in the next part.
Most of the experts have explained the sacred universe in context to dimensional outlook of triangles, squares and hexagonal’s, and lot more with the string theories and the doughnut theories that well describe the universal that we see and thus world stops here.
The Indian View is that of the Point, the Bindu View of the Universe which embraces the Light as Bindu – the White, Matter – the Black and Sound – As the Bindu by itself and thus all as the Bindu. The Indian view always embraces all studies with E=MC*C in which the Bindu or Point is the Source of All that creates the universe from the sound, and this is not a simple sound that struck, but the sound which converts light into matter. This is what we call the Tej, Aura, Kanti and thus the source of the Brahma Agni, the Fire of the Universe that sustains it. This fire is common among all stars as all that is in the universe is created from the sound energy and is thus the Point Shapes as if enlarged Circles say the Earth, Moon and the Sun and all the systems in the universe. This is thus the source of all classical Indian creative arts, the music, dance and the instrumentals that change the genetic systems of anything in the universe.
Even the words that say the Classical simply seem to convey the Kalash+Kal, the Works of Kalasha. It has such a deep meaning in the Indian Civilizations that without the Kalasha nothing as life giving is ever performed and water in it is the symbol of life. Guess what is special in it:
You see when water evaporates from the Sacred Kalasha as shown above, we get all the secrets of life in the universe:
The sea system on earth gives the same expressions as the universe in the sacred Kalasha and nothing may describe it better than the following video:
For example, the Shri Yantra, which is for physical protection is either the Umbrella or Parachute type as we learn the 3-D view of these things, yes most of the sacred and the other things with hidden sacredness. The structure thus it has gives bright use of the secrets of the sacred universe for protection and maintenance of our health and wellness based on the theory of the bindu, the shoonya or zero:
“The Yantra: The Yantra is meditation diagram or ‘psychocosmogram’ containing linear and spatial geometrical permutations of the polarity between Shiva and Shakti. The form consists of the dot (or bindu – the mathematical point of zero dimension) and sets of mathematically defined interlocking triangles (upright for the male and inverted for the female) that are contained in a lotus circle as part of a larger diagram – the Mandala. ‘Yantra literally means loom, instrument or machine.
Yantras are found all over India, in temples and homes and within the contexts of worship and meditation. I was interested in the geometry of the Yantra, particularly the difficult to draw interlocking triangles, and wondered if there is prescribed way of making these symbols or a set of mathematical instructions?”
This wonderful discussion about sacred images and pictures and their mathematical solid expressions as the Sacred Rangoli gives great review and the inner view, please read more from the source with thanks:
N.B. and P.S.: Please note that all results and conclusions discussed here are based on my personal endeavor for more than 40 years, and I have studied it not only from the Veda Knowledge and Wisdom as through Sikhism and Hinduism, but from the “Genesis” in the Holy Bible in 1989 in Adelaide, South Australia. I wrote research papers on it in 1989, which I sent to USA, UK, Iran, Tasmania, Australia and some other parts of the world, and that is mainly based on the Holy Bible and the Genesis in it, the Holy Bible, which is the base of Jewish, Christian and Muslim, and other world religions and the faiths that are based in the Israel.
So, all that I research and write is not by accident that we reach to such conclusions. This is part of my research based Subject of Philselfology, the Practical Philosophy. I have done it without imitating and copying from the the resources and have published many research papers and books on and about it that discuss it as Philselfology and names similar to it say Self-study and Learning, the Swaadhaya, which again means personally carried research works. Thanks!
We will edit and add.
Thanks for your time!
Be Happy Philselfologically and keep doing the Swaadhaya!