plant based lifestyle


A plant-based lifestyle can be a beneficial way of living for people, animals, and the planet. Vegan and Vegetarian diets that implement nutritional wisdom are healthy and can contribute to the wellness of animals and the earth.

A plant-based lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular as more people embrace compassionate living and healthier diets. Following a plant-based diet means abstaining from consuming animal products such as beef, poultry, fish and dairy. This can include vegetarianism or veganism, both of which have their own set of guidelines to follow when it comes to eating plants.

This type of lifestyle is not just about food but also involves compassion for animals, the environment and your own health. Eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains has many proven benefits for both body and mind. A plant-based diet may help reduce risk of disease development by providing essential vitamins, minerals and fiber that are important for overall wellness. Not only will you be doing something good for yourself but also helping animals who are suffering due to animal agriculture practices around the world.

Plant-Based Diets


Vegans are generally the strictest plant-based category as they only consume plant-based products and they do not consume dairy nor eggs and may avoid products such as honey and wearing leather for ethical purposes.


Lacto Ovo Vegetarian 

The Lacto-Ovo diet includes dairy and eggs, but avoids all meats.

Ovo vegetarian

This diet allows for the consumption of eggs, but no dairy products.


Pescatarianism is the most flexible of the plant based diets that incorporates seafood into an otherwise vegetarian diet. Pescatarians may or may not consume other animal products such as dairy products and eggs.

Eating Healthy Without Meat

Vegan Health



This is a helpful resource book for those who wish to implement a plant-based diet

How To Be A Healthy Vegetarian 







Vegan – Vegetarian Articles





vegan grocery



Vegan – Vegetarian Discussion


Plant-Based Recipes


Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.

Albert Einstein


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