World Civilizations, Universe with Classical and Brahmi, the Quantum Languages: Quantum and Classical Studies of Light and Life: Sanskrit and Hebrew as Classical with Armenian and Gurmukhi as the Quantum Languages – Be Happy Philselfologically – 116
When we consider the Quantum Linguistics and the Classical Linguistics, we simply sum up what we as the humans can know from the universes while being observers of these sacred systems in the space, and thus the universes as the “Sacred Symmetry of Space that allows life play its all dimensions”. The Cosmic Play of Life goes well with 4 Primal Dimensions that are most primitive researches of the Indian Civilizations summed up as 4 Primal Speeds of Consciousness in which it goes as the Static, Kinetic, Dynamic and the Observer levels
1. A
2. E
3. O and
4. AE
As we have discussed earlier that these 4 Primal Vowels has constituted everything that we know with various names say Vedas, Simirities, Purana, Upnishada’s, Indian Sacred Math, Music, Geometry, Astrology, Astronomy, and so on.
Now, as we have seen it all as the Classical Indian Civilizations, world has remained untouched from the Quantum Indian Civilizations in which the greatest contributions are from the Holy Gita, Holy Ramayana, Holy Shri Guru Granth Sahib, and other world religions and the faiths.
The major point about the Holy Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, the Living Guru of Sikhism and the Sacred Collection of Indian and Asian Brahmi Languages as the Quantum Study of the Universe, Life and Consciousness with focus on the Mann, the Creative Intelligence needs attention from the scholars, intellectuals and philosophers, the world community in general that in this Holy and Collection of the Brahmi Languages, we notice that it uses the “Anti-pair to the Classical Languages say Sanskrit”, and we when study the “Light, the Classical, the Atama, the Atom Theory”, but for the Ishwara, the Consciousness, we use the Brahmi Sanskrit, and one should not get confused with Sanskrit and Brahmi Sanskrit. It is same in the Hebrew and the Brahmi Languages in the Israeli Civilizations, and even in the other parts of the world, we notice that the Classical Languages seem to have been educated as the “Only Languages of the God Systems”, and it is here we notice the never ending harm to Brahmi Languages of the World that “Now Extinct Everywhere”.
The Ishwara, the Poetics and the Consciousness based Right Brain Theories and the Quantum Systems as described in all world religions and faiths carry all world philosophies, maths, geometry, grammars, and all that the modern sacred education systems and the single models of everything explain. These keep up everything updated and there has been little chance that ever goes to claim and contradict anything in it as myth. In it, the Quantum Ishwara Systems all people discuss it with caste, creed, age, nation, state, education level, sex, qualification, and all that seems differences among people does not make any difference in the Quantum Education Systems. The Philselfological Model and Theory of Everything supports it as also the Single Model of World Education, Literacy Missions, Education of the Native, Rural, Tribal and the masses in the World Communities, and it has the “Vowel Theory that is also same for the Birds, Animals, and Other Systems that React to these systems”. These theories go very well with the “Deaf, Dumb, Blind and the Braille Systems” in the world. These fully understand and rest the “Most Ancient Theories of Elements in the World that constitute the World Religions, Faiths, Spiritualism, Holistic and Integrated Medicines, Alternative Medicines, and anything that deals knowledge and wisdom in the world, and its also the language, the programming language of the modern computing, computers and the machines.”
Previous Parts of the Series: Sign Language of the Universe and the Global Need and Role of Sacred, the Special Education for All Not Just for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind, but Indeed for All: Be Happy Philselfologically – 52
The Sacred Civilizations of India, China, Japan, and Other Countries offer what gives World the Stable, Eternal and Natural Knowledge, Wisdom and Ethics of Universal Marketing, Trading, Business and Global Economic Recession Management: Be Happy Philselfologically – 73
How Indian Sacred Theories of Pure DNA, the Vedas and Sacred DNA, the Purana are the Incarnation and Reincarnation of Pure and Sacred Worlds of DNA: Sacred Sikh Moolmantra and Be Happy Philselfologically – 68
For this reason and many other reasons described in this part and in the Series of Be Happy Philselfologically, the Gurmukhi as the Representation of Religious, Spiritual and Sacred Languages of the World Brahmi, the Ishwari, the Jeeva Languages, the Languages of the Native Birds, Animals and Humans as the Ishwara Languages and thus the Brahmi Languages of God and Holy Spirit who Speaks and Talks need to be Official Language of UNO and or may it be UNESCO Linguistic and Language Development and Evolution (if other claims of Philselfolgical Model of Everything seems to big and too many) and thus the Officially Approved languages of Other International Agencies for the Promotion of the Quantum Civilizations of the Brahmi Languages as it also represent all Indian Languages preserving almost all Indian Brahmi Languages and Some of the Major Arabian Languages that Sikhs worship as the Brahmi, the Living Guru, Shri Guru Granth Sahib, the Holy and Sacred Book of Brahmi Languages and preserves it for the humanity from hundreds of years with the Gurmukhi Grammar of Brahmi Languages in the Gurmukhi Script and Original Languages with the same. These Brahmi Languages may always face extinction as the Jeeva, the Consciousness languages, but the Light, the Symbols, Sign, Design and Patterns of the Light of Universe may never change that is why it needs attention in our contemporary ages and in future and that can be problem of any region and the world civilization, and is that major part of World Culture, Heritage and Archaeological Living Systems.
The Light, the Atama and the Consciousness, the Jeeva are two observers in all classical and the quantum studies in the world and thus say the Sanskrit (Light) and Gurmukhi (Jeeva, the Consciousness) as the Pair of Languages in all world language structures.
These Brahmi Languages are well preserved say in the Holy Bible, Holy Quran Sharif, Holy Shri Guru Granth Sahib and some other Brahmi Language based scriptures and the prayer books and the manuscripts, and that people practice these languages daily and thus it also constitutes the “Verbal Civilizations Alive from Generations to the Next Generations, the Living World of Brahmi Systems”, and modern education systems in many parts of the world are great threat to all of it as modern institutions in almost any form do not educate anyone about anything that these Holy Books and the Scriptures and the Brahmi Languages, and that is how its on its way to almost fully extinct from daily life of most of the people in the world. It may also extinct the world religions and faiths that describe the Brahmi, the Quantum Languages, and the Poetics as the Essence of Sacred Educations in the Modern World.
In this context, we need the UNO in two formats, the Eastern, the Quantum Sacred Systems of World Religions, Faiths, Jeeva, Consciousness, and most of what we have described the Single Theories of Everything from East, and its all the “Scout and Guide, the Scouting Systems” that follows the Ancient Quantum Systems in our modern age. The Western and the Modern UNO and Other Agencies seem to need the Classical Sacred Systems. If we say we can put the Brahmi Languages say the Gurmukhi and the Armenian as the Quantum Languages, we can solve most of world problems with greater ease as otherwise it seems that UNO is having less impact on the world as it may tend to introduce the “Classical Systems, which we can also put the Applied Researches from World Synthesis”, the Quantum Systems on the Other Hand are from the World Religions and Faiths, and deal with the Pure Researches and the Innovations that modern education systems do not even recognize, then how we can think of “Bright Past, Present and Future of World and the World Civilizations”. For trail purposes we can setup the Eastern Quantum UNO either in association with UNO or as its “New Quantum Dimension Approving the Theories of Elements and the Dimensions”.
We notice that modern education systems may not teach Sacred Education Systems of World Civilizations, but what we notice that in the name of “Cultural Awareness”, we have only the “Classical Languages, Dances, Music, Literature, Instruments and so on” is exhibited in “All UNO and Other Governing Agencies and Bodies Showing it as we also notice it in the Olympics, World Cups, International and National Programs in almost all countries” and meets the “International Criteria of Democracy” that may be either secular or non-secular, and thus we notice the “Genocide and Extinction of Everything Quantum, the Right Brain and Left Body Systems that World Religions and Faiths offer”. That is why it seems that world is getting one place where officially everything is classical, and the rating of the Quantum, the Brahmi Systems and thus the Ishwara, the Jeeva, and Consciousness based world religion, faiths and doctrines face extinction from the UNO, Governing Systems and Officialdom. The use of word “officialdom” does not mean anything bad but the in the executions of the international laws may not approve the “Quantum, Conscious, Jeeva, Personal Concerns, Mann, the Creative Intelligence, etc.” in the execution as it always invites the need of “Explanation Letters, Inquiries, Commissions, Panels, and so on that determine if officer concerned has used the personal interest that violates the classical procedures”, and that simply means conditioning of not only the masses but also the officials as say in the developing countries where curfews, anti-terrorism, use of forces and the similar are common. This seem to have developed the following:
“Medical staffs give reports what has been cured and remains silent about how diseases arise in the developing countries say in India and other Asian countries… and its here that Global Funds get maximum side ways that may not stop pollution and corruption, and thus maximum funds seem to go into “Maintaining the Systems rather than Modifying the same”, and it seem to have exploited the law, education, health, industry, trading, and in nutshell whatever “money can do and influence”, and that has seem to be the “Anti-Christ (that anti to Jeeva, the Consciousness, Spirit, and the Living Systems), and thus we have observed end of any recognition to life and consciousness in Asia, and most of Modern Asians Systems educate almost nothing about the Christ, the Quantum, the Right Brain Systems. It seems to have made the Asian Systems as if having no feelings and concerns for the living species as “painless” seems to exist as an easy solution to the “Quantum Consciousness Based Systems” and life that now suffocates with heavy pollution. It seems due to excessive use of the Classical, the Antichrist Systems.”
It also seems so in many other parts of the world and only thing that we do not seem to accept it. The reason is very simple and that is the Classical Systems are the Theories of Perfection (Gyana), the General Intelligence, the Atama, the Light, the Modern Theories of say Light and Bliss and the Quantum Systems are the Theories of Purity, and that is the Purity of Consciousness, the Feelings, the Mann, the Creative Intelligence, and thus the 9 Modes of Quantum, the Bhagati, which is the Nine Moods in the Humans and its management. The Indian Sacred Systems describe the 9 Moods and the 9 Bhagati, the Quantum Sacred Systems as the Navadha Bhagati with focus on the Moon, the Lunar Systems that is called the Cycle of 27 Days (Rashi and Nakshtrapati thus the Sacred Systems that work as the Quantum Qubit Processors of all that come from the Signs and the Constellations), and the 10th Mood is the Perfection of Ego Systems that is the “Super Ego as the Master Systems, which is the Highest Level of Ego and Intellect, and is the Gyana, the Space Element Systems” with focus on the Sun. Thus the Gyana is the Theory of DNA and the RNA follows the Bhagati Systems. Now, its a hypothesis and does not intend to condemn anything but add the “Knowledge as the Processing of Two Brains, the Classical (Left) and the Quantum (Right) with the Heart (Emotions) as the Qubit Tricolor and Trinity of the Qubit Systems”.
The people who get political, governing and official credit against the Quantum, the Brahmi Systems have to exhibit loyalty to the “Classical Systems of the World” as otherwise most of the people who fail to do so has been put antisocial, terrorists, and threat to humanity in some or all possible means, and then how people like me raising such points may seem normal to most of the people who are well conditioned with the classical systems from the ages and great genocides in the world with wars and violence are nothing but dominance of the Classical over the Brahmi, the Quantum Systems. It seem to have faced extinction in almost all world heritages, cultures, archeological places, tribal, native, rural, and other natural resources and places within the framework of say last 100 years of humanity against thousands years of greatness of natural world and the Brahmi, the Quantum Systems.
The Modern Oppression of the Theory of Elements and the Dimensions has made masses understand the Quantum, the Zero Point Energy, and the similar free energy systems. The reason for it seems that the people while following the “Textbook or Academics Based Knowledge and Wisdom” may not work on the “Tat Darshana, the Theory of Elements, and that has been a big problem as otherwise we discuss the “Elephant by Tail and Legs, and not the Compete Body”, and that is what “Plato Studied Well” in the “Sacred Theory of Forms that Describes the Theory of Elements with the Theory of Similarities” that the “Every Leaf is shared as common among all trees”, and that is essence of all theories of elements and the dimensions as the leaf, trunk, branches, roots, flowers, seeds and so on all are the “Dimensions of the Tree”. We can follow the “Theory of Forms” as the “Theory of Elements and Dimensions” in this way in which the leaf, flower, trunk, etc. are the “Elements, the Tat of the Tree and its presence in various trees is the “Theory of Similarities” and on the same tree its the “Theory of Dimensions”. Its also same as the “Brahmanda, the Universe as Egg Theory” as developed by the same philosophers. Its the “Size and Ratio” that matters, and its thus the “Zero and the Decimal Theory”. To understand Everything of Everything, we have either “Philosophy of Zero” and or “How the Zero is Placed in the Given Systems as the Decimals”, and this is what all dipoles follow to run the universe and every smallest unit of the universe, the Big Elephant!
In other words, the Classical Systems of Light, the Atama still have to accept the Christ, the Avtara Theory as also the Lord Thy God, the Ishwara as say the Isaiah (According to studies of the Holy Bible, the Sacred Book of the Brahmi, the Quantum Systems that says a lot about the Ishwara as the Isaiah, the Indian name Isha, and that has also been name of Lord Jesus Christ as the Ishwara, the Isaiah, and Living God’s as the Ishwara, the Isaiah or the Jehovah, the Jeeva, the Quantum, the Living God and that also so in world religions and faiths ), the Ishwara, the God Who Speaks and Talks, and thus the Official Recognition of the Ishwara, the Quantum God Systems in the world. Most of us may find to funny that World Official Systems may not recognize Ishwara, the Consciousness and Suffering occurring in the Birds, Plants, Trees, Animals, Fossils and other things, but keep claiming (officially though) that only a human has the “Atama, the Superior Intelligence”, and this seems to be followed blindly in the Developing and the Underdeveloped Countries as it may imitate the UNO, International Governing Systems without respecting the World Religions, Faiths and thus the Ishwara Side of the Life Systems in the World, and that seem to have caused the major harms and losses to the life in the jungle, cutting trees, pollution, corruption and so on that is otherwise a very simple and plain truth.
The Isaiah or the Eshwara, the Ishwara, the IK, the EK System do not differ. In the Philselfological Single Model and Theory of Everything, we have it all as the Quantum Qubit Systems as the “IS” is everything as it constitutes the I-SAHA or the E-SAHA that is the Qubit in which we have the E=O+A and the SAHA is the Classical Systems that creates the Bonds. The “E as the EK or the ESA or simply IS has all that the Quantum Sciences, Systems and thus the Sacred Systems in the World” can offer. Here the “I” is same as we have discussed the Euler Sacred Systems of Mathematics, which are basically the Ishwara Systems of the I or E as the IK or EK in the Indian and other Asian or the World Civilizations that discuss the IS as the IS:, the I-SAHA Systems. Here again world classical and the quantum can always together be easily understood as the “I-SAHA” Systems. It is same as the “Sohun-Hansa” that is the “I-SAHA”. The Arabian Languages put it all as say the “I-SAHA as I-LAHI” Systems as described in the Gurmukhi Scripts describing the Persian and Other Arabian Sacred and the Scientific Systems of the Quantum Qubit Systems that need lot more research as we have emerged into the Quantum, the Brahmi Systems in the World nowadays with the Single Theories and Models of Everything. The “LAHA and the HALA Systems” are well described linguistically in the Indian Languages as according to the Philselfological Model of Everything. In simple way, the “LAHA is the Vowel Theory and the HALA is the Consonant Theory”.
Please read more about it in the previous part of the series:
Previous Part of the Series: How Ik Onkara by Sikh Gurus Explain E=M*C*C as Light, Energy and Matter Equations: Euler Math, Gurbani, Gurmukhi Language, and Sacred Education Systems as Essence of All World Religions, Faiths and Philosophies: Be Happy Philselfologically – 115b
The “IS, the I-SAHA and the ISHWARA as the I-SAHA-WARA Systems” are described in the sister blog post:
How Gurmukhi and Gurbani describes Indian, Arabian, Israeli and other World Quantum Qubit Systems as the Jewish and Hindu Quantum Sacred Systems as Theories of Vowels, Consonants, Rama and Raheema Qubit Systems, and IK Onakara as the Euler’s Formula and the Ishwara-Onkara Systems – Be Happy Philselfologically – 114b
In other words, the Philselfological Single Model and Theory of Everything discusses and describes the Quantum Qubit Systems as the I-SAHA-WARA, the Ishwara systems in which the “Focus is not the Light of “I”, but the Congregational Light of Two Photons, the I and the SAHA, the Congregations, and thus the Alice and the Bob as the “I and the SAHA” in which the SAHA is the Qubit Bond, and the WARA is the BOB while “I” is the Alice, and it can be vice versa that “I” can be BOB Systems as well. Thus, whether literally or philosophically, the Philselfological Model is as simple as Alice and Bob in all human relationships, the SAHA, that is called the “Personal Relation with God” through Guru and thus the Gurparsadi Systems in the Indian Civilizations that has Guru, Disciple and God while that is same as the Son, God and Holy Spirit. These has “Word, the Shabada, Sound Energy, the Quantum Information Universe” common in all.
In other words, the Ishwara, the Quantum and the Consciousness is the Single Model of Everything, the 4th Dimension, the God Dimension that still needs recognition officially as otherwise we still think of the Light as the Quantum while the Consciousness is also the Quantum as the Life, the 4th Dimension. While we discuss the Philselfological Model of Everything, we also talk and discuss the “Ishwara, the Jeeva, and thus Consciousness as the Single Biological and Botanical Model of Everything” and any suffering caused to it is of highest possible level as notice great suffering to living species in the laboratories and the human suffering as well. Thus the Theories against Christ, the Jeeva, the Consciousness and thus the Life in any form is not recognized and that gives almost no equal rights to suffering in any form as animals suffer because, the Anti-Ishwara (Christ) Systems do not recognize animal suffering, and if painless injections are given even human may not feel any pain in suffering. That is why Anti-Christ Theory seems to cause maximum suffering to the Christ, the Jeeva (Consciousness), and claims seem to be made on “it does not feel pain”, but the simple reason, the “Simple Model of Every Modern Suffering” seems that the Anti-Christ (Light Systems, the God who does not take birth or die, and is thus all light) do not recognize the Christ (Ishwara, the Jeeva, the Living God)
Please read more about it: Sacred Wisdom of Mouth, Languages, Scripts, Linguistics: How World has Hindi and Punjabi Parental and Mother Languages: Philselfology of Glossolalia and Golden Times of India – A Civilization – 50
The modern world educational, academic, governing, nongovernment, the uno, etc. systems seem to have keen interest in the Sanskrit and Hebrew from the Ancient Times, but the “Brahmi Languages may get almost NO attention in UNO, and Other Hot Seats of Human Civilizations”. For this purpose, the recognition of Brahmi Languages need to be recognized as say Gurmukhi (also present as the Shahmukhi Sacred Systems and the Sindhi Sacred Systems, and the Armenian Languages as the “Most Basic Brahmi Languages of Ancient and Modern Civilizations in the India and Israel”, and here we seem to notice highest level of genocide possible in the human civilizations all over the world, and is still seem to going on as modern UNO, Government and World Structures seem to be Classical (Sanskrit and Hebrew) and not the Quantum as in the Armenian and the Gurmukhi, the Brahmi Languages, and that is why it also seem the extinction of world languages that are Brahmi Languages say Armenian and Gurmukhi (Punjabi, Sindhi, Shahmukhi) face the “Complete Identity Loss” as modern world civilizations recognize everything in Europe, America and Australia tracing from say Hebrew and Sanskrit and pays almost no importance to the Brahmi Language Systems of say Armenian, Gurmukhi and Other Brahmi Languages that are far more primitive and ancient in the universe due to its base on observations and thus the languages of the “Quantum, Creative and Photonic Systems in the World”.
Well, what I have tried to describe and explain Armenian simply also mean the Aramaic Language. This needs an explanation what we mean here as we do in the next paragraphs.
Say in Indian Civilizations one may think that Sanskrit is the Language of Gods and the Goddesses, but one may not imagine Gods and the Goddesses speaking the Punjabi, Rajasthani, Marathi, Gujrati, and other Indian Languages. For this reason, the Indian Regional Languages has never been able to get the “Religious, Faith, Spiritual, and Other Sacred or Divine Status”. The other point is that most of the modern people seem to have forgotten the Sanskrit Languages, which has been Indian Religious Languages in the ancient times.
The Gurmukhi (also present as Sindhi and Shahmukhi Sacred Systems) as the “Language of the Universe derived from the Sanskrit Roots is representation of all Indian, many Arabian and other Brahmi Languages in the world”. In this context, the Gurmukhi, the Punjabi is one of the most authentic language of All Indian Sacred Systems, and at the same time it takes up all Ancient Indian Languages. Its grammar differs from the Sanskrit Language a very little that it deals with the Quantum Studies of the Creative Intelligence, the Mann while the Sacred Grammars of the Sanskrit deal with the Atama, the Atomic Theories and thus well describe the “Ancient Science and Technology based on the Atomic Theories”.
The Quantum Holy Scriptures of the World use the Vedas as the Old Testament and as the Classical System as from the Hinduism and the Jewish Religion.
If we retrieve from the life in the universe and the Indian Alphabets based on the Indian Theories of Elements and Dimensions, we notice that the Vowel and the Consonant Theories has been the Sanskrit and the Brahmi Sanskrit Systems of the World and “Life in the Universe”.
The Jewish and Hinduism discuss two major parts of the world religions and faiths:
1. The Light that does not Speak, the Atama to say, and it supports not the Ishwara Languages, but the Mathematical Languages say the Sanskrit and the Hebrew, and as this describes the Classical Left Brain, its the Language of Light and not the Flesh, and thus are the Atama and the Parmatama Philosophy of the World Civilizations
2. The Presence of Jeeva, the Jehovah, Isaiah (Isha), and what we say the Language of the RAMA, the Consciousness but not the Light of the Left Brain is well supported and described in the Poetics of All World Languages that we call the Brahmi Languages in which the “Source is not the Gods, but the Consciousness, the Jeeva Systems in the Universe”, and the Aramaic (Armenian) and the Gurmukhi as the Brahmi Languages is what observes the Gurbani Theory of “Sabhai ghat Ram Bolai…” in everything speaks the consciousness and that is the Source of Brahmi Languages that we say the Ishwara, the Paremeshwara Languages.
Now, one may find it bit difficult to either understand or accept it, but we all have left and the right brain systems, and the Classical Languages say as the Sanskrit and Hebrew describe mainly the Left Brain and thus discusses the Mathematics and the logic gates of the Classical Systems.
The Gurmukhi, Aramaic (Armenian, the Language Jesus Spoke) describes the Jeeva Systems and thus the Right Brain that gives Jeeva, the Consciousness and the Mann, the Poetics and Musics, and it is thus the Quantum Side of the Human Brains. Its the Linguistics not the Mathematics.
Thus, the Sanskrit with Hebrew and the Gurmukhi with the Armenian are the Two Brains Sides as the Classical and the Quantum Brains, and that is why we need UNO having these languages as the official languages of all world civilizations and that Sanskrit and Hebrew System as the Classical Systems develop the Left Human Brains (Light) and the Gurmukhi and the Armenian Languages develop the “Quantum, the Poetics” in the Right Brain, and thus the Jeeva, the Ishwara Sacred Systems that Mahatama Gandhi and Indians from the ancient times and in the modern times sing as: “Rama! Rama!” as the Systems of the Ishwara.
The First thing in the Universe is the Brahmi and the Brahm means what the Visible World Shows us and thus Languages:
“Kita Paasao Eko Kavao…” (Gurbani, the Sacred Philosophy and Teachings of Sikhism)
“God Dimension has created the Universe from the 4th Dimension, the E, the Self-assembling Energy in the K, the Space, and thus the EK, the EKO Systems.”
Now, when the Quantum Dimension of God at the 4th Level is used, its the “EA, the EAK”, the 4th Pada, the Position in the Indian Civilizations and all other world religions and the faiths say the same.
In the “Theory and Philosophy of EKO KAVAO”, the EKO is always written and composed as the Quantum Qubit Systems, and that is the Poetics, and we as humans develop the “Prose, the Classical” and that way we slowly forget the “Poetics, the Quantum Basis” and argue bitterly as with the “Prose, the Classical Basis”. In every age and the civilizations, the “Books of Reference as the Prose becomes the Books of Law” and this creates the governing bodies who creates arms and the weapons to make people obey the “Classical Systems of the Universe AS Written in the Classical Books”, and thus all Holy Books and the Scriptures are put from the “Sacred Poetics and the Sacred Education” to the “Official Classical Prose and the Governing Bodies National and International Laws about which the Masses may know a little bit only”. It further develops the “Theories of Good and Bad, Reward and Punishment”, and thus the Dualism in which people who can argue win. If one speaks against the “Books of Law”, one is a traitor, criminal and threat to the “God, Nature and Humanity!”
So, we notice the great crusades compelling people of various nations to accept the “Classical Books of Prose and its Interpretations”, and they happen not to do so, the wars and violence with serious criminal punishments has been given even though when everyone knows that one is well versed in the “Quantum Poetics”.
In every world civilization, and in the nation or a state, we notice that the only people who suffer are the “Quantum People” in our modern age, and most of the rulers and thus the governing bodies seem to impose its “Classical Systems” as the “Best and the Finest Ways”, and that seem to have created the great suffering in the modern world, the world wars, terrorism and the violence.
The one reason that modern world seem to have faced world wars, and great violence is that the Asian World Religions and Other World Religion have Two Doctrines:
1. The Philosophy of the World Religions and Faiths (Quantum Side)
2. The Action Theories (Karma Kanda) of World Religions and Faith (Classical Side)
No world religion and faith in its philosophy guides about the “Action, Violence and Killing of Life in Any Form”.
However, it seems that when western civilization took the Eastern Civilizations as from Egypt, India and Other Asian Countries, all that was studied went as the Philosophy of World Religions and Faiths, and that was true approach for the Quantum Leap given by the Ancient Civilizations. However, as we notice the Karma Kanda as the Action Theory and Religious Costumes and Wearings were not well understood about how the Classical and the Quantum Systems of World Religions and Faiths are correlated. For this reason, when say Asian People try to emphasize the “Religious Rituals” in say west, we find it bit odd and thus modify it a lot in our modern age and as the worst Mesmer in the west went far enough to ban these rituals and introduce the Mesmer Education Systems.
The Modern Education Systems focus on the Left Brain, and thus Math, Logic and Technology developed a lot in last 300 years. However, the Religions and Faiths lost what it claimed the Quantum Dynamics of World Religions and Faith.
In the Indian Sacred Systems, we have the Dharma and the Mati Systems, and the Dharma is what we know religion as Science, but the Mati is the Religion as Philosophy. The Indian Dharma may not follow Living God, the Ishwara in the Classical Systems and mainly focus on the Atama, the Atom Theory. However, the Ishwara, the Speaking God is well studied in the Christianity, Muslim and the Sikh Religions and thus these follow the Philosophy, the Mati, which is called the Philosophy of Holy Spirit, Shakti, Creative Intelligence, and the similar that deals with the “Mann, the Zero Point Energy Systems as the Human Emotions and Feelings”, which the Classical World Religions and Faith Doctrines may call the Lower Intelligence.
The Philosophy of Atama, the Atom Theory is that it does not take birth, and its the JEEVA, the Consciousness that takes birth and dies and with it is associated our Emotional Intelligence, the Creative Intelligence, and thus the Theories of Reincarnation and Avtara, the Christ Theories. The Classical Sacred Systems support the Incarnation Theories, and thus may not at all support the Philosophy of Ishwara, Reincarnation, Avtara, and that is why these, the Classical Studies of World Religions and Faiths do not support Christ Theory, but the Antichrist Theory of Incarnation. For this very reason, the modern systems are called the Classical Systems of Antichrist, which does not mean evil or bad, but it does not create legal, educational and other grounds in which human emotions can be given priority.
Thus, the Quantum Theories as the Reincarnation Theories of Two Photon (Father and the Holy Spirit) reincarnating the Son (Qubit Systems) solves 300 years of Antichrist Theories a Pause, and thus we think of Mati, the Philosophy of Religion with Ishwara, the Infinite and the Zero Point Energy Systems that remained hidden from the masses for a very very long time in our modern age.
Please read more about it from: Philselfological Education System: New Sacred Ecological Education System Based on Kids of First Grade Research Works, the Initiatives : The Proposal Grounds of Phiselfological Model of Everything: Be Happy Philselfologically – 44
Previous Part of the Series: How Ik Onkara by Sikh Gurus Explain E=M*C*C as Light, Energy and Matter Equations: Euler Math, Gurbani, Gurmukhi Language, and Sacred Education Systems as Essence of All World Religions, Faiths and Philosophies: Be Happy Philselfologically – 115b
Next part of the series: World Religions and Faiths are the Philosophical Studies of World Cultures and Civilizations: How Quantum and Classical Dual Qualifications can Stop Violence and Terrorism in World: Be Happy Philselfologically – 117
We will edit and add.
Thanks for your time reading it!
Please Be Happy Philselfologically, the Quantum Poetics of Your Nation and the Civilization!