Philselfological Single Model of Sign Language of Universe and Global Need, and Role of Sacred and Special Education for All Humans, Animals, Birds, Deaf, Dumb and Blind: Be Happy Philselfologically – 52
With our special and sacred thanks to the Deaf, Dumb, and Blind Schools and General Education as in Patiala:
I was mainly connected to the Deaf, Dumb and Blind Schools at Patiala and some other cities due to my serious interest about how they communicate. Who in Patiala can ever forget the great ideal Sardar Karaminder Singh, popular as Col. Karaminer Singh or Colonel Sahib. The Braille has been a great contribution for the blind people, and we may pause to think how it was written and what the inventor would have thought as put it into pure, applied and action form of research that now blinds can see!
Most of the people, who go for abortion or destroy, killing the fetus seem to kill the deaf, dumb and the blind people or who seem to be handicap as most of us may know nothing about their health and wellness and thus that when the parental health is poor that may due to lack of knowledge as in the most of the cases we notice, and thus conception, pregnancy to delivery and brought up of an infant is not just a recipe reading as we notice most of people see cooking, health, video games and all that idle world can have is at one’s finger tips but about special education and how we can prevent births of handicap children is almost not a known point and we usually notice people may even avoid seeing such programs in any kind of media!
This has been a great concern about how researchers, inventor and thinkers with the rest of the world think, feel, act and do as in the modern world we have only about 1-2% of research works going on and rest is just the world of users, who may not be scientists, technologists, inventors and thus what we are in the modern world either the students, who later become good users or leave our education, studies, training and research that ends up in even being a bad users and at times abusers as what lacks research lack human knowledge and wisdom that has not been used and idle computers and brains seem to be in remote working conditions, but how long is a big question of Philselfology, the Practical Philosophy that is always as its beauty a Verbal Wisdom that experts give to people, who practice trial and error as if they know nothing.
We call it Wisdom of Mouth, the Knowledge and Wisdom of Vedas and the Ayurveda that gives all what is patent universally and all are users as anyone who knows it can use and thus the culture, traditions, customs, ethics, morals, and all ends up at the world religions and faiths that if one knows, one can practice as free users with no conditions or world of prerequisite points that we seem to have when we talk about the academically success that may fail in life, but verbal knowledge and wisdom has never failed in the universe as moms, dads, grannies and elders know it more than the experts in the world can ever know and imagine (And that can supercomputers!)
In this 52 part of Be Happy Philselfologically, we focus broadly and random at time about the special education that we all need no matter who and what we are, and all of it depends on how we understand the glory of divine vowels with the boundaries that embrace the sawar-loka,the world of sounds, the divine vowels and thus the heavens: “AA EE OO” and it is a great pleasure for all of us that all works and the research works are now global as we live in a village, called Mother Earth and internet and technology can make all things so handy that we are left with nothing but progress, development, evolution and thus welfare of all when we research!
I did my additional subject of Education in 1996-97, and it is an additional subject to my main subjects of Math, Physics, Chemistry, Punjabi and English in which I have graduated in 1994 as B.Sc. (Mathematical Sciences, the non-medical as we say in India) along with ESL, the English as a Second Language in 1989 from Muirden Colleges of Adelaide, South Australia. I had put all these works at one place as PhD in (AM) with Philselfological Multiple Counseling in 2005, and did MD (AM) in the similar subjects in 2006, and have an RMP Class 1 license to practice it from the Center Government of India, the Indian Board of Alternative Medicines since 2005, no wonder “AA EE OO” helps all, and I hope to get some more credits as its the Sacred Education that Pays from Womb to Tomb!
For example, the longest duration of Bismuth is the best remedy for Cancer and its based on the natural law and principle that whatever is at the center, the radius may vary from the atom to radius of the universe and at there we can have glowing Bismuth, but here on earth it heals as what we know Guru Gorakh Nath’s Himalayan Ayurveda for all that has Ayurveda following it in the modern health and wellness institutions. As we know, the Botany and Ayurveda are one and same thing, we have life starting botanically from the ancient mountains and we have the Himalayas in Asia and that has one of the ancient culture that sprouts the Ayurvedic Medicines as the Homeopathy is a big branch of it and thus the Sadhu Samaj,the Society of Sadhus’ means who are Sanyasi give the Ayurveda and Yoga making world a better place, and why they use Bhanga, the Marijuana as a super-tonic has an answer in Ayurveda and Homeopathy. The same is true for say Bismuth!
In the context of the Divine Vowels, the Secret of Sacred Education, all are exactly ONE as the deaf, dumb, blind and other people follow the Divine Grammars of Vowels in exactly the same way producing sounds as the following video shows. They keep uttering the “AA EE OO” and still bigger sets of “A E I O U” as if “A AA E EE O OO” and so on, and we can easily manage teaching them this divine grammar otherwise, they feel rejected and upset. The deaf does the same and so does the blind and other handicaps like the Austin kids follow the same as I have been helping them for a very long:
The great wonder comes when we notice that even animals use it and the birds sing it too and we can help and heal them by simply following what they say as how they utter and speak the sounds of “aa ee oo”!
Even the lion in this video says: “AA EE OO” and please see the body movements, from the abdomen it says: “AA”, from the heart and lung zones, it says: “EE” and from mouth and raising head up it says: “OO”
And thus : “AAA… EEE… OOO…”
The dogs also follow the same system of “AA EE OO” and thus manages dog’s personal life as what all is needed is to help the dog say: “AA EE OO”:
The great difference that cats have is the voice that ends when they bow their heads as: “AA…”, and if stop in between without lowering heads: “EE…” and if lift their heads, “OO…” and no doubt “MEOW” is also “A… E… O…”, and thus all cats say it very well: “AA EE OO”:
The birds follow the same sounds and say as this crow says: “AA EE OO”, but he is looking down in this video and says less of “OO” as almost all living ones utter “OO” or “OO OO” while putting the heads towards the sky, but its an excellent video about how the cow speaks and says the divine “AA EE OO”:
The birds and animals all use the “AA EE OO” sounds and we all can communicate with them as they too can communicate with us, the humans when we know and learn how a bird or an animal asks for food while saying “AA AA” from the abdomen, saying “EE EE” from the heart centers, the chest while feeling the compassion, happiness and joys of life, and saying “OO OO” from the Mouth Upward while thinking as the humans do as the Tigers, Foxes, Dogs and Cats utter “OO OO” from their mouths as the children and the grown up humans do. At one point when a human has not learned any languages, all the animals, birds and humans especially the children, the kids say only the Sacred Vowels: “AA EE OO”, and its variations and this is the Language of the Universe that develops and our DNA Evolutions take place. All Saints and the Sadhus, the Spirituals and the Artists and anyone experiencing the humanly feelings simply says: “AA EE OO” and its variations expressing the humanly feelings as the animals and the birds do as the native people and the aboriginals all over the world do.
The kids whether special or others react in the same way when we show them the complete scenario or picture of say the rolling down the shutters, and that it produces the sounds of coming down as “AAA”, and in the middle of total distance it has the sound, “EEE” as it follows and the motion and sound near the bottom that can be on the roof if the movements are upwards and it can be in any or many up, down and circular motion, but all goes as: “AA EE OO” up and down and “EE OO AA” and or “OO AA EE” and it depends on the distance and direction it covers as we notice, the distance is as if the “AA” and any direction that is use of force creating velocity that gives the “EE” sounds and when we set any velocity, we need to either accelerate or retards it and that is change in velocity and or direction and that is why without changing the distance, we manage the time and velocity equation with acceleration and thus “AA = Distance, EE= Velocity, OO = Acceleration” that gives distance, time, direction, displacement, velocity, and acceleration equations of Math and Physics that even kids can understand. Let us see how a special child can speak up with “AA EE OO”, the divine vowel terms for a rolling down a shutter of security, and thus the special education:
I have been able to teach and educate with this self-educating methods to many students who excelled a lot after say a week or so, during the last weeks, I taught Mr. Chanapreet Singh about these concepts and how it affects the math and arithmetic along with geometry and other branches say trigonometry, and he immediately followed and picked it up:
In my lessons of Be Happy Philselfologically and the Wisdom of Mouth, Champion Singh, my nephew and I have discussed a lot about the origin of graph that is “AA”, the X-Axis and any distance with direction covered as “EE”, the Y-Axis and then any velocity and accelerations so produced as the “OO”, the Z-Axis that works well for all graphs, directions, measurements, angles, ratios, integrations, differentiations, stats, and all that covers “AA, EE, OO” and above all Computer Programming, the 3-Dimensional Calculus and Math in that direction in general made super easier Philselfologically as Mr. Chanapreet Singh a student has done it well, he is the one, who has just passed 10 2 and has just joined Graduation with Science, Math and Computer Engineering lest he wanted to leave it!
Champion Singh is my nephew while studying Masters of Commerce in Business and Insurance as he finished his BBI, the Bachelors of Business and Insurance before it about one and half years ago as when he joined Masters based on the merit of BBI:
The Sign Grammars without the use of “AA EE OO” may do harm than any good as not the entire body language is in use as legs and abdomen gives the “AA” sounds, the arms and chest gives the “EE” sounds and the head with use of arms give the “OO” and thus, if we use the Divine Grammars of Divine Vowels, the Divine is from the Devian, the Goddess and the Mothers as the Devi means that Drives the Forces say that the Sacred Vowels creates and thus teaching all, and thus the ease of using the sign languages:
The music has the same set of sounds of divine vowels as we have in our real life that we say swargam, the sargama or simply sargam. In context to modern systems of musical notations, it seems brain torturing when all notations seem to have been set to say the staff of 12 that seems against the natural raga system of Indians that gives the best, “Blank Beats, the Divine Beats” that is part of Indian Classical Vocal, Instrumental and Dances without which we may never understand the divinity of the Indian Classical’s in even the grammars that says that all world languages comprise of 35 vowels and words, the sounds and the 36th is a blank as S: or Sah that helped me to write the musical notations as follows:
“Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni Sah” and “Sa Ni Dha Pa Ma Ga Re Sah” that defines the 7 sounds of sargam as its: “1. Sa, 2. Re, 3. Ga, 4. Ma, 5. Pa, 6. Dha, 7 Ni” and can have only Blank S: or Sah as the eighth swara, the musical sound in the Sargama.
These all with S: or Sah function best on 8 and 16 rather than 6 and 12 scales and I may not exactly give any details in the real context as I have done on my part that says in 16 scale, we have 2 Blank Spaces that justify Indian Classical that goes beyond the 3 Dimensions of X, Y, Z and reaches to the Zero or Shunaya Extension of Zero, the Origin, the Dhura of Graphs, and thus we have bliss of 4 beats as it says:
“The Major steps that sounds like the Divine Vowels’ Divine Sounds with 3-1, the 4 – Dimensions is as follows as the listener one enjoys it as the Bliss of Blank, the Shunaya, the Decimal or Zero of Indian Classical Music and Arts:
1. Instruments playing the “AA EE OO …”
2. Dance Director saying it Vocally: “AA EE OO …”
3. The Dancer creates all possible sounds of “AA EE OO …”
4. Bliss Points: Blank Beats of Instruments as “…”, Singers and Dancers
And thus together all sounds seem to be “TAA TIN-TIN TAA …” as “AA EE OO …” in the sequence where one step can be silent and that is without sounds and that very silent, blank or meditation point is the Divine Grammar of World Languages, Scripts, and Linguistics of Music, the Vocal, Instrumental and the Dance which use the world languages musically as the following video shows:
(With thanks from the admin sources: Philselfology of World of Shabari Mantras, Sidhha, Instrumental and Vocal Music, and Classical Dances, the Kathak: Divine Grammars and the Computer Programming Skills: Be Happy Philselfologically – 51
This musical rhythm is part of Indian Special Musical Educations as Philselfologically and thus in India and other countries, the set of Sacred Vowels is “WA HE GU ROO” same as “AA EE OO UU” as described for all learners including the birds and the animals:
“Do you know what is it that beats in every sun sign, rashi chakra, constellation chakra, and all the chakras in the human body… its “Aaa. Eiy…Oou… Ouu.” yes “Waheguru” and thus the entire cosmic music says “Waheguru” that means “W…a.. H..e..i… G…u… R…u”, and when next you say it please note all of living and non living things in the universe including the universe by itself says “”W…a.. H..e..i… G…u… R…u” too and yes so simple, “Waheguru!” or “Vaheguru!” or “Vaheguroo!”
In various parts of the series of Be Happy Philselfologically, we have discussed that all kinds of sacred education systems use the classical, the sacred Maths, Physics, the Sciences, Arts, and Dances, the Music that leads to beats of “A E I O U” as “AA EE OO”, the Basic of Waheguru, which is master point of Computer Programming as explained by the Sikh Gurus. It is essential of computer or the brain programming with Sampata, the Sacred Addition of Visuals of Lord Vishnu as the Vasudeva, the Wasudeva, Hari, Gobind, and the Rama forms of the Invisible God. Its the Sampata as follows say for any Mantra:
We can have as many Sampata Mantra’s in a Single Parent Mantra as we wish but we have to manage the structure, which is same as any computer programming, and its very difficult if one does not know how to write and how the Sampata, the Sacred Visual Additions are made, done and run in any given Mantra. However, if one can learn any 2-3 Sampata properly, one can master any computer language in the world. For example:
OM Namo Narayanya ((OM Shri Ganeshaya Namah) OM) OM Namo Narayanya ((OM Shri Ganeshaya Namah) Shri) OM Namo Narayanya ((OM Shri Ganeshaya Namah) Ramaya) OM Namo Narayanya ((OM Shri Ganeshaya Namah) Namah) OM Namo Narayanya (OM Shri Ganeshaya Namah)) OM Namo Narayanya
In the 2 Body Sacred Mantra, we have first body started with ‘(‘ and the Second Body, the Head closed with ‘((‘ and ended with the ‘)’ and ‘))’ in which the Head starts with the Mantra of OM Namo Narayanya, and ends with ‘))’ OM Namo Narayanya. Thus is the Computer Programming made easy for say C or PHP Computer Languages, and applies to any computer language in the world to my best knowledge.
The word “Waheguru” as “Wasudeva Hari Gobind Ram” as the 4 Sacred Visuals of Lord Vishnu, the Invisble form of God goes as follows with the Sampata of Vasudeva to the word or the sound of Waheguru as the Vasudeva Hari Gobind Ram and thus have 4 Video Tracks, the Chitrapata going in a single parental word of Waheguru. This Sampata is well described as the most important part for the Sacred Art of Visualization, the Sacred Darshana:
Vasudeva (Vasudeva)Vasudeva (Hari) Vasudeva (Gobind) Vasudeva (Ram) Vasudeva
the same with two names goes as follows:
Hari ((Vasudeva (Vasudeva))Vasudeva Hari((Hari) Vasudeva)) Hari ((Gobind) Vasudeva)) Hari ((Ram) Vasudeva)) Hari
2 ((1 (1))1 2((2) 1)) 2 ((3) 1)) 2 ((4) 1)) 2
Now, the Wasudev or the Vasudev is equal to 1, Hari=2, Gobind=3, and Ram=4 that gives a sequence and the series based on the Indian Sacred Systems of Numbers, and we always have Letters, Words, Numbers and Symbols that give all of it as the Computer Programming in any subject that we need to study and do research work in it, the given subject matter. Even the word Program is Pro, the subtle, which is in the Invisible Form that has the attributes of Par or Pro as the Brain Activity and Gram has been part of “Ang” in every word of Sanskrit Programming Systems and thus Prong or Program gives similar meaning in the Syntax with Etymological background of the Ancient Indian Sacred Systems as the people in the past has been able during the Sanskrit Civilizations to create, edit and thus program the brain audio and video files which are naturally produced, edited and directed by the brain in the form of Blue Prints of the Brain. The Blue Print is Blank Script of Brain that records what we do 24 hours a day.
This very programming of the Brain Blue Script has always been written, edited and modified by the Sciences of the Sanskara, Sampata and other Sacred Systems that we have discussed as Sacred Maths and Sciences of “AA EE OO”, the Sacred Vowels of “Waheguru” as the Expanded Dimension of Sacred Vowels as it has 4 Sets of Word (Waheguru), Punctuation – Vowels, Verb Form, Verbs as the Syllable and thus the 4 Combined Sets of Phonetics as no modern world languages may have it scientifically. This Sacred Combined Phonetics give the Phonetic Set of Waheguru and other similar words a million times superiority over Phonetic Alphabet Systems that we have in the world as it can create, change, alter, modify and improve and help in evolution of DNA and Brain Blue Prints and the Sacred Programming that nature helps us to do with little or almost no previous knowledge as nature programs the brains for free through the Sacred Vowels that sustains even the universe in which we live and thus is the “AA EE OO”, the “Waheguru” Wonders in the Universe!
A helpful video about it using common sense as the Free Tool:
And thus it embraces all kinds of Series and number equations in the Mathematics that we also use in the computer programming as shown in the following image:

The following video shares about how the Sacred Computing of Indian Sampata as we have discussed using the Finest Example Classical and sacred Arts, Sciences and Maths as associated with the word of “Waheguru” as in languages, music, maths and other forms and how it as a Sacred System of Sounds, the Shabada provides mathematical solutions to any mathematical and computing, the programming in computer sciences:
In Indian Civilizations, the most of the Sampata are given the best Rolling Systems of Visions, the Visuals and thus the Darshana for all by the Sahastranama’s in which God’s 1000 Names are covered with full audio, video and film, the Chitrapata details for all learners to understand the Philosophy of any Given Name of God, Deity, Gods, Goddess, and others whom we attribute say our own roles as we say that one is a doctor (with details about it), singer, dancer, writer, and so on. This is the completer profile work of an individual that we give in the bio-data’s, the resumes, and anything we show and or share online. God or any angel’s names are similarly his roles in various ages say Lord Vishnu who has played the role of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna, and overall major 10 Roles he plays. This gives his Universal profile with the Audios and the Videos. So, the Indian pray to be the “Ang”, the Part of the Play called the Leela, the Big Cosmic Profile of God.
Most of the people in India follow the Path of Becoming the Anga (the Ang), the Part of God’s Sacred Creation by offering respect and reverence to all that is Pious and Sacred in the World as all of it is considered God’s Leela Anga, the Sacred Parts of God’s Sacred Body. For this reasons people do not deform or destroy, but worship the Sacred Arts at the Places of Temples, Gurudwara’s, Mosques, Churches, Rivers, Trees, Animals, and all that thus Preserves the Sacred DNA, the Sacred Kundalini which even the Atoms and Electrons keep as we, the humans keep, and who does not know the Sacred Story of Sacred Ganges, the Sacred Ganga as anything that is based on the Sacred Art is Sacred. From ages, all Indian have been using these Sacred Science, Maths, Geometry, Architect, and thus all that has been imagined, made, constructed or created and modified from the Sacred Ways of Thinking for Creating anything in the Universe with the Sacred Side of Philosophy, which we know as the Kala, the Kala that can stop the Asymmetry, the Un-sacred that we know as the Kaal. So, the Indians believe that the Sacred Things Made with Kala, the Sacred Arts can Govern Even the Kaal, the Cycle of Life and Death and thus take Refuge at God’s Feet which are considered the Source of Sacred Thinking that can save one from all that gives nothing but death and diseases. Let God’s Kala, the Sacredness Play its Role in Our Life to Protect and Save us from what is not Sacred and thus the Kaal or the Kaala as Sikhs pray: Kala Waheguru Ji Ki Varte: May God’s Sacred Art, the Kala Help Us All!
The Sacred Civilizations of India, China, Japan, and Other Countries offer what gives World the Stable, Eternal and Natural Knowledge, Wisdom and Ethics of Universal Marketing, Trading, Business and Global Economic Recession Management: Be Happy Philselfologically – 73
Now the sacred sound of “Waheguru” is “AA EE OO” as the “Yan Yin Yong”, the “Ang Ing Ong” that beats within everything that vibrates and or lives, the Sacred Art, Math, Science, Language; the Omniscience Form of God, and all that we can know and learn from the Sacred Education Systems that has been helping all from ages to Live and Lead Happy Life in the Universe; No Wonder!)
Be Happy Philselfologically as we say at Life Dynamix – Wings for All; Let All Be Happy!
Thanks as we edit and add!
Thanks for your time!