Sacred Continuity, the Tempo, the Chala, Play, Leela, and Sangati as the Indian Philosophy of Mukti, the Salvation of Householder’s Life: Sacred Symmetry, Punjabi, Hindi and Future of Human Life: Be Happy Philselfologically – 82
A Dedication: This part of the Be Happy Philselfologically Series is dedicated to my beloved sisters Kuldeep Kaur, Jasvir Kaur and Noni Kaur! And together all, we all dedicate it to our sister Kuldeep Kaur, who has taught our family the Art of Continuity! Thanks!

The most significant point is that what is present in the Hindi and the Punjabi languages is also present in all other world languages, maths, computing and thus its the universal language symmetry systems applicable to any kind of math, science and or arts and thus is the sacred beauty of the grammars, the “Groomer, the Bride and the Bridegroom, and process of Marriage as the Viaha, and thus the name of grammar as the “Viah’karana”, the “The Marriage for the Purusha, and thus the Freedom and Liberty from the bonds of clusters of consonants which cause one only Shakti, the Force user resulting in the weak person who is called the Illiterate in the Vedas and all other World Scriptures”, and thus one who knows these sacred education systems is called the Brahman by Birth, the Caste or by Karma, by Learning it, the Sacred Systems, and in it both men and women are equally eligible and gain the same results and attain the same salvation, the “Muakti”, the “Mu+Kata”, the Electromagnetic Systems (Mu)+the Spinning of all systems in paring as two electrons spin in the equal but the opposite directions (Kata, the Kati, the Katana as the Spinning the Woven and the Cotton by Hand), and thus the Concept and Philosophy of Mukati, the Salvation in India and other parts of the world is based on the Sacred Patterns, which when spin properly means in right shape, count, color and matching of counts in numbers we see the free flow and this process is the “Process of Makata Awastha, the Free Flow” as we see and notice in the following design as spun properly:

Thus the “Spinning of Left and Right Brain” as one needs and wants it in the right way and all of it according to the sacred symmetry as its same as the spinning of two electrons, symmetry of atoms, molecules, and so on which works in the same way as the brain functions when magnetized with the same or the similar topics and works as shown below in the image 10.1

Image 10.1: “… Eisenbach is simulating the magnetic direction and strength—known as the “magnetic moment”— of nickel atoms on one of the world’s most powerful supercomputers for science research, Titan.” (With thanks from the source:… )
In India, the Magnetic System is called the “Bala” and the Electric System as the “Bijali”, and thus the root words of “Bija and the Bala”, and thus the following:
“Pala Phala Bala Bhala and the Mala” (Seconds Flow Power Speed Continuity of Magnetic Systems is what it means the “Pala Phala Bala Bhala and the Mala”)
and the Bija is
“Peeja Pheeja Beeja Bheeja and the Meeja” (Counts of Trough and Crust (the Pija, the Page) Flow Current Capacities Speed (Bheeja, Bhajana, Bheja, …) Resistance (Meeja, Maja, Jama, the Ohm’s law of resistance, and thus the “Peeja Pheeja Beeja Bheeja and the Meeja” or the “Pija Phija Bija Bhija and the Mija” or simply the “Paja Phaja Baja Bhaja Maja”)
Thus, the Indian Sacred Symmetry Systems in the Languages give the Sacred Picture and Audio-graphy and the Video-graphy, which we can use to help design the better world in the science and technology.
It is what the sacred way as the Sacred Systems say as shown in the image above 10.1, and explain and all kids know it and we all have been kids, and its the Basic of Indian Philosophy of Householder’s Life as all people use these patterns in daily life and thus its the “Supreme Point of Salvation, the Parama Jeevan Mukat State of Householder”, and thus the Indian Civilizations call the “Civilian’s Life, the Householder’s Life” as the “Most Sacred Thing” in the Universe as we all depend on them, and to whom, yes to the householders bow the prophets, saints, kings, queens, officers, servants and all as it follow the sacred systems in the best possible way.
All of this Indian Philosophy of Sacred Symmetry, Spinning and thus the Makta, the Free State of Matter is the Future of Computer Systems and the Technology, and the designs and the patterns in it are the same as the woven cloths and knitting and design patters, which offer free flow, the matter as the light and thus the “Nama Theory” as Bhagat Kabira Ji used the “Mana and the Nama Theory” together in it as he was the sacred person in the sacred wavering, the knitting:
“The Future of Computers – Optical Computers
An optical computer (also called a photonic computer) is a device that performs its computation using photons of visible light or infrared (IR) beams, rather than electrons in an electric current. The computers we use today use transistors and semiconductors to control electricity but computers of the future may utilize crystals and metamaterials to control light.

An electric current creates heat in computer systems and as the processing speed increases, so does the amount of electricity required; this extra heat is extremely damaging to the hardware. Photons, however, create substantially less amounts of heat than electrons, on a given size scale, thus the development of more powerful processing systems becomes possible. By applying some of the advantages of visible and/or IR networks at the device and component scale, a computer might someday be developed that can perform operations significantly faster than a conventional electronic computer.” (With thanks from the source:… )
One of the major points in the Indian Civilizations is the Sacred Concept of Grahsathi Aharama, the Householder’s Life as we have stated:
Sacred Continuity, the Tempo, the Chala, Play, Leela as the Indian Philosophy of Mukti, the Salvation of Householder’s Life: Sacred Symmetry, Punjabi, Hindi and Future of Human Life: Be Happy Philselfologically -82
Now, in it, the Graha is what is in the Process of Continuity, and its called the “Chala”, the Sacred Art and Process of “Chalana to Chalaana” means “Art of Living and Leaving”. In this context, the major point is the “Continuity, the Gati or Moving of Karma, the Action”, and who in the world of art, theater and media does not know the importance of “Continuity”, and thus the Skilled Worker’s “Chaal”, the Speed of Work”, and thus the Sacred Art of Free Flow, which has a sacred bond of continuity always having beginning with what one has left yesterday, last week, month, year, decade or even the last birth as the Holy Gita says it. We all know that in any continuity, we all live and without it even as the Lord Krishna says: “Without the contiguity, the Gati of Karma, I’m nothing”, and so are we as when we are in the continuity, we are what we are as otherwise, we are nothing. In the continuity, we all have a role to play say from a spot boy to super star, from a peon to president, and from a child to an aged person, and thus we all are important and significant in a given context, the continuity, and thus is the expression of the “Cosmic Leela, the Play”, the “Sacred and the Divine Continuity”. This is the “Gati”, the “Gata”, simply means the “Continuity from the Last Sessions, the Leela or the Birth” as the “Gata is from the Past”, and the “Gati is the Speed and the Velocity of the Past, the Gata!”
So, when we talk about the Grahsathi People in India, we mean a couple, a group, a community and thus all related to any given continuity who know the story and the continuity of the given “Grah+Sath”, the “People who walked together!”. They all are the associated people as we say the “People of Congregations”, and thus is the concept of the “Pura, Puri, and the Puran”, which means the members of a given life story at any given time as we say:
“Ram Katha Jug Jug Atal, Sabh Koi Bhakhat Net,
Suragvas Raghubar Kara, Sagari Puri Samet!” (Dasam Granth)
“The Epic of Lord Rama is Eternal in All Ages, all say Salute,
He left to higher worlds with all people of his “puri”, the cosmic play
All the people of that continuity constitute as what we know the “Sacred Ramayana”.
In the given continuity, one may not have any kind of householders relations and thus the relationships, but is still a member of the given continuity as we say a character of a given story may play a silent role, but is still a part of the continuity. Just to remind that without continuity, none among us can have any worth and value. So, what we lack is continuity not the roles that we get shouting:
“Get, Set, Role,… Action”, and the rest is the continuity as the Indian Cricket Team of 1983 that won the World Cup.

Why people suffer, and thus we all, we lack the continuity, and that is the Secret of Indian Higher Civilizations and even Lord Krishna comes in the Continuity that we call the “Reincarnations”, and we all always live somewhere in the universe and visit to take part in our continuity, and that is why we are here whenever we are here. The Indian Popular term for the Sacred Continuity is the “Sangat, the Sangata, and the Sangati”, the “Wonderful Past People of Gata, the Gati, and their Walking Together!”, and its where the Sikh Teachings, the Gurbani says:
“Bin Bhagan Satsang Na Labhai, Bin Sangati Mail Bharijai Jio” (Gurbani)
“Without Good Luck, one cannot get the sacred continuity, the people of the continuity, and without it one goes spiritually sick due to stagnation in the sacred continuity, the satsangati, the sacred velocity, the mukti, the free state of life”
This is the major reasons, we always need to think and discuss about the sacredness and symmetry as more we know it closer we are to our continuity in our this sacred human birth.
The English and other similar European languages have many words having etymology and syntax’s of Sanskrit or the Hindi languages. In this context, the “Continuity” is not different as the “Kant, Cont, Cant, etc. are having the popular etymologically roots of “Kant, the Kanta”, which means the “Husband, the Vara, the Purusha and thus the Groom”, and thus the “Continuity” is the “Kanta+Nati”, everything that is in tune and in association with the Kanta, the Groom, the Grammars, and thus the Sacredness and Symmetry present in the Kanta+Nati, and the Nati is the “Net, Nat, the Nata, and all that has “Na” and “Ta” roots that constitute the popular words and the phrases of the “Nata, Nataka, and the Natashala”, and thus the “Play, and the Players” as the “Nata” means the drama or the movie which we now know as the movie and the films as well nowadays. Thus, when we say life is play, we mean life is continuity, and keep going!
Based on this “Kanta+Nati”, the Continuity, which is always aligned to the universe as what is not so alined to the universe is called the mirage, hallucinations, phobias, fantasies and all that we know as the “Maya”, the “Carriers of Sounds that stores what is in the mind but have no bases”, and thus the “Maya or the Yama”!
We have set of sounds, the words that work as “yama” and the “liberators”, that makes one free from the “yama”:
“Philselfology of Sacred A, E, I, O, U, the Divine Vowels and Mantras as Waheguru: Be Happy Philselfologically – 47”
The “yama” is also spelled as “jama” in Punjabi and many other world languages, and thus whatever is taken as food by energy, the shakti is the “jama” or “yama”, and it is not nothing but the combinations and permutations of consonants. The bal, which is power that liberates one from these excessive and heavy files uploaded files uploaded in the brain need to extract all as scientifically and how humans have been a wonder in the world.
It is all sound energy as the struck as in the Shakti, the Force Dimensions and the un-struck as in the Power Dimensions that aligns us with the earth, sun and the universe that may lack continuity, the alignment, the sangati. In the easy to understand way as for the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script, the “OORA AARA and the EERI” with all its columns and rows is the “Set of 3*7 Shakti Dimensions and in our human body its Muscular System, the Muscles in our body” as these are the 3 Guna’s, the Tamo, Sato and the Rajo, and with the “SASA” as the 4th Column with its 7 Rows, these are the “Set of 1*7 Shiva-Shakti, the Dual Dimensions that Bridge the Shakti and the Power Dimensions in which we have the Union of Muscles and Nerves working together”, and lastly, the 5th Column with 7 of its Rows as the “Set of 1*7 Power Dimensions” has the “Light Dimensions in which the Sound Travels in the Body as the Light, and its the Network of Nerves in our body”. When we create sounds in mouth by singing or receive its sacred effects by listening to words that we say, read, write or see, the “Darshana Theory” seeing by “Perception, the 5 Senses” is the “5 Darshana, the Dimensions of Seeing, and thus the Art of Seeing”, and that all that we perceive and conceive is the 10 Dimensional Process of Darshana, and that we have 2+2 Sacred Dimensions of Creative Intelligence, the Right Brain and the Left Body and the General Intelligence, the Left Brain and the Right Body, which complete the 14 Sacred Dimensions that constitute the “Creation of 14 Ratana, the Gems in the Human Body”, and thus the “Theory, Concept and Philosophy of Indian Darshana”.
The Sacred Indian Systems of 14 Ratna, the Blood, Bone and whatever supports the Human Body Creation and Purification Systems involves the Vata (Static Products), Kapha (Kinetic Products), Pita (Dynamic or Subtle Products) and Ojasa (Universal Neutralized Charges) Management as the Continuity of Life on earth, moon and the sun system, the unit that is same everywhere in the universe. We need to read and consider the following in this very context, which is same in all world therapies and the treatments having the Multiple Drug Therapies, MDT approach, and what we have discussed as the Sacred Dimensions as the Bhuvana or the Bhavana that Lord Vishnu and his wife, Laxmi runs, and thus the 14 Ratana from the human body processes of hydrocarbons and whatever is in the sea and the body:

“Sun Systems:
1. Lakshmi, the Goddess of Fortune and Wealth – who accepted Vishnu as Her eternal consort.
2. Apsaras, various divine nymphs like Rambha, Menaka, Punjisthala, Urvasi, Thilothamai, etc. – chose the demigods as their companions
3. Varuni or Sura, goddess and creator of alcohol – taken – somewhat reluctantly (she appeared dishevelled and argumentative) – accepted the demons.
Likewise, three types of supernatural animals appeared;
Moon Systems:
4. Kamadhenu or Surabhi(sanskrit:kāmadhuk), the wish-granting divine cow – taken by Vishnu, and given to sages so ghee from her milk could be used in sacrifices.
5. Airavata, and several other elephants, taken by Indra, leader of the devas.
6. Uchhaishravas, the divine 7-headed horse – given to the demons.
There were three valuables;
Earth Systems:
7. Kaustubha, the most valuable jewel in the world, worn by lord Vishnu.
8.Parijat, the divine flowering tree with blossoms that never fade or wilt – taken to Indraloka by the devas.
9. A powerful bow – symbolic of the demon’s belligerence.
Additionally produced were;
The 3 Guna Systems: The 3 Guna, the Tamo, Rajo and the Sato Products in the body for example, the Nindra or the sloth is the “Tamo Guna” as its makes all body functions slow and almost irresponsible and irresponsible as in opposition to the highly active say the Vishnu’s Conch or the Kalpataru, the Tree of Wish Fulfillment:
10. Chandra, the moon which adorned Shiva’s head
11. Dhanvantari, the doctor of the gods with Amrita the nectar of immortality. (At times, considered as two different Ratnas)
12. Halahala, the poison swallowed by Shiva
This list varies from Purana to Purana and is also slightly different in the epics, the Ramayana and Mahabharata. Lists are completed by adding the following Ratnas:
13. Shankha Vishnu’s conch
14. Jyestha – the goddess of misfortune
15. The umbrella taken by Varuna
16. The earrings given to Aditi, by her son Indra
17. Kalpavriksha plant
18. Nidra or sloth” (With thanks from the source: )
The above has the products that have similarity in the Vata (the Static or Psora), Kapha (the Kinetic or Sycosis) and Pita (the Dynamic or Syphilis) with the Ojasa (Sacred Immune System) Management in the human body as we have the same Wisdom from the Petroleum Products from the Fossils to Fuels, which gives the same mapping as the 14 Ratna’s, the Hydrocarbon Product Systems in the Universe of the Sea Churning, the Samundra Manthana.

As we discussed in the previous parts, the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script and thus all world languages and its systems are the 4 Dimensional Study of human body as the muscular (vata, the static systems), neuro-muscular (kapha, the kinetic systems), and the nervous system (pita, the dynamic systems), and the 4th dimension as the “Ojasa”, the “SAHA”, the 36th Sound in all world languages, which the Indian Systems call the “Prana”, which means the “Pa+Rana”, “Pa”, the zero potential cloud as when we say “Pa” by closing our mouth, and thus create the neutralized electromagnetic charges in our body or anywhere in the body, and the “Rana” is thus the Electromagnetic Cloud, and that the “Rana”, the “Rana, Rina, Run, and opposite has the Nara, Nari, and thus what makes one male or the female is how the electromagnetic cloud at the time of conception works”, and the electromagnetic clouds as the “Rana and the Nara” have the opposite pairing of the “Rama and the Mara”, which means the “Sacred Process of Neutralizing the Charged Clouds back to the Neutral State of Charged Clouds and that the “Mara and the Mrit Process, and when its there the Mahamrityanjaya is used as the “Saha” and the “Hasa, which helps in the neutralizing the charged sounds as we say the sound recorded in the body as the “OORA, AARA and EERI, the three charges of 0, +1 and the -1, as in the muscles and in the Left Brain and the Right Side of the Body, and the SASA, the neuro-muscular systems in the central systems with the HAHA sounds in the Right Brain and the Left Side of the Human Body as in the nerves and the nervous systems, and all yogis and people doing the meditation and focusing follow this process”, and thus essentials of all DNA, the Sacred Kundalini and the Semiconductor Systems in the world!

The taking of an image or making of a movie or film involves the images that talk, and thus we have the following elements in it as what makes the 35 Sacred Sounds of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script have the 5 Mediums, the Media working together:
1. Solid: The “OORA” Levels, the Camera by itself,
2. Liquid: The “AARA”, Levels, anything, which is movable and thus mobile in any given Camera, which is solid,
3. Gaseous, the Air: The “EERI”, the Air Systems, the level in which the sound track works in a given media, the camera, which has its solid body and the moving and the travelling systems,
4. Gaseous, the Fire: The “SASA”, the Fire Systems, the level that produces the heat in the system due to the frictional forces present in the solid, liquid, and the air systems, but the fire it has can be digital or DC Current based to reduce the heat generated and thus the mobile systems with the cameras and imaging processes in it,
5. Gaseous, the Space, the Electromagnetic, the EM Systems, the Waves and the Vibrations: The “HAHA” is the Space, the Ethereal or the Electromagnetic Cloud Systems with “Charge Working in it all”, and thus the most prominent thing in the “Digital Imaging Cameras”, and thus a mobile camera taking an image is the Space Technology Process that when does not need the flash, the heat and sound gets all done without using the lots of space, and thus the using space as media gets established.
It helps and gives the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script and all other world languages a platform to see and notice working in 5 mediums, the solid, liquid, gas, fire and space as we notice the same in the Reiki Systems. How all of it is connected to the universe is in the same as the 5 Columns and the 7 Rows in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Languages as these are the “5 Khanda’s, the Divisions” with “Electric Charge” as the 6th Dimension, the Media, and the Magnetic Charge as the 7th Dimension, which is same in the center of the universe as its continuously everywhere in the universe as the 8th Dimension as the Electromagnetic Neutralized Charge, the Charge-less Charge, the Ojasa, and we have it same in an atom, molecule, compound, earth, moon, solar system, North Polaris System and as a Big Unit that goes as big as the universe by itself that the Indians study as the Brahmanda, the External Unit of Electric Charge in the Magnetic System as we say Yin in Yang, the Gong of the Universe running as the “Sangati”.
The cows in the world speak only the “sacred vowels” as all animals, birds and children speak, and we have discussed it as in the continuity that the Yin, Yang and Yong sounds are same as the “Gong Sounds”, and are thus well studied in the Indian Civilizations as the “Cow Sounds” as we say the “Gong”, the cow says it as say, “Gopal”, “Gopin” and so on, and that is why the Indians study and learn everything from the Sacred Cows as if the Living Gong of the Universe, and thus the names of cow as the Gau, the Gaun, and thus the Gong:
All spiritual and scientific teachings in India give most of the names based on how a cow speaks and produces sounds, and is well recorded in the Narada Purana, Bhagavat Gita, and other Indian Scriptures describing it as the Sacred Grammar, Astronomy, Math, Music (the classical music and in the raga with the musical measurements), and all that we know as the Sacred Education as the Brahma Vidya. When cow says and sounds “Mooo…!”, it accompanies “G” as touching the throat center for creating the sounds of “Mooo…!” as the “Ga…mooo…”, and it is part of Indian Musical Note Systems as the Indian Musical Sounds of “SA RE GA MA PA DHA NI SAH” are the sounds that animals and the birds speak and sound, and that Indians talk to animals and birds is based on the musical notes that all in the natural world and thus in the Jungle speak.

So, when we study, learn and practice the Indian Musical Notes, the Gamut, we learn the Natural World Sounds of Animals and Birds, and among them is the prominent sound of “RE”, and that is what the “Bull Says!” and the cow says “MA” with the “GA”, and thus the cow says: “GA… MA…, MOOO…”, and the bull says: “GA… RE….”, and all other animals and birds add to it. That is why the Indian Music goes well in the Jungles and in the urban and rural regions equally well, and we salute to Indian Music Composers! The sheep also says the “RA” sounds very well, and in general when all animals and birds sit, live, sing and dance together they use the musical notes of “SA RE GA MA PA DHA NI SAH”:
The Indian Musical Systems also say and do the same about the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script as I have described the Set of Komal (Light), Sudhha (the Pure Sounds) and the Tivra or Teebar in Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script as the First 3 Primal Sounds of the “OORA, AARA, EERI”, the Teebar Sounds and the Tivra or Teebara is the Tri-God System the Trinity of OORA (Brahma), AARA (Vishnu) and the EERI (Shiva) as the Trideva and thus the Tevara, the 3 Music Gods acting at the Right Brain, the “SASA”, the Pure or the Shudha at the Central Systems, the Center of the Human Brain, and “HAHA”, the Komal or the Soft on Left Brain, and all of these 5 Sacred Sounds in the 7 Sacred Columns, the Research Engine according to the Backbone with the “Yin and Yong” and the “Yang with the Gong”:
“Komal notes are associated with the left side of each chakra; the left channel, Ida Nadi, is the side of emotion and intuition. Shuddha and tivra notes are associated with the right side; the right channel, Pingala Nadi, is the side of logic. Ragas, therefore, have more or less of an effect on a given chakra depending on the notes they contain.” (With thanks from the source: ra)
The above musical notes in the west differ from Indian Systems as in our discussions, we have the same Swara Systems in the say Swara Sargama as the “OORA AARA EERI SASA HAHA” to which we can add any world systems of music say with “Ying Yang Yong” as we have the 7 Columns of Musical Notes as the “HAHA RARAH EANIYAN YANIAN YANANA NANA and the MAMA” as the Sound Svara’s that can make and help a Punjabi person sing the Chinese songs as follows:
“OORA AARA EERI SASA HAHA RARAH EANIANA! YANIANA!”, the 7 Gamuts of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi for all world civilizations. It has been there in the Pali, Nepali and other Chinese languages as these say:
“Namo Bhuddhaye Yanme” means the “NA, the NANA” of Sanskrit is used as the “YANANA” as the “YING YANG YONG” starting with the “YANANA” of the Punjabi and the Hindi instead of the Sanskrit which seems to have come as the Brahmi Child Langauge rather than saying that Hindi and Punjabi came after the Sansakrit, and thus we can always practice music in the Swara of Punjabi, the Gurmukhi as follows:
“OORA AARA EERI SASA HAHA RARAH EANIANA YANIANA” and the “YANANA and the NANA” can also be sung with it with a drum beats chanting the “MAMA, the MA or the GONG Sounds”! And the complete note system has the following Swara Sadhana:
“OORA AARA EERI SASA HAHA RARAH EANIAN YANIAN YANANA NANA MAMA” and the “SAHA” constituting the 12 Sacred Sounds of Musical Sounds and the 12th sound of SAHA is always at the end!
The Phonetic Music say in the Punjabi and all other world languages goes well as follows:
“OORA AARA EERI SASA HAHA RARAH EANIAN YANIAN YANANA NANA MAMA” and the “SAHA” constituting the 12 Sacred Sounds of Musical Sounds and the 12th sound of SAHA is always at the end!
Many Indians and people living elsewhere may not speak the “RARA”, but say it as the “RARAH”, and we thus can also depend on the Phonetic Music Scales and Systems of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi, and also that its perfect with the computers when we notice that body sound scales at the Chakra work with these sounds in the same way as the colors do. When we use the Camera, Audio and Video Systems, we have the same for singing the Phonetic Music, the Music of Sacred Sound in the human body and nature around us as follows:
“OORA AARA EERI”, the Alaap and the Phonetic Sargama, the Phonetic Gamut as in the same way as we take a snap, photo or video by opening the camera or our mouth by the “SASA”, and then sing the 5th Column and the 7 Rows in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi as the Phonetic Music with Aroha as: “HAHA RARAH EAIYAN YAIANA YANANA NANA MAMA! SAHA!” and the Avroha as: “MAMA NANA YANANA YANIAN EANIAN RARAH HAHA! SAHA!” and the “SAHA”, the Art of Breathe and Musical Focusing, and thus also constituting the 3 Teebar Swara, and 7 Swara of Phonetic Music with the SAHA, and thus the 12 Sacred Sounds of Musical Sounds and the 12th sound of SAHA is always at the end! It is the most compatible with Chinese, Japanese, Native and Aboriginal and thus the Ancient Musical Systems in the World that also follows the Music and the Martial Art as it “Taking Snap by Eyes or the Movement, the Natural Camera!” We all sing it when we make audio, video, take snap, take any action of martial art, and thus we all are phonetically musical! The Chinese and the Japanese people can sing it very well as its based on the “Yin Yang Yong and Gong” Systems!

Thus, it is very much possible that we can summarize the entire human knowledge and wisdom of all civilizations in just on the Sacred Alphabet of Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script and thus put it in all world languages with great ease of learning anything from a single source say the Punjabi Script so that all can excel in any possible field while gaining the insight of graduation and post graduation levels while study say at most in the High Schools so that our future generations do greater good for the betterment of the human civilizations in our respective regions, states, nations, continents and the civilizations comprising the world and the one global civilization.
The previous part says in a way to say:
“The Sacred Prism and the Para Theory of 7 Colors as the Light, Sound, Matter and Energy Explained with the Punjabi, Gurmukhi, English and Hindi Languages: World, Global and Space Media and Communications: Be Happy Philselfologically – 81”
Meanwhile, we will edit and add!
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!