How Sacred Indian Geometry Makes All World Grammars a Sacred Ease of Learning of Languages: The 8 Cases in World Languages as 8-Dimensions of the Universe: Be Happy Philselfologically – 60
When we consider the languages of the universes that never change are always the sacred symmetry that can be in any form, shape and style. The Indians have studied it to always perfect as on One Sun – One Earth and One Moon System, on which we live. The languages in the world follow one and the same grammars, and these grammars are sacred and has the verbal forms of sacred maths, sciences, arts, and thus the sacred geometry, sacred matter and light forms of energy and power as following the law of conservation of energy.
How Indians discovered all the knowledge and wisdom from the sacred vowels of “AA EE OO” as the primitive and primal sounds have deep rooted links to the world civilizations and what we know about the universe, and its from the OM, Swastika and Shri Yantras, the Sacred 3-D, to 10-D visualizations of the universe from an atomic level to the universe as a set of all in existing as the sacred electrons, atoms and molecules while only the atomic structure remains to have perfect idea of what universe is and can be, and thus is the grammar.
In the last part of the series Be Happy Philselfologically, the Research Reports we have studied the essence of grammars as motherhood of it as follows:
The Indian Systems mostly never proceed without Philosophy, the Darshana, and the Darshana is Seeing and its same as “It Is”, which means seeing anything as its, and thus it has 3 States and the 4th Awastha:
1. The Drisha, A View as in the State of 1st Dimension
2. The Darshaka, the Viewer of the View as is everything that is in the State of 2-Dimensions
3. The Drishta, the Viewer of the View and the Viewer of what is in the State of 3-Dimensions that we know as the Sacred Visualization too
4. The Darshana, the Philosophy of View, Viewer and the Viewership, and its the Permanent State, and is also a dynamic state of mind that we say the Awashta means as “one or all is”, and at this level are nothing but one
The other set of higher dimensions also include the following:
5. The Drishti, the Third Eye viewing of up to philosophical levels, and its when one is in the 5th Dimension
6. The Daras, the Actual View as masters see it, and its called the Gurparsadi, going beyond the Rasa, the Swaada, means the Rasa, and thus the Daras, and its mostly in the 6th Dimension
7. The Duara or Dwara, which simply means the Vara, and thus Dwara or Duwara, and this is also called the Dargah level where one is the really participant, and its the 7th Dimension in the abstract or the spiritual world in which we as the souls live
8. The Dasa level, the level of the Dasa or the Daas, the one who sees the divin visions and tells, the dasana to others, and is thus a friend of God, and enjoys the Sakha, the friend-like relationship with the creator and the creation, and its the 8th dimension, and one may either earn it gets a gift of it
In Indian Philosophy of the Darshana Theory, there are ten directions and thus the 10 dimensions and we can add these to this discussion:
9. The Dani, the Giver, and its the 9th Dimension and its always perpendicular to the 8-Dimensional Plate of Universe, and this direction is considered as coming downward towards the earth systems as we say the Mother Earth
10. The Data, the Level of God, and this in the direction that perpendicularly joins all lines at the center is the 10th Dimension, and its the origin of anything, which is the Bindu, the Circle, and its God’s Gift. It remains perpendicular to all dimensions and thus when we rotate any shape with dimensions, we find this point to be G-Center or the God-Center
Special about the D’s, the Darshana Philosophy as categories as discussed above:
1. The First 3-D’s are in the Tamo Guna, the Matter, the Shakti or the Physical or the Rakshasha World. The set of Mother Earth, Moon and the Sun. This sacred zone in the universe has given attributions of Lord Shiva and Goddess Shakti, the Paravati. It is the Third Person “I” as the Sacred Object as we see ourselves say in the image, say our own sketch or portrait in the Hindi and the Punjabi Grammars. Thus the conscious mind; the Big 1-D in our mind.
2. The Second Set of 3-D’s (4th, 5th and the 6th) are in the Rajo Guna, the Matter, the Shakti and Light, the Shiva forms of the universe, and thus the Human World, the Human Sphere. The Set of the Sun, Stars and the North Polaris, and have the attributions of Lord Brahma and the Goddess Sarasvati. It is the Second Person “You” with the Sacredness of Subject-Object, the Drisha interactions as when we see TV programs in the Hindi and the Punjabi Grammars. Thus the subconscious mind, the Big 2-D in our mind.
3. The Third Set of 3-D’s (7th 8th and the 9th) are in the Sato Guna, the Light only form as the Vishnu, we say and thus embraces the Stars, the North Polaris and the Center of the Universe, the Sachkhanda as we say means only light spheres, and this is the Devta, the Goddess Sphere, the Devta’s World. These have attributions as the Vishnu and the Laxmi. It is the Third Person with Subject, Object and Sacred Visualization of the Third Person in the Hindi and Punjabi Grammars. Thus, the unconscious mind; the Big 3-D in our mind.
These three worlds of Rakshasha, the Worshipers of Energy Theories, the Human, the Worhsipers of Energy and Power Theories, and the Goddess as the Worshipers of Power is part of Human Brain as Conscious, Subconsious and the Unconscious Brains, the Minds, which the popular Indian terms use and is very well described description of what the Gaytri Mantras say as same as what we know as the energy and power equations:
E(Light, the Power)=OM Mass of say atoms, H(Velocity of Particle cloud as a set of atoms, molecules and say semiconductors too)*C(Velocity of Light)
is same as follows while the OM indicates the role of sound energy in the light and matter conversions say its effect on the RNA-DNA:
Gaytri Mantra=(OM) 3 Worlds
The Point of great interest is that these 8-Directions create two real directions of String as perpendicular to these 8-Directions, and the 8-Directions create the 14-Dimensions that we know as the Bhawna in India, which have two real dimensions that are of Creator, the Vishnu and the Creativity Energy, the Laxmi, and thus the 16-Dimensions. One can view it at the bottom of Shri and the Gaytri Yantras, and mantras that all have 14 Bhawana’s, the Dimensions. The Bhawana is also spelled as the Bhavna or at times the Bhuvna, and thus words say Bhua, Bhava, and so on describing the set of the 3 Spheres, which in India people call Bhawana, and not the Dimensions as it does not convey the Sphere but directions as may seem in my work calling Directions, Dimensions and similar as one, but I mean to say the Spheres, which create Bhawana, the group or sphere of strings around the thread of the string which is same as the RNA-DNA structures leading all as Laxmi-Narayana threads in the universe. I have said Indian necessarily take us life energy, spheres and the dimensions as the directions as the time either as the 3 or the 4 Dimensions in the Modern World. The following 7+7=14 Strip, the String Theory based Bhavna give the Indian View about the 14 Dimensions which propagate on the 2 Life Energies of what we know as the Shiv-Shakti, the Real Dimensions and thus the Total of 16 Dimensions:
Image of Structural Coupling between RNA Polymerase Composition and DNA Supercoiling in Coordinating Transcription: a Global Role for the Omega Subunit?: This image as above speaks as follows and same as the shri, gaytri mantras and other 8 and 10 Dimensional Theories that support the idea of 12, 14 and 16 Real Life Giving Dimensions: “Coordination of transcription by structural coupling between the transcription machinery and DNA topology. In this model, a shift in the holoenzyme σ factor composition determines both the preferred superhelicity for transcription and the subsets of NAPs and dedicated TFs cooperating in the assembly of the transcription program. The subsets of NAPs, in turn, optimize the utilization of DNA superhelicity (3, 36), fine-tune TF selection, and also act themselves as hubs in the transcriptional regulatory network. In this way, distinct combinations of regulators coordinate genomic transcription with metabolism, thus sustaining alternative growth programs A and B. Metabolism feeds back into DNA topology and RNAP composition by determining the ATP/ADP ratios and ppGpp concentration and thus affecting gyrase activity (37–39) and σ factor competition (62, 63), respectively. As we show in this study, lack of ω leads to an increased impact of Eσ38-driven transcription, but the altered program nevertheless can support exponential bacterial growth. The regulatory effects of the anti-sigma factors and degrading proteases are omitted for clarity. For further details, see the text. -ve sc, negative superhelicity.” (With thanks from the source:… )
The above has been part of universe and its structure in the previous part of the series as saying with the title: Philselfology of Indian Sacred Mantra Systems: Drisha, Darshaka, Drishta, Darshana and the Theory of Dimensions: Studies of Nature and the Universe say Shri Yantra: Be Happy Philselfologically – 59
“For example, the Shri Yantra, which is for physical protection is either the Umbrella or Parachute type as we learn the 3-D view of these things, yes most of the sacred and the other things with hidden sacredness. The structure thus it has gives bright use of the secrets of the sacred universe for protection and maintenance of our health and wellness based on the theory of the bindu, the shoonya or zero:
The Gaytri Mantra gives this idea as follows
Please note in Hindi and Punjabi slang languages the brain, mind and head are at times used as the synonymous as the Sun, North Polaris and Universe are synonymous names in these languages say Surya, Dhruva and Vishnu are synonymous!
The Final and the 10th Dimension with direction only is studied as the Light only, and is the ultimate truth in the Vedas and other ancient scriptures, and it may be possible that some oppose the first 9-Dimensions of Bhagati as a good emotion and the karma, and focusing too much on the Gyana as the Light, and it does not seem fair in the fair, the leela of the cosmic play of the universe.
The Indians Sacred Sciences and Maths, and the Physics especially proposes it as about how to imagine all of these 10 Dimensions, the 0-D the Light and the 1st D, the 1-D as the Bindu, the Point, and the 10-D as the Light again that emerges back to the 0-D, the Light as we notice this very good video about it:
The works, which in my works as stated that Philosophy, the Sacred Visualization is the Bridge between Science and Religions as proposed theme and subject matter of Philselfology, the name of my thesis works as in 1990 at the University of Adelaide, South Australia in the Departments of Philosophy; Physics, Human and Society as a student of Faculty of Mathematical Sciences and of courses the Computer Education. I also delivered a seminar emphasizing the need to all natural laws and principles say in Physics as one big natural law and principle as the Law of Shri or Swastika or the 10-Dimensions, the Bindu or the Circle. The other good point that the modern internet researches support it too:
“In Imagining the Tenth Dimension: A New Way of Thinking About Time and Space, Rob Bryanton — a self-described “non-scientist with an inquisitive mind,” whose dayjob as a sound designer involves composing music for TV series and films — proposes a theory of the universe based on ten dimensions, a bold and progressive lens on string theory based on the idea that countless tiny “superstrings” are vibrating in a tenth dimension…
The project began as a set of 26 songs, exploring the intersection of science and philosophy. Over the years, Bryanton began to see connections between his own ideas and scientific theories across quantum physics, multiple dimensions, and superstrings, including the “Many Worlds Theory” first advanced by physicist Hugh Everett III in 1957. In time, he developed a model of the universe based on the harmonics of superstring vibrations.” (With thanks from the source:… )
From this motherhood of the sacred grammars has sprung out what we study as follows in the world civilizations with the sacredness of cases:
“Case is a grammatical category whose value reflects the grammatical function performed by a noun or pronoun in a phrase, clause, or sentence. In some languages, nouns, pronouns and their modifiers take different inflected forms depending on what case they are in. English has largely lost its case system, although case distinctions can still be seen with the personal pronouns: forms such as I, he and we are used in the role of subject (“I kicked the ball”), while forms such as me, him and us are used in the role of object (“John kicked me”).
Languages such as Ancient Greek, Latin, Sanskrit, Tamil, Russian, Serbo-Croatian, and Finnish have extensive case systems, with nouns, pronouns, adjectives and determiners all inflecting (usually by means of different suffixes) to indicate their case. A language may have a number of different cases (Latin and Russian each have at least six; Finnish has 15). Commonly encountered cases include nominative, accusative, dative and genitive. A role that one of these languages marks by case will often be marked in English using a preposition. For example, the English prepositional phrase with (his) foot (as in “John kicked the ball with his foot”) might be rendered in Russian using a single noun in the instrumental case, or in Ancient Greek as τῷ ποδί tōi podi, meaning “the foot” with both words (the definite article, and the noun πούς pous, “foot”) changing to dative form.
As a language evolves, cases can merge (for instance in Ancient Greek genitive and ablative have merged as genitive), a phenomenon formally called syncretism.” (With thanks from the source: )
These sacred topics according to my research works named Philselfology grasp it from the sacredness of Indian Theories of Sacred 3-D, 6-D, 9-D and 10-D Geometry. When we study the 8-D Sacred Study of say Shri Yantra, the Jantra, we have everything as simple as possible:
The sacred mathematical representation of sacred geometry of Shri Yantra is the Swastika, and see both:
3-D Shri Yantra, the Jantra, which is the 3-D representation of the Shri Yantra as shown below:
2-D representation of the Swastika, which is also the Shri Yantra:

The same Shri Yantra as 1-D Swastika gives the following outlooks:

1-D representation of Swakti with another view
Please note its same as the Sacred Pyramids:

These 8-Dimensions represent the sacred knowledge and wisdom of Sacred Indian Civilizations
The 8-D’s as the 8 Dimensions give the grammars of all world languages what we know as the Prepositions, the Karka Sadhana, the Sacred Exercises and Practice of 8 Cases as in 8-Dimensions of the Universe that has a sacred symmetry with all forms of SVO, the Subject, Verb and Object formats. The relation between subject and the object is same as the Drisha as an object and the Darshak as the subject, and rest is not a story, but verb.
For example, in the 3-D, we have an apple, viewer and the scene, and its rather a scenario as one experiences of eating it.
He eats an apple.
This sentence is in the SVO format.
He is in the 1-D, the Darshak Level, the Viewer, the subject as the S of .SVO
Apple is in the 2-D, and is the Drisha, the object and thus the View as the O of SVO.
And last but not the least is 3-D, the viewing process, the verb, which is the eating process, and thus the V of SVO. This part is awake state of action, and the action is of eating an apple. Thus it deals with the Action Knowledge, which we write as the Knowledge of and about the Actions we do or one does.
The Indian Sacred Grammars exceed the natural limits of learning to the 4th Dimension, which is as simple as possible because it is when repeats all of the process in sleep, the subconscious mind, and thus its the hypnotic state of mind that one finds the 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions:
Eating something: Yes, an apple, its delicious… and all the process is as if one sees a video of the boy say Chris eating an apple.
You know, Chris is really enjoying eating it – its the 4-D.
Now, he really loves eating apple, whenever he seems to bite, he enjoys it fully. This slowly leads to the 5-D.
Then comes the Drishti, and because Chris is the third person, and we are dealing him either as first or the second person, so some dimensions may seem wrong as after the 3rd dimensions, the person as he, you and I have less meaning as in sleep or subconscious, we act differently, so we alter it a little. Let us assume “I” eat it.
“What you think about the apples?” “These are really good for health”, and rest is a story as one stops eating and starts telling the uses and benefits of eating the apple, while it may rotten, but one does not stop telling and explaining its uses and health tips. One may finish all home tasks, but person in the subconscious keeps telling for days about how great stories and novels has been written about apples, bananas, manages, and thus narrates full movies on the apples. This is the Applied Knowledge based on the Action of Eating an Apple. As far as Chris and an apple is concerned, we simply narrate what seems visible to us!
In the 7th Dimension, one goes into unconscious level, where one forgets everything about the apple, but uses relevant terms, images, ideas and everything that one has said about the apple in the conscious and the subconscious level. One talks about the Daras, the real and sacred vision of an apple, and this gives something that later becomes pure knowledge in the world we live in while we are awake.
The 8th Dimension similarly deals with spiritual levels, where one is almost abstract and discuss and gives the doctrines of spiritualism based on just eating of an apple as an apple had hit Sir Issac Newton.
This is what this ant seems to be doing as proposed by Rob Bryanton in his works, “Imagining the Tenth Dimension: A New Way of Thinking About Time and Space”
It is well described in this video by Rob Bryanton, which we have discussed in this series and this part specifically as for world of grammatical works, the sacred grammars as Indian Sacred Maths, Philosophies, Sciences and thus the Mantra Theories propose:
Similarly, all the 8-Dimensions have the 8 Kinds of prepositions, which as easy to understand as possible. In this context, we can call it the sacred prepositions, and thus also the nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, tenses, nominative cases and the rest of grammars have well placed scared structures same as the Indian Sacred Geometry of 8-D and 9-D and 10-D.
These sacred structures as in 3-D, 6-D, 8-D and the 9-D and 10-D’s can educate even a 5 Year Kid all about the world grammars.
While working and researching, I was amazed about the simplicity that it gives and no doubt it is thus gurparsadi, the grace of our teachers carrying knowledge as the living temples of sacred education and research. The eating of an apple at the sacred place in India is called the taking and eating the Parsadi means to take it and eat beyond the 8th or the 8 Dimensions, the Givers level, and thus one thinks nothing while eating but feelings of giver in a human is the feelings of selflessness while saying, “I greed for nothing and I need nothing as I lack nothing,” and thus a Sakalpa before eating the Parsadi, the apple, and this is called the 9th Dimensions. About all of this from eating an apple in first 8-D’s and 9th Dimension, one feels the reverence and offers thanks which one feels as the bliss and joy, and in the Sacred India, its the 10th and the Divine Dimensions, the Kritartha, the Pious State of Gratitude saying,” With me is everything and everyone, as I’m with everything and everyone, and thus all is one”. This nondual state of mind is called the Nanatava in the Sanskrit, and its root word that we read, listen and say as “Nanak”, the Nanatava and thus Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the name of the Founder of Sikhism.
The theories that we have discussed as the 8th and 10th Dimensions well embrace what other scientists have to say:
“When Gates applied this concept to the heterotic string, the trading didn’t come out even — to give up six space dimensions, he ended up gaining more than 496 right charges!
In fact, together with Siegel, Gates was able to find a version of heterotic string theory that matched these 496 right charges. Furthermore, their solution showed that the left charges would correspond to the family number. (There are three known generations, or families, of leptons — the electron, muon, and tau families. The family number indicates which generation the particle belongs to.)
This may explain why there are multiple families of particles in the Standard Model of particle physics. Based on these results, a string theory in four dimensions could require extra particle families! In fact, it would require many more particle families than the three that physicists have seen. These extra families (if they exist) could include particles that could make up the unseen dark matter in our universe.” (With thanks from the source:… )
“Extra space dimensions aren’t easy to imagine — in everyday life, nobody ever notices more than three. Any move you make can be described as the sum of movements in three directions — up-down, back and forth, or sideways. Similarly, any location can be described by three numbers (on Earth, latitude, longitude and altitude), corresponding to space’s three dimensions.
Other dimensions could exist, however, if they were curled up in little balls, too tiny to notice. If you moved through one of those dimensions, you’d get back to where you started so fast you’d never realize that you had moved.
“An extra dimension of space could really be there, it’s just so small that we don’t see it,” said Bars, a professor of physics and astronomy.
Something as tiny as a subatomic particle, though, might detect the presence of extra dimensions.
In fact, Bars said, certain properties of matter’s basic particles, such as electric charge, may have something to do with how those particles interact with tiny invisible dimensions of space. …
In this view, the Big Bang that started the baby universe growing 14 billion years ago blew up only three of space’s dimensions, leaving the rest tiny. Many theorists today believe that 6 or 7 such unseen dimensions await discovery.” (I may have made theoretical discovery by mistake, but not as the mistaken mistake, and with thanks from the source: )
It is well summed up as follows metaphysically, the sacred methods:
As it says: “We must remember our true multidimensional nature so that our UNCONSCIOUS, CONSCIOUS, and SUPERCONSCIOUS selves can merge into the Multidimensional Consciousness that is our innate heritage and true foundation. We are a vessel of light, and our LIGHT is multidimensional!” (With thanks from the source:… )
(About the Image: A computer-generated rendering of a multi-dimensional geometry similar to a warped throat. According to U.S. researchers, comparing theoretical models like this to the radiation left over from the early universe may provide a way to test the string theory model of physics. Credit: Wikipedia)
“The extra spatial dimensions are hidden inside the ones we can percieve – rolled up into as-yet unknown shapes at every single point in our universe. According to Gary Shiu, the study’s lead author, the physical laws of the universe and the characteristics of elementary particles depend on the geometry of these dimensions. In order to test whether string theory can explain the structure of the universe, he said, scientists must determine whether the extra dimensions exist and what shape they take in our universe.
In today’s universe, the shapes created by the extra dimensions are tiny and have been impossible to detect. The team’s new approach, reported in the journal Physical Review Letters, centred on the idea that in the instant after the Big Bang, when the universe was still just a speck, the extra dimensions might have been more apparent. Even, said Shiu, comparable in size to the four we can perceive. In these conditions, the team thought it might be easier to pinpoint the effect of the extra dimensions on the shape of space.” (With thanks from the source:… )
The String Structure is well explained in this part of the series based on the Indian Sacred Studies of the Universe that well support the String theory as also the Point or Circle Theory of Brain as a Circle of 3 Spheres as the Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious, which I named as the Philselfology and and has been well discussed and or endorsed by Dr. Mahesh Parikh, MD (Psychiatry, Gold Medalist), PhD (Philosophy, Gold Medalist) in 1996-97 and even later at Mumbai.
When in the discussions with Dr. Mahesh Parikh while also showing him my notes in the notebooks and other presentations that I showed him during many years of visits to him for the counselling sessions for Hypothesis and Research of Philselfology and its Future Projects, I told him that the Photonic Wave Theory of Bindu is not exactly the Wave Theory, but the Glowing Bindu, the Phononic Bindu as we can call it, he said that when west; the western countries and or the modern systems approve it, there cannot be any conflict in the east and west as we face major world problems due to this conflicting situation as the Wave Theory of Photon does not support the World Religions and or Faiths, but the Yoga and Spirituality, while the Phononic Glow with Cymatics supports world religions and or the faiths and his contribution has been very remarkable the Hypothesis and Research of Philselfology as its initial presentations has been to him as well as in the Agriculture University of Ludhiana and Punjabi University of Patiala.
N.B. and P.S.: Please note that all results and conclusions discussed here are based on my personal endeavor for more than 40 years, and is not by accident that we reach to such conclusions. This is part of my research based Subject of Philselfology, the Practical Philosophy. I have done it without imitating and copying from the the resources and have published many research papers and books on and about it that discuss it as Philselfology and names similar to it say Self-study and Learning, the Swaadhaya, which again means personally carried research works. Thanks!
We will edit and add in this part of the series.
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, and keep doing the Swaadhaya!