How Sacred Indian Geometry Makes All World of Sciences Sacred Ease of Learning with Atomic Orbitals: The Sacred 8 and 10-Dimensions of the Universe, Holy Spirit and God, its Sacred Visualization, 14-D and 16-D’s: Be Happy Philselfologically – 61
While we have the storm of theories of directions, dimensions and the de-sphere-ing of the universe, we need to consider which one can help our modern students for the better future as it may create an utter confusion about how to decide which one is compatible for research works rather than the education for qualification no matter even if for masters.
The Indian Sacred Scientists called the sages and seers have put all of these ideas as follows, which are the 8 Dimensional Sacred Theories:
1. Manu: The Human, the Ion (Anu) Made by Sound (M). It has the roots of the “Mana”, and thus the Study of Biology as the Matter, the Physical and Chemical aspects of the “Mana”, the Biological Ions, the “M+Anu”, and here the “M” also stands for the “Shri, the Sri Creations as the M is the Theory of Convergence and the Sound of N is the Theory of Divergence and we have the Biological Creations with the “M” and the “N” sounds in order as the “M… A…N”, and hear the “MAN” never mean a male human, but the Biological Living Cell having the name of “Manu”, the Biological Living Cell say the DNA Cell of a living one, and that too is a “MAN”, and the “MAN”+”U” means that moves and thus the Ionized Living Cell or the Organism that has attained the Movable Life and thus the “MANU”, and it may end with “AA EE OO” as say the “MANAA”, “MANEE”, and the MANOO” as the “MANA”, the “YAN” “MANI”, the “YIN” and the “MANU”, the “YON” where we can have it as the YING YANG and the YONG as the ARRA EERI and the OORA as all Indian and the Chinese grammars explain all subjects in a single “Bindu, the Grammar Systems”, and it has a name of “Via+Karana”, the Way Bindu, the Light Energies are covered into the Sound (Ka), and the Light Energies (the Ra in the “Karana”), and the “Na” ending in these languages means “Creation of Multiple Forms of Life Cells say the Physical, Biological, Chemical and Simply the Light, and the thus the “Viakarana”, the “Grammars” or the “Groomers”, the “Seed Creations!” It is all based on the “Drop of Water”: Pahlan Jio Pani Hai”, the “First Form of Living Cell is the Water” (Gurbani)
The Groom as the “Gran Grin and the Gron” has the “Gr” Maa, the “Guma” (English Etrymology” and thus the “Gama” as the “Manga” with the “Ga’m’a” and the “Ma’n’ga” and the Indian Women may use the Manga Sindhoora, which means she needs respect, honor and care so that the “Viah” or the “Guma”, the “Gama and the Maga” goes well for all human beings, the humanity and the world civilizations. In other words, the “maga” is also with the “A” as the “Amaga and the “Agama”, which we also read as the “Umanga”, the Waves, and the “Agama”, the Play of Light, and thus the Play of the Light and Waves, called the Life.
2. Parmanu: What runs the human mechanism, and the “Para” based automatic, the light based systems, and is the “Light, the Para as the Manu”, and thus the “Parmanu”
3. Atama, the Atom: It is based on the Indian Philosophies of Science as say the “Mata”, the Quality and the “Tama”, the Quantity with its “Axis of A, the Atama and the Amata which spins, revolves and moves around the “A” as the “Quantity that Counsels, directs and guides it and thus the Amatya, the Minister, and the “Amata”, the Quantity of Electrons, Protons and Neutrons inside the Atom as its Atama, the Amata and the Atama
4. Parmatama: The Atom has its “Light, the Function as the Wave, the Para” and is thus the “Parmatama” as in association to the “Atama”, the Atom as the “Particle, the Atama, which can be called the Amata, Atama as its spins in opposite directions as the “Atama, the quality orientation, which is the nucleus based and the Amata”, which directs it and thus the electrons around the “A”, which is the Axis of any given Atom.”, and together with the “A”, “Amata”, and the “Atama”, we have the “Para, the Prism or the Light Activity of the Given Atom, and thus the “Paramatma, the Prism of Atom”.
5. Sura: The wavelengths and the frequencies, which any atom can generate as the Electric and Magnetic waves as the Longitudinal waves. At the same time, its the Independt Sound, the Sura Systems, which we use as the Sources of Energy Conversions as we know the E=M*C*C, the use of “Sound, the Sura for the Matter and Light Conversions say as from Light to Matter and the Matter into Light”, and thus the Sura and the Rasa, the Rasa Leela, the Cosmic Play in the Space!
6. Paramsura, the Pareshwara: The wavelength and the frequencies as the “Light, the Electromagnetic Waves”, which any Atom as an electromagnetic system can generate
7. Brahma: Its the given medium in which the electric, the electrons and the magnetic, protons and the neurons run and work as the given systems say the physical, biological and the chemical systems.
8. Parbrahma: It is the same as the Paras, the Purusa or the Purusha, and its the Medium of Space in which the electromagnetic systems run, function and work that we get from the electrons, protons, neutrons, atoms, and the nucleus systems of any physical, biological and the chemical interaction, reaction and activity inside and outside the atoms. Its the “Purusha, the Medium of the Ojasa, the Natural World”.
We can randomly talk and discuss about it as follows:
1. Parmanu, the Nucleus as we know is the main Micro-body of the Life in any form say Rajo, Tamo, Sato and Turiya
2. Atama, the Atom as we know it is the Macro level of micro-body of the matter as the atom or the atama deals with waves and vibrations.
The other keywords are:
3. Parmesura or Parmeshavara, which means the main life giving sound that produces the nucleus, electrons, proton, neutrons and the atoms. When it is written say Parmeshwari, its what produces the negative charge, the e-, and when written as the Parmeshwara, its the e+, and when as the parmeshwaru, its the e0, the neutral charge, and thus the 8 Cases, the Directions of Vowels as with supporting 10 as with the set of 3 charges for each say electron, neutron and the proton as the e-,e0,e+,n-,n0,n+,p-,p0,p+, and the overall charge of the the atom as the tenth charge, the dimension or the dimensional charge of any atom, and thus overall 16 Directions cum dimensions have all of it as the charges on various charged particles in a nucleus. This again is based on the set of the following:
1. O-Sacred Vowel Spheres as the Head and Brain of Fetus or Atom, the Nucleus, the seed, sperm or mantra (its based on the fact that all things, the 5 Elements, soil, water, air, fire and space, plants, animals, trees, humans have the nuclear essences as the egg, sperm, seed, parental atoms of molecules and so on and that teachers give the seed, the beeja mantras as in the 0 dimensions to the 16th dimensions discussed at the end of this blog post)
2. E-Sacred Vowel Spheres as the Chest and Heart of Fetus or Atom, the Electrons and the Electronic Orbitals around the Nucleus
3. A-Sacred Vowel Spheres as the Abdomen and Solar Plexus of Fetus, the Overall Charge balance between the Nucleus, set of the Neutrons and the Protons, and the Set of all Electrons around the Nucleus and it keeps the atom alive in its shape as say atom of hydrogen, helium, sodium, and so on, and thus the forms, the jooni’s of matter, the material world as atoms. We may have about 125 atoms, the forms of atoms on earth systems
The last major name that the Sacred Indian Sages has given is as follows:
4. Parmatama, the Parmanu+Atom, and its the most invisible form of life energies hidden in the Paramanu, the Parmatama, and thus the Par is the Macro as mostly used and thus gives the vivid idea of atoms as the Molecules and all other compounds in which the Parmanu, the Nucleus and the Atama, the Atom is hidden and invisible, and thus we say in everything is nothing but Parmatama, means the same set of nucleus and atoms giving birth to various products in the universe.
It is further said that if one knows and understands this much one knows the following major knowledge and wisdom present in the world and thus the universe:
5. Brahma and the Parbrahma, which is what we know as that Brahma is the visible form of the Nucleus, the Parmanu, and the Atom, Atama, and still better as the best is that when knows it in the compounds. For example, we notice the water, we say its the Parmeshwara, and thus the Parabrahma, the Best output of the Two External forms of nuclues and the atoms as we the the Brahma States of
Hydrogen and the Oxygen, and these are further called the Gods, the Devta.
We can summarize the above as that the Devta of Oxygen, the Vayu Devta, and the Hydrogen, which again is the Vayu Devta, the Gas when meet each other the Jal’a Devta, the Gods of Water take birth. In it the Parmanu’s of Oxygen and Hydrogen meet, and thus the Atoms, we say Atama of Male and Female meets and children, the off-sprigs, and thus the strings, and the string theories are produced. The Brahama in it is the Oxygen, Hydrogen and water. In water, we have the Parabrahma as set of two, Oxygen and Hydrogen, but we cannot see it in water. The water is product, and its Moola, the Origin is very micro and is the set of two gases as O, and H, and what it gives is water, the H2O.
The above parental hypothesis of hydrogen and oxygen for the water is applicable to plants, birds, animals, and humans and its called the Tamo, Rajo and Sato Guna worlds of reproductions or replications of genetic codes.
We have most of it studied as the RNA and DNA structures for which all world religions and the faiths offer the healing processes by mediation, kirtan, recitations, worship, and thus rituals and philosophies of the same in any part of the world.
We can code and decode it in any form!
In this part we discuss about how the structure of orbitals of electrons in an atom gives bright idea of Indian Sacred Theories for its structure which is compatible with all world theories no matter in what form and the format.
“The Punjabi, Hindi, English and the Other World Languages as the Sacred Set of 36 Vibrations, Waves, and without Drug Therapies of Electromagnetic Brain Care, Cure and Healing: Machine Free Brain Surgery – Be Happy Philselfologically – 79”
However, we take the previous part as part of this discussion:
“Special about the D’s, the Darshana Philosophy as categories as discussed above:
1. The First 3-D’s are in the Tamo Guna, the Matter, the Shakti or the Physical or the Rakshasha World. The set of Mother Earth, Moon and the Sun. This sacred zone in the universe has given attributions of Lord Shiva and Goddess Shakti, the Paravati. It is the Third Person “I” as the Sacred Object as we see ourselves say in the image, say our own sketch or portrait in the Hindi and the Punjabi Grammars. Thus the conscious mind; the Big 1-D in our mind.
2. The Second Set of 3-D’s (4th, 5th and the 6th) are in the Rajo Guna, the Matter, the Shakti and Light, the Shiva forms of the universe, and thus the Human World, the Human Sphere. The Set of the Sun, Stars and the North Polaris, and have the attributions of Lord Brahma and the Goddess Sarasvati. It is the Second Person “You” with the Sacredness of Subject-Object, the Drisha interactions as when we see TV programs in the Hindi and the Punjabi Grammars. Thus the subconscious mind, the Big 2-D in our mind.
3. The Third Set of 3-D’s (7th 8th and the 9th) are in the Sato Guna, the Light only form as the Vishnu, we say and thus embraces the Stars, the North Polaris and the Center of the Universe, the Sachkhanda as we say means only light spheres, and this is the Devta, the Goddess Sphere, the Devta’s World. These have attributions as the Vishnu and the Laxmi. It is the Third Person with Subject, Object and Sacred Visualization of the Third Person in the Hindi and Punjabi Grammars. Thus, the unconscious mind; the Big 3-D in our mind.
These three worlds of Rakshasha, the Worshipers of Energy Theories, the Human, the Worhsipers of Energy and Power Theories, and the Goddess as the Worshipers of Power is part of Human Brain as Conscious, Subconsious and the Unconscious Brains, the Minds, which the popular Indian terms use and is very well described description of what the Gaytri Mantras say as same as what we know as the energy and power equations:
E(Light, the Power)=OM Mass of say atoms, H(Velocity of Particle cloud as a set of atoms, molecules and say semiconductors too)*C(Velocity of Light)
is same as follows while the OM indicates the role of sound energy in the light and matter conversions say its effect on the RNA-DNA:
Gaytri Mantra=(OM) 3 Worlds
The Point of great interest is that these 8-Directions create two real directions of String as perpendicular to these 8-Directions, and the 8-Directions create the 14-Dimensions that we know as the Bhawna in India, which have two real dimensions that are of Creator, the Vishnu and the Creativity Energy, the Laxmi, and thus the 16-Dimensions. One can view it at the bottom of Shri and the Gaytri Yantras, and mantras that all have 14 Bhawana’s, the Dimensions. The Bhawana is also spelled as the Bhavna or at times the Bhuvna, and thus words say Bhua, Bhava, and so on describing the set of the 3 Spheres, which in India people call Bhawana, and not the Dimensions as it does not convey the Sphere but directions as may seem in my work calling Directions, Dimensions and similar as one, but I mean to say the Spheres, which create Bhawana, the group or sphere of strings around the thread of the string which is same as the RNA-DNA structures leading all as Laxmi-Narayana threads in the universe. I have said Indian necessarily take us life energy, spheres and the dimensions as the directions as the time either as the 3 or the 4 Dimensions in the Modern World. The following 7+7=14 Strip, the String Theory based Bhavna give the Indian View about the 14 Dimensions which propagate on the 2 Life Energies of what we know as the Shiv-Shakti, the Real Dimensions and thus the Total of 16 Dimensions:
Image of Structural Coupling between RNA Polymerase Composition and DNA Supercoiling in Coordinating Transcription: a Global Role for the Omega Subunit?: This image as above speaks as follows and same as the shri, gaytri mantras and other 8 and 10 Dimensional Theories that support the idea of 12, 14 and 16 Real Life Giving Dimensions: “Coordination of transcription by structural coupling between the transcription machinery and DNA topology. In this model, a shift in the holoenzyme σ factor composition determines both the preferred superhelicity for transcription and the subsets of NAPs and dedicated TFs cooperating in the assembly of the transcription program. The subsets of NAPs, in turn, optimize the utilization of DNA superhelicity (3, 36), fine-tune TF selection, and also act themselves as hubs in the transcriptional regulatory network. In this way, distinct combinations of regulators coordinate genomic transcription with metabolism, thus sustaining alternative growth programs A and B. Metabolism feeds back into DNA topology and RNAP composition by determining the ATP/ADP ratios and ppGpp concentration and thus affecting gyrase activity (37–39) and σ factor competition (62, 63), respectively. As we show in this study, lack of ω leads to an increased impact of Eσ38-driven transcription, but the altered program nevertheless can support exponential bacterial growth. The regulatory effects of the anti-sigma factors and degrading proteases are omitted for clarity. For further details, see the text. -ve sc, negative superhelicity.” (With thanks from the source:… )
The above has been part of universe and its structure in the previous part of the series as saying with the title: Philselfology of Indian Sacred Mantra Systems: Drisha, Darshaka, Drishta, Darshana and the Theory of Dimensions: Studies of Nature and the Universe say Shri Yantra: Be Happy Philselfologically – 59
“For example, the Shri Yantra, which is for physical protection is either the Umbrella or Parachute type as we learn the 3-D view of these things, yes most of the sacred and the other things with hidden sacredness. The structure thus it has gives bright use of the secrets of the sacred universe for protection and maintenance of our health and wellness based on the theory of the bindu, the shoonya or zero:
The Gaytri Mantra gives this idea as follows
Please note in Hindi and Punjabi slang languages the brain, mind and head are at times used as the synonymous as the Sun, North Polaris and Universe are synonymous names in these languages say Surya, Dhruva and Vishnu are synonymous!
The Final and the 10th Dimension with direction only is studied as the Light only, and is the ultimate truth in the Vedas and other ancient scriptures, and it may be possible that some oppose the first 9-Dimensions of Bhagati as a good emotion and the karma, and focusing too much on the Gyana as the Light, and it does not seem fair in the fair, the leela of the cosmic play of the universe.”
If one reviews the above we have direction, dimension and design, the sphere and all of these are sacred.
Sacred Science, Math and Arts of the Sacred Universe Give us the Complete, Perfect and Always Verifiable Knowledge and the Wisdom of the Sacred Vedas: Static, Kinetic, Dynamic and Guru Dimensions: Be Happy Philselfologically – 72
The following presentation give the view of 8-Dimensions, 10-Dimensions and based on the Theory of Directions and the result is the 14 Bhavna, the Spheres that are named as the Atomic Orbitals, and we may call the 14 Bhavana as the Sacred Orbitals, which have their 16-Super Bhavana Creations that we called the Vishnu-Laxmi Spheres also popular as the Shiv-Shakti Spheres.
This is as we see and view below:
And human is a Parmatama, the Spirit or God and Atama, the Soul or the Holy Spirit inside the same spheres of 14 Dimensional spheres turn out to be 16 sacred bhavana, the structures, which we can easily see in the image below as operating and running in our brains:
Now, this is sacred Indian Theory of Shri Yantra, the Gaytri Yantra, and all that leads to Pyramid Theory, and Sacred Geometry, Maths and the Sciences. If one knows it, one can learn any or all sciences present in the world as the sacred orbitals lead to what makes world of science both visible as in the 14-Dimensions and Invisible as beyond the 16-Dimensions, the Super Bhavana’s and so on as we can see it as follows:
And this video illustrates it well:
These compositions as starting with humans in sacred s-orbitals with one sacred lobe as the Sacred Bindu Lobe, the sphere centered around the nucleus, and we also have the sacred p,d, and f-orbitals as the Shiva-Shakti, Brahma-Saravati, and Vishnu-Laxmi brain structures with which we have a our sacred universe running from billions of years goes like this for billions of the years and again its the string theory and no wonder its almost same and similar to RNA-DNA, the sacred replications:
We are proud of the Sacred Indian Civilization, and other sacred world civilizations that has always kept the sacredness as the world religions and faiths alive as the sacred dharma!

One of thing that is most sacred about how the Indian people visualize the 8-Dimensions as we notice that it embraces what we also know as looking into the 9th and the sacred 10th Dimension. This blog post is getting bigger, we may split into next part. Please view the following that one can view anywhere where Indians practice their religions and faiths:

Now the Indians or the people who like and love sacred visualizations do.
We have these elements in every sacred visualization:
1. The First Dimension, the 1-D: Any place where we stand, say the Soil
2. The Second Dimension, the 2-D: Where there is presence of Water
3. The Third Dimension, the 3-D: Where there is presence of Air
4. The Fourth Dimensions, the 4-D: Where there is presence of Fire (please make sure that light and fire differ)
5. The Fifth Dimensions, the 5-D: Where there is presence of Sound say flowing water
6. The Sixth Dimensions, the 6-D: Where there is presence of the Sight, the Visualization as all in action, and we can visualize inside and see the same outside
7. The Seventh Dimensions, the 7-D: Where there is presence of an action that we can operate personally using our own brain, mind and the imaginations, and thus the burning lamp or candle so as to say
8. The Eighth Dimensions, the 8-D: Where there is presence of an activity that we can focus, and thus the focus mostly comes in the Sacred 3-D Visualization of any action and activity we have done personally, and thus the Visarjana or dispersing of burning lamp in flowing water as the 8th Dimensions
9. The Ninth Dimensions, the 9-D: Where there is presence of joy that one has done the action and either sings, smiles, feels pleased and enjoys any human feeling after completion of the action, and activity, the Karma Kanda, the Action Theory
10. The Tenth Dimensions, the 10-D: Where there is presence of seeing what one has done and its good and bad experiences in the recalling of the Karma Kanda, the Action Theory of Matter, the Shakti, one enjoys or feels sad, but observes all as part and art of life, just the sacred visualization of action, activity and thus the act of the doer, and thus is the 10-D
So, this is the reason people of the ancient times in India and abroad have always used this sacred art of visualization, and thus is the divine and the sacred secret of burning candles and the lamps:

In absences of these external tools and aids, one may get get mentally sick with serious psychiatry problems with egocentric behavior which is nothing but the excessive self-indulgence and bad results of unnecessary imagination which is fantasy only lacking all external aids and the tools!!!
Just knowing it is a good thing for health and wellness!
Now, the sacred concept of gods, angels, God and Holy Spirit, the Shakti comes in all of these things which live and work in these 10 Sacred Dimensions and the Life Starts in the 11th Dimensions when we deal living objects sacred rather than the nonliving as this is the Shakti Puja, the Worship of the Matter, the Shakti in the 8th, 9th, 10th, and its surely sacred as if the physical health care. The worshiping of plants is the same 10-D Visualization, which is Sacred as the Green or the Botanical World is living world in the 11th Dimension, and we have its dimensional views say up to 13th Dimensions, and the 14th Dimension is that of the Animals and Humans alike as the Red (due to presence of blood) or Biological World and that is usually considered in the 14th, 15th and 16th Dimensions, which are angelic, goddess, the spiritual and the God with Holy Spirit as the Divine Dimensions, and thus the Divine World of the 14th, 15th and 16th levels, the spheres and the dimensions in general.
Please note the following point are the most common in all world civilizations:
1. The Angelic matters, the five elements, plants, trees, animals, birds and the humans
2. The Godly (of gods and goddess) matters, the five elements, plants, trees, animals, birds and the humans
3. The Spiritual matters, the five elements, plants, trees, animals, birds and the humans
Now, as discussed above in everything exists the invisible world as the sacred s, p, d, and f-orbitals have 16 Possible Sacred Positions, which we is Vishnu’s Abode everywhere that sustains and preserves the universe. How we can use this ancient knowledge and wisdom in modern sacred information technology so that the east and west meets to excel in the modern age together is well shown in this video:
We will edit and add.
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!

Some people think its good to say something as follows:
N.B. and P.S.: Please note that all results and conclusions discussed here are based on my personal endeavor for more than 40 years, and is not by accident that we reach to such conclusions. This is part of my research based Subject of Philselfology, the Practical Philosophy. I have done it without imitating and copying from the the resources and have published many research papers and books on and about it that discuss it as Philselfology and names similar to it say Self-study and Learning, the Swaadhaya, which again means personally carried research works. Thanks!