How Be Happy Philselfologically Can Help in Sacred Paradigm in Modern World of Science, Math, Geometry, Grammar, Music, Creative Arts, Mantras, Painting, and Space Sciences and Holistic Management of Knowledge and Wisdom with Sounds – 55
It seems from the various studies of the universe that the Muslims follow the universe with moon systems, Hindus do the same with the sun, and Sikhs follow the North Polaris. The Christianity has followed the Center of the Universe, but to less Hebrew Language Knowledge and Wisdom less has been written and described as in Hinduism its less of the Sanskrit Languages.
Thus, the world in east and west now depend on Hindi and Punjabi for Advanced and Sacred Studies of any possible faculty of human knowledge and wisdom. It is because the Sanskrit and Hebrew, and the other ancient languages have been seriously ignored during last centuries say for about 4000-5000 thousands of years if not less. For example, the Philology and Linguistics may not have been the major part of the Modern Human Civilizations, and now we have it and even goes well with what Achim Kempf has discovered as the Sounds, Shapes and the Universe, and we have discussed it all as with say A, E, O, AE, the Dipole of the Vowels as the Creators of the Universe with what we know as the Primal Sounds of the Universe, which initially convert light into the sound energy:
“Of course, the Word set into motion everything else that is in our Universe. Creator Mind created the Word, which set things into motion, creating Vibration; Vibration caused Polarity, which in turn generated Rhythmic Patterns, which defined the cause-and –effect swings of ‘Karma’, which, at long last grounded itself out in our male and female Genders. And the Universe also divided itself into spiraling ‘octaves’ of purity, frequency, and density.
Polarity shifts and dances in its own way, creating Rhythm or Pattern. (I prefer the word ‘pattern’ because it is not so closely tied to music- but at its root, it is the same thing.) Pattern recognition is the result of close observation of the polar rhythms of things- the interactions of various vibrations upon each other. Once you learn an item’s ‘song’ or ‘dance’ (rhythm or pattern) you can trace backwards to learn its true essence or Name.” (With thanks from the source: )
“Existence in the entire cosmos vibrates with an energy that is audible to a mystic as a humming vibration. The closest experience of this sound in ordinary experience would be the humming sound of an electric transformer. Yet this humming is produced by the atoms of the universe vibrating at different frequencies.
In Sanskrit this sound is called Anahada Nada (also called Anahad Shabd in Sikh scriptures). Literally this means “sound produced without striking.” It is an unstruck sound, which unlike ordinary audible sounds is not produced by two things striking one another. In Sikh scriptures the oneness of God is emphasized through Ik Onkar. Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, used the word Onkar (literally “OM-maker”) to state the concept of a monotheistic God rather than the Tri-deity concept of AUM in Hinduism. By placing “1” in front of Onkar, he stated that the creative, sustaining and destructive energies are all embodied in the One Supreme Being.” (With thanks from the source:… )
So accordingly, the world religions and faiths do not differ, but have different frame of references say earth, moon, sun, the star and the Polaris systems, the systems of stars that move around the center of universe as its for the very center of the universe, that we say is the Baikuntha or Sachkhanda around which the North Polaris moves around even though it, the North Polaris seems static, and thus the religions, and we know if one has an interest one needs just the keywords!
That is why the religion is also popular as the Path as in the Earth, Moon and the Sun Trinity, they together move around the North Polaris which further moves around the Center of the Universe where Light that Speaks has its center, and all these Paths lead to that same Light, and thus is what it means as the Pathway to the Center of the Universe in which we live as the greatest divine and sacred scientist Lord Jesus says that the father lives in Heaven, the Center of Universe!
Now, one of the major questions is that God, who is when Spirit does not have word, sound, and shape, so how He speaks, and He, the God Speaks through none, but the Holy Spirit at every earth, moon and the sun, the star trinity, and thus all stars are likely to have life on their systems and God as the Spirit, which is Divine Speaks and Talks through the Holy Spirit as we say Speaking in the Tongues.
The Christianity, Muslim Religion, and Sikhism saying Father in the Heaven always propose study of center of universe as seen the Polaris star in the East rather than in the North as most of ancient scriptures at times seem to educate, and thus worship of sun in east and North Polaris in north, and thus the mercury, the Astrological and Astronomical Vedic Studies. In the east its lot easier to understand the universe in the east as the North Polaris makes rotations around it, which is same as the wave and vibrations theories of circle rather than just waves and vibrations without considering that the center of universe is where one stands and thus touching earth and leaving the shoes as Holy Bible describes for many incidents as divine and sacred.
Well, you see I finished this topic as theme work of Be Happy Philselfologically during early 1990’s and till mid 90’s, and now we seem to catch up these theories as if NEW, but its normal not new to say!
When we look at the universe in the east, what we get is what we say is the study of the universe as seen in the east by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Founder of Sikhism:
Now, when we edit and modify the past, we need to pay attention, where world has not paused for a very long, and its like this:
If one sings with “aaaaa” or simply utters “aa” it heals, yes sure please otherwise one goes so ideal that does almost nothing!!!
Sikhism says the violence in the world is when people do not say: Namah as its the Hansa of Sohun, and when people keep chanting OM without Namah, they become mentally destructive, and its the science of languages not that Sikhism says!
OM has its opposite as Namah as we say OM Na…MO Sivaye(Shivaye), and without understanding it, one may harm all, so please chant Namah as well!
In other words, if one keeps singing: Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Dha Ni Sa:, and sings a little of the avroha: Sa Ni Dha Pa Ma Ga Re Sa:, and thus harms health of others and oneself goes into deep depressions that lasts very long as its serious self-indulgence that may cause brain death or one living on medicines, and as long as one restarts to practice Namah! Namah! and sings the Avroh: Sa Ni Dha Pa Ma Ge Re Sa:, and thus is a secret of good health!
We may have to accept the truth that has never turned out to be a lie, and that is when we are a child, we are divine, and thus every child is divine, the angel and we may be at most sacred, a human when we grow up. That child who was born as “I” has been same as “I’m Now” and that is if “I have learned nothing I am just a child no matter how much grown up”, and we may ignore or accept this as the only truth, otherwise wander here and there for rest of life doing what just ignoring or escaping from this truth. This child within never changes age, space, time and anything or all that changes, and thus its sacred of sacred. I remember how a child standing in front of my nephew’s home taught us to pray! What a wonder and how personal! This is what it means to be what one is who one is divine and sacred. Everything else in a human body is as if a tool, vehicle, intrument, yantra, mantra, and whatever attribute one can give to it. If one know the child within, one has met God, the Spirit.
Th existence of a sacred and child within has a status of just “Being”, and we call it in Hindi, Punjabi and Sanskrit as the Sata, the existence, which we know as the Naam. The Naam is N-aam, Not-soul, not just a soul, and we at sacred levels know it for certain that when consider we are part of God, the Spirit of “One I”, which simply adding zeros means does not change is still the “I”, the Parmatama, Thus, we sometimes keep assuming that we are souls, and that is a big mistake as its still s-aadi, the swad, the rasa as we spiritually do not grow to be divine and keep assuming to be sacred. The naam is n-aam that I am not even a soul and when we feel it, we feel so inferiors, sick and sinner that we need to say, I am nothing but as I am, neither good nor bad, but as I am. “…Atam Ras Jinney Janka Satigur Poora!” that if one has a perfect guru means who knows this truth, one wins the soul, the spiritual levels, the sacred only levels, otherwise one keeps struggling with the mann, the heart of emotions, and its the dead thing means its set of consonants, the audio and video files of brain. It needs the divine vowels that are both anahat and anahad, means files of audios and videos as helpful in conversion of consonants to vowels, and thus the Art of Forgetting that makes one a child again and meet the child within as be what and who one is and have been. So, the surrender to God is to say only He exists nothing else and we feel it as “I”, the Child Within.
This topic of scientific paradigm is now most desired and needed thing as we say that the marvel is that I now understand almost everything about the sacred geometry and can teach and educate anyone. I taught many students, almost all secrets of the universe, geometry, math and physics and they really deserve a degree and a license or authorization to educate anyone in the world!
Sacred Science, Math and Arts of the Sacred Universe Give us the Complete, Perfect and Always Verifiable Knowledge and the Wisdom of the Sacred Vedas: Static, Kinetic, Dynamic and Guru Dimensions: Be Happy Philselfologically – 72
Whether its a child to be born or an aged about to leave the world, the medicinal symmetry, which is the sacred healthcare systems, which are divine in its essence and essentials can heal all living ones as if for them, the all is the entire human civilization and all that we know as the Wisdom of Mouth, the Human Civilizations can be as Ayurveda and the Vedas have been. One can attain perfect health with symmetry and what we lack is just an effort, so let us try and Be Happy and Healthy Philselfologically so that we may not regret that History has done great things when all is available now for all birds, plants, trees, humans and life in general, and that is the symmetry present that we have discovered in our modern times of 1990’s to 2010’s, and are heading towards a very sacred and thus bright future.
Now, again:
With thanks from the above video description, we need to note what it says there as:
Published on Apr 22, 2012
Nassim Haramein on assisting the paradigm shifting: Earth Is Not Merely Orbiting The Sun
Earth Is Not Orbiting The Sun in the way we were taught More to do with Something Wrong With The Sun Moon & Earth series. Here we find an understanding of Why the Earth & our solar system do not actually orbit the Sun as taught, “Rather”, We follow or better still, are dragged by the Sun in a Spiral Pattern through the universe & time.
This video offers explanations how, besides spinning on its axis and rotating as if going ‘Around’ the Sun, the Earth is shown to ‘Follow’ the Sun’s movement through the Milky Way galaxy, in a continuous Spiral, not a Flat elliptical plane, thus we find a 3D universe as opposed to the accepted 2D.
** Believe it or not, there is no empirical evidence that the Earth actually orbits the sun ! **
This compilation of videos runs thus:
“The solar system’s motion thru space by The Resonance Project / Nassim Haramein”
This simple animation was created by Nassim Haramein and The Resonance Project Foundation
This is a video clip that every human should see.
Many of us have been taught about how the solar system works by viewing a physical model that has the sun in the middle with the planets going around and around in a simple circular orbit without properly accounting for the motion of the sun (aprox. 450,000 miles per hour).
Because the both sun and the galaxy are moving through space, the Earth spirals an incredible distance through space in a year’s time. How far the Earth moves depends on the reference point you are using for something “stationary” or “background” even though all objects in the universe are in motion.
The Earth rotates at 0-1040 mi/hr (depends on latitude)
The Earth orbits the sun at aprox. 66,629 mi/hr
The sun orbits the galactic centre at aprox. 447,000 mi/hr
In just considering how fast the sun is moving, we know the Earth travels at least 3,918,402,000 miles in a years time! (as it also orbits around the sun)
Total speed of the Earth moving through space is difficult to approximate do to the combination of motions.
Using Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation it is estimated the total motion of the Earth through space is aprox. 1,342,000 mi/hr
Or 11,763,972,000 miles in 1 year!
(which is still only 0.2% the speed of light!)
The old model might make one picture being back where you started after a year of time has past, when in fact, you are over 11 BILLION miles from where you were a year ago!
I hope this video helps people to visualize what the motion of the Earth in our solar system looks like.”
Please read more at the Viewing the video above at Youtube!
Thanks and we are sure to make many contributions if we learn divine and Sacred Geometry, Maths, Physics, Grammars, Music, and lot more that even I happen to know as the Be Happy Philselfologically and have educated many students.
I personally focus on the sacred and divine aspects especially when I discovered in 1990, while studying at the University of Adelaide, South Australia in my thesis of Law of Gravity: Generalization of Human Intellect and its Evolution in Physics, Man (Human) and Society receiving distinction in it saying that all great scientists including Sir Issac Newton and Galileo that the Holy Spirit has guided them in doing research works. Now, the Holy Spirit gives the Divine and Sacred Music, Math and Grammars as in ordinary life, we may not find it in any university and academic systems in our modern age say even 4000-5000 thousands years ago. This is not a theory of conditioning that human need, but the chaos as Holy Spirit guides. The master brain Sir Albert Eisenstein has said the same thing. The human civilization has emerged out of many paradigms that could have destroyed the rigidity of intellectualism. So, we hope soon, we will have children teaching sacred geometry to their grandparents and parents with the sacred theory of universe. We need to approve these subjects at all levels of teaching and education so that all can excel without competing, and living is always sacred.
One may question about how and why we after such a huge scientific and technological developments in recent centuries seem to have lost the complete harmony with the natural world. It is because we have disturbed the sacredness of the sacred grammars, music, and in general the sacredness of human knowledge and wisdom. When we consider the sacredness as one holistic totality that we say as divine, we need to respect what we know is millions times less than what we do not know, and thus respect the unknown as particularly the individual’s offering respect and reverence to the sacred things in the world including the human body. The work is worship as its sacred and influences all, and we when become professional may never considered sacredness as we start to deal with most precious things as common and ordinary objects that ends up all humanness and human relationships as just maintenance that needs attention. So, we what offer may not be sacred for anything, an everything in the natural world is sacred. So, where we are wrong is well known, and a little realization can save the world, which is sacred.
Thanks for your time making a difference with and about How Be Happy Philselfologically Can Help in Sacred Paradigm in Modern World of Science, Math, Geometry, Grammar, Music, Creative Arts, Mantras, Painting, and Space Sciences and Holistic Management of Knowledge and Wisdom – 55!
A Relevant Blog Post in the Series: How 35 Gurmukhi Quantum Phonetic Sounds Constitute Quantum Similes for Quantum English Alphabet and Linguistics: Sanskrit, Hindi, Gurmukhi and Phonetic 44-45-52 Phonemes: Quantum Linguistics with Gurmukhi and Be Happy Philselfologically 165
The previous and integral part the series: Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, and the Theory of Forms, and OM: How Vedas Chant Physical and Metaphysical Rama – Be Happy Philselfologically – 54
Please always Be happy Philselfologically!