Sacred Science, Math and Arts of the Sacred Universe Give us the Complete, Perfect and Always Verifiable Knowledge and the Wisdom of the Sacred Vedas: Static, Kinetic, Dynamic and Guru Dimensions: Be Happy Philselfologically – 72
In the Human Civilizations, the Theory of Sacred Dimensions of Shakti, the Force and the Shiva, the Power and its use in the Sacred Studies as the Sacred Living Ayurveda does, the Indians worship the Plants, Trees, Birds, Animals and the Humans as Sacred Livings, and while the Stones, Idols, and other things are also studied in the most sacred way, and it says all of these are “Pavitra”, and when we are talking about the Nano Technology, Cloning, Hybridization, and best output of the Electrons, Atoms, Cells, and all other things in the laboratories, we have Natural Systems, including all Sacred Places; the Pilgrims, Temples, Gurudwara’s, Churches, Mosques, and other religious places in India and all over the world while open to all offer the Living Sacred Systems, Free Services and with humanity’s bowing to all reverence that people here serve, work and do the Holy and Sacred Priesthood of the “Living Sacredness of Sacred Dimensions, the Bhavana (also called the House or the Mahal) as the Mangal Bhavana’s”, Languages, Arts, Music, Grammars, Ayurveda, Genes, Genomes, Genetics, and Health, and thus whatever we can think and thank all the times and thus the “Living Sacredness”, the “Patit-Pavana” in which we get and give the Human Companionship everything that lives.
The Sacred Civilizations Respect and Worship the Sacred Things, People, Places, and also the Sacred and Holy Books, which the Indians call the “Pavitra Grantha” and the word “Granth” for Sacred Scriptures and Books means the “Complete Sacred Knowledge and Wisdom about the “OM Gran Grin Gron Sah Gurvey Namah!” (The Set of 16 Sacred Sounds having Base of “G”) as Written Sacred Mantra as the “Tha” while it joins through “N” in the “Granth” or the “Grantha” words which means “All Forms of Matter, the “Gr” through Sound, the “N” Change into Light, the “Tha” or “Ta Tha Da Dha Na”, the Sound and Light that works together, and thus the Details about the “Nama”, the Matter to Light, and “Mana”, the Light into Matter, and thus “N” Sacred Octave of Sound Energy used twice in the “Granth” and thus the “Granth” is the “Living Sacred Mantra of the Guru of Any World Religion, Faith and thus the Sacred Education”, and thus as Indians worship the Mantra, Jantra and the Tantra as the Set of Sacred Dimensions of Force as the Shakti, the Tamo Guna the Power, the Shiva, the Rajo Guna and the Dynamic State of it as the Guru as the Sato Guna, and all together as the One Turiya State of the Cosmic Play, the Leela that follows the Sacred Science, Math and Arts of the Sacred Universe. This is called the Theory of Dhavni, the Sound, Ra as the Light, the Matter, the Shivam, the “M” is the “End Product and the Vector Result of All 16 Sacred Sounds”, and thus the “Dha”+”Ra”+”Ma”, the Dharma or simply the “Dharam”, the Sacred Sound Energies that Flow, and as the thus the “Total Sum, the Sacred Integration of All 16 Sacred Sounds”, and give us the Complete Knowledge and the Wisdom of the Sacred Vedas, which are the Expansions of the Theory of Sacred Sounds, anyone can contribute in it based on the Sacred Natural Laws and Principles as the “Sachu”, the Sacred and Divine Truth of Sacred Vowels and Sounds, the Sachu of the Sacred Creation as what we can Nature, the “N”+Char”, all that runs with the “Sacred Sounds” as the Europeans thousands of years ago have developed their languages and the English Languages too from the Sanskrit roots so we can do some little home work to see and find it as “N””Char”.
In the Indian Systems of Sacred Education, we have 6, the Six Schools of Philosophy, and based on any of these Philosophies, Sciences and Maths, which are the Major 6 Vidya’s, the Schools of Knowledge, we have a Integrated Word for Six “Vi” as the “Ve” as that ends as making the “Vid”, means Present and Presence of as the “Ved”, and the “Aya”, the Rasayana, the Chemical, Electronic or any other Sacred Composition that gives us the Knowledge about a Given Thing, Place, Person, People, Matter, and so on makes it the “Vid”+”Aya”, and thus Six Schools or together in general, when we complete the Knowledge and Wisdom in the Six Most Primitive Dimensions of Shakti, the Force and the Shiva, the Power, we have the “Veda”, which means the Sacred Knowledge that allows one to “Veda” or “Beda”, the “Sacred Art of Focusing” and Sending “An Arrow of Sound Energy of OM that thus is produced in the Silence of First 6 Sacred Dimensions, which is Knowledge, the Vidya, and all Together the Vedas in All Universal World Civilizations” with “Six, the 6 Sacred Dimensions to Create a New Thing with Higher, the Spiritual or Lower, the Material Dimensions” is what the Vedas teach and educate in the Six Schools of Knowledge, and the people who teach it are called the “Vidyavana, the Sacred User who adopt the Vedas in the Real Life, and the “Vana or Wana” here means the 7th and 8th Dimensions of the Living Vedas and thus the “Vidyavana’s”, the “Learned People in the World”.
Philselfology of Pleasure and Pain Chain, the Chakra of Suffering and an End to it with Piousness of the Sukhasana of Sukhamana: Be Happy Philselfologically – 40
When completes this Sacred Knowledge of 6 Sacred Dimensions, one is eligible to do any research work of the Sacred Dimensions having more than 6 in Size, Shape and Sound, and its allowing one to work and research in the Local, National and International Research Works in the Sacred Education Systems otherwise the World Civilizations are prone to fall into smaller scale divisions as many new states and the countries has been formed with having anything to do with World Sacred Civilizations during the Imperials which have used the “Divide and Rule Autographs” making divisions among the various communities having the same roots in say Indian, Arabian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, European and other civilizations and of course as all was against the Sacred World Civilizations, we notice that the modern world or the global setup is not mostly based on the Sacred Education Systems based on the Sacred Dimensions that people practice in their daily life all over the world. However, the Internet and Modern Communications has almost resolved this big problem and we simply need to learn to manage it!

All the Holy and Sacred Books and Scriptures are based on the Sacred Energy, Power and the Guru Dimensions, and every Guru of any world religion and faith simply add or explain these Sacred Dimensions!
The Indian Systems offer Complete System for Tamo, the Static World of Matter as “Our Earth Systems for All” that has no life in it, the Rajo, the Kinetic World of Matter as “Our Moon System for All” that has life in it, and it includes what can move from one place to another, like the ants, the cows, and the Sato, the Dynamic World of humans as “Our Sun, Solar System for All”, who, what and why and all that we can think and visualize inside this “Most Primitive Unit, the Third Sacred Dimension of the Universe, the Solar System”, while embracing all faculties and subjects of human knowledge and when it comes the matter of subtle world that is beyond space and time, we have the global and universal systems which are same all over the world and in the universe, and its the Union of Sound and Light Energy and Power based on the Universal Theory of Nama, the Turiya State of Matter, the Shakti, and thus the “Guru” Dimension as our “Solar System with the Universe, the North Polaris and the Center of the Universe, which is the Main Symbol in Indian Civilization as the Gou Loka (the Goloka, the Earth) or the Radha Loka, the Radha as the Sound Energy as Light the Glows and Dha in the Matter, (the Radha name means the Living Light that Glows in All in the same way as we also know it as the Holy Spirit, and thus the Radha), the Energy Center, 6th, the Sixth Sacred Dimension of the Universe as the “Radha”, and the Krishna Loka and the Krishna in Punjabi is written as the Krisna means the “K”+”Suna means in whom rest all the Words, the Clusters of Consonant, the Maya and the Sacred Vowels, the Radha and all names that we ever imagine that is why the opposite of the “Radha” is the “Dhara” which means “All that Flows and thus from where its Sacredly Stored means Shri Krisna or simply Krishna, and when Indians write Shri Krishna it means the Body (Shri, the Sound Energy) of Krishna (the Light that Stores everything in “K”, the Shakti)”, the Parloka, the Power Center of the Universe, the 7th Sacred Dimension of the Universe, the Brahmanda, which embraces the Entire Sacred Universe”:
“Goloka means the world of cows. The Sankrit word ‘go’ can refer to either cows or star, and loka is translated as world or planet…
All the Vaikuṇṭha planets are said to be like petals of a lotus flower, and the principal part of that lotus, called Kṛṣṇaloka or Goloka Vṛndāvana, is the center of all the Vaikuṇṭhas. Thus the expansions of Kṛṣṇa in various forms, as well as His various abodes on the spiritual planets in the spiritual sky, are unlimited. Kṛṣṇaloka is divided into three different portions: Gokula, Mathurā and Dvārakā. As stated in Brahma-saṁhitā (5.43), all the Vaikuṇṭha planets in the spiritual sky (known as Viṣṇuloka) emanate from the predominating Deity of Kṛṣṇaloka, Goloka Vṛndāvana, known as Bhagavan.” (With thanks from the source: )
In the Sikhism the “Harimandir Sahib”, the Golden Temple is the Abode of the Same Lord as Hari, the Power lives at the Sacred Center of Universe, the Baikuntha, and around it lives the Radha, the Sacred Water as its at the Holy Jamana, Ganga, Sarasvati, and other Sacred Rivers and the Sarovra of India and anywhere in the world in which we live, and it depicts the structure of the sacred universe as when the Japanese and the Chinese Worship the Sun as Indians call the Suryavanshi, the Dynasty of the Sun as the Spiritual and Biological Lineages are for many Indians prophets say Lord Rama as the Spiritual Lineage of the Sun Dynasty, in which the universe has been studied by considering the Sun as the Main Sacred Dimension, which is the 3rd Sacred Dimension as 1st and the 2nd are the Earth and the Moon, and the spiritual masters, the Gurus, the Lord Vishnu God and his Baikuntha, the Sacred Shape of the Universe as shown below and otherwise:
While the Sacred Structures of the Universe as the Sacred Temples all over the world are there in the fields, the Shakti, the Force that runs the same Sacred Universe is called the “Shakti Peeth’s”, the “Setup of Sacred Dimensions of Force for All to Use”, and are either on the mountains or are made as if the “Sacred Structure of Stored Energy of Matter, the Shakti” and these all have the same shapes, which depict how the moons surround the earth and the sun systems while the sun as the frame of reference and thus as shown below, the Sacred Dimensions of Force, the Shakti of Mother, the Mata Vaishno Devi, the Goddess of Vegetarianism and the Ayurveda:
Thus, as discussed above, the universal wisdom for any given systems say the Tamo, the Static Systems, the Rajo, the Kinetic Systems, the Sato, the Dynamic Systems and the Turiya, the Subtle, Spiritual and or what is beyond the Physical World, the Gou or the Radha Loka, and thus the world of light that propagates into matter following the sacred function of “E=M*C*C”:
How Sacred Indian Geometry Makes All World of Sciences Sacred Ease of Learning with Atomic Orbitals: The Sacred 8 and 10-Dimensions of the Universe, Holy Spirit and God, its Sacred Visualization, 14-D and 16-D’s: Be Happy Philselfologically – 61
How Sacred Grammars of Indian Civilization Provide Self-Education of Science, Math, Chemistry, and other Sacred Knowledge and Wisdom in the Universe: Be Happy Philselfologically – 62
How Sacred Indian Geometry and Graphs Explain Brain, Spinal Chord, Solar Systems, Universe and Life Everywhere are Connected: Indian Civilizations and Be Happy Philselfologically – 63
Understanding Inner and Outer Kundalini: How Sacred DNA and the Resistance Bands Represent the Kudalini Inside and Outside as One, and Source of Amrit: Be Happy Philselfologically – 64
Well, if the modern education systems can pause and wait, we can notice that the Sacred Systems give us the Entire Knowledge and Wisdom of the Universe at our Palms as its not the Theory of Conditioning but Sacred Purity and Perfection that the Sacred and Pure Universal Theory of Dimensions has been offering from Time Immortal that makes one get the self-realization and thus what Indians call the Sacred Dimensions of Shakti as the “Bhaga, the Sacred Portion, the Part of Sacred Consonants, which can be combination of any sound having at least one absence of the “sacred vowel” that can be the Sacred Vowels, the Perfect Part of Visible Space, the Loka and the Sacred Dimensions of Power, the “Wana”, the Sacred Vowels as the Invisible Space, the Parloka, and thus Bhagwan in the Invisible Forms, and thus the Indian Philosophy of Self-realization as we know the God or Self-realization! Unlike the Pavlov’s Theory of Conditioning, which seems good for animals, the Indian Theory of Self-realization, the Exploring of Potential of Sacred Dimensions of Energy, the Shakti and the Power, the Shiva Dimensions, its for everything that exists using these sacred dimensions, and thus for all it says: “For the Prani Maatra” means “For All Things in which the Light, Matter and Sound=Prani function and work to run it naturally and automatically, and thus for almost everything that can exist!
The World Religions and Faiths represent the Entire Sacred Knowledge and Wisdom in the Sacred Dimensions for any given gods, goddesses, angels, and their families, and thus when we see more than 2 Arms as in a human one arm is of “Shakti”, the left one of the creative intelligence and the one arm is of the “Shiva”, the right one of the intelligence, the left brain in the Sacred Indian Images, we know its the number of sacred dimensions that one need to consider before grasping what kind of “Sacredness” that image of god or goddess represent. The another point is that in their hands what they keep or hold gives the interpretations what kind of abilities the gods and the goddess have as the image below shows the Sacred Abilities of the Lord Buddha. We notice it in many cases for anyone other than the gods and the goddess as if the achievement badges or the medals on the shoulders and the arms of the winners in any given field:

We still see the Sacred Worlds present in the Sacred Kitchens in which we have all that we need, and we know that Coming Back of Raw and Sea Foods is what makes world now a More Sacred Place as all Dimensions of Shakti, the Force and the Shiva, the Power are Sacred in All of Raw, Sea, Vegans, and what we now have as the Alternative Sacred Foods in the Modern World, and any “Mixing of Pollution”, the Milawat in these is called the “Tamo, Rajo, Sato and thus the Spiritual Sin”, the Apvaitra Act by almost all people and Sacred Genetic Modifications differ as Sacred People oppose the “Psychiatry and Behavior Modifications with Drugs” as its called the Pishach Vidya in which the Making of Petroleum Products from the Fossils, the Remains of the Dead Bodies of millions of years others take place, and Indians are well versed in studying about these:
Thus, there seems a very strong reason to oppose the Consonant Cluster based Music and Literature that harms the Health, Wellness and Wealth of everything in the universe, and that the Indian and Other Sacred Civilizations have lost most of the sacred people, places, arts and lot more after World War 2, and that our modern education seem to have nothing to do with the Sacred Education, Art and Research and that India alone has lost the “Gharana’s, the Families and the Genes of Great Sacred Indian Arts, Sciences and Living Life’s”, and we see lessening impact of this Sacred Art and Music in India Media, Cinema and Folk Arts based on the Sacred Dimensions, which the Indian Sacred Systems say Indian Classical Music offers, and we always have had great Indian Songs popular even today as it were during 1950’s, 60’s, 70’s and say mid 80’s when it started to end due to Globalization that does not support the Sacredness of Humanity called the “Feelings” having no status in any Modern International Systems say Law and Orders, Education and General Media, and we all know it very well, the most of Indian Artists and Lovers and Admirers of Sacred Music and Art are nothing but sad as all are in our modern world as everything say in Indian Media always has been based on the Sacred Standards of Sacred Dimensions, the Sacred Parameters of Art, Music, Math, and all that we have been seeing in the Indian Golden Movies and Songs, but the modern generations started to lose it in the 80’s and in 90’s the Tampered Arts have ruled out anything sacred in media, and now as I write, we have almost nothing Sacred in Indian Media regarding this as I remember and recall this what I wrote to Indian High Commission when I reached Adelaide, South Australia for my studies of 10+2 in January, 1989 saying: “Sacred Media is India, please take care of it! Thanks!”.
Philselfology of World of Shabari Mantras, Sidhha, Instrumental and Vocal Music, and Classical Dances, the Kathak: Divine Grammars and the Computer Programming Skills: Be Happy Philselfologically – 51
Sub title and topic: Ram Chrit Manas, Gurbani, Dhaarna, Aarti, Chownki, Glossolalia, Taksal Systems, Psychological Therapies, Conative and the Cognitive and Teaching, Tutoring and Counseling
We notice in India alone that the compositions in any form of media is not considered sacred if it does not meet the standards of sacred education systems as it produces all kinds of violence, hatred and thus thought pollution and corruption in the sacred minds and the brains. The Sacred Indians call it the “Kachi Baani” means the “Language of Clusters of Consonants, the “Ka” that Talk and Discuss about the Natural World, the Charachar or simply the “Char”, and the Kachi Baani”, and on the other hand, the “Paki or Sachi Baani” as based on what Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji and the Vedas call the “Sach”, the “Sachu” and thus the “Sachi Baani of Natural Laws and Principles, which anyone can verify anytime and anywhere, the Sacred Condition of Verbal Wisdom, the Vedas that Everything Must Be Testable and Verifiable Everywhere, and thus “Paras of Sacred Vowels, Consonants and the Sounds through Sacred and Pure Combinations and Permutations of Vowels, Sounds and Music that helps the Sacred Kundalini, and the DNA gives the Paras, the Rasa or Chemical which only the Sacred Music can produce as otherwise gives the glandular secretions that harm the glands as the Stimulant and Response can produce only few glandular secretions, and living life in parts is never considered the Sacred, the Paras to and for anyone!”
The following is nothing but that World Comes Back to Indian Sacred Education, Health and Research Systems as we have discussed in the Be Happy Philselfologically Series:
“Shen-Miller said the lotus’ genetic repair mechanisms could be very useful if they could be transferred to humans or to crops — such as rice, corn and wheat — whose seeds have life spans of only a few years. “If our genes could repair disease as well as the lotus’ genes, we would have healthier aging. We need to learn about its repair mechanisms, and about its biochemical, physiological and molecular properties, but the lotus genome is now open to everybody.” (With thanks from the source:… )
The Indian Sacred Education Systems and thus the Theory of the Sacred Dimensions, the Bhavana of Shakti in the 3 Forms of Force, and Shiva in the 1 Form of Power, and thus the Entire Sacred Universe in the 4-Most Sacred Dimensions, and the 4th Dimension of Power as the Sacred Art of Self-Visualizing gives the world life time and generation to generation Sacred Environment and thus all the Sacred Places, People and Things, the Prani’s in general in the World in which we all live. Thus all Religious Places of the World and India are the Sacred Education Centers where people have always learned, taught and practiced the Sacred Educations of the World, and in India all Religious Places Offer this Shakti, the Matter, Shiva, the Light with the Sacred Sounds that Indians sing, chant and live it as part of daily prayers and thus the Sound and Light Theory of Mana and Nama is what the Indians live, and thus is the Sacred and Living Civilization of Ayurveda, the Ayurs or the Aryans, the People who live Good and Civilized life, the Santan or Saints’ Sacred Life, and thus the Sanatana (By the Holy Saints, the Sant’s) and the Sacred Life as we all live in all of the World Civilizations! One of the major point of Sacredness in All World Civilizations is that all are based on the Sacred Biorhythm of the Sacred Universe, which gives Complete Sacred Education Systems a most scientific and mathematical thing based on “Space and Time” in the universe. P.S.: Here we do not say in the World Sacred Systems: “Beyond Time and Space!”

And thus most modern thing in the world that is changing our world civilizations towards sacredness and the sacred education systems:
Philselfological Education System: New Sacred Ecological Education System Based on Kids of First Grade Research Works, the Initiatives : The Proposal Grounds: Be Happy Philselfologically – 44
How Be Happy Philselfologically Can Help in Sacred Paradigm in Modern World of Science, Math, Geometry, Grammar, Music, Creative Arts, Mantras, Painting, and Space Sciences and Holistic Management of Knowledge and Wisdom – 55
How Indian Ancient and Sacred Education Systems can Help Humanity: Governments and the UNO need to Make a Little Change in World Education Systems: Be Happy Philselfologically – 66
The great word that Indian Sacred Languages use is the “Pracheen”, which means “Para”+Cheen”=Pure White Light (Para) and its Knowledge by Experience (Cheena), and thus the Vedas, the Truths that People have Lived, the Living Truths and thus All Times Witness, the Immortal, and thus Sacred, the Sach, the Sachu of the Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Moolmantra as the Truth that Natural Laws and the Principles follow, and we realize these neither by knowing and nor by doing alone, but “Living”, the “Love”, “Live” words roots of “Laya”, the Theory of Emergence in which a sound, the shabada laya’s in sound, the shabada, water in water, light into light, and thus Laya, and the Life, Live and Love!
Not very Pracheen: Please Throw not Sacred Reiki Energies or Powers to the Universe, but its Sacred Center: Secrets of Science of Vedas: Be Happy Philselfologically – 49
We will edit and add!
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!