Last week, I saw Mick Jagger on the Grammy Awards. I think he is one of the most entertaining and energetic performers alive today. Seeing him reminded me that a Rolling Stones song: I can’t get no satisfaction has been coming into my consciousness for the past few weeks. When I checked my guidance, I was directed to write about satisfaction for an issue of Good Vibes with Karen. So, here goes! ;~}

In North America, and maybe in other parts of the world, the media encourages us to be dissatisfied with our lot in life. The message may be about our appearance: we are told that we are too fat, too old, we have too many wrinkles, our teeth are not white enough, etc. The message may be about our possessions: we are only fulfilled when we have the latest electronic gadget, new clothes, new furniture, a new car or a bigger house, etc. The message may be about our work: we are told that some kinds of work have no status and we are encouraged to make a change. The message may be about the latest trend, book or movie: if we have not tried it, read it or seen it, we are out of touch. The messages are aimed at making us feel dissatisfied with our lives so that we buy the product or service being marketed to us. No wonder, many people do feel dissatisfied. The marketing machine is designed to make it that way.

For me, the key to satisfaction is this: what does bring you satisfaction? When are you satisfied with your life? What are the circumstances when you feel satisfaction? Some people believe that satisfaction leads to laziness and failure to grow. I disagree. I believe that when we are feeling satisfied, we are in harmony with ourselves and the Universe. The feeling of satisfaction is one of the many ways that the Universe tells us that we are on the right path as we live our lives. We are doing some of the things we are meant to do.

For me, satisfaction is the contentment I feel when I have fulfilled a need, a desire or an expectation. Satisfaction comes in many areas of my life: spending time with family and friends, preparing a tasty meal, petting a purring cat on my life, completing a project, seeing a freshly weeded garden bed, reading a murder mystery, meditating, and more. I encourage you to ask yourself the question: What brings satisfaction into my life? When am I satisfied? How can I get more of that in my life?

The following guided visualization is designed to help you explore satisfaction in your life. To being satisfied,


© 2011 SPIRIT Connections

With thanks from the

Dr. Harmander Singh
Author: Dr. Harmander Singh

Be Happy Philselfologically: The Research on Free and Renewable Energy as Quantum, Classical and Sacred Systems! 🙂

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