Everything Quantum is OORA, AARA and EERI as “OO AA EE” Qubit with AEAE Quantum Body of Everything that We can Think: Secrets of Quantum Computing and Computers: Be Happy Philselfologically – 106
Gurmukhi as the Language of Theory and Philosophy of Elements: Modern Education and The Lost Arts and Sciences of Indian Civilizations: Role of Gurmukhi as the Language of Quantum Computing and Qubit Systems – Be Happy Philselfologically
When we consider the Classical and the Quantum Science, we notice the BIT and the QUBIT as one of the most essential part of the Quantum Computing, Eletro-spin, the Orbital Spin, and thus the Electronics and the Quantum Spin Systems following the Qubit Systems. It deals the Photons in a unique way.
We notice that the Indian Theory of Elements puts it as the “AA EE OO AEAE” as the First Pair of Qubits that function as the 4 Pada, the Positions of the Qubit, the Sound Energy as the Quantum Mechanism of what Indian Systems call the “Qubit as the Shabad”, and thus the Indian Nuclear Systems that is the Shabada as the Structure of the Qubit Movement and Motion, and the Shabad is the 5 Dimensional Setup of the Body in which Qubit Functionality works. The “Human Body as the Composition of 5 Physical Dimensions works as the Qubit Network, and its called the NAAM as the Qubit.
The Nama Theory that we use in the grammars as the A, I, E, O, U as the “AA EE OO” Setup is the Quantum Qubit of Indian Systems, the Indian Sacred Educations. Its also the Language of the Quantum Computers and the Functionality of Qubit Nano Systems in general that has transformed the modern civilizations, and I thought and assumed it as the Patentable Idea!
In the “AA EE OO”, the “EE” is what constitutes the Quantum Qubit Leap for the Classical Bit Systems, and the most popular characters in the Qubit Philosophy as the Bob and Alice is the “AARA and OORA” Characters of the Quantum Qubit Philosophy as shown below:

Image: OORA, AARA and EERI as the “OO AA EE” Qubit with the AEAE Quantum Body
In this case, the AE is the Body of the Quantum Computer and the Computing Systems, and the “AA EE OO” is the Qubit Language that is same in all world languages.
One of the greatest wonders is that all human made or manufactured machines are the OORA, AARA and EERI as the “OO AA EE” Qubit with the AEAE Quantum Body of what a human can think, create and or make!
Moreover, every natural system that runs in the universe is having the “OO AA EE” Qubit with the AEAE Quantum Body that operates as the Quantum Computers, and thus its the “Master Brain” of the universe that we use on our earth system.
The Indian Language of Gurmukhi as developed by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Founder of Sikhism and Shri Guru Angad Dev Ji, and by the Other Sikh Gurus is based on the Indian Theory of Elements, the Tat Darshan, the Philosophy of Elements. It fully describes the Modern Quantum Systems and Sciences and that Quantum Computing is also based on the “Format and Programming of Gurmukhi Language and Grammars”. The OORA and AARA are the Bit Systems that become exponentially active when we use it in the Third Dimension of EERI, and it makes it the “Philosophy of Qubit”. The EERI as the Row of Primal and the Perfect Vowels also describes the Theory of Dimensions as the Indian Vowel Theory is Depiction of Vowel Theory and the Dimensions that are the “Elements”.
The most amazing thing that the Religious and the Spiritual Systems give is the Kundalini Systems as in the Indian Yoga Systems. The Kundalini is the Perfect Example of the Qubit and the Quantum Systems as it is the Original and the Primitive Structure of the Qubit, the “AA EE OO” in the Human Body, and it gives the Human Body as the AEAE that thus gives what we know as the Solar (Pingla), Lunar (Ida) and the Earth (Sukhmana) Systems as the “OO, AA, and the EE” or simply the “AA EE OO” Qubit Quantum Systems. The Human Left and the Right Brain Functions as the 2 BITS of the Left and Right brain that produce the “Electromagnetic Waves in the Human Brain with Low and High Voltages), but the Central, the Sukhmana, the Spinal Chord works and functions in the same way as the Qubit Quantum Systems that convert Classical Bit System of Left and Right Brain into Quantum, the Qubit Systems. This makes the Human Kundalini work as the Semiconductors and that as “AA EE OO AEAE” function as the Supercomputers for say about 90-100 years of human age. The “Quantum Leap is that A, E, O join as the AE, and in it, the Indian and Other Systems call it the Shiva-Shakti System, in which the E (One Photon) goes passive as the Shiva, and the Other as A goes active, but it has the Special Status of Durga as the “AE”, and the Gurbani calls it the EAK, the EAKONKARA Systems. This is what EAK is in the Moolmantra, and that Qubit Function as the “A, E, O, AE” is the EANKARI Systems described in the Shakti, the Primal Female, the YIN Powers of the Universe. The EANKARI Systems are what we find best described in the Dasam Granth written by Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, who gave word of “Singh” and “Kaur” as the religious surname. This, the Eankari Systems are well described in the Durga Saptshati, the Seven Chapters of the Eternal Female Powers in the Universe.
Please read more about the Kundalini and the Semiconductors here based on the Philselfology: “Understanding Inner and Outer Kundalini: How Sacred DNA and the Resistance Bands Represent the Kudalini Inside and Outside as One, and Source of Amrit: Be Happy Philselfologically – 64“
The Qubit it the EERI, the Third Dimension goes to EAY as the E+E=EAY, and becomes a “Circle to Sphere and also Cylindrical Function” that deals the Qubit and the Quantum Computing and the Science, Technology and Engineering associated with it.
The Modern Quantum Systems is the Vowel Theory of All World Languages and the Grammars work as the Programming of the Quantum Networking that deals Quantum Computers and the Qubit Systems having everything as the Indian Sacred Poetry Systems that uses the Poetic Meters, the Standards based on the Laghoo and the Guru, the Two BIT Systems.
I am hoping to get all of it, the Gurmukhi and the World Vowel Systems as the Quantum Computing Language that we use in assembling everything and programming the Quantum Computing Systems with OORA, AARA and the EERI as the Qubit Systems of All World languages, Grammars and thus the Linguistic Sciences for Quantum Computing.
The ease of these Quantum Vowel Theory is that its universal in everything in the universe, and it holds that even the formation of the universes follows this Theory of Quantum Vowels, the Primal Sounds of the Universe as described in the Indian Philosophy of Elements that has been fully ignored as according to my more than 25 years of research as Philselfology, and I regret that Modern World Governing Bodies and the Education Systems pay almost no attention to use it in the schools, colleges and the universities and rather its condemned openly in the Text Books of Modern Science.
I am sure the Indian and World Theory and Philosophy as due to its use in the Quantum and the Nano Systems will bring back the Lost Arts of Theory of Elements of More than 140 Basic, Major and the Minor layers of the Universe, and thus studies of the Universe at the various levels. It educates Philosophy, Art, Music, Math, Grammars, Sciences and thus to say “Scientific Models of Everything” to everyone of any age as my claims in this pending patent application at USA with USPTO.
Now, when we discuss the Gurmukhi, the Punjabi and Other Indian and World Languages, all of these constitute the “Quantum Computing Basics and Explain the Qubit Systems in the Quantum Physics and the Quantum Computing”. It uses the OORA, AARA and the EERI Systems as the Cubic and the Qubit Systems for the Quantum Computing and the Computers. It seems we are unable to deal this great impact of world languages, the vowel theories and sound works into the Modern Quantum Physics and the Computing… (With thanks from the source: http://wingsforall.com/blog/how-sanskrit-using-the… )
We have not been taught and educated about it, so we think that these works are something fraudulent and as if one is trying to fool others for money and fund, but the Qubit and the Quantum Computing gives very ideal insight into the Quantum Science while explaining the Bit System as the Classical, but Limit to Science, and we can hope for the better world with Quantum and Qubit Systems of Vowel Theories with the Theories of Elements.
My research works that deal Qubit, Quantum and Nano Systems are based on the inspiration that Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji in his childhood described the “Secrets of the Universe” to his Hindu and Muslim teachers using “OORA AARA and EERI”, and they reported to his parents that the child already knew everything that they had learned from the Holy Scriptures, and inspired by that in my childhood, I started to work on the “Theory of Elements” by wondering about it, and later discovered that it was the “Indian Tat Darshan, the Philosophy” that he, the Guru Ji described to the South Indians in the “Dakhani Oankar”. Thus, the “Theory of OORA, AARA and EERI” as the Most Primitive Theory of the Indian Civilizations as well of Asian and the Western Civilizations has helped me to know and understand Gurbani and the Vedas in a lot better way, and I have been able to understand the modern and Ancient Sacred Educations as one and the same thing.
My researches are well endorsed and described as the “Tat Darshan of India” that gives Indian Languages a birth, and all Indian Systems a sound basis, and we need it an approval from western countries so these works go into modern researching systems while using Indian and World Sacred Systems in almost every subject matter.
Thus, in context to the said civilization context works my research works give easy skill for the Qubit and the Quantum Systems.
The other major reason the Research of Philselfology discusses the Qubit and the Quantum Systems broadly is that as its based on the Gurmukhi Language and the Grammars and also uses the Sacred Poetry Structures of the Gurbani written in the Gurmukhi Script. The Sikh Gurus have written all Indian and Arabian Languages and Grammars in their original language and the grammars, but have recorded all of these Indian and the Arabian Languages and Grammars in the Gurmukhi Scripts. The Gurbani in the Gurmukhi Languages also covers the Western Languages with its grammars as most of the Western Languages and the Grammars are similar to the Sanskrit, and while the Hindi, the Devanagari Language also deals the Western Languages, and that is how the Gurbani deals all world languages, grammars, linguistic sciences and para-sciences, music, mysticism, philosophy, and metaphysics of the East and Western Civilizations, Cultures and the Countries. We are discussing the Language with its Grammatical Systems that the Gurmukhi Script writes without changing its original language and the grammars.
The Gurbani, the Sacred Teachings of Sikhism in Sacred, Classical and the Raga Systems gives the “All Indian and World Religion Hymns at One Place”, and that is the Sikh Holy Scripture, “Shri Guru Granth Sahib. The Sikh Gurudwara’s (Temples) sing, recite and discuss all World Religions and Faiths written in All Indian Languages and Grammars. Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the Tenth Sikh Guru has recorded all world religions and faiths at one place as in the way that we say the “Old Testaments” of World Religions and Faiths in a sequence, and that discusses ONE India, One Civilization and One World for All Nations and the Civilizations. The Sikhism, the Gurbani in it, and all that it discusses, recites and sings is the “Praise of All Civilizations and the Nations, Castes, Creeds, Languages, Maths, Musics, Poetry, Dresses, Costumes, and thus the Sacred Educations of Every State, Tribe, nation, but above all the highest respect to the Civilizations, and that is in the respective languages of the nations, cultures and the civilizations, and that is Sikhs Sings in the Gurudawra’s, the Sikh Temples praising the Nations as One World, and India as a Civilization, the Akhand India as the Hindustan. The Sikh Scriptures advice to sing all world religions and faiths, the languages and the grammars as the Secrets of the Universes, the “Brahm Vichara”, the “Discussions and Discourses of the Universes” as it discusses various Earth, Moon, Sun, North Polaris and Universe Centers (Sachkhnada) as Universal Civilizations, and this is what Founder of Sikhism, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, and the Sikh Gurus has sang in their hymns, the Sacred Poetry as the Gurbani.
In nutshell, all world religions and faiths talk, discuss and describe the world civilizations and all are universal in nature, and these are not regional or promote a nations, but the civilizations of the nations.
“You see all of this Cosmic Plate in the Sky, the Gagan Mah Thaal as described by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji while he very strongly opposed the worshiping of the Sun as most of the western and modern people need to look if our books of Astronomy help us to understand the universe using the Sun as the Frame of Reference while actually its usually the Earth as Frame of Reference and its axis meeting the static seemed North Polaris and rest of the universe moving around as if doing the Aarti, the Worship of God as the Founder of Sikhism, yes Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji at the Great Hindu Temple, the Jagan Nath Puri said and sung the scientific verses, and looks like what is shown in the video below, and that he, the Guru Ji was reminding all Hindus, who practiced the Karma Kanda, the Action Theory that Followers the Consonants as we have discussed as the audio-video brain recordings that one follows, and thus he advised to remember what Vedas teach all for say How Vedas teach and guide the Astronomy and the Space Sciences in the simplest possible manner as the Gurbani is Pure and Applied Sciences:
It is one of the major reasons Sikh Saints, Sadhus and many others oppose excessive Hath Yoga and Deep Meditations, and thus would advise that simply reading, reciting, singing and looking at the Properly Pronounced Hymens, Psalms, Bhajans, and thus the Gurbani is enough and suffices all of the requirements of any possible meditations. Thus, they the Taksal’s, the Universities and thus the Domiciles of Sikhism and many other world religions and faiths simply advice the Naam Japna, and that is not so easy when we have not been practicing for decades simply the Classroom of Kids Meditating with Waheguru as “A, E, I, O, U”! Moral: Please memorize, remember, and regularly practice what we say in India, the Queen, Rani of the Mouth, the Munh, and thus the Muharani as its the easiest possible meditation in the universe as the “AA EE OO”, the Verbal Qubit and the Quantum.
In my opinion based on offline and online research works of Philselfology, and real life time experiences of about 4 decades and what we have been observing in India and many other parts of the world including English never enough or even satisfactory seem to have been done on the vowels and consonants and that we really have to understand why the yama and the angels inside us cannot dwell in ignorance always. The human life is so precious as we have foods to eat, water and drinks to drink, fire for warmth, air to breath, but when it comes to waves and vibrations, we now seem to have worst possible poverty in the world in which we live. You see its only proper sounds, communications, music and related things with the sound energies that can help us live and be healthy and as normal as natural if we understand and comprehend the sounds, waves and vibrations as all words in every possible languages in the world are the mantras. These mantras have highly effective and curative effects on our next generations not born yet, the kids, children, youth, teen, aged adult and aged who need very sound health.”
Please read more from the source: Philselfology of Sacred A, E, I, O, U, the Divine Vowels and Mantras as Waheguru: Be Happy Philselfologically – 47
The Indian Mantra Systems are also as: “OM Mantra NAMO”, and that is same as the “OO EE AA”, and that is the “Quantum Vibration Theory” that beats as the Mantra (EE) and has and must have OM=OO” Sound and the NAMO=AA, the Vibration, the NAAM Theory of Indian Systems. The NAMO as the Vibration, and the Qubit and Quantum System is more useful, and the OM Theory deals with the Classical Sciences of Indian Civilizations. The Grammars of Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Systems are based on the NAMO Theory, and the Sanskrit is based on the OM Theory, and that First and Third Person get inversion in the same way as the Quantum Inversion of AA to OO and the OO to AA to make EE a Qubit, and in it the EE is the Quantum Information Systems of Science that are preserved, and this how the Kundalini Systems, the Semiconductors work, and the Super Conductors with Quantum Qubit differ from the Classical Sanskrit Languages of OM Systems, and the NAMO as the Vibration, the A-A Vibration gets full advantage from the Indian Sacred Systems. It is not odd to say that the Qubit and the Kundalini is one and the same thing!

Please also read a little more at: http://teenandyouthinlife.blogspot.in/2014/12/ever…
Thanks for your time!