Please Throw not Sacred Reiki Energies or Powers to the Universe, but its Sacred Center: Secrets of Science of Vedas: Be Happy Philselfologically – 49
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You see when we discuss the Reiki and Healing Processes in the World, we notice that everything is subject to either accept energy or release energy, and thus when anything attains balance, we say it has attained the Mukata State, the free state of the complete and balanced health. At the atomic levels, the ideal gases have the state of balance and thus they are called for example the ideal gases, and help us in many things in daily life. These contain the covalent bonds, and thus follow the law of affinity.
Now, on the other hand, the law of attraction is there very vivid in the ionic bonds and the compounds that follow by having the need of having other than one atom. In our daily life, its the level of Shiv-Shakti and all that gives a Electromagnetic Systems a new shape. All ionic compounds either help in releasing or accepting energies, and thus fit in our daily life.
When we process any kind of bonds, that as we usually hear that Aadi-Shakti has put Her Hand on the Mouth of the Lord Shiva, and the Sound that came was “Bom” and its same as what we know as the “Bond”, and that means beginning of life, and this life process for everything has the same cycle and the circle, but with various radius, the radii and thus for atom it can be just fraction of seconds or minutes and for say bigger things, the compounds, the circle and the cycle does not change at all, but the radius changes, and it completes the same thing that we know as the theory of relativity that may never change as the origin, the center of anything may never change. Indians follow this theory of Circle, Center and the Cycle, the Bindu or Zero Theory, and thus has been the researches of the Philselfology.
How Reiki works is just the Secret of Length of the Radius! Many say through negative energies to the universe that has a bigger circle, the radius. Many may say other things, but what the Indians say may never have been properly heard!
The Indian Philosophy of Reiki, Spiritualism and Religions that are the integral part of the World Religions and Faiths say: Sharan, the Refuge at Lord’s Feet!
When we say the Holy Feet of the Lord, we mean that we need to change or alter the Frame of Reference, and thus what the world needs now and always is something very special as this video shows as why where the Lord, Parents and Elders stand and talk or discuss become of the place that we say frame of reference for any given time, and we say, “So Thaan Sohava” the place where one stands and it can be anyone gives a unique opportunity that we talk, understand and feel the warmth of individuals and thus is the beauty of his holy feet, and thus the guru-shish tradition and when when one remembers his or her guru, the frame of reference and we notice and see the glow, and that is the releasing of electromagnetic energies and powers and thus is the Reiki.
For it You see all of this Cosmic Plate in the Sky, the Gagan Mah Thaal as described by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji while he very strongly opposed the worshiping of the Sun as most of the western and modern people need to look if our books of Astronomy help us to understand the universe using the Sun as the Frame of Reference while actually its usually the Earth as Frame of Reference and its axis meeting the static seemed North Polaris and rest of the universe moving around as if doing the Aarti, the Worship of God as the Founder of Sikhism, yes Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji at the Great Hindu Temple, the Jagan Nath Puri said and sung the scientific verses, and looks like what is shown in the video below, and that he, the Guru Ji was reminding all Hindus to remember what Vedas teach all for say How Vedas teach and guide the Astronomy and the Space Sciences in the simplest possible manner as the Gurbani is Pure and Applied Sciences:
We usually touch earth where we stand and that is why as its the Frame of Reference at that very moment as Lord Jesus says: Right Here and Right Now! Amen!

This is when we ask: What does it mean to Take Refuge at the Lord’s Feet!
The Lord’s Feet are the Center of the Circle and the Cycle, and thus nothing to be thrown to the universes and thus is the Guru-Shish Prampara, the Traditions of the Indian Taksal’s, the Universities and the Domiciles in any field.
We notice that there seems a serious decline that the reiki systems from India and other parts of the world can surely bring. The reasons include that the Reiki Masters now lack the Healing Environment for which they may have to go through trainings and thus a kind of behavior modifications in which after a series of tests and exams one is given only a license and some credits to practice it anywhere in the world where the globalization has emerged as the general platform where one can work based on the qualifications and the degrees, but the Reiki is based on how one receives it rather than how one imparts it.
Thus, when we talk about the ancient health systems, the student and the general people or the public is given lessons and training on how to get healed rather than experts struggling for health and wellness management all on their own. The Modern Medical and Healthcare Systems seem to fail as the general public may never meet the level where all can be having health services due to updates in any modern therapies.
The patients may no nothing and just surrender to the doctors and have to be believe that all will go well, and they cannot cooperate with the doctors, the serious series of allegations, blames, protests and all that lowers the Reiki Powers, and thus Healing System of the Doctors starts to take place in the opposite ways where one is worried and concerned about how a doctor deals rather than what a doctor deals. This is not at all a problem in the ancient, but always modern therapies like the Ayurveda as the patients go there for the health maintenance rather than any cure as they know almost everything they can do in their daily life including all of the raw foods, the foods in general, diet, vegetables, fruits, gems, stones, and all that modern doctors may bitterly condemn as the same applies as what we wear, how to do makeup, how to wear the jewellery, how to take care of animals, pets, and plants, and gardening, the organic life and vegetarianism and thus the Ayurveda and Native Life is a Religion for Many, and most of the people are brought up like this where they know almost about everything, and a big problem arises due to their behavior and we have many patients sick as the doctors get sick too any and many times. The Problem is How a Native, Aboriginal, Desi, the Rural, and the Reiki and Ayurveda experts say things rather than what they really do as its the raw material they eat and chew as most of the in the rest of the world now do, and its a healthy lifestyle of natural world and who follows dwells well.
As we say throw not the raw foods, the carriers of reiki powers and energies in the natural world!
They all, yes the Native, Aboriginal, Desi, the Rural, and the Reiki and Ayurveda experts speak things as if they are really preaching others when they say silly things to modern people who wants proof from an allopathic doctors if they are fully assured and sure about the success of treatments. So, the doctor keeps assuring about the success stories of a treatments and the testimonials about how people got relief. It gives on the spot-comforts. The rest is a big story of Movie Making on Cancer Treatments as most of the super-hit Indian movies like the Anand, Safar, Akhion Ke Jharokhon Se, Kal Hon Na Hon, and many others give portrait of what the modern medical world can do, and the patient dies at the end of the movie struggling for life till death.
The following video is a patient who is near death due to no cancer treatments possibly left, and thus media coverage of dying people seems a fading hope of a death from diseases, while we all pray for a peaceful death:
The Indian Health Systems of Ayurveda and Homeopathy says all humans are healthy at soul level, and thus never deals a human, it deals with a disease as in the body function, and before we assume anything:
“You’re fine, how am I” is slogan that all Indians carry as if its a Cross of Health, Wellness and All that One can have!
When one sees an Indian, its a matter of pride for all that the Preaching Sessions of Home Remedies and All that is Possible in the Universe and outside it will be told and one must listen or leave, and thus creative arts, music and all that annoys modern people is what the India and Indians are for the rest of the world. These are nothing but Self-Talk Shows, the Self-Broadcasting Free Systems Live at Anywhere! Pay nothing and get everything and more what one can offers and never call it a Dikhawa as people take of health and the rest, and its a lifestyle.
The World of Philosophy as we say in India has one word that suffices all:
The Bebaak and Bibek are the most essential parts of Complete, Ideal and the Balanced Health and Fitness. Now, the problem is what is the Bibek or Vivek!
When we talk of the Takshashila, we mean the same thing!
Sacred Science, Math and Arts of the Sacred Universe Give us the Complete, Perfect and Always Verifiable Knowledge and the Wisdom of the Sacred Vedas: Static, Kinetic, Dynamic and Guru Dimensions: Be Happy Philselfologically – 72
We have the word, Sha-taru, that has the same meaning as the Enemy as the Sha-taru means what does not help in crossing the ocean of sh, the sah which need to be put to vi-surgeon, the visargana process in which the recited and thus added mantra to anything that is philosophy of reiki system in the world and that whatever can be earthed into any five elements by havana in fire, n soil, in water, in air, space, the a-kasha, and lot many other ways to minute the mantra and its carriers, the sam-magri’s as we say the Puti Process in Ayurveda and it gives higher potency to to anything that we also know as the “Guna”, the Gu-ouna – lessening of the gu-content, the ashudhi, and thus the Shudhi, the Purification Processes and the Systems, the Most Ancient but Ever Modern as Ayurveda, and but we will discuss in some other part of the series as due to length of the blog posts on Be Happy Philselfologically.
The Purification and the Reiki is one and the same thing Reiki as its both vegan and vegetarianism that most of Indians follow as extractions in name of purification is not sign of health but letting body work on it with the help of digestive systems and who can forget the hard labor of kidney and thus the naturally excretory reiki systems of body that the raw foods help!

We will edit and add!
Thanks for your time, and,
Be Happy Philselfologically!