We get fatigued whether we are working or studying. The reasons are many, but here we will discuss about remedial measures only. These are as follows:

1. We should take good sleep

2. We should follow gap methods or rest pauses for whatever we do

3. We should take nourishing foods

4. We should follow the principle that change of an activity reduces fatigue, which means we should not keep doing the same activity for very long period. It may be study, if so; we should not study one subject for too long period.

5. We should introduce interest and motivation because these minimize fatigue

6. We should form good habits because these reduce fatigue

7. We should remove or avoid sound pollution

8. We should introduce better working and or study conditions

9. We should develop scientific attitude so as to manage our activities. It will reduce our fatigue.

The above is in general, we also face and get fatigue in the class room in this case we may follow the same SMT’s (skills, methods and techniques), but at home, workplace or the class room we should develop ourselves along with the group behavior and according to teacher’s or tutor’s guidelines. We have to accept that education is for betterment of our life.

Educational research works show that uncharted leisure nurtures boredom because sometimes our right to be lazy attitude creates a host of problems. This adds to our fatigue. So while facing all problems related with fatigue we have to act according to educational peace of mind and life in general. In order to profit from leisure time activities that reduce fatigue we have to engage in activity that calls for our physical, emotional and intellectual involvement.

A mistaken notion about leisure can easily make us slump in our easy chairs, listening to banal radius programmers, skipping over pages of syrupy journals or senseless languishing in the name of relaxation or recreation. In this world of stress and tension, relaxation is necessary to reduce fatigue. But it need not be so absorbing as to result in intellectual decay or physical deterioration.

Let us ask ourselves

* Are we aware of fatigue and our approach to overcome it?

* Do we reflect on our remedial measures for fatigue so that we may not waste our energies in wrong direction resulting in disturbance in peace of mind?

Dr. Harmander Singh
Author: Dr. Harmander Singh

Be Happy Philselfologically: The Research on Free and Renewable Energy as Quantum, Classical and Sacred Systems! 🙂

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