Sometimes having less means being more. Sometimes having less work means having more time for reflection and meditation; having less food means having more health; having less money to spend but more time for friends and good relationships; having less property to worry upon but having more sense of freedom and inner peace; having less things to keep busy about but having more time for play and recreation. Yet people want always to have more and more and more which turn out in the end to having less—more cars and houses which means more credit and less free time. More and more money but less time for sweet nothings and carefree afternoons; more property but less peace of mind; more food and less health; more external trappings, less internal reflections… is really a puzzle isn’t it?
Sometimes having less means being more
by Bodhi | Jan 4, 2021 | Community, Blissful Living, Fun, Peace, Solutions, Thoughts For A Blissful Planet, What I Learned, Words of Bliss | 0 comments
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