Your Support Provides An Innovative Wellness Course To Help People Along With Healthy Exposure For Your Business In The Bliss Planet Digital Magazine. Your full page advertisement appears in Bliss Planet’s digital magazine while helping make a difference.
Click Here for the Wellness Course Thanks to your support in Bliss Planet’s digital magazine we are able to gift the Wellness Certification Course. This course would normally cost hundreds of dollars, however, your funding allows us to share the amazing benefits this program has to offer as a gift. The more people that feel better and that are better able to help others…the better off this beautiful world will be! Your funds help provide an innovative wellness course for people to empower their lives, for better relationships, to become wellness experts, to be better able to help others and amplify goodness for a beautiful earth. Together we can make a positive difference!
Digital Magazine |
The Bliss Planet magazine is an online magazine and video dedicated to making a positive difference for people, animals, and the planet.
Click here or the image below for a preview of the 2016 Making A Difference Edition. | Click here or the image below for past editions of the digital magazine. |
Video Show A video show accompanies each edition. These shows share wellness messages from those featured in the magazine.
Where You Appear |
All sponsors receive a full page advertisement in the digital edition of Bliss Planet.
- The Bliss Planet magazine is sent to over 7,000 email addresses from our newsletter subscribers and nearly 5,000 community members at
- These digital editions appear for years on our family of websites. (online since February 2003)www.wingsforall.comand
- Shared in our wellness groups and many others on the most popular social networks.
- A majority of the funds generated for this edition will go to marketing this edition. We are committed to making a positive difference by spreading the Goodness of the Wellness course throughout the world.”Imagine what seven billion humans could accomplish if we all loved and respected each other. Imagine.” ~ A.D. Williams
Sponsorship Packages Only 9 Total Spaces Available To Reserve This issue is scheduled for release on April 19th Advertisements must be received no later than April 18th for the Making A Difference edition. Please submit a high resolution 8.5 inch by 11 inch full page advertisement in PDF format. Premier Sponsor Your ad placement is featured first on the inside front cover (Page 2) $400
Sponsor 2 Your ad placement is featured second (Page 4) $300
Sponsor 3 Your ad placement is featured third (Page 13) $250
Sponsor 4 Your ad placement is featured fourth (Page 19) $225
Sponsor 5 Your ad placement is featured fifth (Page 20) $200
Sponsor 6 Your ad placement is featured sixth (Page 26) $175
Sponsor 7 Your ad placement is featured seventh (Page 39) $150
Inside Back Cover Your ad placement is featured on the inside back cover (Page 71) $250
Back Cover Your ad placement is featured on the back cover (Page 72) $300
Demographics The Bliss Planet Magazine targets those interested in wellness. It caters to a slightly female audience with approximately 68% of its community members being female. Most wellness community members reside in the United States and are educated, slightly affluent, and between the ages of 18 – 48. Female – Male Ratio 68% Female 32% Male Ages 41% of the members are between the ages of 35 – 48 37% of the members are between the ages of 18 – 34 13% of the members are over the age of 50 9% of the members are under 18 years of age Education 46% College Education 34% No College 20% Grad School Income 27% $60 – 100k 26% $100k and above 24% $30 – 60k 22% $0 – 30K Location 71% United States 16% Canada 13% Other Bliss Planet and Life Dynamix is dedicated to helping people feel better. When people feel better they interact with others on a healthier level and the impact of healthy energies is spread throughout the world! Amplifying Goodness For People, Animals, and the Earth!