Try to remember the last time you filled up your car with gasoline. What did that feel like? Just a few years ago, it meant being surrounded by gigantic fuel tanks that have sat silently waiting for hours on end, sometimes in the blazing heat. A trip to the gas station now is better, but still not good enough since most trips to the gas station involve a plastic nozzle and you get to watch your hard-earned money pump away. All this is for a finite resource that we use to power our machines, which pollute the air with carbon dioxide at increasingly higher rates.

Pollution is everywhere whether it be in the city streets, suburbs, or even out in the country. There are many ways people can reduce pollution such as recycling and reusing products, carpooling and using public transportation instead of driving cars, and consuming less electricity among others. These strategies can help but they can also feel like small drops in a very large ocean since so much more needs to be done if we want to slow down global warming caused by greenhouse gases.

The best solution would be for people to stop polluting altogether. This doesn’t mean that we need to completely get rid of cars, heating our homes with electricity and other practices. It just means that it is time for us to get more creative in how we get around, live, and use the resources that are available to us. Businesses should also find ways to reduce pollution since they can often have a big impact on this issue through their own practices. Governments should stop looking at pollution as something “external” or “out there” in the world; instead, they need to start taking responsibility for what happens when their citizens do things like driving gas-guzzling SUVs around. The best solution will only come when everyone works together on the issue and learns how to live in a way that does not add to global warming.

Stopping pollution is the best solution. If we stopped polluting, we would be doing our planet a favor; we would also reduce greenhouse gases which would help us slow down global warming and climate change. With everyone working together, we could make it happen and ensure the safety of future generations by preserving our environment for them.

Ahamd Raza
Author: Ahamd Raza

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