How Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language, Grammars, and Systems Explain the Advanced Physics Model in the Simplest Possible Way: Language and Science, Math, Music, Grammars and the Modern World: Be Happy Philselfologically – 88
The Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems are based on the Science, Maths, Music and Grammars of the Universe right from the electrons, protons and the neutrons leading it to the making, editing and modifying the universes. In this context, we have the following most important points about the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems describing even the “Spin of Electrons and Other Particles inside and outside the Nucleus, in atoms and the molecules”. For example, we have the following elementary charges in the universe, and the spins these have anywhere in the universe or outside it:
1. The OORA as the Neutron: We have the “Onkad”, the Use of OORA in the Grammar as the “Neutron”, which spins alone, and we have the “Dulankad” as the “Two Neutrons Spinning”, and these can have pairing anywhere in the universe while rotating on its own axis and around the given particle, atom or a molecule. For example, the Sun as the “OORA” as Revolves around it own axis.
2. The AARA as the Proton: We have the “First Lavan, the A”, and thus the Use of the “Kanna, the AARA” is the “Proton, which Spins with already existing AA in the given System”, and when we use any “Sound”, we hear it because it already have “the A” in it, and we thus use the “Kana, the KANNA” as the “Second Spin”, which we produce by sound energy, and thus we have “Two AA” in the Sound, which makes it a “Noun or Pronoun, and all that is the Standard Particles of Physics Model made from the Susy Particles, which lack the “A, the Sound, the Proton in it”. The earth moves around the sun as the earth has a system that needs “Two Protons”, and when the Earth Revolves Around the Sun”, the “Two Protons Have their Pair”. This is why the Indian Holy Scriptures say that the Sun is the Lord Vishnu, the “A Sound”, the “AARA as the Proton”.
3. The EERI as the Electron: The “EERI, the E” as the “Sihari” is the “Single Electron that Spins around the Atom, the Consonant”, and gives it its sound energy, and when we use “Two Electrons Spinning Around the Atoms, the Consonants”, we use it as the “Bihari”. Thus, in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Systems, we have the “EERI, the E” as called the “S+I+Hari”, which means making the Hydrogen Atom, the “S”, which is also the nucleus, and thus the S rotate by energy, the “I”, and the word “I” in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems is the “AAEE”, which means what we use around “Two AA, the 2 Protons, and the Two E, the EE, the 2 Electrons, and thus “I, the AAEE” as the Helium”. The “Helium is the “HAHA”, and without the “H: or the H” no sound can come. Thus, we have the entire universes working on the “H:, the HAHA, and thus the SAHA, the Hydrogen and the Helium Systems in the Universes”. Thus, the “EERI Systems make the “Helium Systems” make run, and thus the “2 Electron Systems”.
Now, when the Neutrons, Protons, and the Electrons work on the Spinning Systems of the World Language Grammars may it be the Hindi, Punjabi and the Sanskrit, we have the “Scientific and Mathematical Management of the Elementary Particles, Atoms and the Matter in General, and we need this system and as the grammars give it, we have it all as the “SAHA” Systems.
The “SAHA” is Essence of All that is Grammatical, and runs the Universe like an atom!
In the SAHA, the “S: or the SAH, the SAHA” Systems, we can have OORA, AARA and the EERI combinations as we have say the following:
The A+E=O, AA+EE=AU, OU and all that can result into the AA, EE, OO, AEY, AEAIY, AOU, OUO, and the sounds, which show how the electrons, protons and the neutron are placed in a given systems of any kind say the atoms and the molecules. In the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Systems, we have the 10 Major Sounds, and the 6 Minor Sounds, which the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Systems has put into the simplest possible manners for all world languages:
These 5 Minor Sounds are in the 2nd Row of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems. These are the sounds of medium these represent, and are put under the letter as the subscript, and the RARA is also placed above the letters, which reinforces the medium. For example, the most important systems of SAHA goes well with the say: “MAYA, which creates the SUSY Particles”:
“MAYA” is the “M, the Sound Energy or even the light energy, which converges around a Protons, the A, and the Y is the Medium we use with another protons, the A”, and its opposite for the “YAMA” is also very popular”. Similarly, the “MARA”, which is the “MERA (MY), MARANA (Death), MERU (Top of Spinal Chord), and so on all with M and R), and its the Medium of Matter, the MARA, and its also has the “MANA, the Creative Intelligence” included in it, and further the “MARA” has the Medium of Light, which we call the “RAMA”. We have the electric and the magnetic fields from it in the 3rd Column in the 2nd Row as it says the “MALA”, the Magnetic Systems, and the “LAMA, the LOMA”, which has many Hindi and the Punjabi words describing it, anyway, the next letter, the sound goes as the “MAVA”, the Movements by itself as the medium, and the “MAVA” (MEVA, MOVA, MOOVE) has the “VAMA” as its opposite, which is the “Electric, the Shakti Dimensions moving or making the universal systems work”, and the last but the 5th Column in the 2nd Row of the Punjabi, Gurmukhi Language Systems have the “MARAHA”, which means the Light Particles, and the “YARAHA”, which is rarely used word, but is well written in the Gurbani, the Teachings written in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Languages, the Scripts.
Now, in the First Row and the Second Rows has an affinity systems as we have the following to understand the above “MARA and the RAMA Systems”:
1. OORA goes with the YAHYA, the Susy Particles and the neutrons and say as in English the word: YOU
With two “YAHYA with Mirror Theory and the Spin as the Two YAHYA’S Joined Together”, we notice it in the Universe as shown below:
2. AARA goes with the RARA, and thus begins the role of protons and light
With two “RARA with Mirror Theory and the Spin as the Two RARA’S Joined Together”, we notice it in the Universe as shown below:
3. EERI goes with the LAHLA, and thus the role of electrons and shakti dimensions
With two “LAHLA with Mirror Theory and the Spin as the Two LAHLA’S Joined Together”, we notice it in the Universe as shown below:

4. SASA goes with the WAVA, and thus the role of hydrogen, the nucleus, and say the air, the vayu, and it has the first human identity word, the “SELF, the I” as the “SAV, SAVA”, which we control by the left brain as “I”, and its opposite is “VAS, the VASA”, which means in the control of other self, the “WE” in the “Right Brain Systems”.
With two “WAHVA with Mirror Theory and the Spin as the Two WAHVA’S Joined Together”, we notice it in the Universe as shown below:

5. HAHA goes with the RARAH: In the Punjabi, its the word for the “Dynamic”, and when we say “HARAHA” in Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Systems, we mean the “Floods of Energy”, and when we say the “RARAHA”, its releasing the stored energy, and thus the “DAMS in the World are the “RAHRA’S”, and the “Rivers from the DAMS are the “HARAHA’S”, and we can notice and hear these sounds in the stored waters, the dams, and flowing rivers. The “HAHA is Symbol of Fusions and the RARAH is its medium”, and if we control fusions, we can have the “RARAHA Fusions, the Controlled Light or the Nuclear Energies”.
Thus, with two “RAHRAHA or the RARAHA with Mirror Theory and the Spin as the Two RAHRA’S Joined Together”, we notice it in the Universe as shown below:

As the “HAHA” is almost same as the “Human Womb”, the “General Energy Wombs” are similar to the way we write the “RARAHA” in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Systems, and in the Human Dimensions, we have the “Fission in the Male,the Electric Wombs, the Testicles and Fusion, the Magnetic Wombs say in the Female Wombs”, and thus as the “RARAHA” as shown below:
The Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems also start the Atom and Universe as its in the Sanskrit Language Systems, and thus have the “OANKARA” as the “First Description of the Atom and the Universe”. In the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems, we have the “OANKARA” as follows:
1. O as the Neutron
2. A, U, which makes the “HORA or the HORAHA” on the “OORAHA, the O” in the “OANKARA”, and the “HORA” means the “Time and Light Management in the Universe” as its the “H, the Helium and “O” is the Neutron, and the “R” goes as the “Medium of Light”, and “A” is the “Proton” say in the “Helium in which neutron is active, and through space and light as in the medium of light, we have the “Neutron and the Proton Activity going on” according to the “Sacred Grammars of Indian Language Systems”. Now, the “KARA” is what we have discussed as the “Sound Energies, the “K” with “Light Energies”, the “R” using the “Protons or the Positive Charges”, the “A”, and thus the “KAR” in the “OANKARA” in Universe in the Grammatical Sciences to say. If we use this easy to understand model, we have the “Modern Helium with Muon”!

If we want to smile, we have it all as the “OANKARA has the Symbol of “OM”, which goes as shown below when with two “OM with Mirror Theory and the Spin as the Two OM’S Joined Together”, we notice it in the Universe as thus shown below:
Image 1.0: Image of the Mirror Division in the Y-Axis, the Vertical Division
When we have the “OM” as say the “Matter”, we also have the “NAMO” as the “Antimatter”. In between these 2 Boundaries of the Universes, we exist that is “OM “Mantra, the Creative Intelligence and the Intelligence” NAMO”
Thus, we consider the “Mirror Theory”, we need to consider the “Anti-mirror Theories”, and the reason is that the “OM” is the “Light Particle”, and the “NAMO” is the “Sound Particle” and in between the “Light and Sound” exists “Matter and the Antimatter”. The “NAMO” as the “Sound, the Sound Energy” may never have the “Mirror Theory”, but the “Opposite Sound Theories, which the Given Sound can Create”, and this “Opposite Sound Wave creates different color from its original theories, the addition of sounds”. Now, the “Addition of Sounds” have a breakdown point, and we find it sustaining the nucleus,atoms and universes, and all that exists. Now, we talk about the “Breakdown Point of Sound Energies”, we have it as the “Spindle or Twisting of Sound Energies”, and this very thing is called the “Sacred Sound, “N” in the Indian Civilizations”, and thus when we have the “Ananda”, we have the “A’N’A’N’D”, which means the “Sound Energy Multiplications, which are known as the “GUNA’s”, and that is what it means that Indians say: “Bhagwan ke gunon ka chintan karo…!” “Think about God’s Spindling and Twisting that are the Guna’s which create, run, sustain and cremate the universes!”
Thus, the “NAMO” has the structures in the universe, which are opposite in behavior but coexist as we see and notice it in the case of the sound energies, which totally differs from the “light energy” as “Spindling is Twisting of Sound as if its Light Energy”.
Thus, the difference between the “OM of Light Energy follows the Mirror Theory and gives a pair which is divided into two perpendicularly as we notice in the image 1.0, and we have the “Spindling Sound Additions in the same as the Mirror Theory of the Light, but its the Horizontal Addition, Multiplication, which seems exactly the “Mirror Theory of Sound Spindling as the Light Spindling”. One of the example for it is shown below:
Now, the humans as the “Mantra” in the “OM MANTRA NAMO” does marvels as we can spindle and twist both light and sound energies, and we as an observers do it in the Z-Axis and the Direction, and thus get the results as shown below with “MANTRA in the Z-Direction Mirror Divisions and the Mirror Theories”:

We may summarize the Y, X, and the Z-Directions with Axis as if the “OORA, AARA and EERI of “OM MANTRA NAMO” as shown below, and thus can pause for a while to see if we are using the “Z-Direction as “I, the We”:
We use the Concepts of “OORA AARA EERI SASA HAHA” as shown in the Wonderful Theory of the Universe in which the Cones First Follow the “OM MANTRA NAMO” and then the “SASA”, the Balance, and “HAHA”, the Open Systems of the Universe, and give all bonds following the “SAHA and the HASA” as shown below as the Geodesics and the Light Cones of “OM MANTRA NAMO” through the SAHA Systems in the Universe in which we live:

When use the above systems in our daily life, we use the “Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems” as the “Electrical Data Bits of OORA, AARA and EERI”, which we use with the “Optical Data Bits of “SASA” as the Twister which when goes through the “Channel Multiplier, the HAHA”, and thus the “SAHA and the HASA Systems”, we have the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language as the Computer Programming, which gives the following results that amaze us, and its also the “3-Dimensional Mirror of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Languages Systems having the ONE Sacred Grammar present among all world languages and the grammars”:

The above “OM (Forward Direction) MANTRA (Computer) NAMO (Direction Opposite or Twisted According to the MANTRA, the Computer” System is one of the finest achievements as shown below, which can always be 1-D, 2-D and 3-D and thus as required:
The following image shows the “OM (a) (OORA) MANTRA (b) (AARA) NAMO (c) (EERI)”, and the “SASA (d)”, “HAHA (e)” and the “SAHA” (the “f” part in the image), and thus the a, b, c, d, e, and the f in the image below as the Sacred Visualization of Godel’s Universe:

Now, when we consider the above “a” to “f”, the 6 stages of the “matter” with outside the universe as the “antimatter” as the 7th stage, the phase we have the following given as when the medium included in the “Mirror Dispositions in the X-Axis and the Directions as the AARA-Dimensions and the Dispositions of 7 Phases, the Stages of the Universes”, and these have almost the same shapes as we have the 2nd Row of the Punjabi,the Gurmukhi Language Systems as follows:
1. YAHYAA (YAYAA) as the “a”
2. RAHRA (RARA) as the “b’
3. LAHLAA (LALLA or LALAA) as the “c”
4. WAHWAA (VAVAA, VAVA, WAWA, VAWA) as the “d”
6. WAH+RARAHA=”WARAHA” shape as in the “f”
7. RARAHA+WAH=”RAHAWA” shape as in the “shadow images” of “f”,the Light and the Open Mouth Functions
We also need to consider that when we notice the “a, b, c, d, e, f” and other dimensions, we have it as the “ANKA Dimensions”, and the “ANKA also means the “NUMERAL Dimensions”, and these exactly resemble to the highest possible way to the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems and the Numerals. As for example, we have the 1 in Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems as the Y-Axis, and its shape gives it that way, and we also have the 2 as we write the X-Axis, and 3 has a curbed circle pointing towards the Z-Axis, and similarly, we can check and almost all “ANKA, the Numeral Dimensions” as shown below say in the “a, b, c, d, e, and f” as for the “Numeral Shapes of the Dimensions”, and in the “Y, X, and Z” Dimensions, we need to check it as the “1-D, 2-D and the 3-D” to analyse the “Numeral, the Anka Dimension Similarities”:
While considering it, we have the “YINIANA, YANYIANA, NAHNA, NANA, MAMA” as the 5 Special Descending and Ascending Dimensions, which represents about how the “Light and the Sound Energies after one to many Sacred Twisting follows the Spindling in the Levels of the Concentric Circles or the Orbitals in the Atoms, Molecules and the similar in any possible thing in the universe”, and we have it as follows:
4. NANA, the NAHNA
5. MAMA, the MAHMA
The Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Structures and the Shapes are also present in the Circular and Orbitals which look like this:

And these are the “Sacred Shapes of the Structures when taken in the Cycles and the Circles”, and why do we have the following as the “Thumb Rule”:
NAMA and the MANA Theories: It is because the NAMA, MANA, and the RAMA and the MARA with SAHA and the HASA Theories has been studied as the “N-Times the Rule”. For example the “RAMA from the RARA and the MAMA” goes as the “N-Times the Light and Sound Energies”, and thus its the “NAMA”, the “N” times. The “NAMA” has the “Descending Order” as the “MANA” as from the “Light to Matter”, and thus the “MARA” has the “Descending Order” as the “RAMA” as from the “Matter to Antimatter”. These ascending and the descending orders also create what we are using in the modern fiber and the optical systems as shown below in which also notice the “OM MANTRA NAMO” as the “OAM+ MANTRA OAM-“, which I have written as simply the “OM MANTRA NAMO”, and its the “OAM+ Spindling or Twisting as the MANTRA and the OAM-“:

We also need to consider why at the “End of Every Row” in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language System, we have the “Sacred Sound”, and its because as follows:
1. The Column follow the “OORA AARA and the EERI” and at the 4th Column, we have the System that Balances and these are the “Light and Sound Systems” as the “OORA, AARA and the EERI” and the “SASA”, but the “Original Junction Remains as the “Light and Sound Energy Converters as the “HA, the HAHA” is there in the 1st Row. All the Rows and Columns follow the “Matrix Rules and We have thousands of combinations, permutations and the Small (SAHA) and the Big Sizes (the HASA), and thus the “Sacred Systems of Indian Divisional Charts of 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 with as 1.25, 2.5, and 5, 10, and so on”. These Sacred Systems are the “Digital Systems in the Modern World and the Computers and the Way we write the Computer Programs”!
Now, the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language System use the following Structural Systems of the Atoms and the Universe with almost every possible thing in the universe, and thus have the what we can describe simply as follows:
1. First Row in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems: Elementary Particles, Hydrogen and Helium Systems in the Universe.
The special about this row is that its the “Y-Axis” of the Languages and the Grammars. It deals with the “Nucleus, Neutrons in the and the neutron activity in the Fission and the Fusions as it deals with the Nuclear Structures.
2. Second Row in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems: Mediums of All 5 Kinds and the Theories of Fission and the Fusion
The special about this row is that its the “X-Axis” of the Languages and the Grammars. It deals with the “Protons, fission and fusion mediums”, and in our modern world we have it as the “The Best Checkouts for Natural Resources with Fission and Fusions so that we may save money and funds on experiments.
3. Third Row in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems: Space Elements and the Mediums supporting it
4. Fourth Row in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems: Air Elements and the Mediums supporting it
5. Fifth Row in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems: Water Elements and the Mediums supporting it
6. Sixth Row in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems: Fire Elements and the Mediums supporting it
7. Seventh Row in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems: Solid Elements and the Mediums supporting it
8. The 5th Column as the Vertical Row: The following 5 Sounds which deal the “Light, Sound and Matter and the Energy Conversions”:
4. NANA, the NAHNA
5. MAMA, the MAHMA
The special about this row is that it acts as the “Z-Axis” in the World Languages and the Grammars as its so in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems. It can be found in 3-Dimensional Systems as the “Desired Product, which is the MANTRA” in the “OM (Y-Axis) MANTRA (Z-Axis) NAMO (X-Axis)” Systems. Some more research is always a desired thing in the world!

The 3rd to 7th Rows can give the SAHA and the HASA based on the Micro and the Macro as the Solid as Macro can be Space in the Micro Systems, and so on as we will discuss while I do a little more research and analysis in next day or say as I think in Punjabi and write in English!
We have thus the “MARA” as the Solid, the Matter when we use the “2nd Row Medium with the 7th Row Solid”, and when we put it in the opposite as the “RAMA”, we have the same solid of the 7th Row as the “Light, the Space, the Ethereal things”!
The “Thing” is that our past and that of the universe is the “OORA”, the Neutrons, the Y-Axis, and the future is the “AARA”, the “Protons”, the X-Axis and then what is “Future of the World and the Universe”; its where we all go in the Z-Axis, Right Here; Right Now in the Present as the “Sacred Dimension of Present”, and thus the “EERI”. Then, we have the 4th Dimension, which is the “DATABASE of the Earth Systems and the Universe”, and it is the “3 Primitive Colors in the Universe, and the movement these follow as the “Tetrahedrons” as shown in the following two images:
Thus, when we look at the “OORA, AARA and the EERI” as the 3 Sacred Columns, we have it in the 7 Rows, which from the 3rd Row of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems give us the “MATTER”, and we have the “ANTIMATTER” in the 4th Columns and what gives the Systems “Small and Big Jump and Crunch, the Big Theories” as Paul Davies puts it as the “ONION Theory of the UNIVERSE as the SIZE and the ANTI-SIZE, the Divisional and the Dimensional Management of the Universe”, we have it in the 5th Column of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Systems.
One of the serious comment is that any researcher does the “original works” and when we use “memorized knowledge and give academic results, we get the best even 100%”, but in my opinion most of the researchers thus have faced a serious rejection as even people asking: “Is this mental normal, doctor, and he yells and behaves like this like a bully at times!” It is such a serious insult that even while we have lost 99% original research works in the world, we seem to ignore anything that deserves a little respect as I have never seen it my life right when I went to Australia in 1989, and till today! I regret about it to say and mention! Please think about it as its my humble request to all. Thanks!
We can check and verify all of the above “SAHA Systems” and can add our personal knowledge to it, and I need to lot more research works on it with the people who are interested in such topics of researching.
Thus, the Diamond or Carbon is the Outcome of the “SAHA Systems of the Universe that goes with the OORA, AARA and EERI giving the SA (Hydrogen) and the HA (Helium) and thus the SAHA and the HASA Theories”. In this context, we may study Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Systems say as follows:
It gives the 15 Sound Energies!
When we use the “OORA AARA and EERI” Systems in the “Hydrocarbons”, we use the symmetry of the “OORA AARA EERI SASA and the HAHA, and the SAHA with HASA makes all Hydrocarbons serve the humanity”. For example, we have the following:
1. Alkanes as the OORA, the 1-D
2. Alkenes as the AARA, the 2-D
3. Alkynes as the EERI, and in the boding it may seem the “OORA”
4. Aromatic Hydrocarbons follow the “SASA” well, and most of the “Symmetries and the Super-symmetries follow the “SASA” Symmetry
5. The “HAHA” Symmetry is perfect bonding symmetry and the “SAHA and the HASA” gives most of the hydrocarbon products as from crude form to gaseous forms
Thus, the “OORA, AARA and the EERI” is the Backbone of the Hydrocarbon, and the Spindling of “SASA, the Hydrogen” goes Twisted with Single, Double and Triple Bonds and 4 Bonds are there in a series or compound as in the Higher Hydrocarbons in the 3 Dimensions of OORA, AARA and the EERI for future works and the researches:
In our modern times, we need to consider the “Hydrogen and the Helium” as the “Two Transitional Pairs of Protons”. We have been working too much on the “Electronic Structures” and thus the humanity has researched on the “Theory of Fission’s”, and thus naturally lacked the “Theories of Fusions”. If we study the natural world as the “World of Protons, the Hydrogen and Helium”, we can embrace the universe like a kid, who laughs when thrown up knowing we will catch one and thus no fears of falling down. We can thus rearrange the global knowledge and wisdom with the Proton Pairs that cause the “Big Bang and Create the Matter and the Antimatter”. For example, we have always “Two Protons Spinning Together, which well aligned in the same direction create the products and when aligned in the opposite direction also create the products”. We can name the products created by the “Proton Spins as the Matter and the Antimatter”. In this context, we have discussed the “OORAHA Theory” which spins as follows:
1. OORA with OORA: Its the “O” as one proton and “OO” as the two protons.
2. OORAH with OORAH: Its without “Protons, the A”, and it also spins as the “Neutrons but these are the protons without the charge of “A, the protons, the positive charge”. We may thus assign Protons the “+” Charge as what produces the “-” charge otherwise “-” charge is simply derived “positive charge from the proton”, which simply confuses with the “e-, e+, e0”, and we can also write it as “p-, p+ and p0”.
3. OORAHA with OORAHA: Its with “Protons, the A”, and it also spins as the “Protons do but in the nucleus”. Thus, the “OORAHA with OORAHA” gives us the “2+2=4 Protons”, and thus the Atoms with 4 Protons.
We can simply put it as follows:
1. The O+O=Proton+Proton=1 Pair of Protons, which constitute the Susy Systems
2. The OORAH+OORAH=1 Pair of Protons and as in it we have the sound of “H” at the end, we have the natural addition of Helium nucleus but its with one less proton as it does not have the “A” at the end of “OORAH as making it OORAHA”. Thus, its the 1 Pair of Proton with 1 Proton in the Helium and we can simply put it for example as follows:
1 Pair of Protons (2 Hydrogen Atoms)+Helium with one less protons, and thus Staring of Antimatter Theories —> 2 Helium Atoms ready to react and so on
This is how the universes coexist with other universes and everything within the universes.
3. The OORAHA+OORAHA, and its the 2 Hydrogen Atoms with the 2 Helium Atoms, which has the qualities of “Helium with one less protons helping in higher reactions and the reactivity among the Hydrogen and the Helium Systems and thus the Theories of the Fusions.
Thus, the “OORAHA” deals all that is based on the Protons in the Universe. Similarly, the “AARAHA” deals with our theme of protons, but as this “Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Systems” may have something put like this by error as I have assigned the “OORAHA” the protons, and its the “Neutron Systems”, but I leave it as its because for any new learner, please note it does not matter much as we can assign anything to the “OORA, AARA and EERI” in general, and get the same results as we do to the “e, p and n as the e-, e+, e0, p-, p+, p0, n-, n+ and the n0”, and then get all results, but the “OORA” is always a neutron in most of the cases!
Thus, the following goes well in world grammars in the same way as the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Systems:
1. “OO” as the 1-D, and the “OORAH” as the 2-D, and the “OORAHA” as the 3-D, and also conversely that the “OORA Systems in the Nucleus Changes it Charge Roles”. The “Atomic Boundary is the Dimension of the Neutron and or the Proton”, and we understand it in the grammatical way:
“The Sound Energy is the “Spin Energy”, and we can create another “Equal, Opposite or the Spin in the Same Direction”, and as the “Sound Energy is Always a Spin Energy”, we have either the “Matter Energy”, the Black Energy or the Antimatter as the White Light, the Energy, and we always need Energy to get results from the already spinning energies as neither we can create nor destroy any energy in the universe, but give all of it an existing alternative through the SAHA and the HASA Systems of the Black Bodies and the Holes, the Stars.”
We have been using terms that has the opposite pairs and it also includes the “Matter and the Antimatter”, and again these are the complementary and the supplementary energies as without the YIN, the YANG cannot have the physical appearance and the YIN cannot exist with the YANG power, and in the real world we have the “Sacred Combinations of YIN, Matter and the YANG, the Antimatter”, and in the Indian Language Systems, this systems is known as the “NARI and the NARA Systems”, and in these opposite pairs, we have the “SAHA System”, which we know as the “Viakarana, the Grooming Systems, and thus All World Grammars.
The “NAR” as a word is the “Sound Energy into Light Energy”, and the “NARI” is the same with additional energies of “A, AA the Protons and the E, the EE as the use of Protons and the Electrons used to convert the same “NAR” sound to light with the protons and the electrons and thus all the diets in the Ayurveda and the DNA Researches advising the heredity and the environment of the given Sacred DNA”, and thus people in India advise to eat something that converts the “Protons and the Electrons so that one can have desired gender accordingly, but in our modern world, we seem to have abortion of girls!” The Indian Languages say Punjabi, the Gurmukhi or the same as the World Language Systems ask first to understand the “Sound Energies that change into the Sounds of the Sacred Vowels, Consonants, and also the Sounds without “A”, the Primitive Sounds of “Noises”!
In this context, we the grammars in all forms say the musical as the “Anga+Anka”, mathematical, the “Anga” and languages, the “Anka” in general” following the super-symmetry as described in 3 steps:
1. The Anga Part of the Grammars: It is the Consonant Systems in all world grammars
2. The Anka Part of the Grammars: It is the Words without “A”, the “Anka”, which we can edit. It has say “SA” as “S” and we can write it in the 16 ways, including the “S: or SAH, the SAHA Systems included”
3. The Anga and the Anka Parts in the Grammars: It is the Punctuation, which most of the students may find difficult part as it is the real grammar work in which the noun, pronoun, tenses, active-passive, and the grammatical case studies, and parts that we study as the Linguistics and Science has been ignored in almost all schools, colleges and the universities in the world, and thus has lost coming of new researchers, scientists, mathematicians and thinkers after the world war 2 or say 1950-60’s when the immature globalization stopped the innovations as modern subjects lack almost new researches coming up, and it seems the Dark Age of Invitation, Innovation and thus Swaadhaya, the Real Personal Contribution in the World and the Global Research Works as we seem to have the academics only with the syllabus, which may not give enough room for any research.
In this context of Macro and the Micro-Particles, we have both the Sanskrit and Punjabi languages as the Science, Math and Art of the Universe and Everything in it. The point of great concern is that we are using, considering and discussing the “Grammars of Languages”, which is the “Math of Everything in the Universe”, so we are not talking on say the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems, but “One World Grammar System”, which never changes with time and space, and as the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi is my mother tongue, I can elaborate things in it.
So, when we talk about the “A” in any language, we have it as “Charge that Works as the Proton does in an Atom, Molecule or in the Universe”. Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, and the other Sikh Gurus have used the “Sacred and Eternal Grammars”, and at the same time has given the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language with Script seems to be the Most Scientific and Technical in the Modern World.
Now, the “S to S with A Covers the 360 Degrees and we have it in the “A, the Protons, the “A, the AA, the AARA Systems” covering up the 360 Degrees, and any deviations and directions and the transitions it can have goes well with say “S-S-I or EE, S-S-O”, and so on, and thus all Sacred Vowels are the Vectors, which represent the Dimensions, Distances and the Displacements in the Space and Time References as the Frame of References”. Thus, the Indian Systems of Astronomy used the Sounds as the Parameters of Science and Maths of the Universes. The other word and thus also the term of “SAHA” is the “S-H-A”, and in it we have the “S” is gone “H Times” 360 Degrees with “A”. It is raining, so will continue later!
The “OORA” as the “Battery, the Yong”, the Neutrons, and “AARA” of Currents” as the “A for Anode, the Yang”, and the “EERI” as the negative side of the battery, the “Cathode, the Yin” gives the brain a “bulb on”, and thus the following system has the “OORA to HAHA” with the “SAHA” and the “HASA”:
Meanwhile, we will edit and add!
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!