Nadi and Anadi: How Indian Mantra, NAMA, ONAMA Systems are Essence of Classical and Quantum Systems of Modern World and Civilizations: Gurmukhi Language, BIT and Qubit Systems: Be Happy Philselfologically – 112
The Modern World has entered into the Classical and Quantum Systems serving humanity together, and that has been one of the great achievement in our times of the 21st Century. We notice it as we have discussed that what is the “Systematic Approach” from centuries as the “Classical Approach” has now a greater visions of the “Quantum Qubit Approach” that sees the “Classical, the Systematic Approach just as a Part of the Quantum Chaotic Approach”, and its also clear from the “Two World Wars, Cold Wars, Violence and Economic and Other Failures in Last Century” that “Classical, the Systematic Approach is not for everyone, who is human”, and that this the “Theory of Conditioning, the Systematic or the Classical Approach” is not for humans, but the “Theory of Chaos, Quantum and thus the Theory of Uncertainty” is for the humans.
We needed to be “sure of predictability” about human and the animal behavior and thus the “Theory of Conditioning” remained prominent. How as the “Humanity Solves the Natural Laws and Principles of Uncertainty”, we no longer need to go for complete or the full predictability about individuals, but that even in the most uncertain situations, we are certain that human will remain as a human and thus will not become “something else”.
So, the world against terrorism and violence and also the corruption and pollution may have tried to solve it while conditioning people or the masses, but the “Uncertainty Principle is that humans know things naturally to great extent, but may not explain it and thus become creatively active and starts to laugh, dance, write, compose and so things that are quantum, but we may tend to impose the conditioning to it, and that ends the quantum qubits in the human personality.”
So, we discuss it as the Theory of Mantra and the NAMA in the Indian Sacred Systems. The “Mantra” is the Systematic and the Classical Approach, and in it a human has no importance and not even the gods and the angels have any significance, for example:
The RAMAYA is the “RAM” in relation to the OM and the NAMAHA System, and that gives word “RAMA” the level of object that in the standards of the parameters may have almost no significance, and its same as follws:
“Rama goes to school.”
“Anyone can go to school.”
This is the Classical Theory.
Now, we think of Quantum!
“Who is Rama”
The questions that kids ask in childhood are the “Quantum Theory, the Philosophy that starts in wonders and ends in wonders”.
“Rama is a Boy…. Rama is a King”, and this Sacred Epic goes very long story.
Now, when we focus about the Bit 0 (OM) and Bit 1 (NAMA), we forget the “Quantum Words RAMA”, and that is if RAMA is there one may pay almost no attention.
It makes individually life subjected to law, and conditioning that pays a very little attention to the individuals, and thus in the masses one is the “Verb” in the sentence and thus the “Great Theory of Hard Determinism” goes on in almost every situation that is one is put to the theory and its influence and the behavior modifications one thus needs.
So, most of the people in the modern world started the “extra tuition and coaching” as school and colleges seem doing the “Syllabus Conditioning” where the rebels are the “researches” and “Galileo, Newton and Einstein” are mostly the most slapped or rebuked students, and later they seem threat to defense and security and end up as the antisocial elements.
The “RAMA” needs attention, the “dhayana” so the Indian Sacred Systems provide the “NAMA Theory” as follows:
However, the RAMA as the Quantum Science and the Qubit System does not consider that the OM NAMAHA are must “BITS of the Classical Theory”, and thus the experts need to know the “OM and the NAMA Systems of the Classical Theories”, but individuals need only the “RAMA that is Quantum Verb of Human Brain” and if one goes for BITS, the Classical Systems, one may not enjoy the Quantum RAMA Systems.
All the Sacred World Systems thus when talk about “God” say what!
“God is Quantum Qubit”
“God is not Classical Bit”
This makes life of humans easy and quantum with all creative knowledge and the wisdom, the Kala serving humanity and the natural world.
When we talk and discuss about say the “Subject Verb and Object” Systems, we are not always quoting the text languages and that is what God as the Quantum Systems is all about as the “Rama Systems”.
For this reason, the “Text Book Language, the Classical and the BIT Theory” differs from the Brahmi, the Verbal Languages, the Quantum and the Qubit Theory”.
This what it means the Sanskrit, the Text, the Classical Language and the Grammars and the Pali, the Brahmi, the Verbal and the Creative (Innovations, Improvisation and the Spontaneity is the Gurmukhi and the Hindi Languages and all that is called the Non-text Languages but meet the “Poetics that has randomness of the Quantum, the RAMA Systems”.
For this reason, the Gurmukhi (Punjabi), Hindi, and many other world languages are the “Quantum Qubit Languages and Grammars” and the Sanskrit stands as the “Classical Language Systems”.
In other words, the Mantra Systems are best written in Sanskrit and the NAMA Systems are best written in the Gurmukhi (Punjabi), Hindi and many other Brahmi Languages.
Now, the point is that the “Languages and the Grammars of the RAMA Theory have a Sure and Specific Theory and Quantum Systems of the Vowel Theory”.
The Sure and Specific Theory of the Quantum Systems of the Vowel Theory constitutes the Modern Single and Simple Models of Everything, the Theory of Everything as it does not deal the “Consonants or the Mantra Structures, but the Vowel Systems and the Structures of the World Civilizations”, and that it, the RAMA is the “Photon 1 and the Photon 2” that makes “Vowel, the Verb, Syllable and the Quantum Systems and that one can not break or violate the laws of the poetic setup that focus on the vowels.” For this reason, the “Theory of NO Violation is the Theory of Everything as the Quantum Peace Theory against the NO Violence Theory that can not be the Theory of Everything as in the Jungle lives the Lion and the Cow, and the Lion Systems do not support the NO Violence Theory, but rather the Lions do not violate the Laws of the Jungle.”
Well, the Jungle follows the “AA EE OO” rhythm and humans educate the consonants and one needs non-violence while the other non-violation, and in the world we need non violation civilizations that support and respect every world culture and civilizations and that with martial arts as the best non-violation theory!
When we consider the Non-violation Theory, we have to use it in the Quantum Theory as in the violence is there in final execution of every action that one photon must die to leave its “memory to the other photon”. In other words, one photon gives any “impression on it” to the other photon as the “memory”, and for the word is “Si+Marana”, the “Single Memory Bank (Si)+Passive Transfer as the Medium”, and that is most of the Indian Scriptures talk and discuss about the “Marana, the Secrets of Death as the Secrets of Life”, and this philosophy is the “word of activation” is the “Baptization Theory of All World Religions and Faith as the Born Again Theory that One Photon (Mann) Dies and the the Second Photon (Atama, the Receiver of Memory) takes birth”. For this reason all spiritual songs in the world are songs of birth as the born again songs that is what is called the “Simarana to Receive All Reiki Systems one surrenders”, and thus the “Quantum Process is the Simarna and in it the Classical is the Marna as that Marna is Classical, the Death and the Eternal Living, the Quantum Life is the “S”, the S:, the SAH, the SAHA, the Eternal Bond of Photon with the Universe”.
Now, with the “SAH, the S:, the SAHA” as the Sohun and the Hansa Theory, we can always understand the NAMA Theory where the “First Priority to the Light is the RAMA and the if the First Priority is the Sound Energy, the same theory is the NAMA Theory”. If the “Light is what is the First Photon, the Second Photon is the M, the Fission, and this is the Fission of Light as the RAMA”. In his studies, research and the descriptions, Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji discuss the “NAMA Theory, the Sound Theory of First and the Second Photon in the Quantum and the Qubit Systems, and so says it: “Nanak Ke Ghar Kewal Naam…,” (Gurbani) that means Guru Ji discuss the Sound Energy Systems of Light, Photons and the Quantum Systems.”
So, the RAMA Theory while talks and discusses the Light and Energy, it discusses all conversions of energy, and that the NAMA Theory on the other hand discusses the Sound Conversions in which the light is also a part, and that thing is called when we consider the Sound as the Shabada, that is consideration of light as the Pulsar, Spiral and 3 Chirals that collectively make Shabada, the Sound Energy Systems and this Sound is the Quantum Sound not the Classical Sound that deals “Sound as Energy”, and thus the Shabada discusses the “Holistic Sound not the Sound as One Form of Energy”.
When we consider the Space, its full holistic form in Indian Sacred Systems is the SAHA, which ordinarily means the “Breathe!”
The SAHA as the Holistic Breath is the “Ionization Process, the Inhale and Exhale”. In this Quantum ionization, we notice that the MARANA is the “Conversion of One Form of Energy into Other Form” say from Oxygen to the Carbon Dioxide and the “Lungs do the Marna Process” and that is not death, but conversion, and this is not the Classical Conversion, the Quantum as the Holistic Conversion that cannot be considered individually as if we do, we do it as the Classical Study and Research of the Subject and the Object.
For the above reasons, the Indian Theories are:
1. OM Theory
2. NAMO Theory
3. RAMA Theory
4. RAMA Theory
6. SIMARANA Theory
7. Bindu Theory and so on
In all of the above theories, we notice only one thing and that is how we deal the 4 Systems of Light (R), Sound (N, M), Energy (K) and the Matter (SAHA, the Ionization, the Phase Transitions and so on), and in its totality, the light (R) is the consciousness as the JEEVA, the Consciousness Systems.
For example, the word “NARA” is the “Sound and Light” and thus the popular word the “NOOR and the Nirankara”. The “KARA” is the “Energy (KA) and the Light (RA) Systems”, which means that “All Energy Conversions are Conserved according to the Vowel Theory, the Nama Theory, the Light, the Quantum Theory, and thus according to the Uncertainty Principle”.
When we consider the “Time Theory and Philosophy, it deals the SAHA, the Theory of Quantum Ionization”, the Time of Any Reaction is Predictable is the Classical Theory in the Theory of Uncertainty”:
For the “SAHA, the Quantum Ionization”, the Indian term is the “SAMAY, the SAMA Systems” that simple means that revery reaction of energy conversion, the SAMA, the Balance is Always same, that is according to the Newtonian Laws, the State of Matter remains as its and when put to external force that influences it causing any reaction as the “Quantum ionization, the S:, the SAHA” is well predictable and this is popular as the “Time, the SAMAY, the Balance of Ionization”, and when this “Quantum ionization” works as our reference, we call it the “SAHA, the Duration of Bond” that remains “SAMA” the “Time Indicator of Future” in our daily human life.
As for the “SAHA, the Quantum Ionization, the SAMARANA is the Key” as the “Life and Death Convert Everything but according to the SAHA, the Processes and the Process Rates”, and that makes the SA (Ionization) and Marna (Conversion) a quantum activity. In the human body, the death occurs to the body or the “Environment of Ionization, but not to the Observer who sees and the records it, and this is also part of the Quantum Memory of the Universe, that is the Universe as the Information Universe, the Akhara”. We notice that two universes, which play the Quantum Qubit Game of the Akhara (Information) and Akara (Vibrational Systems of the Sound, the Shabada Energy and the Light) are well interlinked as the SAHA, the Ionization present in the Akhara (the dimensions due to charges), and finally we see the “Color Universe that is the Play of Bindi and the Bindu is looking at the universe as the Colors”.
The highest level of the Indian Sacred Systems is the “Twist that Works as the Vortex”, and this says that everything we experience, think, feel and notice in any form is the “Vortex”, and this Sacred Vortex is the “N, the Top of the Vortex Conversions into the M Vortex Point as the Bottom of the Vortex”, and that is (N,M), the Two Frames of References as the Classical and the Quantum Systems that the First Observer, the Light and the Second as the Sound (Shabada, the Holistic Observer). We notice that “N as the Source Photon and the M as the Object (Target) gives everything from the “Vibration” present between the “Two Photons” and this the “Climax, the Charming Point in the Indian and the World Civilizations as the A’ Vibartion” and for this reason, we have it as:
“N+A’+A’M”” (Essence of All Vibrations) that is as N+A’+A’+M=NAM, the NAMA Theory
The First Photon (N) releases a vibration A’, and the Second Photon also releases the same vibration as the A’, and both interact as the A’-A’ giving all possible Sound, the Shabada products, and that is the A’-A’ and the A-A, which both act as the Dipole that is the A’-A’-A-A, and this is how “A” as the “2A” as the “Two or More Vibrations” emerge as the Wavelet and Wavefront Systems of the Universes and that what we see as below:
N+A’+A’+A’+A’+M=N+A-A+M=NAAM (NAAM Theory)
Thus, the universe has two major pendulum vibration systems as the NAMA and the NAAMA, and that makes “A’-A”‘ (Pendulum One) and the “A-A” (Pendulum Two), and thus great contributions from the Indian and the Asian Civilizations.
The NAMA Theory deals with what we see as the Classical Indian Alphabet, the Consonant Systems and the NAAMA Theory deals with the Quantum Indian Alphabet that is the Vowel Theory. This what we see the Wave and Particle in the Quantum Systems in which the NAAMA is the “Wave and the Particle” is the NAMA, and thus the “Vibration Theory as the NAMA and the NAAMA Theory” that deals the Sacred Dipoles, the 4 Positions in the Universe as the 4 Pada that is the Base and the Basis of the Indian Sacred Systems as the A, E, O and the AE Systems. The NAMA uses the A, E, O, the Classical Quantum that is the light as the particle, and the Pure Quantum is the AE (EO and the OA) Systems) as the NAAMA, the Double Vibration Theory creating light as the wave.
When we consider the NAMA and the NAAMA as the Particle and Wave Quantum, we have to see and say:
Videos: Wave as the NAAMA and as the Particle NAMA and both make the Quantum World Possible
When we discuss the NAMA, the Light as Particle with A, E, O Systems associated with it and the AE, EO and the OA associated with the NAAMA Theory, the Light as Wave, we notice that the Indian Periodic Table, we have it two major formats:
Here the Indian Philosophy of SHREE is as important as the RAMA Theory.
The N and M has its expression in the T, THA, DA, DHA, N and the P, PHA, BHA, BHAA, MA, which make all Indian Dances, Music and the Instruments possible with its most amazing vibration theory that T, THA, DA, DHA and NA gives all instruments the “Sacred Beat and Vibration” while the Indian Dances also use it in its beat formats while the “Music goes with the Sacred Vibrations of the “PA, PHA, BHA, BHAA, and MA”, and this way the NA-MA is the Essence of Indian Systems as the NAMA and the NAAMA Vibrations according to the Indian Tat Darshana, the Theory of Elements. These however may not deal with the “Sounds that are with the “SHA” and “RA” that needs the “EE Force, the Force and Pressure that further needs Volume, and that is present in the 3rd, 4th and 5th Row of Indian Element in the Quantum and Classical Alphabets.”
The “K-Varga, Ch-Varga and the T-Varga” deal with the Space, Air and Water Systems that are the “SHREE Systems”, and these always or at least mostly remain present before or after the “MANTRA say as RAMA”, and this is all SHREE Systems that work as either adjective or adverb”, and these are broadly explained as say the A(N), K(N), CH(N), T(N) and the A(M), K(M), CH(M), T(M) Sounds that covers the Indian Alphabet in the Classical and the Quantum ways as the A(N) as the Classical and the A(M) Systems that are the Bindi and the Bindu Systems in the Indian Sacred Systems and as the Yoga and Meditation where as we discussed the “M and the N” are the Most Primal Sounds, and this the Setup of the 6th and the 7th Rows that gives the N and M, the First Photon and the Second Photon Systems that is the 6th (N) and the 7th (M) Rows always coexist.
The “SH” in most of the world languages is the “N” System and the “REE” goes for the “M” Sound Systems, and anything that can give the “N, the Bindi and the M, the Bindu Sounds” is what is constructed and manufactured as the “SHREE Product that must have 3 Dimensions, which we know as the Volume, Air Capacity and Flow Outlet means should have M, V and D Systems”, and that is what takes the M and N to the 3 Chirals, the Primal NANO’s that too with “Space Element (Y), Air Element (X) and the Water Element (Z) in it”, and that is how the 3 Chirals are the 3rd, 4th and the 5th Rows in the Indian Alphabet.
One question can be raised in the Quantum Hypothesis based on the Indian Alphabets and that is if the 3rd, 4th and the 5th are the SHREE, the 3 Chirals, what is the “RAMA”. The Gurbani says:
“Rig Kahai Riha Bharpoor Ram Naam Devan Meih Soor…”
It says that what the Rig Veda says present everywhere like the Sun is the “RAMA Systems”.
Here the RAMA shining as the Sun is the Pulsar System that is the 2nd Row of the Indian Vowels and the Consonant Row as the 7th Row, and that is what makes “Ionization have the Fire in it, and that is the RAMA is the Brahma Agni Systems”. If we take away the “RA” and replace it with the “NA”, the Photon, it becomes the NAMA, the Quantum Systems.
This Quantum Hypothesis also suggests that N is the Quantum Particle Science and the M is the Quantum Wave Sciences as based on the Indian Alphabet; the consonants, vowels and the “N, M” as the Primal Photons of the Universe that we can assume as the “Two Sacred Pendulums”.
If we notice in the images below, we notice the N and M as the Matter and the Antimatter and together as the M+N that the Indian Systems call the MANN is the Photon, and its the “Time Dimension” as well, and as it needs the “Space (K-Varrga), Air (CH-Varga) and the Water (T-Varga) that due to “AIR and SPACE Union and thus Combinations” may alter from the “Space, Air and Water” order to “Space, Water and Air” in the Consonant Rows in many Indian and World Languages. We thus see the “Photon as the “M, N” and the Anti-photon to say as the N, M Systems”, and now to be very refined and specific, the Quantum Indian Systems give it as the NAMA, the Photon as Source and the NAAMA as the Second Photon that has “A Vibrations inside it”, and thus the NAMA (Photon without Memory) and NAAMA (Photon with memory) gives us a Quantum Particle and Wave Systems in the Indian Quantum (Sacred Philosophy) as shown below:

Image: The Bindi (N, the Blue) and the Bindu (M, the Red) as the NAAMA Theory as described by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji to the Great Yogi, Gorkhnatha

We also notice that the “Red as the Bindu goes as the Quantum Bindu, the Dot” and the Blue as the Bindi goes as the Quantum Bindi, the Dot” if we put it as the Bindi (N) and the Bindu (M) Sounds, the Shabada Systems in the Indian Quantum (sacred) Systems.
The following is a very good summary of the Bindu (Proton) and the Bindi (Electron) that gives Photons:
“THE PRINCIPLE OF CIRCLON SYNCHRONICITY: The fundamental assumption of Circlon Synchronicity is that protons and electrons exist in the universe and they are exactly what we measure them to be.
Circlon Synchronicity is a conceptual model of mass, space, time and gravity that is based on complimentary principles of measurement that describe the interactions of two fundamental mechanical particles of matter moving with three dimensions of momentum within three dimensions of time. Circlon Synchronicity is organized and explained within nine basic principles of physical measurement.” (With thanks from the source:… )
AS we have discussed that N and M Systems set up as with the A, E, O, and the AE, the 4 Major Corners that make 4th Dimension in the ONKARA, we have it well shown in the figure below, and that its the central point at the base of every nucleus and all of the “A, E, O and the AE” are external systems to the “Major Square of the EO and the OA Systems” that we see in the He-4 and the H-8:

Our this hypothesis is also good working without alphabets, lest the mad word is the only given credit to innovations!
In any case, while we consider the “Bindu and the Bindi Theory”, which is the Essence of Indian and World Yoga and Meditation Systems, its also called the “Nadi and the Anadi Systems” in which the Bindi is the Nadi, the Sound, the Shabada and the Bindu is the Anadi, which is not sound but A-Nadi, the Vibration that we see as light. For this very reason the Yogis focus on the Nadi, the Point that gives sounds in the Kundalini and the Bindu is the light that one sees as the Chakra.
When we consider the Chakra Theory, its the Nadi and the Anadi, the N Sound Systems and the M Light Systems that “Spiral Together Giving the Kundalini Structure in the Same Way as we know the “Quantum Spiral” in the Photon 1 and the Photon 2 Systems of the Proton (Red) and the Neutron (Blue) Systems in the Photon Spirals, the Kundalini and the Chakra Systems. Thus, the Chakra is the composed of the Proton (Pingla Nadi) and the Electron (Ida Nadi) with the Backbone of it, that is the Spinal Chord as the Neutron that makes it the Sukhmana Nadi Systems, and as the Bindu, the Light Photon we see it inside as the Nadi, the Shabada, and the Sound and Charge, the Two Photon Spiral Systems.
This Sacred (Quantum) System of the Proton and the Electron is the “T, THA, DA, “NA and the MA”, BHA, BA, PHA, PA”, which is the Blend of Last Two Alphabet Rows in the Indian Alphabet.
The Sikh Gurus worked and developed the Nadi and A-nadi Quantum (Sacred) Systems as the “N and M” which is having two major forms as in the Indian Mantra Systems the NAMA is the MANTRA Tail Systems, but in the NAAMA Theory its the Middle, the Quantum Wave Systems, the Quantum Light as the NAAMA. So, Sikh Gurus write it throughout the Sacred Sikh Teachings, the Gurbani that its the NAAMA, the Bindi and the Bindu as the Quantum Wave Theory that they have described as the Sahaj Yoga and or the Raja Yoga, the Shabada Yoga that they also educated to the Great Yogi Gorkhnatha at the Himalayas and its recorded as the Yoga Naama Theory, the Sidhi Goshati.
When Shri Guru Nanak Dev went to South India, the Yogis there described that Yoga is not the “NAAMA”, but the ONAMA, and then he described that the same NAAMA Theory when we use to see the Information Universe, the Akhara Systems that differs from the Sound and Light, we have to understand that the NAMA is best described as the Akhara, the Information, the Shabada as the “A, E, O, AE, OE and OA”, the Six Sacred Dimensions as the O in the NAMA Theory as the ONAMA, and very differently, he, the Guru Ji described the NAMA Theory as the ONAMA Theory and gave all discourses as the “Dakhani ONKARA” South Indian ONAMA Sacred (Quantum) Systems.
So, in the Sidhi Goshati by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji is for the “Universe Inside” as the Sound and Light, the NAAMA Systems as he described to the Yogis at the Himalaya and the Dakhani ONKARA Systems by the same Guru is for the South Indians, the Modern People and Civilizations for learning the Universe Outside, the ONAMA Theory and Philosophy. Here we thank Guru Ji for his discourses.
One of the confusion that may be present in the Classical and the Quantum Light (M, the Bindu) and Sound (N, the Bindi) Systems is that in the Classical Quantum Theory, we have the Red, Green and Blue, the Tricolor Theory that takes up as the Proton, Electron and the Neutron in the X, Y, and the Z Directions and the Dimensions, but the Quantum Light Systems using the Photons that the Proton and the Electron release give us everything as the NAAMA Systems in which the Proton is Red as the First Photon, the Bindu to say and the Electron is Blue as the Second Photon, the Bindi, and thus is confined to the X and Y Axis’s as the Blue, the Electron in the Y-Axis and the Red, the Proton in the X-Axis, and that together as the “Spiral, the Quantum Chakra”, its all in the Z-Direction and thus the Z-Axis, and that is what seems very vivid in the same image as shown again below:

Image: The Bindi (N, the Blue) and the Bindu (M, the Red) as the NAAMA Theory as described by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji to the Great Yogi, Gorkhnatha
So, please note in this series, the Quantum Light Sciences and Systems that we have discussed in this series is a very very young and new concept, and we all are habitual of the Classical Light Sciences and the Systems, so please bear me!

I must express that the Book, “The Principles of Circlon Synchronizations” as the “Living Universe” is very well described theory of NAMA, NAAMA, ONAM and the ONKARA as we have discussed,and even though these names may not be mentioned in the book, “The Living Universe: A New Theory for the Creation of Matter in the Universe” by James Crater describes it very well:

Image: The “NAMA, NAAMA, ONAM and the ONKARA”, the Bindu Theory in Book “Living Universe” by James Carter
He, the James Carter says the following simple truths about innovation that is well depicted in the image below it:
“Natural Philosophy Theory: The goal of natural philosophy is to reveal the basic truths of the universe at all levels of our existence. Progress toward this goal is made by constructing theories to explain the various phenomena that are observed in the world around us. Theories are developed by building on several different layers of knowledge.
A theory begins as pure imaginary knowledge. This brings together imagination and belief in an attempt to locate truth. Mathematical knowledge consists of a precise set of imaginary rules. An arbitrary assumption is knowledge consisting of common beliefs used as the elements of theory. The metaphysical assumption is knowledge based on a combination of verifiable experimental facts and beliefs not accessible to experiment. Experimental knowledge is based only on experimental measurements and does not include any metaphysical assumptions. The knowledge of God is the ultimate truth of existence in the universe. This ultimate truth of reality may or may not correspond with experimental evidence or other forms of human knowledge.” (With thanks from the source:… )
The following is the N, the Bindi and the M, the Bindu in the “Circular Vibartion Systems” as we notice that the “N and M” are also the “Circular Propagation of Sound, the Nadi and the Light, the M as the Anadi Systems” as we see in the image below:
Image: The Nadi (N) and the Anadi (M) as the NAAMA Systems create the Universe
When we put it all in the Modern Quantum Systems, the Bindi (Blue) and the Bindu (Red) exist as the “Bloch Sphere” with the X as Red, Y Blue, and the Z as the Green Systems, and in it we see the NAMA Theory, and when we create the “Yellow Vibrations as the Primitive Systems”, we have the “Green Photon Systems”, and that when we consider the Red, Blue and the Green, we can also imagine the the Yellow that makes and helps us see the “Green Photon Systems” as we see in the image below:

Image: The NAMA and the NAAMA as the Bloch Sphere that is Most Popular as the Netra, the Third Eye System in the Indian and the World Civilizations
When it says Netra, its “N”+Tara Systems that the Sphere where the “N” First Photon Travels, and when its the Mantra, its the “M+N”+Tara that is the Quantum Systems in which the First (M) and the Second (N) Photons travel or swim. For this reason, the Sikh Gurus says that they have described the “MAHA Mantra as the Gurbani”, and the MAHA means the “M”, the Second Photon (X-Axis in the Bloch Sphere, the Optical Pulse (M Vibration with A and H Spreading), and thus instead of the SAHA, the Ionization of Light, the MAHA is the Ionization of the “M”, the Bindu, the Red Light Pulses in the Universes.
Now, when use the Philselfological Hypothesis to the Indian Theory of NAMA that is mostly present as the NAMAHA at the end of various Indian Mantras, we notice that its the “Perfect Classical Quantum Sciences” and that all Indian Mantras have it say:
OM SHREE RAMAYA NAMAHA for the BIT Systems (Classical Physics and the Quantum Systems)
(O, A, E, AE) (OE, OA) (N, M) for the QUBIT Systems (Quantum Physics and the Quantum Sciences)
In the above, we change no Indian Mantra at all as Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji told to all Indians Yogis and the Scientists during his discourses as he said, the Gurbani stands like the flower in the pot of milk and it does not disturb any Indian Sacred Systems. In it, we notice that the Gurbani as the Quantum Sciences discusses the “Vowels at the Indian and the World Mantras” and describes it as NAMA and the NAAMA Systems that is as the OM and the KARA as two systems that we know as the NAMA, the Bindu and Bindi as Light and Sound Systems and the KARA as the NAAMA, the Waves and Vibrations of the Universe as the Dipole. Bhai Gurdas Ji, the Sikh Philosopher says that WAHEGURU Vibrations are the “Source of Evolution of the Universe” while its basics as the Sampata, the 4 Major Quarters are the WASUDEVA (W), HARI (H), GOBIND (G) and the RAMA (R) Dipoles, the 4 Vibrational Systems in the Quantum and the Qubit Systems that we study as the Bloch Sphere Systems according to this hypothesis.
The Bloch Sphere for the Qubit Quantum Systems have the Red, Blue, Yellow and Green as its X, Y, Z and the 4th D, and that is what most of the Indian Dipole Systems do as say All Astrological Dipoles with the WAHEGURU Dipole Systems, and say the ONKARA as the (O, N) and the (KA,RA) and the SATINAMA, and say also the OM SHREE MANTRA NAMAHA, and so on, and all are dipoles for various mediums and are always colored as the “Bloch Spheres in the Indian Sacred, the Quantum Systems say the Rangoli and the Indian Makeup Systems”.
All of the Indian Sacred Systems as the Quantum Systems are as follows:
1. Pulsar (N, M, the Light and Sound Systems in the Bloch Sphere)
2. Spiral (OE, OA, the Bloch Sphere)
3. The 3 Chirals (O, A, E, the 3 Major Circles and Shapes in the X, Y, and Z Circles inside the Bloch Spehere)
And thus the (O, A, E), (AE), (OE, OA), (N, M), the ONKARA Systems based on the Philselfological Hypothesis.
We will edit and add.
Thanks for your time!
Be Happy Philselfologically and please write something creatively!