Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Script as the Mother of World Music, Arts and Sciences: Chinese, Japanese, Punjabi and English Sacred Education Systems: Be Happy Philselfologically – 83
The Music, Math, Grammar and Science go together in the universe, and embraces all kinds of knowledge and wisdom management by simply how the Sacred Sounds, Vowels, and the Consonants work in the universe. Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Founder of Sikhism has given the guidelines to all yogis and the spirituals in the world to understand and comprehend about how the Gurmukhi, the Sounds, Shabada of Wisdom help all scientific works as he says:
“Shabad Guru Surati Dhun Chela…” (Gurbani, the Teachings of Sikhism)
“The Power Dimensions, the Guru Dimension that hold the 5 Perceptions, the Shabada in 5 forms; the solid, water, air, fire and space, and it has the Gravity, the Power Dimension working on it as on the Sacred Sounds, the Dhuna, the Dhavani, which follows the Vowels as the Sura, the Swara, the Force Dimensions of Consonants (Protons as this is neither the sound nor the vowel, but originally it has all qualities of electrons, and thus the consonants are the ratios of the charge, which can be shown by the Vowels as the Lagan Mattra, the Sihari and Bihari that shows the charge and the direction of it that makes the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi act as the Vector Representation of Charge on the Sound Energies, and we know it as the Laga Maatra, the Associated Charge Quantity), the Sounds (Neutrons as sounds say no words, the consonants and the vowels) Vowels (Electrons having no consonants and the sounds in it but carries the sound energy as if the 3-D Presentations of the Vowel as the Electrons), and thus the sounds which follow the vowels and swims in the ocean of Shabada of Sacred Consonants have all the essentials of Sacred Knowledge in the Universe” (Gurbani)
Thus, we have the Power and Force Dimensions of Punjabi, the Gurmukhi:
1. Consonants: These have the count of 20, the “Sha” of the Shabada, and with “Sha” as the “Sa” it has the count of 7 as in the 4th Column in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script with all 7 Consonants in the 7 Rows of the 4th Column
2. Vowels: These have the count of 15, the “Ba” of the Shabada
3. Sounds: These can have any number, but are 20+15=35, the “Da” of the Shabada
The Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script gives the Pictorial, 1-D, 2-D, 3-D and the 4-D Dimensional Charts of the Sound Energies in all world languages. In it, we have the Yin, Yang and Yong acting on all of the 3rd, 2nd and the 1st Columns with the 7 Rows for each. The 5th Column with the 7 Rows in it represent the “Gong” Sounds with 7 Circles of Energy, and thus same in all world musics and the sciences with art that we learn, study and research. In the Chinese and Japanese Musical Instruments and the Equipment, we have the “Band Beaters” that when hit the “Gong” produces the Sounds of the 4th Column and the 7 Rows in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script. Thus, anything with which we play any instrument always have the the 4th Column acting on it and we have wonderful sounds of drums using it, the Music Direction Magic Stick saying it all for music Director Franz Welser-Möst conducts The Cleveland Orchestra in Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 5 with “Balancing the Music as does the 4th Row with the 7 Rows in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi do as same as the Polarity Line, the Line that Joins the Two or More Opposite Charges, and this is what the music Director Franz Welser-Möst does by his magic stick for all bands:
“SASA WAWA GHAGHA JHAJA DHADDA DHADA BHABHA”, and thus sound all drums and the instruments in the world as saying the wonders of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi, and thus the Brahmi Languages as the Mother to Hindi, Punjabi and English languages.
At the same time, the instrument is the “OORA” in the same way as the Camera, which we have discussed earlier, and the “AARA” is the person playing it say the kids playing the musical instruments, and the “EERI” is the movement, the flow of energy as by beating the drum, blowing air through a flute, and anything that creates sound, and thus the sound energy, the “EE, the EERI”, and we all balance it all as the “SASA”, the Sound Management by hearing the musical sounds, and in it, we have the “musical cycles as the circles, and the same dots repeated as the beats that we play and or sing”, and produce the “Sacred Voice Out as the HA, the HAHA” and thus the 5th Column and 7 of its rows same as the Sacred Orbitals around the atoms, and thus the Nucleus management in the same as the Orchestra Management as the Chorus Singing, and above all as when kids play the musical instruments:

In the same way “OORA” opens up the asymmetric cell divisions and the “cell is the subject”, the “AARA” makes the physical environment and the “cell is the object in it, yes the subject “OORA” having object as the “AARA”, and the “EERI” manages the charges for the subject, the “OORA” and the object, the “AARA”, and that the “EERI”, the Negative Charge as the Manager of Energy of Two Poles of Cell as the Subject (the OORA, the Neutral Charge) and Object (the AARA, the Positive Charge)jointly holds it, and then we have the fourth stage in which we notice the “SASA” management in which we have the complete, balanced and perfect charge management, and then we have the “HAHA” the electromagnetic waves coming out saying that all is well in the cell, and its divisions, and we have the 4 Steps, the “OORA, AARA, EERI and the SASA” as shown below:
We have the “HAHA” the electromagnetic waves that we see coming out saying that all is well in the cell divisions as the 5th Column with 7 Rows in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Languages and the Script:
We have the same “HAHA” the electromagnetic waves giving the results in the 5 Columns and the 5 Rows, and in it, we can leave 5 Columns and 2 Rows of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script because the Eyes See and we can have the 5 Columns and 5 Rows in the same way as the 7 Columns and the 7 Rows for the Cell Divisions, and thus we see the 5*5 Dimensional Spectrum of Eye Seeing it as the Camera does, and thus we see EM Waves coming out saying that all is well in the cell divisions as the 5th Column with 7 Rows in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Languages and the Script:
The Electromagnetic Waves that help us identify anything in the atoms, molecules and cells has a great impact in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi as while doing my research works named Philselfology, I have found many similes and interesting points. For example, the following asymmetric divisions in the cells go well asymmetrically following the symmetry of sounds in the Punjabi Languages, and thus the Gurmukhi Scripts:
1. The OORA, the Neutron or the Neutralized State of Atom or Cell: The “OORA” by itself has full illustration about how it works. The “OO” as the “YONG” is the Neutral Charge, and the “RA” is how light and mediums work in it, and the Punjabi Languages call the “OORA as the “OORAHA” that makes the last word “RAH” fall in the category of the Electromagnetic System, the 5th Column with 7 Rows as the Light and the Electromagnetic Systems as we see it on the Computer Screens. In this context, the Marvels of Sacred Punjabi, the Gurmukhi as the Brahmi Languages goes far more scietific than just being a technical langauge, and we notice that “OORA” is as the “OORAHA”, and similarly, the “AARA” is also “AARAHA”, and the “EERI” is the “EERIEHI” as we discuss it further.
The “OORAHA” thus gives the Pictorial, Spatial and Dimensional Presentations of say the Neutrons or the Neutralized Systems, and we have the “Neutral Charge – OO – with light energies in the computer and internet systems – RA, and the Balancing point of Charge, the Particle, the Matter with the Light Energies and Powers (the RA) and the Sound Energies of “HA” (with the 5 Sacred Columns and 7 Rows under it) functioning well in the “OORAHA”, the Neutron Managements, and thus the Origin and Resultant of the sound “OORAHA” in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script!
In the Image Biology 1.0, its, the OORAHA as the A C. Elegans Embryo having the 1-Dimension of Neutral Charge
We need to correlate that the OORA is also having the corresponding results from the neutron as the neutron cannot have the “electrons and protons in it”, and thus the “OORAHA” cannot have the vowels and the syllables that associate any “I, E, EE, IE, anything containing the “E” as the major vowel and or the syllable (we avoid writing words with O and E together), and also the AA, AE,anything containing the “A or AA” as the major vowel or the syllable (we avoid the writing the O and A as the OAA in almost all world languages), and thus the Grammars explain the atomic and nuclear structures say of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi, and the other Brahmi Languages including the Hindi”!
2. The AARA, the Proton or the Positively Charged State of Atom or Cell or Magnetic Pole: The “AARAHA” by itself has full illustration about how it works. The “AA” as the “YANG” is the Positive Charge, and the “RA” is how light and mediums work in and on it, and the Punjabi Languages call the “AARA as the “AARAHA” that makes the last word “RAH” fall in the category of the Electromagnetic System, the 5th Column with 7 Rows as the Light and the Electromagnetic Systems as we see it on the Computer Screens work and function this way well. In this context, the Marvels of Sacred Punjabi, the Gurmukhi as the Brahmi Languages goes far more scientific than just being a technical language, and we notice that “AARA” is as the “AARAHA”, and again similarly, the “AARA” is also “AARAHA”, and the “EERI” is the “EERIEHI” as we discuss it further.
The “AARAHA” thus gives the Pictorial, Spatial and Dimensional Presentations of say the Protons or the Positively Charged Systems, and we have the “Positive Charge – AA – with light energies in the computer and internet systems – RA, and the Balancing point of Charge, the Particle, the Matter with the Light Energies and Powers (the RA) and the Sound Energies of “HA” (with the 5 Sacred Columns and 7 Rows under it) functioning well in the “AARAHA”, the Neutron Managements, and thus the Origin and Resultant of the sound “AARAHA” in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script!
In the Image Biology 1.0, its, the AARAHA as the C. Melanogaster Neuroblast (the Creation of 2 Dimensions of AARAHA, the Positive and Negative Charges)
We need to correlate that the AARA is also having the corresponding results from the proton as the proton cannot have the “electrons and neutrons in it”, and thus the “AARAHA” cannot have the vowels and the syllables that associate any “I, E, EE, IE, anything containing the “E” as the major vowel and or the syllable (we avoid writing words with O and E together), and also the O say as the OO,anything containing the “O or OO” as the major vowel or the syllable (we avoid the writing the A and O as the AOO in almost all world languages), and thus the Grammars explain the atomic and nuclear structures say of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi, and the other Brahmi Languages including the Hindi”!
3. The EERI, the Electron or the Negatively Charged State of Atom or Cell: The “EERIEHI” by itself has full illustration about how it works. The “EE” as the “YING” is the Negative Charge, and the “RA” is how light and mediums work in and on it, and the Punjabi Languages call the “EERI as the “EERIEHI” that makes the last word “RAH” fall in the category of the Electromagnetic System, the 5th Column with 7 Rows as the Light and the Electromagnetic Systems as we see it on the Computer Screens work and function this way well. In this context, the Marvels of Sacred Punjabi, the Gurmukhi as the Brahmi Languages goes far more scientific than just being a technical language, and we notice that in the “EERIEHI”, we have the “HA, the HAHA” as the “HI” or the “HEE” as in the “EERIE’HI”, which means the “I” or “EE” means use of “Charge, the Electric or Magnetic or other that works as the Energy, the Force and thus the Shakti Dimensions, and its use in the Electrical and the Electronic Media and the Mediums.
The “EERIEHI” thus gives the Pictorial, Spatial and Dimensional Presentations of say the Electrons or the Negatively Charged Systems, and we have the “Negative Charge – EE – with light energies in the computer and internet systems – RA, and the Balancing point of Charge, the Particle, the Matter with the Light Energies and Powers (the RA) and the Sound Energies of “HA” (with the 5 Sacred Columns and 7 Rows under it) functioning well in the “EERIEHI”, the Electron Managements, and thus the Origin and Resultant of the sound “EERIEHI” in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script! Thus it also has the Dimensions!

In the Image Biology 1.0, as shown below its, the EERIEHI as the C D. Melanogastor Sensory Organ Precursor Neroblast (the Creation of 3 Dimensions of EERIEHI, the Charge Dimensions of Electrons, the Negative Charge)
Image Biology 1.0: Punjabi, the Gurmukhi and the “OORA, AARA and EERI Asymmetric Cells Divisions”
We need to correlate here that the EERI is also having the corresponding results from the electron as the electron cannot have the “neutron and protons in it”, and thus the “EERIEHI” cannot have the vowels and the syllables that associate any “O, OO, anything containing the “O” as the major vowel and or the syllable (we avoid writing words with E and O or OO together), and also the AA, AE,anything containing the “A or AA” as the major vowel or the syllable (we avoid the writing the O and A as the OAA or OAAI in almost all world languages similar or same to the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Languages), and thus the Grammars explain the atomic and nuclear structures say of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi, and the other Brahmi Languages including the Hindi”
Thus, it makes the Punjabi as one of the most ancient and the most modern language!
In the image Biology 1.0, which is 4th Major Musculus Epidermis, we have the “SASA” Dimensions, which is the 4th Dimension, and it creates the “SASA” as the daughter cell, which we can see and computerize as in the 5th Dimension of “HAHA”, which is the Electromagnetic Presentation of the Asymmetric Cells in the Computer Systems and the Screen as it says:
“In the mouse skin, basal epidermal cells (ep) divide within the epithelial plane early in development, resulting in expansion of the tissue (left). At later developmental stages (right), division orientation switches to an A-B mode via Pins-mediated repositioning of the mitotic spindle. This mode of division positions one daughter, the suprabasal (sb) cell, below the epithelium. The sb cell differentially inherits Notch, which specifies differentiation resulting in stratification of the skin.” (With thanks from the source: http://dev.biologists.org/content/140/9/1843/F1.ex… )
All of the above discussions about the “Cell with the Asymmetric Divisions” has the following Punjabi, the Gurmukhi explanations as when we do not use the computers and simply use not the 5th Sacred Columns, and thus have the 4 Columns and the 7 Rows=4*7=28 Systems, and thus have the cellar divisions as the 1 (First Row with 4 letters in it, and is one dimension of a single cell say the OORA), 8 (Two Rows, and creation of 2 Dimensions say of AARA), 16 (Two Rows doubled, and the creation of 3 sacred dimensions, and thus the Shakti, the Force and Energy Dimensions of EERI, the negative charge), 32 (mother and daughter dimensions of “SASA”), and 64 (the HAHA Dimensions as we see on the computer screens, and 64 Dimensions are the best thing in the universe as Indians say life starts when the divisions reach 64!), and thus we have all summed up as follows:
Image Biology 2.0: Punjabi, the Gurmukhi and the “OORA, AARA and EERI as the Furrows and the Asymmetric Cells Divisions”
Thus, we have the “OORA AARA ERRI with SASA and the HAHA” as the Drosphila Embryonic Nerve Chord as shown in the Image Biology 3.0, and have the “SAHA”, the Sanjoga Factor of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script that says we can have the “Sacred Breathing going in the SAHA or the HASA”, and thus have it the Larval Brain which is either “SAHA” (the sad and serious) or the “HASA” (the laughing and comedian) as shown below:
Image Biology 2.0: Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script and the “OORA, AARA, EERI, SASA and the HAHA” with SAHA and the HASA Brains
The most amazing things remain working together, and thus we have the Numeral, the Number System of Punjabi, the Gurmukhi written in the same way as the Language, the Script, the, and thus we have the following image of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Numerals, the Numbers:
The wonder is that the above is the Numeral Vowels in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi and represents everything in the Numeral Way as the Alphabet does.
The Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Numerals have the following major numbers:
1. One, the “1”, “IK”: Its written as Single Circle having a tail extended and thus adds to Sacred Sciences and Maths as the One Dimension that has been taken from the Zero, the Shoonya as the Circle, the Single Egg, the Cell as we have discussed above. We can find the atomic systems from how we say, its the “IK or EAK”, which means the first thing is the “E, the Electronic System”, and thus it says: “E”+”K”, and the “K” is the Nucleus, the Cell as we know it the “Chi” or “Qi”, and “Kara Systems of Energy and Charges”, and thus the “I”+”K”=”IK” is the “Charge Around the Nucleus”, and the “Nucleus is the Zero in Punjabi, the Gurmukhi”, and when we say “ONE or IK”, we have included the “0, Shoonya, the Nucleus” in it.
2. Two, the 2, the “Dou”: In the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Numerals, the “D”+”Ou”=”Dou” is written as the Tail of 1 have one additional knot, the zero and one having one additional dimension, and in saying “Dou”, we have the “D” as pronounced “Th”, which stands in the row of “T” in the Punjabi, and thus follows: “TA THA DA DHA NI”, and these sounds are for the heart zones, means whatever can create the waves and vibrations as we sing these sounds in Indian Music while playing the instruments: TATA THATHA DADA DHADHA NINI”, and when we have 2 in the numerals, we have the heart or the moon, the lunar effects, and “two has the ending tail of “ou”, and we have it the “OORA” associated to the “TA THA DA DHA NI” as we know “Tau, Thau, Dau, Dhau, Nau”, and thus the “O” as the Neutron goes well after the electronic considerations, and we have the “Dou” as the Neutrons as what beats in the neucleus as electron does outside the nucleus, and its not the proton, which comes at the third place as we discuss the “Tin”, the 3 in Punjabi, the Gurmukhi.
3. The Three, the 3, the Tin: In the Punjbai, the 3 is written as extended tail of 2 with a knot, the circle in it, which means additional of a dimension, which we find from how we say the Punjabi Nuerals, and its the “Tin” means the “TA THA DA DHA NI”, which is same as what vibrates, and the “N” at the end is what produces the “sound, which we can see with cameras, say any object which we can see as matter, particle, the sound, and so on”, and in the “Tin”,it has the sound of “Ting”, “T”+”Ing”+N”, and stands for “Ing” as the “OM Sound in the Punjabi, Hind, and the Sanskrit languages”, and it means more refined the two as the two in Punjabi, the Gurmukhi does not have “OM” in it, but 3, the Tin has, and we have it as the “Proton Presentation”, when we have the 3 in any number, and we also have it as the number of “Gold, the Jupiter”, and the “Trinity”, and thus the 3 works in the same as the “O, the Proton in OM” in the “OORA”.
So, in a conclusion, we have the zero, the cell, the nucleus, and 1 is an electron, the 2 as the neutron, and 3 as the proton, and it has a sacred symmetry in the asymmetry in the cell systems:
and this is not asymmetry, but the mathematical symmetry!
We see 0, 1, 2, and 3 written as if the cell divisions drawn as below:
The “Gong” Theory of Zero follows the same!

Also, the number 4 is the “Char” in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi, which means the “Cha”+”Ra” as what gives “Cha”, the Natural Product, the “Cha” the life, the Ra”, and thus the “Chara”, the number 4. Moreover, the 5 is called the “Panj” in the Punjabi Languages, and it means “Pa”+”OM”+”Ja”, and the “Pa is the Pa, Pha, Ba, Bha, Ma”, whatever can emerge into single focus and the points and we see it as the image on the screens of computers as the “Pa, the arranged focus, OM, the protons travels, and Ja, the Jantra, the Yantra, the machines can see it”, and the Panj, the 5 have it, and that numerals in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi have the same numeral shapes as the cell divisions, yes the way these are written. We can see and compare it as shown below for the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Numerals from 0 to say 9, 10:
And all of it is same in the Chinese and Japanese Systems of “Yin Yang Yong and Gong” (It can also have the Yeng) gives the Musical Sounds “Yang Yin Yen Yong” with the Indian and Western Music as the “A I E O” and with the Yen as the Yuan, it has the “Yu” of “WAHEGURU” Notations in music and thus: “Yang Ying Yen Yong Yuan” or simply the “Yang (A) Ying (I) Yen (E) Yong (O) Yuan (U)” and has the same level and status as the Indian and the Western Music and the Musicology with the “A I E O U”, the “WAHEGURU” as the Chinese Healers say: “WA.. HE… GU… ROO..”, and they remove the kidney stones from the human body, and thus Sing the Indian and the Western Music in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi with “HAHA and RARAH having Yin and Yang in EAYIANA (YINIANA) YAYIANA YANYANA NANA MAMA”, and we have a single platform for all world musics both classical and modern with all musical, instrumental and the dances all over the world and perhaps everywhere in the universe! The EAYIANA of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script sounds as the “Huang Zhong”, and all other Chinese Scales seem to work very well from the “HAHA RARAHA” and the Special Chinese Musical Scales from the 4 Major Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Notes of “EAYIANA (“Huang Zhong”) YAYIANA (“LIN ZHONG”) YANYANA (“JIA ZHONG”) NANA (“NAN LU”)” with “GONG as the MAMA, YING ZHONG; the MUMA of Punjabi, the Gurmukhi, the Brahmi Language as the Most Ancient Language” with “AA EE OO” Versions of “WAHEGURU” Scales, the Most Phonetic Musical Systems in the Universe! I may vary in some musical and other notations as these may need more researches and the authenticity from the experts in the world music, instruments, dances and the International Phonetic Systems, the Alphabets and the International and the Regional, the Native Notations included in it all with my humble request for further research works on these topics. With “YINIANA (“Huang Zhong”) YAN’YIANA (“LIN ZHONG”) YAN’YANA (“JIA ZHONG”) NANA (“NAN LU”)”, which is the combinations of “YIN and YANG” Energies.
Thus, for example, in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi, when we have the EAYIANA (“Huang Zhong”), we have it also as the “YINIANA”, and thus we can put the Chinese Systems along with the Japanese and the related, the relevant as follows:

The above Sacred Musical Sound Systems are similar to western systems having the “OORA, the YONG, AARA, the YANG and the EERI, the YING” Systems as we have the LA LI LE LO, the A I E O U (the SOL) as the “WA HE GU RU”, and thus the most ancient and primal sound of the universe as the LA LI LE LO, the WAHEGURU Music Notation Systems in any world music:

The above creates the sound resonances among everything, the sangati and thus is the “sacred resonance”, and as a result we find any continuity, we feel a great relief and thus we all have to find the continuity in our life as it solves the problems of stored sound energies in the body and brain which we have discussed as the clusters of consonants, and in reality every human act, activity and action creates sound energy and without understanding how we can use it in the continuity, the kanta+nati, the sacred symmetry process, we may upset our mental health and thus the overall living and the householder’s life. That is why we need the Continuity Based Swaadhaya Education Systems, which we know as the Sacred Education Systems:
“Philselfological Education System: New Sacred Ecological Education System Based on Kids of First Grade Research Works, the Initiatives : The Proposal Grounds: Be Happy Philselfologically – 44”
The Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script also represents the 28 Constellations, the Division of the 360 Degrees with Indian Systems of Divisions in 4, 8, and 16, 18, 24, 28, 32 and the 36 as same as the Atomic Structures, the Orbital Theories and thus the Quantum Physics as easy as possible and we will discuss it in this or some other parts of this series. For example, the “OORA AARA and the EERI” gives the Neutron, Proton and Electron structures for each Concentric Circle, the Orbit and the Orbitals in an atom, in which say the electron having the “OORA AARA and EERI” orientations and positions are also having the X, Y and Z structures within the atom:

The Atoms and Molecules have what we know as the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script having 1 to 7 Rows for all Neutrons (the First Column), the Proton (the Second Column) and the Electron (the Third Column) and thus the Complete Periodic Table as with the “SASA”, we have the s, p, d and f orbitals, and among them is the balance as the “SASA”, gives the Polarity Lines drawn while diving the Electrons, the Negative Charge and the Protons, the Positive Charge, and the “HAHA” is the Number of 7 Concentric Circles present in the atoms, molecules or any charged particles, which can also be the neutral charge as the Line that joins two opposite charges goes as the neutral charge as joining two opposite charges which when are in the atoms constitute the 1 to 7 Concentric Circles, the “HAHA” to “MAMA” Concentric Circles. This universal summary of electrons, protons and the neutron, atoms, molecules and even the positrons have all its place in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script, and we have it on tips of school going students as simply shown below:
Punjabi, the Gurmukhi for Atoms, Energy Levels, Semiconducting and Electrical with Electronic Structures, the Atom to 7 Heavens, the Skies, and the 7 Universes

Punjabi, the Gurmukhi for Charged particles, Ions and Magnets, Semiconductors and otherwise, the Mana, the Sound and the Nama, the Light Theories
It is very much possible that we can summarize the entire human knowledge and wisdom of all civilizations in just on the Sacred Alphabet of Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Script and thus put it in all world languages with great ease of learning anything from a single source say the Punjabi Script so that all can excel in any possible field while gaining the insight of graduation and post graduation levels while study say at most in the High Schools so that our future generations do greater good for the betterment of the human civilizations in our respective regions, states, nations, continents and the civilizations comprising the world and the one global civilization.
The previous part says in a way to say:
“The Sacred Prism and the Para Theory of 7 Colors as the Light, Sound, Matter and Energy Explained with the Punjabi, Gurmukhi, English and Hindi Languages: World, Global and Space Media and Communications: Be Happy Philselfologically – 81”
Meanwhile, we will edit and add!
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!