How Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems Explain GURU Systems as the Sound and Color Systems as the Veda and the Ayurveda that runs the Universes: Color, Music and Be Happy Philselfologically – 100
The Sound and the Color Systems in the Indian Philosophy of “GURU” Systems plays the most significant role in the human civilizations and the studies of the universe. The “GU” follows the Sound, the Particle Side of the Light and thus it stands what the gravity can influence and that makes it the “RAVA, the RAVANA System”, and its the first sound of the audio-able sounds of the universe as we have it the “GONG Sounds”, and first mantra as the “GAN”. The “RU” deals with the RAMA, the Light Systems as the Wave Systems.
Its the very reason that Indians treat “Guru one the Guru to All”, and that “GURU of RAMA and the RAVANA are “ONE” and none ever harms the “GURU Systems and thus the GURU-Shisha, the Student Lineage as these are the “GAYANA Putra’s, the Knowledge Children of Black, the Material World, the “GU” and the White, the Spiritual World, the “RU” Systems and equally running the Universe as the GURU to RAMA and the RAVANA Systems”.
This is the reason that the “GURU” say Shri Guru Teg Bahadur Ji, the Sikh Guru can say:
“Ram Gayo Ravan Gayo, Janko Bahu Parivara…” (Gurbani)
“Lord Rama and the Ravana with their Families have left the Material World as both have gone to the Spiritual World” says the Gurbani for anyone ever born must understood that death is inevitable.
Thus, the Light and Sound have all that the Ayurveda can offer when we hear the words say “ROGA and the AROGA” in which we have the “ROGA” as follows:
R is the Light, and the “O” is the AU=O Sound not just as the RO but as the “RAU”, and the “GA” is how that Sound Energy is associated with that color which causes the sickness, the RAUGA. In the simple way, we have the R+A (Red)+U (Blue, the O Systems+G (Sound Energy)=White Light (R)+Red (A)+Blue (U)+Sound Energy (G). In the health care and any other systems, we cannot have the RED and BLUE work and exist together as one is the Libido, the usual sexual suppression and thus the main disturbance is in the Solar Plexus and the other Forehead, the Psyche Center, and thus the “Psychosomatic Disorders” due to disorders in the Agni Chakra (A) and the Aagaya (O) Chakra that disturbs the R, the White Color Systems as the R is the RANGA Systems. In it, we have the Agani, the A-GANI, which usually means the “Improper, the “AA” use of “GAN”, and thus the “AAGANI” Sounds and Energies in the Human Body from the Solar Plexus that harms the “AA+GAYA” Chakra, the Spiral Systems of Human Glands. The “GAYA” is the “Single Set Up of GAYANA, the Human YAGA and the GAYAN that we know also as the YAGAYA, the Way Human Body uses the Energy Spirals, the YAGAYA, and its opposite, but “Vector Way, the Resultant as the Media and the Medium, the YAGAYA (Remember the YAG+AYA, the Matter, the Padarath, the YAG (SMAYGA, the SAMAGARI in say Punjabi) Ionization” is the Parental to the GAY, the GAYA and the GAYANA, and thus the reason: One (Psyche, the AAGAYA) is what one eats (the YAGAYA).
Thus, the “G” is Sound Energy as we note the “Temperature and the Pulse Systems” based on the Matter, the Vital Energy Levels and the Temperature of the Human Body. That gives the “RAUG” the disturbance in the ph (R Systems as we have already discussed) and the disturbance in the Red and Blue Color Spirals, the Chakaras and “G” as the Vital Energy and the Pulsating Systems accordingly. It is the “Simplest Expression What We Can Know About the Ayurveda and the RAUGA, the ROGA”.
The “Red and Blue Color Disorders can often naturally cure the Green Color Systems as Blue has its Root in the Green Color Systems, the NANO Body Systems”:
Image: This image may not be the health and wellness for red and blue color systems as we will replace it soon and below it is the relevant image: First Smile, then one can laugh!

Moral: Its not easy to sell things in a running bus in India if one is a new recruit!
When we say the “AARAUGA”, we simply means the “TRI-DOSHA” as we have the “AAR”, which cures all diseases, the RAUGA, the ROGA. “A” as the Vowel is the Red Color of the Solar Plexus Systems and Double AA is making the Solar as the Base of All Treatments to the Set the “R, the RANGA Systems on Right Tracks”.
Thus, the Indian Systems of RAUGA, BHAUGA, YAUGA have the same roots of the “A-U” Systems, which we know as the “A, Red Color Based Proton Systems as the Achara Systems, and the U, the Blue Color Based Neutron Systems as the Chara, the Nano Systems are Two Inner World, the Red, the “A” Systems deal with the Physical World and the Spiritual World always goes well with the Blue Color Systems of the O, and these Two Coexist as the AU=O Systems as in the RAUGA, the Tamo, the Static Systems, BHAUGA, the Rajo, the Kinetic Systems and the YAUGA, the Dynamic Body Systems”.
In most of the cases, the Red as the proton and the “A” Systems, we have the “Shakti, the Force Dimensions and without use of force, it does not work, and the Blue, the O, the Neutron Systems are the Dimensions of Power, the Bala, the Shiva that does not need the Force, but the Power Dimensions. The “AU, the O Systems” as the Red-Blue, the AU, the O in general exist as the RAJ or the SAHA+JOGA or the SAHA+YOGA=SAHA+YAUGA, which simply means “Allow Nature to Serve You”.
The Shiva Systems are shown as the “Blue Color and Body Systems” and the Shakti, the Paravti in the Red Color and Body Systems” is shown in almost all Indian Systems:
Image: The Shiva as the Chara, the Nano Systems of “O”, the OAM and the Paravati, the Shakti as the Achara, the Physical Systems of the “A”, the AUM is in the Red Color Systems, and in general the “Blue, the Male say Lord Krishna, and the Red, the Female say Mother Radha Systems in the Red Color Systems is the common symbols of A, the A-chara and the O, the Chara Systems.
Thus if we avoid forceful fortitude and accept the “SAHAYOGA, the SAHAYAUGA”, we get full health, happiness and the wellness, and this “SAHAYAUGA, the SAHAJ or the RAJA YOGA” is nothing but the AE, EO, and the OA Systems of the CHARA, the Nano Systems, the 4th Pada as the Best Pada, the Perfection of Positions in the 4 Worlds of A, E, O and AE Systems. These Pada, the Position of Color, the Power Dimensions in the body and Sound, the Force Dimensions give us health and wellness, and its now according to the Physics and Elementary Particle Systems as shown below:
Image: The Colors of Red Systems and the Blue Systems give us the AARAUGAYA, the Ideal Health and the Thing is to Focus Properly when we treat
As we have discussed that the Red and the Blue Color Systems constitute the Disease Systems that harm the Living Body, and that when we can understand that its as easy to cure as possible by applying Physics in our life. The RAUGA with the AU is the Wrong Color Combination, but we can cure it with the “Right Dimension Theory for Care and Cure”. For the AU=O, we have the “Tracks of Struggle” and its simple solution is that A-U or the A-O has its own plane, and that is what makes life easier as we have the following for the A-O, the Red-Blue Color Systems:
A*O as the Red and Blue Magnet Systems is the RAUGA, the ROGA, the Sickness, and we cannot cure it with “Red and Blue, the A-O Systems, but with the O-A Systems Subtractive Colors as the Vowels, the A-O Systems: Yellow-Cyan=E+O-A-E=O-A Systems, and in it, we have the Plane of the “Yellow and the Cyan, the Magenta, the Pink Color Systems” as these Two Opposite Pairs of “Red and Blue” as the Magnetic or Electric Systems have its Own “Electric and Magnetic Systems”, and that is the “Yellow-Cyan”, the “O-A”, and in it, we have the “Reversal Systems of Bio-energies”, and its thus the “Backbone of Immunity Systems” as the Anti-color Systems work and function in and at the Backbone, the Spinal Chord and what the Indians call the Ida, the Lunar Systems, Pingla, the Solar Systems and the Sukhmana, the Earth Systems for Health and Wellness. That is the reason that Indians always focus on the Cyan, Yellow and Magenta that travel faster than the Red, Green and the Blue Color Systems. The “Pink Lotus has been the Solution for Health and Wellness even in the Heavens, the Center of Universe, the Baikuntha. In general, the Yellow Color can cure everything, but with the “O-A”, the Anti Color Dimension to the “A-O” gives the “Yellow-Cyan” as the Best Remedial Solution.
We notice that the “A-O”, the “Red-Blue” Systems when we filter from the “A-O-E” Systems. The “A-O-E” has the “A-O” gives us the “A+O=E” Systems and in such situations, we have the “A, the Red and O, the Blue as the Particle Waves of Light say the Red and Blue, and the E as the Green is the Waves of Light Systems and thus we have the “RAUGA” as the “A, the Red and U, the Blue Colors or any color systems that add and give the “Third Color” as the “Vector Resultants or Resultant in the Given Format” carrying the “Health Vectors High”. Thus, we have the A, O and G as the “Trinity” in which we have the “A and the O as the Color and the G as the Color that Earthen both given colors, and thus we can call it the “G, the Earth Systems”, but we always have the “5 Reiki Channels, and thus Colors that earth one another in the right combinations. Thus, the “Red, the A and Blue, the O Earth into Green, the, the E but to indicate it as Earth Systems we can put it as the “G” Systems. We have discussed it in the previous part as follows:

Life Colors can filter any disease!
Image and a video: In the RAUGA Systems of the Red (A), Blue (U, the O) and the Green (the E or the G Systems), we filter and subtract the Red (A) and the Blue (U, the O Systems), and get simply the G Systems and that makes what “RAUGA-AU=RANGA, and that because we have also the RAUGA-AU+G (Green)=R+(G-G) Planes as we have the A+O=E or G and thus G=A+O -> R+(A-O) Planes that puts “White Color Back to White Color as it has not only removed the “Red and the Blue, but has also put it back to White as shown in the image above.
The above “Filter Therapies of the NAMA Systems” also work on the Other NAMA, the Primary Color Systems as the MANA Color Systems as shown below:
Images: The Color Filters of Yellow, Magenta and the Cyan follow the NAMA Theory (Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says: “Bhariyai Mat Papan Ke Sang O Thoapi Navai Kai Rang” means “When we have the MANA Systems Polluted when can purify and filter it with the NAMA Systems)
Thus, we have the “R+(O+A) as the RAUGA and the R+(A+O) as the “ARAUGA”, and that its all functions of changing the “Planes by Using the “A” Systems that extends to “AN say as the ANGA and the ANKA as the and AM say as the AMAYA and the AYAMA Systems” that we have discussed as the “RAMA and the RAVANA Systems and the AYANA and ANAYA with the YANA and the NAYA Systems that has the MANA, the Particle Waves say the AU as the Red and the Blue and the NAMA Systems say as the “G, the E, the Green Systems, the Resultants of the Planes of A-O, O-E and the E-A Systems” that reverse everything that we have just discussed as the “Reversal of RAUGA, the R-O-A Systems into the ARAUGA, the R-O-A Systems”.
1. A+O+E, the Most Primal Color is the White, and as the A+O-E its White and as the A-O+E, its Black, and the common sense in it is that when we project colors as say “RED and BLUE”, we have say “Green”, and when we project the “Green and the Blue or Even Red”, we have the “Dark Colors, Black and the Grey Colors”.
2. A+E=AE as the Red+Green=Yellow
3. A+U (O)=AU (or AO) as the Red+Blue=Magenta
4. E+O=EO as the Green+Blue=Cyan
5. Subtractive Colors as the Vowels, the A-O Systems: Yellow-Cyan=E+O-A-E=O-A Systems
6. Subtractive Colors as the Vowels, the E-A Systems: Cyan-Magenta=A+E-A-O=E-A Systems
7. Subtractive Colors as the Vowels, the E-O Systems: Red-Magenta=E-O-(A+O)=E-O-A-O=E-O Systems
Thus, we have the 7 Swara, the Vowel Systems and the Colors working together as follows:
AO+EA+OE+A-O+E-A+O-E=O+A=E Systems
-> (AO+EA+OE)+(A-O+E-A+O-E)=O+A=E Systems
-> (3 Primary Colors with the White Hole)+(3 Secondary Colors with Black Hole)=A+O+E as the White and Black Color Systems constituting the Color Models of say RGB, HSL, HSV and the Digital Color Systems
When we discuss the color and the sound equations, we have the following as the Trinity:
Forces of A+O+E=(A+O+E)+A*O*E, the Magnetic Poles of the Waheguru Dipole Systems+A-O-E, the Electric Dipoles of the Waheguru Dipole Systems
-> Forces of A+O+E=(A+O+E)+A*O*E, the Magnetic Poles of the Waheguru Dipole Systems Ranging from A/O/E to AO/OE/EA and AOE/OEA/EAO Systems+A-O-E, the Electric Dipoles of the Waheguru Dipole Systems Ranging from the A/O/E to A-O/O-E/E-A and the A-O-E/E-O-A/O-A-E Systems
It always follows the 8-Dimensional Systems of the WAHEGURU Dipole Systems, and always end up with the following:
Living Light Systems=YANG (RAMA)+YIN (RAVANA)
-> WAHEGURU, the Living Light Systems=WAHE, the Fusion Systems, the RAMA Systems+GURU, the Fission Systems, the RAVANA Systems
It gives the “Health Planes” as the A-O, E-O and the O-E Systems that gives us the Yellow, Cyan and the Magenta Color Systems and the Therapies.
The Indian Systems of the A-O say as the “Red-Blue” Systems are called the “Male Systems”, and the “O-A” Systems are “Female Systems”, and now we mostly find differences in almost all world theories in the “Conventional Systems” as one theory may say that the “Red is the Female Systems and the Blue is the Male Systems, and also that Yellow is the Female and the Green is the Male Systems, and its resolved as according to the context rather than one single theory as in Electronic and the Nuclear Systems may be “Opposite Pairs in Almost All World Systems”. When we consider the “Atom, the Outward Energy Systems are the E-ward systems as the “Towards the Green or the Dual Color Systems”, and the Nucleus Systems is the “Towards the “O, the Blue Color Systems”, and as we have discussed the “Blue is the Power Color System and the Dimension”, and the “Green is the Boundary Systems of the Atoms”, and that makes one thing very clear that nothing may exist without dimensions, and we discuss the “A-O” and the “O-E” as the Systems, and the “A, E and the O” as the Particle Systems of the Electrons, Protons and the Neutrons. Now, the sub-particles as these are everywhere are the combinations of Particle Systems, and thus we have say “A-O” Systems, its the “Red and Blue Color Systems”, and its thus a resultant of more than one particle systems that gives us the “Third Color Systems”. Now, what the Indian Theories Propose is that “One Need to Understand the Trinity, the A, E and the O Systems and the Light Systems as the AE, OA, and the EO, which construct the “AA EE OO and the AEO, EOA and the OEA Systems, and these are the Nano, the Chara Systems of the Universe.”
The A, E, and the O Systems are the Vishnu, Shiva and the Brahma Systems, and the “Chara Systems are the “WAHE Systems” as the AE Systems, and all that makes the Chara, the WAHE (AE, the WAHE) and the Achara (O, OO, the GURU) Systems as the Light Systems, which we know as the WAHE+GURU=CHARA+ACHARA=CHARA-A-CHARA Systems of the Universe. One can believe any systems say the “A, the Proton as the Vishnu Systems, the E, the Electron as the Shiva Systems, and the O, the Neutron as the Brahma Systems”, and the AE, the Chara Systems are the WAHEGURU, the Light Systems as this is the Sound of the Universe and All Birds, Plants and Animals and the Humans speak it as the AA from the Abdomen, EE from the Heart, and the OO from the Mouths. We have already discussed it in detail.
Now, say for the A, the Red Color, the Opposite Pair is the -A, and it depends if its the O-A or the E-A. Now, the Particles may not have the concept of the “Opposite color or the Particle Systems” as its the Way these Travel Makes the Dimensions, and the Dimensions can be different and opposite, and that is why A, O-A, A-O, A*O, and the O*A makes Electric, Magnetic Pole Systems of the A Systems, and the “A, the Proton or Red Color alone” gives us the following:
A=A-A+(A-O)+(O-A)+(A*O)+(O*A), and in it, the A is perpendicular to the O, the Blue Color Systems, and its a Dipole with A-O as the Electric Systems and the A*O as the Magnetic Systems, and the “A” Alone is Placed in the Center of the 4 Vertices of the say Pyramid that is the “Dimensional Presentation of the A, the Proton or the Red Color Systems”.

The 3 Torus Systems together have the 3 Planes of A-A, A-O and the OA!

The Red, the A, the Proton Systems and the Blue, the O, the Neutron Systems Make the Universes Smile!
Most Modern Science is Hidden in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems
Image: YXY, ZZX, XZZ as the Magnetic Systems of A*O, and YZY, ZXX and the XXZ the A-O, the Electric Systems, and the A-A is simply the XYZ and the ZYX for the A at the center as the YYY in the Arcadian Pseudo-function Systems as the “Red Color of A, the Proton Systems”
We also notice that the “A-O” planes also have the “A-O-E” Systems that can give more than 3 Dipole Systems, and its the “Principle of Cayley Tables and the Sub-groups that it can generate”, and in it, we have the “The Magnetic Systems of A, B, C and all of these as the A, E, and the O”, and we can replace these structures in any systems that also generates that the A*A and the A-A, and these can be A*B and the A-B, and also that its the A*B*C and the A-B-C Systems in which we have the additional point added based on the say Be Happy Philselfologically Research Works as the A, B, C, and the A-A, A-B, A-C and the A-B-C and thus the following systems:
1. A, B, C as say the A, E, O or the ABC Systems, the Electric Systems
2. A-B-C as say the A-E-O Systems, the Magnetic Systems
3. A*B*C as say the A*E*O Systems, the Electromagnetic Systems
Now, these are the Chiral Structures and the Systems from the Given Spirals of the A, B, C or the A, E and the O Systems. The Systems that we have shown as the A=A-A+A-O+O-A+O*A+A*O is the Pulsar Systems that we also know as the FANO Systems, and in general any chemical composition that deals any Tri-systems of A, E and O with A*E*O Systems as the Direction of the Given Tri-Systems. We can thus can convert any world systems into the Cayley Tables and the Sub-groups that it can create as shown below:

In this design, we have the Pulsar, Spirals and the Chiral Structures based on the Cayley’s Table Systems as shown below and in it, we have the A, E, O as the i, j, and k, and the Number 1 is the Pulsars:
The systems get all things done at the “Ladies Finger Tips Failing the World with the Minimum Surfaces, the “Helicoids” as the Down, Up and the Chiral Way Sprouting of the Black and the White Holes and what joins it, the SUTA, the SUTAR, the Thread on which we knit it and that we have it all as the “1 and the -1, i and the -i, j and the -j, and the k with the -k”, and never forget when the -1 is there, we have the beginning of human brain computers on when we knit and we put the voltage up to say that -1 gets twisted with the 1, and the “Threads of 1, and the -1 are infinite Fabrications of Human Brains that the Only Women Brains, the Creative Intelligence can understand. Its thus the “Story of the Human Woven Universe” as the “1, 0, and the -1” Systems as we see in these images and as one shown below:

Images and a video: The A-O-E Systems can be easily converted into the Cayley Tables, and the Sub-tables it can create
The A*B/A*B*C or the A*E/A*E*O Systems are the “Cross Products of Vector Systems, and the A-B/A-B-C or the A-E/A-E-O Systems are the “Dot Products in the Vector Systems, and the AB/ABC or the AE/AEO Systems are the “Scalar and or the Vector Quantities if we declare the “Direction Systems” in the given systems. Thus, we can have all the “Systems of A, B, C or the A, E, O” can be put in the “Vector Systems” that depends on the “NANO, the CHARA Systems” as in the Chara Systems, we have the AB, BC and the CA as the Scalar or the Vector Product that can be either the “Electric Charge Systems say A-E of the NANO, the CHARA or the Magnetic Systems say the A*E”,and thus it gives us the “Vector Systems with Scalars and or the Vectors” as shown below:

Image: The A-E (A-E=AE(Cos)(Angle)=|A||E|cos(θ)) as the Vector Dot Products and the A*E (A*E=(AE)(Sin)(Angle)=|A||E|sin(θ)) as the Vector Cross Products
The Color Systems and the Vowel Systems together give us the Universe in Our Palm as we notice that the Colors of A, E, O, AE, EO and the OA Systems lead to the OAM and the ONAM Dimensions of the Universes”, and in it we have the 1 to 14 Dimensions of the Color and the Sound Systems, and the 15th Dimension is the White Hole and the Black Hole is the 16th Dimension of the Universes.
The Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems when study the Universe, it focuses on the Five Selected Swara, the Sounds of Vowels as Approved at the Center of the Universe, and these are called the “Panch Ishwara, the 5 Prime Gods of the Universe, and these have the 5 Assisting, the Helping Energies, the Shakti’s based on the Five Combinations of the Vowels as we know it the Compound Vowels. Thus, the AA, EE, OO, AE-H-AE, AU-H-AU, OU-H-OU” are the 5 Parma, the Prism Sounds of the Universe, and these are the Basic Sounds of the Indian languages and the Grammars as well as that of the All World Languages. As these are based on the Prime, the Para, the Prism Systems, these are called the Parmeswara, the Panch Parmeswara or the Parmeshwara. The Parmeshwari, the Female Sides also exist as we have the A, E, AE, AU, OU.
Thus, we have the Panch, the Five Param Swaras of Male and Female Nature, which constitute the 10 Dimensions of the Universe which give us the Sound, the Light as Particle and the Color Systems, the Light as the Wave Systems. In it, the Parmeshwari Systems, the Female Sounds are the Color Systems, and the Parmeshwara Systems, the Male Sounds are the Light Systems which exist together as the Electromagnetic Systems. These are also called the “Panch Parawanu, the 5 Primal Sounds that Hold and Carry, the WANA (5 Male Swara, the Vowels or Sounds as the Parmeshwara) the Para (5 Female Sound, the Swara, the Vowel Systems as the Parmeshwara), and thus the word of the Parwanu” in Japji Sahib by Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the Founder of Sikhism. The “Panch” word is the Unique Numeral as it means the “Five, the Pa, the Unit of 5 Elements in the Universe, and its Anchal, the Lap and Anga, the Physical Body Systems, and thus the Pancha means the “Pa+Chi”, the 5 Elements+Bio Energy Systems as the “PA+N+CH” gives that “By Sound Energy, the N Systems giving us the PA and the CH Systems, and that makes the “Panch Parwanu”, the 5 Basic Elements in the Bio Systems while Holding the Primal 5 Prisms of the Universe with the Sounds and the Color.
The 4 Prisms, the Joint Systems of Single and Compound Vowels have the Dipole Movements that are having the Electric and the Magnetic Di-polar Movements based on the Magnetic Sound Systems of AA, EE, OO, AE-H-AE, AU-H-AU, OU-H-OU, and the Electric Systems of the A, E, O, AE, AU, OU in which we have the structures that use the A, E, and O Systems in which the 6th Power is also hidden as we have the A-AA, E-EE, O-OO, AO-AAOO, AU-AAUU, OU-OOUU, and that it creates a Triangular Prism, the Vehicle that Travels in the Universe carrying the 3 Primal and the 3 Anti-primal Colors, 10 Dimensions of Vowel Systems with a String as the Black and White Electric Sounds of EE (Green Higher Octave) and the OOUU Sounds (Blue Higher Octave), 12 (6+6 Primary Vowel Sounds with Hidden Black and the White Holes of the SAHA, the SOHUN and the HASA, the HANSA Vowel and Sound Systems that we can add and say that 5 Primal Sounds have the 6th Sound and that the 6th “In” Sound have the Opposite Sound of “Out” Sound of White Color Systems that SAHA now as the White System that Travels giving Direction and the Black HASA now the “Direction” it goes to every Bit of Computer Programming, Nucleus, Solar Systems and Universes in general), and it makes the “Low and High Systems of Voltage work as the 0 and 1 Bit Systems in which we have the WAHEGURU Dipole Systems operating while First Dipole, the WAHE Dipole, and that is we have as the Electric Pulse of 0, and the Second Pulse, the Magnetic Pulse when we have the Magnetic Pulse constituting the (0,1) Systems Computer Bits and Bytes and that Electric is One Pulse and the magnetic Pulses are Two, the Pulse and Direction and the “0” Matters as shown below:

Image and a Video: Few Points that we have discussed in the WAHEGURU, the Dipole Systems may have conventional differences and we can put it right when its approved by authorities and experts in the various fields, and thus we are right but may seem bit out of conventional trends and terms: “Thanks!”
Thus, the Sounds which when combine create the 7 Color Rainbow, but hide its Spectrum as we have the Electric and Magnetic Dipoles as shown in the image below:

Image: When Two Poles of Magnet has Two Poles Outside and Two Poles Outside, which we know as the WAHEGURU Dipole, the Free Magnetic Systems that gives the Plasma Life
In the following wonderful image, we notice many mysterious solved:
Image: The Triangular Based Prism have the 10th Hidden Dimension with 9 Edges, 5 Faces which have in and out 10 Sides, and the 6 Vertices
While, the Universe starts from Single Dimensions, we have the A, E, O as the Red, Green and the Blue Systems, and Anticolor Systems of Yellow, Cyan and the Magenta that is based on the Two Vowel Systems, and have the A, E, and O Vowels having the Pairs of A-AA, E-EE, O-OO, AE-AEAA, and so on that makes the 10 Vowels of the Material Universe based on the Punjabi or any other Indian Language Systems of Vowels as shown below:
Image: The 10 Primal Vowels, the Sound Systems in Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems
The Dimensions that the Sound Energies and the Color Systems together create are known as the Bhavana Systems of the Sacred Vowels, and we extend to the 11th and up to the 14th Dimensions, we have just the SAHA and the HASA Systems as the Sound Vowels of “SOHANAM and the HAMANSA, which means SH Categories, where sounds of Friction and Blast and Bombs in the Fission’s and the Fusions are recorded in the universe and these sounds include the “S:, the SAH, the SAM, and all that makes the Medium as the Sources of the Universe creation and we have it as follows in the 2nd Row of the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems”:
“YA-H-YA, RA-H-RA, LA-H-LA, WA-H-WA, RHA-H-RHA” in association with the 7 Dimensions of the Spectrum as follows:
“HA-H-HA, RHA-H-RHA, YIN-H-YAN, YAN-H-YAN, YAN-H-YANA, NA-H-NA, MA-H-MA”, the Sounds of 7 Color Dimensions with the following Multicolor Systems:
1. SOHAMANSA, the Union of “S” with other vowel systems in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems, and its the “Hydrogen and the Hydrocarbon Systems”.
2. HAMANSA, the Union Systems of “H” with other sounds, the vowel systems say in the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems that also deals with the Helium Systems in the Universe.
In the “Spectrum, we have what we notice as the Dimensional Color Systems rather than 7 Color Systems”, and its major concern is the “Pink and the Magenta Color Systems”. We notice that the Magenta Color is from the following dimensions:
Red+Blue=Magenta while in the “White Hole Dimensions of HA-H-HA Systems”
-> A+O=E as the Green, but in the HA-H-HA, the White Color Systems, we get it as follows:
Dimensions of A+O=-(O+A), and it means we have the Anti-Red+Anti-Blue=Yellow+Cyan=-O-A, and its dimension of the String of the Universe that is given the PINK Color Systems in the Indian Civilizations, and usually denoted by the “M” as at the end of OAM and the ONAM, and it may be confused with the Pink, Red, Magenta and Color Systems that are the Colors of the Dimensions, the ANKA Systems rather than the ANGA Systems, which is the Visible Color Systems, and when we notice these are the Boundary Color Systems, and these dimensional systems of the colors are when we see the “ANKA, the Proton, Sound and Energy Systems in the Carbon Systems, the Black Body Systems as the KA, the CHI or the QI Systems”. We need to comprehend the Modern Physics Models in such contexts and I may seem wrong in some comparisons as I lack enough resources, volunteers or staffing that may verify thousands of research reports I have submitted online and offline as we notice that the Greed and Money seem to have stopped anti-spiritual movement in recent globalization from 80’s and 90’s and that we need to see if global funds in the last say 25 years are 100% Pious and Corruption free as we all know how world systems raise money and we see lacking it where its needed and stored where it works for none, I personally regret about when concern about the international researchers who may not have any money even to pay the Internet and Other Paid Memberships and Services that our family have been supporting me from say last 30-40 years and that I have spent all that I have earned so far, and thus all poor researchers may have not contributed in the world civilizations as I could get any degree after graduation lacking funds and going through general academics where one must study and pass the most irrelevant subjects to what one wants to research and that is real life and we now have millions of such example that none pays attention to it as if the African Charity Systems seem to do appeals and claims. I feel ashamed of such things but its also a color pink and the magenta that when one dies we open the accounts to see the contributions and look for all prizes and honors, and please make sure that our kids understand it. Thanks!
So, in any case, we have the Magenta as the Color Dimensions, the Spindling and Twisting of the Spectrum:

Image: The Dimensional Colors are also contributors lest we make movie and get the real things analysed too much, and thanks for medical charisma set up made free when we notice suffering as next media and movie script based on the “Truth and Big Boss Systems”!
Thus, we need to learn more from the Colors as the Primary Vowels and the Secondary Vowels, the WAHE and Music composing the 3 Primary Sounds and 3 Secondary Sounds with Central Sounds including the 528 Hz (please listen to it and heal your DNA and all Diseases) and thus the Music as the Guru Systems as we discuss it according to the Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and the Grammar Systems.
We notice the same theory of colors and sounds everywhere in the 7 Universes, where we all live:

Image: the Color, the WAHE, the Light as Wave Systems and Sound, the GURU, the Light as Particle Systems have the Light and the Lambda Systems, the Light and the Gravity and we need to learn more from the colors, the WAHE and Music, the Guru Systems
In it we have 2 additions that makes white and the black holes and also two planes of A+O+E and the A+E-O Systems, and this very System of A+E+O Systems is what we know in the Indian Languages and Grammars as the “S:, the SAHA Systems” and in it, we have 3 Sound and Light Energies and gives us many planes as the “O+A+E” can have the 6 variations for 6 Dimensions and the 7th Dimension remains the “White Hole at the Center” and that the 8th Dimension is the Black Hole.
A+O=E, A+E=AE, A+U (O)=AU (or AO), E+O=EO, A-O as the A-E=O-A, E-A,E-O=E-O-A-O=E-O Systems
The Modern Popular Frequency of 528 Hz follow the “AA EE OO” Systems, which we know as the “WAHEGURU Systems”. The “OO AA EE” is the “OAM and the “ONAM” Systems as we have discussed:
-> WAHEGURU=OAM (Fermi-Light Systems)+ONAM (Electrical Systems)
-> WAHEGURU Systems=MC*C (qVB, the Vector Products)+qB (the Scalar products)
-> WAHEGURU Systems=Wave Side of Light+Particle Side of Light

Image: We notice Two Dipole Systems as the Blue (O) Red (A) Green (E or M as the Anti-Green Systems as the EM or the AM, the 2 Dimensional Systems) and the O (Blue) N (Splitting of Light Systems) A (Red) M (Higher Red or the Anti-red as the AM or the 3-Dimensional Systems of OAM Systems), the OAM and the ONAM are Perpendicular to each other.
Summary of WAHEGURU Light Systems as the RAMA and MARA, VARA and the RAVA, the RAVANA Systems gives us the Ball of Light Particle Model
Image: WAHEGURU Systems=WAVE Light Systems+Particle Light Systems
The most popular terms of Kingdom of God is based on the “Doctrines of OAM Systems”, which the Indians call the “RAMA Rajya”, and all whatever is written in the world systems follow it spiritually, but in the material world of OAM Systems, the ONAM, we have the “Doctrines of ONAM as the Law and Order Systems of Any Pura, the Life Settled as the Village, City, State, Nation, and World Systems in the Given Age”, and Ravana guides Laxmana about it in a single statement: “Never delay good works, delay the works that harms others”, and we have the “Governing Bodies and the Constitutions based on the ONAM Systems and nothing can be better than it. The Lord Rama is the Metaphysical Image of the OAM, the Fermi-light Systems, and the the King and Lord of the CHARA,the NANO Systems as it follows the “Law of Light, the RAMA Systems”. On the other hand, we have the RAVANA as the Lord of Worldly Kingdom about when Lord Jesus say the “Kingdom of this World and the Kingdom of God”. In this context, we may not violate any law of both World, the Inner as the RAMA, the CHARA and the Outer as the RAVANA, the ACHARA Systems, and Plato’s Theory of Forms describe the RAMA World as the Ideal World Inside and the Real World as the RAVANA, the Real World outside the human body.
The words that we use as say the Roopa, Roopam, Roopan has the suffixes as the “A, AM and the AN” and its well understood as the ONAM, the Anga, Anu, and other systems that we have discussed in the “JEEVANGA Systems”:
JEE Life (JEEVA)=JEEVA (HA+ANU+ANKA+ANGA), here the “HA is same as the H:”
How All Human Systems from Sperm and Egg to Human Glandular Systems Follow the Waheguru Systems: Sanskrit, Hindi and Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language and Grammar Systems for Perfect DNA Programming: Be Happy Philselfologically – 91
JAATAKA, the Pulsar Systems (Bio+Metaphysical, the Astral+Physical=JEEVA (HA+ANU+ANKA+ANGA+ONAM+OAE), here the “HA is same as the H:
It goes as follows:
JAATAKA, the Pulsar Systems (Bio+Metaphysical, the Astral+Physical=JEEVA (HA+ANU+ANKA+ANGA+ONAM as the PARA Systems+OAE as the OAM Systems), here the “HA is same as the H:
We have discussed it in detail in the previous parts of this series:
“Parmesura or Parmeshavara, which means the main life giving sound that produces the nucleus, electrons, proton, neutrons and the atoms. When it is written say Parmeshwari, its what produces the negative charge, the e-, and when written as the Parmeshwara, its the e+, and when as the parmeshwaru, its the e0, the neutral charge, and thus the 8 Cases, the Directions of Vowels as with supporting 10 as with the set of 3 charges for each say electron, neutron and the proton as the e-,e0,e+,n-,n0,n+,p-,p0,p+, and the overall charge of the the atom as the tenth charge, the dimension or the dimensional charge of any atom, and thus overall 16 Directions cum dimensions have all of it as the charges on various charged particles in a nucleus…”:
How Sacred Indian Geometry Makes All World of Sciences Sacred Ease of Learning with Atomic Orbitals: The Sacred 8 and 10-Dimensions of the Universe, Holy Spirit and God, its Sacred Visualization, 14-D and 16-D’s: Be Happy Philselfologically – 61
When we listen “honkers”, we know the world is one and united as it needs only cyber research get into databases of the world market and we have discussed in the part of this series on the “Ethics and Moral in the Dimension Theory” as when we seem to live like Align DNA Systems as if taking refuge in the economic crises and global one citizenship’s for all:
The Sacred Civilizations of India, China, Japan, and Other Countries offer what gives World the Stable, Eternal and Natural Knowledge, Wisdom and Ethics of Universal Marketing, Trading, Business and Global Economic Recession Management: Be Happy Philselfologically – 73
We will continue on it the ONAM as the ANGA Systems of the Metaphysical Body that we know as the NAYA, the NAMA Systems!
Thus, we have the following good discussion on it:
How the Space Element of Shabada, the Sacred Waves and Vibrations Help the Universe: The Sacred Sound, the Shabada as the Source of Omniscience, the Bindu: Be Happy Philselfologically – 74
and also
Philselfology of Sacred A, E, I, O, U, the Divine Vowels and Mantras as Waheguru: Be Happy Philselfologically – 47
Meanwhile, we will edit and add!
Next part of the series: Indian Philosophy of Dharama, Arth, Kama, Moksha as the Wisdom of WAHEGURU Systems: Beyond Science, Math and Logic, the Intelligence: How to Enhance Creative Intelligence with Punjabi, the Gurmukhi Language Systems – Be Happy Philselfologically 101
Thanks for your time, and Be Happy Philselfologically, while doing the Swaadhaya, the Self-study and Learning as the Personal Researching!